RE - 8 Regulation For Certificate and Diploma Courses
RE - 8 Regulation For Certificate and Diploma Courses
RE - 8 Regulation For Certificate and Diploma Courses
com Annexure
RE – 8
[Approved by the Executive Council in its 29th meeting held on 01.12.2017
vide resolution No. EC29.5.1 (i)]
(Under Ordinance OC-8)
The Sikkim University offers Certificate and Diploma Courses being administered
by respective Departments of the Schools, besides the regular UG, PG, MPhil and
PhD courses. A Certificate Course is of one semester’s duration (six months) while
a Diploma Course is of two Semester’s (one year) duration. The Certificate and
Diploma courses shall have the status of “Special Courses” of Sikkim University
and shall be governed by the general rules of the Special Courses.
3. Course of Study:
The syllabus for the course of study will be prescribed from time to time. The
Diploma and Certificate Courses shall be of one year duration divided into two
semesters and six months, respectively. A student is required to offer
compulsory courses of 32 credits in two semesters for Diploma Programmes and
16 credits in one semester for Certificate Programme as per the details given
Credit Scheme for the Certificate and Diploma Courses
Certificate Course (Sample Only)
Course Semester Credits Marks
CHR 101 Human Rights: Concepts & Theories 04 100
CHR 102 Development of Human Rights 04 100
CHR 103 United Nations & Human Rights 04 100
CHR 104 Human Rights in India 04 100
Diploma Course (Sample Only)
Course Semester I Credits Marks
CHR 101 Human Rights: Concepts & Theories 04 100
CHR 102 Development of Human Rights 04 100
CHR 103 United Nations & Human Rights 04 100
CHR 104 Human Rights in India 04 100
4. Class Schedule:
Classes for the Certificate/Diploma course shall be conducted in various
departments under different Schools in the evening hours or during any such
duration which would be appropriate. Teachers from other Social
Sciences/Natural Sciences/Language/Professional studies departments/experts
from other institutions, as the case may be, shall be invited to deliver the
lectures on the topics mentioned in the Units.
7. Examination System:
Each theory/practical/seminar/field work/project course shall be of 100
marks. For evaluation, the overall structure of the distribution of marks in a
course shall be such that 50 marks are allotted to various assessments during
the semester, while 50 marks shall be allotted for the end semester
A. Sessionals:
i) The assessment (sessionals) in theory courses will comprise of class test,
book review and term paper, etc.
ii) Such class tests, book review and/or term paper in each paper shall
carry 50 marks, of which 25 marks will be for class test and 25 marks for
book review/ practical assignments/etc and/or 25 marks for term paper.
The marks of 2 best are considered out of 3.
iii) The marks obtained in sessional will be displayed on the notice board.
iv) Where candidate fails to take examination in any one or more papers or
having taken the examination, has, but failed to secure the minimum
pass marks in any one or more papers or in the aggregate, his marks in
the class tests, book review and/or term paper will be carried forward to
the subsequent examination.
B. End Semester Examination and evaluation (for 50 marks):
i) The question papers shall be set and moderated, and the answer-scripts
shall be evaluated by the teachers of the concerned courses. If there is
more than one teacher teaching the course, the question paper shall
ordinarily be set and evaluated by a teacher of the group.
ii) Each individual paper shall be of two hour duration and practicals, if
any, shall be of three hour duration.
8. Evaluation:
The Certificate and Diploma course shall be evaluated for 400 and 800 marks,
respectively of which 50 percent marks are to be for internal evaluation and 50
percent marks shall be for end semester examination. The minimum marks
required to pass the examination shall be 45 percent. The aggregate percent of
marks secured by the student shall be as per the Examination norms of the
9. Attendance:
Candidates are required to attend not less than 2/3rd of the lectures. The Head
of the Department may, at his/her discretion, condone the deficiency in