Critical Care Medicine 2016
Critical Care Medicine 2016
Critical Care Medicine 2016
2- CO2 electrode;
a) Use glass electrodes sensitive to PH
b) Directly measure HCO3-
c) NaHCO3 solution
4- ACE
a) Increase bradykinin
b) Blocked by Enalapril
c) React with renin to produce A2
d) Present in endothelium
5- Hyperkalemia
a) PR prolongation
b) Narrow QRS
c) QT prolong ation
d) Causes digoxin toxicity
e) Heart stops at systole
6- Dig oxin
a) Wide therapeutic index
b) Toxicity is common among elderly
c) Teratogenic
d) Toxicity is produced by impaired renal functions
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e) Toxicity causes bradycardia
7- R OTEM can be used to detect
a) Hb concentration
b) Fibrinolysis
c) Fibrinogen content
d) ?PLT
e) ?VWF
9- Aspirin
a) Reversibly inhibit COX-2
b) Action last for 10days
c) Subling ual route has faster onset than oral route
13- Antibiotics
a) Cephalosporins should be avoided in patients with history of allergy to penicillin
b) Penicillin need no dose adjustment in renal failure
c) Nitrofurontoin can be given to treat acute pyelonephritis
d) Metronidazole can be used to treat Clostredium difficile
e) MRSA needed broad spectrum antibiotics
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14- Neurog enic thoracic outlet syndrome;
a) Caused by pressure on lower trunk of brachial plexus
b) Causes pain in shoulder and arm
c) May need to excise ?1st / cervical rib
16- Hyponatreamia;
b) Diabetes insipidus
c) Ampotericine B
d) Liver failure
22- Hypothermia
a) Hypercoagulability
b) Reduced ICP
c) Reduced immunity
d) Increase blood pressure
e) Reduced ETCO2
23- Following symptoms can be seen in patients with loss of >2Lof blood;
a) GCS 10/15
b) HR> 100
c) BP 80/60
d) ?PP decline <10%
26- LO Sphincter
a) Tone increase by atropine
b) Metoclopramide cause increase tone
c) Consist of striated muscles
d) Supplied by vagus
e) Sympathetic causes increase tone
30- Nitrates
a) Reduce preload
b) Arteriolar vasodilatation
c) Reduce HR
d) May cause PPH
36- Radiology
a) MR I cannot be used to diagnose prostate CA
37- CO2;
a) R educed temperature- increased solubility
b) 200 times soluble than O2
c) Carries in blood mainly via dissolution form
d) PaCO2 affected by dissolved CO2??
a) Main action is by activating protease inhibitor anti-thrombin 111
b) LMWH----
45- Warfarin
a) Causes inactivation of fac.x
47-Dexmedetomidate ;
a) Is alpha 2 analog ue
b) Antanalgesic
c)Causes respiratory failure
Stem wise;
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