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Fabrication and Testing of Pratt Bridge Truss Made Up of Bamboo

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“Fabrication and Testing of Pratt Bridge Truss made up of





(SCET- Block No - IT B1)

1. B536 & Shreyansh Gupta 3. B507 & Vivek Deshmukh

2. B517 & Abhishek Bhoyar 4. B503 & Aditya Karokar
5. B525 & Pooja Bhore

Course - Civil Prototyping

Course Code- ET 206

Course Faculty
1. Mr. Manish Khandare
2. Mr. Bhaskar Wabhitkar
3. Mr. Sitaram Suryawanshi


An Autonomous Institute

This is to certify that the Credit seminar report entitled “Fabrication and testing of Pratt
Bridge Truss made up of bamboo" submitted by Shreyansh, Abhishek, Vivek, Aditya,
Pooja of School of Computer Engineer and Technology, MIT Academy of Engineering is
record of his own work carried out under my supervision and guidance. The matter enclosed
here is not been submitted elsewhere for award of any degree or diploma.

Internal Examiner External Examiner


We are greatly thankful to the authorities of MIT AOE for providing us the necessary
facilities to successfully carry civil Prototype “Pratt Bridge Truss”

Firstly, we thank and express us solicit gratitude to our teacher Mr. Manish Khandare, Mr.
Bhaskar Wabhitkar, Mr. Sitaram Suryawanshi for their invaluable help and support which
helped us a lot in successfully completing our civil prototype.

Secondly, we express our gratitude to the Staff of Workshop Mr. N.D Sutar for their help in
operating various tools and machine and guiding us regarding material which helped us in the
successful completion of our civil prototype.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our Director Mr. Yogesh Bhalerao for
providing the necessary infrastructure to complete our project.

Finally, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our parents who were very
supportive both financially and mentally and for their encouragement to achieve our set goals

Mr. Shreyansh Gupta

Mr. Abhishek Bhoyar

Mr. Vivek Deshmukh

Mr. Aditya Karokar

Ms. Pooja Bhore


Sr No. TITLE Page no

Description I
Certificate II
Acknowledge III
Table of content IV
List of Figure V
List of Tables VI
Abstract VII
1. Introduction 1
1.1 What is prototype? 1
1.2 Bamboo 2
1.3 Why we use bamboo 2
1.4 Bamboo Construction 3
1.5 Benefits of Bamboo 3-4
1.6 Drawbacks of Bamboo 4
1.7 General usage of bamboo 4-5
1.8 Different parts of bamboo 5-6
1.9 What is Truss? 6
2.0 Types of Truss 7
2.1.1 Octet truss 7
2.1.2 warren truss 7
2.1.3 Baltimore truss 8
2.1.4 Pratt truss 8
2. Planning of bridge and Cost Estimation 9

2.1 Planning 9
2.2 Reasons for Section Disposal 9
2.3 Workflow and Distribution 9-10
2.4 Cost Estimation 10-12
3. Pre-Testing Analysis 13-16
4. Compression, Tension and joint test 17
4.1 Tension Test 17
4.2 Compression Test 19
4.3 Joint Tension Test 21
5. Fabrication of Pratt bridge 22
5.1 Steps 22-23
5.2 Fabrication of joint 23-24
5.3 Difficulties faced while fabricating truss 24
5.4 Solution 24
6. Test Preparation, Test & Result 25
6.1 Test Preparation 25
6.2 Test 25
6.3 Result 26
7. Conclusion 27
8. Summary 28
9. References 29


1. Fig no 1.1 - Flow chart of Prototype

2. Fig no 1.2 – Bamboo Plant
3. Fig no 1.3 – House made of Bamboo
4. Fig no 1.4 – Uses of Bamboo
5. Fig no 1.5 – Parts of Bamboo
6. Fig no 1.6 – Octet Truss
7. Fig no 1.7 – Warren truss
8. Fig no 1.8 – Baltimore truss
9. Fig no 1.9 – Pratt truss
10. Fig no 2.1 – Pratt Truss Bridge Diagram with Dimensions
11. Fig no 3.1 – Diagram with Support Condition
12. Fig no 4.1 – Tension test Setup
13. Fig no 4.2 – Speciments for Compression testing
14. Fig no 4.3 – joint test setup
15. Fig no 5.1 – Fabrication Diagram
16. Fig no 5.2 – Bamboo joint A
17. Fig no 5.3 – Connecting links
18. Fig no 6.1 –Setup of Compression test of Pratt Truss Bridge

19. Fig no 6.2 – Result of Final test


Sr no Table no. Table Name Page no

1. Table 2.1 Cost Estimation table 12

2. Table 3.1 Pre-Analysis table 16

3. Table 4.1 Tension test reading and calculation table 18

4. Table 4.2 Compression test reading and calculation 20

5. Table 4.3 Joint test reading and calculation table 21


Including the undergraduate program of study, today we require that each student should
have basic practical knowledge in all the area of engineering and hence as a part of project
under name “Prototyping” student prepare projects on almost all field related to Engineering
and submits a report on it in consultation with the faculty members supervising the same.
The Bachelor’s Project is included in the curriculum with a view to synthesize the education
gathered during the various courses credited by the student during the undergraduate
program at MITAOE. Creating a report of the project is part of the training of skill building
of the student on of technical communication. Here the emphasis is on presenting a technical
matter in an objective written form.

This document is a record of the requirements for preparation of the Report of the Bachelor
of Technology Project submitted at the end of the SY BTECH. Program of study. It
prescribes typical contents that a Bachelor of Technology Project Report usually should
contain, and provides the format of its presentation. Some guidelines are mandatory to
follow during the preparation of the report, while the others help in improving the
presentation of the work accomplished in the p roject.


1.1 What is Prototype?

A prototype is an original model, form or an instance that serves as a basis for other
processes. In software technology, the term prototype is a working example through which a
new model or a new version of an existing product can be derived.
A prototype is an example that serves as a basis for future models. Prototyping gives
designers an opportunity to research new alternatives and test the existing design to confirm a
product’s functionality prior to production.

Fig .No- 1.1 (Flow chart of Prototype)

Source- https://www.lumitex.com/blog/prototyping-methodology

A prototype has many benefits, such as the developer and the implementer getting valuable
feedback from the user even before the actual project is started. The actual process of creating
prototype involves the following steps:

 Identify Basic Requirements: Basic requirements are determined, including input and
output data needed.

 Initial Prototype Creation: The initial prototype is created.

 Review: The clients and the end-users verify the prototype and provide valuable
feedback on additions or deletions. Also necessary changes are made to the final

 Revise and Improve the Prototype: Using the feedback from the client and end user,
both the specifications and the prototype can be changed accordingly and improved. If
changes are incorporated, a repeat of steps #3 and #4 may be required.

1.2 Bamboo

Bamboo is a strong, fast growing and very sustainable material, having been used structurally
for thousands of years in many parts of the world. In modern times, it has the potential to be
an aesthetically pleasing and low-cost alternative to more conventional materials, such as
timber, as demonstrated by some visually impressive recent structures.

Fig.No-1.2 (Bamboo plant)


1.3 Why we use Bamboo?

Everyone is trying to be greener these days. We all know that the planet's in trouble, but it can
be difficult to know how to shop responsibly and we're often left feeling helpless. We rely on
retailers to provide information about the eco-status of their products, but in reality this rarely

That's why we want to tell you about bamboo. It has an amazing growth-rate. It produces
very little waste. It doesn't need herbicides or pesticides or any kind of agricultural chemicals
to grow. Eco-friendly doesn't quite cover it. It really is the superhero of woods (or grasses,
technically, but more of that later).

We use bamboo in our products as often as we can as a beautiful and environmentally

friendly alternative to other woods. We've got bamboo bathroom accessories, bathroom sets
and other bathroom products, bamboo kitchen accessories, bamboo office equipment,
bamboo furniture, bamboo home accessories, the list goes on.

1.4 Bamboo Construction

Truss is one of the most important support structures than can hold up roofs, walls, ceilings
etc. without maximal use of materials. For the purpose of learning basics of civil
prototyping, we have decided to build a Baily Truss using cheaper and greener materials like
Bamboo. As bamboo is available readily and is an eco-friendly material whilst making sure
that it is structurally strong, we have decided to use it and cut sections for multiple parts.

Fig no. 1.3 (bamboo construction)



1.5 Benefits of Bamboo

a) Ecologically Friendly: Bamboo is made from natural vegetation. The bamboo plant is a highly
renewable resource that is able to grow to maturity in as little as three to five years. This is much
faster than hardwood trees which can take upwards of twenty years or more to reach maturity.

b) Easy Maintenance: Bamboo is relatively easy to maintain. You just have to sweep or
vacuum it regularly to remove small particle debris. You can also occasional damp mop it, or
clean it with a non-wax, non-alkaline, hardwood or bamboo floor cleanser.

c) Water Resistant: This material is slightly more resistant to water damage, stains, and warping
than hardwood materials, although it is still a concern.

d) Natural Material: The use of natural materials is an important trend in the construction industry
right now. As people are becoming more ecologically conscious they are demanding products
that reflect these values.

e) Price: This material is priced at about the same level as most hardwood floors. You will often find
bamboo ranging from about $2-$8 per square foot. You should avoid bargain basement materials
as they are often lower quality castoffs.

f) Durability: There are certain types of bamboo that can be extremely strong, hard, and durable.
Natural, un-carbonized bamboo that was properly harvested and manufactured can be as
durable as red oak.

1.6 Drawbacks of Bamboo

a) Emission of VOC’s: Bamboo floor planks are manufactured by slicing or shredding the stalk of the
bamboo grass plant and then adhering the pieces back together using heat, pressure, and a
resin-based adhesive. This adhesive can release volatile organic chemicals into the air of an
interior space over time.

b) Humidity: If the floor is installed in a very humid area, the moisture in the air can cause the floor
planks to plump. In a dry environment, the planks can shrink. In both cases, cracks in the bamboo
will be the result.

c) Lack of Hardness: While natural un-carbonized, and strand woven bamboo flooring is relatively
hard and durable, bamboo planks that are darker in color are generally also softer. That is
because the carbonization process used to color the wood also weakens it structurally.

d) Environmentally Ambiguous: Bamboo is a natural material that is made from a highly renewable
resource. However, there are a number of environmental concerns regarding bamboo. The
adhesive used in its construction can contribute to the toxicity of an interior space.

e) Scratches: While a bamboo floor is relatively easy to maintain it is nearly impossible to keep it
perfect if it is used regularly. There are a wide variety of things that can cause nasty scratches on
the surface of a bamboo floor.

1.7 General usage of bamboo

Bamboo has been used for eons for many applications, from a food source to a building

1. From picture frames to room dividing screens, bamboo can make some elegant
and exotic decorations for the home

2. More and more furniture, flooring, and even homes are being built with bamboo.
3. The bamboo fibres being used in fabrics and clothing.
4. The bamboo is widely used for construction purposes throughout the world. It can
support a large amount of weight, which makes it ideal for constructing bridges in
the rural parts.
5. In Asia especially, bamboo is widely used for cooking purposes. In lots of Asian
dishes, bamboo shoots are used. Bamboo beer is also quite famous in Africa and
6. Bamboo is used to make musical instruments in a majority of Asian countries. The
most popular instrument being the Flute.
7. Utensils made of Bamboo are in use for a long time. Utensils like Spoons, Spoon
holders, Chopping boards, skewer sticks, knife holders, cups, bowls, dish holders,
salt shakers etc.
8. Bamboo is being used as medicine in China for generations. Bamboo has
medicinal characteristics. It can cure cold, flu, fever etc
9. Long-time source of biomass for industry.
10. Soil stabilization, wind break, urban waste water treatment and reduction of
nitrates contamination

Fig no: 1.4 (Uses of Bamboo)


1.8 Different parts of Bamboo

1. Culm
2. Nodal ring
3. Supernodal ridge
4. Sheath scar
5. Limb

6. Branch Node
7. Sulcus Grove
8. Truss

Fig no-1.5 (parts of bamboo)


1.9 What is Truss?

A truss is essentially a triangulated system of (usually) straight interconnected structural

elements; it is sometimes also referred to as an open web girder. The individual elements are
connected at nodes; the connections are often assumed to be nominally pinned. The external
forces applied to the system and the reactions at the supports are generally applied at the
nodes. When all the members and applied forces are in a same plane, the system is a plane or
2D truss. The principal force in each element in a truss is axial tension or compression.

A truss bridge is a bridge whose load-bearing superstructure is composed of a truss, a

structure of connected elements usually forming triangular units. The connected elements
(typically straight) may be stressed from tension, compression, or sometimes both in
response to dynamic loads. Truss bridges are one of the oldest types of modern bridges. The
basic types of truss bridges shown in this article have simple designs which could be easily
analysed by 19th and early 20th-century engineers. A truss bridge is economical to construct
because it uses materials efficiently.

2.0 Types of Truss

 Octet Truss.
 Warren Truss.
 Baltimore Truss.
 Pratt Truss.

I). Octet Truss: -

Octet Truss is a space frame of space structure for lightweight rigid structure.
It is similar to the type of roll-cage used for the vehicles body build in the BAJA’S Events
organized by the MESA.

Fig no – 1.6 (Octet Truss)

II). Warren Truss: -

James Warren patented a design in 1848 (in England), which many attributes the name
“Warren Truss”. His patent was more about the methodology of building rather than a

The Warren Truss uses equilateral triangles to spread out the loads on the bridge. This is
opposed to the Neville Truss which used isosceles triangles. The equilateral triangles
minimize the forces to only compression and tension.

Fig no – 1.7 (Warren truss)

III). Baltimore Truss: -
The Baltimore truss is a subclass of the Pratt truss. A Baltimore truss has additional bracing in
the lower section of the truss to prevent buckling in the compression members and to control
It is mainly used for rail bridges, showing off a simple and very strong design. Pratt truss uses
the intersection of the verticals and the lower horizontal tension members to anchor the
supports for the short-span girders under the tracks (among other things).

Fig no – 1.8 (Baltimore truss)

IV). Pratt Truss: -

Pratt trusses are commonly used in long span buildings ranging from 20 to 100 m in span. In
a conventional Pratt truss, diagonal members are in tension for gravity loads. This type of
truss is used where gravity loads are predominant

Fig no – 1.9 (Pratt truss)



2.1 Planning

Planning is the development of goals, strategies, task lists and schedules required to achieve
the objectives of project. The planning process is a fundamental function of management and
should result in the best possible degree of need satisfaction given the resources available.

In the task of analysis reversed Baltimore truss we arranged all the operations which are
going to perform in order

• Understanding the figure of the truss

• Confirming the lengths of the truss and thus finding the forces on each
member of the truss
• Fabrication of sample members and joints like fish mouth, bevel cut,
which are going to use in our structure.
• Performing different tests on the samples for e.g. tension test,
compression test, joint test.
• Calculating the actual dimensions of the members
• Assembling the members to form truss
• Finishing of truss
• Testing analysis of truss

2.2. Reasons for Section Disposal

• Crack development due to drilling and cutting.
• Fibers disintegration due to improper cutting.
• Inaccurate measurements leading to cutting short sections.

• Over-sandpapering a section leads to obtain thin sections.
• Improper chiseling giving thin sections.
• Wearing off of pins while hammering them.
• Bending of keys during insertion in joints.

2.3 Workflow and Distribution

• Two sections, left and right were built by two groups, each consisting of 18-20
students. The work was equally divided amongst the students. After the sections are
created completely, a support for joining both of the parts was made that would hold
together the assembly without any floor section.
• Each side needed approximately 18-30 keys which were preliminary planned to be
taken off from bamboo sections with thin width. Due to the inconvenience in
handling such sections, short sections of greater width were taken and chiseled down
to reduce thickness.
• These chiselled parts were then run through on the sandpaper machine which reduced
their thickness further and made them smooth. Smooth keys were easy to be
hammered into the joints. Although, many keys were destroyed during insertion due
to bending or hammering fibrous disintegration.

2.4. Cost Estimation

There are two types of expenditure that are involved in the making of this truss. They are

• Direct costs
• Indirect costs
The model cost estimation for a period of 5 days has been analysed to give an insight of total
expenditure. Worst cases have been accounted for and this might change the costs from what
has been provided in the estimation.

Fig no. 2.1

A. Direct Cost

1. Material cost
Cost of bamboo per meter = 26 Rs
Total length of bamboo(meter) = 4x2.1 + 0.13x10 + 4x0.55 = 12 m
Total cost of Bamboo = 26 Rs x 12 m = R312
Cost of keys = 1m = 26 Rs
Wastage of bamboo material=2m=52 Rs

2. Electricity Cost
Rate of electricity= Rs 9.5/unit
Units consumed =18 unit (approx.)
Total cost of electricity=18 unit *9.5 Rs
=171 Rs

TOTAL DIRECT COST=312+26+52+171 = Rs 561

B. Indirect Cost

1. Labour cost
Rate of skilled labour = Rs 500/day
Rate of semi-skilled labour = Rs 400/day
Rate of unskilled labour = Rs 300/day

Time required for completion of truss = 16 hrs.

No. of skilled labour required = 1
No. of semi-skilled labour required = 2
No. of unskilled labour required = 2

Cost required for skilled labour = Rs 500

Cost required for semi-skilled labour = Rs 400 x 2= Rs 800
Cost required for unskilled labour = Rs 300 x2 = Rs 600
Total Cost of labour per day = Rs 500 + Rs 800 + Rs 600 = Rs 1900
Total labour cost=2 day*1900 Rs=3800 Rs

2. Hiring of machine
a. Cut saw machine=Rs 1000/day
b. Drilling machine=2*600 Rs/day =1200 Rs
c. Hacksaw =2*100 Rs/day =200 Rs

Total cost of hiring machine per day=1000+1200+200 =2400 RS

Total cost of machine=2 day*2400 Rs =4800 Rs
3.Transportation cost
Transportation cost = 200 Rs

Sr Items Quantity Rate Cost

1 Bamboo 12 meters 26 Rs/meter 312 Rs
2 Keys 2 meters 26 Rs/meter 52 Rs
3 Machine N/A 2400 Rs/day 2400 Rs

4 Electricity 18 unit 9.5 Rs/unit 171 Rs
5 Labour 5 1900 Rs/day 3800 Rs
6 Transport N/A 200 Rs 200 Rs
Table. 2.1




In pre-test analysis, we generally study the following points.

1. Calculation of the force which is acted on each member of truss bridge and angle between
two members or joints
2. We perform the different types of test such as tension, compression and joint test.
3. Calculation of dimensions of each member.

Fig no.3.1 (Diagram with Support condition)

L = 2100 mm
HT = 230 mm
Hence, α = tan-1 (230/500) = 24.7

Since the diagram is symmetric along the member CH (or y-axis), we only need to calculate
the forces for one half of the structure as the other half side forces will be exactly same.
1) Applying conditions of Equilibrium:

∑ Fx = 0
∑ Fy = 0 : Vi + Vj = P

 2Vi = P
 Vi = P/2 (Since, Vi = Vj)
∑ Mj = 0
2) Using Joints method:

At joint A:
∑ Fx = 0:
FAB = 0

∑ Fy = 0:
FAJ = 0

At joint J:
∑ Fx = 0:
FJBCos α + FJI = 0

∑ Fy = 0:

Vj + FJBSin α = 0

Solving the above two equations, we get:

FJB = -1.2 P
FJI = 1.09 P

At joint B:
∑ Fx = 0:
FJBCos α + FBC = 0

∑ Fy = 0:

-FBI+ FJBSin α = 0

Solving the above two equations, we get: FBI

FBC = -1.09 P
FBI = 0.5 P

At joint I:
∑ Fx = 0:
-FIJ + FIH + FICCos α = 0

∑ Fy = 0:

FBI+ FICSin α = 0

Solving the above two equations, we get:

FIC = -1.2 P
FIH = -2.2 P

At joint C:
∑ Fx = 0

∑ Fy = 0:

- FICSin α - FGCSin α + FCH - P= 0

Solving the above equation, we get:

FCH = 2 P

Force Magnitude Type

VJ P/2 Compression

VI P/2 Compression



FJB 1.2 P Compression

FJI 1.09 P Tension

FBC 1.09 P Compression

FBI 0.5 P Tension

FIC 1.2 P Compression

FIH 2.2 P Compression

FCH 2P Tension

FGH 2.2 P Compression

FGC 1.2 P Compression

FDG 0.5 P Tension

FDC 1.09 Compression

FFG 1.09 Tension

FFD 1.2 Compression



Table. 3.1



4.1 Tension Test

4.1.1 About tension test

For tension test, Universal testing Machine was used. It is the fundamental test in which a
sample is subjected to a controlled tension until failure. In this truss is only subjected to
tension and compression.

In this testing we were carried out tension test of the sample member with the help of

4.1.2 Setup

Fig No 4.1 Tension test setup

4.1.3 Reading and Calculations:

Sr. L P (KN) MR= B D I=BD3/12 σL=(MR×D/2)/I

No. (mm) PL×(L/4) (mm) (mm) (mm4) (KN/mm2)
1 0.627627 42.45 8.1 30.47 19095 0.0521
2 0.529559 53.45 33.693 11.946 4786.59 0.0666
3 0.794339 43.65 31.086 10.20 2740.76 0.0812

4 0.725692 47.575 31.86 10.45 3029.796 0.0820
5 0.676659 41.69 32.356 10.16 2827.84 0.0748
6 0.647239 46.105 35.936 10.95 3935.03 0.0641
Table No. 4.1

4.1.4 Conclusion:

Average Stress is 0.0701 KN/mm2

4.2 Compression Test:

The Compression test is carried out on the Member of the truss to determine the compression
failure of the sample member truss. This test is carried out because the truss is only subjected
to tension and compression.

In the pre-test analysis we concluded, that a bamboo truss can undergo either a tension force
or a compression force. Compression test specimens were fabricated by cutting bamboo in
different sizes namely 5cm, 10cm, 15cm, 20cm, 25cm and 30cm. Dimensions were
measured with help of Vernier caliper. The compression test was carried out on the universal
compression testing machine.

4.2.1 Machine and Setup

Fig No. 4.2 Specimens for testing

4.2.2. Reading and Calculations:

Sr. L OD ID A (mm2) I (mm4) K= λ= P (KN) σB

No (mm) (mm) (mm) L/k (N/mm2)

√ I
1 50 46.58 14.98 6111.33 228611.09 6.12 6.94 47.06 7.7
2 100 42.84 24.03 3951.57 148968.52 6.158 13.80 35.92 9.1

3 150 42.02 16.5 4691.75 149397.81 5.64 22.6 37.12 7.92
4 200 40.12 17.83 4058.01 122217.40 5.49 30.96 35.25 8.69
5 250 39.7 20.32 3654.26 113567.16 5.575 38.12 32.99 9.03
6 300 39.63 20.55 3607.28 112324.05 5.58 45.69 34.38 9.53
Table no. 4.2

4.2.3. Conclusion

Average Stress is 8.66 N/mm2

4.3 Joint and Tension test

Joint tension test is used to determine tension which is acted upon the sample and failure of
the joints or keys. For this test, machine is required. In this test, sample member is prepared
from bamboo in the form of T joint with all pins and keys are attached to it.
4.3.1 Setup

Fig no. 4.3

4.3.2 Observation

Sample no. Load(kg) Load(N)

1 233 2283.4

2 346 3390.8

3 430 4214.0

4 367 3596.6

5 325 3185

6 245 2401

Table No. 4.3

4.3.3 Conclusion

Locking Key is the weakest part of the joint which is subjected to the failure first.



Fabrication process contains various systematic operation which is start from calculation and
planning to finishing and planning. So, this fabrication part plays important stage for any
product. This operation like working, measuring, cutting, joining, grinding drilling.

Fig No -5.1(Steps of Fabrication)

5.1 Steps

1. Select straight and good quality bamboo which has specific difference between two
2. As per reference of CMS machine, first of all take specific dimensions and mark on given
3. Cutting of bamboo using chop saw machine.
4. Take bevel and fish mouth cut as per requirement.
5. Grinding the end edges of the bamboo.
6. Drilling for the central keys per diagram.
7. Fabrication of central keys and locking keys.
8. Joining the cross members to the bottom member
9. Drilling hole of locking keys
10. Insert the locking keys
11. Joining the cross members to each other’s.
12. Joining of top members of second truss.
13. Grinding to extra part of central keys and locking keys and finishing.
14. Painting on warren truss.

5.2 Fabrication of Joint


Joint A is prepared by interconnection between the link AB and AE. In these joint the
link AB is cut in the form of bevel angle cut and drilling hole vertically upward
through members. After that central key is inserted and finally two locking one for both
members are put in and lock the joint.

Fig No -5.2 (Bamboo joint A)


The joint E is situated at the lower middle of the truss. In these joint four links AE, CE, BE,
DE are interconnection to each other. All the ends of the link CE, BE have bevel angel cut. In
these joint first link AE and BE are joined by the central keys and locked by locking key. In
these joint the face of the bevel cut plane is parallel to the surface of the surface of link AE
and DE.


These joints are used to connect the both trusses in parallel manner and to transfer the land
the joints only. There are total 4 connecting member are used in the warren truss bridge two at
the upper side and two at the lower side. In this joint the connecting links have fish mouth
end at both ends. The connection link is perpendicular to the both upper links. This process is
similarly done for all the end of the connecting links.

Fig No 5.3 (Connecting links)

5.3 Difficulties faced while fabricating Pratt truss and possible solutions or precautions:

• Drilling the bamboos to insert keys resulted in cracks.

• Bamboos had to be cut taking into consideration the position of nodes for there
shouldn’t be any problem while inserting central keys.
• Bevel angle cutting of the bamboos was a bit of a challenging task. Achieving finesse
in the cuts was difficult.
• Using a small bore-sized drill bit and then filing it to get the required diameter of the
hole would have caused less damage to the bamboo.

5.4 Solution

• Use straight circular bamboo with good strength and good alignment
• Use skilled labours for drilling
• Fix thee member rigidly while joining it



6.1 Test Preparation

In this compression testing on Pratt truss bridge is supported in the compression testing
machine by wooden pallets. Then the load is applied slowly till the failure of the bridge.
6.2 Test

In the testing the load applied by the machine is transfer to the joint point of Pratt truss bridge
as truss subjected to loading at joint only. There is only tension and compression occurred in
the bridge, top member is subjected to the compression and bottom member are subjected to
the tension.
6.2.1 Setup

The setup for the compression test of Pratt truss bridge is as follows:

Fig. No. 6.1 (Test of Pratt bridge)

6.3 Result

The failure of Pratt truss bridge in the universal testing machine takes the load of 15.156 KN.
During testing, load increases gradually stress also increases.
The bottom right key goes failure first.

Fig. No. 6.2 (Result test report)


7. Conclusions
• By performing this civil prototyping course, we got acquainted with various
interesting facts about bamboo and its uses in various structures. Also, we came to
know that the role of importance of accuracy in building structures.
• Introduction and interesting facts about bamboo were studied.
• Pre-test analysis is needed to be done for verification.
• The strength of failure member should be taken in consideration while designing and
fabricating truss.
• The predicted analysis was seen that major failure was seen in joints.
• Proper planning was done and analyses the difficulties to be faced while actual
• Method of joint was studied and study the magnitude of forces applying on members.
• Cost analysis was done to make truss in an economical way.
• Tests such as compression, tension and joint tests were done on specimens and find
the failure on joints.
• The weakest part is the key as it failed first.

Understanding buckling, crushing, tension, compression.


In the civil prototyping we are learnt about civil structures and trusses structure and locking

• In this prototype we were learn about the Fabrication, analysis and testing of the
warrant truss. In which two trusses are fabricated and by joining both we form pratt
• We also learnt, types of cuts such as fish mouth and bevel cut etc.
• Then, pre-test analysis is done to determine the forces and dimension of links in truss
by method of joints.
• Various test like Tension, compression and joint tension test on bamboo are
• Testing of structure is done using UTM machine


 file:///C:/Users/HP/Downloads/civil-BAMBOO-AS-A-BUILDING-MATERIAL-
 https://www.garrettsbridges.com/design/pratt-truss/
 https://www.guaduabamboo.com/working-with-bamboo/joining-bamboo

 https://www.google.com/url?
sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8& ved=2ahUKEwjps5
%2FBamboo&usg= AOvVaw33IShlwbvLfX9 HKt7tDxrf
 http://www.softschools.com/facts/plants/bamboo_facts/563/
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bamboo#Construction
 https://www.guaduabamboo.com/species/
 https://english.vietnamnet.vn/fms/art-entertainment/106298/three-worldfamous-
bamboo-houses-in- vietnam.html
 https://www.guaduabamboo.com/construction/advantages-of-building-with-bamboo
 https://elemental.green/the-pros-and-cons-of-bamboo-in-green-building/
 https://www.bamboo-earth-architecture-construction.com/bamboo-treatment/
 http://bamboo.wikispaces.asu.edu/7.+Types+of+Joints
 https://www.guaduabamboo.com/identification/bamboo-stem-anatomy

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