Amazon Leadership Principles: A Short Guide
Amazon Leadership Principles: A Short Guide
Amazon Leadership Principles: A Short Guide
Overview of the Interview Process
ACTION-What actions did you? What did you personally own, how did you do it, who else was involved?
RESULTS- How did you measure success for this project? What results did you achieve? (Cost saving,
process improvement, customer etc.)
For each description there will be probing and challenging questions
1. Customer Obsession
Possible Questions:
Tell me about a time you used customer feedback to change the way you worked.
When do you think it’s ok to push back or say no to an unreasonable customer request?
2. Ownership
They think long term and don’t sacrifice long-term value for short-term results.
They act on behalf of the entire company, beyond just their own team.
They never say “that’s not my job”.
Possible Questions:
Tell me about a time when you took on something significant outside your area of responsibility.
Why was it important? What was the outcome?
3. Dive Deep
Leaders operate at all levels, stay connected to the details, audit frequently, and are
skeptical when metrics and anecdote differ.
No task is beneath them.
Possible Questions:
Tell me about a problem you had to solve that required in-depth thought and analysis
Root-cause analysis/metric creation
4. Invent and Simplify
Leaders expect and require innovation and invention from their teams and always find
ways to simplify.
They are externally aware, look for new ideas from everywhere, and are not limited by
“not invented here”.
As we do new things, we accept that we may be misunderstood for long periods of time.
Possible Questions:
Describe the most innovative thing you’ve done and why you thought it was innovative.
Have you ever made something simpler for a customer?
5. Learn and Be Curious
Leaders are never done learning and always seek to improve themselves.
They are curious about new possibilities and act to explore them.
Possible Questions:
Describe a time when someone on your team challenged you to think differently about a
Describe a time when you took on work outside of your comfort area.
6. Bias for Action
Leaders focus on the key inputs for their business and deliver them with the right quality
and in a timely fashion.
Despite setbacks, they rise to the occasion and never settle.
Possible Questions:
Tell me about a time when you had significant, unanticipated obstacles to overcome in achieving
a key goal.
10. Are Right, A Lot
Leaders are right a lot. They have strong judgment and good instincts.
They seek diverse perspectives and work to disconfirm their beliefs.
Possible Questions:
Tell me about a time when you didn't have enough data to make the right decision.
11. Insist on the Highest Standards
Leaders are continually raising the bar and drive their teams to deliver high quality
products, services and processes.
Leaders ensure that defects do not get sent down the line and that problems are fixed so
they stay fixed.
Possible Questions:
Tell me about a time when you used feedback about your team to drive a change.
12. Think Big
Leaders are obligated to respectfully challenge decisions when they disagree, even when
doing so is uncomfortable or exhausting.
Leaders have conviction and are tenacious.
They do not compromise for the sake of social cohesion. Once a decision is determined,
they commit wholly.
Possible Questions:
Tell me about a time when you pushed back against a decision that negatively impacted your
14. Hire and Develop the Best
Leaders raise the performance bar with every hire and promotion.
They recognize exceptional talent, and willingly move them throughout the organization.
Leaders develop leaders and take seriously their role in coaching others.
We work on behalf of our people to invent mechanisms for development like Career
Possible Questions:
Tell me about a time when you provided coaching/mentored a team member.