Authentic Leadership
Authentic Leadership
Authentic Leadership
“I had no idea that being your authentic self could make me as rich as I’ve become.
If I had, I’d have done it a lot earlier.” –Oprah Winfrey
It’s amazing how many of us have two sides to our personality, a ‘work me’ and a ‘home me’. At work,
we often try to come across a certain way, whether it’s to garner more recognition or to fit in with our
managers and colleagues; we end up changing ourselves and how we act. This is especially true in
leadership, where managers often feel pressure to fit their personality to match their role. The problem
is that by ‘acting the role’ of leader, those around them often feel like they’re being lied to or deceived.
Then leaders are stunned when their employees don’t like them, don’t trust them and end up leaving.
But if individuals can remain authentic in their leadership approach, they can bring their whole self to
work while still being effective, productive and inspiring leaders.
“At its most basic level, authenticity means being “Authentic leadership for me encompasses the
genuine – not a replica, not a copy or imitation. whole leader and a leader cannot be authentic just
In leadership being genuine implies that we are some of the time or when times are buoyant. It is
embodying our true selves into our leadership role. about showing the behaviours of an authentic leader
Being true to ourselves calls us to draw on the very all of the time and not just ‘in pockets’. An authentic
essence of our values, beliefs, principles, morals leader demonstrates their ability to exhibit the right
and that all of these create our ‘guiding compass’ behaviours especially when needed in times of
in the job. Not somebody else’s compass – our change and challenge. A high level of self-awareness
own! Authentic leadership holds making the most is of paramount importance and the foundations
of our strengths, recognising and trading off our required for being an authentic leader. A leader
weaknesses and taking full self-accountability for cannot be authentic with others if they do not
the impact we have on others. What authentic understand what this looks like for them.”
leadership is not about is adopting the styles or
traits of other leaders.” – Victoria O’Dea
– Steve Robinson
The key behaviours of an authentic Have an ability to get their ego out of the way -
they truly empower and develop others
‘Big ego leadership’ lies at the opposite end of
The central component of authentic leadership is the continuum to authentic leadership. Authentic
genuineness, which means every authentic leader leadership holds out the first and foremost principle,
is different. However, there are several markers that ‘it’s not about me’. It’s akin to the truly brilliant
these leaders tend to share. magician who knows that he cannot cross over into
the world of magic until he puts everything else
Authentic leaders:
aside and behind him – including his own desires
and needs – and focuses totally on bringing an
• demonstrate behaviours which enable you to
experience to the audience.
trust in them all of the time
• take ownership when they have made a mistake
and share responsibility for any mistake
• show the necessary courage to push further up
the leadership chain, to question current status
quo or defend their people or processes