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Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pmj.78.924.599 on 1 October 2002. Downloaded from http://pmj.bmj.com/ on 24 September 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.

Current concepts for the management of systemic lupus

erythematosus in adults: a therapeutic challenge
Y Ioannou, D A Isenberg

Postgrad Med J 2002;78:599–606

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, ing potential the therapeutic goals outlined
autoimmune rheumatic disease with many clinical become all the more challenging.
Furthermore the background psychological
presentations typically affecting women of childbearing and social impact on a young person, previously
age. The successful therapy of SLE depends upon healthy, developing a potentially serious chronic
treating both symptoms and the underlying inflammation. disease needs to be recognised and addressed by
the physician and his/her multidisciplinary team.
Both non-pharmacological as well as pharmacological Much progress in understanding SLE has been
therapies are invariably required. Non-pharmacological made since antinuclear antibodies were first
therapy includes avoiding over-exposure to sunlight with described in 1957.1 Though the exact cause of the
disease is not known, it is clear that SLE arises
the use of adequate sunscreen protection, avoiding from a combination of genetic, environmental,
“live” vaccination if on immunosuppressive agents, and hormonal factors, with major dysfunction of
adherence to a diet low in saturated fat and high in fish the immune system. Some autoantibodies play a
pathogenic part. Knowledge of the immuno-
oil, stress avoidance, and smoking cessation. pathogenic mechanisms is rapidly evolving, how-
Pharmacological measures revolve around four main ever the ultimate goal of safe, effective targeted
classes of drugs: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, therapy remains elusive. Thus the treatment of
SLE continues to rely on broad spectrum
antimalarials, corticosteroids, and cytotoxic agents. immunosuppressive agents with all their
Cyclophosphamide and azathioprine are the two most inherent difficulties.
commonly used cytotoxic agents and these in This article will focus on the pharmacological
and other aspects of managing patients with SLE
combination with corticosteroids need to be employed while considering the therapeutic goals and
early if there is major organ involvement to prevent or underlying difficulties outlined above. Finally po-
minimise irreversible damage. The potential side effects tential new therapies developed to target key
components of the immune system will be
of corticosteroids and cytotoxic agents need constant discussed.
consideration. The rapid developments in biotechnology
of recent years may soon lead to new and more specific NON-PHARMACOLOGICAL
therapies for patients with SLE. General measures maybe taken by the patient to
.......................................................................... help limit the onset and severity of a flare.
Probably the most important for many patients,
particularly those with skin involvement, is the

he term “lupus erythemateux” was first
coined by Cazenave and Clausit in 1852 and avoidance of over-exposure to sunlight. Patients
yet 150 years later this condition continues to must use sunscreens with protection factor 25 or
challenge the physician’s capability to deliver safe greater if exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Exces-
sive ultraviolet exposure may not only cause a
and effective therapy. Systemic lupus erythema-
photosensitive rash, but may also be associated
tosus (SLE) is a multisystemic, chronic condition
with a more general flare of symptoms.
affecting individual patients in diverse ways over
Vaccination for foreign travel is not contra-
a varying course of time. Moreover, potential life
indicated apart from “live” vaccines for patients
threatening organ involvement may not cause on more than 10 mg of prednisolone per day or
See end of article for symptoms until irreversible damage has occurred.
authors’ affiliations immunosuppressive agents. The precise nature of
....................... Conversely other features such as fatigue, though the immune response to vaccines differs from
not life threatening, is for many the single most that in healthy individuals in that, though quan-
Correspondence to: debilitating feature of their disease. Thus therapy
Professor David A titatively comparable, qualitative differences
Isenberg, Centre for must be tailored to not only suppress disease exist.2
Rheumatology, Department activity but also to adequately control symptoms. The oestrogen contraceptive pill at high dose
of Medicine, Arthur Stanley Furthermore there is a need to use the most should be avoided and the lowest oestrogen dose,
House, 40–50 Tottenham
appropriate regimen of drugs, often long term, to
Street, London W1P 9PG,
UK; d.isenberg@ucl.ac.uk achieve both these goals while acknowledging
potential long term side effects of the agents
Submitted Abbreviations: HRT, hormone replacement therapy;
employed. For example some agents commonly NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; SLE,
23 January 2002
Accepted 19 June 2002 used have potential effects on fertility. Given that systemic lupus erythematosus; TPMT, thiopurine
....................... SLE typically affects young women of childbear- methyltransferase

600 Ioannou, Isenberg

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pmj.78.924.599 on 1 October 2002. Downloaded from http://pmj.bmj.com/ on 24 September 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1 Drug therapy in SLE
NSAIDs Antimalarials Corticosteroids Cytotoxic agents

Malaise – + + –
Fever + – + –
Serositis + – + –
Arthralgia + + + –
Arthritis + + + +
Myalgia + + + –
Myositis – – + +
Malar/discoid rash – + + –
Pneumonitis – – + +
Carditis – – + +
Vasculitis – – + +
CNS – – ?* ?
Renal – – + +
Haemolytic anaemia – – + +
Thrombocytopenia – – + +
Raynauds – – ? ?
Alopecia – – ? ?

+, Usually beneficial; –, not beneficial; ?, dubious/controversial; *, widely prescribed though evidence

regarding its efficacy is largely lacking. CNS, central nervous system.

progesterone only pill, or indeed other methods of contracep- PHARMACOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT

tion encouraged. The use of hormone replacement therapy The pharmacological management of patients with SLE pres-
(HRT) remains controversial with some patients anecdotally ently revolves around four main classes of drugs, often in
linking flares to starting HRT. The effects of exogenous oestro- combination. These are:
gen in SLE is currently being studied in a multicentre, • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
randomised, placebo controlled trial (Safety of Estrogen in
• Antimalarials.
SLE: National Assessment, SELINA study) which is approach-
ing completion and should resolve this area of uncertainty. • Corticosteroids.
Other general measures that maybe taken are the avoidance • Cytotoxic drugs.
of stress, rest as appropriate and a low saturated fat, high fish The broad indication for the use of these drugs are
oil containing diet. Patients with SLE have a high incidence of summarised in table 1 and fig 1 and are discussed in greater
premature deaths from accelerated atherosclerotic disease,3 depth. Table 2 summarises some of the potential side effects
and thus adherence to a more general cardioprotective and measures that may be taken to limit these. Generally
lifestyle such as cessation of smoking should be strongly however recommendations regarding when to commence
encouraged. therapy, initial dose and duration of treatment continue to

Table 2 Major side effects of drugs commonly used in SLE

Drug Side effect Notes and possible protective strategies

NSAIDs Gastrointestinal irritation/ Avoid using NSAIDs in patients with history of gastrointestinal bleed
bleeding Co-use gastroprotective agents, for example, proton pump inhibitors
Follow recent NICE guidelines regarding COX-2 specific drugs

Hydroxychloroquine Retinopathy (rare) Baseline assessment

Retinopathy, usually reversible on stopping drug (regular monitoring may be beneficial)

Corticosteroids Osteoporosis Bone density scan quantification. Co-prescribe calcium/vitamin D supplements for most
patients on long term steroids. Some may need oral/IV bisphosphonates
Hypertension Monitor regularly and treat with standard antihypertensive agents
Glucose intolerance Checking urine for glucose is usually sufficient for monitoring
Susceptibility to infection Particularly if also on azathioprine or cyclophosphamide
Low threshold for aggressive antimicrobial therapy

Azathioprine Bone marrow toxicity Initially weekly and subsequently 4–6 weekly full blood count once stable dose
Usually reversible when drug discontinued
Avoid co-prescribing drugs which potentiate effect, for example, allopurinol. Increased
risk of leucopenia with captopril
Liver dysfunction Monitor liver function tests as per full blood count
Effect usually reversible when drug discontinued

Cyclophosphamide Bone marrow toxicity Nadir in white count occurs 10 days after infusion. This value can be used to deduce
whether next dose can be safely given or needs to be reduced
Haemorrhagic cystitis Good hydration (IV fluids if giving IV cyclophosphamide)
Mesna is protective: oral or IV
Increased risk of malignancy Especially bladder carcinoma or lymphoma
Seen less often with IV pulsed treatment presumably as cumulative dose tends to be less
than oral therapy.
Infertility/amenorrhoea Particularly in women over 30 years
Nausea Powerful antiemetics such as granisetron often necessary

COX, cyclo-oxygenase; IV, intravenous; NICE, National Institute of Clinical Excellence.

Management of systemic lupus erythematosus in adults 601

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pmj.78.924.599 on 1 October 2002. Downloaded from http://pmj.bmj.com/ on 24 September 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1 Management of non-renal
lupus: practice at our centre. IV,

vary widely. This variation in practice has motivated an inter- randomised trial has shown that patients who discontinued
national effort via the SLICC (Systemic Lupus International hydroxychloroquine were more likely to develop flares often
Collaborative Clinics group)4 to validate existing disease activ- characterised by fatigue, arthralgia, and/or rash.6 The starting
ity measures such as the British BILAG (British Isle Lupus dose is 400 mg daily, is generally tolerated well and patients
Assessment Group), US SLAM (Systemic Lupus Activity should be advised that onset of action may take as long as six
Measure) and Canadian SLEDAI (SLE Disease Activity Index) to eight weeks. A rare but potentially serious side effect is reti-
in addition to formulating a validated damage index.5 By more nal toxicity with an approximate prevalence of 0.5%.7 Most
accurately quantifying disease activity and disease damage centres thus refer patients to ophthalmologists for baseline
intervention with appropriate therapy via standardised treat- screening and have subsequent assessments every 12 months,
ment protocols can lead to a greater quality of care and a though a review has proposed that there is no conclusive evi-
greater uniformity in practice between centres. The SLICC dence supporting such frequent assessments.8 Hydroxychloro-
group is currently aiming to define a drug responder index for quine has also been shown to help lower total triglyceride
levels, very low density lipoprotein-cholesterol, and apolipo-
patients with SLE.
protein CIII levels.9
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and Treatment with corticosteroids
antimalarials Relatively low dose corticosteroids are used when NSAIDs and
Patients with mild lupus can generally be maintained on a antimalarials have failed to control symptoms of arthralgia/
combination of NSAIDs and antimalarials. NSAIDs signifi- arthritis or rash sufficiently. When there is major organ
cantly increase the risk of developing peptic ulceration. Given involvement with potential life threatening sequelae cortico-
that patients with lupus often take NSAIDs regularly, long steroids are used at higher doses (table 1 and fig 1). Examples
term appropriate precautions such as co-prescribing gastro- are autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, lupus nephritis (fig 2),
protective agents for example should be considered. Particular severe pericarditis, and neuropsychiatric involvement.
caution with regards to the nephrotoxic side effects of NSAIDs The route of administration and initial doses varies
is advised in patients with lupus nephritis as this group of depending on the type and severity of presentation and differ-
patients often have abnormal renal function. ent centres probably differ in their precise protocol. Generally
The antimalarial drug of choice is hydroxychloroquine corticosteroids are taken orally with the dose varying accord-
(Plaquenil). This is most commonly employed to treat patients ing to severity and type of organ involvement. Intramuscular
whose over-riding symptoms are those of fatigue, arthralgia/ methylprednisolone (Dep-Medrone) or hydrocortisone (Del-
arthritis, and rash without major organ involvement. A small tastab) maybe useful in terminating a mild flare characterised

602 Ioannou, Isenberg

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pmj.78.924.599 on 1 October 2002. Downloaded from http://pmj.bmj.com/ on 24 September 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
controls.11 Patients with SLE are at significant risk of develop-
ing osteoporosis through several factors: the inflammatory
disease itself, disease related co-morbidity, and its treatment.
Hence all patients should be assessed for additional risk
factors for osteoporosis and general lifestyle measures
adopted: these include smoking cessation, moderate con-
sumption of alcohol, adequate intake of dietary calcium and
vitamin D, and regular weight bearing exercise.11 The relation-
ship between corticosteroids and osteoporosis has been
specifically examined in SLE in several studies. Risk of fracture
is related to length of treatment12 and cumulative exposure.13
Hence the practice at our centre for patients taking
prednisolone 7.5 mg daily or more is to start calcium and vita-
min D supplements, advocate general “bone protective”
lifestyle measures, and perform a bone mineral density scan
every two years approximately. Several randomised controlled
studies have confirmed the efficacy of bisphosphonates in
treating corticosteroid induced bone loss and reducing risk of
vertebral fractures.14–16 Thus patients with a bone mineral den-
sity T score of below –2.5 should be prescribed a bisphospho-
nate unless contraindicated for greater bone protection. We do
not routinely prescribe HRT for patients with SLE and
osteoporosis due to the uncertain risk of flare and the presence
of alternative, effective antiresorptive agents.

Cytotoxic drugs
The onset of active lupus with major organ involvement is
often rapid and requires prompt, aggressive therapy with
cytotoxic agents, preferably by specialists to prevent potential
disastrous sequelae. Moreover, the frequency with which this
occurs in a given population base such as an average
catchment area of 250 000 though not rare, is uncommon.
Thus the nature of this condition is such that controlled trials
are challenging to design and require an international
collaborative effort to generate evidence guiding best practice.
Placebo controlled trials, though deemed the “gold standard”
clearly have no place in this setting. Thus up until the past
decade or so many rheumatologists have largely relied on their
own individual experience combined with data from small
Figure 2 Management of renal lupus based on our own current open labelled studies to guide therapy. This is now rapidly
practice. changing with greater national and international collabora-
tion between centres.
by fatigue and/or arthralgia, which may be precipitated by a The mainstay of treating active lupus with major organ
preceding viral infection for example. Intravenous use of involvement is broad spectrum immunosuppression with the
pulsed methylprednisolone has been widely used for the past ultimate aim of preventing irreversible organ damage. The
20 years. Our practice is to give 750 mg to 1 g on three succes- drugs most frequently employed are azathioprine or cyclo-
sive days for patients with severe disease responding poorly to phosphamide together with corticosteroids, often in high
oral prednisolone. The infusion is given slowly over 3–4 hours doses. The kidney is the major organ most frequently
to minimise possible reactions such as arthritis, flushing, threatened by active lupus. The group from the National Insti-
headache, or tachycardia. tute of Health at Bethesda have argued strongly that
Many patients with SLE need aggressive, often long term intravenous pulses of cyclophosphamide, monthly for six
therapy with corticosteroids to preserve major organ function. months and subsequently every three months for two years, is
Hence many are exposed to the potentially hazardous side the treatment of choice in patients with severe renal
effects of corticosteroids and are thus no panacea (table 2). involvement17 when compared with pulsed methylpred-
The long list of side effects includes major risk of infection, nisolone alone. Some evidence supports the combination of
hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, osteoporosis, diabetes, insom- pulsed methylprednisolone and cyclophosphamide as being
nia, and alopecia. All of these side effects may have significant superior to cyclophosphamide alone.18 19 The indiscriminate
and specific implications in a patient with active lupus as fol- use of cyclophosphamide, however, is limited by its side effect
lows: infection is a leading cause of mortality in patients with profile (profound nausea, alopecia, infertility especially in
lupus,10 patients with active SLE have a high incidence of patients over the age of 30, bone marrow suppression) and
accelerated atherosclerotic disease, it is vital that hypertension consequently has made others more wary about its routine
is aggressively controlled in patients with lupus nephritis, use. In common with many European groups, we prefer to use
patients with premature ovarian failure secondary to cytotoxic oral prednisolone with azathioprine in mild to moderately
therapy are at significant risk of severe osteoporosis. Thus the active renal lupus reserving pulsed cyclophosphamide for
treating physician must be alert to all these potential hazards, severe renal involvement (fig 2). Moreover specific changes on
which may be exacerbated by indiscriminate use of high dose a renal biopsy in histology/immunofluorescence as well as
corticosteroids. confirming the diagnosis can be used to score a validated
The issue of osteoporosis needs to be addressed in some activity and chronicity index. Thus a renal biopsy may guide
detail as cross sectional studies have identified low bone min- the treating physician in stratifying the level of therapy
eral density in SLE patients when compared with age matched required. However, before a renal biopsy may be safely

Management of systemic lupus erythematosus in adults 603

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pmj.78.924.599 on 1 October 2002. Downloaded from http://pmj.bmj.com/ on 24 September 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
performed adequate control of blood pressure is mandatory. OTHER “STANDARD” TREATMENTS
Such control is a key element in managing lupus nephritis Plasma exchange
effectively, whatever immunosuppressive regime is chosen. A The concept of removing presumably pathogenic circulating
combination of antihypertensive agents is often required to immune complexes seems at first glance to offer a therapeutic
prevent irreversible loss of renal function. advantage. Thus in the late 1970s and early 1980s there was a
The early recognition of lupus nephritis combined with great vogue for using plasma exchange. After a short time,
appropriate, aggressive immunosuppressive therapy and atten- however, many disadvantages became apparent. As reviewed
tion to blood pressure control has meant that very few patients elsewhere limitations in its use include a “rebound” phenom-
progress to end stage renal failure compared with 20–30 years enon within a few days/weeks, technical difficulties of requir-
ago. However there are occasional patients in whom, despite the ing central venous access with associated complications, and
above measures and good compliance, fail to gain adequate long patient discomfort.28 This is also an expensive form of therapy.
term control and eventually require renal replacement therapy. Even in combination with pulsed cyclophosphamide no addi-
Though it is relatively uncommon for a lupus patient with a tional benefit over pulsed cyclophosphamide alone is seen.29
transplanted kidney to develop lupus nephritis in the trans-
Dietary therapy
planted kidney,20 as reviewed by Stone et al lupus patients hav-
A frequently asked question in clinic is whether dietary modi-
ing received a renal transplant do not fare as well as those fication may help. In the laboratory, altering the course of the
whose end stage renal disease has other causes.21 disease may be achieved in a lupus mouse model (NZB/W and
Azathioprine may also be used as a steroid sparing agent in MRL-lpr/lpr mice). Calorific and in particular fat restriction is
patients whom reducing the dose of prednisolone, albeit slowly, beneficial as is total zinc reduction. Moreover fish oil
results in a flare. For example, a patient who experiences pleu- supplementation together with a low saturated fat diet has
ritic pain at a dose of prednisolone below 10 mg daily may been shown to be beneficial. This has also been seen in
remain symptom free on 5 mg and azathioprine 100 mg daily. humans where a small study showed the beneficial effects of
The maximum dose of azathioprine we tend to escalate to is 2–3 fish oil supplementation over a six month period.30 Calorie
mg/kg/day, though sufficient control may be gained with lower restriction, however, has no place in the patient with severely
doses. There is some debate as to whether patients on azathio- active lupus with major organ damage as these patients tend
prine should be genotyped for thiopurine methyltransferase to be acutely unwell and hence in a hypercatabolic state.
(TPMT). Azathioprine is metabolised to its active metabolite
6-mercaptopurine. This in turn undergoes intracellular conver- Intravenous high dose gammaglobulins
sion to thiogunaine nucleotides that incorporate into DNA, pro- Intravenous immunoglobulin has an established role in lupus
ducing an antiproliferative effect. Alternatively mercaptopurine patients with severe thrombocytopenia or immune neutro-
is methylated to inactive metabolites by TPMT. TMPT exhibits penia. When this approach is unsuccessful in treating
genetic polymorphism with about 10% having intermediate thrombocytopenia, splenectomy is beneficial in four or five out
activity and about one in 300 having TPMT deficiency.22 These of six cases provided the problem has not been left to become
patients are in danger of rapidly accumulating high levels of chronic.31 Its role in treating non-haematological manifesta-
antiproliferative thioguanine nucleotides in haemopoetic tis- tions of lupus is less clear. A small open labelled study has
sues at usually therapeutic doses of azathioprine, hence render- shown comparable benefit to cyclophosphamide in treating
ing them at risk of severe marrow suppression. This has led lupus nephritis,32 though this needs to be confirmed in larger
some to advocate routine TPMT genotyping on patients starting randomised controlled studies.
azathioprine.23 However a study in SLE patients on azathioprine
Cyclosporin/Neoral therapy
showed that drug related neutropenias occur despite normal
Following earlier discouraging results with cyclosporin at high
TPMT activity.24 Furthermore TPMT activity cannot predict liver
doses,33 some recent evidence has demonstrated that cyclo-
toxicity. Our practice is in line with the British Society of Rheu-
sporin in low doses of 2.5–5 mg/kg/day may provide
matology guidelines: (in adults) azathioprine is started at 50 mg
reasonable disease control and offer the opportunity for
a day and increased by 25 mg per week to an eventual mainte- reduction in steroid over long term follow up.34 However there
nance of 2–3 mg/kg/day. Weekly monitoring blood tests are per- is an impressive side effect profile, notably hypertrichosis
formed for the first six weeks or until the dose is stable. Moni- which develops in the majority of patients, and given
toring bloods are then done monthly thereafter. Whilst TPMT cyclosporin’s nephrotoxicity it is best avoid in patients with
genotyping may augment azathioprine monitoring, we feel that significant renal impairment.
the above monitoring measures are probably sufficient and do
not feel that TPMT typing should replace regular blood
Surprisingly, though methotrexate is the first line therapy
Given that most patients with SLE are women of childbearing
for rheumatoid arthritis, its potential as a steroid sparing potential the question of managing pregnancy is a significant
agent in SLE has been infrequently studied. A few studies to issue for many. Approximately 25% of patients do not go to full
date have shown that methotrexate may have a place in the term, well in excess of 10% expected in healthy women. Those
treatment of patients in whom cutaneous and articular mani- patients with antiphospholipid syndrome are especially likely to
festations have proved refractory to hydroxychloroquine25 and have recurrent miscarriages. Those with antibodies to Ro and La
low dose prednisolone.26 have a small chance (1:20) of having a child with neonatal lupus
Mycophenolate mofetil is a relatively new immunosuppres- syndrome. In contrast to patients with rheumatoid arthritis
sive agent now rapidly establishing a role in treating severe those with lupus do not invariably become less active during
lupus nephritis refractory to other cytotoxic agents. Mycophe- pregnancy, though whether there is a greater incidence of flares
nolate in combination with prednisolone has been compared is controversial. Thus careful monitoring is mandatory and on
to cyclophosphamide/prednisolone combination in the treat- occasion pre-eclamptic toxaemia may be difficult to distinguish
ment of renal lupus.27 Both regimens were equally effective from a flare. We strongly recommend co-managing pregnant
with fewer side effects in the mycophenolate group. Thus the SLE patients with an interested obstetrician.
use of this agent is likely to increase in the future and based on Clearly dilemmas arise in pregnant lupus patients regarding
current evidence should certainly be considered if cyclophos- appropriate treatment to control active disease. NSAIDS,
phamide has failed. hydroxychloroquine, high dose corticosteroids, and cytotoxic

604 Ioannou, Isenberg

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pmj.78.924.599 on 1 October 2002. Downloaded from http://pmj.bmj.com/ on 24 September 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 3 Effects of medication in pregnancy
Drug Known effects on fetus Current advice

High dose aspirin and NSAIDs Possible adverse effects on uterine Avoid if possible—particularly final
contraction and platelet function. few weeks of pregnancy
Patent ductus arteriosus

Hydroxychloroquine Withdrawal during pregnancy Chloroquine but not

associated with flares hydroxychloroquine associated with
congenital abnormalities and so best

Corticosteroids High doses associated with If possible avoid fluorinated

premature rupture of membranes, corticosteroids such as
intra uterine growth retardation and dexamethasone and betamethasone
maternal complications such as which easily cross the placenta
gestational diabetes, hypertension
and avascular necrosis. No reports of

Azathioprine Teratogenicity reported in animals. Best avoided but may be considered

Sporadic cases such as preaxial if immunosuppression deemed
polydactyl reported in humans. Most necessary
studies show that generally well

Cyclophosphamide Teratogenicity well established in Avoid during pregnancy. Effective

humans contraception required during and for
at least 3 months after discontinuation
of treatment (includes males)

Mycophenolate mofetil Toxicity seen in animal studies Avoid during pregnancy. Effective
contraception required during and for
6 weeks after discontinuation of

Cyclosporin A Not an animal teratogen. Studies May be considered if

have confirmed relative safety in immunosuppression deemed
pregnancy. Long term effects necessary

agents are all best avoided during pregnancy according to the example.36 Drug induced lupus is associated with the presence
British National Formulary. However one must weigh potential of antihistone antibodies, reported in some studies to be
benefits against risk and discuss possible options with the present in up to 100% of patients. Patients may be taking the
patient. Some drugs carry a low risk of problems while others offending drug for months or years before developing drug
like cyclophosphamide should be avoided altogether. The induced lupus and this should not be confused with the short
challenging area of pregnancy in lupus is reviewed by Mok term toxic effects that often are suffered by patients who are
and Wong,35 and current prescribing advice regarding com- treated with pharmaceuticals.
monly used drugs in lupus is summarised in table 3. Treating physicians should always consider this potential
diagnosis, particularly in patients with atypical presenting
Secondary antiphospholipid syndrome features and taking other medications. If suspected, we would
Approximately 10% of SLE patients also have antiphospho- advocate a relatively low threshold for requesting antihistone
lipid syndrome (though around 25%–35% have antiphospho- antibodies and performing a literature search. Serum may
lipid antibodies). In some patients antiphospholipid syndrome need to be sent to a dedicated laboratory to perform
may be the predominant clinical phenotype and we have, antihistone antibody quantification and this often needs to be
rarely, seen patients deemed to have primary antiphospholipid discussed with one’s own immunology department.
syndrome develop SLE over time. In the main, however, our
The mainstay of treatment is discontinuation of the offend-
experience is that SLE is diagnosed first. In patients with this
ing drug once the diagnosis is established. Improvement and
type of overlap problems may arise. For example, if a patient
permanent resolution of symptoms often occurs within days
develops hypertension with mild proteinuria a lower thresh-
or weeks after discontinuation.36 Serological abnormalities
old for biopsy is required to differentiate multiple small
often take months to resolve. Patients may need to be on
thrombi from “lupus” glomerulonephritis. The former requir-
corticosteroid therapy if there is major organ involvement.
ing anticoagulation and the latter immunosuppression. The
However the prolonged use of corticosteroids or cytotoxic
difficulties are compounded by the fact that patients with
agents is not indicated in drug induced lupus in view of its self
antiphospholipid syndrome are often thrombocytopenic. In
some both immunosuppressives and long term anti- limiting nature after discontinuing the offending drug.
coagulation are required. Finally it is worth mentioning the striking association
between the use of tumour necrosis factor-alpha blockade
Drug induced lupus therapy and the emergence of dsDNA autoantibodies. This
There is an ever growing list of drugs reported to induce lupus therapy is now used widely for the treatment of severe, refrac-
or “lupus-like” disease. Thus far in excess of 50 drugs have tory rheumatoid arthritis. Studies have shown that around
been reported, some well known and associated with a 10% of patients develop anti-dsDNA antibodies,37 although
relatively high risk such as procainamide, hydralazine or only a very small minority of these patients go on to develop
phenytoin, and others not so well known and associated with clinical evidence of SLE. Hence though the development of
relatively low risk, such as atenolol, enalapril, or statins for these antibodies in patients on tumour necrosis factor-alpha

Management of systemic lupus erythematosus in adults 605

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pmj.78.924.599 on 1 October 2002. Downloaded from http://pmj.bmj.com/ on 24 September 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 4 Potential new targeted therapies for SLE
Drug Target Rationale Trial data available

LJP 394 B cells Inhibit production of anti-dsDNA antibodies. To date no evidence of reduced rate of renal flare.
Cross links anti-dsDNA antibodies leading to Phase II clinical studies to identify precise potential
anergy and deletion of B cells rather than role continue
activation, as drug does not carry T cell epitope
and cannot recruit T cell help

Anti-CD20 antibody B cells Inhibits production of anti-dsDNA antibodies. Recent small study has demonstrated saftey and
CD20 expressed on all activated B-cells and when some efficacv at higher doses. Currently underway
recognised by anti-CD20 antibody causes lysis of at our centre is an open labelled study. Thus far 7
these cells. patients treated with encouraging results. Data
Currently licensed for non-Hodgkins lymphoma from larger controlled studies required

Anti-IL-10 antibodies IL-10 IL-10 consistently raised in SLE Small study of 6 patients treated showing
improvement in skin and joint manifestations

Anti-CD40 ligand (L) CD40 L C40L expressed on T cells provides an important One study found this to be tolerated well.
co-stimulus to T cell activation. This interaction also However a recent study was discontinued due to
has significant effects on B cells, for example, concerns regarding major vascular events, namely
augmenting B cell responses to cytokines and myocardial infarction and stroke
causing antibody isotype switching

Leflunomide T and B cells Inhibits pyrimidine synthesis thus blocking RNA First short term studies have shown it to be safe
and DNA synthesis in T and B cells and hence and reasonably effective
inhibits proliferation of these cells.
Currently licensed for rheumatoid arthritis

IL, interleukin.

blockade is not an indication in itself to discontinue therapy, REFERENCES

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