Checkdam Economy
Checkdam Economy
Checkdam Economy
© 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Key words: dry stone masonry structures, India, indigenous water-harvesting structures, semi-arid
region, upstream-wall cement masonry structures, water harvesting, water scarcity
1. Introduction
The twentieth century has seen phenomenal growth in the use of water. The world
population has tripled, but the use of water for human purpose has multiplied six
fold. The world is fast heading towards ‘a water shock’, which may even dwarf the
oil crisis. The shortage of water is likely to be so acute in future that the next world
war may well be fought over disputes relating to the sharing of water resources
among various countries. The Comprehensive Assessment of the Freshwater Re-
sources of the World (CFA, 1997) illustrates the magnitude of the global water
problem and estimates that about one-third of the world’s population is currently
afflicted with moderate to severe water stress. By the year 2025, approximately
two-thirds of the world population (close to 5.5 billion people) would be at risk
of facing water stress, if the present trend continues (Kuylenstierna et al., 1997).
The problem of water scarcity in arid and semi-arid regions of the world (almost
30% of the earth’s surface), triggered by low rainfall and its uneven distribution
throughout the season, has been tackled through water harvesting techniques from
historical times.
Water harvesting, defined in its broadest sense as the collection of runoff for
its productive use (Siegert, 1994), is an ancient art practiced in the past in many
parts of North America, Middle East, North Africa, China and India. As a result,
different indigenous techniques and systems were developed in different parts of
the world, which are still mentioned in the literature by their traditional names
(Kolarkar et al., 1983; Dijk and Ahmed, 1993; Prinz, 1994). Indigenous water
harvesting methods are site-specific and include widely differing practices such as
bunding, pitting, micro-catchment water harvesting, flood water and groundwater
harvesting (Prinz 1996; Critchley and Siegert 1991). UNEP (1983) presents an
excellent historical review of rainwater harvesting techniques for agriculture.
During last two decades, various governmental, private and university research
organizations showed their increasing interest in this old technique by initiating
studies to develop and evaluate modern methods and materials for designing, con-
structing, and managing water harvesting. Many of those modern systems failed,
despite good techniques and design, because the social, economic, and manage-
ment factors were inadequately integrated into development of the system (Bazza
and Tayya, 1994). The key to the success of water harvesting techniques in a
region is the acceptance by the beneficiaries (i.e., rural people/farmers) and their
full support (Renner and Frasier, 1995). Generally, the beneficiaries of developing
countries have little risk-bearing ability and they avoid to test unproven methods.
The chances for success are greater if scientific knowledge is integrated with the
beneficiaries’ traditional knowledge, which refers to the unique and local know-
ledge existing within and developed around the specific conditions of women and
men indigenous to a particular geographic area (Nirmale and Metar, 2003). One of
the crucial social aspects for the success is the participation of the beneficiaries and
local nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in planning, design, implementation,
climate with average annual rainfall of about 541 mm, most which occurs during
June to September (monsoon season). The rainfall of the region shows greater
spatio-temporal variations and is highly erratic in nature. Based on the Indian soils
classification system, the soils of the study area can be classified as medium to fine
textured Kota series, Chambal series, Bundi series, Mangrop series, RBL (Rough
Broken Land) and hills. However, based on the USDA soil classification system,
the soils of the area can be classified as ‘loam’ and ‘sandy loam’.
Traditionally, the rural people of Rajasmand have been dependent on forestry,
agriculture and on livestock rearing for their livelihoods. However, in recent years,
due to large-scale degradation of natural resources and due to breakdown in the
institutional mechanisms to manage the resources, people are becoming more and
more dependent on marginal agriculture and in migrating out for wage labour. They
are barely able to sustain themselves economically. In terms of land holdings, the
average is less than a hectare and a large proportion of families live below the
poverty line. In recent years, water scarcity is emerging as the major disaster in the
In designing a water harvesting structure, the first step is to decide the height of
the structure, which is a function of the availability of runoff water. On the basis of
local experiences (Singh, 2000), the water harvesting structures of heights 1, 2, and
2.5 m are suitable for the catchments of less than 10, 10 to 20, and 20 to 30 hectares,
respectively. Indigenous water harvesting structures can be constructed manually
by the beneficiaries at appropriate locations (e.g., narrow valleys) in different com-
binations of dry stone and cement masonry walls at upstream and downstream sides
of the structures. In the present study, two types of water harvesting structures viz.,
dry stone masonry (DSM) and upstream-wall cement masonry (UCM) of heights 1,
2, and 2.5 m are proposed and their scientific designs are presented for their better
In DSM type water harvesting structures, the upstream and downstream walls
are made up of dry stone masonry, and murrum/soil is filled in-between them at
suitable intervals to provide stability to the structure. These structures should not
be constructed for more than 2.5 m height, which may cause overturning of the
structure (Singh, 2000). A provision of emergency spillway is a must for the safe
disposal of excess runoff from the structure. It is lacking in the structures currently
used by the farmers.
In UCM type water harvesting structures, the upstream wall is constructed with
cement masonry, whereas the downstream wall is constructed with dry stone ma-
sonry. In between two walls, murrum/soil is filled at certain intervals to provide
stability to the structure. In any case, the bottom width of the UCM structure should
not exceed 1.5 m (Singh, 2000).
Qp = (1)
K= (3)
Where t = time of concentration (minutes); Lm = maximum length of travel (m);
and H = elevation difference between most remote point and outlet (m).
L = Qp /(1.71h3/2 ) (4)
not been considered because of the rocky terrain and relatively short life of the
proposed structures. However, the enhanced crop production in both the seasons
(i.e., rainy and winter seasons) take into account the long-term benefits of water
harvesting structures in this study.
Where Bt and Ct = benefit and cost in year t, respectively; and r = discount rate.
If the B-C ratio is greater than 1, the present value of benefits is greater than the
present value of costs and the structure is considered economically viable.
could lead to the selection of structures that yield total net benefits less than that
yielded by the structures selected based on the NPV indicator.
Figure 2. Schematic diagrams defining the design parameters of the proposed water harvesting structures.
Figure 3. Costs of construction for the proposed and indigenous water harvesting structures.
Table III. Net benefits without and with the proposed rainwater harvesting structure
Without water kharif Maize 2.5 744 3240 1860 8100 6240
harvesting (rainy) Urd 2.0 827 1724 1654 3448 1794
structures rabi Wheat 1.0 1446 4200 1446 4200 2754
(winter) Barley 1.0 1092 2400 1092 2400 1308
Total 12096.00
as shown in Table III. From this table it can be seen that without the introduction
of water harvesting structures, cropped areas were 4.5 and 2 ha in kharif (rainy)
and rabi (winter) seasons, respectively. However, after implementing the proposed
structures, the cropped areas increase to 6 ha in kharif and 4.5 ha in rabi seasons.
It is worth mentioning that with the proposed structures, barley is replaced with
mustard in rabi season, and the acreage under each crop increases significantly due
to the enhanced water availability for irrigation.
Whenever a change occurs because of a project implementation (i.e., new crop
areas, increased crop yields, etc.), it is recommended to determine the net incre-
mental benefit of the project, not the gross benefit. The net incremental benefit of
the proposed water harvesting structures is computed to be about Rs. 23104 based
on the information in Table III.
Years Net Present Earthen embankment Dry stone masonry Upstream-wall cement Anicut
incremental worth of structure masonry structure
income incremental Total cost Present Total cost Present Total cost Present Total cost Present
(Rs.)a income (Rs.) worth of (Rs.) worth of (Rs.) worth of (Rs.) worth of
(Rs.) total cost @ total cost @ total cost @ total cost @
10% (Rs.) 10% (Rs.) 10% (Rs.) 10% (Rs.)
4. Conclusions
The present study was carried out with the objectives to plan and design two cost-
effective water-harvesting structures and to evaluate their economic feasibility for
the semi-arid regions of Rajasthan, India. Two types of water harvesting structures,
i.e., dry stone masonry and upstream-wall cement masonry of heights 1, 2, and 2.5
m are proposed and designed for the catchments of size less than 10, 10 to 20, and
20 to 30 ha, respectively with a provision of suitable emergency spillways.
The detailed cost analysis of the proposed and existing structures revealed that
the dry stone masonry and upstream-wall cement masonry water harvesting struc-
tures are less expensive than the anicuts – existing water-harvesting structures.
Anicuts of 2 m height are 6 to 3 times costlier than the dry stone masonry and
upstream-wall cement masonry structures of the same height. Furthermore, from
the economic analysis of the structures, it is found that the benefit-cost ratios for
the anicuts, dry stone masonry, and upstream-wall cement masonry structures are
less than one, 3.5, and 1.9, respectively. Thus, anicuts are not economically feas-
ible, and hence are not recommended for the study area, instead the proposed dry
stone masonry and/or upstream-wall cement masonry structures are recommended.
Here, it is important to know that despite the highest benefit-cost ratio for earthen
embankments, they are not preferred based on past experiences with the structures.
Similar results were obtained while applying net present value indicator. The net
present value is negative for anicuts and maximum (Rs. 102978) for dry stone
masonry structures preceded by earthen embankments (Rs. 114950).
The structures proposed and designed in this study can be implemented in other
semi-arid regions of India having almost the same climatic and socio-economic
conditions. The importance of the emergency spillway is strongly emphasized for
successful and efficient operation of any rainwater harvesting structures, and it
should be designed scientifically. As the proposed water harvesting structures in-
tegrate the indigenous traditional knowledge with the scientific knowledge, the
adoption and success of such cost-effective water harvesting structures in practice
is very high as revealed by the overwhelming response of the beneficiaries in the
study area.
Sincere thanks are due to Mr. Parag Chowdhary, Assistant Engineer, Watershed
and Soil Conservation Department, Deogarh, Rajasthan, India and the local NGO
for their kind cooperation during field visits and site selection. Authors are also
very grateful to the referees for their meticulous and helpful comments.
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