1. This document outlines the topics and structure of the MEE1002 Engineering Mechanics course, which covers fundamental principles of statics, analysis of structures, friction, properties of surfaces and solids, virtual work, kinematics, and energy and momentum methods.
2. The course consists of 30 hours of lectures over 7 modules and 15 hours of tutorials. Lectures will be videotaped and supplemented with physical and computer models as well as industry guest lectures.
3. Tutorials involve working through example problems individually and in teams, with homework and online quizzes/discussions also assigned. The goal is for students to gain skills in the listed subject learning outcomes centered around engineering analysis and problem solving.
1. This document outlines the topics and structure of the MEE1002 Engineering Mechanics course, which covers fundamental principles of statics, analysis of structures, friction, properties of surfaces and solids, virtual work, kinematics, and energy and momentum methods.
2. The course consists of 30 hours of lectures over 7 modules and 15 hours of tutorials. Lectures will be videotaped and supplemented with physical and computer models as well as industry guest lectures.
3. Tutorials involve working through example problems individually and in teams, with homework and online quizzes/discussions also assigned. The goal is for students to gain skills in the listed subject learning outcomes centered around engineering analysis and problem solving.
1. This document outlines the topics and structure of the MEE1002 Engineering Mechanics course, which covers fundamental principles of statics, analysis of structures, friction, properties of surfaces and solids, virtual work, kinematics, and energy and momentum methods.
2. The course consists of 30 hours of lectures over 7 modules and 15 hours of tutorials. Lectures will be videotaped and supplemented with physical and computer models as well as industry guest lectures.
3. Tutorials involve working through example problems individually and in teams, with homework and online quizzes/discussions also assigned. The goal is for students to gain skills in the listed subject learning outcomes centered around engineering analysis and problem solving.
1. This document outlines the topics and structure of the MEE1002 Engineering Mechanics course, which covers fundamental principles of statics, analysis of structures, friction, properties of surfaces and solids, virtual work, kinematics, and energy and momentum methods.
2. The course consists of 30 hours of lectures over 7 modules and 15 hours of tutorials. Lectures will be videotaped and supplemented with physical and computer models as well as industry guest lectures.
3. Tutorials involve working through example problems individually and in teams, with homework and online quizzes/discussions also assigned. The goal is for students to gain skills in the listed subject learning outcomes centered around engineering analysis and problem solving.
L Module Topics SLO Hrs Basics of Statics: Fundamental Principles - Coplanar forces - Resolution and Composition of forces and equilibrium of particles - Forces of a 1 particle in space - Equivalent system of forces - Principle of 6 1,2,5 transmissibility - Single equivalent force - Free body diagram - Equilibrium of rigid bodies in two dimensions and three dimensions Analysis of Structures: Types of supports and their reactions - Plane 2 trusses and frames - Analysis of forces by method of joints and method 4 1,2,5,6 of sections Friction: Characteristics of dry friction – simple contact friction – 3 3 1,2,4, 14 Wedges and Ladder friction Properties of Surfaces and Solids: Centroid - First moment of area – Second moment of area – Moment and product of inertia of plane areas – 4 5 1,2,4 Transfer Theorems - Polar moment of inertia – Principal axes – Mass moment of inertia Virtual Work: Virtual work – Principle of virtual work – System of 5 connected rigid bodies – Degrees of freedom – Conservative forces – 4 1,2,4 Potential energy – Potential energy criteria for equilibrium. Kinematics: Displacements, Velocity and Acceleration – Rectilinear 6 motion – Curvilinear motion – Tangential and Normal components – 4 1,2 Radial and Transverse components. Energy and Momentum Methods: Principle of work and energy for a particle and a rigid body in plane motion – Conservation of energy - 7 4 1,2,5 Principle of impulse and momentum for a particle and a rigid bodies in plane motion – Conservation of momentum. Total Lecture Hours 30 # Mode: Flipped Class Room, [Lecture to be videotaped], Use of physical and computer models to lecture, Visit to Industry and study the thermal equipments, Min of 2 lectures by industry experts Tutorial Tutorial Class for Module 1 2 Tutorial Class for Module 2 2 Tutorial Class for Module 3 1 Tutorial Class for Module 4 3 Tutorial Class for Module 5 1,2,5 2 Tutorial Class for Module 6 2 Tutorial Class for Module 7 3 # A minimum of 3 problems to be worked out by students in every Tutorial Class. Another 5 problems per Tutorial Class to be given as home work. At least one open ended design problem to be given. # Mode: Individual Exercises, Team Exercises, Online Quizzes, Online Discussion Forums Total tutorial Hours15 Text Books 1. Beer, Johnston, Cornwell and Sanghi (2013) Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 10th Edition, McGraw-Companies, Inc., New York. Reference Books 1. Timoshenko. S, Young. D.H and Rao. J.V. (2007), Engineering Mechanics, 4th Edition, McGraw- Companies, Inc., New York. 2. Irving H. Shames and Krishna Mohaba Rao. G (2009), Engineering Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics, 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. 3. Meriam J.L and Kraige L.G. (2012) Engineering Mechanics, Volume I - Statics, Volume II - Dynamics, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York. 4. Tayal. A. K. (2010) Engineering Mechanics- Statics and Dynamics, Umesh Publications, New Delhi.