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Band 7 Morning - March 27th

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Subject/Grade: Band 7 Lesson/Date: March 27th, 2019 Time: 9:52

Room: Band Room

Stage 1: Desired Results

GLEs: Students will:
• To develop the ability to make intellectual and aesthetic judgements based on critical
listening and analysis. (Listening)
• Apply maximum effort and attain effectiveness in performance through physical and
mental discipline. (Attitudes, 7)
SLEs: Students will:
• Match an appropriate tuning note.
• Demonstrate a characteristic tone based on acceptable breath support and release of the
• Demonstrate acceptable intonation.
• Watch and respond to the conductor.
• Perform two dynamic levels demonstrating crescendo and decrescendo.
• Develop an awareness of balance, blend and texture within the ensemble.
Learning Students will:
Objectives 1. Practice (B) accurate intonation within specific instrument sections and the entire
ensemble (P) during the warm-ups and festival pieces.
2. Practice (B) breathing in four-bar phrase lengths (P) on page 21in Accent on Achievement
3. Perform (B) accurate notes, rhythms, articulations, dynamics, and phrasing (P) in the
festival pieces.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative • Observation: Throughout the Summative N/A
Assessment lesson, I will observe and listen to Assessment
students to ensure that they are
understanding the concepts.
• Dialogue: I will engage students in
conversation by asking questions
throughout the lesson to ensure
they are understanding the

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to • Practice conducting the Resources • Baton
Lesson: warm-ups and pieces to Bring: • Flute
• Score study • Accent on Achievement Book: Level 1
• Majestica – Brain Balmages
• A Song for Friends – Larry Daehn
Time: Content/Description Notes/Assessments:
7 mins “Good morning class! “Let’s move into our warm-up this morning! Let’s Utilize observation
begin with a breathing exercise. It’s going to look a little bit different today. to ensure that all
We are going to breath in for 2 counts and then exhale on ‘ssss’ for 8 students are playing
counts, and then immediately repeat the exercise. We are not going to be the warm-up
holding for any counts today. Are there any questions?” exercises focusing
on accurate tuning
Subject/Grade: Band 7 Lesson/Date: March 27th, 2019 Time: 9:52
Room: Band Room
“Let’s move now into tuning.” within their section
*Tune the ensemble as a whole. If it is still questionable, break it down into and the ensemble.
sections. If tuning the sections did not fix the tuning issue, tune each (Fulfills Learning
individual instrument in the section. Objective [LO] 1)

“Let’s play B-flat major scale with a full, supported, mezzo forte sound.
(Play scale) Now, let’s play it one more time, but this time let’s crescendo
to the top of the scale and then decrescendo to the bottom, really focusing
on creating a clear shape.”

Sponge Activity:
“Please open your method books to page 2. We are going to play Exercise Utilize observation
#75. While you are playing, there’s only one aspect that I want you to focus to ensure that all
on: I want you to play the first four bars all in one breath, then take a full students are playing
breath during the rest that we’ve been working on in the breathing exercise, the exercise
and play the rest of the exercise on that breath.” breathing after a 4-
bar phrase. (Fulfills
Body: LO 2)
Work on both pieces as either a conductor or as an adjudicator. If
33 mins adjudicator, refer to rubric. Spend most of the time focusing on shaping Utilize observation
throughout both pieces. and dialogue to
ensure that all
*Start with A Song for Friends and really focus on extending the phrases so students are
that there are no gaps between them. Describe it like the ocean: there are performing the
large waves, but then as they are receding into the ocean there are still tiny festival pieces with
waves that hang on to the beach for as long as they can before they return to accurate rhythms,
the ocean. articulations,
dynamics, and
*With Majestica focus specifically on the last phrase (4 bars from the end) phrasing. (Fulfills
and make sure that the moving line is coming through and that the parts LO 3)
with half notes are hitting their notes and then backing away.

Strategies for working on the festival pieces:

(1) Singing: To work on phrasing and shape within the pieces. Also, to
work on difficult rhythmic passages and passages with tradeoffs
between melody and counter melody.
(2) Clapping: To work on difficult rhythmic passages.
(3) Slowing down: To work on rhythms and shape within the piece.
Add to clapping and singing if students are still struggling with the
(4) Have students “play” through the piece with just their air. Have
them hold their hands in front of their faces so they can feel it the
whole time. This is to demonstrate how the air stream should be
continuous throughout the piece regardless of articulation.
*Remind the students what it felt like to play as a large ensemble and bring
that sense into their playing.


3 mins
Subject/Grade: Band 7 Lesson/Date: March 27th, 2019 Time: 9:52
Room: Band Room
“Great work today Grade 7! Please pack up your instruments now. For
tomorrow, I would like you to practice any trouble areas in A Song for
Friends and Majestica.”

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