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Periyar University SALEM - 636 011: M.Phil., ECONOMICS

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SALEM 636 011



(Effective from the Academic Year 2009 2010 and thereafter)



The following are the regulation of the M.Phil., (Economics) of Periyar University,
Salem from the Academic Year 2008-09 and thereafter.

1. Eligibility:

Candidates who have qualified for post graduate degree of this University or any
other University recognized by the Syndicate as equivalent thereto shall be eligible to
register for the Degree of Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) in the respective subject and
undergo he prescribed course of study in an approved institution or department of this
University. Candidates who have qualified for their postgraduate degree on or after 1
respective postgraduate degree to become eligible to register for the Degree of Master
of Philosophy (M.Phil) and undergo the prescribed course of study in an approved
institution or department of this University.

For the candidates, who seek admission into M.Phil., course shall have obtained
a minimum of 55% marks in the Masters Degree.

However, for the candidates belonging to SC/ST community and those who have
qualified for the Masters degree before 01.01.1991 the minimum eligibility marks shall
be 50% in their Masters Degree.

2. Duration:

The duration of the M.Phil., course shall extend over a period of one year from
the commencement of the course.

3. Course of Study:

The course of study of the degree shall consist of (a) part-I comprising three
written papers according to the Syllabus prescribed from time to time; and (b) part-II

Paper Code Name of the Paper
Minimum Maximum
MP ECO 1 Research Methodology and Statistical
50 100

MP ECO 2 Recent Development in Economic Theory

50 100
and Policy

MP ECO 3 Special paper 50 100


Dissertation 150
50% of
Viva-Voce 50

Procedure adopted to award internal mark

(i) Seminar : 10 marks

(ii) Test : 10 marks
(iii) Attendance : 05 marks
25 marks

Credits allotted to the theory papers and project.

Part I
Paper I : 4 Credits
Paper II : 4 Credits
Paper III : 4 Credits

Paper II
Project Dissertation and viva-voce : 12 Credits
(Dissertation: 8 Credits and Viva-Voce: 4 Credits)

Viva-Voce will be conducted with the following members

(i) HOD Member of the Viva Board

(ii) Guide Chairman of the Viva Board
(iii) External examiner from other University area Member of the Board of

Double valuation procedure will be adopted for III paper. One by the respective
guide and the other by the external examiner, preferably by the Viva-voce examiner.

4. Scheme of Examinations:

Part-I Written Examination: Paper I, II & III

The examination of papers, I, II and III shall be held at the end of the year. The
duration for each paper shall be 3 hours carrying a maximum of 100 marks.

The examiners will be appointed from the panel of four names of each paper (I, II
and III) submitted by the College/Departments concerned. If one examiner awards a
pass mark and the other fail mark, the paper will be valued by a third examiner whose
award of marks will be final.


The exact title of the Dissertation shall be intimated within one month after the
completion of the written examination. Candidates shall submit the Dissertation to the
University through the Supervisor and Head of the Department at the end of the year
from the commencement of the course, which shall be valued by internal examiner
(Supervisor) and one external examiner appointed by the University from a panel of four
names sent by the supervisor through the Head of the Department/Principal at the time
of submitting the dissertation.

The examiners who value the Dissertation shall report on the merit of candidates
as Highly Commended (75% and above) or Commended (50% and above and below
75%) or Not Commended (below 50%).

If one examiner commends the Dissertation and the other examiner, does not
commend, the Dissertation will be referred to a third examiner and the third valuation
shall be final. Submission or resubmission of the Dissertation will be allowed twice a

5. Passing Minimum:

A candidate shall be declared to have passed part-I of the examination if he/she

secured not less than 50% of the marks in each paper including paper-III for which
examination is conducted internally.

A candidate shall be declared to have passed part-II of the examination if his/her

dissertation is atleast commended.

All other candidates shall be declared to have failed in the examination.

6. Restriction in number of chances:

No candidate shall be permitted to reappear for the written examination in any

paper on more than two occasions or to resubmit a Dissertation more than once.
Candidates shall have to qualify for the degree passing all the written papers and
dissertation within a period of three years from the date of commence of the course.

7. Conferment of Degree:

No candidate shall be eligible for conferment of the M.Phil., degree unless he/she
is declared to have passed both the parts of the examination as per the Regulations.

8. Qualifications for persons conducting the M.Phil., Course:

No teacher shall be recognized as a Supervisor unless he/she possesses a

Ph.D., degree or two years of PG teaching experience after qualifying for M.Phil., or
M.Litt., Degree.

Only the postgraduate departments of affiliated colleges and departments of the

University will be recognized for conducting the M.Phil., Course; provided however, the
Syndicate shall have the power to decide any other institutions of higher
learning/research within the University area for conducting the M.Phil., course on merits.

9. Eligibility:

(i) Teacher candidates working in the University Departments

(ii) Teacher candidates working in the affiliated colleges and whose
qualifications are approved by the University.
(iii) Teacher candidates working in polytechnics approved by the Director of
Technical Education or in Higher Secondary Schools and High Schools
approved by the State Board or Central Board of Secondary Education or
Educational Institutions of IAF (within Periyar University area) who
possess a Masters Degree. For the Masters Degree qualified prior to
01.01.1991, no minimum marks is prescribed; but on or after 01.01.1991,
a minimum of 55% of the marks is prescribed, provided that for the
candidates belonging to SC/ST community a concession of 5% marks will
be given in the minimum eligibility marks prescribed.

10. Duration:

The course of study shall extend over a period of two years from the
commencement of the course. The examination for part-I shall be taken at the end of
the first year and part-II Dissertation at the end of the second year.

11. Course of Study:

The Regulations governing the full-time M.Phil., course with regard to course of
study, scheme of examination passing minimum, etc and qualifications of guide
conducting the M.Phil., course shall apply to part-time candidates also.

12. Restriction in number of chances:

No candidate shall be permitted to reappear for the written examination in any

paper on more than two occasions or to resubmit a Dissertation more than once.
Candidates shall have to qualify for the degree passing all the written papers and
dissertation within a period of four years from the date of commencement of the course.

13. Question paper pattern:

Time : 3 Hours Maximum marks : 75

25 marks
Answer ALL Questions

Five questions with either or type. Each answer should not exceed 400 words.

50 marks
Answer ALL Questions

Five questions with either or type. Each answer should not exceed 700 words.



The objective of the paper is to provide a basic knowledge about formulation of
research problem, design, hypothesis, statistical measures and inferences and report

Unit-I: Social Science Research Methods

Research in Economics Objectives Types of research Scientific methods

Induction and deducation Bridge between concepts and facts Casuality and
probability of events.

Unit-II: Research Design

Identification of research problem Research design Types of design Sample

design Data Sources Methods of data collection - Construction of schedules &
questionnaire Scaling technique.

Unit-III: Statistical Measures

Processing of presentation of data Dispersion Measures of central
tendencies Correlation Regression Time series analysis ANOVA.

Unit-IV: Hypothesis and Statistical Inferences

Probability theory Hypothesis formulation Parametric and non-parametric
tests Violations of OLS assumptions Dummy variables Distributed lagged

Unit-V: Thesis and Report Writing

Stages of writing report Layout of the research report Types Precaution for
writing research reports Footnotes Bibliography.

1. Goode and Hatt (1987), Methods in Social Research, McGraw Hill, London.
2. Gupta S.P (2001), Statistical Methods, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi.
3. Hooda R.P (2001), Statistics for Business of Economics, Mac Millan, New
4. Kothari C.R (2004), Research Methodology, Methods & Techniques, Age
International Publishers (P) Limited.
5. Kurien C.T (1973), Research Methodology in Economics, Madras Sangam
Publishers, Chennai.
6. Wilkinson and Bhandarkar (1991), Methodology and Techniques of Social
Research, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.

This paper provides broad sketch of recent developments in economic theory
and policies. Focus is largely given to Indian Economy.

Unit-I: Welfare Economics

Welfare Function: A.K. Sens View Theory of Second Best Arrows
Impossibility Theorem Rawls theory of justice, equity and efficiency Trade off.

Unit-II: Equilibrium Model

Factor Prices Commodity prices relationship between output mix and Factor
prices Stopler-Samuelson theory Rybezynski Theorem Arrow Debrue general
equilibrium model.

Unit-III: Macro Theory and Policy

The portfolio approach Crowding out and Government Budget constraint
Rational expectation and the short-term effectiveness of stabilization policy. Balance of
payment theories Demonstration effect theory (Denusan bury and Modiglani),
Economic development and Balance of payments.

Unit-IV: Indian Economy and Economic Reforms

Reducing the role of the state Market failure and state intervention Economic
reforms in India Pros and cons of Economics reforms in India Why U turn.

Unit-V: Impact of Reforms in India

Impact of WTO on Sectors Agriculture and Subsidies Industry and MNCS
Banking Impact of foreign banks on Indian Banking system Tax reforms
Introduction to VAT Growth of IT industry Implementation of PURA (Providing Urban
Amenities in Rural Areas) Economic Reforms and Deprivation.

1. CMIE, Data Bank for various years, Mumbai.
2. Ghatak S (1986), An Introduction to development Economics, Allen & Unwin,
3. Government of India (2009), Economic Survey, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi.
4. Higgins B (1959), The Theory of Economic Growth, Allen & Unwin, London.
5. Higgins B (1998), Economic Development: Problems, Principles and policies,
Universal Book Stall, New Delhi.

1. Dr.S. Rajendran,
Professor and Head,
Department of Economics, Chairman
Periyar University,
Salem 636 011.

2. Dr.A. Saravanadurai,
Department of Economics, Member
Periyar University,
Salem 636 011.
3. Dr.D. Janagam,
Department of Economics, Member
Periyar University,
Salem 636 011.
4. Dr.A. Sugirtha Rani,
Department of Economics, Member
Periyar University,
Salem 636 011.
5. Dr.P. Mathaiyan,
Professor and Head,
Department of Tamil, Member
Periyar University,
Salem 636 011.
6. Dr.A. Narayanamoorthi,
Professor cum Director,
Centre for Rural Development, Member
Alagappa University,
7. Dr. Manjappa D. Hosamane,
DOS in Economics & Cooperation,
University of Mysore,
Mysore 570 006.


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