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Nuclear Training Course 234

TIMS Ref. 23004

Turbine and

This course was originally developed for

the use of Ontario Hydro employees.
Reproduced on the CANTEACH web
site with permission
Nuclear Training Course 234


July 1994
Interim Copy Approvedjor Use



234-0 Introduction to the Course

234-1 The Steam Turbine

234-2 The Boiler
234-3 The Main Steam System
234-4 Auxiliary Steam Systems
234-5 The Condenser and its Auxiliary Systems
234-6 The Condensate, the Boiler Feed, and their Auxiliary Systems

234-7 The Turbine Governing System

2348 The Turbine Supervisory System
234-9 The Turning Gear System
234-10 The Turbine Lubricating Oil System

234-11 Startup and Loading

234-12 Unloading and Shutting Down
234-13 Special Modes of Operation and Major Accidents
234-14 Turbine Operational Problems
APPROVAL ISSUE Course 234 - Turbine aDd Auxiliaries Module Zero


Module 234"()



This course is for Authorized Nuclear Operators in Training (ANOITs) aud
Shift Supervisors in Training (SSITs) taking the conventional general part
of their authorization ttaining.
The prerequisites include:
I. All NOD generic ttaining courses of leve14 aud 3 (for ANOlTs) or PI
(for SSITs) as required by the initial aud progression training programs.
2. The following NOD generic training courses of level 2 which are a part
of the conventional general authorization ttaining aud should be sched-
uled before this course:
222 - Mechanics:
223 - Fluid Mechanics;
224 - Chemistry;
225 - Heat aud Thennodynamics;
228 - Materials;
230.1 - Mechanical Equipment;
236 - Instrumentation aud Contrul.
This course builds on the infomation presented in the prerequisite courses.
This applies particularly to the turbine coursers) which you took during
your initial aud progression training: the 434 aud 334 courses (if you are a
ANOm or the P134 course (otherwise).

This course covers a large part of auy CANDU plaut, namely the conven-
tional equIpment that makes up the steam and feedwater cycle. A
list of the major topics covered by the course is provided in the table of con-
tents at the beginning of the course notes.
While the previous turbine courses give basic description of this equipment
and its normal operation. this course concentrates more on startups. power
manoeuvres. shutdowns. operation at partial loads. operational problems.
upsets and ~cidents.

Page 1
Course 234 - Tmbine and Auxiliaries - Module Zero APPROVAL ISSUE
Good understanding and thorough technical knowledge of these operatiooal
aspects by you - a future shift supervisor or fust operator - is crucial to en-
sure safe, reliable and efficient operation of this multi-million dollar equip-
ment that one day you will be entrusted with. This courSe will help you
achieve it by providing you With relevant technical infonnation. For exam-
ple. you willleam about major upsets and problems. their potential adverse
consequences, and major corrective and protective actions to mitigate these
consequences. Discussion of these general operational concerns and proce-
dures in this course will prepare you for the station specific part of the au-
thorization training during which you willieam specific indications. alanns,
annunciations, actions and procedures.
Being part of the general phase of the authorization training. this course
does not favour any particular CANDU station. Only the most typical
equipment and operating practices - that apply to most stations - are dis-
cussed. Coverage of numerous station specific differences is not the intent
of the course as obviously it would be impractical and confusing. A natural
consequence of. this approach is that some infonnation presented in this
course may not apply to your station. These instances, however, are not
frequent. In the few cases where different tenninology is used at different
stations when referring to essentially the same equipment, the most typical
name is used in the course, while the other names are listed in a glossary
provided at the end of the relevant module.

The course is made up of 15 self-contained urtits of instruction called "mod-
ules" that are listed in the table of contents at the beginning of the course
notes. Except for this module, all the remalning 14 modules are made up of
three major parts:

1. Objectives.
The objectives are placed up front of each module. They serve two purpos-
es. First, they specify the contents of the module so when you read
them. you will get a pretty good idea of what you willleam from the mod-
ule. Second, they define the scope of the test that you will be subjected
to under closed-book conditions to demonstrate that you have attained
the required knowledge by meeting or exceeding the pass marie.
At the end of some objectives or their individual parts, you will fmd a num-
ber enclosed in brackets. This number specifies how many points you
should list, state, describe or explain in order to meet the requirements of
the objective.

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APPROVAL ISSUE Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Zero


It is important that after having finlshed eacl1 module you review its
objectives to make sore that you can meet their requirements. To help you
find the instructional text which addresses each objective, the pages where
this text is located are specified in the outer margin right beside each objec-
It is worth emphasizing that these objectives have been cross-referenced to
detailed analysis of the jobs and tasks performed by the ftrSt operator. They
have also been reviewed by a panel of authorized first operatotS. shift oper-
ating supervisotS and shift supervisors to ensore that they are relevant to
your ruture job.

2. Instructional text.
The instructional text is placed right after the objectives and contains all the
infannation that you will need to learn in order to meet them. The text is
cross-referenced to the objectives. You can easily fmd these referenc-
es in the outer margin. They indicate the beginning of the text which covers
the specified objective.
In the instructional text, new terms and key concepts are highlighted to
stand out from the rest of the text and thus attract your attention. They are
again reinforced in a snmmary at the end of the module. In case of large
modules, a few summaries are used. They are distributed throughout the
text so that it is broken into smaller parts that will be easier for you to learn.
Occasionally. the instructional text is supplemented with a sldenote. Side-
notes are placed in the outer margin and the text they refer to is marked with
an asterisk (*). Usually. sidenotes specify references to other sections of
the same module, other modules or other courses. This will help you inte-
grate individual modules and courses in one logical set Other sidenotes
provide supporting information, like the typical value of the operating pa-
rameter discussed in the instructional text. The purpose is to help you un-
derstand the main concepts or emphasize their importance. You are not re-
quired to remember any information included in the sldenotes.

3. Assignment.
The assignment is placed at the module end and consislS of several ques-
tions that address the objectives. The purpose of the assignment is to give
you an opportunity to practise the acquired knowledge and to check for
yourself how well you understand and remember the presented material. To
fmd out the latter, it is important that you not refer to the instructional text
when you are working on the assignment Therefore, if you do not feel
confident about your knowiedge of the subject matter, it is better to study it
again or discuss your doubts with the instructor or your classmates ra~er
than to do the assignment prematurely.

Page 3
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Zero APPROVAL ISSUE
In most cases, to answer the assignment questions you will need to fill in
the blanks and choose the right statement(s) from those listed in
brackets. In the rew other cases, the instructions provided explain what you
are expected to do.
Except for short modules, you do not have to wait until you finish the
whole module in order to work on the assignment. Usu~y, you can do
this right after those summaries of the key concepts where instructions are
placed that guide you to specific assignment questions.
No answers are provided to the assignment questions. This is because all
the information that you will need to ansy,rer them is given twice: first, it is
presented in the instructional text and second, it is condensed in the sum-
maries of the key concepts. Thus, you should be able to check your answer
easily by referring to the reievant parts of the instructional text and summar-
ies. In case of doubts, consult the instructor or your classmates.
Because all the assignment questions are combined at the module end, you
can easily separate them from the rest of the module if the instructor wants
to mark them or if you want to submit them for instructor's evaluation.


In case you have doubts about the exact meaning of some terms used in this
course, a glossary is given on the next two pages. While the explanations
are also valid for other courses, the examples used are specific to this
In this gloasary, nouns of similar meartings are defined one after another so
that you can easily see their similarities and differences. The action verbs
(used in the course objectives and tests) are sorted by the required volume
and complexity of the expected answer - starting with the easiest aud ending
with the most demanding ones.
In the instructional text, many diagrams illustrate major automatic responses
to a particular operational event or parameter, ego boiler pressure error. In
these diagrams, the following symbols are used:
/\ II = Gradual response (eg. of a level controller) whose
II V magnitude increases when the initiating parameter
increases or decreases. respectively;
I\~V7. = On-off response (eg. of a levei switch) which oc-
curs at a particular value of the initiating parameter
when it is rising or dropping. respectively.

Page 4
APPROVAL ISSUE Course 234 - TurbiDe and Auxiliaries Module Zero




Actions Activities which resuk in a changed state Start up a pump.

of a device or & parameter. Can be automatic
or performed by Ibe operator.

Corrective Actions performed to restore the normal Open a control valve.

actioos status of a device or to return a conlroUed
parameter to its normal range.

Protective Actions perfonned to protect equipment Trip the turbine.

actioos integrity and personnel safety.

Precautions Actions taken or to be avoided to Check bearing vibra

prevent some advene consequences. lions prior to passing
through a critical

General (not detailed or station specific) Select the proper rate

actions taken to reach a certain operational of loading to avoid
goal. ego to ensure safe operation. excessive thennal
stresses and axial
differential expansion.

Undesirable outecme of an event. action(s) Acceleraled fatigue

or lack of action(s). Consequences can be damage due to exces-
immediate or longMtenn effects on unit sive vibration.
equitment. operational status or safety.

Operating Concern about a given situation as to Possible bearing dam~

coocerns its possible adverse consequences. age when the lubri-
cating oil is too bot

Upset Distwbance of the normal operational Load rejection.

status of the unit

Abnormal Major upset that seriously jeopardizes Excessive turbine

incident equipment integrity and personnel safety. overspeed.

Indications Any source of information about the Control room or field

equipment status. indicacors, equipment



List To provide a series of items. No further List two types of

comment on the listed items is required. tests of the emergency
overspeed governor.

Page 5
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries Module Zero APPROVAL ISSUE
Defme To give (in as few words as possible) Define turbine
the meaning of. runback.

To set forth. Used when a short response Sl!Ue two reasons for
not requiring extensive detail is 4esired. monitoring rotor

To give a detailed account of. Usually Desaibe how deaera-

used to ask for details of a device. tor storage tank level
system, principle ~f operation. etc. is controlled during
high power operation.

Explain To give the reason(s) or cause(s) of. Explain three reasons

to make clear. why axial differential
expansion occurs in
steam turbines,

Prepared by: J, Jung, ENTD

Revised. by: 1. Jung, ENTD

Revision date: April. 1994

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