Professional Growth Plan
Professional Growth Plan
Professional Growth Plan
Goal 1: To set and maintain clear expectations for my students. (TQS 1: Fostering
Effective Relationships: acting consistently with fairness, respect and integrity.)
Strategies Indicators and Measures of
• I will build my expectations into my Achievement
lesson plans, so that I am clear as to what • Discussions with my TA and UC to
they are before I explain them to my check-in on my progress.
students. • Reflect daily on how classroom
• I will ensure that I enforce my management was in my lessons.
expectations consistently.
• Discussions with my TA and UC to
check-in on my progress.
• Read the book Teaching with Love and
Logic to learn new classroom
management techniques.
Time Line Resources
• Over the course of my PSII Practicum • Teaching with Love and Logic – Jim
Fay & David Funk
1. How successful was my development of this goal?
I feel quite successful with my development of this goal. Throughout practicum, I
focused on my classroom management techniques in all classroom settings and
learned from trials of different techniques and suggestions from both my TA and UC.