Smart Irrigation System: Abstract
Smart Irrigation System: Abstract
Smart Irrigation System: Abstract
G.Ravi kumar, 2T.Venu Gopal, 3V.Sridhar, 4G.Nagendra
Assistant professor, 2,4Associate professor
Department of Electronics and communication Engineering
Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology,Aziz Nagar,Hyderabad,Telangana,India
The key objective of the paper is to monitor the soil’s moisture content during its dry and wet
conditions with the aid of a moisture sensor circuit, calculate the corresponding relative humidity
and irrigate it based on its nature using a PC based LabVIEW system, NI myRIO, IOT, GSM and
an automatic water inlet setup which can also monitor and record temperature, humidity and
sunlight, which is constantly modified and can be controlled in future to optimize these resources
so that the plant growth and yield is maximized.
A record of soil moisture, temperature, rainfall is maintained in a database for backup. This
backup is used for weather forecasting and directs the farmers regarding the type of crop to be
cultivated in future. IOT gives the whole information to the operator about the irrigation. In this
paper, we experiment for different soils suitable for different crops in various climatic parameters
that govern plant growth and allow information to be collected at high frequency and with less
labor requirements.
Keywords: soil moisture, irrigation, LabVIEW system, NI myRIO, IOT, GSM
1. Introduction:
Aim is to develop a wireless three level controlled smart irrigation system to provide
irrigation system which is automatic for the plants which help in saving water and money. The
main objective is to apply the system for improvement of health of the soil and hence the plant via
multiple sensors. Appropriate soil water level is a necessary pre-requisite for optimum plant
growth. Also, water being an essential element for life sustenance, there is the necessity to avoid
its undue usage. Irrigation is a dominant consumer of water. This calls for the need to regulate
water supply for irrigation purposes. Fields should neither be over-irrigated nor under-irrigated.
The objective of this thesis is to design a simple, easy to install methodology to monitor and
indicate the level of soil moisture that is continuously controlled in order to achieve maximum
plant growth and simultaneously optimize the available irrigation resources on monitoring
software LabVIEW and the sensor data can be seen on Internet. In order to replace expensive
controllers in current available systems, the Arduino Uno will be used in this project as it is an
affordable microcontroller. The Arduino Uno can be programmed to analyze some signals from
sensors such as moisture, temperature, and rain. A pump is used to pump the fertilizer and water
into the irrigation system. The use of easily available components reduces the manufacturing and
maintenance costs. This makes the proposed system to be an economical, appropriate and a low
maintenance solution for applications, especially in rural areas and for small scale agriculturists.
This research work enhanced to help the small-scale cultivators and will be increase the yield of
the crops then will increase government economy.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Over time, systems have been implemented towards realizing this objective of which
automated processes are the most popular as they allow information to be collected at high
frequency with less labor requirements. Bulk of the existing systems employ micro-processor
based systems. These systems offer several technological advantages but are unaffordable, bulky,
difficult to maintain and less accepted by the technologically unskilled workers in the rural
scenario. The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming the agriculture industry and enabling
farmers to contend with the enormous challenges they face. The industry must overcome
increasing water shortages, limited availability of lands, difficult to manage costs, while meeting
the increasing consumption needs of a global population that is expected to grow up to 70% by
2050. India’s major supply of financial gain is from agriculture sector and seventieth of farmers
and general folks rely upon the agriculture. In Republic of India most of the irrigation systems
square measure are operated manually. These antique techniques square measure replaced with
semi-automated and automatic techniques. The on the market ancient techniques square measure
like ditch irrigation, terraced irrigation, drip irrigation, system. The global irrigation situation is
classified by redoubled demand for higher agricultural productivity, poor performance and
decreased accessibility of water for agriculture. These issues are befittingly corrected if we have a
tendency to use machine-controlled system for irrigation.
Automating farm or nursery irrigation permits farmers to use the correct quantity of water
at the correct time, regardless of the provision of labor to show valves on and off. Additionally,
farmer’s mistreatment automation instrumentation is able to scale back runoff from over watering
saturated soils, avoid irrigating at the incorrect time of day, which will improve crop performance
by making certain adequate water and nutrients once required. Those valves are also simply
automated by mistreatment controllers. Automating farm or nursery irrigation permits farmers to
use the correct quantity of water at the correct time, no matter the provision of labor to show
valves on and off. They lack in an exceedingly featured mobile application developed for users
with acceptable user interface. It solely permits the user to observe and maintain the wetness level
remotely in no matter of time. From the purpose of reading and performing at remote places the
developed microcontroller primarily based irrigation system will work perpetually for indefinite
fundamental measure, even in sure abnormal circumstances.
1.1 Objectives: To improve and stabilize the crop yields of smallholder olive farmers through the
implementation of sustainable irrigation systems.To promote water management practices that
optimizes the volume and timing of water distribution. To generate positive economic
consequences for farmers and their families. Minimize year to year yield fluctuations, leading to
higher and more stable farm income.
2. Proposed Method:
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
They proposed to utilize the solar energy from solar panels to automatically pump water
from bore well directly into a ground level storage tank depending on the intensity of sunlight.
While conventional methods include pumping of water from bore well into a well and from this
well onto field using another pump, our system uses only a single stage energy consumption
wherein the water is pumped into a ground level tank from which a simple valve mechanism
controls the flow of water into the field. This saves substantial amount of energy and efficient use
of renewable energy. A valve is controlled using intelligent algorithm in which it regulates the
flow of water into the field depending upon the moisture requirement of the land. In this system
we use a soil moisture sensor that detects the amount of moisture present in the soil and depending
upon the requirement of level of moisture content required for the crop the water flow is regulated
thus, conserving the water by avoiding over flooding of crops.
Proposed irrigation system mainly consists of two modules- Solar pumping module and
automatic irrigation module. In solar pumping module a solar panel of required specification is
mounted near the pump set. Then using a control circuit it is used to charge a battery. From the
battery using a converter circuit it gives power to the water pump which is submerged inside the
well. Then the water is pumped into an overhead tank for storing water temporarily before
releasing the water into the field. In automatic irrigation module the water outlet valve of the tank
is electronically controlled by a soil moisture sensing circuit. The sensor is placed in the field
where the crop is being cultivated. The sensor converts the moisture content in the soil into
equivalent voltage. This is given to a sensing circuit which has a reference voltage that can be
adjusted by the farmer for setting different moisture levels for different crops. The amount of
water needed for soil is proportional to the difference of these two voltages. A control signal was
given to a stepper motor whose rotational angle is proportional to the difference in voltage. The
stepper motor in turns controls the cross sectional area of the valve to be opened controlling flow
of water. Therefore the amount of water flowing is proportional to the moisture difference.
2.2 Smart Irrigation System Using Arduino:
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
3. Hardware Description:
1. NI MyRIO-1900
2. MyRIO Expansion Port (MXP) Breakouts (one included in kit)
3. Power Input Cable
4. USB Device Cable
5. USB Host Cable (not included in kit)
6. LEDs
7. Mini System Port (MSP) Screw-Terminal Connector
8. Audio In/Out Cables (one included in kit)
9. Button 0
4.Pin Connections Of Internal Project Modules:
1.Temperature sensor’s Vcc pin is given to the 5V pin (in Port C) of the RIO and its GND terminal
is given to the common ground on the bread board which is connected to the AGND (Analog
ground) pin of the RIO.
2.An analog input is fed to AI0 (0+) pin and AI0 (0- ) is given to AGND probably through a
common ground on the bread board.
4.4 Rain Sensor:
1.Rain sensor’s Vccpin is given to the 5V pin (in Port C) of the RIO and its GND terminal is given
to the DGND (Digital ground) terminal of the RIO.
2.Digital output (DO) pin of the sensor is given to DIO0 pin of the RIO.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
2. Connect sensor’s one end to AIO (1+)-port C and AIO (1-) to AGND.
3. Give sensor’s another end to +5V of RIO.
4.6 Motor Driver:
Input Voltage section-
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
5 .Proposed methodology:
This paper emphasizes on the fact that the technique which is incorporated here to monitor
the soil’s moisture content, enables agriculturalists feasibility of humidity measurement and a
conventional automatic irrigation with the potential for eliminating excessive irrigation cycles
thereby saving water to a significant extent. Besides the normal modes of measurement and
analysis, Lab VIEW stands unique as grooming software in the field of Instrumentation and
control engineering, which facilitates engineers to work in one platform with infinite possibilities
along with a sophisticated control system. Effective crop treatment and water management is the
major requisite in most of the cultivating estates in semi-arid regions. Monitoring the soil’s nature,
estimating it’s moisture content and controlling it concurring to the necessity, proposes a potential
solution to endorse landsite irrigation management and thus, to treat desiccated fields and provide
prominent yield to producers.In the field of agriculture the most important part is, to get the
information about the moisture content of soil.
The paper is designed to develop an automatic irrigation system which switches the pump
motor ON/OFF on sensing the moisture content of the soil. In the field of agriculture, use of
proper method of irrigation is important .This project is implemented in the Lab VIEW
environment by interfacing MyRio. Corresponding to the surface’s atmospheric conditions,
transmission of the sensed voltage signal from the hardware circuitry on the Rio interfaced to a PC
with Lab VIEW , which uses a development environment that is powerful and intuitive which
could rapidly develop a user interface for data visualization and automatic irrigation of the soil.
The advantage of using this method is to reduce human intervention and still ensure proper
5.1 Block Diagram:
This section elaborates the assessing and controlling of the moisture content in the soil
using Lab VIEW. The hardware and software implementation are discussed here below. The
block diagram shows the flow of how the complete process is carried out
Figure 5.1: Basic block diagram of monitoring and controlling moisture content in the soil
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
6. If the sensed signal is greater than the threshold voltage for every particular soil, it means it
executes the true condition and thus the soil is dry.
7. The above statement is based on the property of the moisture sensor, i.e., if the sensed value is
greater than or equal to the threshold voltage, then the soil is dry.
8. Because the condition is true, the Boolean LED will glow ON and the water pump should turn
ON in order to irrigate the plant.
9. When it’s raining, even though the soil is dry, automatically motor gets turnedOFF.
After the rain stops, it again checks the condition of soil moisture and work accordingly.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
8.If the sensed signal is less than the threshold voltage for every particular soil, it means
it executes the false condition and thus the soil is wet.
9.above statement is based on the property of the moisture sensor, i.e., if the sensed value
is less than the threshold voltage, then the soil is wet.
10.Because the condition is false, the Boolean LED will glow OFF and the water pump
should turn OFF because the plant has excess of water content in the soil, irrespective of
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
After giving the hardware and software connections as mentioned above, the process of
implementation is this paper is discussed below:
9. After constructing the block diagram in the software (Lab VIEW) and giving the hardware
connections, click run simulation.
10. The functional process of this project has 4 main conditions. They are dry condition and wet
conditions with and without rain.
11. These conditions are verified by keeping the soil sensor in the soil.
12. When the sensor is kept in soil, the sensor senses analog voltage value and is given to port-
A pin-3 of the RIO.
13. This analog voltage is then compared with the threshold voltage of different soils (Black,
Red, Clay).
14. Then the result is given to the NOR gate which has 4 cases.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
7. Experimental Results:
7.1 Results
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Red soil consists of less moisture content and hence it absorbs water quickly.
Black soil keeps moisture for longer time, so it require less water and its
absorption level are slower than red soil.
Clay consists of more water. It requires less water and absorbs very slowly
compared to red and black soils
8. Conclusion:
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
9. Future Scope:
We can interface LCD screen in order to display the current status of the soil moisture
content levels, percentage of water utilized to water the plant, duration of time for which the
water pump is ON, etc. We can also show the graphical representation of the moisture content
levels in the soil. To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the system, the following
recommendations can be put into consideration. Option of controlling the water pump can be
given to the farmer. The farmer may choose to stop the growth of crops or the crops may get
damaged due to adverse weather conditions. In such cases farmer may need to stop the system
remotely.The idea of using IOT for irrigation can be extended further to other activities in
farming such as cattle management, fire detection and climate control. This would minimize
human intervention in farming activities.
10. References:
[1] “Monitoring and Control of Relative Humidity in Soil using LabVIEW” , International
Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 10 - Mar 2014