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To Prepare Software Requirements Specification Document For Employee Management Application

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To prepare Software Requirements Specification document for
Employee management application


The employee record system is very simple and for very beginner mini project. It is
based on the menu-driven program for elementary database management. It employ all
the basic technique of file handling in C. It consists of following features

 Writing the data in binary file

 Reading the data from binaryfile

Modify the record

Delete the record

This project is a learning milestone for beginners who want to step into the database
management project in C.Employee database management system is consistent of
crucial work-related and important personal information about an employee. In a
nutshell, it is an online inventory of all employees of an organization.Listed below are a
few reasons why employee database management system is important for startups and
small businesses:


It performs as a readily available source of information between the organization and

the employee. Contact information, salary information, posts, work schedule, education
information etc. is what most database systems consist of.


Employee database management systems are highly efficient. A member of the

organization can easily retrieve information about his/her colleague whenever required,
and that too on short notice. One can avoid making calls to the employee out on
vacation just to retrieve an address to send an important letter.


Since the information is mostly fed in by the employees themselves you can be sure the

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information is accurate since it’s straight from the source. Moreover, an employee can
access their information at any time. Therefore, he/she can keep it updated and correct
mistakes, if any.

Updates on time-bound

The information added to the employee database management system can be available
for as long as an employee is working in a firm or if needed, longer than that. Also if at
any point in time, the employee data changes, the employee themselves can make the
alterations. As a result, obsolete data is a rare find on such systems.


Specific information about the employee can not only be set to be kept private from public viewing
but can also be set to be kept private from anyone.It can insure availability, efficiency, accuracy,
updates on time-bound information, confidentiality etc. You can worry less about managing a bulky
dilapidated file or calling up your employees at inconvenient times or even be stranded without
crucial information with the employee database management system.

Existing system

Existing system is based on standalone systems.

It is developed under Windows 95 that is why it is not compatible with new
operating system.

The human resource administrator falls short of controlling the employee’s

activities in analyzing his/her strengths and weakness.

Need of extra manual effort.

As current system is stand alone, normal employees cannot track their
employee status.
Proposed system

The proposed system is intranet based system. So employee can also

participate in this system and can track their status.

The proposed system provides detailed general information about the employee
along the educational, skill and project details.

It enhances the human resource management in adding, viewing and updating

employee’s details and generates various reports regarding employee’s skill and

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As it is intranet application it can be accessed by multiple users at a time.

Proposed system provides domain login facility so no need to remember user id and

Very fast and accurate.

No need of extra manual effort.
Just need a little knowledge to operate the system.
Doesn’t require any extra hardware device.



 Processor: Intel core2 duo processor,2.00 GHz

 Hard disk drive: 297.2 GB

 RAM: 3 GB


 Software:Turbo C

 gcc compiler


Design the physical system.Specify input and output media.Design the database and
specify backup procedures. Design physical information flow through the system and a
physical design Walkthrough.Plan system implementation.Prepare a conversion
schedule and target date.Determine training procedures, courses and timetable.Devise a
test and implementation plan and specify any new hardware/software.Update
benefits,costs,and conversion date and system constraints. Feasibility
study.Requirements engineering.Architectural design module design.


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Software development life cycle process specifies a method of developing the
software. Eachsoftwaredevelopment projects starts with some needs and ends with
some software that satisfiesthose needs. A software development life cycle
specifies the set of activities that should be performed to go from user needs to
final products.Depending on the nature of project, a suitable model is chosen and the
entire process of softwarerequirement analysis, design, coding, testing and maintenance
is performed accordingly.
Iterative Water Fall Model

An initial investigation culminates in a proposal that determines whether a

system isfeasible or not. It determines its workability, impact on the
organization, ability to meet user needs, and effective user resources. The
objective of feasibility study is not solving the problem but to acquire a sense
of its scope. During the study, the problem definition is crystallized
andaspects of the problem to be included in the system are determined.
Consequently, cost and benefits are estimated with greater accuracy at this
stage. This is a bridge in between the User R e q u i r e m e n t s a n d t h e o u t p u t
t h a t he c a n a v a i l u n d e r a s e t of g i v e n c o n s t r a i n t s , i n p u t s a n d outputs.

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Overall design


During systems testing, the system is used experimentally to ensure that the
software does notfail. In other words, we can say that it will run according to
its specifications and in the wayusers expect. Special test data are input for
processing, and the results examined. A limitednumber of users may be allowed
to use the system so that analyst can see whether they try to use it in unforeseen
ways.Software modules are tested for their functionality as perthe requirements
identifiedduring therequirements analysis phase.During the testing the program to be
tested is executed with certain test cases and output of thesetest cases is evaluated to
check the correctness of the program. It is the testing that performs first step in
determining the errors in the program.


During Test Cases that are good at revealing the presence of faults is central to
successfultesting. The reason for this is that if there is a fault in the program, the
program can still providethe expected behavior on the certain inputs. Only for the set of
inputs the faults that exercise thefault in the program will the output of the program
devise from the expected behavior. Hence, itis fair to say that testing is as good as its
test case. The number of test cases used to determine errors in the program should be
minimum. There aretwo fundamental goals of a practical testing activity:-
• maximize the number of errors detected and.
• minimize the number of test cases.
As these two goals are contradictory so the problem of selecting test cases is a complex
one. While selecting the test cases the primary objective is to ensure that if there is an
error or fault inthe program, it is exercised by one of its test cases. An ideal test case is

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one which succeeds(meaning that there are no errors, revealed in its execution) only it
there are no errors in the program one possible set of ideal test cases is one which
includes all the possible inputs to theprogram. This is often called "exhaustive testing",
however it is impractical and infeasible aseven a small program can have an infinite
input domain. So to avoid this problem we use "test criteria" in selection of the test
cases. There are two aspectsof the test case selection:-
• specifying a criteria for evaluating the test cases.
• generating the set of cases that satisfy a given criteria.
The fully automated process of generating test criteria has not been yet found rather
guidelines are only the automated tool available to us previously. The two fundamental
properties for atesting criterion are:-
• Reliability a criterion is reliable if all the sets that satisfy the criteria detect the same error.
•Validity a criterion is valid if for any error in the program there is some set
satisfyingthe criteria that will reveal the error. The fundamental theorem of testing is
that if a testing criterion is valid and reliable, if a setsatisfying criteria succeeds then the
program contains no errors.
In this report, an information system’s development has been presented. It
wasemphasized on the basic steps, consequently taken during the project’s development
course as a particular attention was turned to the basic operative functionsperformedupon
the data into the database.

As a future work, some additional stuff could be implemented and integrated into
theapplication code making it much more reliable and flexible; especially what concerns
apay-roll module, for instance.
Apparently, the role of such systems is basic and essential within each company
thatwants to keep a really good control and record concerning its personnel
data,functionality and performance on all levels in its structure. Every organization,
innowadays, has the necessity of managing its staff on a really good level as the staff
hasdefinitely the greatest merit of building up a company as such as it is.
The wellmanaged employee means giving the appropriate financial award-ness and all
kind ofbenefits as such as they have been deserved. That’s why the development of
suchsystems is not just a programming business – a lot of people are ordinarily involved
insuch projects and one of the basic requirements is the reliability of the
system,especially what concerns the storage of data and all of the operations that will
beperformed upon it.

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