DEC LAB 06 (Design of A Digital To Analog Converter)
DEC LAB 06 (Design of A Digital To Analog Converter)
DEC LAB 06 (Design of A Digital To Analog Converter)
Omar Faruk
Title: Design of a Digital to Analog Converter
This lab describes the design of a Digital to Analog Converter (DAC). Two types of design
are shown in this lab, binary weighted DAC and R/2R ladder DAC design. Finally student
will compare both the design to conclude which design is efficient and why.
One common requirement in electronics is to convert signals back and forth between
analog and digital forms. Most such conversions are ultimately based on a digital-to-
analog converter circuit. Therefore, it is worth exploring just how we can convert a digital
number that represents a voltage value into an actual analog voltage.
Digital-to-Analog Converters
DACs and their inverse, ADCs, are part of an enabling technology that has contributed
greatly to the 'digital revolution'. To illustrate this, consider a typical long-distance telephone
call. The callers voice is converted into an analog electrical signal by a microphone. The
analog signal is then converted to a digital stream by an ADC. That digital stream is then
divided into packets where it will be mixed with other digital data, not necessarily audio. The
digital packets are then sent to the destination, but each packet may take a completely
different route and may not even arrive at the destination in the correct time order. The digital
voice data is then extracted from the packets and assembled into a digital data stream. A DAC
converts it into an analog electrical signal which drives an audio amplifier which in turn
drives a loudspeaker which finally produces sound. Of course, this is a simplified and stylized
description, but it does illustrate one vital role of ADCs and DACs.
There are several DAC architectures; the suitability of a DAC for a particular application is
determined by six main parameters: physical size, power consumption, resolution, speed,
accuracy, cost. Due to the complexity and the need for precisely matched components, all but
the most specialist DACs are implemented as integrated circuits (ICs). Digital-to-analog
conversion can degrade a signal, so a DAC should be specified that that has insignificant
errors in terms of the application.
DACs are commonly used in music players to convert digital data streams into analogue
audio signals. They are also used in televisions and mobile phones to convert digital video
data into analog video signals which connect to the screen drivers to display monochrome or
color images. These two applications use DACs at opposite ends of the speed/resolution
trade-off. The audio DAC is a low speed high resolution type while the video DAC is a high
speed low to medium resolution type. Discrete DACs would typically be extremely high
speed low resolution power hungry types, as used in military radar systems. Very high speed
test equipment, especially sampling oscilloscopes, may also use discrete DACS.
If the input voltages are accurately 0 and +5 volts, then the "1" input will cause an output
voltage of -5 × (4k/20k) = -5 × (1/5) = -1 volt whenever it is a logic 1. Similarly, the "2," "4,"
and "8" inputs will control output voltages of -2, -4, and -8 volts, respectively. As a result,
the output voltage will take on one of 10 specific voltages, in accordance with the input BCD
Unfortunately, there are several practical problems with this circuit. First, most digital logic
gates do not accurately produce 0 and +5 volts at their outputs. Therefore, the resulting
analog voltages will be close, but not really accurate. In addition, the different input resistors
will load the digital circuit outputs differently, which will almost certainly result in different
voltages being applied to the summer inputs.
This improved circuit overcomes the problem of using many resistors. Instead it uses only
two valued resistor.
The circuit above performs D to A conversion a little differently. Typically the inputs are
driven by CMOS gates, which have low but equal resistance for both logic 0 and logic 1.
Also, if we use the same logic levels, CMOS gates really do provide +5 and 0 volts for their
logic levels.
The input circuit is a remarkable design, known as an R-2R ladder network. It has several
advantages over the basic summer circuit we saw first:
1. Only two resistance values are used anywhere in the entire circuit. This means that only
two values of precision resistance are needed, in a resistance ratio of 2:1. This requirement is
easy to meet, and not especially expensive.
2. The input resistance seen by each digital input is the same as for every other input. The
actual impedance seen by each digital source gate is 3R. With a CMOS gate resistance of 200
ohms, we can use the very standard values of 10k and 20k for our resistors.
3. The circuit is indefinitely extensible for binary numbers. Thus, if we use binary inputs
instead of BCD, we can simply double the length of the ladder network for an 8-bit number (0
to 255) or double it again for a 16-bit number (0 to 65535). We only need to add two resistors
for each additional binary input.
4. The circuit lends itself to a non-inverting circuit configuration. Therefore we need not be
concerned about intermediate inverters along the way. However, an inverting version can
easily be configured if that is appropriate.
Pre-Lab Homework:
Ans: The audio DAC is a low speed high resolution type while the video DAC is a high
speed low to medium resolution type. Discrete DACs would typically be extremely high
speed low resolution power hungry types, as used in military radar systems. Very high speed
test equipment, especially sampling oscilloscopes, may also use discrete DACS.
Ans: DAC are used in earphone or loudspeaker amplifier and produce sound. They are also
used in televisions and mobile phones to convert digital video data.ADC are used when the
music are originally recorded in the CD a process essentially the reverse of the one describe
After implementing the circuit our course instructor checked the short circuit in the
connection then she turn on the DC power supply for the implemented circuit.
Experimental Procedure:
1. Implemented the binary Weighted Digital to Analog converter as shown as the lab
sheet on the trainer board.
2. In the input D0, D1, D2 and D3 put the following sequence 1010 and see the output
from the oscilloscope.
2/ Ans:
Resolution = 2n-1
= 24-1
= 15
R/2R Ladder Digital-to-Analog Converter is preferable than Binary weighted Digital-to-
Analog Converter because it is the Simplest type of Digital to analog converter and it requires
only two precision resistance value (R and 2R). That is Why R/2R Ladder Digital-to-Analog
Converter is preferable than Binary weighted Digital-to-Analog Converter.
We faced a problem how to connected the op-amp our course instructor help us to solve that
problem.We didn’t get the resistor actual value.For the resistor different value we didn’t get
the actual output for the circuit.We calculated the output theoretically and compare with the
experimentally. We learned from this experiment about the DAC and ADC converter and
their application.
Every logic circuits were constructed properly in this experiment. Before constructing the
circuits IC number of each equipment were checked. The wires were kept short as possible to
avoid jungle of wires. Equipment were set in the breadboard with correct polarity.
Experimental data and the ideal data were closed but not matched accurately because of some
disturbances in the equipment and no equipment were ideal. So there were some errors in
experimental value. Among R/2R Ladder Digital-to-Analog Converter and Binary weighted
Digital-to-Analog Converter, R/2R Ladder Digital-to-Analog Converter was preferable
because it requires only two precision resistance value (R and 2R).Different types of Digital-
To-Analog Converters were constructed in this experiment. The output was approximately
matched with the simulated value although there were some differences between this two
outputs but the difference was so small that it was neglected.
Reference :
5/ Lab Manual.