Npa 2017-14
Npa 2017-14
Npa 2017-14
The objective of this NPA is to introduce certification specifications (CS) and guidance material (GM) for the design of
surface-level VFR heliports located at aerodromes that fall under the scope of Regulation (EC) 216/2008 (Basic
Regulation). EASA is proposing this issue of CS-HPT-DSN in order to support the aerodrome operators and the airport
industry who, together with their respective competent authorities, carry out the certification of aerodromes in
accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014. Where aerodromes that are in the scope of the Basic
Regulation contain located surface-level visual flight rules (VFR) heliports, the certification process of these heliports
would need to take into account the envisaged CS-HPT-DSN.
This NPA proposes to introduce the CS and GM mostly in accordance with the ICAO standards and recommended
practices (SARPs) included in ICAO Annex 14, Aerodromes Volume II, Heliports, Fourth Edition (Including Amendment 7)
and best industry practices.
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Table of contents
Table of contents
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1. About this NPA
The text of this NPA has been developed by EASA mainly based on ICAO Annex 14, Aerodromes,
Volume II, Heliports, and the inputs of the stakeholders received via thematic meeting and
consultations. It is hereby submitted to all interested parties4 for consultation.
The comments received and the EASA responses will be reflected in a comment-response document
(CRD). The CRD will be annexed to the decision.
Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 February 2008 on common rules in the field of
civil aviation and establishing a European Aviation Safety Agency, and repealing Council Directive 91/670/EEC,
Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002 and Directive 2004/36/EC (OJ L 79, 19.3.2008, p. 1) (
EASA is bound to follow a structured rulemaking process as required by Article 52(1) of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008. Such a
process has been adopted by the EASA Management Board (MB) and is referred to as the ‘Rulemaking Procedure’. See MB Decision
No 18-2015 of 15 December 2015 replacing Decision 01/2012 concerning the procedure to be applied by EASA for the issuing of
opinions, certification specifications and guidance material (
In accordance with Article 52 of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and Articles 6(3) and 7) of the Rulemaking Procedure.
In case of technical problems, please contact the CRT webmaster (
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2. In summary — why and what
— a smooth transition from national-based to European regulation, maintain the existing level of
safety, and that are harmonised with the relevant ICAO Annex 14, Aerodromes, Volume II,
Heliports; and
— cost-efficiency and level playing field.
More information is provided in Chapter 4, Impact assessment.
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2. In summary — why and what
2.4. What are the expected benefits and drawbacks of the proposals
The implementation of the proposed provisions for surface-level VFR heliports will enable heliports
located at aerodromes that fall under the scope of the Basic Regulation to be included in the
aerodrome certification process. More information is provided in Chapter 4, Impact assessment
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
CS HPT-DSN.A.010 Applicability
(a) The certification specifications (CSs) of Book 1 and the related guidance material (GM) in Book 2 are
applicable to the design of surface-level VFR heliports located at aerodromes that fall under the scope of
Commission Regulation (EC) No 216/2008
(b) The CSs of Book 1 and GM of Book 2 should be used in conjunction with the CSs and GM for aerodrome
design (CS-ADR-DSN).
(c) The CSs for aerodrome design (CS-ADR-DSN) are applicable to infrastructure intended to be used by
both helicopters and aeroplanes.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
‘D’ means the largest overall dimension of the helicopter when rotor(s) are turning measured from the most
forward position of the main rotor tip path plane to the most rearward position of the tail rotor tip path plane
or helicopter structure. ‘D’ is sometimes referred to in the text using the terminology ‘D-value’.
‘Declared distances’ — heliports means:
— Take-off distance available (TODAH). The length of the FATO plus the length of helicopter clearway (if
provided) declared available and suitable for helicopters to complete the take-off.
— Rejected take-off distance available (RTODAH). The length of the FATO declared available and suitable
for helicopters operated in performance class 1 to complete a rejected take-off.
— Landing distance available (LDAH). The length of the FATO plus any additional area declared available
and suitable for helicopters to complete the landing manoeuvre from a defined height.
‘Dynamic load-bearing surface’ means a surface capable of supporting the loads generated by a helicopter
conducting an emergency touchdown on it.
‘Final approach and take-off area (FATO)’ means a defined area over which the final phase of the approach
manoeuvre to hover or landing is completed and from which the take-off manoeuvre is commenced. Where
the FATO is to be used by helicopters operated in performance class 1, the defined area includes the rejected
take-off area available.
‘Helicopter air taxiway’ means a defined path on the surface established for the air taxiing of helicopters.
‘Helicopter clearway’ means a defined area on the ground or water, selected and/or prepared as a suitable
area over which a helicopter operated in performance class 1 may accelerate and achieve a specific height.
‘Helicopter ground taxiway’ means a ground taxiway intended for the ground movement of wheeled
undercarriage helicopters.
‘Helicopter stand’ means an aircraft stand which provides for parking a helicopter and where ground taxi
operations are completed or where the helicopter touches down and lifts off for air taxi operations.
‘Helicopter taxi-route’ means a defined path established for the movement of helicopters from one part of a
heliport to another. A taxi-route includes a helicopter air or ground taxiway which is centred on the taxi-route.
‘Heliport’ means an aerodrome or a defined area on a structure intended to be used wholly or in part for the
arrival, departure and surface movement of helicopters.
‘Heliport elevation’ means the elevation of the highest point of the FATO.
‘Heliport reference point (HRP)’ means the designated location of a heliport or a landing location.
‘Protection area’ means an area within a taxi-route and around a helicopter stand which provides separation
from objects, the FATO, other taxi-routes and helicopter stands, for safe manoeuvring of helicopters.
‘Rejected take-off area’ means a defined area on a heliport suitable for helicopters operating in performance
class 1 to complete a rejected take-off.
‘Runway-type FATO’ means a FATO having characteristics similar in shape to a runway.
‘Safety area’ means a defined area on a heliport surrounding the FATO which is free of obstacles, other than
those required for air navigation purposes, and intended to reduce the risk of damage to helicopters
accidentally diverging from the FATO.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
‘Static load-bearing surface’ means a surface capable of supporting the mass of a helicopter situated on it.
‘Surface-level heliport’ means a heliport located on the ground or on a structure on the surface of the water.
‘Touchdown and lift-off area (TLOF)’ means an area on which a helicopter may touch down or lift off.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(i) 5 per cent where the heliport is intended to be used by helicopters operated in
performance class 1;
(ii) 7 per cent where the heliport is intended to be used by helicopters operated in
performance class 2 or 3.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(2) The surface of the safety area should be treated to prevent flying debris caused by rotor
(3) When solid, the surface of the safety area abutting the FATO should be continuous with the FATO.
(4) When solid, the surface of a safety area should not project above a plane having an upward slope
of 4 per cent, commencing at the periphery of the FATO.
(5) From the outer edge of the safety area to a distance of 10 m there should be a protected side
slope rising at 45 degrees.
(6) The protected side slope should not be penetrated by obstacles, except that when obstacles are
located to one side of the FATO only, they may be permitted to penetrate the side slope surface,
where a safety assessment indicates that the safety of operations is not endangered.
(7) No mobile object should be permitted on a safety area during helicopter operations.
(8) No fixed object should be permitted above the plane of the FATO on a safety area, except for
objects which, because of their function, must be located on the area.
(9) Objects whose function requires them to be located on the safety area at a distance of less than
0.75 D from the centre of the FATO, should not exceed 5 cm in height.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(4) No fixed object should be permitted above the surface on a helicopter ground taxi-route, except
for frangible objects, which, because of their function, must be located there.
(5) Objects whose function requires them to be located on a helicopter ground taxi-route should be
(i) at a distance of more than 50 cm from the edge of the helicopter ground taxiway; and
(ii) should not penetrate a plane originating at a height of 25 cm above the plane of the
helicopter ground taxiway, at a distance of 50 cm from the edge of the helicopter ground
taxiway and sloping upwards and outwards at a gradient of 5 per cent.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(6) No mobile object should be permitted on a ground taxi-route during helicopter movements.
(a) General: A helicopter air taxiway should be designed so as to permit the movement of a helicopter
above the surface at a height normally associated with ground effect and at ground speed less than
37 km/h (20 kt).
(b) Characteristics:
(1) The width of a helicopter air taxiway should be at least two times the largest width of the
undercarriage (UCW) of the helicopters that the helicopter air taxiway is intended to serve (see
Figure C-2).
(2) A helicopter air taxiway should be centred on a helicopter air taxi-route.
(3) A helicopter air taxi-route should extend symmetrically on each side of the centre line for a
distance at least equal to the largest overall width of the helicopters it is intended to serve.
(4) For simultaneous operations, the helicopter air taxi-routes should not overlap.
(c) Slopes:
(1) The slopes of the surface of a helicopter air taxiway should not exceed the slope landing
limitations of the helicopters the helicopter air taxiway is intended to serve.
(2) The longitudinal slope of a helicopter air taxiway should not exceed 7 per cent.
(3) The transverse slope of a helicopter air taxiway should not exceed 10 per cent.
(d) Surface conditions:
(1) The surface of a helicopter air taxi-route should be resistant to the effect of rotor downwash.
(2) The surface of a helicopter air taxiway should be static load-bearing.
(3) The surface of a helicopter air taxi-route should provide ground effect.
(4) No mobile object should be permitted on an air taxi-route during helicopter movements.
(5) No fixed object should be permitted above the surface on an air taxi-route, except for objects
which, because of their function, must be located there.
(6) Objects above ground level whose function requires them to be located on a helicopter air
taxi-route should not:
(i) be located at a distance of less than 1 m from the edge of the helicopter air taxiway, or at a
distance of less than 0.5 times the largest overall width of the helicopter for which the
helicopter air taxi-route is designed from the centre line of the helicopter air taxiway,
whichever is greater, and,
(ii) penetrate a plane originating at a height of 25 cm above the plane of the helicopter air
taxiway, and sloping upwards and outwards at a gradient of 5 per cent, at a distance of 1 m
from the edge of the helicopter air taxiway, or 0.5 times the largest overall width of the
helicopter for which the helicopter air taxi-route is designed from the centreline of the
helicopter air taxiway, whichever is lower.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(a) Characteristics:
(1) When a TLOF is collocated with a helicopter stand, the protection area of the stand should not
overlap the protection area of any other helicopter stand or associated taxi route.
(2) When used by helicopters turning in a hover, a helicopter stand should be of sufficient size to
contain a circle of diameter of at least 1.2 D of the largest helicopter the stand is intended to
serve (see Figure D-1).
(3) Where a helicopter stand is intended to be used for turning, the helicopter stand should be
surrounded by a protection area which extends for a distance of 0.4 D from the edge of the
helicopter stand.
(4) Where a helicopter stand is intended to be used for turning, the minimum overall dimension of
the stand and protection area should not be less than 2 D.
(5) Where a helicopter stand is intended to be used for taxi-through and where the helicopter using
the stand is not required to turn, the minimum width of the stand and associated protection area
should be that of the taxi-route.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
Figure D-1. Helicopter stand and associated protection area permitting the helicopter to turn in a hover when
(6) For simultaneous operations, the protection areas of helicopter stands and their associated
taxi-routes should not overlap (see Figure D-2).
(7) Where non-simultaneous operations are envisaged, the protection areas of helicopter stands and
their associated taxi-routes may overlap (see Figure D-3).
(b) Slopes:
(1) A helicopter stand should provide rapid drainage.
(2) The slope of a helicopter stand in any direction should not exceed 2 per cent.
(c) Surface conditions:
(1) No fixed object should be permitted above the surface of the ground on a helicopter stand,
except for tie-down points with a height of less than 5 cm, which can be accommodated if
(2) No mobile object should be permitted on a helicopter stand and the associated protection area
during helicopter movements.
(3) No fixed object should be permitted above the surface of the ground in the protection area
around a helicopter stand except for objects which, because of their function, must be located
(4) Objects whose function requires them to be located in the protection area at a distance of less
than 0.75 D from the centre of the helicopter stand, should not exceed 5 cm in height.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(5) Objects whose function requires them to be located in the protection area at a distance of 0.75 D
or more from the centre of the helicopter stand, should not penetrate a plane originating at a
height of 25 cm above the plane of the central zone and sloping upwards and outwards at a
gradient of 5 per cent.
(6) The surface friction characteristics of a helicopter stand should be suitable for the helicopter it is
intended to serve.
(7) The central zone of a helicopter stand should be capable of withstanding the traffic of helicopters
it is intended to serve and have a static load-bearing area:
(i) of diameter not less than 0.83 D of the largest helicopter it is intended to serve; or,
(ii) for a helicopter stand intended to be used for taxi-through, and where the helicopter using
the stand is not required to turn, the same width as the helicopter ground taxiway.
Figure D-2. Helicopter stands designed for hover turns with air taxi-routes/taxiways — simultaneous operations
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
Figure D-3. Helicopter stands designed for hover turns with air taxi-routes/taxiways — non-simultaneous
CS HPT-DSN.E.400 General
(a) Applicability: The purpose of the specifications for obstacle limitation surfaces are to define the
airspace around heliports so as to permit intended helicopter operations to be conducted safely, and
to prevent, where appropriate controls exist, heliports from becoming unusable due to the growth of
obstacles around them. A series of obstacle limitation surfaces is established to define the limits to
which objects may project into the airspace.
(b) Description: An inclined plane or a combination of planes or, when a turn is involved, a complex surface
sloping upwards from the end of the safety area and centred on a line passing through the centre of the
FATO (see Figures E-1, E-2, E-3 and E-4 and Table E-1).
(c) Characteristics:
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(1) an inner edge horizontal and equal in length to the minimum specified width/diameter of the
FATO plus the safety area, perpendicular to the centre line of the approach surface and located at
the outer edge of the safety area;
(2) two side edges originating at the ends of the inner edge diverging uniformly at a specified rate
from the vertical plane containing the centre line of the FATO; and
(3) an outer edge horizontal and perpendicular to the centre line of the approach surface and at a
specified height of 152 m (500 ft) above the elevation of the FATO.
(4) The elevation of the inner edge should be the elevation of the FATO at the point on the inner
edge that is intersected by the centre line of the approach surface. For heliports intended to be
used by helicopters operated in performance class 1, the inclined plane may be raised directly
above the FATO.
(5) The slope(s) of the approach surface should be measured in the vertical plane containing the
centre line of the surface.
(6) In the case of an approach surface involving a turn, the surface should be a complex surface
containing the horizontal normals to its centre line and the slope of the centre line should be the
same as that for a straight approach surface (see Figure E-3).
(7) In the case of an approach surface involving a turn, the surface should not contain more than one
curved portion.
(8) Where a curved portion of an approach surface is provided, the sum of the radius of arc defining
the centre line of the approach surface and the length of the straight portion originating at the
inner edge should not be less than 575 m.
(9) Any variation in the direction of the centre line of an approach surface should be designed so as
not to necessitate a turn radius less than 270 m.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
Figure E-1. Obstacle limitation surfaces — Take-off climb and approach surface
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
Figure E-3. Curved approach and take-off climb surface for all FATOs
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
Length of Inner Edge Width of safety Width of safety Width of safety area
area area
Location of Inner Edge Safety area Safety area Safety area boundary
boundary boundary
boundary if
First section:
Length 3 386 m 245 m 1 220 m
Slope 4.5 % 8% 12.5 %
(1:22.2) (1:12.5) (1:8)
Outer Width (b) N/A (b)
Second Section:
Length N/A 830 m N/A
Slope N/A 16 % N/A
Outer width N/A (b) N/A
Table E-1. Dimensions and slopes of obstacle limitation surfaces for all visual FATOs
(a) The approach and take-off climb surface lengths of 3 386 m, 1 075 m and 1 220 m associated with the
respective slopes, bring the helicopter to 152 m (500 ft) above FATO elevation.
(b) Seven rotor diameters overall width for day operations or 10 rotor diameters overall width for night
(c) The slope design categories depicted above represent minimum design slope angles and not operational
slopes. Slope category ‘A’ generally corresponds with helicopters operated in performance class 1; slope
category ‘B’ generally corresponds with helicopters operated in performance class 3; and slope category
‘C’ generally corresponds with helicopters operated in performance class 2.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
Figure E-4. Approach and take-off climb surfaces with different slope design categories
(b) Description: An inclined plane, a combination of planes or, when a turn is involved, a complex surface
sloping upwards from the end of the safety area and centred on a line passing through the centre of the
FATO (see Figures E-1, E-2, E-3, and E-4, and Table E-1).
(c) Characteristics:
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(1) an inner edge horizontal and equal in length to the minimum specified width/diameter of the
FATO plus the safety area, perpendicular to the centre line of the take-off climb surface and
located at the outer edge of the safety area;
(2) two side edges originating at the ends of the inner edge and diverging uniformly at a specified
rate from the vertical plane containing the centre line of the FATO; and
(3) an outer edge horizontal and perpendicular to the centre line of the take-off climb surface and at
a specified height of 152 m (500 ft) above the elevation of the FATO.
(4) The elevation of the inner edge should be the elevation of the FATO at the point on the inner
edge that is intersected by the centre line of the take-off climb surface. For heliports intended to
be used by helicopters operated in performance class 1, the inclined plane may be raised directly
above the FATO.
(5) Where a clearway is provided the elevation of the inner edge of the take-off climb surface should
be located at the outer edge of the clearway at the highest point on the ground based on the
centre line of the clearway.
(6) In the case of a straight take-off climb surface, the slope should be measured in the vertical plane
containing the centre line of the surface.
(7) In the case of a take-off climb surface involving a turn, the surface should be a complex surface
containing the horizontal normals to its centre line and the slope of the centre line should be the
same as that for a straight take-off climb surface (see Figure E-5).
(8) In the case of a take-off climb surface involving a turn, the surface should not contain more than
one curved portion.
(9) Where a curved portion of a take-off climb surface is provided the sum of the radius of arc
defining the centre line of the take-off climb surface and the length of the straight portion
originating at the inner edge should not be less than 575 m.
(10) Any variation in the direction of the centre line of a take-off climb surface should be designed so
as not to necessitate a turn of radius less than 270 m.
(b) Characteristics:
(1) The slopes of the obstacle limitation surfaces should not be greater than, and their other
dimensions not less than, those specified in Table E-1 and should be located as shown in Figures
E- 1, E-2 and E-4.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(2) Where a heliport visual approach slope indicator is installed, additional obstacle protection
surfaces should be provided, as specified in CS HPT-DSN.F.660, which can be more demanding
than the obstacle limitation surfaces prescribed in Table E-1.
(3) For heliports that have an approach/take-off climb surface with a 4.5 per cent slope design,
objects can be permitted to penetrate the obstacle limitation surface, if after a safety assessment,
it is determined that the object would not adversely affect the safety or significantly affect the
regularity of operations of helicopters.
(4) New objects or extensions of existing objects should not be permitted above the approach or
take-off climb surfaces except when shielded by an existing immovable object or after a safety
assessment it is determined that the object would not adversely affect the safety or significantly
affect the regularity of operations of helicopters.
(5) Existing objects above the approach and take off climb surfaces should, as far as practicable, be
removed except when the object is shielded by an existing immovable object or after a safety
assessment it is determined that the object would not adversely affect the safety or significantly
affect the regularity of operations of helicopters.
(6) When only a single approach and take-off climb surface is provided, a safety assessment should
be undertaken considering as a minimum, the following factors:
(iii) the performance and operating limitations of helicopters intending to use the heliport; and
(b) For all other types of FATO, the applicable CSs are provided in the paragraphs below entitled ‘All FATOs
except runway-type FATOs’.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(b) Location:
A heliport identification marking should be located in the FATO and when used in conjunction
with FATO designation markings, should be displayed at each end of the FATO (See Figure F-2).
(2) For all FATOs except runway-type FATOs:
(i) A heliport identification marking should be located at or near the centre of the FATO (see
Figure F-1).
(ii) On a FATO which contains a TLOF, a heliport identification marking should be located in the
FATO so the position of it coincides with the centre of the TLOF.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) A heliport identification marking, should consist of a letter H, white in colour. The dimensions of
the H marking should be no less than those shown in Figure F-3.
(2) Where the H marking is used for a runway-type FATO, its dimensions should be increased by a
factor of 3 (see Figure F-2).
(3) A heliport identification marking should be oriented with the cross arm of the H at right angles to
the preferred final approach direction.
(4) For a runway-type FATO, the numbers and the letter of the marking should have a colour
contrasting with the background and should be in the form and proportion shown in Figure F-4.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
Figure F-1. Combined heliport identification, aiming point and FATO perimeter marking
Figure F-2. FATO designation marking and heliport identification marking for a runway-type FATO
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(b) Location: The FATO perimeter marking or markers should be located on the edge of the FATO.
(c) Characteristics:
(i) The perimeter of the FATO should be defined with markings or markers spaced at equal
intervals of not more than 50 m with at least three markings or markers on each side
including a marking or marker at each corner.
(ii) A FATO perimeter marking should be a rectangular stripe with a length of 9 m or one-fifth
of the side of the FATO which it defines and a width of 1 m.
(iv) FATO perimeter markers should be of colour(s) that contrast effectively against the
operating background.
(i) For an unpaved FATO the perimeter should be defined with flush in-ground markers. The
FATO perimeter markers should be 30 cm in width, 1.5 m in length, and with end-to-end
spacing of not less than 1.5 m and not more than 2 m. The corners of a square or
rectangular FATO should be defined.
(ii) For a paved FATO the perimeter should be defined with a dashed line. The FATO perimeter
marking segments should be 30 cm in width, 1.5 m in length, and with end-to-end spacing
of not less than 1.5 m and not more than 2 m. The corners of the square or rectangular
FATO should be defined.
(iii) FATO perimeter markings and flush in-ground markers should be white.
(b) Location: A FATO designation marking should be located at the beginning of the FATO (see Figure F-2).
(c) Characteristics: A FATO designation marking should consist of a two-digit number. The two-digit number
should be the whole number nearest the one-tenth of the magnetic North when viewed from the
direction of approach. When the above rule would give a single digit number, it should be preceded by a
zero (see Figure F-2).
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(b) The characteristics of the aiming point marking for a runway-type FATO should be as follows:
(i) The aiming point marking should be an equilateral triangle with a minimum side length of
9.0 metres, with the bisector of one of the angles aligned with the preferred approach direction.
(ii) The marking should consist of continuous white lines, 1.0 m in width (see Figures F-1).
(b) Location: The TLOF perimeter marking should be located along the edge of the TLOF.
(c) Characteristics: A TLOF perimeter marking should consist of a continuous white line with a width of at
least 30 cm.
(2) A touchdown/positioning marking should be provided on a helicopter stand designed for turning.
(b) Location:
(1) A touchdown/positioning marking should be located so that when the pilot’s seat is over the
marking, the whole of the undercarriage should be within the TLOF and all parts of the helicopter
should be clear of any obstacle by a safe margin.
(2) For a helicopter stand designed for hover turning, the touchdown/positioning marking should be
located in the centre of the central zone (see Figure F-4).
(3) On a heliport the centre of the touchdown/positioning marking should be located at the centre of
the TLOF, except the centre of the touchdown/positioning marking may be offset away from the
centre of the TLOF where a safety assessment indicates such offsetting to be necessary and
providing that a marking that is so offset would not adversely affect safety.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) A touchdown/positioning marking should be a yellow circle and have a line width of at least
0.5 m.
(2) The inner diameter of the touchdown/positioning marking should be 0.5 D of the largest
helicopter the TLOF and/or the helicopter stand is intended to serve.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(b) Characteristics: A heliport name marking should consist of the name or the alphanumeric designator of
the heliport as used in radio (R/T) communications.
(1) The specifications for runway-holding position markings defined in CS ADR-DSN.L.575 and for
intermediate holding position marking defined in CS ADR-DSN.L.580 are equally applicable to
taxiways intended for ground taxiing of helicopters.
(2) The centre line of a helicopter ground taxiway should be identified with a marking.
(3) The edges of a helicopter ground taxiway, if not self-evident, should be identified with markers or
(b) Location:
(1) Helicopter ground taxiway markings should be along the centre line of a helicopter ground
(2) Helicopter ground taxiway edge markers should be located at a distance of 0.5 m to 3 m beyond
the edge of the helicopter ground taxiway.
(3) Where provided, helicopter ground taxiway edge markers should be spaced at intervals of not
more than 15 m on each side of straight sections and 7.5 m on each side of curved sections with a
minimum of four equally spaced markers per section.
(c) Characteristics
(1) A helicopter ground taxiway centre line marking should be a continuous yellow line 15 cm in
(2) Helicopter ground taxiway edge markings should be a continuous double yellow line, each 15 cm
in width, and spaced 15 cm apart (nearest edge to nearest edge).
(3) A helicopter ground taxiway edge marker should not exceed the height of a plane originating at a
height of 25 cm above the plane of the helicopter ground taxiway, at a distance of 0.5 m from the
edge of the helicopter ground taxiway and sloping upwards and outwards at a gradient of
5 per cent to a distance of 3 m beyond the edge of the helicopter ground taxiway.
(5) If the helicopter ground taxiway is to be used at night, the edge markers should be internally
illuminated or retro-reflective.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(1) A helicopter stand perimeter marking should be provided on a helicopter stand designed for
turning. If a helicopter stand perimeter marking is not practicable, a central zone perimeter
marking should be provided instead if the perimeter of the central zone is not self-evident.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(2) For a helicopter stand that is intended to be used for taxi-through and which does not allow a
helicopter to turn, a stop line should be provided.
(3) Alignment lines and lead-in/lead-out lines should be provided on a helicopter stand (see Figures
F-5 and F-5a).
(b) Location:
(1) A helicopter stand perimeter marking on a helicopter stand designed for turning or, a central zone
perimeter marking, should be concentric with the central zone of the stand.
(2) For a helicopter stand that is intended to be used for taxi-through and which does not allow the
helicopter to turn, a stop line should be located on the helicopter ground taxiway axis at right
angles to the centre line.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(c) Characteristics:
(1) A helicopter stand perimeter marking should be a yellow circle and have a line width of 15 cm.
(2) A central zone perimeter marking should be a yellow circle and have a line width of 15 cm, except
when the TLOF is collocated with a helicopter stand, in which case the characteristics of the TLOF
perimeter markings should apply.
(3) For a helicopter stand that is intended to be used for taxi-through and which does not allow the
helicopter to turn, the yellow stop line should not be less than the width of the helicopter ground
taxiway and should have a line thickness of 50 cm.
(4) Alignment lines and lead-in/lead-out lines should be continuous yellow lines and should have a
width of 15 cm.
(5) Curved portions of alignment lines and lead-in/lead-out lines should have radii appropriate to the
most demanding helicopter type the helicopter stand is intended to serve.
(6) Stand identification markings should be marked in a contrasting colour so as to be easily readable.
(7) Where it is intended that helicopters proceed in one direction only, arrows indicating the
direction to be followed may be added as part of the alignment lines.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(b) Applicability: A visual alignment guidance system should be provided where one or more of the
following conditions exist:
(1) obstacle clearance, noise abatement or traffic control procedures require a particular direction to
be flown;
(2) the environment of the heliport provides few visual surface cues; and
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
Table F-1. Dimensions and slopes of the obstacle protection surface for heliport visual approach indicator system
Figure F-7. Obstacle protection surface for visual approach slope indicator systems
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(1) obstacle clearance, noise abatement or traffic control procedures require a particular slope to be
(2) the environment of the heliport provides few visual surface cues; and
(b) The standard heliport visual approach slope indicator systems for helicopter operations should consist
of the following:
(1) PAPI (precision approach path indicator) and APAPI (abbreviated precision approach path
indicator) systems conforming to the specifications contained in CS ADR-DSN.M.645 and
CS ADR-DSN.M.650, except that the angular size of the on-slope sector of the systems should be
increased to 45 minutes of arc or
(2) HAPI (helicopter approach path indicator) system conforming to the specifications in sections (d)
to (g) below.
(c) Location:
(1) A heliport visual approach slope indicator should be located such that a helicopter is guided to the
desired position within the FATO and so as to avoid dazzling the pilot during final approach and
(1) The signal format of the HAPI should include four discrete signal sectors, providing an ‘above
slope’, an ‘on slope’, a ‘slightly below’ and a ‘below slope’ signal.
(2) The signal format of the HAPI should be as shown in Figure F-8, Illustrations A and B.
(3) The signal repetition rate of the flashing sector of the HAPI should be at least 2 Hz.
(4) The on-to-off ratio of pulsing signals of the HAPI should be 1 to 1, and the modulation depth
should be at least 80 per cent.
(5) The angular size of the ‘on-slope’ sector of the HAPI should be 45 minutes of arc.
(6) The angular size of the ‘slightly below’ sector of the HAPI should be 15 minutes of arc.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(1) The light intensity distribution of the HAPI in red and green colours should be as shown in Figure
F-6, Illustration 3.
(2) The colour transition of the HAPI in the vertical plane should be such as to appear to an observer
at a distance of not less than 300 m to occur within a vertical angle of not more than three
minutes of arc.
(3) The transmission factor of a red or green filter should be not less than 15 per cent at the
maximum intensity setting.
(4) At full intensity the red light of the HAPI should have a Y-coordinate not exceeding 0.320, and the
green light should be within the boundaries specified in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 (b).
(5) A suitable intensity control should be provided so as to allow adjustment to meet the prevailing
conditions and to avoid dazzling the pilot during approach and landing.
(1) A HAPI system should be capable of adjustment in elevation at any desired angle between 1
degree and 12 degrees above the horizontal with an accuracy of ± 5 minutes of arc.
(2) The angle of elevation setting of a HAPI should be such that during an approach, the pilot of a
helicopter observing the upper boundary of the ‘below slope’ signal would clear all objects in the
approach area by a safe margin.
(i) in the event the vertical misalignment of a unit exceeds ± 0.5 degrees (± 30 minutes), the
system should switch off automatically; and
(ii) if the flashing mechanism fails, no light is emitted in the failed flashing sector(s).
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(2) The light unit of the HAPI should be so designed that deposits of condensation, ice, dirt, etc., on
optically transmitting or reflecting surfaces would interfere to the least possible extent with the
light signal and should not cause spurious or false signals to be generated.
(1) An obstacle protection surface should be established when it is intended to provide a visual
approach slope indicator system.
(2) The characteristics of the obstacle protection surface, i.e. origin, divergence, length and slope,
should correspond to those specified in the relevant column of Table F-1 and in Figure F-7.
(3) New objects or extensions of existing objects should not be permitted above an obstacle
protection surface except when, the new object or extension would be shielded by an existing
immovable object.
(4) Existing objects above an obstacle protection surface should be removed except when, the object
is shielded by an existing immovable object, or after a safety assessment it is determined that the
object would not adversely affect the safety of operations of helicopters.
(5) Where a safety assessment indicates that an existing object extending above an obstacle
protection surface could adversely affect the safety of operations of helicopters, one or more of
the following measures should be taken:
(ii) reduce the azimuth spread of the system so that the object is outside the confines of the
(iii) displace the axis of the system and its associated obstacle protection surface by no more
than 5 degrees;
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(3) The lights should not exceed a height of 25 cm and should be inset when a light extending above
the surface would endanger helicopter operations.
(4) Where a FATO is not meant for lift-off or touchdown, the lights should not exceed a height of
25 cm above ground or snow level.
(b) Location: Aiming point lights should be collocated with the aiming point marking.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) Aiming point lights should form a pattern of at least six omnidirectional white lights (see Figure F-
(2) The lights should be inset when a light extending above the surface could endanger helicopter
(3) The light distribution of aiming point lights should be as shown in Figure F-6, Illustration 4.
(2) The TLOF lighting system for a heliport should consist of one or more of the following:
(i) perimeter lights; or
(ii) floodlighting; or
(iii) arrays of segmented point source lighting (ASPSL) or luminescent panel (LP) lighting to
identify the TLOF when (i) and (ii) are not practicable and FATO lights are available.
(b) Location:
(1) TLOF perimeter lights should be placed along the edge of the area designated for use as the TLOF
or within a distance of 1.5 m from the edge.
(2) Where the TLOF is a circle, the lights should be:
(i) located on straight lines in a pattern which should provide information to pilots on drift
displacement; or
(ii) evenly spaced around the perimeter of the TLOF at the appropriate intervals, sufficient to
present the pattern, except that over a sector of 45 degrees, the lights should be spaced at
half spacing.
(3) TLOF perimeter lights should be uniformly spaced at intervals of not more than 5 m.
(4) There should be a minimum number of four lights on each side, including a light at each corner.
(5) For a circular TLOF, where lights are installed in accordance with paragraph (1) above, there
should be a minimum of fourteen lights.
(6) ASPSL or LPs, if provided to identify the TLOF, should be placed along the marking designating the
edge of the TLOF.
(7) Where the TLOF is a circle, the ASPSL or LPs should be located on straight lines circumscribing the
(8) The minimum number of LPs on a TLOF should be nine.
(9) The total length of LPs in a pattern should not be less than 50 per cent of the length of the
(10) There should be an odd number of panels with a minimum number of three panels on each side
of the TLOF, including a panel at each corner.
(11) LPs should be uniformly spaced with a distance between adjacent panel ends of not more than
5 m on each side of the TLOF.
(12) TLOF floodlights should be located so as to avoid glare to pilots in flight or to personnel working
on the area.
(13) The arrangement and aiming of floodlights should be such that shadows are kept to a minimum.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) The TLOF perimeter lights should be fixed omnidirectional lights showing green.
(2) ASPSL or LPs should emit green light when used to define the perimeter of the TLOF.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(3) The chromaticity and luminance of colours of LPs should be in accordance with the specifications
in CS ADR-DSN.U.935.
(4) An LP should have a minimum width of 6 cm. The panel housing should be the same colour as the
marking it defines.
(5) The perimeter lights should not exceed a height of 25 cm and should be inset when a light
extending above the surface could endanger helicopter operations.
(6) When located within the safety area of a heliport, the TLOF floodlights should not exceed a height
of 25 cm.
(7) The LPs should not extend above the surface by more than 2.5 cm.
(8) The light distribution of the perimeter lights should be as shown in Figure F-6, Illustration 5.
(9) The light distribution of the LPs should be as shown in Figure F-6, Illustration 6.
(10) The spectral distribution of TLOF area floodlights should be such that the surface and obstacle
marking can be correctly identified.
(11) The average horizontal illuminance of the floodlighting should be at least 10 lux, with a uniformity
ratio (average to minimum) of not more than 8:1 measured on the surface of the TLOF.
(12) The lighting used to identify the touchdown marking should comprise a segmented circle of
omnidirectional ASPSL strips showing yellow. The segments should consist of ASPSL strips, and the
total length of the ASPSL strips should not be less than 50 per cent of the circumference of the
(13) If utilized, the heliport identification marking lighting should be omnidirectional showing green.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(1) No more than one helicopter should be in the FATO at the same time.
(2) Where a FATO is located near a runway or taxiway, and when simultaneous helicopter and
aeroplane operations are planned, the separation distance between the edge of a runway or
taxiway and the edge of a FATO should not be less than the appropriate dimension in
Table GM1-B-1.
(b) Location: Operational limitations should be considered under certain wind conditions.
(c) The surface of the FATO should be constructed so as to provide ground effect.
(d) A FATO should not be located:
(1) near taxiway intersections or holding points where jet engine efflux is likely to cause high
turbulence; or
(2) near areas where aeroplane vortex wake generation is likely to occur.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(1) The provisions of this section do not specify where helicopter stands should be located, rather
they allow flexibility in the overall design of a heliport.
(2) It is not considered good practice to locate helicopter stands under a flight path.
(b) Characteristics:
(c) For a helicopter stand intended to be used by wheeled helicopters for turning on the ground, the
dimension of the helicopter stand and the protection area, including the dimension of the central zone,
would need to be significantly increased.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(1) A helicopter stand and associated protection area intended to be used for air taxiing should
provide ground effect.
(2) The separation distance between helicopter stands may be reduced by adopting a supplementary
overlap of the protection area until a safety margin of 0.4 D is reached (see Figure GM D-1). For
such a configuration, all the following conditions should be fulfilled:
(i) This reduction in separation distance is valid for adjacent stands used by helicopter
operators approved by the aerodrome operator;
(iii) Helicopters need to be parked according to the orientation of the yellow ‘H’;
(iv) Stands should be located on the same axis and marked accordingly (touchdown and
positioning; yellow ‘H’; stand number);
The reduced separation distance may be used, where a safety assessment indicates that the safety
of operations will not be endangered.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
Figure GM1 E-1. Example of raised inclined plane during operations in Performance Class 1
(b) The example shown in see Figure GM E-1 does not represent any specific profile, technique or
helicopter type and is intended to show a generic example. An approach profile and a back-up
procedure for departure profile are depicted. Specific manufacturers operations in performance class 1
may be represented differently in the specific helicopter flight manual (AFM).
(c) The approach/landing profile may not be the reverse of the take-off profile.
(d) Additional safety assessment for obstacles might be required in the area that a back-up procedure is
intended. Helicopter performance and the helicopter flight manual limitations would determine the
extent of the assessment required.
(e) For heliports intended to be used by helicopters operated in performance class 2 and 3, it is good
practice for the approach paths to be selected so as to permit safe forced landing or one-engine-
inoperative landings such that, as a minimum requirement, injury to persons on the ground or water or
damage to property are minimised. The most critical helicopter type for which the heliport is intended
and the ambient conditions may be factors in determining the suitability of such areas.
(f) The following supplementary parameters may be considered when designing the approach surfaces, if a
safety assessment indicates that they would not affect the safe operation of helicopters and/or
(1) More than one turn is possible, if an appropriate straight section is provided between two turns;
(2) The first straight section, starting from the safety area, can be reduced to a minimum of 150 m in
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(g) The approach and take-off surfaces should be offset from each other by an angle of not less than 135
(b) For heliports intended to be used by helicopters operated in performance class 2 and 3, it is an
operational requirement for departure paths to be selected so as to permit safe forced landings or one-
engine-inoperative landings such that, injury to persons on the ground or damage to property are
minimized. The most critical helicopter type for which the heliport is intended and the ambient
conditions may be factors in determining the suitability of such areas.
(c) The following supplementary aspects may be considered when designing the take-off surfaces, if a
safety assessment indicates that they would not affect the safe operation of helicopters and/or
(1) More than one turn is possible, if an appropriate straight section is provided between two turns;
(2) The first straight section, starting from the safety area, can be reduced to a minimum of 150 m in
(d) The approach and take-off surfaces should be offset from each other by an angle of not less than 135
(b) Location: A wind direction indicator should be located so as to indicate the wind conditions over the
FATO and TLOF and in such a way as to be free from the effects of airflow disturbances caused by
nearby objects or rotor downwash. It should be visible from a helicopter in flight, in a hover or on the
movement area.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(c) Where a TLOF and/or FATO are subject to a disturbed airflow, additional wind direction indicators
located close to the area should be provided to indicate the surface wind on the area.
(d) Characteristics: A wind direction indicator should give a clear indication of the direction of the wind and
a general indication of the wind speed.
(e) A wind direction indicator for the heliport should be a truncated cone made of lightweight fabric and
should have the following minimum dimensions:
(f) The colour of the wind direction indicator should be so selected as to make it clearly visible and
understandable from a height of at least 200 m (650 ft) above the heliport.
(g) Regarding the background:
(1) Where practicable, a single colour, preferably white or orange, should be used;
(2) Where a combination of two colours is required to give adequate conspicuity against changing
backgrounds, they should preferably be orange and white, red and white, or black and white, and
should be arranged in five alternate bands the first and last band being the darker colour.
(h) A wind direction indicator at a heliport intended for use at night should be illuminated.
GM1 HPT-DSN.F.530 Final approach and take-off area perimeter marking or markers
(a) Where a TLOF is coincident with a FATO, the TLOF marking can be used.
(b) FATO perimeter markers should be of a single colour, either orange or red, or the two contrasting
colours of orange and white or, alternatively, red and white should be used except where such colours
would merge with the background (see Figure GM1 F-1).
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(b) Location: For all FATOs except runway-type FATOs the aiming point marking should be located at the
centre of the FATO, as shown in Figure F-1.
(b) Characteristics:
(1) A heliport name marking intended for use at night or during conditions of poor visibility should be
illuminated, either internally or externally.
(2) The colour of the marking should contrast with the background and preferably be white.
(3) Runway-type FATOs: The characters of the marking should be not less than 3 m in height.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(4) All FATOs except runway-type FATOs: The characters of the marking should be not less than 1.5 m
in height.
(b) Where necessary, signage should be provided on an aerodrome to indicate that a ground taxiway is
suitable only for the use of helicopters.
(c) A helicopter ground taxiway edge marker should not present a hazard for aircraft operations.
(b) Helicopter stand identification markings should be marked in a contrasting colour so as to be easily
(b) Characteristics:
(1) A flight path alignment guidance marking should consist of one or more arrows marked on the
TLOF, FATO and/or safety area surface, as shown in Figure GM1-F-2. The stroke of the arrow(s)
should be 50 cm in width and at least 3 m in length. When combined with a flight path alignment
guidance lighting system, it should take the form shown in Figure GM1-F-2, which includes the
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
scheme for marking the ‘heads of the arrows’, which are always of the same size, regardless of
the stroke length.
(2) In the case of a flight path limited to a single approach direction or a single departure direction,
the arrow marking may be unidirectional. In the case of a heliport with only a single
approach/departure path available, one bidirectional arrow is marked.
(3) The markings should be in a colour, preferably white, which provides good contrast against the
background colour of the surface on which they are marked.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(2) Where there is a need to make the final approach course more conspicuous, additional lights
spaced uniformly at 30 m intervals should be added beyond the crossbar. The lights beyond the
crossbar may be steady or sequenced flashing, depending upon the environment.
(3) The steady lights should be omnidirectional white lights.
(4) Sequenced flashing lights should be omnidirectional white lights.
(5) The flashing lights should have a flash frequency of one per second and their light distribution
should be as shown in Figure F-6, Illustration 2. The flash sequence should commence from the
outermost light and progress towards the crossbar.
(6) A suitable brilliancy control should be incorporated to allow for adjustment of light intensity to
meet the prevailing conditions.
(7) Additional guidance on light intensity controls is given in GM1 ADR-DSN.M.615.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(1) The visual alignment guidance system should be located such that a helicopter is guided along the
prescribed track towards the FATO.
(2) The system should be located at the downwind edge of the FATO and aligned along the preferred
approach direction.
(3) The light units should be frangible and mounted as low as possible.
(4) Where the lights of the system need to be seen as discrete sources, light units should be located
such that at the extremes of system coverage, the angle subtended between the units as seen by
the pilot should not be less than 3 minutes of arc.
(5) The angles subtended between the light units of the system and other units of comparable or
greater intensities should also be not less than 3 minutes of arc.
(6) The requirements of paragraphs (4) and (5) above can be met for lights on a line normal to the
line of sight if the light units are separated by 1 m for every kilometre of viewing range.
(1) The signal format of the alignment guidance system should include a minimum of three discrete
signal sectors providing ‘offset to the right’, ‘on track’ and ‘offset to the left’ signals.
(2) The divergence of the ‘on track’ sector of the system should be 1° (see Figure GM1-F-4.)
(3) The signal format should be such that there is no possibility of confusion between the system and
any associated visual approach slope indicator or other visual aids.
(4) The system should avoid the use of the same coding as any associated visual approach slope
(5) The signal format should be such that the system is unique and conspicuous in all operational
(6) The system should not significantly increase the pilot workload.
(1) The usable coverage of the visual alignment guidance system should be equal to or better than
that of the visual approach slope indicator system with which it is associated.
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
(2) A suitable intensity control should be provided so as to allow adjustment to meet the prevailing
conditions and to avoid dazzling the pilot during approach and landing.
(1) A visual alignment guidance system should be capable of adjustment in azimuth to within ± 5
minutes of arc of the desired approach path.
(2) The angle of the azimuth guidance system should be such that during an approach, the pilot of a
helicopter at the boundary of the ‘on track’ signal would clear all objects in the approach area by
a safe margin.
(3) The characteristics of the obstacle protection surface specified in Table F-1 and Figure F-7 should
equally apply to the system.
(1) In the event of a failure of any component affecting the signal format, the system should be
automatically switched off.
(2) The light units should be so designed that deposits of condensation, ice, dirt, etc., on optically
transmitting or reflecting surfaces would interfere to the least possible extent with the light signal
and should not cause spurious or false signals to be generated.
(b) A heliport visual approach slope indicator should be provided to serve the approach to a heliport, where
the characteristics of the helicopter require a stabilised approach.
(c) A heliport visual approach slope indicator should be located adjacent to the nominal aiming point and
aligned in azimuth with the preferred approach direction.
(d) When a short range approach (typical of helicopters) is flown, besides the standard visual approach path
indicators (HAPI/APAPI/PAPI), tri-colour visual glideslope indicators such as GPI (glide path indicator)
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3. Proposed amendments and rationale in detail
should be considered acceptable. Tri−colour visual approach slope indicators normally consist of a single
light unit, projecting a three−colour visual approach path into the FATO area upon which the indicator is
installed. The below glide path indication is red, the above glide path indication is amber and the on
glide path indication is green. These types of indicators have a useful range of approximately 1/2 to 1
mile during the day and up to 5 miles at night, depending upon the visibility conditions.
(e) Care is required in the design of the unit to minimize spurious signals between the signal sectors, and at
the azimuth coverage limits.
(f) Larger azimuth coverage can be obtained by installing the HAPI system on a turntable.
(a) General: If it is not possible to display obstacle lights on obstacles at a heliport intended for use at night,
the obstacles should be floodlit.
(b) Location: Obstacle floodlights should be arranged so as to illuminate the entire obstacle and, as far as
practicable, in a manner so as not to dazzle helicopter pilots.
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4. Impact assessment (IA)
In order to assess the situation of the proposed rules in RMT.0638, certification requirements for VFR
heliports located at aerodromes that fall under the scope of the Basic Regulation6, EASA sent a survey
to the EASA Member States (MSs) and to states with which EASA has signed working arrangements in
the field of aerodromes (observers).
A survey was sent to assess the current situation and the potential impacts of the regulatory proposal.
(b) the number of VFR heliports located at aerodromes expected to be exempted under Article 4
of the Basic Regulation;
(c) the number of VFR heliports located at aerodromes certified under national rules;
(d) the number of FTEs (full time equivalents) engaged in heliport certification/oversight;
The survey was sent to National Aviation Authorities (NAAs) on 7/2/2017 and closed on 17/2/2017.
In total, EASA received 33 replies, of which 27 were from EASA Member States and 6 from observers.
(a) Number of VFR heliports located at aerodromes in the scope of the Basic Regulation
The data collected from the survey indicated that 85 VFR heliports were located at aerodromes that
are in the scope7, out of which 26 VFR heliports are located at aerodromes exempted/expected to be
exempted under Article 4(3b) of the Basic Regulation.
In comparison to the CS-ADR-DSN requirements for aerodrome design, it is estimated that the
proposed CS-HPT-DSN requirements would be applicable to a reasonably small number of
approximately 59 VFR heliports located at aerodromes that fall under the scope of the Basic
REGULATION (EC) No 216/2008 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 20 February 2008 on common rules in the field of civil
aviation and establishing a European Aviation Safety Agency, and repealing Council Directive 91/670/EEC, Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002 and
Directive 2004/36/EC
According to EASA’s data based on the information received from the EASA Member States in accordance with Article 4 and 5 of
Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 there are 581 aerodromes that fall under the scope of the Basic Regulation out of which 110 are
exempted under Article 4 of Regulation (EC) 216/2008.
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4. Impact assessment (IA)
600 581
100 70
Number of Number of VFR Number of Number of VFR Number of VFR
aerodromes in the heliports collocated at aerodromes heliports collocated at heliports collocated at
scope aerodromes in the exempted under Art 4 aerodromes expected aerodromes certified
scope of BR to be exempted under under national rules
Art 4 of BR
Independently from the survey, EASA has reviewed the differences filed by the MSs against the
provisions of ICAO Annex 14, Volume II, Heliports, and in particular to surface level heliports. The data
indicates that 23 MSs have filed no differences, while in only 4 MSs, the national regulations for
heliports contain differences with respect to the provisions of ICAO Annex 14, Volume II, Heliports (e.g.
some recommendations are upgraded to standards, there is a lower implementation of provisions for
some topics, etc.).
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4. Impact assessment (IA)
The data collected shows that, in most cases, FTEs are not exclusively engaged in heliport
certification/oversight, rather they are involved in all aerodrome design, certification and operational
In general, no specific safety risks were identified. Where specific risks were nevertheless identified,
they were mostly linked to the control of obstacles and to hot refuelling.
4.5. Conclusion
Option 0 ‘No policy change’ does not support efficiency and does not provide a level playing field.
Option 1
Knowing that:
— the proposed CS-HPT-DSN requirements will ensure a common European regulatory framework
for VFR heliports located at aerodromes that fall under the scope of the Basic Regulation, as well
as harmonisation with the relevant standards and recommended practices (SARPs) for VFR
surface level heliports from ICAO Annex 14, Aerodromes, Volume II, Heliports, while maintaining
the same level of safety;
— the certification processes for both aerodromes and heliport design will be performed according
to the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 139/2014;
— no additional burden will be created for the NAAs and aerodrome operators:
it is expected that there will be a smooth conversion process from national rules based on
ICAO Annex 14 SARPs to the proposed CS-HPT-DSN requirements, as only minor
differences from the ICAO SARPs have been filed by the Member States;
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4. Impact assessment (IA)
Invitation to stakeholders
Additionally, stakeholders are kindly invited to provide data on potential costs or savings incurred by
these draft rules, as well as any other quantitative information that they may find necessary to bring to
the attention of EASA. An updated RIA may be provided with the ED Decision when relevant.
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5. Proposed actions to support implementation
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6. References
6. References
7. Appendix
Not applicable.
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