Phys Mcqs Renal
Phys Mcqs Renal
Phys Mcqs Renal
Section 1
14 Fanconi’s syndrome of decreased levels of ATP in the tubular epithelium of the PCT:
a) decreases Na+ extrusion from the cell into the interstitium
b) causes increased phosphate absorption
c) causes metabolic alkalosis
d) results in decreased amino acid excretion
17 In the nervous control of the bladder which nerves do NOT play a role in micturition?
a) sympathetic nerves from L2 in hypogastric nerve
b) somatic motor neurons in pudendal nerve
c) sensory neurons to S2/3 in pelvic nerves
d) parasympathetic supply in pelvic nerves
18 Which is the least significant buffering system in the blood?
a) H+ + plasma protein HProt
+ 2- -
b) H +HPO4 H2PO4
c) H++ HCO3- H2CO3
d) H+ + Hb HHb
30 Regarding the buffer system in the tubular fluid, which one is TRUE?
a) the main buffer system is H2PO4
b) the main mechanism of H+ secretion in the proximal tubule is via proton pump
c) dibasic phosphate buffer is most effective at proximal convoluted tubule
d) the H+ secretion at proximal tubule is mediated Na/K/ATPase
31 Regarding the renin-angiotensin system, which is CORRECT?
a) renin has many functions including the formation of angiotensin I from
b) after nephrectomy, circulating levels of prorenin fall
c) renin is formed in the juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney
d) active renin has a half-life in the circulation of 40 minutes or less
e) prorenin is biologically active
34 Which of the following blood gas results is consistent with a three-week residence at
4000m altitude, after previously living at sea-level?
pH HCO3- (meq/L) pCO2
a) 7.40 24.1 40
b) 7.50 30.1 40
c) 6.96 5.0 23
d) 7.34 33.5 64
e) 7.48 18.7 26
35 In a resting adult, the kidneys receive how much of the cardiac output?
a) 15%
b) 20%
c) 25%
d) 30%
e) 35%
36 Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding regulation of renal blood flow?
a) noradrenaline constricts the renal vessels
b) dopamine causes renal vasodilation and natriuresis
c) angiotensin II exerts a constrictor effect on the efferent arterioles
d) prostaglandins increase blood flow in the renal cortex and decrease blood flow in
the renal medulla
e) acetylcholine produces renal vasoconstriction
37 Erythropoietin:
a) is produced in the juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney
b) production is stimulated by theophylline
c) secretion is facilitated by the acidosis that develops at high altitude
d) has a half-life in the circulation of about 5 hours
e) is produced predominantly in the spleen in neonates
1 D
2 B
3 A
4 No answer
5 B
6 C
7 A
8 D
9 D
10 A
11 D
12 B
13 C
14 A
15 C
16 D
17 A
18 B
19 A
20 D
21 A
22 B
23 A
24 D
25 D
26 A
27 B
28 D
29 C
30 D
31 C
32 C
33 A
34 E
35 C
36 E
37 D
38 E
39 B
40 A
Section 2
2 Which pattern of laboratory findings in the tale below is most consistent with a
diagnosis of diabetes insipidis?
24 Hr Urine Vol Ketones Glucose Protein
a) 4.0 + 0 0
b) 6.2 2+ 4+ 0
c) 1.6 0 0 4+
d) 6.4 0 0 0
e) 5.0 0 0 3+
4 What is the clearance of a substance when its concentration in plasma is 1mg/ml, its
concentration in urine is 10mg/ml and the urine flow is 2ml/min?
a) 2ml/min
b) 10ml/min
c) 20ml/min
d) 200ml/min
e) clearance cannot be determined from the information given
8 Which of the following substances is NOT actively secreted in to the tubular lumen by
the proximal renal tubule?
a) urate
b) para-amino hippuric acid
c) catecholamines
d) sodium
e) creatinine
9 Angiotensin II causes:
a) greater constriction of efferent than afferent arterioles
b) greater construction of afferent than efferent arterioles
c) constriction of afferent arterioles only
d) constriction of efferent arterioles only
e) has no effect on arteriolar constriction
14 Creatinine:
a) is synthesised in the liver from methionine, glycine and anganine
b) is converted directly to creatine
c) has variable excretion from day to day
d) creatinuria occurs normally in the elderly and in pregnant women
e) all of the above
21 At which site does tubular fluid osmolality exceed that of plasma by the greatest
a) proximal tubule
b) thin limb of loop of Henle
c) thick limb of loop of Henle
d) distal tubule
e) collecting duct
25 The cortical portion of the collecting duct has the capacity to reabsorb approximately
10% of the filtered water. Which substance is most important in regulating this
a) angiotensin II
b) histamine
c) vasopressin
d) sodium
e) prostaglandins
29 Regarding the proximal tubule, the following statements are true EXCEPT:
a) sodium is co-transported out of the tubule with glucose
b) sodium is actively transported into the intercellular spaces by Na-K-ATPase
c) the cells are characterised by a brush border and tight junctions
d) vasopressin increases the permeability to water by causing the rapid insertion of
water channels into the luminal membrane
e) water moves passively out of the tubule along osmotic gradients
30 Renal autoregulation of GFR helps prevent large fluctuations in GFR despite wide
variations in arterial blood pressure. With regard to autoregulation, which is TRUE?
a) the macula densa cells sense change in afferent arteriolar pressure
b) falling GFR results in a feedback to decrease efferent arteriolar pressure
c) falling GFR results in an increase in renin secretion from macula densa cells
d) decreased macula densa concentration of NaCl results in dilatation of afferent
e) decreased GFR decreases NaCl reabsorption in the ascending loop of Henle
40 Which of the following substances is not excreted by the kidney in a normal adult on
an average diet?
a) K+
b) uric acid
c) creatinine
d) glucose
e) urea
46 Which of the following does NOT increase renal tubular sodium reabsorption?
a) cortisol
b) oestrogen
c) growth hormone
d) insulin
e) glucagon
49 Which of the following agents cause relaxation of mesangial cells of the glomerulus?
a) angiotensin II
b) dopamine
c) endothelins
d) vasopressin
e) noradrenaline
62 Normal values for renal function include all of the following EXCEPT:
a) filtration fraction =0.2
b) 22% of cardiac output
c) GFR = 180 litres/day
d) RPF = 900 litres/day
e) Tm glucose = 450 mg/minute
63 Regarding renal handling of potassium, which is INCORRECT?
a) 10 to 15% of filtered load may be excreted in urine
b) two potassium per sodium are reabsorbed in thick ascending limb
c) excretion decreased in acidosis
d) distal tubular secretion is capable of “adaptation” depending on demand
e) aldosterone increases distal tubular secretion in exchange for sodium
67 Why is NSAIDs use a relative contraindication in patients with chronic renal failure?
a) direct toxic effects on proximal tubule
b) direct toxic effects on collecting ducts
c) indirect toxic effects on loop of Henle
d) inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis which is an important regulator of renal blood
flow in arterioles
e) inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis which is an important regulator of renal blood
flow in main renal arteries
70 Which of the following substances would NOT cause contraction of mesangial cells?
a) angiotensin II
b) dopamine
c) vasopressin
d) histamine
e) platelet activating factor
73 The collecting duct is the main site of action for which of the following drugs?
a) ethanol
b) demeclocycline
c) thiazide diuretics
d) ethacrynic acid
e) caffeine
85 All the following statements regarding the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) are true
a) it causes natriuresis
b) it lowers blood pressure
c) circulating ANP has a short half-life
d) ANP has the greatest affinity for the ANPR-B receptor of the glomerulus
e) it is released when atrial muscle is stretched
Section 2
1 A 44 B
2 D 45 A
3 E 46 E
4 C 47 D
5 A 48 C
6 C 49 B
7 B 50 A
8 D 51 E
9 A 52 B
10 B 53 C
11 C 54 A
12 B 55 D
13 E 56 E
14 D 57 D
15 D 58 B
16 A 59 C
17 B 60 B
18 C 61 D
19 C 62 E
20 C 63 B
21 B 64 A
22 B 65 C
23 A 66 A
24 D 67 D
25 C 68 E
26 C 69 A
27 C 70 B
28 C 71 D
29 D 72 D
30 D 73 B
31 E 74 E
32 A 75 E
33 D 76 C
34 C 77 C
35 B 78 A
36 B 79 B
37 A 80 E
38 D 81 A
39 C 82 D
40 D 83 A
41 D 84 A
42 D 85 D
43 A
Section 3
1 Which part of the renal tubule is Na+ NOT actively transported out of?
a) proximal convoluted tubule
b) thin portions of the loop of Henle
c) thick ascending limb of loop of Henle
d) distal convoluted tubule
e) collecting duct
5 Angiotensin II:
a) constricts afferent arterioles only
b) constricts efferent arterioles only
c) constricts afferent and efferent arterioles
d) dilates afferent arterioles
e) dilates efferent arterioles
6 Regarding nephrons permeability:
a) glomerular capillaries are 100 times more permeable than skeletal muscle
b) anionic substances are more permeable than neutral substances
c) N (?normal) glomerular concentration of albumin is 0.2% of plasma concentration
d) neutral substances are freely filtered with diameters < 8nm
e) 100mg/d of protein is filtered at the glomerulus
16 Triiodothyronine:
a) is less potent than thyroxine
b) deficiency causes yellow skin due to keratin buildup
c) acts via a tyrosine kinase predominantly
d) causes an increase in Na+/K+ ATPase activity
e) in both, deficiency but no excess leads to muscle weakness
17 Mesangial cells:
a) have a role in the control of GFR
b) are similar to other endothelial cells in the vascular tree
c) are responsible for tubuloglomerular balance
d) contract in response to dopamine
e) relax in response to vasopressin
18 With regard to water excretion:
a) 280 l is filtered per day
b) it is impossible to excrete more than 23 l/day
c) most regulation is via manipulation of the gradients along the loop of Henle
d) vasopressin acts to insert water channels into the basolateral cell membrane of
the collecting ducts
e) water reabsorption in the collecting ducts can alter by a factor of 2.5 dependent
on the presence of vasopressin
19 All of the following are transported across renal tubular cell membranes by secondary
active transport, using the energy of the active transport of Na+, EXCEPT:
a) glucose
b) lactate
c) citrate
d) H+
e) K+
a) 10.5 ml/min
b) 630 ml/min
c) 10.5 mg/min
d) 630 mg/min
e) 60 ml/min
1 B
2 D
3 C
4 E
5 C
6 C
7 A
8 D
9 B
10 E
11 C
12 A
13 B
14 E
15 D
16 E
17 A
18 E
19 E
20 C
21 D
22 C
23 B
24 C
25 E
26 D