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Railway Servants (Hours of Employment) Rules 1961

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(MTT: i — q - g 3 f l ^] Mire * n TT3PTS. ; *p4 5, j O O S / w y t 14, l « 6 27!

(Railv, J j Board)
, New Delhi, llic 28lh February. 200S
G.S.R. 75.—In exercise of Uie powers conferred by section 136 of llic Railways Act 1989 (34 or 1989) U«
Central Government hereby makes die following rales, namely .—
I - Short title commenccmcm and application—
(1) There rules may be called the Railway ServanlslHours of Work nnd Period of Rest) Rule*. 2005.
(2) They shall come into force on llic dale of their publication In the Official Gazette.
Ot They shall apply only to llmse railway servants lo whom Chapter XIV of the Act applies.
2. Definitions :—
In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,—
{(0 'Act' means the Railways Act. 1989 (24 nf 1989);
(b) 'full-night' means the period between 10.00 p.m. and'6 00 a.m
(c) 'long-on' ineanj a period of duty over eight hours in the case of 'Intensive' workers, over ten hours in the
case of 'conlinuous' workers and over twelve liours in inc. case of 'essentially intermittent' workers;
(d) 'ordinary rate of pay' Includes—
(i) pay as defined in rule I30J(F R.v) of the lndifm Railway Establishment Code volume-II (1990
Edition) and includes clement of running allowance to the extent of 30 per cent of basic pay In the
case of running staff as defined in Rule 1507 of Uie aforesaid Code,
(II) Deamcss Allowance. Additional Deamess Allowance •indDcamcss Pay, if any; and
(iii) Compensatory (City) Allowance.
(e) "Railway servants employed lo confidential capacity" includes—
(i) Stenographers working either in a separate confidential cell or attuched to the officers in
Administrative offices;
Gi) Cypher operators,
(iii) Confidential Assistant and Personal Assistant; and
(tv) Any other railway servant who may be so specified by the Head of the Railway Adruiniitraiion to
have been employed In confidential capacity;
(0 'Regional Labour Commissioner' means an officer appointed as such by the Government of India in the
Ministry of labour by notification in Uie official gazette;
(2) 'Roadside station* means a station oilier than—
(i) an important J unction station;
(ii) a station villi marshalling yard.
OH) an important terminal station;
0y) a station from which trains arc ordered as a regular measure; and
(v) a station where a separate goods office under a supervisory Goods Clctk. in the grade of Chief
Goods Clerk or of higher rank sanctioned on the basis of workload In that Goods Office has been
Provided that the Head of the Railway Admlnislralion or llic authority to whom he may delegate
this power, may draw up a list of road-side slniions keeping in view the above definition.
(h) 'roster' means a document which shows the hours Dial urailwayservant is expected to be on duty every
day. the dally as well as weekly rest and break between spells of duty in a day besides other necessary
(i) 'running staff" means the staff who arc defined to be so in Rule 1507 of Indian Railway EsiablUI uncut
Code Volume II (1990 Edition),
(J) "Section" means a section of the Act;
(k) 'short off* means a period of rest which is—
(0 in the case of intensive workers:—
(A) less than 12 hours in a rosier of six horns duly, and

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l S W I I - - g ^ T 3(1)] M T C T l ^ T P P r a : ^ t . j g Q 5 m * p U, 1926 T7!

(Raihvay Board)
, New Dcllit, flic 28th February. 2005
G.S.R. 75.—In exercise of lite powers eoafened by section 136 of Hie Railways Ad, 1989 (24 of 1989) die
Central Government hereby makes (he following rules, namely .—
1. Short lillc, commencement and application—
(1) These rules may be called the Railway Servants (Hours of Work and Period of Rcsi) Rules. 21)05.
(2) They shall come into force on ihe dale of Uicir publication in Uic Official Gazette
1.1) They shall apply only 10 ihosc railway servants to whom Chapter XIV of the Act applies
2. Definitions:—
In these rules, unless Ihe context ollienvise requires.—
(a) 'Act'means ihe Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989).
(b) "full-night' means ihe period between 10.00 p.m. and'fi 00 i m
(c) 'long-on' means a period of duty over eighl hours in the case of 'Intensive' workers, over ten hours In ihe
case of 'continuous' workers and over twelve hours in ihe case or 'essentially IttlenniUcni' workers;
(d) 'ordinary mto of pay'Includes—
(i) pay as defined in rule 1303(F.R.9> of the Indian Railway establishment Code volume-l! (1990
Edition) and includes element of running allowance to the extent of 30 per cent of basic pay In the
case of running staff as defined In Rule 150? of the aforesaid Code.
(II) Deamcss Allowance, Additional Dcamess Allowance and Dcamcss Pay. If any. and
inn Compensatory (City) Allowance;
(e) "Railway servants employed in confidcniial capacity" includes—
n) Stenographers working either in a separate confidcniial cell or attached to (he officers in
Administrative offices;
(II) Cypher operators;
(iil) Confidcniial Assistants and Personal Assistants; and
(tv) Any other railway servant who may he so specified by ihe Head of the Railway Adrninistration to
liavc been employed In confidential capacity;
(f) 'Regional Labour Commissioner* means an officer appointed as such by the Government of India in ihe
Ministry of labour by notification in the official gazette;
(g) 'Roadside station' means a station oilier than—
(i) an important junction station;
(li) a station with imtrsrullinp yard,
(iii) au Important icntunut station;
<iv: a station from which trains are ordered as a regular measure, and
(v) a station where a separate goods office under a supervisory Goods Clerk, in Ihe grade of Quef
Good* Clerk or ofhljjher rank sanctioned on ihe basis of worklood In that Goods Office has been
Provided thai the Head of ihe Railway AdminisirntioD or ihe authority to whom he may delegate
(his power, may draw up a list of road-side stations keeping in view the above definition
(It) 'roster' means a document which shows Ihe hours iliat u railway servant is expected to be on duly every
day. ihe daily as well as weekly rest and break between spells of duly in a day besides other necessary
(i) 'running staff* means the sialT who arc defined to be so in Rule 150? of Indian Railway Bstablislimeiit
Code Volume 11(1990 Edition);
(|) "Section" mean* a scainn of Utc Act;
i k) 'short off' means a period of rest which is—
(!) in tin. case of intensive workers —
(A) less than 12 hours in a rosier of six lioms duty, and

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- «-—

(B) less than 14 boun InaiTuMdrosiErofn and 8 hoursduty _*

(ii) In ilic case of coniimiDus worker-less than 10 houra.
(til) In flic case of essentially Intermittent workers—less tiuut 8 hours.
<l> 'spin diiiy'nieonsduty in two or more spells with Miicncningbreakscnc'toflLtlf or more hour necessitated
by exigertclesof work and when the employee is free to leave his place of duty. I (Nervals for rest and meals
shall not bo breaks for the purpose of split-duly;
(m) •surtalnedaitcnUon'asuscdinsub-Bcclioiit.b). section 130 Implies mcnuil cITon.
Explanation : A Pointsman wailing for the arrival of a train After setting points is required to give sustained
attention Similarly a Station Master or RQ Assistant Swilon Master is generally required to pay sustained
iillcillinii fmin the limo hi- eh i < line clear in the Sinlioii in ru.tr till the time Ihc Imin arrives mid again Imin
the lime Ilic line clear is asked for to the lime the Block Section nlicad is cleared. Wherever drcumsiauccs
luttify a di Fiona ii ircauiiciil, the period mvnlvhigsusialnednilcnuOn rn.'v he decided b> ilic Controlling Autliorily
In case of any doubt, the decision of the Head of the Dcpanmcni shall be final
(n i All oilier words and expressions used but not defined in these ntlcs iliall liavc the mornings respectively
assigned to tliem in tlte Indian Railway Establishment Code or Ilic ACT
3. Prescribed autboriiv io classify the employment of railway servant—
(1) The power to declare the employment of railway servants as 'intensive* or 'essentially inlcmilucnt' within
the meaning of section 130 shall vest in the Head of the Railway Administration
Provided thai the Hcadof the Railway Admiuijirntion may. in his discretion, delegutetite power verted In
him under this Alb-rule to the Chief Personnel Officer:
Provided further that during the period of emergency such as flood, accident, the power vested in the
competent authority can be exercised by an officer no! below the rank of senior scale
(2) A copy or every declaration trade by mo prescribed suHhoriiy mtder sub-ralo (11 shall, as soon at may be.
sent to tile Rcmom! Labour Commissioner concerned and. in case die declaration is made by an officer other than the
Head of the Railway Adtninistration, Io tins head of the Railway Administration or the Chief Personnel Officer, as Ihc
case may be.
I Anneals aflflfesj cb^ificaj'cjn,—
(1) Arty railway Mrvant aggrieved by Hie declaration or classification made under rule 3 may. within ninety
days from Iho dale of such declaration, prefer an appeal to Ihc Regional Labour Commissioner, who aflcr scrutiny of
relevant documents or If considered necessary, after a fresh job analysis, may order for a change In the chusifi cation
(2) Any railway servant or Railway Administration aggrieved by a decision of the Regional Labour Commissioner
may, before the expiry of ninety days from ihc date on which the decision of the Regional Labour Commissioner is .
commiinicaled to him, prefer an appeal lo the Secretary io the Government of India In the Ministry of Labour who will
dispose it of after hearine. the parties concerned
? Si'iicrvison Mail'—
(1) The Ministry of Labour shall, by order in writing, specify the railway servants o» classes of Railway servants
who shall be treated as supervisory staff under sub-clause (iv)of clause (c) of Section 130 on the ground that the Railway
servant liolds i position pf responsibility. is employed on duties mainly of 3 supervisory character and is. from the nalurc
of his work and position, comparatively free lo adjust his hours of duty or work during such liours:
Provided that the railway servants who on the date of publication of these rules are treated as supervisory slaff
under ihc rules shall continue to be treated as such until the orders specifying the railway servants or classes of railway
servants as supervisory s'aff is issued under this sub-rule.
(2) A copy of every such order issued under sub-rule (I) shall be furnished lo tile Chief Labour Commissioner
(Central). New Delhi

The following categories of siair of Hie Health and Medical Department -hill be treated as 'excluded' under
sub*clausc(v) of Clausc(c) of Section 131), namely :—
(o) Matrons.
(b) Sistcrs-in-chargo:
(c) Mtdwivcs who arc not posted on regular shift duly in Railway Hospitals.
(d) Health Educninrs and District Extension Educators (Male and Female).

-U - ,
iMin n — w » 3(i)] «ffTff*iTryn : =rm >. ?oos^gT^ n "«fr 273

(c) FamilyPlanningPieldWoiken(MflIcan(JFemaIe).
(1) Udy Hcalm Vuriion;
(gj Auxiliary Niirses-cuni-Midwivcs.
(hj Projectionists;
In addiiion m ihc above, the Ministry of Railways may by order tn writing specify any other category of railway
MafTin any of the Departments of the Indian Railway* who shall be uealed as 'Excluded' on the consideration thai such
staff arc available on calL
7 Criteria for dclcrmininn cl.u;s\flcation orraitwnv servants—
(1) Continuous AlIempIoymentsofRailwnysefvanlsexccpillawcxcludedfromlliepurviewofthcHoursof
E!nploylneTilRcffJUliollsareaJ»umcdtobe'Con^Imoul, Thereafter, onthe basisoffaatudjobarudysisthccinployrrient
may be classified cither as 'intensive' or 'csscnlially intermittent', as the case may be.
(2) Intensive :The two important factors in declaring an employment as 'Intensive'under Clause (d) of Section
130 of the Afl are;—
(i) sircmioQi nature of the work lending to cause mental or physical main; and
(li) Continuous application to rath work with litUe or no periods of relaxation.
Esplanalion I : The term 'continued concentration' in clause (d) of the Section DO is intended to convey

iwt to allow any other thought or idea to enter the mind and must be of such nature as to cause strain (physical
or mental or both) upon the Railway servant concerned its a result of continuous application to such work over
certain period without reasonable periods of respite. Thus, having regard to the enure period of duty and
nature of work, the prescribed authority shall, before declining any employment us •Intensive', satisfy itself
lint the above factors are present in the Job concerned In oilier words, the prescribed authority shall consider
whether the job i • of such a character thai it demands continued concentration without any reasonable periods
of relaxation.
Explanation 11: Factor (it) should be considered to have been satisfied where the periods of rest, inaction or
relaxation do not aggregate 6 hours or more in a evele of 2* hows or one hour or more In a shift of 8 hours
(3) Essentially Intciutlttcut;
The work of an employee is to be regarded as 'essenuallv intermiitenl' if his daily dory hours which
should be assumed to be twelve hours per day include— ,
(a) one period of inaction of not lea than one hour, or two such periods of not less than half an hour each.
(b) various periods of Inaction Including the period of inaction specified In Clause (a) aggregating 50 per
cent or more, during which lie is not generally called upon to display citherphysical activities or sustained
NOTE : In assessing the work-load of the 'essentially intermittent' classification in accordance with sub-section (b) of
Section 130. periods of inaction of less than 5 minutes shall be Ignored
fl F|x.i»'°p gf hours of work —
The boon of work or a Railway servant as per roster (haclnafta referred to as the rostercd hours of work) may
be continuous or may have short tnierval for real, or breaks due to exigencies ofservice or deployment
(1) Subject to the limit specified in section 132 and having regard to the requirements of the service and the
nature of work, the Railway Administration shall fix the normal rostercd hours of work for the various categories of
railway servants in the manner indicated m these rules.
(2) The rostercd hours of woik of Railway servants shall consist ol —
0) standard hours of duty.
(il) additional hours as may be prescribed In the case of certain categories classified as essentially
Intermittent; ant!
(ill) time required to do preparatory or complementary work or both for those who are required to do such
(3) The standard hours of dray for different classes of employment of Railway servants shall be as aader:— •
(a) Intensive 42 boon a week.
(b) Continuous 48 hours a week; and
(c) Essentially Intermittent 48 hours a week;

nQ qrjos-er
_ H -

(4)<a) Railway servants bavlng essentially intermittent class of employment shall be oiled upon to work as per
rule 8(2)(ii) additional hours as Indicates below :—
(i) Gatcmcn'C'.CTreiakcrsofRcstHoiiscs
Dud Rcscrvoin etc., Chowkidars and
Saloon Attendants
(UJ Railway servants posted to work in 24 additional
Essentially Intermittent employment at hours p a week
road-side stations and provided with
residential quarters within 0.5 Kmi from
their place of duty
(IU) Rest of die employees posted to work in —12 ;tdditional hours
Essentially Intermittent class of employment per week
(b) Such additional hours of work shall be reflected in the duty rosters of the Railway mYAfd) concerned.
(5) The time required by various categories of staff to do preparatory ot complementary work or both, which
includes the work of handing over and taking over charge, must necessarily be carried out outside the limits laid down
for general working of rut establishment, branch or shift and shall be determined by means ofjob analysis of such work
in respect of representative posts in respective categories
(6) The time determined under sub-rulc(5) shall be added to the standard hours of duty of the staff in all the
various classifications subject to maximum limit prcscribod bciow —
(a) when employment is intensive .... 3 hours a week;
(b) when employment is continuous ... fi hours a week;
(c) when employment is essentialty intennltieni;—
(1) Gatemen ' C . Caretakers of Rest Houses and Reservoirs, Chowkidars. Saloon Attendants and
those posted at road-side stations and provided w 1th residential quarlen within 500 metres from
their place of duty _ 3houTsaweek.
(ii) Railway servant! other <han those mentioned in
sub-calusetf) 4Vikuun«wc«A1
(7) Ths lisio respire! f;: pTepsr™:y =? ttnpUratSSStJ * « * by '-he nmafatj r!=ff thai! be tatted « be
4 Itours a week
NOTES: (i) Where the time assessed for doing preparatory or complemcniary work Is under 15 minutes per day, the
same shall not be treated as duty and shall not be exhibited In the roster.
(ii) In the case of employment of a 'continuous' nature, the lime assessed for doing •preparatory or
conrplementary work between 15 minutes" and less than 4S minutes p a day should be treated as half an
hour's work and such lime between 45 minutes and one hour p a day should be treated as one hour's
tiii) In the case of intensive and essentially intermittent categories of employment, such time assessed between
15 minutes and 30 minutes per day shall be treated as half an hour's work
(iv) The time assessed for the work mentioned In Note (til) stall be reflected in the dutyrostersor die concerned
railway servants,
(v) Total hours for preparatory or complementary work or both shall be so fixed to ensure that the overall duty
hours do not exceed the limits prescribed for respective classification in Section 132.
(8) Where Railway servants are required to perform split-duty, such duty shall be subject to the following
conditions, namely:—
(a) The spells of duly shall not exceed three and Ihc number of breaks shall be limited to two;
(b) In ihc case of an employment of 'continuous' nature, the railway servant whose placo of residence li
beyond 1.6 kilometers from the place of duty, seven hours of spill-duty shall be treated as equivalent to
eight hours of normal duly.
(9) Willie preparing rotten, 'long on' or 'short off shall, accordingly, be avoided
(10) Where. In accordance with the provisions of sub-section (4) of Section 132 or sub-section (3) of Section
133 and in the circumstances mentioned therein, a Railway servant is called upon by an orda of temporary exemptioo
made unda Rule 9 below by the competent authority to render duty beyond the hours of work fixed in accordance with
(he foregoing sob-rules or beyond the hours prescribed in Sub-secii-1 (1), (2) and (3) or the Section 132, it shall be the
duty of the Railway servant concerned to rendu such extra :••,-. --i d>. • ••

•13- —

1 MP1 l l - I T O 1(0) VICT W H T O : *P< 5. JOOS/WTt . '»» " *

?. Eftwcr jo make temporary exemption—

(1) Subject to llic provisions of mh-sccllon (J) of Seciinn 112 and of sub-vcciion (3( of Section I S3, Head ol
a RallwavAdininlsiraiioiiftuy by order in writing make temporary cxaiipllonofnm 1 Railway scrvmn or class orRailwuv
servants i m m the provisions of snb-aecliem (11, (2) and 0 ) of Section 111 and suB-scalon ( I ) mid <3) of Section 133
(2) Tlic Httidof Railway Aduilmunitiuu may by order in writing delegate his powers under sub-rule ( I ) iu any
officer subordinate to him mid whom he may deem fit IO cxercisr die powers
(1) Acop»ofc\rni'rd^ofdclc^.KiOiniudci^llcriub-nilcr2)^i!ibe<ciiii-'i!LcRc^n ; ULabCH.rComiiH5S(Ouc(
IU Principle of avcraulng :md payment of overtime allowance—
( l > Wlicrc n Railway servant Is required to render extra Hours of duty beyond tlic lostcrcd hours fixed in
NueontancQ with r u l e * or beyond (lie Minn* spccified fordifferent classes ofRullway scrviuii uuder section 137. he shall
be paid ovenime for sucli extra hours of work. wjbjcct to tlic principle of averaging as specified in sub-rule (2)
(2) Averting sliall be done by averaging of the hours of work over the averaging periods as specified tn Section
132 which ha* been adopted to provide a reasonable measure of elasticity .ii essential in railway working for certain
classes of Railway servants and it shall apply tc—
(t) running it .if f.
(H) operating naff,
(111) sliifi wotkert. and
(tv) those other Railway servant* wttose work in connected with the work of any of ihc categories of Railway
servants mentioned in clause (1). fii) and <lii)
Subject to tJio provisions contained uiMib-scction (4) of Section 132. payment of overtime for excess hours of
work, shall be mode as under *—
(I) F c the excess hours of work rendered by n Railway servant between Uie limits of prescribed roslcrcd
hours of work and the hours prescribed In Section 132, dming the relevant averaging period, payment
thai!bettuidc.il I H limes t h : oitIiu.it i MIL- of paj ,md
(II) Foi Uiee«csst;miisvi( «ork renderedbeii'MdiI>e ImiiiiptwerUifd ii^Scciicii 1U.P:IMM'JII; >f^i!!'<fi:i:Lii':
at two innci the ordinary nilc of pay
I ' i Th>. huuily into of overtime shall bo worked out on ihc basis of fostered hours o\ a the relevant averaging
pcimd as under : —
{•> Hourly rule of PoitotJ.pf ayaaKiny * 1/30 of monthly
Pay (for stuff No. o f roncrcd hours ordinary rate of
governed by of work in the averaging .pay
Averaging Prin- period
0 0 Hourly ratcof pay I * l/30ofmonthly
(for those not No. of daily rosiered ordinary rate of
govemedbv hoursofwork pay
Avcrjgiug Prin-

The particulars of all extra hours of work done by a Railway servant beyond the prescribed rostered hours of
duty shall be recorded in a register to bo maintained in Form ' A ' appended to these rules by llie officer authorised In
this behalf by the Head of the Railway Administration
12. Periodical Rest —
(11 Railway ncrvmii whose employment is Intensive or ('cmiItmous (hull he grunted. every week eouiuieitclug
on o Sunday, rest of not less than thirty consecutive hours and those whose employ m a n Is Essentially
liitermincnl. sliall be granted rest of not less than i weary four consecutive hours including a full night
1^> No Railway Sen'aniclaSiinedasliiiciKtvc.ConliiiiiousorEssentiailvlniermlticiii snailbe called on duty
unless ooe has hud a re*t of not l e a Hum 12,10,8 consecutive hours respectively after completion of the
previous lour ofduty Such rest shall be given as far at pouiblo through the employment of rest givers and
die test givers so provided shall be separate for Continuous and Essentially Intermittent categories
0) Locomotive or traffic nmnlng staff shall be granlcd. each monih. a rest nf alleast five periods of not less
than twenty-two confccullvc hours cadi, or a rest of nilcast four period* of nni le*s than thirty conscculivc
hours c i t l i hiLluliug a full mghl Tlic htiiirs nf wcrk fo» this purpose rtinll he calculated fioni ".signing
m i ' l o 's:;:miigofr

37fi THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; MARCH 5. I w t f / P H A L G U N A 14, 1V26 [ P A M I I — S w >(i)|

(*) Tlic loconiwive mill liuttlc running siafTfchall not normally be away from headquarters Tor more i l u n
HIIKC H I fnw i l . i v in a wretch ami llic periodic rest for such i n i l f ttuill be given it headquarters. Rest m
ticidqi tuners iili.il) iiliv.'ij * Include a night in h o i . and is fur ni possible be DIICC In every ten days.
(5J SuilT on duly In running trans, odtcr than locomotive and traffic running sintT such ai Travelling Pay
Clerks and Catering Staff minched to Restaurant Cars shall be given periodic real on the scale and i n ihe
manner laid down for llw loctmiuiive ami traffic running siaff Souse portion of Ihe periodic rcsl may.
however, be given uway (rout their headquarters having regard to their length of trips
(6) The wotkiflg hours and periodic rest of marine staff, other than those who urc governed by the Factories
A d shall be regulated In the same manna as those of running staff
(7) In accordance with d n n w (II) of nib-section (2) of Section H J of the Act. Ihe Head of the Railway
Administration may, with the prior approval of Ihe Ministry of Railways, spocify I'1*- ".megories of railway
servants to wham Ihe periods of resi on jcales less liian those laid down under" sub-section ( I ) of the said
section c m be prescribed
n CornneB«|yrv pyripd) of real,—
No railway servant i " respect of whom an exemption has been made under rule 9 shall be required to work for
more than fourteen day* without a period of rest and shall be provided with compoioitory r a t within this period

t-t Appointment of Siiptfvitors—
The. supervisors of Railway labour shall be appointed by lire Ministry of Labour. The manner of their appointment
•mil the educational qualifications etc . prescribed for llic purpose will be as laid down by the Ministry of Labour from
time |o litne.
Ii- Display nf rpty> am] notices—
Every Railway Adininiilrallon'sliall display iu a conspicuous p l a c e -
to) wherclhe railway servants work .notices specifying the classification o f m p l o y i n e t i l of railway servants;
ihe duration of thcirhoitrs of employ m a n . their period of rest and rosters; and
(b) i n each station or oilier establishment. a copy of Chnpler X I V of the Act Mid Uicsc rules in English. Hindi
and in locnl language
I I ' Atuuial Rclini| —
Every Railway AdmiiiiwiuiDii shall send each financial yearn return in Form ' B ' appended to these rules, so as
lo reach the Regional Labour Commissioner not later Hum the 15th dav of Mny following die end ofthe financial year to
which i i relates.



Wi Power lo make modification In s o c i a l eases —

(1) Notwithstanding anything provided m these Rules, where, in the interest of efficient working of the
Railways, llicre nrccerinin conditions of special nniurt necessitating an Immediate modification or any
conditions b i d down uudci these ndes losuit local conditions, such inodincatlom wlilch arc not Inconsijlcni
witlt any provisions or Chnpter X I V of the Act. may be elTccicd with prior approval of the Ministry o f
(2) A copy o f each such modification shall be scot to the Regional Labour Commissioner concerned
P) I f any Railway servant is adversely affected by any such modified ion made under sub-rule ( I ) , he may
prefer au appeal before the expiry of 'Jt> days from the date of effecting such modification to (he Ministry
of Railways whose decision (hereon shall be final

The Railway servants (Hours o/Empioymeni) Rules. I%l and uny orders issued thereunder In so far as Uicv '
are inconsistent w i t h these odes, arc hereby repealed, provided thai
(I) such repeal shall not Affect ihe previous opeiminn of die said nUcs or any orders made or any thing dune
or any ncuuii token thereunder,
(Jl ' nothing m these rules shall be construed i n depnving any person to whom these rules apply, of any right of
• ' I T •. i- which 'uid accrued in him under the n tics or orders in force before the commencement of these rules

. *.
>-«m n - i r r )(»] • \
»WT nn o w n • i r ^ s a o c s / w ^ p H . 1M6 277

0» .in appeal pending altlic commencement of ilinc miss Jtaiml tin ordcrmndche-fnre such commencement
\hnll hcentuidcred mill orders ihcrwu *hnll bo nude in .icvonhmec with llusc mlc* as iTsucI* orders were
nude anil ilie .<pjicjh were preferred under HICK rules.
(4) as from die commencement of these roles any appotl-or application for review iigalnsi any orders made
before melt eatrmicncemuil. *h*H bo preferred M nude under these rules u If inch order* were made
tinder these rule*
V.N. MATHUR. Secy Railway Board
J W n o t c — TheKjiJIwayServaiaiflioursorErnploymcntlRulc*, DM werepirblwhcd videG.S.R-40 Ailed ft-l-mi
and amended vidcG S.R 4ifi dated 36.3.77.

(Sec Rule 111
Stuilnn :
Divlxkm :

S.No Month Name and Designation Classification Rate Rostcrod Actual Extra
And Father'* intensive of hours hours Hours
dine name Continuous Pay Worked
overtime Esietili.illy
ported; Irtteimtttenr From To Front To

(1) (2) 0) 14 j (5> (ft) (7) (8) (9)

Compulsory rest
Sumner of
liours for
which over-
Reasons for
Amount of
overtime puid
and dale of

extra titnc payable exemption granting paymeni

Itoura under lection exemption
132(4) and under rules
Date From To 133
111'} 111, (121 tni (.141 (13, ( I ft)

(See Rule 16)

liMCititivc Continuous
S.No. Name of Total No of Runmnti s'.aff Oilier fun
Railway Railway RuimliiK * lRfr
employed No Percent Percent No. PercenI

III W 0) "5T \M 7*7 1') 7*7 ('»


278 THE GAZETTE OP INDIA: MARCH 5, 2(>M/PHALGUNA 14,1*26 |P*»T u—set mji
F.Mcmullv Excluded
Intermittent Sopcnwccy Employed In Oil. L-(*
undid cmial
No Pcrcciu No Percent NO Percent No. Raced Remarks

(10) (U) (12) (13) (14) ll?) (16) (IT) (18)

I'lnce Signature of Mcad/lnchargc

Dale. Railuav Administration
Tlie Regional Labour Comnussioncr (Cemrnl)



i» ftroi. ;s >PWO. aoos

man.ff*. 75.—k ^ "7*^. ffl *rf*ff*Rs, i98» ( was T I :«j Vi ore i.>6 sra TTCTT TiPwtf TT -rftn wrfr p?,
l^nfM^g ftra Thrift I , K i n i —

CO) • ' ^ ^ ' ' i a r n ^ 10.00 « * * ^ f r ^ e.oc mi *»ihr»n3nrf*i3jftrti't>

- \ -

26* THE GAZETTE OF [NDlA . MARCH 5. JUOjvPHALGUNA 1*. i « 6 [PA*T U—Sir 3(01

(i) HRTTO^BWnW "ftI'. f>lW-UO990H**l'*J*jfa,W 1303 ( ^ f t i W 9 ) ^1*H VfMNHB*nrt«nJITW

(Ul) vflwiw* i*"ir.' vw;

(iii) Tfww w*if* n*n fro "(m*: a*rr

fiv) j r a w i f f l i w , fro w TOOR * uun pfi p i M R 'iin^iu t f t a i • n f l i n RAlfv fipri TOI Bl;
1 1 n
(^) "<WhiniOTpw" *t TFTT* » wft^TT " *"^* M R * * 1WB pn BJPi MNWD J ^ V ^ t ,

to) 4RJ4(<1 »FS Tfl *^'H,

(iii) *JW 5Jt*Wi *i|M.

f*W <fc vn)4 *fl WB tan T! i*ii 1

(*) " t s r " ' 1 ewn>o* wftrift t sir »^"ficTsiMiwyf*reH w ^ w ^ c - i & T m t f u e i v-i%iTMit<ntr!,
j'fllci TBT »ti»7ili'*fawra-sfr iTi s nf?T wi nwfiryi i. «]^i f*** KT tin"! r•

1 SO? ^ T*» WR* ^SMIWI t

»*) " , nrfMnil"HftllT»Wi«finf«STfV*llt'W—

(OJj BP tj4 w. wja rrcn« »ra w i ' * *w. nw

(V 1 n r ">r. wi7 W? « W*w ^«J7T »r«?r d nicr w?i * «= >
W "fw'n"»iiTTTi*,«Tw,!'» s o ^ B ^ t
liii) "«TWIT*T> «M!(p*«. , *"»w;*swaa 8 « i »»l«lti

(U wn l a o w v w m H D H OBI7^W" efin in:""asnh>WTni»f*wtw"t *

•Cm VRIWSB n •-'• ^ * •TOO<H l"4W ^ t ff 3 "» t*nj 4*.* w p VQVCT* WW n ?Wii TTTt * a*T"(
* irrn I T " T TT7 T.*I WI^I WT ;TT^ T W I n ?WT ^nfl *Mt* TTS * w w rr» T » '' ntsm ifrr"'' r->


*• *ra* muiii i

d wpi «*i PnAn **^ * ^?9n$ *>»5TW7TW* * 7 f f " ff^owifd B'floriwef ^ftwi^fe W ^ l i "^Tn>

•flwit »w Tnrs w m l k «S ^ " i * SMHI JHKI Fn?m vrm i

s. wfftfft vnhnR^—•^n W W J . RAn Wltol Efl. TTT?I *r«S a*nn TW «"i*l i *ni! sfr fWrffe^ w ftp?

m aofpi x f t t s 3*»3 i t *y gq»l * «*ff »t •*&& WVKT* * y i * ' ftrf-^ «T* «B^ -arty % * * i 3 an* ?» ^>fry*

(Ml fWsrf-WWJ*

CT^W * srftrftw Vw TOPI Wta Jntiftro, v i ^ t o * f ^ f t v i n 4 * « » * i ! f a p e * ; f * t f r a p » i w ' i » &

(11 MyiWlW^ftftMMM#*Mr^ftfl#|wtew<l^~<w^

-* » —

(ii) ftftn ftp w i ft"*3 taw Ml »wft * * t * flreyg *fl 11

tppRRncnHtWtpl *ft^iftitt*l ft* j)U wr*i-fcrfc* u fin flpft ff*iy*« wfinre (WIM? % ftttri «an fti;

vt flrart w*ar ftr wn ww TW sffh *i I fw in* ftm ft*ra «* ztai wiW k *-n "WWT i r n m r " *

ppfl*7W u. — TO flnrw. fttamnm ftnro Iarrow) * wwfti. 34 *ral * v * • * 3 ffl ftwwr *»% mWi-ifftiw-itf
jfltnnwfcrfuratf^wfcwatfsifowrfl'nifi, •**«?«( it )***«,J*'*frjftet»TA*;fh3ftnn?f»™i

(») MiarwFiniBwnmfDai;

(«) w¥ (*) ~4 WHftvftft*«Mi*5 *nwftt nftn P A m • |fB fn(v»i so M M ) « f i * «1 firfv^

smfyw fink rfton T^ •9RM Mflnm "si *ftw wn W k frrc< ^ ^ W*T wr? • i

\Q, n r n r t * intftre ftftd^n ^T*1 % Wv - ^ jjrniT * far; WF4 k w w fWt tSfa*ww^Tii

<b> SR«WWK^A«TflTlft**^^»^^*Sr«5rffc"I^dnirflftfl«rfflftw(»ft ; Bifl

(« ) fffllt - f^TTT ^ 41 lft, Wfl

(n) «wpw »n :«• unnrfcr - HPTTF*4B^4

1(2) (II) **5*m vrii»yirqtwreTr:

(0 Tffrt <fi. A W R I Tin 'wnt'S wffc fc VKt-4V(
i » i W inrftq^ iftwrw

[«B»in—«**J',i)J ifT*WTF*irt B K S. TXSWPn 14, 1926 24?

(5) W* 1«' <SftfiM*ftf!r»ji cm 'jtiTv* w TJTW wrt *n ^rif wpi vrt k fan NWOT WTT. px-rf wrf vi
fc WJWT-MWJ W*frHkffrC!Mfv«f*J« jmo-*>TKiksTt
fkn wrt "wftn irot *rf*ra iiwiT *f iftfafiiTOk ffJi y =t nrt w t * ftti^m grn $6 mra «i w i w r ? fear wrnt t

<*>) w*ftitan *isuretfi . Twmr^3ift;

<•) « » M w r fttnr iH - WIT* iJ 6 vfc:

* ? F iftfrwt iwi * »& t i ^ f f * » * k A * * ^n

faraf n w i T f k ^ ' p i w a d i O G i f i w k iftm

(ii) Tnrt (i)*3fl"Hftni>n3T«i^f»pi nw*4'.£ H

rsmafi— iii *ti sm*HWIT ,p« wi ***i kiwj. afniri tsprrs^^'imiE'pj Jeromefeqr*nn

(ri) ftim" w*ft * t^Ssn k."Wcfl^, u"TMSKTfr* wi T ^ * fw^*wuTffti ww

uftft* isftmrA « face ^•^'Pik'^hitrfn^antl'ftipwrftirn w * swi
ufnto 45 t*m* *ftr i *ft * ^ ^i Ami i ^wKrtimiwinnii
(iii) Pnirarc k 51 Tfn&w Hffqiw»nft»nncM> in'ffkKwMisflprc-jftuof'ra
krfrnwflrnfW^ram™, lrfWt* «n) «ft *r wri am ^m?n i
(«) feip»(3>^3ftw*« «rf k arawftn wwn uws*i* nam* fgl Ami*»cfthiftre>


( * ) Ippl * t JWtVlI ffn •& alftlV ^5? Srt TOT rt'll^ TP HWfl d W* "iHtu P f l ;

(TI) "ftin" sj>fa k frtnn k *ni£ a". TH^I item kfan,ftrrwif!TOnTqrn^tT»7''i*1.6 ftt*. *

(10) ani^B wnsVi, anj)32ift,»'WTi(4)1«iioroj33'Bt"WOl3) ^ ^ n i ' f l m r i af^Hr'an -fif^jfo'i

9. nnni p9wnnB
(1) wo m VlTWin (4) it«n vm i«*trni!a(3) %5'rtw' *f snftupl ^ , \npmn wsur-i
(1) * (a) % TWIS •d »minft t p * mm • 1
(2) ^ w s f f f P i « t s « n i r f l f t w i ( i ) k « w t i sTFftTfknS »&. » n * » * T W f t e r f t n f t i * r i ) ^ , fttdis
I w J I *T VilT BCt^ k t ^ '&* "•inm J , jJfVJ'flfes W w4»<n I
(3) OTftTTw(2)k9nCTffc^n^77^m»n*wk3n^^^^iOT^hw*r3«
io. 4^*WM*3^4lhrtcf'raTFrt»wi'raiitiira*fa,<i1fi
(1) ^^^»wAPwiflk3ijmPraBtm^kir^^«rai32k»nfe>n*'wkfW^'rflfe
fhnrHftl?*i eta iflm%KWH «W^vg^-5^»CT«rltVn^<Tpafi<^,i'W(2)^''TBPriiff,i

- ^ -
LatestLaws.com 1
2« THE GAZETTE OP INDIA .MARCH 3.20M/PHA1.GUNA 14. |9M " | P « r H—Sec 3(1))

(i) iftrorc v N R f ^
(ii) WWR *r»i*iR"^.
(iii) T<J «H*iff, T™
(iv) T I a w TW* ftw3 »S,^OT(i?,¥t(u)iTOTKtui)agft*rf^>BTt^^iw^*ftffn*ftgniTt?ii

(3) « r a i 3 2 ^ v n r o ( 4 ) ^ 9 m i f e T r t t f * « t ^ » ^ ^ w ^ % « f ^ ^ % ^ 3 T f t w m M * VtocM
ftq "H W1BTT f*>TI BBtpH I

*• ftre, M H aftrro arrfy k drn •JH sd WHF*I ct % iV4 5Tfl I I WW **B" " f i w

(4) >WfhWW WtSfll WJH W, TfH7!*! SftWI SWftl 7T ilWl 'Rl * MMR 'W 4 t W n t ( ^ BfflR PwiW JlllTfl: —
(i) 4rn ift vft *ra ci (jftrra Pwrw^ % feini 3flrnnftsrafii wrfbwi?p><EtviRf*i5i'n 1/30

(ii) *rm¥tTifli«rana(«ftwif*»«>MVfteerfl ix mftw4ffi*OT*Piwwt30

12. * i l t t * faWfl :
(i) ftRt«*rfwfWr^r"imrvn" «i " f t w i " i^riWt^mM»rt»cAw**«7tT4'fwi«rwn

•a ftim ftor wnrn t

(2) ffcd!*ftt«ite«:*».aft "OTTCH" VftftC <»5trn<wF^3»rhinPT»;'<riiyii*i™B*^t'n^r

$ra f*op< i p IT* *t*w Ti, ftiaw ^ w& k faotsn *s i j w i 3 ftr aim iifij. R«IT ftrax 3ftt « n w « T*^ H ttinftol vniT

(3) ^n i * i •o WRifTn ifarow (tPft) ""trrfbrc V jr*^ *tra 4 v*t q ww ^n^ $ift fl,«nifinil« fa w fiwn?*i

ft*n 1)1^11, *ifH* ftttr" *; 5 ^ Win, T T ^ d n »i wifS *t u m a TUB J*L m * ^J»IHT4 * 51 ^^ W^fli I


- 6 -
-*- lunll-Tfgt 3(i)] MfWnnwn;wts, iocs."M?p_K_IW !<••>

rtni afd ?q pi wsfw o sAllVff faina ftr WWTI I


ufirfTOB * wuro x i vTOTr r ftwff * *«ftif * r wirftR m 7 r f 3 p n q f V * ^ ^ * t ^ a r f t r e r t f

14. VNJMl aft fagOn
OT (W ftftw^f VB p!|jr*i SR iftRH SD v> aw'Fi 5*TK*fayfi"TI fffti "*IT pi IWJR roftw sift**? nrfwrj jnfc. •*=
w w i BTO. •WI-SPPI ^r. fln^PM • ! wt'N i
15. nwif jftr Jgvmff * r g $ n

(v) 3ifi ^n fem «r>i *rra $. >n W % Prorm » ••*?*"» *rflifaft^WT* TO TTJW JO n v n f e n * w <fi

(*) mftw ^ m »n ftafl sftret*ft',wfaftTf % tam \1V WT r< PrfinreT *ft afafeft *ftw. ftft n«n qgrfrr <BH
ft, ftiHl *>?•* T^FJ **m IT TlffTfl *tTI I
i6. n t n RraTTJft
3*ft*!^HY7Ilin ptPplril^fffTfl^r^JHiil*"! ( B ) ft TWMiTt Till-} Tf *5"*rf»P!fc,* STSft tp* PnTtf W*P1 S'l


17. Wn *imtft % ^WfTTTn *rft KT irflftfct

Sort j^ft nft %r* ?rff ft. ftrt wpinj iftfwflnSftrSFJCT vn^ % f^3^nwmswrw«m»*wTWtf''r'^^iwrn.
•»T*W wftif*r*p! k swra- 14 %fafrirTWPM « wri'in »?Ff, ffl *n*r*f«j * 7$ *S","WII » flvnt lp*t i
I (2)^TO»rM>iftTr^itoTfirfft^Vnfaspi.»'i;j*i*: M l R P

uvw! «rft »ft arins A 90 (Wteftrin.*fl I N W I fc r*s'H Wis W M t,ftiwwfr**), I T T*I*I ft. WtTwtl


is. >n*w(f , wrsm-^>f*w», i M i « W T ^ a M w ^ ^ w r ^ , W f f * * r ' T > < r a 5 R s n r m f Pnftmfwqartff.

(j) -fci Pnwf *r - n irrt * T< f^n Tit frdi wr s w i * AJV8

^ p ^ 4 % vrtM 8^ TKriftraaPftw •?( t ^ R tWn wirfm nm TH ^ FI Pnpif k w^FTtjWT^RfesninflW^i'i'i

l«. t tin in) isoi^ i i«v» ]

3i-3-?7*r««i.Pr ajoftrrrftraf^Tfli'Wi

. -7-
270 TAT: . MAROJ 5,2905/PHALGUNA 14, l«6 [P«T II

*T4 * Mfiiftsi tfd «r ifasrr-^a * a * (*ra * 0*TOTfwm a& waftj >ftufl.2004 * fwra 1 l^MuNfaftaiftrerr

IK ri. fanwq T O TTT Pm WC-flH vi!*iw: windfall

mm Mnffm
w* -
0) ffl 01 w tJ) (61 <7) m W

*rf* *("•[( f*»H TW Mftwrf »»mij2(4) fewfi

•nB win *T
Wl WW £


0") 01) (121 (1?) fU) (15) (16)


miwn PltBT
fill M w
mw TTT7I Jft11" ran sfarnt OT?iT HfllWI

(1) Ci 00 (41 (5) (6) (7) ff) • (91

m i l l v? M *m frr^
77^71 sftim ! IwOT
(W) (ii) 03) (W« 115) (16) (17) (18»


- few

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