Tugas Phonetic and Phonology (FIX)
Tugas Phonetic and Phonology (FIX)
Tugas Phonetic and Phonology (FIX)
Kelas : 3C
NPM : 1710631060093
1. Please draw the table of english consonants: places and manners of articulation !
2. What is vowel ?
3. Please explain about lax vowel, tense, and diphthong !
4. Please draw the table of phonetic symbols for consonant and vowel that commonly used to
transcribe american english !
2. Vowel is a speech sound that is produced by comparatively open configuration of the vocal
tract, with vibration of the vocal cords but without audible friction and is a unit of the sound
system of a language that forms the nucleus of a syllable. A vowel is most often identified
as a letter that is not a consonant. More specifically, a vowel is a sound that when paired
with a consonant makes a syllable.
3. Lax vowels are also called short vowels: generally speaking, they are shorter than tense
(long) vowels.(as we shall see, tense vowels have more variable length.) Another
characteristic of lax vowels is that, when stressed, they are always checked: that is, they
do not occur alone at the ends of words, but always need a following consonant.
Tense : tense is a linguistic phenomenon, whereas "time" is an extra-linguistic concept.
Tense is the grammatical category which correlates with distinctions of time. Every
language is capable of expressing events happening in different times. Differentiating
between time and tense in language is far from trivial. It has proved to play an important
part in language learning and translation.
Diphthong : is a sound thatis made up of two separate vowel sounds within the same
syllable. The word is derived from greek for having two sounds.