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Object Oriented Programming Languages For Search Algorithms in Software Complexity Metrics

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International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS) ISSN: 2393-9842

Issue 04, Volume 6 (April 2019) www.irjcs.com


Kehinde A. Sotonwa
Computer Science and information Technology,
Bells University of Technology,Ota, Nigeria
Monsurat O. Balogun
Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria
Esther O. Isola
Information and Communication Technology,
Osun State University, Osogbo, Nigeria
Stephen O. Olabiyisi
Computer Science and Engineering,
Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
Elijah O. Omidiora
Computer Science and Engineering,
Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
Christopher A. Oyeleye
Computer Science and Engineering,
Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
Manuscript History
Number: IRJCS/RS/Vol.06/Issue04/APCS10082
Received: 24, March 2019
Final Correction: 02, April 2019
Final Accepted: 12, April 2019
Published: April 2019
Citation: Sotonwa, Balogun, Isola, Olabiyisi, Omidiora & Oyeleye (2019). OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING
Journal of Computer Science, Volume VI, 90-103. doi://10.26562/IRJCS.2019.APCS10082
Editor: Dr.A.Arul L.S, Chief Editor, IRJCS, AM Publications, India
Copyright: ©2019 This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License, Which Permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author
and source are credited

Abstract— Complexity measures can be used to predict critical information about testability, reliability and
maintainability of the software systems from automatic analysis of the source code. In this paper different software
complexity metrics were applied to searching algorithms.

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Issue 04, Volume 6 (April 2019) www.irjcs.com

Our intention is to match vigorous object oriented applications (Visual Basic, C#, C++, Java and Python languages)
of linear and binary search algorithms using software complexity metrics such as (Line of Codes (LOC), McCabe
cylomatic complexity metrics and Halstead complexity metrics) and measured the sample program using LOC,
McCabe method, the program difficulty using Halstead method and degree of relationship using Pearson
correlation Coefficient and Statistical Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for these three metrics. The five (5) languages
correlate and do not differ significantly, then any of the five (5) programming languages is good to code linear and
binary search algorithms.
Keywords — Software metrics (Line of Codes (LOC); McCabe method and Halstead method); Searching
Algorithms; Object oriented programming languages (VB, C#, C++, Java and Python);

Software development involves creating a software system depending on requirements. Requirements are usually
complex and this situation makes software projects change continuously. Software projects are changed or
modified in order to better understand the user requirements or eliminate errors. Hence, software systems are
called to be complex [1][2][3][4][5].
Software life cycle is the process of developing and changing software systems. A software life cycle consists of all
the activities and products that are needed to develop a software system. Due to the fact that software systems are
complex, life cycle models tend to enable developers to cope with software complexity. Life cycle models expose
the software development activities and their dependencies in order to make them more visible and manageable
A programming language is an artificial language designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly a
computer. Programming languages can be used to create programs that control the behaviour of a machine and/or
to express algorithms precisely, example include procedural programming, object oriented programming and multi
paradigm programming language but this work is focused on object oriented languages [10][11][12].
A computer program is a set of instructions developed to perform a task, whereas a software system is a set of
programs developed with an engineering discipline under consideration of quality with an aim to accomplish many
tasks properly. The main distinguishing factor is quality [2]. Thereby, quality is the indispensable fact of a software
The first problem encountered when attempting to understand program complexity is to define what it means for a
program to be complex. Basili defines complexity as a measure of the resources expended by a system while
interacting with a piece of software to perform a given task. If the interacting system is a computer, then
complexity can be defined by the execution time and storage required to perform the computation. If the
interacting system is a programmer complexity is defined by the difficulty of performing tasks such as coding,
debugging, testing, or modifying the software. The term software complexity is often applied to the interaction
between a program and a programmer working on some programming tasks [13][14].
Software complexity is defined as “the degree to which a system or component has a design or implementation that
is difficult to understand and verify [15] i.e. complexity of a code is directly dependent on the understandability. All
the factors that make a program difficult to understand are responsible for its complexity. Software complexity
also is an estimate of the amount of effort needed to develop, understand or maintain the code and the more
complex the code is the higher the effort and time needed to develop or maintain this code [16]. Results based on
real life projects have shown that there is a correlation between the complexity of a system and the number of
faults [17][18].
Over the last three decades many measures have been proposed by researchers to analyze software complexity,
understandability, and maintenance. Metrics designed to analyze software such as imperative, procedural, and
object-oriented programs. Software measurement is concerned with deriving a numeric value for an attribute of a
software product, i.e. a measurement is a mapping from the empirical world to the formal world [19][20].
I. Existing Software Complexity Metrics
Software metrics have been found to be useful in reducing software maintenance costs by assigning a numeric
value to reflect the ease or difficulty with which a program module may be understood. There are hundreds of
software complexity measures that have been described and published.
IRJCS: Mendeley (Elsevier Indexed) CiteFactor Journal Citations Impact Factor 1.81 –SJIF: Innospace,
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Issue 04, Volume 6 (April 2019) www.irjcs.com

For example, the most basic complexity measure the number of lines of code (LOC), simply counts the lines of
executable code, data declarations, comments, and so on. While this measure is extremely simple, it has been
shown to be very useful and correlates well with the number of errors in programs. Reference[21] formulated a
metric that counts the number of lines of codes but neglected the intelligence content, layout and other factors
that affect the complexity of the code [19][20][21][22].
McCabe measured metric is based on program size but more on information/control flow which is based on
specification flow graph representation and the complexity of an algorithm that goes beyond the algorithm
measure of the cognitive aspect. But the metric was not sufficient to measure code complexity especially of modern
programming languages [23].

Yas used McCabe method of software complexity to compare the complexity of several object oriented languages
such as C++, Java and Visual Basic. The binary search algorithm written in three languages; C++, Java, and Visual
Basic was used to measure the complexity of the algorithm. He did not consider Halstead method with the
algorithm and so also linear search [20].
Halstead measured the number of operators, the number of operands and their respective occurrence in the
program (code). These operators and operands are to be considered during calculation of Program Length,
Vocabulary, Volume, Potential Volume, Estimated Program Length, Program Difficulty, Effort and Program Time.
Some questions were aroused such as what was an operator and operand. It was difficult to differentiate them
therefore there is no a sharp distinction between operators and operands. Another weakness of this complexity is
that they do not measure control flow complexity and also difficult to compute [24].
Sotonwa et al. compared software complexity of searching algorithms using code based metrics such as LOC,
McCabe method and Halstead method. The metric was more realistic because it compared four object oriented
languages with searching algorithms of linear and binary search. Also statistical analysis of variance was conducted
on the metrics to show that the four (4) objects oriented programming languages were good to code linear and
binary search algorithms [25].
II. Object Oriented Programming Languages (OOPL)
OOP is a type of programming in which programmers define not only the data type of a data structure, but also the
types of operations (functions) that can be applied to the data structure. OOPL proves to be faster to learn and
easier to maintain. In addition, OOPL provide a way to break large and sometimes difficult-to-manage
programming projects into smaller modules that can be managed easily. Examples are Java, C++, C#, Python, Net,
and Visual Basic.Net etc [25][26].
Each OOPL has a number of keywords; sometimes these keywords are different from one language to the other.
There are a large number of similarities between Java, C#, C++ and Visual Basic. The Table below show the
comparison between these keywords, Tables 1 shows that there are 35 keywords with similar identification in
both languages C# and Java. There are 15 keywords having different identification from both languages for
example base in C# language is represented with super in Java language, Table 2 shows the similar identification in
C++ and Visual Basic and Table 3 showed keyword for Python [27].
III. Search Algorithm
A search algorithm is an algorithm for finding an item with specified properties among a collection of items [28].
Common types of search algorithm are linear search, binary search, interpolative search and fibonacci search but
the scope f this study is specializing on only linear search algorithm and binary search algorithm
A. Linear search: is a search algorithm that is suitable for searching a list of data for a particular value that
consists of checking every one of its elements, one at a time and in sequence until the desired one is found.[28][29].
In linear search list does not have to be sorted which make it very efficient when used for small database because It
requires small memory space and not expensive
B.Binary search: is an algorithm for locating the position of an element in a sorted list: if equal to the sought value,
then the position is found; otherwise the upper half or lower half is chosen for further searching.[28][30]. Binary
search utilizes the divide and conquer approach which made it more efficient and very fast than linear search

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Issue 04, Volume 6 (April 2019) www.irjcs.com

Table 1: C# and Java Keywords

C# Java C# Keyword Java C# Java C# Java
Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword
Abstract abstract Explicit n/a Object n/a This This
As n/a Extern Native Operator n/a throw Throw
Base super Finally Finally Out n/a True True
Bool boolean Fixed n/a Override n/a Try Try
Break break Float Float Params n/a typeof n/a
Byte n/a For For Private private Unit n/a
Case case Foreach n/a Protected n/a ulong n/a
Catch catch Get n/a Public Public unchecke n/a
Char char Goto Goto Readonly n/a unsafe n/a
Checked n/a If If Ref n/a unshort n/a
Class class Implicit n/a Return Return using Import
Const const In n/a Sbyte Byte value n/a
Continue continue Int Int Sealed Final virtual n/a
Decimal n/a Interface Interface Set n/a void Void
Default default Internal Protected Short Short volatile Volatile
Delegate n/a Is Instanceof Sizeof n/a While While
Do do Lock synchronized Stackalloc n/a : Extends
Double double Long Long Static Static : Implements
Else else Namespace Package String n/a n/a Strictfp
Enum n/a New New Struct n/a n/a Throws
Event n/a Null Null Switch Switch n/a Transient

Table 2: C++ and Visual Basic Keywords

C++ VB C++ VB Keyword C++ VB C++ VB
Keyword keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword
Alignas alias Decitype Decimal Namespace Namespace struct structure
Alignof ansi Default Default New New switch switch
And and Delete delete setting Noexcept n/a template n/a
and eg and also Do Do Not Not this then
Asm anc Double Double not eg Nothing threadlo n/a
Auto auto dynamic cast Dim Nullptr n/a throw throw
Bitand n/a Else Else Operator n/a true true
Bitor n/a Enum Enum Or Or try try
Bool boolean Explicit Erase or eg Orelse typedef n/a
Break n/a Export n/a Private Private typeid n/a
Case case Extern n/a Protected Protected typenaa typename
Catch catch False False Public Public union unicode
Char char Float n/a Register n/a unsigned unlock
char16t cshort For For reinterpret n/a using until
char32t csng Friend Friend Return Return virtual virtual
Class class Goto Goto Short Short void void
Compl n/a If If Signed n/a volatile volatile
Const const Inline n/a Sizeof Synlock wchar void
Constexpr cstr Int Int Static Static while while
const cast n/a Long Long static assert n/a xor xor
Continue n/a Mutable Mustinherit static cast n/a xor eg n/a

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Table 3: Python Keywords

And except Lambda With As finally nonlocal while
Assert false None Yield Break for for not
Print class From Or Exec continue global pass
Def if Raise Del Import return elif in
True else Is Try


The metrics were applied on searching algorithms codes written Visual Basic, C#, C++, Java and Python languages.
Ten (10) different types of searching algorithms codes were considered. These programs were different in their
architecture. Sample of the program are given in C# linear and binary search with their flow graph Figure 1-4
I. Evaluation of Software Complexity of Searching Algorithms
To find the complexity of variations of different implementation languages,
The following approaches were applied:
A. Line of codes: counts every line of the program including comments, standalone brace, blank lines and
LOC (i)
B. McCabe method: using cyclomatic complexity method
MC = V (G) = e – n + 2p (ii)
where e is the edges,
n is the nodes and
p is the connected component.
C. Program Difficulty using Halstead method:
D of P = (µ1 ÷2) * (N2 ÷ µ2) (iii)
where µ1is the number of unique operator,
µ2 is the number of unique operands and
N2 is the occurrences of operands.

II. Analysis of the Program for Linear Search in C#

i. LOC = 75
ii. McCabe method we have e = 49, n = 41 and p = 2
McCabe MC = V (G) = e – n + 2p = 49 – 41 + 2(2) = 12
iii. Halstead method where μ1 = 27, μ2 = 24, N1 = 82 and N2 = 78
The Program Difficulty = (μ1 ÷ 2) * (N2 ÷ μ2) = (27 ÷ 2) * (78 ÷ 24) = 43.88

1. // Linear Search in C#
3 using System;
4 using System.Collections.Generic;
15 {
16 x[counter] = a.Next(counter * 10);

17 Console.WriteLine(x[counter]);
18 }
19 //display
20 Console. Clear();//clean of everything written on the dos screen

IRJCS: Mendeley (Elsevier Indexed) CiteFactor Journal Citations Impact Factor 1.81 –SJIF: Innospace,
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Issue 04, Volume 6 (April 2019) www.irjcs.com

21 for (int counter = 0; counter <x.Length; counter++)

22 {
23 if ((counter % 10) == 0)
24 {

25 Console.CursorTop = 0;
26 }
27 Console.CursorLeft = 5 * (int)Math.Floor((counter / 10.0));
28 Console.WriteLine(x[counter]);
29 }
30 //search
31 Console.WriteLine("Type in the number you are searching for: ");
5 using System.Text;
7 internal static class modSearch
8 {
9 private static int[] x = new int[100];
10 public static void Main()
11 {
12 Console.Clear();
13 Random a = new Random();
14 for (int counter = 0; counter <x.Length; counter++)
32 Linear_Search(System.Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()));
33 }
34 private static void Linear_Search(int key)
35 {
36 for (int i = 0; i<x.Length; i++)
37 {
38 if (key == x[i])
39 {
40 Console.WriteLine("Found at position " + (i + 1));
41 Console.WriteLine("--- Press any key to exit ---");
42 Console.ReadKey();
43 return;
44 }
45 }
46 Console.WriteLine("key is not found");//let the user knows that the number, he is looking for is not there
47 Console.WriteLine("--- Press any key to exit ---");
48 Console.ReadKey();
49 }//End Program
50 }//End Class

Figure 1: The Program for Linear Search Algorithm written in C#

III. Analysis of the Program for Binary Search

i. LOC = 76

ii. McCabe method where e = 49, n = 41 and p = 2

McCabe MC = V (G) = e – n + 2p = 49 – 41 + 2(2) = 12

iiii. Halstead method where μ1 = 29, μ2 = 25, N1 = 93 and N2 = 83

The Program Difficulty = (μ1 ÷ 2) * (N2 ÷ μ2) = (29 ÷ 2) * (83 ÷ 25) = 48.14

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Issue 04, Volume 6 (April 2019) www.irjcs.com




E C3



K G3



R M3


Figure 2: Linear Search in C# Flow Graph

IRJCS: Mendeley (Elsevier Indexed) CiteFactor Journal Citations Impact Factor 1.81 –SJIF: Innospace,
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1 // Binary Search in C#
3 using System;
4 using System.Collections.Generic;
5 using System.Text;
7 internal static class modSearch
8 {
9 private static int[] x = new int[100];
10 public static void Main()
11 {
12 int temp;
13 Console.Clear();
14 Random a = new Random();
15 for (int counter = 0; counter <x.Length; counter++)
16 {
17 x[counter] = a.Next(counter * 10);
18 Console.WriteLine(x[counter]);
19 }
20 //sort
21 for (int i = 0; i<x.Length; i++)
22 {
23 for (int j = i; j <x.Length; j++)
24 {
25 if (x[j] < x[i])
26 {
27 temp = x[i]; //store x(i) somewhere
28 x[i] = x[j]; //then store x(j) into x(i)
29 x[j] = temp; //then store temp into x(j)
30 }
31 }
32 }
33 //display
34 Console.Clear();
35 for (int counter = 0; counter <x.Length; counter++)
36 {
37 if ((counter % 10) == 0)
38 {
39 Console.CursorTop = 0;
40 }
41 Console.CursorLeft = 5 * (int)Math.Floor((counter / 10.0));
42 Console.WriteLine(x[counter]);
43 }
44 //search
45 Console.WriteLine("Type in the number you are searching for: ");
46 Binary_Search(System.Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()), 0, x.Length);
48 }
49 private static void Binary_Search(int key, int left, int right)
50 {
51 int m = 0;
52 while (left <= right)// then left number is the first on the list, the right is the last on the list
53 {
54 m = (left + right) / 2;//calculate the middle position
55 if (key == x[m]) // is the number at the middle position the number we're looking for?
56 {//yse

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57 Console.WriteLine("Found at position " + (m + 1));

58 Console.WriteLine("--- Press any key to exit ---");
59 Console.ReadKey();
60 return;
61 } //no ok, is it bigger than the number we are looking for
62 else if (key > x[m])
63 {
64 left = m + 1;
65 }//no, ok, is it smaller than the number we are looking for
66 else if (key < x[m])
67 {
68 right = m - 1;
69 }
70 }
71 Console.WriteLine("key is not found");
72 Console.WriteLine("--- Press any key to exit ---");
73 Console.ReadKey();
74 }
75 }
Figure 3: The Program for Binary Search Algorithm written in C#
The evaluation of software complexity metrics for linear search algorithms and binary search algorithm using
object oriented languages (Visual Basic, C#, C++, Java and Python) were given in table 3.1 and 3.2. These show the
complexity values for all the variations of different.
Table 4: Comparison of the Metrics for Linear Search Algorithms
Object Oriented Line of McCabe Program
Languages Codes Methods Difficulty
VB 37 11 16.05
C# 50 11 26.83
C++ 51 11 31.97
Java 54 9 21.59
Python 24 5 28.4
Table 5: Comparison of the Metrics for Binary Search Algorithms
Object Oriented Line of McCabe Program
Languages Codes Methods Difficulty
VB 54 12 25.77
C# 75 12 43.88
C++ 76 12 48.14
Java 77 11 35.8
Python 31 6 38.1
IV. Statistical Evaluation of Pearson Correlation Coefficient
The correlations coefficient is a statistical measure that measures the relationship between two variables. If one
variable is changing its value then the value of second variable can be predicted. The positive correlation exists
when a high value of one variable is associated with high value of another variable and the negative correlation
exists when a high value is associated with low value. The value close to +1 means positive correlation exists, -1
means negative correlation exists and 0 means there is no correlation at all.
Table 6 and 7 showed the correlation values for LOC, McCabe and Halstead methods for linear and binary search,
the correlation values between LOC and McCabe method for linear and binary search are 0.715 and 0.836 indicated
strong correlation exist between LOC and McCabe method and these yielded the computed probability values (p) of
0.175 and 0.77 > 0.05. Therefore P accepts H0. The correlation values between LOC and Halstead method are 0.65
and 0.407 yielded showed moderate and weak correlation existence and the P-value of 0.918 and 0.496 > 0.05
therefore P value accepts H0 also. Finally, the correlation values between McCabe and Halstead methods are -0.213
and 0.45 showed negative and weak correlation between the two measures, the 2-tailed values of 0.713 and 0.943?
0.005. Hence, P-value accepts H0.

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The Pearson correlation coefficient showed correlation existence and non significant relationship among the
measures and the programming languages for both linear and binary search techniques.

F D3
I H3


Q M3


a W
b c X
d Y


Figure 4: Binary Search in C# Flow Graph

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Table 6: Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Linear Search

Line of Codes McCabe Methods Program Difficulty

Line of Codes Pearson Correlation 1 .715 .065
Sig. (2-tailed) .175 .918
N 5 5 5
McCabe Methods Pearson Correlation .715 1 -.213
Sig. (2-tailed) .175 .731
N 5 5 5
Program Difficulty Pearson Correlation .065 -.213 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .918 .731
N 5 5 5

Table 7: Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Binary Search

Line of Codes McCabe Methods Halstead Method

Line of Codes Pearson Correlation 1 .836 .407
Sig. (2-tailed) .077 .496
N 5 5 5
McCabe Methods Pearson Correlation .836 1 .045
Sig. (2-tailed) .077 .943
N 5 5 5
Halstead Method Pearson Correlation .407 .045 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .496 .943
N 5 5 5

V. Statistical Evaluation of Statistical Analysis of Variance

Statistical Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a statistical method used to test differences between two or more
means. Table 7 and 8 show the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) table for linear search and binary search and it is
discovered that F0.01, 2, 12= 6.93 < Fcalculated, since the Ftable less than Fcalculated for both linear and binary search then p
value reject the null hypothesis H0, therefore is significant relationship between the metrics and the programming
languages for linear and binary search techniques.
Table 7: Statistical Analysis of Variance for Linear Search
Sources of Error Sum of Squares Variance Estimate DF F
Between Groups SSb (2862) Sb2 (1431) 3 22.62
Within Groups SSw (759.21) Sw2 (63.27) 12 F0.01, 3, 8 = 6.93
Total 3621.21 1494.27 15

Table 8: Statistical Analysis of Variance Binary Search

Sources of Error Sum of Squares Variance Estimate DF F
Between Groups SSb (6770.09) Sb2 (3385.05) 3 20.81
Within Groups SSw (1951.8) Sw2 (162.65) 12 F0.01, 2, 12 = 6.93
Total 8721.89 3547.7 15


I. Comparison between McCabe and Halstead Methods for Linear and Binary Search
The Figure 1 and 2 are showing the differences between McCabe and Halstead measurement for linear search and
binary search for the (4) four languages. It is discovered that the differences between the values for McCabe
complexity are negligible while that of Halstead method show remarkable differences with C++ language is having
the highest value and VB language having the lowest value for linear and binary search.

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Figure 1: Comparison of McCabe and Halstead Methods for Linear Search`

Figure 2: Comparison of McCabe and Halstead Methods for Binary Search

II. Comparison between Line of Codes (LOC) and McCabe Methods for Linear and Binary Search
Figure 3 and 4 are showing the differences between line of codes and McCabe method for linear and binary search
for the (4) four object oriented languages. It is discovered that the line of codes for Visual Basic, C# and C++ are less
than that of Java, in this case it can be predicted that Visual Basic, C# and C++ have less complexity than Java
therefore languages with less number of keywords expected to be more complex and needs more access time
compared with the language that has more keywords, therefore this can be used as a second pre indicator for
programs complexity.

Figure 3: Comparison of LOC and McCabe Method for Linear Search

Figure 4: Comparison of LOC and McCabe Method for Binary Search
III. Comparison between LOC and Halstead Methods for Linear and Binary Search
Figure 5 and 6 show difference between line of codes and Halstead method for linear and binary search. The results
show that Java has the highest complexity value for line of codes and C++ for Halstead method for both linear and
binary search. This is because if one language lacks a keyword to directly implement one of the steps,
implementations of more step leads to an increase in the number of steps required implementing the algorithm.

Figure 5: Comparison of LOC and Halstead Method for Linear Search

Figure 6: Comparison of LOC and Halstead Method for Binary Search

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Software complexity metrics are used to quantify a variety of software properties. Complexity measures can be
used to predict critical information about testability, reliability and maintainability of the software systems from
automatic analysis of the source code. It was found that McCabe method has negligible values of complexity for
Visual Basic, C#, C++, Java and Python with fewer values for linear search and a bit higher similar measuring value
for binary search. Halstead methods show remarkable difference among the object oriented programming
languages (VB, C#, C++, Java and Python) for both linear and binary search techniques while Java language has
highest complexity values and VB lowest values for LOC. This is because in LOC some codes have more lines than
others because object oriented programming languages provide a way to break large and sometimes difficult to
manage programming projects into smaller modules that can be managed easily therefore languages with more
number of keywords expected to be less complex and needs little access time compared with the language that has
less keywords.Further result from statistical evaluation showed that there is correlation existence between the
measures and the programming languages while ANOVA showed that for both linear and binary search techniques
the five (5) languages do not differ significantly. Therefore, it is concluded that any of the five (5) programming
languages is good to code linear search and binary search algorithms.
The authors wish to thank the authority of Bells University of Technology, Ota, Ogun State and Kwara State
University Malete, Kwara State, Osun State University, Osogbo, Osun State and Ladoke Akintola University of
Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo State for enabling environment provided as well as uninterrupted internet services.
The moral support of member of faculty is also appreciated.
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