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A. Data Pribadi

Nama : dr. Prasenohadi, PhD, Sp.P

NIP : 140 321 077
Tempat / Tgl Lhir : Jakarta, 19 Maret 1965
Agama : Islam
Alamat : Griya Tugu Asri A3/8, Jalan RTM Kelapa Dua
Cimanggis, Bogor 16951. Telp./Fax. (021)8710218

B. Riwayat Pendidikan Formal

1972 – 1977 : SD Triguna, Jakarta

1978 – 1981 : SMP Negeri 11, Jakarta
1981 – 1984 : SMA Negeri 6, Jakarta
1984 – 1991 : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (FKUI), Jakarta
29 April 1991 : Lulus dokter FKUI, Jakarta
1995 – sekarang : Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Paru FKUI, Jakarta.
Oktober 1997 – Maret 1999 : Research Student in Tohoku University School of
Medicine, Department of Respiratory Oncology and
Molecular Medicine, Jepang
April 1999 – Maret 2003 : Post Graduate Student in Tohoku University School of
Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Science) dari Tohoku University, Jepang

C. Riwayat Pekerjaan :
1991 – 1992 : Tenaga medis di R.S Siaga Raya, Jakarta
1992 – 1995 : Dokter PTT di Kec. Bonegunu, Kab. Muna, Sulawesi Tenggara
1995 – sekarang : PPDS Pulmonologi RS Persahabatan/FKUI Jakarta.
2005 – sekarang : Staf Departemen Pulmonologi dan Ilmu Kedokteran Respirasi
FKUI-RS Persahabatan, Jakarta

D. Karya ilmiah

1. Gene transfer of prostaglandin (PG) I2 synthase and thromboxan (TX) A2 synthase

antithetically altered tumor angiogenesis and tumor growth. Cancer Research 62,
2002 : 63-66.
2. Gene therapy and clinical trial. Nippon Rinsho Vol. 60, Suppl 5, 2002 : 625-629.
(in Japanese)
3. Gene transfer of prostaglandin (PG) I2 synthase increases the anti tumor effect of
Indomethacin. (in preparation)
4. Effects of prostaglandin (PG) I2 synthase gene and thromboxane (TX) A2 synthase
gene in lung fibrosis. (in preparation)
5. Secretory leucoproteinase inhibitor (SLPI) inhibits tumor growth of A549 lung
cancer cells. (in preparation)
6. Effects of Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) in lung fibrosis. (in preparation)

Peran serta aktif dalam pertemuan ilmiah

1. 39th Annual Meeting of Japanese Respiratory Society, Yokohama (JAPAN), March

25 - 27, 1999 (Ex vivo transfection of prostaglandin (PG) I2 synthase gene altered
the growth of Lewis lung carcinoma cells (LLC)).
2. 2nd Annual Meeting of American Society of Gene Therapy, Washington D.C
(U.S.A), June 9 - 13, 1999 (Ex vivo transfection of prostaglandin (PG) I2 synthase
gene as well as thromboxane (TX) A2 synthase gene reduced tumor growth of
Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) cells).
3. 58th Annual Meeting of Japanese Cancer Association, Hiroshima (JAPAN),
September 29 – October 1, 1999 (Ex vivo gene transfer of prostaglandin (PG) I2
synthase altered the growth of Lewis lung carcinoma cells (LLC)).
4. 96th International Conference of American Thoracic Society, Toronto (CANADA),
May 5 - 10, 2000 (Ex vivo transfection of prostaglandin (PG) I2 synthase gene
reduced tumor growth of Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) cells).
5. 59th Annual Meeting of Japanese Cancer Association, Yokohama (JAPAN),
October 4 - 6, 2000 (Ex vivo transfection of synthase genes for thromboxane and
prostacyclin modulated proliferation of blood vessels in tumor).
6. 92nd Annual Meeting of American Association for Cancer Research, New Orleans
(U.S.A), March 24 - 28, 2001 (Ex vivo transfection of thromboxane (TX) A2
synthase gene and prostaglandin (PG) I2 synthase gene altetred the growth and
angiogenesis of C26 colon cancer cells).
7. Tohoku University Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer Research Seminar,
January 2002 (Gene transfer of thromboxane (TX) A2 synthase gene and
prostaglandin (PG) I2 synthase gene altetred tumor angiogenesis and tumor
8. 42nd Annual Meeting of Japanese Respiratory Society, Sendai (JAPAN), April 4 -
6, 2002 :
Gene transfer of prostaglandin (PG) I2 synthase to Lewis lung carcinoma cells
(LLC) increases the anti-tumor effect of indomethacin,

Secretory leucoproteinase inhibitor (SLPI) inhibits tumor growth of A549 lung

cancer cells.
9. 93 Annual Meeting of American Association for Cancer Research, San Fransisco
(U.S.A), April 6 - 10, 2002 (Gene transfer of prostaglandin (PG) I2 synthase
increases the anti tumor effect of Indomethacin).
10. Respiratory Molecular Cellular Biology, Tokyo (JAPAN), July 17, 2002 (The role
of prostaglandin and COX-inhibitor in tumor growth).



Place/Date of Birth : Surabaya (Indonesia), April 22, 1973
Nationality : Indonesia
Home address : Curug Indah A2/5 Jatiwaringin, Jakarta 13620

Tel/Fax: +62-21-861-8673
Mobile: +62-81-886-7189
E-mail address : sitaandarini@yahoo.com

Education :
2007 : Pulmonologist
Department of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia
2002 - 2006 : PhD, Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University, Sendai,
under the Monbukagakusho Scholarship Programme
2001 - 2002 : Research Student, under Monbukagakusho Scholarship Programme
Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer
Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
1999 - 2007 : Residency Program at Department Pulmonology and Respiratory
Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
1991 - 1997 : Medical Doctor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia,
Jakarta, Indonesia
1988 - 1991 : SMA Negeri 8 High School, Jakarta, Indonesia

2006 : Takahashi Memorial Award, Tohoku University
2005 : Research Award, Insitute of Development, Aging and
Cancer, Tohoku University

Professional Member: 1. Indonesian Medical Association

2. Indonesian Association of Pulmonologist
3. American Thoracic Society (In-training Member)

Attended Courses:
Workshop in Thoracoscopy, Rigid Bronchoscopy, Laser and Stenting.
American Thoracic Society. San Diego, April 2005.

Publication and communication:

1. Zaini J,* Andarini S,* Tahara M, Saijo Y, Ishii N, Kawakami K, Taniguchi M,
Sugamura K, Nukiwa T, Kikuchi T. OX40 ligand expressed by DCs costimulates
NKT and CD4+ Th cell antitumor immunity in mice. J. Clin. Invest. 2007 117: 3330-
3338. (equal contribution)
2. Nukiwa M,*Andarini S,* Zaini J, * Xin H, Kanehira M, Suzuki T, Fukuhara T,
Mizuguchi H, Hayakawa T, Saijo Y, Nukiwa T, Kikuchi T. Dendritic cells modified
to express fractalkine/CX3CL1 in the treatment of preexisting tumors. Eur J Immunol
2006; 36:1019-26. (* equal contribution)
3. Kikuchi T, Andarini S, Xin H, Gomi K, Tokue Y, Saijo Y, Honjo T, Watanabe A,
Nukiwa T. Involvement of fractalkine/CXC3CL1 expression by dendritic cells in the
enhancement of host immunity against Legionella pneumophilla. Infect Immun
4. Xin H, Kikuchi T, Andarini S, Ohkouchi S, Suzuki T, Nukiwa T, Honjo T, Saijo Y,
Huqun. Antitumor immune response by CX3CL1 fractalkine gene transfer depends
on both NK and T cells. Eur J Immunol 2005; 35:1371-80.
5. Andarini S, Kikuchi T, Nukiwa M, Pradono P, Suzuki T, Ohkouchi S, Inoue A,
Maemondo M, Ishii N, Saijo Y, Sugamura K, Nukiwa T. Adenovirus vector-mediated
in vivo gene transfer of OX40 ligand to tumor cells enhances antitumor immunity of
tumor-bearing hosts. Cancer Res 2004; 64: 3281-7.

1. Andarini S, et al. Induction of antitumor immunity by intratumoral administration of
dendritic cells genetically modified to express fractalkine. Oral Presentation. 100th
International Meeting American Thoracic Society. May 20-25 2005, San Diego,
2. Xin H, Kikuchi T, Andarini S, Ohkouchi S, Suzuki T, Pradono P, Honjo T, Nukiwa
T, and Saijo Y. Gene transfer of CX3C Chemokine suppresses tumor growth in vivo.
Poster Presentation.9th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Gene Therapy, Tokyo,
Japan. July 18-20, 2004
3. Andarini S, Kikuchi T, Nukiwa T. Antitumor Immunity Induced by Adenovirus
Vector-Mediated Transduction of OX40 Ligand. Poster Presentation American
Thoracic Society International Congress. Orlando, USA. May 21-26 2004

Language proficiency:
Bahasa Indonesia

Curriculum Vitae

Nama : dr. Feni Fitriani Taufik, Sp.P

Tempat/tanggal lahir : Padang/31 Maret 1974
Alamat : Jl. Cucur Jaya C1/8, Bintaro Sektor 4, Tangerang
Email : feni_fadilla@yahoo.co.id
Telp. : 08170915615
Suami : dr. Yudi Fadilla, Sp.JP
Anak : 1. Rania Fathiya Fadilla
2. Answa Humayra Fadilla

S1 Dokter Umum : FK. Universitas Andalas, tamat tahun 1998
Spesialis Paru : FK Universitas Indonesia, tamat tahun 2008

 Dokter umum BP4 Lb. Alung tahun 1998
 Dokter PTTP Puskesmas Kampar Riau 2000 -2003
 PPDS Paru FKUI 2005 – 2008
 Staf Departemen Pulmonologi dan Ilmu Kedokteran Respirasi FKUI – RS Persahabatan,
Divisi Paru Kerja dan Lingkungan 2009 - sekarang

Curriculum Vitae

A. Data Pribadi

Nama : dr. Nur Ahmad Tabri, Sp.PD, Sp.P

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Makassar, 12 April 1959

Agama : Islam

Alamat : Jl. Masjid Muhajirin Lorong 3 No. 4 Mallengkeri

Komplek PU Makassar

B. Riwayat Pendidikan Formal

Tahun : 1985 S1 : FK Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar

Tahun : 2008 S2 : FK Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta

C. Riwayat Pekerjaan

Saat ini bekerja/menjabat sebagai :

Departemen Pulmonologi & IK Respirasi FK UNHAS/ SMF Paru RS. Dr. W.


Curriculum Vitae

Nama : Prof. Dr. Elin Yulinah Sukandar Apt.
Tempat dan tanggal : Bandung, 26 Juli 1951
Agama : Islam
Pekerjaan : Staf pengajar Sekolah Farmasi ITB
Alamat Instansi : Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung
Telepon Kantor : (022) 2514316, (022) 2509172 pes 3403
Alamat rumah : Jl. Kanayakan D-40, Bandung 40135
Telepon rumah : (022) 250111602 / 081320552054

Riwayat pendidikan : Sarjana Farmasi ITB 1974

: Apoteker ITB 1975
: Doktor sandwich program Jepang- ITB

Jabatan saat ini:

1. Kepala lab. Farmakologi
2. Ketua KK Farmakologi-Farmasi Klinik
3. Anggota Komisi Ilmiah Sekolah Farmai ITB
4. Anggota KPPS (komisi program pasca sarjana) Sekolah Farmasi ITB
5. Dewan Penasehat, PD IAI Jawa Barat, periode 2010-2014
6. Ketua Dewan Juri Research Sponsorship- Care for Luipus SDF Award
7. Referee beberapa jurnal

Organisasi Profesi:
Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia
Anggota Himpunan Toksikologi Indonesia
Anggota Ikatan Ahli Farmakologi Indonesia

Pidato Ilmiah
Pada Dies Natalis ITB ke-45, 2 Maret 2004: TREN DAN PARADIGMA DUNIA
FARMASI, Industri-Klinik-Teknologi Kesehatan

Penghargaan :
1. Dosen teladan FMIPA ITB 1988 dari ITB
2. The best woman inventor of 2003 dari Menristek dan Asosiasi Inventor
3. Habibie award dari The habibie center Jakarta, th 2007.
4. Ganesa Cendekia Widya Adiutama. 4 Juli 2009 dari ITB
5. 101 inventor Indonesia, Agustus 2009 dari Menristek
6. BNSP competency award, Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi, 22 Desember
7. 102 inventor Indonesia, 2010 dari Menristek
8. Kalbe Science Award, 2010 dari PT Kalbe Farma-Kementrian Ristek
9. Penghargaan nasional Hak Kekayaan Intelektual 2013 dar Menteri Hukum dan
Ham, November 2013.

C. Karya ilmiah

a. Elin Yulinah, Asep Gana, Kusnandar, Paten Indonesia, ID 0 013 1901,
P002001100060, Salep kombinasi ekstrak babadotan (Ageratum
conyzoides) dan jahe (Zingiber officinale) sebagai antiinflamasi
(approved 28-7-2004)
b. Elin Yulinah, Josef I Sigit, I Ketut Adnyana, Paten Indonesia,
P0020044400578, Kombinasi ekstrak kunyit (Curcuma domestica) dan
bawang putih (Allium sativum) sebagai antihiperlipidemia dan
antidiabetes (status P)., 2004
c. Elin Yulinah, I Ketut Adnya, Irda Fidrianny, Paten Indonesia P00200600332 ,
Kombinasi jahe dan mengkudu sebagai antituberkulosis (status P), 2005.
d. Sukrasno, Iwang Soediro, Elin Yulinah, Kusnandar, Patent Indonesia, ID 0 013
266, P 2000029, Composition of antidiabetes of salam leave, approved
e. Elin Yulinah, Elfahmi, Kombinasi Ekstrak Temulawak (Curcuma
xanthorrhiza Roxb) dan Daun Jatibelanda (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk)
sebagai Antihiperlipidemia, P 00200900498.
f. Elin Yulinah< JI Sigit, Kombinasi binahong rambut jagung untuk gagal
ginjal, 2013
g. Elin Yulinah, U Sukandar, IK Adnyana, DGS Anadayani, Streptomyces TP2
dari gunung Tangkubanperahu sebagai penghasil anti kanker dan
antimikrob, 2013

Publikasi :

Jurnal Internasional (5 th terakhir):

1. Sukandar,EY., K. Anggadireja, JI Sigit, I. K Adnyana, and RR.

Tjandrawinata, Toxicity studies of a bioactive protein with antithrombotic–
thrombolytic activity, DLBS1033, Drug and Chemical Toxicology, July 2013,
1-9, DOI: 10.3109/01480545.2013.806526

2. Sukandar, E.Y, N. Sunderam, I Fidrianny, Activity of Kaemferia pandurata
(Roxb.) Rhizome Extract Against MRSA, MRCNS, MSSA, Bacillus subtilis
and Salmonella typhi, Pak.J.Biol.Sci., 2013, 1-7.
3. Sukandar, E.Y., JI Sigit and L.F. Adiwibowo, Study of Kidney Repair
Mechanisms of corn silk (Zea mays L.) hair – binahong (Anredera cordifolia
(Ten) Steenis) leaves combination in rat model of kidney failure, Int. J.
Pharmacol. 9(1), 2013, 12-23.
4. Sukandar, E.Y, P. Sudjana, JI Sigit, NPE Leliqia, F. Lestari, Safety of Garlic
(Allium sativum) and Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) Extract in Comparison
with Simvastatin on Improving Lipid Profile in Dyslipidemia Patients, J.Med.
Sci., 13(1), 2013, 10-18.
5. Andayani, DGS, EY Sukandar, U Sukandar, IK Adnyana, Characterization
and identification of a soil nocardia sp. tp-1 isolated from indonesian volcanic
soil int J Pharm Pharm Sci, 5(2), 2013, 291-294
6. Wardani, IGAAK, DGS Andayani, U Sukandar, EY Sukandar, Study on
Microbial activity of Nocardia sp. Strain TP1 isolated from Tangkuban Perahu
Soil, West Java, Indonesia, Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, 5(2), 2013
7. Adnyana, IK, EY Sukandar, F Setiawan, J. Christanti, Efficacy and Sfety O-
desmethyl quinine compare to quinine for nocturnal leg cramp, J. Med. Sci
2013, 1-5
8. Mulyani Y., E. Y. Sukandar, I. K. Adnyana and Elfahmi, Petiveria alliacea:
New alternative for the treatment of sensitive and multi-resistant
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy ,
4(7), 2012, 91-95
9. Widodo, GP, EY Sukandar, IK Adnyana, Sukrasno, Mechanism of action of
coumarin against Candida albicans, by SEM/TEM analysis, ITB J. Sci., 44 A,(
2), 2012, 145-151
10. Sukandar, E.Y., Elfahmi, and Nurdewi, Antihypercholesterolemic effect of
combination of Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk leaves and curcuma xanthorrhiza
Roxb. Rhizomes extract in Wistar rats, , Int. J. Pharmacol. ., 8(4), 2012, 277-
11. Sukandar, E.Y., I. Fidrianny and L.F. Adiwibowo, Efficacy of Ethanol Extract
of Anredera cordifolia (Ten) Steenis Leaves on Improving Kidney Failure in
Rats, Int. J. Pharmacol., 7(8),2011, 850-855.
12. Sukandar, E.Y., Permana,H., Adnyana,IK, Sigit,J.I., Ilyas, R.A., Hasimun,P.,
Mardiyah,D., Clinical Study of Turmeric (Curcuma longa, L.) and Garlic
(Allium sativum, L.) Extracts as Antihyperglycemic and Antihyperlipidemic
Agent in Type-2 Diabetes-Dyslipidemia Patients, Int. J. Pharmacol., 6(4), 2010,
13. Sovia,E., E.Y. Sukandar, J.I. Sigit and L.D.N. Sasongko, Improvement of
Pancreatic Langerhans Islets by Curcuminoid, S-Methyl Cysteine and Its
Combination: An Immunohistochemistry Analysis, Int. J. Pharmacol., 7(3),
2011, 410-414 .
14. Tjandrawati Mozef, Andreanus A. Soemardji, Elin Y. Sukandar and Heni
Rachmawati, Potency of flavonoid isolated from Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson)
Fosberg in inhition f platelet aggregation in hyper-aggregative subjects,
Medicinal Plants, 3(4) December 2011, 307-310.
15. Anam,K., A.G. Suganda, E.Y. Sukandar and L.B.S. Kardono, Antibacterial
Agents of Terminalia muelleri Benth. Leaves, Research Journal of Medicinal
Plant, 4(4), 2010, 197-205

16. Hasimum P., EY Sukandar, IK Adnyana, DH Tjahyono, A Simple method for
Screening Antihyperlipidemic Agents, Int. J. Pharm, 7(1), 74-78.2011
17. Hasimum P., EY Sukandar, IK Adnyana, DH Tjahyono, Synergistic effect of
curcuminoid and S-methyl cysteine in cholesterol homeostasis, IJP, 7(2), 2011,
18. Anam, K., A.G. Suganda, E.Y. Sukandar and L. Broto S. Kardono,
Antibacterial Effect of Component of Terminalia muelleri Benth. against
Staphylococcus aureus, Int. J. Pharmacol., 6(4), 2010. 369-374,


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