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Assessment of Process Parameter To Improving Power Plant Performance

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Assessment of process parameter to improving power plant performance

Conference Paper · November 2014

DOI: 10.1109/CIPECH.2014.7019125

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3 authors, including:

Vivek Patel Kalyan Chatterjee

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad


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International Conference on Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their
Impact on Humanity (CIPECH14) 28 & 29 November 2014

Assessment of Process Parameter to Improving power

Plant Performance
Balaram saha1 Vivek patel2 Kalyan chaterjee3
Department of Electrical Department of Electrical Department of Electrical
Engineering, Indian school of mines Engineering, Indian school of mines Engineering, Indian school of mines
Dhanbad Dhanbad Dhanbad
balaramsaha@tatapower.com royal.vivekk@gmail.com kalyanbit@yahoo.co.in

Abstract—This paper proposes an assessment of the the heat rate, make-up water consumption, oil consumption,
operational parameters of a thermal power plant to promote condensed back pressure, excess air etc., indicate the urgent
effectively & efficient running of the machine while ensuring a need to control these parameters within the designed ratings.
degree of compliance with statutory regulations. This study aims
to identify the operational gaps associated with running Efficient operation of power plants has always been
operational parameter in power plant process. It is focused to important to utilities. The heat rate of a Coal fired power plant
detect a different thermodynamic variable involved, being is a measure of how efficiently it converts the chemical energy
multivariate and automatic. For variation of each one of this contained in the fuel into electrical energy [1]. In each of these
operational parameters, performance calculations are carried out sub-processes, some amount of energy is lost to the
to configure a database of energy variation. The variable data environment. Some of the fuel is not burned perfectly, some of
sets now can be used as assessment criteria based on detecting the energy is lost out through the stack and also rejected to the
deviations from a reference system that has been updated during cooling tower, some of the kinetic energy and mechanical
plant-performance tests. Although the most important outcome is energy produce heat instead of electricity, and finally, some of
the highly precise and valuable information that will be obtained the electricity that is produced is used by these sub-processes.
on the live operating mode, leading to ahead improvements in the The heat rate of a thermal power plant is the amount of
cycle efficiency and achieved in the overall control system of the chemical energy in the coal that must be supplied to produce
thermal plant. The main aim is to detect any abnormality,
one unit of electrical energy. Heat rate is expressed in
reacting as quickly as possible to return the plant to a normal
kcal/kWh. If a power plant is able to convert 100% of the
operation mode at best efficient manner.
chemical energy in the fuel into electricity, the thermal plant
Keywords: Heat Rate, Steam Temperature, Thermal efficiency would have a heat rate of 860 kcal/kWh. Unfortunately, due to
the losses described above, a modern conventional power plant
might have at best a design full load heat rate of the order of
I. INTRODUCTION 2200 kcal/kWh, which is about 39% efficient.
Generation of electricity is a very complex process
Heat rate monitoring is focused on identifying heat rate
involving many sub-processes and has multiple critical gaps and then identifying and implementing corrective actions
parameters. A Higher load factor usually means more output to eliminate the efficiency loss. In this approach, heat rate
and a lower cost per unit. So the power plant performance is deviations from expected or design levels are identified and
very important for having higher PLF. Major concerns for a quantified.
station’s performance are Thermal efficiency factors,
maintenance loss, plant load factors (PLF), forced outages and
plant availability factor. A fall in thermal efficiency leads to a
higher cost of electricity generation due to more fuel usage There are many areas where heat rate improvements are
and will also result in much higher Carbon footprints.so, it is possible at many plants. Most of these improvements require
very important to stress on the performance of thermal power little effort and expense. These areas are typical opportunities
plants. The performance of a thermal power plant can be for improving efficiency, reducing maintenance, and obtaining
expressed through some critical performance factors such as: other additional benefits.
Heat Rate of the plant can be improved by improving the
• Heat rate (energy efficiency) following areas.
• Thermal efficiency
• Improved Condenser Cleanliness
• Capacity factor
• Load factor • Arresting Condenser Air In-leakage
• Economic efficiency
• Operational efficiency • Improved Cycle Isolation: Arresting the high temp
So to optimise the performance, losses must be optimised. steam & water leakages / drains from any system.
Efficient operation of the thermal unit is very critical due to • Milling System: Maintain Optimum air flow, Mill O/L
cost and reliability factors. The cost implication due to a rise in temp, fineness etc.

c CIPECH14. 441
• Optimised Furnace O2 Operation • Maintain HP Heater Performance
• Arresting attemperation Valves Passing • Maintain CT High Cold Water Temperature
• Instrument Calibration for accurate results & readings. • Installation of Variable Speed Drives for Major
• Maintains Boiler Cleanliness
The fig:1 shows the basic process of thermal power
• Flue Gas Analysis: Maintain High Excess Air in the plant[3].The utilities worldwide strives to operate their power
prescribe limits. stations at best achievable / design efficiency level. It is also
• Reduction of High Exit Gas Temperature
• Maintain HP/IP/LP Efficiency at design value.

Fig. 1. Thermal Power Plant Cycle

a hard fact that with the passage of time, degradation sets power station (TPS) is a function of station heat rate and it is
in various equipment and as a result plant’s efficiency inversely proportional to SHR. Station heat rate improvement
deteriorates. We require correct assessment of degradation, also helps in reducing pollution from thermal power stations.
their impact on unit efficiency (and in turn cost) and generation
of appropriate corrective action for restoration of efficiency.
Normally, some key operating parameters and some
performance indices are required to monitor performance. The TABLE I. ALL INDIA STATION HEAT RATE(SOURCE:CEA)
process of equipment and system modelling and analysis of the
shortfall in efficiency of individual component and their impact %
on the heat rate has become very important in the utilities. Now Year Design SHR Operating SHR Deviation
in this paper we will discuss about the some key performance 2003-04 2407 2762 15
parameter improvement which will affect the Heat Rate 2004-05 2397 2788 16
improvement thus reduce the cost. Heat rate monitoring is
2005-06 2398 2747 14.57
focused on identifying heat rate gaps and then identifying and
implementing corrective actions to eliminate the efficiency 2006-07 2398 2861 19.31
loss. In this approach, heat rate deviations from expected or 2007-08 2377 2703 13.76
design levels are identified and quantified. 2008-09 2348 2618 11.51
Station Heat Rate (SHR) is an important factor to assess the
Efficiency of a thermal power station. Efficiency of thermal

442 2014 Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity (CIPECH)
regenerative Rankine cycle where feed water is heated by
In this way, Performance Evaluation Division of CEA had extracted steam from the turbine.
devised a Performa to monitor the various parameters of
efficiency of thermal power stations. On monitoring, the data
of station heat rate parameters had been received from 67 TPS
during the year 2008-2009. The data on the operating station
heat rate(SHR) parameters so received have been compiled &
analysed for instituting an incentive scheme on Improved
Station Heat Rate (SHR) and have been compared with design
SHR of the thermal power station. All the stations analysed
have used coal as the primary fuel to generate power and oil as
secondary fuel for starting purposes. The analysis has been
carried out on the station basis. The Station may comprise of
any size of units.


A fossil fuelled power station is a collection of
subsystems. Poor performance in one subsystem affects the rest
because of the close interrelationship between them. The knock Fig. 2. Rankine cycle (T-S Diagram)
on effect of off design performance in one subsystem can
seriously affect the overall plant economics. The costs of the A. Effect of main Steam inlet temperature:
plant occur as operations and Maintenance (0 & M) expenses, Enthalpy of steam is a function of pressure and
capital expenses or lost revenue from reduced plant Output.
temperature. At lower Temperature, enthalpy will be lower,
While 0&M costs are unavoidable and are therefore than work done by the turbine will be low, so turbine
budgeted items, poor system performance can quickly consume efficiency will be low, and hence steam consumption for the
a “reasonable” budget and lead to major over runs. The same is required output will be higher.
true of unanticipated capital expenses. Poor combustion results
in unburned fuel and an increased Heat Rate (HR). Thus the 1) Turbine Efficiency-Calculation
amount of fuel energy (Kcal) required to generate one kilowatt
hour of saleable electrical energy is increased. Such increases
in HR have the immediate effect of raising fuel costs and are Turbine Actual Enthalpy drop
generally indicative of other performance problems. Efficiency (%) = --------------------------- X 100
Normally, some key operating parameters are affecting the Isentropic Enthalpy drop
overall performance of Boiler & Turbine, Thus affecting the
hin – hout
Heat Rate. So it is important to operate the unit closer to
= ---------------- X 100
design parameter.
hin – hisen
Now we will discuss the effect of temperature at different Where
areas of Steam & Flue gas cycle to improve the plant hin = Enthalpy of Steam at Cylinder Inlet conditions
performance. hout = Enthalpy Steam at Cylinder Outlet conditions
• Effect of Main Steam Temperature: hisen = Isentropic Enthalpy

• Effect of RH- Temperature. Main steam temperature before Emergency Stop Valve - day
average of 24 hrs of all the available temperature points
• Effect of RH spray flow:
located before ESV is to be taken for calculation.
• Feed water Temperature This average value of temperature is to be compared with
expected temperature.
• Flue gas exit temperature.
(Expected temperature = Design Temperature).
Generally thermal power plant works on principle of the
Rankine Cycle shown in Fig. 2[5]The cycle consists of four The difference will be taken for Heat rate deviation calculation
processes: (1-2) Isentropic compression on pump; (2-3) based on customized correction curves. [Customized
Constant pressure heat addition in a boiler; (3-4) Isentropic correction curves are given by OEM to be used].
expansion in a turbine; (4-1) Constant pressure heat rejection in Sample calculation (Column wise w.r.t Daily HR Deviation
a condenser. To improve this cycle some factors Report)
Can be considered like lowering the condenser pressure, Design M.S Temperature = 537 0C
superheating the steam to high temperatures, increasing the
boiler pressure, reheating Rankine cycle or by using Expected M.S Temperature = 537 0C

2014 Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity (CIPECH) 443
Actual M.S Temperature = 529 0C before Interceptor Valve is taken for calculation. This average
0 value of temperature is to be compared with expected
Variance (Exp. - Act. M.S Temp) = - 8 C temperature.
Turbine HR Correction Factor = 0.998 from Curve (Expected temperature = Design Temperature).
Design Turbine HR = 2000 Kcal/kWh The difference of temperature will be taken for Heat rate
Design Boiler Ș = 86.8 % deviation calculation based on customized correction curves.
[Customized correction curves are given by OEM is used].
HR Deviation = (2000/(86.8/100))*(1-0.998)
= 4.6 kcal/kWh

Fig. 4. Correction Curve for RH Temperature

Sample calculation (Column wise w.r.t Daily HR Deviation

Fig. 3. Correction Curve for MS Temperature
Design HRH Temperature = 538 0C
2) Cause of variation in Main Steam Temperature: Expected HRH Temperature = 538 0C
Actual Temperature = 530 0C
a) Effect on Enthalpy Drops of Different Stages
• Enthalpy drop of each HP stages increase with rise in Variance (Exp – Act. HRH Temp) = -8.0 0C
MS Temperature Turbine HR Correction Factor = 0.998 from Curve
b) Effect on Losses of Different Stages Design Turbine HR = 2000 Kcal/kWh
• Nozzle & Moving Blade Losses increase with Design Boiler Ș = 86.8 %
Temperature rise.
HR Deviation = 2000/ (86.8/100)*(1-0.998)
• Profile loss & Cumulative loss increase with
Temperature rise = 4.6 kcal/kWh

c) Effect on Efficiencies of Different Stages 1) Cause of variation in Re-heat Steam Temperature:

• HP Stages efficiencies remain almost constant at
different temperatures a) Effect on Enthalpy Drops of Different Stages
• Enthalpy drop of each Intermediate and Low Pressure
d) Effect on Internal Power of Different Stage
stages increase with rise in RH Steam Temperature.
• Internal power of HP stages increases with increased
temperature b) Effect on Losses of Different Stages
• Nozzle & Moving Blade Losses increase with
e) Effect on Cycle Efficiency & Heat Rate of Different Temperature rise
• Profile loss & Cumulative loss increase with
• Cycle Efficiency deteriorates and Heat Rate increased Temperature rise
with lower Main Steam Temperature.
c) Effect on Efficiencies of Different Stages
B. Hot Reheat Temperature: • Slight improvement in Stage Internal Efficiencies at
Hot Reheat Temperature before Interceptor Valve - Day lower Re- Heater steam temperature
average of 24 hrs of all the available temperature points located d) Effect on Internal Power of Different Stage

444 2014 Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity (CIPECH)
• Internal power of both IP & LP stages increase with D. Reheat Attemperation:
increase RH steam temperature Re- Heater (RH) attemperation to the boiler – day average
e) Effect on Cycle Efficiency & Heat Rate of Different of 24 hrs is to be taken for calculation. This average value of
Stages R/H attemperation to be compared with expected R/H
attemperation (Expected R/H attemperation = Value
• Cycle Efficiency deteriorates and Heat Rate increased
corresponding to actual load is to be derived using Load vs
with lower Reheat Steam Temperature.
reheat attemperation curve). The difference of the average
value of the day and expected value of R/H attemperation is to
C. Superheat Attemperation: be taken for Heat rate deviation calculation based on
Super Heater (S/H) attemperation to the boiler – Day customized correction curves.
average of 24 hrs is to be taken for calculation. This average
value of S/H attemperation to be compared with expected S/H Customized/OEM correction curves are to be used.
attemperation. Sample calculation (Column wise w.r.t Daily HR Deviation
The difference of the average value of the day and expected Report)
value of S/H attemperation is to be taken for Heat rate Design R/H Attemperation = 0 t/hr
deviation calculation based on customized correction curves.
Expected R/H Attemperation = 6 t/hr
Customized/OEM correction curves are to be used.
Actual R/H Attemperation = 18 t/hr
Sample calculation (Column wise w.r.t Daily HR Deviation
Report) Variance (Exp. – Act. Attemp) = -12 t/hr
Design S/H Attemperation = 0 t/hr. = -2 % of Main Stream Flow
Expected S/H Attemperation = 16 t/hr Turbine HR Correction Factor = 0.9968 (From Curve)
Actual S/H Attemperation = 46 t/hr Design Turbine HR = 2000 Kcal/kWh
(Variance Exp. – Act. Attemp.) = -30 t/hr Design Boiler Ș = 86.8 %
= -5 % of Main Stream Flow HR Deviation = 2000/(86.8/100)*(1-0.997)
Turbine HR Correction Factor = 0.999 from Curve = 7.4 kcal/kWh
Design Turbine HR = 2000 Kcal/kWh
Design Tested Boiler Ș = 86.8 %
HR Deviation = 2000/ (86.8/100)*(1-0.999)
= 2.3 kcal/kWh

Fig. 6. Correction Curve for Re- Heater Spray flow.

E. Feed Water Temperature:

The Feed water temperature at top HP Heater outlet after
joining of HP Heater bypass line, based on daily 24 hrs
averages is to be taken for calculation. This average value of
Fig. 5. Correction Curve for Super Heater Spray flow Feed water temperature is to be compared with the expected
value of Feed water temperature (Expected FW temperature =
Feed water temperature corrected for load, derived from curve
between feed water temperature vs load).

2014 Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity (CIPECH) 445
The difference of Average value of Day and Expected
value of Feed water temperature is to be taken for Heat rate
deviation calculation based on customized correction curves. IV. CONCLUSION
Customized/OEM correction curves are to be used. The performance of a thermal power plant (TPP) will
Sample calculation (Column wise w.r.t Daily HR Deviation begin to decline at increase age. A good performance program
Report) will be able to identify these losses of the degradation of the
heat rate. A more accurate knowledge of thermal power plant
Design Feed Water Temperature = 248 0C heat rates & maintaining all performance parameter near to
Expected FW Temperature = 236 0C design can improve economic dispatching costs and ensure that
profits are maintained on a daily basis. In fact, the performance
Actual FW Temperature = 234 0C parameters measure how well the TPP produces Electricity
efficiently. The improvement should not necessarily to be done
Variance (Exp. – Act. FW Temp) = 2 0C
only in thermodynamic Efficiency, but rather to improve TPPs
Turbine HR Corr. Factor at 236 0C = 0.996 from Curve overall performance. In this paper, we presented an assessment
of the daily performance parameter monitoring to improve the
Turbine HR Corr. Factor at 234 0C = 0.995 from Curve TPP heat rate. Here in this paper we have calculated how by
Design Turbine HR = 2000 Kcal/kWh improving the temperature of working fluid we can improve
the thermal efficiency of thermodynamic cycle. From table II,
Design Boiler Ș = 86.8 % we can see that by improving the Main stream temperature &
HR Deviation = (2000/ (86.8/100))*(0.996-.995) Re heater temperature by 10 oC we can reduce the Heat Rate
upto 2 Kcal/Kwh. The objective is to determine the possible
= 2.3 kcal/kWh causes generating losses and provoking the degradation of the
TPP heat rate while using a parameter analysis method.
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446 2014 Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity (CIPECH)

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