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Theory of Regulatory Compliance Monitoring Paradigms

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Theory of Regulatory Compliance Monitoring Paradigms

Richard Fiene
December 2016

This paper provides some key elements to the two dominating paradigms (Relative versus
Absolute) for regulatory compliance monitoring based upon the Theory of Regulatory
Compliance. See the table below for the key elements summarized for the Monitoring
Paradigms followed by a more detailed description of each key element. These key elements
are all inter-related and at times are not mutually exclusive.

Regulatory Compliance Monitoring Paradigms

Relative <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Absolute

Substantial <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Monolithic

Differential Monitoring <--------------------------------------------------------> One size fits all monitoring
Not all standards are created equal <---------------------------------> All standards are created equal
Do things well <---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Do no harm
Strength based <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Deficit based
Formative <---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Summative
Program Quality <------------------------------------------------------------------------> Program Compliance
100-0 scoring <----------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 100 or 0 scoring
QRIS <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Licensing
Non Linear <---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Linear

Relative versus Absolute Regulatory Compliance Paradigm: this is an important key

element in how standards/rules/regulations are viewed when it comes to compliance. For
example, in an absolute approach to regulatory compliance either a standard/rule/regulation is
in full compliance or not in full compliance. There is no middle ground. It is black or white, no
shades of gray. It is 100% or zero. In defining and viewing these two paradigms, this
dichotomy is the organizational key element for this paper.

Substantial versus Monolithic: in monolithic regulatory compliance monitoring systems, it is one

size fits all, everyone gets the same type of review (this is addressed in the next key element
below) and is more typical of an absolute paradigm orientation. In a substantial regulatory
compliance monitoring system, programs are monitored on the basis of their past compliance
history and this is more typical of a relative paradigm orientation. Those with high compliance
have fewer and more abbreviated visits/reviews while those with low compliance have more
comprehensive visits/reviews.
Differential Monitoring versus One Size Fits All Monitoring: in differential monitoring (Relative
Paradigm), more targeted or focused visits are utilized spending more time and resources with
those problem programs and less time and resources with those programs that are exceptional.
In the One Size Fits All Monitoring (Absolute Paradigm), all programs get the same type/level of
review/visit regardless of past performance.
Not all standards are created equal versus All standards are created equal: when looking at
standards/rules/regulations it is clear that certain ones have more of an impact on outcomes
than others. For example, not having a form signed versus having proper supervision of clients
demonstrates this difference. It could be argued that supervision is much more important to the
health and safety of clients than if a form isn’t signed by a loved one. In a relative paradigm, all
standards are not created nor administered equally; while in an absolute paradigm of regulatory
compliance, the standards are considered created equally and administered equally.

“Do things well” versus “Do no harm”: “doing things well” (Relative Paradigm) focuses on
quality of services rather than “doing no harm” (Absolute Paradigm) which focuses on health
and safety. Both are important in any regulatory compliance monitoring system but a balance
between the two needs to be found. Erring on one side of the equation or the other is not in the
best interest of client outcomes. "Doing no harm" focus is on the "least common denominator" –
the design and implementation of a monitoring system from the perspective of focusing on only
5% of the non-optimal programs ("doing no harm") rather than the 95% of the programs that are
"doing things well".

Strength based versus Deficit based: in a strength based monitoring system, one looks at the
glass as “half full” rather than as “half empty” (deficit based monitoring system). Emphasis is on
what the programs are doing correctly rather than their non-compliance with standards. A
strength based system is non-punitive and is not interested in catching programs not doing well.
It is about exemplars, about excellent models where everyone is brought up to a new higher
level of quality care.

Formative versus Summative: relative regulatory compliance monitoring systems are formative
in nature where there is an emphasis on constant quality improvement and getting better. In
absolute regulatory compliance monitoring systems, the emphasis is on being the gate-keeper
and making sure that decisions can be made to either grant or deny a license to operate. It is
about keeping non-optimal programs from operating.

Program Quality versus Program Compliance: relative regulatory compliance monitoring

systems focus is on program quality and quality improvement while in absolute regulatory
compliance monitoring systems the focus in on program compliance with rules/regulations with
the emphasis on full, 100% compliance.

100 – 0 scoring versus 100 or 0 scoring: in a relative regulatory compliance monitoring system,
a 100 through zero (0) scoring can be used where there are gradients in the scoring, such as
partial compliance scores. In an absolute regulatory compliance monitoring system, a 100% or
zero (0) scoring is used demonstrating that either the standard/rule/regulation is fully complied
with or not complied with at all.

QRIS versus Licensing: examples of a relative regulatory compliance monitoring system would
be QRIS – Quality Rating and Improvement Systems. Absolute regulatory compliance systems
would be state licensing systems. Many programs talk about the punitive aspects of the
present human services licensing and monitoring system and its lack of focus on the program
quality aspects in local programs. One should not be surprised by this because in any regulatory
compliance system the focus is on "doing no harm" rather than "doing things well". It has been
and continues to be the focus of licensing and regulations in the USA. The reason QRIS -
Quality Rating and Improvement Systems developed in early care and education was to focus
more on "doing things well" rather than "doing no harm".

Non-Linear versus Linear: the assumption in both relative and absolute regulatory compliance
monitoring systems is that the data are linear in nature which means that as compliance with
standards/rules/regulations increases, positive outcomes for clients increases as well. The
problem is the empirical data does not support this conclusion. It appears from the data that the
relationship is more non-linear where there is a plateau effect with regulatory compliance in
which client outcomes increase until substantial compliance is reached but doesn’t continue to
increase beyond this level. There appears to be a “sweet spot” or balancing of key
standards/rules/regulations that predict client outcomes more effectively than 100% or full
compliance with all standards/rules/regulations – this is the essence of the Theory of Regulatory
Compliance – substantial compliance with all standards or full compliance with a select group of
standards that predict overall substantial compliance and/or positive client outcomes.

As the regulatory administration field continues to think about the appropriate monitoring
systems to be designed and implemented, the above structure should help in thinking through
what these systems’ key elements should be. Both paradigms are important, in particular
contexts, but a proper balance between the two is probably the best approach in designing
regulatory compliance monitoring systems.

For additional information:

Richard Fiene, Ph.D., Research Psychologist
Research Institute for Key Indicators (RIKILLC) (http://RIKInstitute.com)
RIKI.Institute@gmail.com or RFiene@NARALicensing.org
Affiliate Professor, Prevention Research Center
The Pennsylvania State University

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