in the Monographs of
George Niemann and
Ernest Hébrard
Conference organized by
George Niemann, Southwest view on the Diocletian’s Palace; a reconstruc-
tion of the original appearance (Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien,
Kupferstichkabinett; now in Albertina) institute of art history
Inside cover:
Ernest Hébrard, Ideal reconstruction of Diocletian's Mausoleum. (From
Hébrard's monograph, published in 1912.)
10.30 Claudia Lang-Auinger (Institute of Cultural History of Antiquity, 18.15 Stanko Kokole (Department of the History of Art, Faculty of Arts,
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna), Niemann’s Task as arbitrator in the University of Ljubljana Ljubljana), „Wer ist dieser Molé?“ A Slovenian Student
Trojan controversy of Max Dvořák and Josef Strzygowski in Dalmatia between 1911 and 1914
11.00 Coffee Break 18.45 Georg Vasold (Kunsthistorisches Institut Freie Universität Berlin),
Exhibiting Dalmatia on the Eve of the Great War: The Vienna Adria-Ausstellung
11.30 Pierre Pinon (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris- in 1913
Belleville, Ecole de Chaillot), L’étude du Palais de Dioclétien à Split par Ernest
Hébrard et Jacques Zeiller 19.15 Goran Nikšić (Department for the Old City Core, Split), Research
and conservation of Diocletian’s Palace in the first half of 20th century
12.00 Ivan Basić (Department of History, Faculty of Humanities and
Social Sciences, University of Split), Sepulcrum Diocletiani – κοιτων του
Διοκλητιανου – templum Iovi dicatum? Functions of Diocletian’s mausoleum Saturday, November 17, 2012
in the context of Hébrard–Zeiller’s and Niemann’s opus
9.00 Salona; Archaeological Museum Split
12.30 Daniel Baric (Université François-Rabelais, Tours), Ernest Hébrard’s 14.30 Diocletian’s Palace
Monograph on the Palace of Diocletian: Context, Genesis and Consequences of
a Collective Work Sunday, November 18, 2012
16.00 Jonathan Blower (London), Isolamento versus Stadtbildpflege:
Austria’s custodianship of the Palace of Diocletian 10.00 The Ivan Mestrović Gallery
8 9
Curriculum vitae
Born in Paris in 1972, Daniel Baric is Associate Professor at the François-
Rabelais University in Tours (Institute for German Studies) since 2005.
He studied History and German and Slavic philology at Ecole normale
supérieure and Sorbonne (Paris), Hungarian in Budapest, Egyptian
In the years before World War I, a whole series of publications appeared
Studies (Institut Catholique, Paris) and Modern Greek studies. His
in France which tried to bring to the French audience the aesthetic
PhD at the Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes in Paris dealt with the
beauties and spiritual situation of until then unkown Dalmatia, and
role of German language in Croatia in the 19th century. He is currently
quite extensively of its major city Split. Such travellers as Edouard
working on the history of archaeology in the Habsburg Monarchy.
Maury in his essay Aux Portes de L’Orient (Paris, 1896), Pierre Marge
in his Voyage en Dalmatie, Bosnie-Herzégovine et Monténégro (Paris,
Bibliography link
1912) celebrated the archaeological excavations in Split and Salona and
thus paved the way to the scientifically more ambitious entreprise of
Hébrard. His work could rely on the French academic structure which
had produced specialists he could gather in order to publish this major
synthesis. The Parisian monograph of 1912 on the Palace of Diocletian
was deeply rooted in the French scholarship on Antiquity, which had
various consequences in the shaping of the context in which the work
was received. For Hébrard himself, as for every collaborator on the book,
the time spent on gathering facts and elaborating hypotheses about the
Palace seems to have left an enduring imprint on their further work,
10 11
12 13
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb (2007). Since then he Gurlitt / Kowalczyk and Iveković:
has been attending Doctoral Programme in Medieval Sciences at Two atlases of Dalmatian monuments
the same University, currently working on his Ph.D. thesis, entitled published in 1910
14 15
Curriculum vitae
Josip Belamarić (Šibenik, 1953), graduated from the Classical
Gymnasium in Split and the cross-departmental studies in Art History
and Musicology at University of Zagreb. At the University’s Faculty
of Humanities and Social Sciences he then received his MA and PhD
degrees. From 1979, he was an employee of the monument protection
services in Split and, in period 1991-2009, the director of the Regional
Office for Monument Protection in Split (today’s Conservation
Department of the Ministry of Culture). Since 2010, he has been
employed at the Institute of Art History, as the head of newly established
16 17
20 21
Syrien Ungarn
mit K. S. Freyberger, Zwischen Hellenisierung und Romanisierung: Bestandteile von römischen Grabbauten aus Aquincum und dem
Ein Friesblock mit Weihinschrift aus dem Vorgängerbau des Limesabschnitt im Stadtgebiet von Budapest. Corpus Signorum
„Peripteraltempels“ in Kanatha. Damaszener Mitteilungen 13, 2001 Imperii Romani Ungarn IX, Budapest 2010.
[2004], 131-170, Taf. 7-27.
Slowenien, Kroatien, Serbien
mit K. S. Freyberger, Die Heiligtümer in Kanatha von
Stuckgesimse aus Poetovio. Zur Ausstattung der Wohnhäuser in
hellenistischer bis spätantiker Zeit: Orte der Herrschaft und urbane
den östlichen Canabae. Festschrift zum 100jährigen Bestehen des
Kommunikationszentren. (Damaszener Forschungen, im Druck).
Museumsvereins Ptuj 1993, 341-358.
mit K. S. Freyberger und H. v. Hesberg, Das Theater und die Kultbezirke
Zur Architektur der Mithräen von Poetovio. in: Ptuj im römischen Reich
des römischen Byblos. ZOrA 1, 2008, 90-152.
- Mithraskult und seine Zeit. Akten des Internationalen Symposiums
Rom Ptuj 11.-15.10.1999, Archaeologia Poetovionensis 2, 2001, 167-178.
mit K. S. Freyberger, Neue Forschungen zur Basilica Aemilia auf dem Machtsplitter - Architekturteile aus der Kaiserresidenz Sirmium
Forum Romanum. RM 113, 2007, 493-524. (Sremska Mitrovica). Akten des VIII. Internationalen Kolloquiums
mit K. S. Freyberger, Die Basilica Aemilia auf dem Forum Romanum in über Probleme des provinzialrömischen Kunstschaffens Zagreb 2003
Rom: Ein öffentlicher Luxusbau für Handel und Justiz (Sonderschriften (2005) 311-318.
DAI Rom, im Druck).
Österreich Contact
26 27
28 29
The aim of the paper is to show how the idealized image of Diocletian’s
Palace, described as a “typical, textbook” example of an ideal building
type – a fortified imperial villa set in an idyllic landscape, a Late
Antique achievement from which Byzantine and medieval architecture
have developed – has facilitated a series of purifications, destructive
archaeological excavations and «heavy» reconstructions, favouring the
antique building, opening up views that never existed, and sometimes
destroying large portions of the city’s historic fabric. During the last
two centuries the historic centre of Split has been a laboratory for
practicing theoretical conservation principles. Of particular interest
is the first half of the 20th century, when the up-to-date conservation
doctrines and the presence of the most prominent Austrian and Italian
scholars influenced the practice of local conservation specialists and
the public opinion on the most important projects.
30 31
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Architekturmuseum und dem Lehrstuhl für Restaurierung, L’étude du Palais de Dioclétien à Split par
Kunsttechnologie und Konservierungwissenschaft der Fakultät für Ernest Hébrard et Jacques Zeiller
A Spalato si teatralizza, su di un palcoscenico storico che vede attori Akademisches Austauschdienst (D.A.A.D., German Office for
molti protagonisti di rilevanza internazionale della storia dell’arte, Academic Exchange), Bonn: Italian National Research Centre (C.N.R.)
della tutela e del restauro del Novecento, il grande conflitto tra il valore and distinguished scholar of The Getty Research Institute for the
dell’antichità con tutta la sua carica mitologica e simbolica, da un lato, e, History of Art and the Humanities, he has taught in many Universities,
dall’altro, il valore dell’antico, cioè il valore della stratificazione e dell’unità including the University of Udine, Politecnico Milan, Biagio Rossetti
ambientale (disomogenea), con le sue implicazioni antropologiche e Faculty of Architecture at Ferrara University, Aldo Rossi Faculty of
sociali moderne, aperte su di un orizzonte culturale allora agli albori, che Architecture at Bologna University, the Design Institutes of Faenza
solo dopo tre guerre, due mondiali e una interetnica non meno tragica (ISIA) and Turin (IED), the Faculty of Engineering at Bergamo
e infausta delle prime due, poteva essere limpidamente riconosciuto. University and the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, Ravenna and
Consapevoli del ruolo strategico che Spalato rivestiva all’interno della Turin.
neonata disciplina della conservazione, per primi in assoluto (e con Professor of Design Methodology and Conservation Theories and
sessanta anni di anticipo sulla Carta di Gubbio), i maestri viennesi Riegl History at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Milan, he has carried out
e Dvořàk considerarono la città dalmata come un unico monumento, academic exchanges with the University of Bamberg and the Academy
come uno stratificato e, proprio in ragione di ciò, prezioso complesso of Fine Arts in Vienna and Cracow.
38 39
40 41
of Diocletian’s Palace in the context of the discussions on sventramenti Exhibiting Dalmatia on the Eve of the Great
and isolamenti, on one hand, and conservation of Stimmung and War: The Vienna Adria-Ausstellung in
Curriculum vitae
Curriculum vitae
Georg Vasold, studied art history in Vienna (Austria) and Utrecht
(Netherlands), Dissertation 2004 (Alois Riegl und die Kunstgeschichte
als Kulturgeschichte, Freiburg in Breisgau 2004). Employed as teaching
assistant at the Institute of Art History, University of Vienna (2004–
2011). Currently member of the research group “Transkulturelle
Verhandlungsräume von Kunst” (Transultural Negotiations in the
Ambits of Art), at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. Research on the
art-theory ca. 1900, and art of the 1950ies in Austria and Germany.