Assignment Tool
Assignment Tool
Assignment Tool
№ Assessment Brief description of the Criteria for assessments, score
i/o tool assessment tool
1. Report- The product of the student’s 5 points - the report was made in accordance
presentation independent work that is with the requirements: 5-6 correctly designed
a public presentation of presentation slides, correct use of
the results of a specific terminology, free presentation of the
educational, practical, problems under consideration, the speaker
research and scientific correctly answered all the questions of the
theme solution. teacher and students;
It is used to create skills for 4 points - the report was made in accordance
public discussion of with the requirements, but with a poor
professional issues. presentation, the competent use of
Preparation of the report professional terminology, free presentation of
is carried out in the the problems under consideration, the speaker
independent (out-of- correctly answered most of the questions of
class) work mode. the teacher and students;
Presented at the seminar 3 points - the report was executed in violation of
with a the basic requirements, without presentation,
compulsorypresentation the speaker was "tied" to the text, the speaker
(7-10 slides). The length experienced difficulties in answering the
of the report is 5-7 questions of the teacher and students;
minutes, after which it 2 points - the report was not made at all or was
should be discussed. made not on the merits of the question, the
speaker could not answer the questions of the
teacher and students.
Discussion An assessement tool that 8-10 points - an exhaustive reasoned answer. The
allows students to be argumentation is logical, reinforced by the
included in the process of knowledge of scientific facts, the ability to
discussing a translate evidence from the level of verbal-
controversial issue, logical thinking into a visual-figurative,
problem and assess their visual-effective and back.
ability to argue their own 5-7 points - an exhaustive answer, the
point of view. argumentation is presented only on one of the
levels of thinking;
3-5 points - the answer is sufficient, although not
always reasoned.
1-2 points - the answers do not reveal the
specifics of the question, there is no
argumentation, professional vocabulary is not
Formal training Students’ active 15 points (10 points, 5 points) - active work in
participation in the the course of the fulfillment of the training
performance of tasks, tasks. The participant actively participates
games, training both in the performance of group tasks and in
performing tasks of an individual character.
exercises. Students’
Active participation in the discussion of the
participation in the results of the work of his and other groups.
active discussion of the Presentations with presentation of the group's
completed assignments results. Presented feedback on the progress of
results. the tasks. Conclusions are made about the
progress of work and the results obtained in
the performance of tasks, exercises, games.
10-14 points (9-8 points, 4 points) - active work
during the fulfillment of the training tasks.
№ Assessment Brief description of the Criteria for assessments, score
i/o tool assessment tool
The participant actively participates both in
the performance of group tasks and in
performing tasks of an individual character.
Active participation in the discussion of the
results of the work of his and other groups.
There are no speeches with the presentation
of the results of the work of the group. There
is no feedback on the progress of the tasks.
Conclusions are made about the progress of
work and the results obtained in the
performance of tasks, exercises, games.
6-9 points (5-7 points, 3 points) - the work in the
course of the training tasks is not sufficiently
active. There is participation in the
performance of group tasks, and performs
assignments of an individual character.
However, the participant does not show
activity in the work (does not make proposals,
does not participate in the discussion, etc.).
Presented feedback on the progress of the
tasks. Conclusions are made about the
progress of work and the results obtained in
the performance of tasks, exercises, games.
2-5 points (2-4 points, 2 points) - passive
participation in the work during the
fulfillment of the training tasks. The
participant carries out assignments of an
individual character, does not participate in
the work of the group (passive participation).
Active participation in the discussion of the
results of work of his and other groups does
not take. There is no presentation of the
group's results. The results of individual
assignments are presented. Feedback about
the progress of the tasks is not provided.
Conclusions on the progress of work and the
results obtained in the performance of tasks,
exercises, games are not made.
1 point - the participant did not take part in the
fulfillment of tasks, exercises, games of both
individual and group character during the
training. However, he took part in the
discussion of the results and progress of other
participants and gave feedback on the
progress and the training tasks results.
9. Credit test A credit test is a student’s Each question is scored according to the
examination tasks Standard of Intermediate Assessment, in the
performance, which amount of 100 points.
includes. Question 1: 0-30 points
Question 2: 0-30 points
Task number 1 is a Question 3: 0-40 points
theoretical question on "Credited"
the knowledge of the - 90-100 points - the answer is correct, logically
№ Assessment Brief description of the Criteria for assessments, score
i/o tool assessment tool
basic concepts of the aligned, professional terminology is used. The
subject area of the problems are solved correctly. The student
discipline, as well as correctly interprets the result.
allowing to assess the
degree of knowledge of - 70 -89 points - the answer is generally correct,
the discipline (course) in logically aligned, professional terminology is
the subject area, used. The course of solving problems is
understanding of their correct, the answer is incorrect. The student
features and the as a all-in-all correctly interprets the result.
relationship between
them; - 50 - 69 points - the answer is basically correct,
Task number 2 is a task for logically aligned, professional terminology is
the analysis of the used. The task is partially solved.
situation from the subject
area of the discipline "Not credited"
(course) and for - less than 50 points - answers to the theoretical
revealing the student’s part are incorrect or incomplete. The tasks are
ability to choose and not solved.
apply the relevant
principles and methods
of solving practical
problems close to
professional activity;
Assignments number 3 are
tasks for checking skills
and abilities obtained as
a result of mastering the
discipline (course)
(problem solving).
9. Evaluation credit An evaluation credit test is a Student’s examination tasks performance is
test student’s examination assessed on the following scale:
tasks performance, which 1 question: 0-30;
includes. 2 question: 0-30;
3 question: 0-40
Task number 1 is a .
theoretical question on "Credited"
the knowledge of the - 90-100 (excellent) - the answer is correct,
basic concepts of the logically aligned, professional terminology is
subject area of the used. The student correctly interprets the
discipline, as well as result.
allowing to assess the - 70 -89 (good) - the answer is generally correct,
degree of knowledge of logically aligned, professional terminology is
the discipline (course) in used. The trainee as a whole correctly
the subject area, interprets the result obtained.
understanding of their
features and the - 50-69 (satisfactory) - the answer is basically
relationship between correct, logically aligned, professional
them; terminology is used.
Task number 2 is a task for “Not credited”
the analysis of the
situation from the subject - less than 50 points is unsatisfactory) - answers
area of the discipline and to the theoretical part are incorrect or
for revealing the incomplete.
№ Assessment Brief description of the Criteria for assessments, score
i/o tool assessment tool
student’s ability to
choose and apply the
relevant principles and
methods of solving
practical problems close
to professional activity;
Assignments number 3 are
tasks for checking skills
and abilities obtained as
a result of mastering the
7. Exam An exam is a student’s Student’s examination tasks performance is
examination tasks assessed on the following scale:
performance, which 1:0-30;
includes. 2:0-30;
Task number 1 is a 3:0-40:
theoretical question on
the knowledge of the -90 or more points (excellent) - the answer is
basic concepts of the correct, logically aligned, the necessary
subject area of the formulas are given, professional vocabulary is
discipline, as well as used.
allowing to assess the The problem is solved correctly.
degree of knowledge of The student correctly interprets the result.
the discipline (course) in
the subject area, -70 or more points (good) - the answer is
understanding of their generally correct, logically aligned, the
features and the necessary formulas are given, professional
relationship between vocabulary is used.
them; The course of solving the problem is correct, the
Task number 2 is a task for answer is incorrect. The trainee as a whole
the analysis of the correctly interprets the result obtained.
situation from the subject
area of the discipline -50 or more points (satisfactory) - the answer is
(course) and for basically correct, logically aligned, not all the
revealing the student’s necessary formulas are given, professional
ability to choose and vocabulary is used.
apply the relevant The task is partially solved.
principles and methods
of solving practical - Less than 50 points (unsatisfactory) - answers
problems close to to the theoretical part are incorrect or
professional activity; incomplete. The problem is not solved
Assignments number 3 are
tasks for checking skills
and abilities obtained as
a result of mastering the
discipline (course)
(problem solving).
Course work The course work protection 100-90 (excellent). The research was carried out
is an oral public report of independently, has a scientific and practical
the student, for which he character, contains elements of novelty. The
is given 7-8 minutes, student showed knowledge of theoretical
answers to the questions material on the problem in question, the
№ Assessment Brief description of the Criteria for assessments, score
i/o tool assessment tool
of the commission ability to analyze, to argue his point of view,
members. The oral report to make generalizations and conclusions. The
of the student includes: material is presented correctly, logically,
the disclosure of the consistently. 4. Registration meets the
goals and objectives of requirements of writing course work. 5.
the design, its relevance, During the defense, the student showed the
the description of the ability to briefly, clearly (clearly) present the
completed project, the results of the research, adequately answer the
main conclusions and questions posed.
proposals developed by 89-70 (good) - The research was carried out
the student in the course independently, has a scientific and practical
of course design. character, contains elements of novelty. The
student showed knowledge of the theoretical
material on the problem under consideration,
however the ability to analyze, argue your
point of view, make generalizations and
conclusions cause him difficulties. The
material is not always presented logically,
consistently. There are shortcomings in the
design of the course work. During the
defense, the student showed the ability to
briefly, clearly and clearly present the results
of the study, but found it difficult to answer
the questions posed.
69-50 (satisfactory). The study does not contain
elements of novelty. The student does not
fully understand the theoretical material on
the problem, the ability to analyze, to argue
his point of view, to make generalizations and
conclusions cause him difficulties. The
material is not always presented logically,
consistently. There are shortcomings in the
design of the course work. During the
defense, the student finds it difficult to
presentation of research results and answers
to questions posed