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Statics Syllabus

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Pre-Req: NIL 2, 1, 0,0,3

Module Topics SLO
Basics of Statics: Fundamental Principles - Coplanar forces - Resolution
and Composition of forces and equilibrium of particles - Forces of a
1 particle in space - Equivalent system of forces - Principle of 6 1,2,5
transmissibility - Single equivalent force - Free body diagram -
Equilibrium of rigid bodies in two dimensions and three dimensions
Analysis of Structures: Types of supports and their reactions - Plane
2 trusses and frames - Analysis of forces by method of joints and method 4 1,2,5,6
of sections
Friction: Characteristics of dry friction – simple contact friction –
3 3 1,2,4, 14
Wedges and Ladder friction
Properties of Surfaces and Solids: Centroid - First moment of area –
Second moment of area – Moment and product of inertia of plane areas –
4 5 1,2,4
Transfer Theorems - Polar moment of inertia – Principal axes – Mass
moment of inertia
Virtual Work: Virtual work – Principle of virtual work – System of
5 connected rigid bodies – Degrees of freedom – Conservative forces – 4 1,2,4
Potential energy – Potential energy criteria for equilibrium.
Kinematics: Displacements, Velocity and Acceleration – Rectilinear
6 motion – Curvilinear motion – Tangential and Normal components – 4 1,2
Radial and Transverse components.
Energy and Momentum Methods: Principle of work and energy for a
particle and a rigid body in plane motion – Conservation of energy -
7 4 1,2,5
Principle of impulse and momentum for a particle and a rigid bodies in
plane motion – Conservation of momentum.
Total Lecture Hours 30
# Mode: Flipped Class Room, [Lecture to be videotaped], Use of physical and computer models to lecture, Visit to Industry and study the
thermal equipments, Min of 2 lectures by industry experts
Tutorial Class for Module 1 2
Tutorial Class for Module 2 2
Tutorial Class for Module 3 1
Tutorial Class for Module 4 3
Tutorial Class for Module 5 1,2,5
Tutorial Class for Module 6 2
Tutorial Class for Module 7 3
# A minimum of 3 problems to be worked out by students in every Tutorial Class. Another 5 problems per
Tutorial Class to be given as home work.
At least one open ended design problem to be given.
# Mode: Individual Exercises, Team Exercises, Online Quizzes, Online Discussion Forums
Total tutorial Hours15
Text Books
1. Beer, Johnston, Cornwell and Sanghi (2013) Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and
Dynamics, 10th Edition, McGraw-Companies, Inc., New York.
Reference Books
1. Timoshenko. S, Young. D.H and Rao. J.V. (2007), Engineering Mechanics, 4th Edition, McGraw-
Companies, Inc., New York.
2. Irving H. Shames and Krishna Mohaba Rao. G (2009), Engineering Mechanics - Statics and
Dynamics, 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
3. Meriam J.L and Kraige L.G. (2012) Engineering Mechanics, Volume I - Statics, Volume II -
Dynamics, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
4. Tayal. A. K. (2010) Engineering Mechanics- Statics and Dynamics, Umesh Publications, New

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