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Chapter 1 introduction

Consumer is a person who buys and uses products. Therefore, consumers keep the
production cycle moving as well as play an important role in the economic system of any
nation, as a result, any nation will face crisis if consumers don’t have the effective demand
for goods produced. Consumers demand different commodities based on their taste and
preference for them. Consciousness of good influences consumers purchase of that good.
Other factors that influence one‘s taste and preference for a good are psychological and
environmental. Taste and preference for a good change overtime. Thus, advertisements play
a role in influencing taste and preference of consumers’ choice.

Advertising is a means of communication with the users of a product or service.

Advertisements are messages paid for by those who send them and are intended to inform or
influence people who receive them, as defined by the Advertising Association of the UK.
Advertising is always present, though people may not be aware of it. In today's world,
advertising uses every possible media to get its message through. It does this via television,
print (newspapers, magazines, journals etc), radio, press, internet, direct selling, hoardings,
mailers, contests, sponsorships, posters, clothes, events, colours, sounds, visuals and even
The advertising industry is made of companies that advertise, agencies that create the
advertisements, media that carries the ads, and a host of people like copy editors, visualizers,
brand managers, researchers, creative heads and designers who take it the last mile to the
customer or receiver. A company that needs to advertise itself and/or its products hires an
advertising agency. The company briefs the agency on the brand, its imagery, the ideals and
values behind it, the target segments and so on. The agencies convert the ideas and concepts
to create the visuals, text, layouts and themes to communicate with the user. After approval
from the client, the ads go on air, as per the bookings done by the agency's media buying

Types of advertising

Advertisers pay for advertising to accomplish a wide array of goals. Ad objectives generally
boil down to long-term branding communication or short-term direct response advertising.
Branding is about building and maintaining a reputation for your company that distinguishes
it in the marketplace. Sales promos are short-term inducements to drive revenue or cash flow.
Based on your company's objectives, budget and target audience, you normally advertise
through one or more types of media. Calculating your return on investment in dollars is
difficult, but you need to establish measurable goals, such as a percentage increase in
awareness, to evaluate success.

Broadcast Media
Television and radio are two traditional broadcast media long used in advertising. Television
offers creative opportunities, a dynamic message and wide audience reach. It is typically the
most expensive medium to advertise through, though. Because local affiliated stations
normally serve a wide local audience, you also have to deal with waste when trying to target
a small town marketplace. TV watchers normally have a negative attitude toward
commercials and many have DVRs at their fingertips. Radio and TV both have fleeting
messages, meaning they disappear once the commercial spot ends. Radio is relatively
affordable for small businesses and allows for repetition and frequency. You don't have the
visual element of TV and you have to deal with a distracted audience, since most listeners are

Print Media
Magazines and newspapers are the two traditional print media. Magazines offer a highly
selective audience who is generally interested in ads closely related to the topic of the
magazine. Visual imagery is also stronger in magazines than newspapers. You have little
wasted since magazines are very niche and you can target a narrow customer segment. On
the downside, magazines are costly and require long lead times, which limits timely
promotions. They also have limited audience reach. Newspapers are very affordable for local
businesses and allow you to target a geographic segment if you have a universal product or

service. Newspapers are also viewed as a credible medium, which enhances ad acceptance.
You can usually get an ad placed within a day or two of purchase. Declining circulation, a
short shelf life and limited visual creativity are drawbacks.

Support Media
Support media include several options for message delivery than normally add to or expand
campaigns delivered through more traditional media. Billboards, transits, bus benches, aerial,
directories and trade publications are common support media. Each has pros and cons, but
collectively, they offer ways to reach a wider audience in a local or regional market or to
increase frequency of message exposure to targeted market segments.

Direct Marketing
Direct marketing is an interactive approach to advertising that has picked up in usage in the
early 21st century. It includes direct mail, email and telemarketing. These are direct response
efforts to create an ongoing dialogue or interaction with customers. Weekly or monthly email
newsletters, for instance, allow you to keep your brand, products and other messages in front
of prospects and customers. Telemarketing is a way to survey customers and offer new
products, upgrades or renewals. Direct mail is the most common format of direct marketing
where you send mailers or postcards to targeted customers promoting products, deals or
promotions. Direct marketing has become more prominent because it allows for ease in
tracking customer response rates and helps advertisers better measure return on investment.

Product Placement
Another newer advertising technique is product placement. This is where you offer
compensation to a TV show, movie, video game or theme park to use your product while
entertaining audiences. You could pay a TV show, for instance, to depict your product being
used and discussed positive in a particular scene. This ad method is a way for companies to
integrate ads with entertainment since customers have found ways to avoid messages
delivered through more conventional media.

The Internet is used by online and offline companies to promote products or services. Banner
ads, pop up ads, text ads and paid search placements are common forms. Banner, pop up and
text ads are ways to present an image or message on a publisher's website or on a number of

websites through a third-party platform like Google's Adwords program. Paid search
placements, also known as cost-per-click advertising, is where you bid a certain amount to
present your link and text message to users of search engines like Google and Yahoo!

Social Media
Businesses can also create different target groups, and send ads on social media platforms to
users that would be most interested in their products and services. Targeting options can
include targeting based on geographic location, buying tendencies, and other consumer
behavior. One effective method of placing social media ads is known as retargeting, which
focuses on website visitors that left without buying a product or service, or without signing
up for some type of free offer like subscribing to a newsletter. Businesses can place a pixel
on the visitor’s browser, and send targeted ads to that visitor as he or she browses other
websites. Sponsored ads work in a similar way to retargeting, but the difference is that
businesses pay to have these ads appear on specific websites that their target audience is
likely to visit.

Functions of Advertising

There are four main functions of advertising:

1. Economical function. The nature of the economical function of advertising is first of all
to stimulate sales and increase the volume of profits from the sale of a certain product for a
certain unit of time. Advertising informs, creates the need for a product or service, and
encourages people to purchase. The more people have responded to the ad, the better it is for
the economy and the economical wellbeing of society.

2. Social function. Advertising information has a significant impact on the formation of the
consciousness of each individual. When advertising is addressed to consumers, besides the
promotion of a product, it also  helps to form ideological values of the society and at the end
has an effect on the character of social relations  causes consumer instincts, encouraging
people to improve their financial state  improves the culture of consumption. Comparing
different products and services, the consumer, in any case, tends to get really the best.

3. Marketing function. Advertising is an important component of marketing. Advertising
entirely connected to the tasks of marketing, whose final aim is the full satisfaction of
customer needs concerning goods and services.

4. Communicating function. Advertising is also one of the specific forms of

communication. It is designed to perform an appropriate communicating function, 11 linking
together advertisers and consumer audience by the means of information channels.


The evolution of advertisement dates back into the ancient times. Societies used symbols,
and pictorial signs to attract their product users. Over centuries, these elements were used for
promotion of products. In the early ages, these were handmade and were produced at limited
scale for promotions. Later on, this phenomenon gained strength more intensively for
promotional purposes. Today’s modern environment, advertisements have become one of the
major sources of communicational tool between the manufacturer and the user of the

Almost every one grows up in the world which is flooded with the mass media e.g.
television, advertising, films, videos, billboards, magazines, movies, music, newspaper, and
internet. Of all marketing weapons, advertising is renowned for its long lasting impact on
viewer’s mind, as its exposure is much broader. Advertising is a subset of promotion mix
which is one of the 4P’s in the marketing mix i.e. product, price, place and promotion. As a
promotional strategy, advertising serves as a major tool in creating product awareness in the
mind of a potential consumer to take eventual purchase decision. Advertising, sales
promotion and public relations are mass-communication tools available to marketers.
Advertising through all mediums influence audiences, but television is one of the strongest
medium of advertising and due to its mass reach; it can influence not only the individual’s
attitude, behavior, life style, exposure and in the long run, even the culture of the country.

Literature review
(Rehman et al (2014) in in his research on how advertising affects the buying behavior of
consumers in Pakistan analyzed impact of advertisement on consumer buying behavior, and
the results of correlation indicated that advertising is positively correlated with buying
behavior at highest correlation of 0.414 or in other words consumer buying behavior is
impacted by advertisement. (Rehman et al, 2014) found that advertisements provide
consumers with the information they need about the advertised product which in turn
becomes source of awareness when consumers discuss the information with their friends of
families whereby these information tend to influence consumers on what they buy, how they
buy, when they buy, where they buy and how they buy.

(Ahmed and Ashfaq, 2013) conducted a study to explain the impact of advertising on
consumers’ buying behaviour on purchasing cosmetics products. The findings of the study
showed that 41% of respondents were influenced by product quality, 39% were influenced by
to persuasiveness of the advertisement while 20% were influenced by the information
provided by the advertisement.

Another study conducted by (Kimathi, 2013) on factors that influence the purchase decision
by Kenyan women when buying cosmetics and beauty products, about 44% of the total
respondents said that their desire to buy product very much which they see in advertising, 36
% said they were influenced by the packaging of the product, 17% of respondents were
influenced by product price while 3%were influenced by quantity.

(Sonkusare ,2013) conducted a study on the impact of television advertising on buying

behavior of women consumers with special reference to Fast Moving Consumer Goods
(FMGCs). The findings of the study showed that majority of consumers depend on
Television advertisements in making their final decision what to buy with regard to FMCGs.
(Sonkusare, 2013) concluded that advertisements have great impact on buying behavior of
women customers. Before purchasing any product customers/consumers collects information
for their comparing alternative product options before making proper purchasing decision
making activities hence advertising is mostly adopted to get information about FMCG

Another study conducted by (Bin Junaid A. et al, 2013) found in their study of female
buying behaviour of cosmetic products in New Delhi and NCR that, as income of females
increase, their purchase of cosmetic products also increase. They also, added that, this
increase in expenses on cosmetic product is made possible by the advertisement made on

(Abideen1 et all, 2011) conducted a study on the impact of advertising on consumer buying
behavior by focusing on mobile phone purchases in Pakistan. The study found that
advertising is the main factor which influences mobile phone purchases. The study further
established that advertisements which appealed to the emotions of consumers were more
likely to result in purchases. (Abideen1 et all, 2011) also found that advertising is the main
factor which influences consumer buying behaviour especially if the advertisements are
created I such a way that they make the consumer excited, stimulated and frenzied. This is
because such advertisements are more likely to attract the attention, arouse interest and create
desire to purchase the advertised product. (Abideen1 et all, 2011) concluded that responses in
advertisements have great influence on consumer buying behavior because majority of
people buy mobile phone sets after watching television ads. Accordingly, consumers
consider that ads regarding Nokia and Samsung are more attractive, and as a result people
prefer to buy them as compared to another cell phone.

(Kumar A, 2011) conducted a study to determine factors which influence consumer buying
behaviour among consumers of electronic products impact of advertising on consumer
buying behaviour. The study found that consumer behaviour is determined by the
effectiveness of marketing and advertising efforts of the company which influence the
perception of customers on product quality. (Kumar A, 2011) study also found that a
consumers make the decision to purchase a particular product after being exposed to
advertisements which raise their level of awareness on the product, product price, product
benefits and product quality. The study also found that some consumers use advertisements
to compare various advertised products before making the decision to purchase.

(Kumar A, 2011) conducted a study of advertising and consumer buying behaviour with
special reference to Nestle Limited, India found that, advertising and sales promotion

together with the image of a company influence the consumer buying decision. They added
that, the quality and price of a product also influences a consumer’s purchase of a good.

Another study conducted by (Olomofe ,2010) on the factors which influence purchasing
decision by Nigerian women with regard to cosmetics found that 54% were influenced by
celebrity endorsements, 14% were influenced by the price of the product, 12% were
influenced by the packaging of the product while 10% were influenced by the testimonials
see in Television advertisements.

A study conducted by (Ergin et all, 2010) on purchase decision of cosmetics found that the
decision is strongly influenced by the consumer’s reference groups, advertising and
marketing. The study further found that consumers were most likely to purchase a particular
brand of cosmetics after having been referred to by their peers who had already bought the

(Sharma, 2009) conducted a study to examine the effects of advertising on consumer buying
behaviour. The researcher used the Fixed Effect Model of Panel Data Analysis for 134
companies; found in their study that, besides advertising, factors like company’s brand,
quality of the product and company’s reputation affect the sales of a company.

(Gabriel Byabato Bakilana, 2009) conducted a study on the impact of psychological factors
on consumers’ purchase decision by citing examples from Tanzania. The study found that
majority of the purchase decision of consumers in Tanzania is highly influenced by social
reference groups and price. The study also found that sensitivity to price of the product is
especially high among people of lower income brackets. The study also established another
factor influencing consumer purchase decision among Tanzanians to be the country-of-origin
whereby products from highly developed countries (e.g. Italy, Germany) were perceived to
be of better quality while products from developing countries (e.g. China, India) were
perceived to be of lesser quality (Gabriel Byabato Bakilana, 2009).

(Monthathip et all, 2009) conducted a study on the impact of culture on purchasing by

comparing between Thai and British Consumers. The findings of the study showed that
cultural difference impacts consumers’ decision on purchasing mobile phone. The study

further found that consumer purchase decisions in the two countries were totally different
due to different cultural background and social influences.

( Sharafutdinova ,2008) conducted a study on consumer purchase decision on mobile

phones in emerging marketing by focusing on Russian consumers as a case study. The study
found that consumer purchase decision on mobile phones is affected by price, brand
association and brand awareness. The study found that customer is most likely to purchase a
mobile phone brand which they have used in the past. The study also found that mobile
phone buyers in Russia are highly influenced by the country of origin from which the mobile
phones were made. The findings of the study showed a high inclination to mobile phones
manufactured in European countries (Sweden, Finland and Hungary) compared to mobile
phones manufactured in America or Asia.

These findings are similar to the findings of a study conducted by ( Philip ,2007) who aimed
to establish “The Relationship between Advertising and Consumption in India: An Analysis
of Causality” made use of unit root test, cointegration and error correction model and found
out that, fluctuations in advertising expenditure positively impacts consumption expenditure.

A study conducted by (Veneeva, 2006) on consumer’s decision making on mobile phones in

Finland found that an individual desire and need are determined by culture which could act
as the most fundamental factor in consumer decision making. Other factors include; price of
the product, promotion and marketing strategies used for the product and the influence of

(Chen ,2003) conducted a study on factors that influence purchase of cosmetics in the USA
and found five important factors for cosmetics purchasing decision: the quality of the
product, product shape and colour choice, the size and weight, price along with associated
accessories, ease of use, new technology, product design, appearance and price.

In his study, Taylor and (Weiserbs, 2002) examined the relationship between advertising
expenditure on the aggregate consumption among consumers using Houtakker-Taylor model.
The study found that there is a simultaneous relationship between advertising and
consumption but not a unidirectional. Therefore, advertising and consumption seem to work
on each other.

In his study, (Proctor et al., 2002) noted that the principal aim of consumer behaviour
analysis is to explain why consumers act in particular way under certain circumstances. The
study tries to determine the factors that influence consumer behaviour, especially the
economic, social and psychological aspects which can indicate the most favored marketing
mix that management should select. Consumer behaviour analysis helps to determine the
direction that a consumer’s behaviour is likely to take and to give preferred trends in product
development, attributes of the alternative communication method etc. Consumer behaviour
analysis views the consumer as another factor of production, a factor that producers cannot

Yoo, Donthu & Lee (2000) examined the impact of the marketing mix variables on
consumer behavior. The approach focuses on the indirect effect of these determinants on
brand loyalty. Since advertising spending affects expectations of product or service quality in
consumer’s mind (Kirmani & Wright, 1989; Yoo, Donthu & Lee, 2000; Moorthy
& Zhao, 2000), its role should be indirectly linked to brand loyalty implying that rather
than the advertisement itself, it is how advertising affects customer perception of the firm
that is more critical in impacting consumer buying behavior (Ha, Janda & Muthaly,
2011). The earlier studies have concluded that when a huge sum is spent on advertisements
and other marketing campaigns consumers began to expect more from that particular brand.
It creates and illusion of better quality of product or service from that brand. In this study, we
will try to find out that how these associations that consumers make with ‘Advertisement
Spending’ and the ‘Brand’ effect their purchase decision. In other words, we will attempt to
find out how consumers perceive advertisement spending and if it ultimately influences them
to purchase the product.

(Gramm, 1969) conducted a study on the impact of advertising on demand generation and
wanted to establish the relationship between advertising and purchase intention. The study
found that advertising has a positive impact on demand creation and also established that
there is a positive relationship between advertising and consumption. Finding the relationship
between advertising and buying behaviour empirically, (Gramm, 1969) conducted a study
which aimed at studying “A Reconsideration of Advertising Expenditures, Aggregate

Demand and Stabilization”. Based on the findings of the study, the author concluded that,
there is no positive relationship between advertising and aggregate consumption.

Another study conducted by (Taylor and Weiserbs, 1972 ) aimed to examine the studying
the relationship between advertising expenditure and aggregate consumption using
Houtakker-Taylor model revealed that, there is a simultaneous relationship between
advertising and consumption but not a unidirectional. Thus, advertising and consumption
seem to work on each other.

Chapter-2 Research Methodology
Research objectives

• To examine the influence of advertising on consumer buying behaviors

• To determine the influence of advertising on attitude formation of consumer.

• To study the impact of the celebrity endorsement on the consumer buying behavior.

• To find out the consumer preferences regarding the most effective media for

Research scope

This project helps in projecting the impact of advertisement on customer’s buying behavior.
When the customer’s while selecting a product or service what is the role play by
advertisement. We very well know that advertisement is not only use for awareness it also
play a important role to attract customers towards product. It also shows how celebrity
endorsement impact customers.

Research methodology: Here descriptive research design was used to measure the
involvement level. Convenient sampling technique was used for selecting respondents. The
data were collected through structured questionnaire and sample size taken from100
respondents. For the analysis of data various tools like tabulation, excel, pie charts, Microsoft
word used.
Descriptive research includes surveys and facts findings enquiries of different kinds. The
major purpose of descriptive research is the description of the state of affairs, as it exists at
present. It provides the data about the population or universe being studied.
Descriptive research is used when the objective is to provide a systematic description that is
as factual as accurate possible. In this project, we a have to find whether outdoor advertising
influences people to buy products & services, therefore our research is descriptive.

 Analytical Research :
It uses facts or information already available and has to prepare Research report on
the basis of analytical work. It involves the in-depth study and evaluation of available
information in an attempt to explain complex phenomenon. Analytical Research is
primarily concerned with testing hypothesis and specifying and interpreting
relationships, by analyzing the facts or information already available.

Sources of Data
1. Primary Data :
The descriptive nature of research necessitated through collection of primary data
from Smartphone users through survey. Questionnaire comprised of 15 questions.

2. Secondary Data :
Secondary data was collected from internet browsing various websites.

Tool used for Data Gathering

Data was gathered through self- administered questionnaires. A majority of the questions
were objective in nature in the form of Multiple choice Questions.

Sample Design
The sample design is 100 and the sample is chosen using simple random sampling technique
so as to cover the groups of interest in the right proportions. In this study, the descriptive
research method was employed so as to identify the role and significance of using consumer
perception questionnaire in I.P Extension during the time of research. I opted to use this
research method considering the objective to obtain first hand data from the respondents. The
aim of the research is to determine the role of brand loyalty questionnaire in Smartphone
users as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using it.

Chapter – 3 Data analysis

1. Gender

Particular No. of respondent %

Male 41 43.1
female 31 56.9
Total 72 100

Interpretation – Out of 72 respondents, 43.1% are male and 56.9% are female.

2. Education

Particular No. of respondent %

12th 15 20.8
Under graduate 38 52.8
Post graduate 15 20.8
Above 4 5.6
Total 72 100

Interpretation – Out of 72 respondents, most of are under graduates and 12 th and

post graduate range is same.

3. Income

Particular No. of respondent %

0-3 lac 40 58.8
3-6 lac 20 29.4
6-9 lacs 6 8.8
Above 9 lacs 1 1.5
Total 72 100

Interpretation – Out of 72 respondents, majority of respondent have income

between 0-3 lacs.

4. What motivates your purchasing process?

Particular No. of respondent %

Advertisement 13 18.1
Discount 17 23.6
Latest trends 19 26.4
Need for product 23 31.9
Total 72 100

Interpretation – Out of 72 respondents, need for product motivate maximum for

purchasing of any product.

5. Advertisement impacts my buying behavior.

Particular No. of respondent %

Strongly disagree 4 5.6
Disagree 13 18.1
Neutral 23 31.9
Agree 19 26.4
Strongly agree 13 18.1
Total 72 100

Interpretation – Out of 72 respondents, maximum of respondents agrees that

yess advertisement impact the buying behavior of customer.

6. According to you what kind of advertisement has long lasting impact.

Particular No. of respondent %

T.V. ads 32 44.4
Radio ads 2 2.8
Print media 9 12.5
Social media 27 37.5
Billboard 2 2.8
Total 72 100

Interpretation – Out of 72 respondents, majority of respondents feels that T.V

ads and social media has long lasting impact.

7. Advertisement gives you the knowledge about various product in the

Particular No. of respondent %

Strongly disagree 3 4.2
Disagree 8 11.1
Neutral 8 11.1
Agree 34 47.2
Strongly agree 19 26.4
Total 72 100

Interpretation – Out of 72 respondents, most of the respondent agrees that

advertisement gives knowledge about the various product in the market.

8. Advertisement represents benefits of product.

Particular No. of respondent %

Strongly disagree 1 1.4
Disagree 3 4.2
Neutral 21 29.2
Agree 35 48.6
Strongly agree 12 16.7
Total 72 100

Interpretation – Out of 72 respondents, maximum of respondents agreed that

advertisement represents benefits of products.

9. Advertisement make shopping easier by providing comparative

Particular No. of respondent %

Strongly disagree 1 1.4
Disagree 11 15.3
Neutral 22 30.6
Agree 33 45.8
Strongly agree 5 5.2
Total 72 100

Interpretation – Out of 72 respondents, maximum of respondents feels that

advertisement make shopping easier for them by providing information.

10. Advertisement inform the consumer about the usage of the product.

Particular No. of respondent %

Strongly disagree 1 1.4
Disagree 7 9.7
Neutral 19 26.4
Agree 42 58.3
Strongly agree 3 4.2
Total 72 100

Interpretation – Out of 72 respondents, majority of respondents agrees with

that advertisement inform them about the usage of the product.

11.Advertisement encourage consumer to spend beyond their income.

Particular No. of respondent %

Strongly disagree 4 5.6
Disagree 9 12.5
Neutral 14 19.4
Agree 29 40.3
Strongly agree 16 22.2
Total 72 100

Interpretation – Out of 72 respondents, most of them feels that yes ads

encourage them to spend beyond their income.

12. Consumer make unwise choice due to the advertisement.

Particular No. of respondent %

Strongly disagree 4 5.6
Disagree 4 5.6
Neutral 23 31.9
Agree 28 38.9
Strongly agree 13 18.1
Total 72 100

Interpretation – Out of 72 respondents, majority of respondents agreed with


13. Advertisement persuades consumer to pay higher price for one brand
over another even though product are identical.

Particular No. of respondent %

Strongly disagree 3 4.2
Disagree 10 13.9
Neutral 11 15.3
Agree 36 50
Strongly agree 12 16.7
Total 72 100

Interpretation – Out of 72 respondents, more than half of respondents agree

with statement that ads persuades them to pay higher prices even for identical

14. Celebrity endorsement in the advertisement affect the buying behavior.

Particular No. of respondent %

Strongly disagree 0 0
Disagree 11 15.3
Neutral 6 8.3
Agree 41 56.9
Strongly agree 14 19.4
Total 72 100

Interpretation – Out of 72 respondents, most of them feels that celebrity

endorsement affects the buying behavior.

15. If your favorite celebrity is endorsing in the advertisement affects your
buying behavior.

Particular No. of respondent %

Yes 46 64.8
No 25 35.2
Total 72 100

Interpretation – Out of 72 respondents, maximum of respondents attracts

towards product and buy when favorite celebrity id endorsing in the

16.The advertisement done by celebrity gives you assurance of good quality.

Particular No. of respondent %

Strongly disagree 3 4.2
Disagree 21 29.2
Neutral 14 19.4
Agree 29 40.3
Strongly agree 5 6.9
Total 72 100

Interpretation – Out of 72 respondents, most of them feels that ads done by

celebrity gives the assurance of good quality.

17. You ever make a purchase just based on the advertisement.

Particular No. of respondent %

43 59.7
29 40.3
Total 72 100

Interpretation – Out of 72 respondents, most of the respondent made purchase

just based on the advertisement.

18.The product shown in the advertisement and when bought of the same

Particular No. of respondent %

Strongly disagree 2 2.8
Disagree 8 11.1
Neutral 27 37.5
Agree 31 43.1
Strongly agree 4 5.6
Total 72 100

Interpretation – Out of 72 respondents, majority of them agrees that product

shown in the advertisement and bought of same quality.

Chapter- 6 finding and conclusion


 Only around 18% of the respondent purchase the product because of advertisement.
 Around 26.4% agree and 18.1% strongly agree that advertisement impacts the buying
behavior of the consumer.
 Being the social media addictive generation around 37.5% of the consumer believes
social impacts on the mind of the consumer.
 Consumer of around 47% agree and 26.4% strongly agree that the advertisement
gives consumer the knowledge about the various product in the market.
 Approximate 45% of the respondents believed that advertisement make shpping
easier by providing comparative in information.
 Advertisement encourages consumer to spend beyond their income according to 40%
of the respondent and the another 38% of the respondent believes that consumer make
unwise choices due to the advertisement
 50% of the respondent believes advertisement encourages to pay higher price for one
brand over another for identical products.
 Celebrity endorsement affects the buying behavior that arund 59% of respondent
would purchase the product if their favorite celebrity is endorsing the product.


The conclusion of this report was that advertisement plays a vital role in the buying
behavior or patterns of the consumers. Being social media addictive youth and generation
social media advertisement leaves a long lasting on the customers mind. The kind off
advertisement, the content presented like usage of the product benefit of the products etc.
impacts customer buying behavior. Peoples buying behavior is also influenced by the
celebrity endorsement the brand or product. People are even ready to purchase the
product just because their favorite celebrity is endorsing the product as it gives them the
quality assurance to same extent.


Name ______________

Age: _______________

Gender:  male  female

Education:  12th  under graduate  post graduate  above

Income:  0-3 lacs  3-6 lacs  6-9 lacs  above 9 lacs

1. What motivates your purchasing process?

 advertisement  discount
 latest tends  need for product

2. Advertisement impacts my buying behavior.

 Strongly disagree  Disagree  neutral
 Agree  strongly disagree

3. According to you what kind of advertisement has long lasting impact.

 T.V ads  radio ads  print media
 social media  bill board

4. Advertisement gives you the knowledge about the various product in the market.
 Strongly disagree  Disagree  neutral
 Agree  strongly disagree

5. Advertisement represents benefits of product.

 Strongly disagree  Disagree  neutral
 Agree  strongly disagree

6. Advertisement make shopping easier by providing comparative information.
 Strongly disagree  Disagree  neutral
 Agree  strongly disagree

7. Advertisement inform the consumer about the usage of the product.

 Strongly disagree  Disagree  neutral
 Agree  strongly disagree

8. Advertisement encourage consumer to spend beyond their income.

 Strongly disagree  Disagree  neutral
 Agree  strongly disagree

9. Consumer make unwise choice due to the Advertisement.

 Strongly disagree  Disagree  neutral
 Agree  strongly disagree

10. Advertisement persuades consumer to pay higher price for one brand over another
even though products are identical.
 Strongly disagree  Disagree  neutral
 Agree  strongly disagree

11. Celebrity endorsement in the advertisement affect the buying behavior.

 Strongly disagree  Disagree  neutral
 Agree  strongly disagree

12. If your favorite celebrity is endorsing in the advertisement affects your buying
 Yes  No

13. The advertisement done by celebrity gives you assurance of good quality.

 Strongly disagree  Disagree  neutral
 Agree  strongly disagree

14. You ever make a purchase just based on the advertisement. The advertisement done
by celebrity gives you assurance of good quality.
 Yes  No

15. The product shown in the Advertisement and when bought of same quality.
 Strongly disagree  Disagree  neutral
 Agree  strongly disagree


1. A Study On The Influences of Advertisement On Consumer Buying Behavior

Tashrifa Haider, Independent University Dhaka
consumer-buying-behavior-7177.html retrieved on 14 February 2019.


https://www.academia.edu/33816982/EFFECT OF ADVERTISING ON
CARRY ABUJA retrieved on 14 February 2019.

3. Impact of Advertisement on Buying Behaviours of the consumers: Study of Cosmetic

Industry in Karachi City. Author’s Details: (1) Samar Fatima (2) Samreen Lodhi –
Jinnah University for Women
retrieved on 15 February 2019.

4. The Role of Advertising in Consumer Decision Making (Dr. D.Prasanna Kumar &
K. Venkateswara Raju)
retrieved on 18 February 2019.


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