Dr. G.S Shephard
Dr. G.S Shephard
Dr. G.S Shephard
Chromatography with fluorescence and ultraviolet detection of o-
phthaldialdehyde, naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde and dansyl chloride
Ncediwe Ndube
Western Cape
May 2011
Determination of fumonisins in maize by High Performance Liquid
Chromatography with fluorescence and ultraviolet detection of o-
N. Ndube
species, occur naturally in maize and maize-based food products. They are
hazards for animal and human health as they cause cancer in rodents and have
been associated with oesophageal cancer and neural tube defects in humans.
fumonisin B1, B2 and B3 (FB1, FB2 and FB3). For analytical determination, they
mostly require suitable extraction, clean-up and pre or post-column
derivatization together with reversed-phase HPLC separation. o-
Phthaldialdehyde (OPA) had been adopted as the most widely used
study. The HPLC system used was equipped with diode array (DAD) and
derivatization with OPA, NDA and DnS-Cl. Optimization of the NDA derivatives
with working standards resulted in limits of detection (LOD) of FB1, FB2 and FB3
with FLD of 0.11 ng, 0.50 ng and 0.27 ng, respectively, and with DAD 13.8 ng,
samples, collected from subsistence farmers in the Eastern Cape, were cleaned-
up with strong anion exchange (SAX) solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges. The
coefficient of variation (CV) for FB1, FB2 and FB3 in maize samples (n=6) were
2.6%, 1.8% and 5.3%, respectively, with FLD compared to 6.0%, 3.4% and 9.5%,
(n = 15) ranging in total fumonisin (TFB = FB1 + FB2 + FB3) levels from 106 - 6000
μg/kg. After IAC clean-up of extracted samples, the recoveries for NDA-FLD of
FB1, FB2 and FB3 were 62%, 94% and 64%, respectively. NDA proved to be an
effective derivatization reagent for fumonisin in naturally contaminated maize
samples following IAC clean-up, except for DAD at TFB levels below 1000 μg/kg.
In contrast NDA derivatization following SAX clean-up produced results
comparable to OPA only for levels below
1000 μg/kg. FLD and DAD produced
FB1, FB2 and FB3 of 4.3 ng, 3.9 ng and 2.1 ng, respectively, with FLD and 17.2 ng,
15.6 ng, 15.6 ng, respectively, with DAD. Although sensitive and reproducible
from maize samples with DnS-Cl rendered this derivatization reagent unsuitable
13 May 2011
I declare that ‘Determination of fumonisins in maize by High Performance Liquid
Chromatography with fluorescence and ultraviolet detection of o-
derivatives’ is my own work, that it has not been submitted for any degree or
examination in any other university, and that all the sources I have used or
you for affording me the opportunity to further my studies, your support,
encouragement and your guidance has made it possible for me to complete this
project. Prof Ivan R Green, thank you for the opportunity to work with you, your
To my mother Teboho Julia Ndube, thanks mom for your encouragement, your
support and love through-out my studies, you my rock, love you. My sister and
brother, Nonceba and Mcebisi Ndube thank you for your support and
understanding, Asamahle and Chumani, your aunt loves you dearly. My family,
your support has kept me going; life would be difficult without you.
encouragement, your support and faith in me. To the Tsolekile family, my friends
and relatives thank you for your encouragement. My colleagues at the PROMEC
Lastly, I want to thank God for all the blessings he has bestowed on me. I am who
I am because I know the Lord “Know the Lord, He is God, it is He who has made
us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture- Psalm
100: 3”.
Abstract ii
Declaration v
Acknowledgements vi
List of Tables ix
List of Figures xi
Abbreviations xv
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 Aims and objectives 5
1.3 Research approach 6
1.4 Research structure 7
References 10
CHAPTER 2: Literature review
2.1 Introduction 17
2.1.1 Background to fumonisins 17
2.1.2 Occurence of fumonisins 18
2.1.3 Impact of fumonisins 20
2.2 Analysis of fumonisins 22
2.2.1 Introduction 22
2.2.2 Extraction of samples 23
2.2.3 Clean-up 25
2.2.4 Derivatization 26
2.3 Detection of fumonisins 35
2.3.1 Introduction 35
2.3.2 Chromatographic methods 35
2.3.3 Immunological methods 37
2.3.4 Mass spectrometry 38
2.3.5 Recent developments in fumonisin detection 38
2.4 Overview of literature review 39
References 41
3.2 Material and methods 59
3.3 Chromatography 63
3.4 Results and Discussion 63
3.5 Method Application 72
3.6 Conclusion 77
References 78
CHAPTER 4: Optimization of naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde
(NDA) reagent for fumonisin derivatization and its applicability to
fluorescence (FLD) and ultraviolet (UV) detection
4.1 Introduction 81
4.2 Material and methods 82
4.3 Chromatography 84
4.4 Results and Discussion 85
4.5 Robustness 93
4.6 Recoveries 103
4.7 Method Application 105
4.8 Conclusion 110
References 111
CHAPTER 5 : An evaluation of dansyl chloride (DnS-Cl) for fumonisin
derivatization analysed by HPLC with fluorescence (FLD) and
ultraviolet (UV) detection
Chapter 3
Table 3.1 Intra-day precision of fumonisin working standards 68
(n=3) using standard peak
Table 3.2
Inter-day precision of fumonisin working standards 69
using standard peak areas, (n=18, 3 x std injected/day)
Table 4.7 Fumonisin recoveries (%) from maize samples cleaned 104
up with SAX
Table 4.8 Fumonisin recoveries (%) from maize samples cleaned- 104
up with IAC
Table 4.9 Comparison of HPLC-FLD and DAD following SAX clean- 106
up (µg/kg)
Table 5.6 Determining the recovery of the maize extraction using 131
Chapter 2
Figure 2.1 Schematic diagram of the structures of Fumonisin B1 18
(FB1), Fumonisin B2 (FB 2) and Fumonisin B3 (FB3)
Chapter 3
Figure 3.3 Comparison of FLD and DAD using SAX celan-up, Total 75
Fumonsins = FB1 + FB2 + FB3
Figure 3.4 Comparison of FLD and DAD using IAC celan-up, Total 76
Fumonsins = FB1 + FB2 + FB3
Chapter 4
Figure 4.1 Chromatogram of fumonisins working standard 86
detected by FLD
(n=6) ± standard deviation. (A) Stability of FLD, (B)
stability of DAD
Figure 4.11 Comparison of FLD and DAD following SAX clean-up, 108
Total Fumonisins = FB1 + FB2 + FB3
Figure 4.12 Comparison of FLD and DAD following IAC clean-up, 109
Total Fumonisins = FB1 + FB2 + FB3
Chapter 5
Comparison of DAD
Figure 5.4 Effect of reaction temperature on peak areas of FLD, 128
results calculated on mean
(n=5) ± standard deviation
Figure 5.5
Effect of reaction temperature on peak areas of DAD, 128
results calculated on mean
(n=5) ± standard deviation
Figure 5.6 Effect of reaction time at 40 °C on peak areas for FLD. 129
Results reported as mean (n=5) ± standard deviation
Figure 5.7 Effect of reaction time at 40 °C on peak areas for DAD. 130
Results reported as mean (n=5) ± standard deviation
Figure 6.1 Comparison of OPA with NDA following SAX clean-up 147
for FLD and DAD, Total Fumonisins = FB1 + FB2 + FB3
Figure 6.2 Comparison of OPA and NDA following IAC clean-up for 147
FLD and DAD, Total Fumonisins = FB1 + FB2 + FB3
Figure 6.3 Comparison of IAC and SAX with OPA derivatization for 148
FLD and DAD, Total Fumonisins = FB1 + FB2 + FB3
Figure 6.4 Comparison of IAC and SAX with NDA derivatization for 148
FLD and DAD, Total Fumonisins = FB1 + FB2 + FB3
FB Fumonisins
FB1 Fumonisin B1
FB2 Fumonisin B2
FB3 Fumonisin B3
OPA o-phthaldialdehyde
NDA Naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde
DnS-Cl Dansyl Chloride
SAX Strong anion exchange
IAC Immunoaffinity column
FBTest FumoniTest
HPLC High - performance liquid chromatography
FLD Fluorescence detector
DAD Diode array detector
UV Ultraviolet detection
RSD Relative standard deviation
CV Coefficient of variation
LOD Limit of detection
LOQ Limit of quantification
Std Standard
The language and style used in the thesis are in accordance with the
PROMEC Unit, MRC. Each chapter is an individual entity and some repetition
Data presented in this thesis have already been incorporated into the following
scientific papers and presentations:
In-Press: Ndube N, Van der Westhuizen L, Ivan RG and Shephard GS. HPLC
(Journal of chromatography B)
1.1 Introduction
Toxins are poisonous substances that are produced by living cells or organisms
food matrixes and many are produced by plant pathogens (Turner et al., 2009).
al., 1996).
There are at least 28 chemical analogues of fumonisins, but the most important
are the fumonisin B’s (FBs) which occur naturally in contaminated maize. The
most important FBs are fumonisin B1 (FB1), fumonisin B2 (FB2) and fumonisin B3
(FB3), with FB1 being the most prevalent (Rheeder et al., 2002). Fumonisins have
1996). Fumonisins are not mutagenic (Gelderblom et al., 1991; Knasmuller et al.,
1997) nor genotoxic in primary rat hepatocytes (Norred et al., 1992) but FB1 is
female mice and nephrocarcinogenic in male Fischer 344 rats (Howard et al.,
2001). Fumonisins are known to cause leukoencephalomalacia in horses and
pulmonary edema syndrome in pigs (Howard et al., 2001; Marasas, 2001).
(Rheeder et al., 1992) and Santa Catarina State, Brazil (Van der Westhuizen et al.,
2003), where high levels of fumonisin contaminated foods are part of the normal
diet (Rheeder et al., 1992; Sun et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2008). It has been
suggested that fumonisins are a risk for inducing liver cancer in humans (Ueno et
al., 1997). There has also been a proposed link between fumonisin exposure and
neural tube defects in humans (Missmer et al., 2006; Hendricks, 1999; Marasas
et al., 2004).
(IARC, 2002). The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have recommended
intended for human and animal consumption (FDA, 2001). In 2007, The European
fumonisins/kg for unprocessed maize, 1000 µg/kg for maize intended for direct
animal feed and human food, there is a growing need to develop reliable and
sensitive methods for the determination of fumonisins in maize and maize-based
foods (Shephard, 1998). Various different methods that have been reported for
the analysis of fumonisins include: thin-layer chromatography (TLC) (Gelderblom
et al., 1988; Shephard and Sewram
2004), liquid chromatography-mass
most widely used current method for fumonisin determination (Shephard et al.,
1996). Samples are extracted either with aqueous methanol or acetonitrile and
mostly cleaned-up on strong anion exchange (SAX) solid phase extraction (SPE)
Different derivatization reagents have been reported for fumonisin analysis such
equipped only with HPLC with an ultraviolet detector (UV) (Ndube et al., 2009).
1.2 Aims and objectives
Fumonisin analysis has been based almost
exclusively on fluorescence detection
UV detector. Limited work has been done on the analysis of fumonisins by HPLC-
nitrobenzofurazan (NBDF) gave higher detection limits of 100 µg/g and also
dicarboxaldehyde (NDA) and dansyl chloride (DnS-Cl), the reagents studied here,
The aim of this work was to investigate the degree to which fumonisins present
with both FLD and UV detection of their OPA, NDA and DnS-Cl derivatives. The
objective of the study was to determine the extent to which UV may be used as
1. To investigate the scope to which fumonisins in maize could be determined
by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet (UV) and
fluorescence (FLD) detection.
To optimize the derivatization of fumonisins with NDA and DnS-Cl.
Consequently the initial step of the study was to identify suitable derivatization
reagents which might offer a suitable system for UV detection. The well
characterized method using OPA was investigated first, where after the reagents
NDA and DnS-Cl were evaluated on a comparative basis. As these latter two
reagents have found limited use in fumonisin analysis, the derivatization protocol
fumonisins mostly follows SAX or IAC clean-up of a suitable extract. Both clean-
up methods were used in these studies to test which clean-up method works
best for each derivatization reagent. The HPLC system was equipped with both
UV and fluorescence detectors connected in series, to determine the extent to
which UV offers an alternative to fluorescence detection of fumonisins and to
allow for direct comparison between the
two detectors.
The current chapter includes the introductory overview on the research theme,
the aims and objectives, research approach and structure of the study. The
detection methods for fumonisins which are used in the study as well
phthaldialdehyde derivatives
naturally contaminated maize samples. Comparison of SAX with IAC
and FLD and DAD concludes the chapter.
of the derivatives.
has either advantages or not over the current. Finally, directions for
future work are suggested.
2007. Official Journal of the European Union L255: 14-17
4. Gelderblom WC, Kriek NP, Marasas WF and Thiel PG (1991) Toxicity and
5. Gelderblom WCA, Synman SD, Abel S, Lebepe-Mazur S, Smuts CM, van der
In Fumonisins in Food: Jackson LS, Devries JW and Bullerman LD, Eds. New
Mechanisms related to cancer initiation and promotion. Environmental
Health Percetives 109: 291-300
7. Hendricks K (1999) Fumonisins and neural tube defects in South Texas.
Epidemiology 10: 198-200
8. Howard PC, Eppley RM, Stack ME, Warbritton A, Voss KA, Lorentzen RJ,
feeding study using F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice. Environmental Health
9. IARC, International Agency for Research on Cancer (2002) Fumonisin B1. In:
12. Marasas WFO, Riley RT, Hendricks KA, Stevens VL, Sadler TW, Waes JG,
Maddox J, Miller JD, Sullards CM, Roman AV, Voss KA, Wang E and Merrill
and neural tube development in embryo culture and in vivo: a potential
risk factor for human neural tube defects amoung populations consuming
fumonisin-contaminated maize. American Society for Nutritional Sciences
134: 711-716
25 Edition
14. Missmer SA, Suarez L, Felkner M, Wang E, Merrill AH Jr, Rothman KJ and
16. Norred WP, Platter RD, Vesonder RF, Bacon CW and Voss KA (1992) Effects
17. Plattner RD, Ross PF, Stedelin J and Rice LG (1990) Analysis of corn and
18. Rheeder JP, Marasas WFO, Thiel PG, Sydenham EW, Shephard GS and Van
Schalkwyk DJ (1992) Fusarium moniliforme and fumonisins in corn in
relation to human cancer in Transkei. Phytopathology 82: 353-357
19. Rheeder JP, Marasas WFO and Vismer HF (2002) Production of fumonisin
68: 2101-2105
20. Ross PF, Rice LG, Plattner RD, Osweller TM, Wilson TM, Owens DL, Nelson
25. Shephard GS (1998) Chromatographic determination of fumonisin
mycotoxins. Journal of Chromatography A 815: 31-39
26. Shephard (2000) Liquid Chromatographic Method for fumonisins in corn,
methods in molecular biology. Mycotoxin
Protocols 157: 147-158
24: 181-185
28. Sydenham EW, Gelderblom WCA, Thiel PG and Marasas WFO (1990)
29. Sydenham EW, Shephard GS, Thiel PG, Stockenström S, Snijman PW and
30. Turner NW, Subrahman S and Piletsky SA (2009) Analytical methods for
31. Ueno Y, IIjima K, Wang SD, Sugiura Y, Sekijima M, Tanaka T, Chen C and Yu
32. Van der Westhuizen L, Shephard GS, Scussel VM, Costa LLF, Vismer HF,
Rheeder JP and Marasas WFO (2003) Fumonisin contamination and
Fusarium incidence in corn from Santa Catarina, Brazil. Journal of
Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51: 5574-5578
33. Wang J, Zhou Y, Liub W, Zhu X, Du L and Wang Q (2008) Fumonisin level in
corn-based food and feed from Linxian County a high-risk area for
Literature review
2.1 Introduction
Fumonisins are mycotoxins that are produced by several species of Fusarium
mainly F. verticillioides and F. proliferatum (Marasas, 2001). Fumonisins are
1988 in a collaborative study between the PROMEC Unit of the MRC and the
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in Pretoria (Marasas, 2001)
C14 and C15 hydroxyl groups are esterified with the terminal carboxyl group of
tricarballylic acid (Bezuidenhout et al., 1988; Figure 2.1). There are at least four
closely related series of fumonisins viz., A, B, C and P that have been isolated
(Rheeder et al., 2002). The fumonisin B has three analogues that occur most
abundantly in naturally contaminated maize are termed FB1, FB2 and FB3
(Shephard et al., 1996). FB1 is the most predominant of the fumonisins in the
range of 70-80 %, followed by FB2 and FB3 which occur at between 15-25 % and
Mycotoxins are produced by one or more specific fungal species, with some
species forming more than one mycotoxin (EMAN). FB1 is a secondary metabolite
µg/kg for total fumonisins (Shephard et al., 2005). Other commodities where
evidence of fumonisin contamination occurs include wheat, rice and cereal-
based food (Shephard et al., 1996). FB2 has recently been reported to be present
in red wine (Logrieco et al., 2010), black
tea and medicinal plants (Martins et al.,
consumption was reported by Rheeder et al., 1992 in the Transkei region, South
Africa with a FB1 level of 117.5 mg/kg. Other areas of high contamination include
Santa Catarina State, Brazil and Huainan and Fusui, China (Van der Westhuizen et
al., 2003; Sun et al., 2007). The highest levels ever reported for animal feed (330
Exposure assessment studies have been performed in the rural former Transkei
region of South Africa. Human exposure in the region of Bizana, an area of
relatively low oesophageal cancer, was found to be 3.43 ± 0.15 µg/kg body
weight day which was lower than in Centane, an area with high oesophageal
cancer, which was reported to have a mean exposure of 8.67 ± 0.18 µg/kg body
weight day-1. Both areas reported results higher than 2 µg/kg body weight day-1
which is the provisional maximum tolerable daily intake set by the Joint FAO /
The high rates of human esophageal cancer have been associated with high
increased rates of neural tube defects (NTD) in populations along the Texas-
Mexico border (Hendricks et al., 1999; Marasas et al., 2004), and typical of areas
where maize forms part of the diet, an investigation was conducted to correlate
NTD with the consumption of fumonisin contaminated maize by the mothers.
The findings suggested that “fumonisin exposure increases NTD risk,
proportionate to dose and up to the threshold
level at which death may be more
likely to occur” (Missmer et al., 2006). It has also been suggested that fumonisins
are a risk factor for liver cancer in humans (Ueno et al., 1997; Marasas et al.,
sphingosine ratio in cells and physiological fluids (Van der Westhuizen et al.,
2008; Silva et al., 2009 b). Attempts to use this as a biomarker in humans have
been unsuccessful but recently a urinary FB1 biomarker has been validated in the
care costs as well as regulatory and research costs which focus in order to
determine the impact and severity of mycotoxin problems (Hussein et al., 2001;
Wu, 2004; Shephard, 2000). A few countries worldwide have legislated maximum
tolerated levels, including Bulgaria, Cuba, France, Iran and Switzerland (FAO,
2003). The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) has
body weight for FB1, FB2 and FB3 alone or in combination (Bolger et al., 2001).
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has guidance levels for fumonisins in
human food and animal feed and has recommended that levels be put in place to
reduce the exposure of fumonisins in maize products intended for human and
animal consumption (FDA, 2001a). The European Commission (EC) has regulated
fumonisins at various levels from 4000 µg/kg for unprocessed maize to 200 µg/kg
Analytical methods for all fumonisin analogues in maize and maize-based foods
1996). There are currently several methods used to measure the concentration
(SPE) of solvent extracts, followed by strong anion exchange (SAX) SPE and o-
2.2.1 Introduction
remove matrix impurities and to then concentrate the fumonisin (Shephard,
1998). There are different clean-up methods that could be used; these include
SAX, immunoaffinity columns (IAC), QUeChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Rugged and
Safe) and C18 columns, and each clean-up
has its own advantages (Bennett et al.,
1994; Visconti et al., 1996; Stockenström et al., 1994; Shephard et al., 2011;
The fumonisin structure is quite polar due to the four carboxylic acid groups and
an amine group, which makes them readily soluble in polar solvents (Wilkes et
al., 1998) and hence amenable to extraction using polar solvents such as
and proportions followed by a clean-up step using SPE on a reversed phase C18
Food matrixes are generally extracted either by acetonitrile : water (1:1, v/v)
(Rice et al., 1995; Bennett et al., 1994) or methanol : water at 70-80 % methanol
with optimum results being obtained when using methanol : water (3:1)
obtained better extraction efficiencies with acetonitrile : water compared to
methanol : water when shaking was employed for 30-60 minutes.
sample (Bennet et al., 1994). The extraction of processed baby foods has been
(1:1) gives higher recoveries than methanol : water (3+1, v/v) for all infant
formulae even though phase separation during the extraction step with
2001). Other approaches that have been reported for the improvement of
at alkaline pH (Scott and Lawrence 1994), the use of EDTA as extraction solvent
(Kim et al., 2002) and increasing the temperature of the solvent used
2.2.3 Clean-up
Fumonisin sample extracts are normally purified in order to remove unwanted
and interfering matrix impurities and to facilitate the concentrate of the
The anionic nature of fumonisins is the reason why SAX is the most widely used
maize samples with SAX is dependent on the pH or ionic strength of the sample
(Shephard, 1998). For optimum recovery results, the pH of the sample extracts
must be monitored at 5.8-6.2 with elution flow rate < 2.0 mL/min (Sydenham et
al., 1992). SAX cartridges have been reported to provide superior purification
material and packed in small cartridges. The specificity of the antibody ensures a
relatively clean final product (Kruger et al., 1999). Once bound to the antibody,
(Trebstein et al., 2008), usually methanol. For this reason, it is not generally
recommended that IACs be used more than once. IAC provides much cleaner
selective to the analyte (Kruger et al., 1999). These have been reported to be
more robust for fumonisin analysis and are less likely to present matrix
interferences compared to other SPE methods (De Girolamo et al., 2001). IAC
clean-up is used mainly for mycotoxins
from varying diverse matrices (Krska et
al., 1998) including fumonisins in highly contaminated maize samples (Kim et al.,
After extraction and clean-up, samples are often analyzed using different
2.2.4 Derivatization
required to form suitable derivatives that can be easily isolated, separated and
(NDA) or dansyl chloride (DnS-Cl), with OPA the most commonly used
detection limits of 10 µg/g with HPLC-UV which is unsuitable for naturally
contaminated maize (Scott and Lawrence 1994). Other derivatization reagents
that have been investigated for fumonisin analyses include 4-fluoro-7-
nitrobenzofuran (NBDF) (Scott
and Lawrence 1992), 9-
The derivatization reagents that will be investigated in this study are OPA, NDA
and DnS-Cl.
were found to form either two reaction products or side reactions with aliphatic
amines (Hanczko et al., 2004). Stroka et al., 2002 tested the percentage decay for
2-mercaptoethanol (ME) compared with other nucleophiles and found that 94 %
of ME decayed within 2 hours but nucleophiles
like 2-thioglycerol showed no
decay within the tested time. The disadvantage of using OPA is its instability at
room temperature (Williams et al., 2004), even though the use of ME improves
the stability of the derivative and thereby its fluorescence peak area and peak
minutes in their specific fluorescence response of the FB1 derivative. The time-
(< 4 minutes) between the reagent addition and the HPLC injection (Shephard,
Blank maize samples spiked with FB1, FB2 and FB3 standards at concentrations of
100 to 8000 ng/g produce mean recoveries of between 75% and 85% for
individual toxins and detection limits of 50 ng/g have been reported for OPA
29 Naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde (NDA) derivatization reagent
acids and small peptides and is the second most widely used fluorogenic reagent
Montighy et al., (1987) using several nucleophiles like ME, HSO3- and CN- with
alanine as a primary amine. Under fluorescence spectroscopy, CN- was the most
suitable reagent to form derivatives with both high fluorescence intensity and
good chemical stability (De Montighy et al., 1987). The NDA/CN - reaction was
then further tested with other primary amines, amino acids, peptides and
stable derivative
[Published in: Bennett and Richard 1994 J. AOAC Int. 77: 501-506]
The above reaction is for FB1; other fumonisin B analogues follow the same
reaction sequence.
Most analytical methods derivatizing fumonisins with NDA and other amines are
based on the method by Ware et al., 1993 with minor modifications. Extraction
methods used vary as per laboratory, sample type and instrument of analysis.
of cyanide to drive the reaction (Carlson et al., 1986; De Montigny et al., 1987).
isocratic elution (Bennett et al., 1994; Lino et al., 2007) and fluorescence
detection at an excitation wavelength of 420 nm and emission wavelength of
520 nm (Bennett et al., 1994; De Montigny et al., 1987). This thesis describes for
the first time a comparison of NDA with other derivatization reagents using both
diode array detection and fluorescence
detection on South African maize
samples for the most naturally abundant fumonisin B analogues (FB1, FB2 and
results and can be used as an alternative to OPA as it produces more stable and
derivatization reagent and it has been reported that after 24 hours the NDA
and to 82.8±7.1 % after 48 hours for NDA compared to 57.2±8.3 % for OPA (Cho
et al., 2002).
Detection limits of 20 µg/kg for FB1 and 15 µg/kg for FB2 were reported by Silva
et al., (2009 a) and 23.3 nmol/L and 34.4 nmol/L for amines (Lamba et al., 2008).
Bennett et al., 2004 reported recoveries of 92-95 % for FB1 and FB2, respectively,
at levels of 10 µg using SAX columns and 83-88 % for FB1 and FB2 at 10 µg levels
to 102 % for FB1 and FB2, respectively, at spiking levels of 150 µg/kg and 250
32 Dansyl Chloride (DnS-Cl) derivatization reagent
proteins (Blau et al., 1978). It is often used for the quantitation of polyamines in
biological samples (Khuhawar et al., 2001) and in the presence of amino acids,
1994) and in the presence of sodium carbonate it allows for the detection of 1 µg
Sodium carbonate (1 M) has sufficient ionic strength and high pH to enable the
substituents is possible (Bartzatt 2001). DnS-Cl derivatives are more stable than
OPA and more suitable for detection at pico molar ranges (Minocha et al., 2004)
and are stable for over two hours (Dasko et al., 2006). It has been reported to be
a good derivatization reagent for fumonisin analysis, but with the disadvantage
of forming analytical interferences with maize samples (Scott et al., 1992; Arranz
et al., 2004). The derivatization of amine
components with DnS-Cl can produce
intense overlapping HPLC peaks due the reaction of DnS-Cl with water to
produce hydrolysis products (Kang et al., 2006). Sample clean-up with IAC has
(Dasko et al., 2006), reaction time, pH and concentration of DnS-Cl can affect the
reaction yield (Kang et al., 2006). Hence DnS-Cl methods should be optimized as
(Minocha et al., 2004). Recoveries between 89.47-97 % have been reported for
the separation of di- and polyamines as their dansyl derivatives using RP-HPLC
and methanol : water or acetonitrile : water mobile phase (Marce et al., 1995).
0.08 ng and quantization limit of 0.16 ng where reported by Loukou et al., 2003.
2.3 Detection of fumonisins
2.3.1 Introduction
There are various separation techniques used for fumonisin analysis which vary
from chromatography, enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) to electrophoresis
methods. Alternative methods for the detection of fumonisin which are often
chromatography (TLC) which provides faster analysis time for rapid screening of
samples (Shephard 1998) with the ELISA and TLC often being relegated to
screening methods. Fumonisins are polar molecules that are soluble in water and
polar solvents are thus suited for analysis by RP-HPLC (Shephard, 1998). This
derivatization of their free amino group (Shephard, 2000). Shephard et al., 1990
reported for the first time on the quantitative, sensitive and simultaneous
detection of FB1 and FB2 in naturally contaminated maize samples using RP-HPLC.
The method was based on MeOH : H2O extraction, SAX clean-up, fluorescence
(FLD) detection of OPA derivatives. Collaborative studies using the method
resulted in the AOAC International approving
it an official method for fumonisin
Sydenham et al., 1990 confirmed the presence of fumonisins in maize using GC.
The method involved acid hydrolysis of the fumonisins to cleave the ester bond
and the tricarballylic acid thus formed was confirmed by GC-MS. A direct method
(aminopolyol) by alkaline hydrolysis which was isolated on XAD-2 resin and then
Plattner et al., 1994 later reported that the accuracy and precision of the GC-MS
hydrolysis, clean-up and derivatization prior to analysis and so has found little
36 Thin Layer Chromatography
TLC provides a fast and reliable means
of screening contaminated samples. The
modified silica plates developed with methanol : water (3:1, v/v) as a solvent
(Cawood et al., 1991). This method was later improved by the use of p-
(Shephard, 2000). However, the detection limits of 0.5 mg/g which were
obtained were not suitable for naturally contaminated maize (Sydenham et al.,
1990). When used with fluorescamine reagent spray under UV light, TLC gave
obtained with the use of SAX clean-up rather than reversed-phase C18 cartridges
(Stockenström et al., 1994). TLC detection limits were further enhanced with IAC
was reported in a collaborative study for FB1 analysis in maize and gave recovery
the late 1970s (Pestka et al., 1995). These methods rely on the immunological
interest) and an isolated antibody raised against the antigen (Shephard, 2008).
These methods include enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and
immunoaffinity columns (IAC). ELISA has been validated for measuring total FB in
maize at levels greater than 0.1 µg/g with acceptable precision (Bird et al., 2002).
IAC have been developed with specific
antibodies for different mycotoxins with
recovery results averaging between 99.7 % for FB1 at fortification levels of 250
µg/kg and 74.8 % for FB2 at fortification levels of 200 µg/kg (Lino et al., 2007).
Immunoassays are still being used for screening commodities and food for
2009 a). LC-MS/MS has recently been used for multi-mycotoxin screening of 87
mouldy foods sampled from individual homes. The method involves acetonitrile :
The use of multi-mycotoxin analysis has drawn much attention within the
MS/MS and LC-MS/MS-ESI. These have recently involved multi-component
methods for the simultaneous detection of mycotoxins and pesticides (Romero-
Gonzalez et al., 2011; Sulyok et al., 2010). Ofitserova et al., 2005 provided a
screening method for five families of
toxins, a method suitable for screening
MS/MS method for multi-mycotoxin has recently been reported by Sulyok et al.,
(FPIA) (Maragos, 2009), lateral flow devices (LFD; dipstick) and biosensors
The fumonisin B analogues where first isolated in 1988 at the PROMEC Unit of
the MRC and occur in maize and maize-based foods. They cause ELEM in horses,
porcine pulmonary oedema in pigs, and are hepatotoxic and cardiotoxic in rats.
They have been linked to the high incidence of esophageal cancer in the rural
Transkei area of South Africa where maize is the stable diet. In 2002, the IARC
methods available for fumonisin analysis includes extraction, clean-up,
derivatization and chromatographic separation. HPLC with fluorescence, MS or
tandem MS are still the most used in laboratory-based methods.
The method developed by Shephard et al., 1990 was approved by the AOAC
reagents that have been tested for fumonisin analysis include OPA, NDA and
DnS-Cl which will be studied in this thesis. HPLC with fluorescence detection is
the most widely used detection method. The thesis will investigate the
1. Arranz I, Baeyens WRG and Van der Weken G (2004) Review: HPLC
determination of fumonisin mycotoxins. Critical Reviews in Food Science
5. Bird CB, Malone B, Rice LG, Ross PF, Eppley R and Abouzied MM (2002)
7. Bolger M, Coker RD, DiNovi M, Gaylor D, Gelderblom W, Olsen M, Paster N,
Riley RT, Shephard G and Speijers GJA (2001) Fumonisins In: Safety
evaluation of certain mycotoxins in food. Prepared by the Fifty-sixth
Meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO
Expert Committee on Food Additives
(JECFA), WHO Food Additives Series No. 47. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper
10. Cho YH, Yoo HS, Min JK, Lee EY, Hong SP, Chung YB and Lee YM (2002)
11. Cortez-Rocha MO, Ramirez WR, Sanchez RI, Rosas EC, Wong FJ, Borboa J,
12. Dasko L, Rauova D and Belajova E (2006) Comparison of the suitability of
derivatization agents in HPLC-fluorescence detection analysis of
fumonisins. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research 45: 127-133
De Girolamo A, Solfrizo M, von Hoist C and Visconti A (2001) Comparison of
fumonisins in maize and maize based food products. Food Additives and
17. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2004. Worldwide
Regulations for Mycotoxins in Food and Feed in 2003. FAO Food and
18. Food and Drug Administration (2001a) Guidance for Industry: Fumonisin
levels in human foods and animal feeds. Final Guidance. Centre for Food
Safety and Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Centre for Veterinary
Medicine (http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/fumongu2.html)
19. Gelderblom WCA, Jaskiewicz K, Marasas WFO, Thiel PG, Horak RM,
Vleggaar R and Krieg NP (1988) Fumonisins-Novel mycotoxins with cancer-
promoting activity produced by Fusarium moniliforme. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 54: 1806-1811
20. Gelderblom WCA, Kriek NPJ, Marasas WFO and Thiel PG (1991) Toxicity and
22. Harrison LR, Colvin BM, Greene JT, Newman LE and Cole JR (1990)
Investigations 2: 217-221
23. Hendricks K (1999) Fumonisins and neural tube defects in South Texas.
25. Howard PC, Eppley RM, Stack ME, Warbritton A, Voss KA, Lorentzen RJ,
Kovach RM and Bucci TJ (2001) FB1 carcinogenicity in a two-year feeding
study using F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice. Environmental Health Perspectives
109: 277-82
27. IARC, International Agency for Research on Cancer (2002) Fumonisin B1. In:
29. Kellerman TS, Marasas WFO, Thiel PG, Gelderblom WCA, Cawood M and
31. Kim EK, Scott PM, Lau BPY and Lewis DA (2002) Extraction of fumonisin B1
and B2 from white rice flour and their stability in white rice, corn starch,
cornmeal and glucose. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50:
33. Kriek NPJ, Kellerman TS, Marasas WFO, Thiel PG (1981) Hepato- and
A 815: 49-57
35. Kruger SC, Kohn B, Ramsey CS and Prioli R (1999) Rapid immunoaffinity-
36. Lamba S, Pandit A, Sanghi SK, Gowe VS, Tlwari A, Baderia VK, Singh DK and
37. Lawrence JF, Niedzwiadek B and Scott PM (2000) Effect of temperature and
solvent composition on extraction of FB1 and FB2 from corn products.
Journal of AOAC International 83: 604-611
Lino CM, Silva LJG, Pena A, Fernandez M and Manes J (2007) Occurrence of
27: 1136-1141
: A review 1: 196-207
43. Maragos CM and Busman M (2010) Rapid and advanced tools for
mycotoxin analysis: A review. Food Additives and Contaminants 27: 688-
44. Marasas WFO, Kriek NPJ, Fincham
JE and van Rensburg J (1984) Primary
46. Marasas WFO, Riley RT, Hendricks KA, Stevens VL, Sadler TW, Waes JGV,
Maddox J, Miller JD, Starr L, Sullards MC, Roman AV, Voss KA, Wang E and
potential risk factor for human neural tube defects amoung populations
47. Marce M, Brown DS, Capell T, Figueras X and Tiburcio AF (1995) Rapid high-
black tea and medicinal plants. Journal of Food Protection 64: 1268-1270
49. Miller JD (2001) Factors that affect the occurrence of fumonisin.
Environmental Health Perspectives 109: 321-324
amino acids and polyamines of forest tree and cell cultures within a single
51. Missmer SA, Suarez L, Felkner M, Wang E, Merrill AH Jr, Rothman KJ and
liquid chromatography)
53. Pestka JJ, Abouzied MN and Sutikno (1995) Immunological assay for
54. Plattner RD, Norred WP, Bacon CW, Voss KA, Peterson R, Shackelford DD
82: 698-702
55. Plattner RD and Branham EB (1994) Labelled fumonisins: Production and
use of fumonisin B1 containing stable isotopes. Journal of AOAC
International 77: 525-535
57. Rheeder JP, Marasas WFO, Thiel PG, Sydenham EW, Shephard GS and Van
58. Rheeder JP, Marasas WFO and Vismer HF (2002) Production of fumonisin
68: 2101-2105
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chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A
1218: 1477-1485
JL and Richard JL (1991) Concentrations of fumonisin B1 in feeds associated
62. Rottinghaus GE, Coatney CE and Minor HC (1992) A rapid, sensitive thin
65. Scott PM, Yeung JM, Lawrence GA and Prelusky DB (1997) Evaluation of
66. Sewram V, Shephard GS, Marasas WFO and de Castro MFPM (2003)
67. Shephard (2000) Liquid Chromatographic Method for fumonisins in corn,
methods in molecular biology. Mycotoxin Protocols 157: 147-158
68. Shephard GS, Thiel PG and Sydenham EW (1995) Liquid chromatographic
determination of the mycotoxin
fumonisin B2 in physiological samples.
73. Shephard GS, Van der Westhuizen L, Gatyeni PM, Somdyala NIM, Burger
beer in South Africa. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53: 9634-
74. Shephard GS, Marasas WFO, Burger HM, Somdyala NIM, Rheeder JP, van
75. Shephard GS (2008) Determination of mycotoxins in human foods.
Chemical Society Reviews 37: 2468-2477
81. Sulyok M, Krska R and Schuhmacher R (2010) Application of an LC-MS/MS
based multi-mycotoxins method for the semi-quantitative determination of
mycotoxins occurring in different type of food infected by moulds. Food
Chemistry 119: 408-416
for esophageal and liver cancer in China. Food Additives and Contaminants
24: 181-185
83. Sydenham EW, Gelderblom WCA, Thiel PG and Marasas WFO (1990)
85. Sydenham EW, Shephard GS, Thiel PG, Stockenström S, Snijman PW and
T-2 and HT-2 toxins in cereals including oats after immunoaffinity clean up
by liquid chromatography and fluorescence detection. Journal of
Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56: 4968-4975
87. Trucksess MW, Stack ME, Allen S and Barrion N (1995) Immunoaffinity
column coupled with liquid chromatography
for the determination of
88. Ueno Y, IIjima K, Wang SD, Suguira Y, Sekijime M, Tanaka T, Chen C and Yu
89. Van der Westhuizen L, Shephard GS, Scussel VM, Costa LLF, Vismer HF,
90. Van der Westhuizen L, Shephard GS, Rheeder JP, Somdyala NIM and
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subsistence farmers. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers Prevention 20: 483–
fumonisins analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography with
94. Walker JM (1994) The dansyl method for identifying N-terminal amino
95. Ware GM, Francis O, Kaun SS, Umrigar SSKP, Carmen A, Carter L and
98. Williams LD, Meredith FI and Riley RT (2004) Fumonisin-ortho-
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38 : 4049-4055
66: 51-61
investigated, OPA remains widely used for sensitive and specific analysis of
(Shephard, 1998).
study reported in this chapter was to investigate the degree to which the
3.2.1 Chemicals
phthaldialdehyde (OPA), disodium tetraborate (Na2B4O7.10H2O), disodium
hydrogen phosphate (Na2HPO4.2H2O), potassium chloride (KCl), sodium
dihydrogen phosphate (NaH2PO4), hydrochloric acid (HCl), sodium chloride
(NaCl), 2-mercaptoethanol (ME) were
purchased from Merck. Phosphate
buffered saline (PBS) was prepared by dissolving 8.0 g sodium chloride, 1.2 g
potassium chloride in a litre distilled water. The pH was adjusted to 7. The OPA
µL) and vortexing after each solvent addition. The OPA derivatization reagent
FB1, FB2 and FB3 standards were isolated at the PROMEC Unit according to the
42% epi-FB3 (Gelderblom et al., 2007). The fumonisin working standards were
prepared by diluting a stock with concentration levels of 245 µg/mL, 200 µg/mL,
270 µg/mL of FB1, FB2 and FB3, respectively, with acetonitrile : water (1:1, v/v) to
obtain working standard with 55.13 µg/mL, 25.00 µg/mL and 13.25 µg/mL for
3.2.3 Maize Samples
Home-grown maize samples intended for human consumption were collected in
the rural former Transkei area of the Eastern Cape Province following the 2006
harvest and stored at a temperature (4°C) where fumonisins are stable. The well
Maize samples were extracted using the method of Sydenham et al. (1996) with
for 3 min with methanol : water (3:1, v/v; 10 mL). It was then centrifuged at 4°C
for 10 min at 500 x g. The supernatant was filtered using a MN 617 (185 mm)
filter paper and the pH adjusted to 5.80-6.25 with 1 M NaOH or 1 M HCl. After
centrifugation, an aliquot (10 mL) of the supernatant was cleaned-up using SAX
cartridges (10 mL, 500 mg packing Bond-Elut, Varian, Harbor City, CA, USA),
methanol : water (3:1) (flow rate ≤ 2 mL / min, no air was forced through the
column; the column was not allowed to dry through-out the entire clean-up
process). The extracted sample (10 mL) was loaded on the SAX and washed with
the fumonisins were eluted with acetic acid : methanol (1:99, v/v 10 mL) under
gravity. The eluate was evaporated to dryness under nitrogen at < 60°C and
3.2.5 Extraction using immunoaffinity columns (IAC) clean-up
Homogeneously mixed samples (20 g) were extracted with 50 mL of the
centrifuged for 10 min at 500 x g and the supernatant was filtered as described
above to avoid the transfer of any solid material. The remaining solid material
described above. The filtered supernants was combined and a 10 mL aliquot was
diluted with 40 mL Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and the solution mixed well.
The PBS diluted extract (10 mL) was passed through the FumoniTest column
(Watertown, MA, USA) at a flow rate of 1 to 2 drops per second and the eluate
discarded. The column was washed with 10 mL PBS until air came through the
column and the eluate discarded. The fumonisins were eluated with 2.5 mL of
HPLC grade methanol, at a rate of 1 drop per second. The eluate was evaporated
3.2.7 Derivatization
Standards (25 µL) with concentrations of 55.25 µg/mL for FB1, 25.00 µg/mL and
13.25 µg/mL for FB2 and FB3, respectively, were derivatized with 225 µL OPA
reagent and 10 µL injected. The nitrogen dried samples were re-dissolved in 200
µL methanol and 25 µL was derivatized with OPA (75 µL), vortexed and 20 µL
injected onto the HPLC exactly 2 min after mixing.
3.3 Chromatography
RP-HPLC was performed on an Agilent Technologies (Wildbronn, Germany) 1260
Infinity pump, Rheodyne 7725i injector and a Phenomenex (Torrance, CA, USA)
Luna C18 5 µm column (150 mm x 4.60 mm). The HPLC instrument was
configured with an Agilent 470 (Waldbronn, Germany) 1100 series diode array
detector (DAD) and an Agilent 1100 series fluorescence detector (FLD) connected
in series. The sequence of the detectors was the DAD first followed by the FLD
(to prevent overpressure, the fluorescence detector should always be the last
module in the flow system). The mobile phase of methanol : 0.1 M sodium
an isocratic flow rate of 1 mL/min. Data was collected and analyzed by Agilent
effective separation of the analytes of interest from one another and from
resolution of the OPA derivatives was achieved with RP-HPLC C18 column and an
isocratic mobile phase of methanol : 0.1 M NaH2PO4 (77:23) in less than 20
minutes. FB-OPA derivatives are generally monitored at excitation wavelengths
335 nm and emission wavelengths 440 nm for fluorescence detection (Shephard,
1998) which are wavelengths used in the
study for FLD detection.
the chromatographic conditions above. Based on the high sensitivity of the DAD
can be selected) was then used to confirm the wavelength selection for DAD.
FB1, 25.00 µg/mL and 13.25 µg/mL for FB2 and FB3 respectively resulted in an
elution order of FB1, FB3 and then FB2. Retention times for FB1, FB2 and FB3 were
4.6, 12.2 and 10.8 min (± 5 %), respectively, for both FLD and DAD (Figures 3.1
and 3.2). Another fumonisin elutes just before FB3 and is only partially separated
from it. This compound has been identified as an epimer of FB 3 (epi-FB3) and is
quantified as part of FB3 (Gelderblom et al., 2007). The two isomers have similar
reversed-phase HPLC column. To assume the two isomers have the same
analysis to be performed.
To test for matrix interferences, reagent blanks were analysed and the resultant
chromatogram overlaid with that of fumonisin standards. No interferences were
observed and the background noise of both the blanks and standards were found
to be insignificant for both detectors; therefore no form of baseline correction
of the peaks in the study compared well with previous studies (Shephard et al.,
3.4.2 Method precision
Precision of the FB-OPA method was determined in terms of intra- and inter-day
analysis. The intra-day precision (daily)
was obtained by injecting three
and derivatization is within acceptable variances (i.e. RSD values for intra-day ≤ 5
%; inter-day ≤ 20 %). Based on the results of the intra-day analysis (Table 3.1),
the method’s repeatability was good with RSD for the FLD ≤ 1 % and ≤ 3 % for
DAD, indicating good precision for the OPA method. The method precision gives
The intermediate precision of the method is reflected in the inter-day results
(Table 3.2); the method shows acceptable precision with RSD values ≤ 13 % for
both FLD and DAD which is suitable because inter-day RSD values should be ≤ 20
%. The method is generally reproducible
in terms of standard preparation,
reproducible, precise and repeatable. Based on the intra- and inter-day precision
Day 1 30349 13563 10343 20.0 9.1 7.0
30433 13443 10229 20.2 8.2 5.6
31772 13855 10332 21.4 9.4 7.2
Day 2 32164 13155 10854 20.7 8.8 6.2
32828 13507 10971 19.5 8.5 6.5
31717 13067 10771 19.9 8.3 5.9
Day 3 24749 10134 8248 15.4 7.1 5.4
23923 9811 8044 15.7 8.0 5.5
23915 9814 8590 15.3 6.9 5.2
Day 4 31630 14336 10964 16.5 6.7 5.2
32099 14028 10924 16.6 7.0 5.1
31745 14452 11175 17.0 6.6 5.3
Day 5 35153 13924 11715 16.2 7.1 6.1
35047 13909 11688 16.5 6.9 5.6
35635 14073 11905 16.3 6.4 5.3
Mean 30877 13005 10450 17.8 7.7 5.8
Stdev 3808 1644 1224 2.1 1.0 0.7
RSD (%) 12 13 12 12 13 11
3.4.3 Detection limits
The limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) were estimated from the
signal-to-noise ratio. The LOQ was obtained at 10:1 signal-to-noise ratio and 3:1
signal-to-noise ratio was used for the LOD. The FB1 analogue was more reliably
detected with lower detection limits (Table 3.3) compared to FB2 and FB3. FLD is
more sensitive than DAD, this is evident in the reduced detector noise (Figures
3.1 and 3.2) and enhanced analyte signal of the FLD (1700 FU) compared to the
DAD (0.8 mAU). The detection limits of the FLD are estimated to be
approximately 20-times more sensitive than DAD when one considers the
amount injected into the column. It is thus reasonable that based on the
detection limits obtained; the method will be able to detect fumonisins at the
Table 3.3 Determination of the detection limits using the amount (ng)
3.4.4 Recoveries
Recoveries were determined by spiking maize samples with 400 µL fumonisin
working standards containing 1103, 500 and 270 µg/kg FB1, FB2 and FB3,
respectively. The analysis was repeated
six times for each concentration level
and the recoveries determined using IAC clean-up. Since the OPA method has
(Sydenham et al., 1996), SAX recoveries were confirmed on only two samples
“True analytical blanks” for fumonisin analysis are difficult to find as fumonisins
commercial maize can have low levels of fumonisins. Therefore, a sample with
very low fumonisin levels was used as a blank and the fumonisin levels detected
The recoveries measured were lower than expected (Table 3.4) since IAC has
Visconti et al., 2001. Comparison of the FLD and DAD was acceptable for FB1;
however for FB2 the recoveries were lower than expected for DAD. The
recoveries obtained indicate that the method is acceptable for fumonisin analysis
Table 3.4 Recoveries with IAC clean-up
(µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg)
Blank 1 105 20 12 0 0 0
Blank 2 73 18 8 0 0 0
Mean 89 19 10 0 0 0
Sample 1 963 242 154 727 233 104
Sample 2 935 326 212 982 420 272
Sample 3 783 277 180 796 294 173
Sample 4 770 301 229 784 320 190
Sample 5 807 305 287 919 362 252
Sample 6 683 398 218 730 224 97
Mean 824 308 213 823 309 181
Stdev 106 52 46 105 75 73
RSD (%) 13 17 21 13 24 40
Spiked 1103 500 270 1103 500 270
Recovery (%) 67 58 75 67 46 62
SAX and IAC clean-up. Tables 3.5 and 3.6 provide a comprehensive view of the
total fumonisin (µg/kg) levels in the maize samples analyzed. In the study all the
samples analyzed were contaminated with FB1, FB2 and FB3. IAC clean-up results
were not comparable at levels below 500 µg/kg between the two detectors with
DAD detecting only at levels above 140 µg/kg for total fumonisins. SAX clean-up
provided comparable results at all levels analysed. The results obtained were
terms of comparison of the detectors (Figures 3.3 and 4.4) signifying that OPA is
a robust derivatization reagent for fumonisin analysis in terms of clean-up.
Table 3.6 Fumonisin levels (µg/kg) in naturally contaminated maize
samples cleaned-up with IAC
Sample FB1 FB2 FB3 Total FB1 FB2 FB3 Total
1 74 22 7 103 nd nd nd nd
4 120 29 8 157 nd nd nd nd
nd- Not detectable
Figure 3.3 Comparison of FLD and DAD using SAX celan-up, Total Fumonsins = FB1 + FB2 + FB3
Figure 3.4 Comparison of FLD and DAD using IAC celan-up, Total Fumonsins = FB1 + FB2 + FB3
3.6 Conclusion
For chromatographic separation of the
fumonisin analogues, OPA was found to
FLD and DAD. During the study, the detectors were connected in series in order
has been done with the use of fluorescence detection, this work indicates that
Simultaneous detection with FLD and DAD shows the FLD to more sensitive then
DAD. However, the two detectors can be used as alternatives to each other for
maize samples above 500 µg/kg following IAC clean-up compared to SAX clean-
up which provided comparable results at all levels with both detectors. Based on
the results obtained and the Official Analytical Chemists International (AOAC)
(Wilkes et al., 1998; Sydenham et al., 1996); the method will be used as the
1. Cawood ME, Gelderblom WCA, Vleggaar R, Behrend Y, Thiel PG and
2. Gelderblom WCA, Sewram V, Shephard GS, Snijman PW, Tenza K, van der
7. Wilkes JG and Sutherland JB (1998) Sample preparation and high-resolution
separation of mycotoxins possessing carboxyl groups. Journal of
Chromatography B 717: 135-156
Optimization of naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde
(NDA) derivatization reagent for fumonisin
derivatization and its applicability to fluorescence
(FLD) and ultraviolet (UV) detection
4.1 Introduction
In chapter 2, reviews of the current methods used for naphthalene-2,3-
dicarboxaldehyde (NDA) derivatization of fumonisins were described. Most
with HPLC and LC-MS being the most commonly used techniques (Ware et al.,
1993, Bennett et al., 1994, Silva et al., 2009). The reaction of NDA with the
nucleophilic cyanide anion forms stable and highly fluorescent derivatives (Cho
et al., 2002) and reacts with the primary amine moiety of fumonisin B 1 to form
determination of FB1, FB2 and FB3 in maize. Initial conditions used were based on
the method by Scott and Lawrence (1992) with some modifications. Thus the
4.2 Materials and Methods
4.2.1 Chemicals
All chemicals used were of analytical grade. Methanol, acetone, sodium
hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3), acetonitrile, o-phosphoric acid (H3PO4),
acid (HCl), sodium chloride (NaCl) were purchased from Merck. Napthalene-2,3-
saline (PBS) was prepared by dissolving 8.0 g sodium chloride, 1.2 g disodium
phosphoric acid.
the rural former Transkei area of the Eastern Cape Province following the 2006
harvest and stored at a temperature (4°C) where fumonisins are stable. The well
4.2.4 Extraction using strong anion exchange (SAX) clean-up
Maize samples were extracted using the
method of Sydenham et al. (1996) with
4.2.5 Extraction using immunoaffinity columns (IAC) clean-up
4.2.7 Derivatization
Standards: Working standard (20 µL) was used, 20 µL of borate buffer (0.1 M)
water) and 40 µL NDA (4 mg/8 mL methanol). The solution was vortexed and
heated at 60°C for 15 minutes, then cooled to 24°C under running tap water.
Mobile phase (100 µL) was then used to dilute the solution and 20 µL injected
borate buffer (0.1 M) was added followed by 100 µL potassium cyanide (65.13
g/100 mL distilled water) and 200 µL NDA (4 mg/8 mL methanol). The solution
was vortexed, heated at 60°C for 15 minutes and cooled to 24°C under running
tap water. 500 µL mobile phase was then used to dilute the solution and 20 µL
injected into the HPLC system.
4.2.8 Recoveries
The maize samples were spiked with fumonisin working standards (40 µL)
directly onto the dry milled maize samples. Since maize without fumonisin was
not available, the unspiked maize samples were analyzed for fumonisins and
these unspiked levels were taken into account for the calculation of the
4.3 Chromatography
Infinity pump, Rheodyne 7725i injector and a Phenomenex (Torrance, CA, USA)
Luna C18 5 µm column (150 mm x 4.60 mm) which was configured as described
in Section 3.3. The mobile phase was prepared by combining methanol (780 mL) :
0.1 M sodium phosphate (NaH2PO4) (220 mL), and the pH of the mixture was
adjusted to pH 3.35 with o-phosphoric acid. The mobile phase was filtered using
0.45 µm X 47mm filter paper with vacuum and pumped at 1 mL/min flow rate.
fumonisin standards.
4.4 Results and Discussion
4.4.1 Peak resolution
Figures 4.1 and 4.2 are chromatograms obtained from a 10 µL injection of a
fumonisin working standard derivatized with NDA at levels of 55.13 µg/mL, 25.00
µg/mL and 13.25 µg/mL for FB1, FB2 and FB3 respectively using FLD and DAD
isocratic elution with methanol : NaH2PO4 (78:22) mobile phase at 1 mL/min flow
rate. The NDA derivatives were separated with retention times for FB1, FB2 and
FB3 at 6.31, 14.87 and 11.87 (±5 %) min respectively. An examination of the FLD
and DAD chromatograms revealed that a number of other peaks (labelled A and
A reagent blank was prepared to test the interference of these peaks; the
resultant chromatogram obtained from the reagent blank was overlaid with that
of the standard chromatogram. All the peaks except for analyte peaks were
present in the reagent blank chromatogram. This led to the conclusion that the
peaks are from the reagents and do not interfere with the quantification or
resolution of the analytes. Furthermore, Lillard et al., 1998 also observed peak A
1987) or other side products (Kwakman et al., 1990) of NDA upon exposure to
4.4.2 Method precision
Reproducibility was determined by
measuring the intra- and inter-day
three working standards in one day and the inter-day was measured over a
period of five days. The excellent intra-day (Table 4.1) results obtained for FLD
of the results across the two detectors suggests that the FLD has better
detectors are higher than their corresponding intra-day results. However the
inter-day results are still acceptable with both detectors reporting RSD values ≤ 8
The precision of the method is acceptable and demonstrates both the
reproducibility and repeatability of the derivatization method to be satisfactory.
Furthermore, it allows for the use of standard peak areas for quantitation during
method optimization. The precision
results are in accordance with the
Day 1 114205 53905 32857 482 253 133
110123 52786 33105 486 253 140
108985 52055 32996 510 263 140
Day 2 129982 61197 34623 495 239 140
126829 60671 34852 481 231 140
128419 60910 35430 479 228 138
Day 3 127202 61118 31727 545 281 160
122601 58140 29928 547 285 160
132047 63281 35671 555 278 165
Day 4 124543 63407 30718 505 278 136
130530 66972 31294 528 287 142
126289 64486 32361 550 267 155
Day 5 109950 61791 33012 524 273 145
107691 59853 32758 545 297 140
110155 61122 31310 523 277 139
Mean 120637 60113 32843 517 266 145
Stdev 9211 4269 1717 28 21 10
RSD (%) 8 7 5 5 8 8
4.4.3 Detection Limits
The limit of detection (LOD) was calculated as the amount of analyte injected
resulting in peak heights of three times the maximum noise height whereas the
giving a peak height ten times the maximum noise peak height. The NDA
detection limits indicate that the FLD is 10-times more sensitive than that of the
DAD with fumonisin standards (Table 4.3) and 100-times more sensitive with
naturally contaminated samples (Table 4.4). Although FB1 has the lowest LOD, it
may be stated that the LODs of the FB2 and FB3 analogues are also satisfactory.
Table 4.3 Amount (ng) injected into HPLC Column for standards
Table 4.4 Limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) expressed as levels
in sample (µg/kg) following IAC clean-up
4.4.4 Stability of NDA derivatives
Stability tests were performed by treating both standards and samples to the
same environmental conditions over a period of three days. Initial experiments
showed a monotonic decrease in response
(approximately 10 %) over an 8 hour
period when derivatized samples were left at room temperature. This was
Improvement in both the repeatability and precision of the method (Table 4.4)
was observed as the derivatives under these conditions remained stable after six
derivatized maize extracts at -22°C over three consecutive days. The FB-NDA
responses (Figure 4.3 A) were stable for 24 hours; after which a decrease in
the DAD response (Figure 4.3 B) on day 2 and 3 apparently increased 10 % over
(Bennett et al., 1994, Lino et al., 2006). These results suggest that NDA
standards being injected between samples to allow for better quantification and
Table 4.5 Stability of FB-NDA standard after six consecutive injections (~ 120 min)
Injection 1 63445 37292 9452 256 145 36
Injection 2 70098 41288 10680
289 171 45
Injection 3 67623 39935 10385 276 157 50
Injection 4 66881 39354 10274 293 160 44
Injection 5 63322 36994 9738 255 149 37
Injection 6 64251 37651 9952 262 161 41
Mean 65937 38752 10080 272 157 42
Stdev 2718 1710 451 17 9 5
RSD (%) 4 4 4 6 6 12
Figure 4.3 Stability of FB-NDA derivatives (µg/kg) over period of three days
(72 hours). Results calculated from mean (n=6) ± standard
deviation. (A) Stability of FLD, (B) stability of DAD
4.5 Robustness
4.5.1 Optimization of mobile phase
Different organic solvents used as HPLC mobile phase components were
examined for their suitability to provide the shortest run time without
compromising on the resolution of the closely eluting peaks (FB2 and FB3). Figure
4.4 shows the effect change in mobile phase composition has on the retention
composition causes interferences between FB1 with peaks A and B, and FB3 with
Most studies on NDA use acetonitrile as an organic solvent in their mobile phase
because it provides significantly lower retention times and more sensitive results
(Lino et al., 2007). Acetonitrile was found to be the best solvent since it provided
an excellent baseline resolution coupled
with short analysis time.
The results suggested that the elution order of the FB-NDA derivatives is
dependent on the type of mobile phase used as the relative retention of the
analytes were altered with the use of acetonitrile. Methanol : 0.1 M NaH 2PO4
(78:22) mobile phase provides an elution order of FB1, FB3 and FB2. However in
acetonitrile : water : acetic acid (65:35:1) as eluent, the elution order of FB 2 with
FB3 and FB3 with its isomer epi-FB3 was interchanged, a phenomenon which has
not previously been reported. Finally, further method optimization allowed for
choice since it not only yielded comparable results to acetonitrile but is cheaper
than acetonitrile which was unavailable during the period of the study.
From the different proportions of methanol and 0.1 M NaH 2PO4, the best
separation of all the fumonisin B analogues within the shortest analysis time was
obtained with mobile phase methanol : 0.1 M NaH2PO4 (78:22, pH 3.35). This was
4.5.2 Optimization of wavelength
FB-NDA derivatives are generally monitored
at excitation wavelengths of 420 and
246 nm and emission wavelengths of 500 and 418 nm (Bennett et al., 1994; De
Montigny et al., 1987). These wavelengths were tested using fumonisin working
standards. Based on the high sensitivity of the FLD at excitation 420 nm and
emission 500 nm; these were selected as optimum wavelengths. The DAD
absorption wavelengths (248 nm, 250 nm, 252 nm, 256 nm,) were examined and
252 nm in our hands provided the best sensitivity (Figure 4.5). An iso-absorbance
can be selected) was then used to confirm the wavelength selection for DAD.
4.5.3 Reaction time
Figures 4.6 A and B demonstrate the effect heating time has on standard peak
60°C. Both the FLD and DAD showed a decrease in standard area for FB 1 and FB2
when the reaction time was increased from 15 minutes to 30 minutes. FB 3 was
heating. Since FB1 and FB2 produced higher standard area when heated for 15
reaction time for the derivatization of the fumonisins with NDA was selected to
be 15 minutes.
Figure 4.6 Effect of reaction time on peak areas. Results reported as mean
(n=5) ± standard deviation. (A) Comparison of FLD, (B) Comparison
of DAD
4.5.4 Effect of reaction temperature
To determine the effect of reaction temperature,
experiments were performed
standards. Temperature estimations were selected from literature (Lamba et al.,
2008; Scott and Lawrence 1992) with all experiments performed for 15 minutes.
(Figures 4.7 and 4.8) as the responses increased with increase in temperature.
reaction efficiency compared to 60°C for both the FLD and DAD. Due to increase
in standard peak area when the reaction was heated for 60°C and the improved
RSD values, 60°C was selected as reaction temperature for NDA derivatization.
three different buffer concentrations (0.05 M, 0.08 M and 0.1 M, all adjusted to
responses were observed between 0.05 M and 0.08 M buffers, a steep increase
(approximately 10 % from the others) in standard area was observed with 0.1 M
(Figure 4.9) with RSD values ≤ 3 % for all fumonisin analogues. The DAD response
was not affected by changes in buffer concentration (Figure 4.10). Since the FLD
and DAD are run simultaneously, it is convenient to use the same buffer for all
their preparations. Given that 0.1 M provided optimum results for FLD and buffer
concentration change not influencing DAD response, 0.1 M was selected as the
buffer concentration for fumonisin derivatization.
Figure 4.9 Effect of buffer concentration on peak areas for mean (n=5)
Figure 4.10 Effect of buffer concentration on peak areas for mean (n=5)
literature for improving the extraction of fumonisins from maize include the use
al., 1999, Scott et al., 1996) whereas methanol : water (3:1) has been reported to
(Shephard, 1998).
Methanol : 0.1 M EDTA (3:1, v/v) was tested as an extraction solvent for its
water (3:1, v/v). Table 4.5 provides detailed results on the extraction
experiments using both solvents. Results of the extraction with methanol : 0.1 M
EDTA (3:1, v/v) as a solvent provided similar results to the methanol : water (3:1,
with the highest variation noted with methanol : water (3:1, v/v) as it produced
RSD values varying from 7 – 10 % compared to the methanol : 0.1 M EDTA (3:1,
v/v) with RSD values between 2 – 10 %. Use of methanol : 0.1 M EDTA (3:1, v/v)
caused some difficulties as the 0.1 M EDTA precipitated out of solution when it
Due to the precipitation of EDTA and it not providing any improvement in results
when compared to methanol : water (3:1, v/v), the latter was chosen as the
extraction solvent for the study as used previously for fumonisin extraction
(Shephard et al., 1990).
Table 4.6 Solvent extraction efficiency for NDA derivatization
of maize samples (20 g / 100 mL) following SAX clean-up
Solvent Extraction FB1 ( µg/g) FB2 ( µg/g) FB3 ( µg/g) FB1 ( µg/g) FB2 ( µg/g) FB3 ( µg/g)
MeOH : H2O
(3:1, v/v)
1 1197 547 191 974 534 197
2 1150 530 234 924 516 242
3 1120 526 206 886 534 237
4 1149 549 208 974 563 233
5 1144 512 224 842 511 236
6 980 437 210 841 421 252
Mean 1123 517 212 907 513 233
Stdev 74 41 15 61 49 19
RSD (%) 7 8 7 7 10 8
MeOH : 0.1 M EDTA
(3:1, v/v)
1 1240 551 188 1216 564 211
2 1321 571 201 1288 610 247
3 1261 544 201 1245 582 218
4 1314 560 213 1289 608 249
5 1315 557 216 1171 612 267
6 1285 567 215 1102 610 263
Mean 1290 558 205 1218 598 242
Stdev 33 10 11 73 20 23
RSD (%) 3 2 5 6 3 10
4.6 Recoveries
The accuracy of the optimized method was determined by measuring the
percent recoveries of the method. This was achieved by spiking maize samples
with 1103 µg/kg, 500 µg/kg and 270 µg/kg of FB1, FB2 and FB3 respectively. In
3:1 and methanol : 0.1M EDTA 3:1) were investigated, but little difference was
seen between the two and hence methanol : water (3:1) as previously used for
maize samples analysed by SAX clean-up was selected (Sydenham et al., 1996).
limits for both FLD and DAD following SAX clean-up (Table 4.6). In addition to SAX
good basis of comparison between the FLD and DAD methods was thus achieved,
even though a decrease in NDA-FB1 recoveries was observed with DAD following
Initial recovery experiments were done by spiking directly on the eluate of the
SAX cartridge to test the accuracy of the clean-up and derivatization method. The
directly on the maize sample. This signifies that little fumonisin is lost in the
extraction process, clean-up stage and derivatization; indicating the accuracy and
analyses when using NDA derivatization. Recovery results of both SAX and IAC
Commission which recommends recoveries of between 60 – 120 % for individual
FB methods (EC, 2005).
(ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g)
Blank 1 295 110 21 175 126 62
Blank 2 341 126 36 203 149 91
Mean 318 118 28 189 137 76
Sample 1 1197 547 191 974 534 197
Sample 2 1150 530 234 924 516 242
Sample 3 1120 526 206 886 534 237
Sample 4 1149 549 208 974 563 233
Sample 5 1144 512 224 842 511 236
Sample 6 980 437 210 841 421 252
Mean 1123 517 212 907 513 233
Stdev 74 41 15 61 49 19
RSD (%) 7 8 7 7 10 8
Spike 1103 500 270 1103 500 270
Recoveries (%) 73 80 68 65 75 58
Table 4.8 Fumonisin recoveries (%) from maize samples cleaned-up with IAC
(ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g)
Blank 1 113 67 12 406 703 nd
Blank 2 156 91 18 143 657 173
Mean 135 79 15 275 680 87
Sample 1 835 415 177 834 912 214
Sample 2 843 403 266 812 910 252
Sample 3 803 942 144 716 1227 311
Sample 4 793 749 161 646 1173 242
Sample 5 789 402 135 684 881 258
Sample 6 823 395 244 1100 844 245
Mean 814 551 188 799 991 254
Stdev 23 236 54 165 164 32
RSD (%) 3 43 29 21 17 13
spiked 1103 500 270 1103 500 270
Recovery (%) 62 94 64 48 62 62
4.7 Method application
To demonstrate the applicability of the
optimized method, analysis was applied
SAX and IAC clean-up with simultaneous detection with HPLC-FLD and DAD. The
same samples were used to allow for comparison between the two clean-up
methods. Fumonisins were detected in all the samples with contamination levels
Comparison of FLD and DAD utilizing SAX clean-up was good with all samples
comparable at all levels (Table 4.8; Figure 4.12). The IAC clean-up however
showed poor comparison between the detectors as the results produced low
contamination with FLD, a trend that was reported by Chu et al., 1994 (Table 4.9,
Figure 4.13). Nonetheless, above 1800 µg/kg, the FLD and DAD could compare
Table 4.9 Comparison of HPLC-FLD and DAD following SAX clean-up (µg/kg)
Sample FB1 FB2 FB3 Total FB1 FB2 FB3 Total
Table 4.10 Comparison of HPLCFLD and DAD following IAC clean-up (µg/kg)
Figure 4.11 Comparison of FLD and DAD following SAX clean-up, Total Fumonisins = FB1 + FB2 + FB3
Figure 4.12 Comparison of FLD and DAD following IAC clean-up, Total Fumonisins = FB1 + FB2 + FB3
4.8 Conclusion
Based on the chromatographic resolution of the fumonisin analogues in the
naturally contaminated samples, the selected optimized conditions are suitable
fumonisins with NDA yielded FB-NDA derivatives which were found to be stable,
The derivatization using NDA is fast with total retention time less than 15
extraction medium and purification using either SAX or IAC allows for
simultaneous detection and quantification of FB1, FB2 and FB3. Aside from the
difference in limits of detection, a comparative study of FLD and DAD for the
The cyanide anion is a highly lethal and toxic reagent and consequently it is
necessary to observe and apply very strict and appropriate treatment conditions
for the safe disposal of all waste materials containing the cyanide anion.
1. Bennett GA and Richards JL (1994) Liquid chromatographic method for
of AOAC International 77: 501-506
2. Cho YH, Yoo HS, Min JK, Lee EY, Hong SP, Chung YB and Lee YM (2002)
and tortillas from Mexico. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 47:
liquid chromatography with peroxyoxalate chemiluminescence detection.
Journal of Chromatography 511: 155-166
8. Lillard SJ, Chiu DT, Scheller RH, Zare RN, Rodriguez-Cruz SE, Williams ER,
9. Lino CM, Silva LJ, Pena ALS and Silveira MI (2006) Determination of
10. Lino CM, Silva LJG, Pena ALS, Fernandez M and Manes J (2007) Occurrence
11. De Montigny PD, Stobaugh JF, Givens RS, Carlson RG, Srinivasachar K,
12. Roach MC and Harmony MD (1987) Determination of amino acid at
subfemtomole levels by high performance liquid chromatography with
laser-induced fluorescence detection. Analytical Chemistry 59: 411-415
Scott PM and Lawrence GA (1992) Liquid chromatographic determination
15. Shephard GS, Sydenham EW, Thiel PG and Gelderblom WCA (1990)
18. Sydenham EW, Stockenstrom S, Thiel PG, Shephard GS, Koch KR and
fumonisins from contaminated corn. Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry 43: 1198-1201
van Schalkwyk DS (1996) Liquid chromatographic determination of
20. Ware GM, Francis O, Kaun SS, Umrigar P, Carmen A, Carter L and Bennett
feature of being both fluorescent and detectable in the UV region (Loukou et al.,
2003). The only HPLC determination of fumonisin (Dasko et al., 2006) utilizing
DnS-Cl was FB1 in beer. In this chapter the extent to which DnS-Cl can be used for
Initial conditions used were based on the method by Dasko et al., (2006) with
following strong anion exchange (SAX) and immunoaffinity (IAC) clean-up, pre-
column derivatization and HPLC detection with diode array (DAD) and
substitution and forms fluorescent dansyl derivatives (Legua et al., 1999) and
produced both sensitive and reproducible results with the analysis of biogenic
5.2.1 Chemicals
All chemicals used were of analytical grade. Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), sodium
chloride (NaCl), o-phosphoric acid (H3PO4) and dansyl chloride (DnS-Cl) were
100 mg DnS-Cl in 10 mL acetone. Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) was prepared
as described in Section 3.2.1.
The standards were obtained and prepared as described in Section 3.2.2.
5.2.6 Derivatization
Standards: Working standard (20 µL) was added to DnS-Cl (20 µL, 100 mg/10 mL)
heated at 40°C for 10 minutes then cooled to 24°C under running tap water.
H3PO4 (1 M, 20 µL) was added and 20 µL injected into the HPLC system.
Samples: Samples were reconstituted in 100 µL methanol and derivatized by
adding 200 µL DnS-Cl (100 mg/10 mL) followed by 200 µL NaHCO3 (2 M,
saturated), heated at 40°C for 10 minutes on a heating mantle, cooled to 24 °C
and 200 µL H3PO4 (1 M) added and 20 µL injected into the HPLC system.
5.3 Chromatography
described in Section 3.3. The mobile phase was prepared by combining methanol
(740 mL) : 0.1 M sodium phosphate (NaH2PO4) (260 mL), and the pH of the
mixture was adjusted to pH 3.35 with o-phosphoric acid. The mobile phase was
filtered using 0.45 µm X 47mm filter paper with vacuum and pumped at 1
mL/min flow rate. Data were collected and analyzed by Agilent ChemStation
standard (containing 55.13 µg/kg of FB1, 25.00 µg/kg and 13.25 µg/kg of FB2 and
FB3, respectively) was derivatized with DnS-Cl (Figures 5.1 and 5.2).
isocratic elution using MeOH : 0.1 M NaH2PO4 (74:26) mobile phase with well
resolved analyte peaks in less than 15 minutes and an elution order of FB1, FB3
and FB2. Retention times of 4.98, 13.01 and 11.83 min (± 5 %) for FB1, FB2 and
FB3, respectively, for both FLD and DAD were attained.
The chromatogram of fumonisin derivatives showed additional peaks as was also
seen for NDA. Interference of the peaks were examined by overlaying the
chromatograms of reagent blank with working standards, the peaks (A and B) did
not interfere with those of the FB analogues. Removal of the peaks proved
difficult, with one of the additional peaks probably dansyl dimethylamine, the
most abundant product of dansyl reactions (Seiler et al., 1978). Since they did
not interfere with both the resolution and quantification of the analyte peaks, no
further attempts were made to remove them and they were classified as reagent
5.4.2 Method precision
The repeatability and reproducibility of the method was determined by intra-
and 5.2, respectively. The inter-day precision was obtained by injecting three to
four working standards a day. Results obtained by FLD were more reproducible
Table 5.1 Intra-day precision using peak areas of working standards (n=3)
Inter-day precision was obtained by analyzing three standards per day over a
period of four days. Table 5.2 shows inter-day results for FLD and DAD. FLD
performed better (RSD ≤ 12 %) compared to DAD (RSD ≤ 16 %). The results meet
the performance criteria for EU regulatory purposes (EC, 2005), which state that
the repeatability RSD must be ≤ 20 % for fumonisin levels ≤ 100 µg/kg.
RSD (%) 8 5 12 16 13 14
5.4.3 Detection Limits
The detection limits reached with FLD were generally better than those obtained
with DAD (Table 5.3). The LOD values were higher than expected in comparison
to other studies (Loukou et al., 2003) with FB1 and FB3 determined with
comparable sensitivity for both detectors. The values obtained are generally
satisfactory for the analysis to be performed using the method. These results
fumonisin analysis.
5.5 Robustness
5.5.1 Selection of derivatization solvent
either acetone (Dasko et al., 2006) or acetonitrile (Heimbecher et al., 1997).
These solvents were tested in this study for their suitability as reaction solvents
for the preparation of the dansyl reagent. The reactions of fumonisins with DnS-
DnS-Cl (prepared in acetonitrile) with the fumonisins. Kang et al., 2006 reported
that an increase in DnS-Cl volume in solution can directly increase the intensity
of the derivative; therefore the volume of DnS-Cl in solution was increased from
100 µL to 300 µL. This improved the reaction, but produced poor
found to be an inappropriate solvent for DnS-Cl preparation with very low FLD
peaks. DnS-Cl prepared in acetone reacted more intensely with the fumonisins
compared to acetonitrile (Figure 5.3). Consequently, DnS-Cl reagent for further
use in the study was prepared in acetone.
for their suitability to provide optimum sensitivity and intensity. Optimum results
nm for FLD (Table 5.4). For DAD, 230 nm provided highest sensitivity (Table 5.5).
wavelength can be selected) were used to confirm the optimum wavelength for
Table 5.5 Effect of wavelength on working standard peak areas for DAD
FB1 76 67 6 25
FB2 40 35 ND 14
FB3 29 24 ND 9
minutes as these are the mostly used temperatures in literature (Smith et al.,
1985; Dasko et al., 1996). An increase in standard peak area was observed when
temperature (24°C). Heating the derivatives improved both the reaction yield
to 60°C showed an insignificant increase in response for the FB 2 and FB3 of the
FLD. In contrast, the DAD showed a decrease in response between 40°C to 60°C
except for FB3; which showed a slight increase in response (Figure 5.5). Since, the
FLD results showed increased standard area for FB1 and DAD showing increased
results for FB1 and FB2 when experiments were performed at 40°C, this was
selected as the optimum reaction temperature.
min and 30 min. Optimum reaction time was obtained at 10 minutes for FLD
(Figure 5.6) with a slightly lower response for DAD at 10 min compared to other
reaction times (Figure 5.7). To save on analysis time, 10 minutes was selected as
Figure 5.6 Effect of reaction time at 40 °C on peak areas for FLD. Results
reported as mean (n=5) ± standard deviation
Figure 5.7 Effect of reaction time at 40 °C on peak areas for DAD. Results
reported as mean (n=5) ± standard deviation
5.6 Recoveries
milled maize at levels of 1103 µg/kg, 500 µg/kg and 270 µg/kg for FB1, FB2 and
FB3, respectively, and performing clean-up with IAC. The recoveries obtained
with FLD were poor ≤ 30 % (Table 5.6). Due to poor chromatography and the
presence of larger FB2 peaks then FB1, the recoveries for DAD for this experiment
procedure was tested for its ability to derivatize fumonisins in maize samples;
this was done by spiking into the 10 mL samples eluated from the SAX prior to
the drying step. Recovery results were again poor, with FLD achieving ± ≤ 40 %
incongruous (10 % for FB1, 80 % for FB2 and 77 % for FB3), as compared to the
FB1 (ng/g) FB2 (ng/g) FB3 (ng/g)
Blank 1 57 0 0
Blank 2 31 18 9
Mean 44 9 4
Sample 1 359 166 83
Sample 2 316 156 84
Sample 3 343 154 83
Sample 4 346 156 78
Sample 5 328 149 72
Sample 6 279 148 69
Mean 328 155 78
Stdev 29 7 7
RSD (%) 9 4 8
Spike 1103 500 270
Recoveries (%) 26 29 27
(ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g)
Blank 1 101 31 6 421 742 0
Blank 2 108 36 10 406 831 0
Mean 104 33 8 413 787 0
Sample 1 648 228 123 692 1433 222
Sample 2 628 235 125 415 1146 264
Sample 3 483 176 96 658 1150 181
Sample 4 570 216 107 597 1158 164
Sample 5 563 183 97 507 1040 199
Sample 6 533 176 97 344 1194 214
Mean 571 202 108 535 1187 207
Stdev 61 27 13 138 131 35
RSD (%) 11 13 12 26 11 17
Spike 1103 500 270 1103 500 270
Recoveries (%) 42 34 37 11 80 77
An evaluation of the peak purity for UV absorption was done on FB 1. The results
obtained from the peak purity test showed that all calculations were within the
calculated threshold (Figure 5.8) and no impurities are present under the analyte
peaks. The result thus far suggests that the current derivatization conditions
Figure 5.9 below illustrates the type of chromatogram obtained with DnS-Cl
additional peaks in the chromatogram (which could possibly be due to matrix
interference) and FB2 providing higher results compared to FB1, DAD analysis of
DnS-Cl derivatives was abandoned and the study was continued with only FLD.
the reaction was performed by spiking directly on the cleaned-up eluate to allow
for both the recoveries and the derivatization process to be examined. The
they are known to affect the yield of DnS-Cl derivatives (Kang et al., 2006).
General conditions used:
For optimization of the samples, the
following conditions were used unless
except for the parameter tested, everything was kept constant):
added, heated for 10 minutes at 40°C, cooled to 24°C under tap water and 200
Since both reaction temperature and time can affect the rate of derivative
undertaken first.
for 10 minutes at two temperatures (40°C and 60°C). The maximum intensity was
10 min and 30 min because 10 min provided shorter reaction time (Table 5.9) it
was selected as reaction time. Therefore, heating at 60°C for 10 min was selected
optimization of the reaction temperature and time did not improve recoveries.
Table 5.8 Effect of reaction temperature on maize derivatized for 15
minutes with DnS-Cl
(ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g)
Blank 1 7 0 0 15 7 0
Blank 2 8 0 0 11 4 0
Mean 8 0 0 13 5 0
Sample 1 147 48 24 218 64 41
Sample 2 142 40 22 225 70 40
Sample 3 144 37 20 132 39 22
Sample 4 126 36 20 257 77 43
Sample 5 140 40 21 234 70 40
Sample 6 154 46 24 244 73 45
Mean 142 41 22 218 65 38
Stdev 9 5 2 45 14 8
RSD (%) 6 12 8 20 21 21
Spike 1103 500 270 1103 500 270
Recoveries (%) 12 8 8 19 12 14
Table 5.9 Effect of reaction time on maize derivatized at 60°C with DnS-Cl
5.7.2 Effect of DnS-Cl volume
Given that excess DnS-Cl was already used in the study and that it can either
compensate for side reactions (Seiler, 1971; Heimbecher et al., 1997) or increase
DnS-Cl volume in the derivatization reagent was investigated at 100 µL, 200 µL
and 300 µL. A sharp increase in response was obtained from 100 µL to 200 µL.
response (Figure 5.10). This may be due to the decomposition of the derivatives
from the excess DnS-Cl (Tapuhi et al., 1981). Since 200 µL provided optimum
carried out simultaneously (i.e. buffer change from NaHCO3 to Na2CO3 provided a
working standards with the use of Na2CO3 was baseline with increased response
for all 3 analogues. However, when the samples were derivatized poor resolution
of the peaks was obtained with two chromatographic peaks formed at similar
retention times to FB1 (Figure 5.11). Although identification of the FB1 peak
could be done by the use of retention times, integrating the double peak would
The source of the double peak was further investigated by preparing working
standards using Na2CO3. However, the original FB1 responses could not be
reproduced since its area increased disproportionally to that of FB2 and FB3,
suggesting some interference beneath the peak (Figure 5.12) e.g. non-separation
Troubleshooting (i.e. detector settings, cleaning injector port and use of minimal
injection volume (10 µL)) of the chromatographic system used indicated that it
had no influence on the FB1 standard area and on the split sample peak. It was
Figure 5.12 Fumonisin working standard derivatized with DnS-Cl and Na2CO3
as buffer
5.8 Conclusion
The effectiveness of pre-column derivatization of fumonisins with DnS-Cl, HPLC
separation and subsequent application was evaluated. Different experimental
resolution of the peaks with maize samples was obtained with FLD, the poor
recoveries could not be improved even after investing the influence of DnS-Cl
Generally, it seems that DnS-Cl derivatives are less desirable due to the presence
Although all analytes could be identified with FLD with the use of retention
times; the recovery results obtained suggests it to be unsuitable for the analysis
1. Dasko L, Rauova D and Belajova E (2006) Comparison of the suitability of
691: 173-178
6. Mo Dugo G, Vilasi F, La Torre GL and Pellicano TM (2006) Reverse phase
HPLC/DAD determination of biogenic amines as dansyl derivatives in
experimental red wines. Food Chemistry 95: 672-676
11. Sydenham EW, Shephard GS, Thiel PG, Stockenstrom S, Snijman PW and
12. Tapuhi Y, Schimdt D, Lindner W and Karger BL (1981) Dansylation of amino
acids for high-performance liquid chromatography analysis. Analytical
Biochemistry 115: 123-129
used for both derivatization reagents. From a single extraction, 2 aliquots of the
being derivatized with OPA and the other with NDA. This allowed accurate
comparison between the OPA (FLD and DAD) with NDA (FLD and DAD) by
Although comparison between the detectors was good following SAX clean-up,
the results from the two derivatives were comparable only up to 1000 µg/kg. It
was found that with concentrations above 1000 µg/kg, the comparison was
frequently poor, with NDA being lower than 50% of the OPA (Figure 6.1). This
would suggest that certain of the home-grown maize samples studied contained
inhibitors to the complete NDA derivatization reaction of their SAX extracts. Due
to these poor comparisons, the alternate IAC clean-up method was investigated,
In a similar manner to the SAX experiment, single samples were extracted and
duplicate clean-ups performed, one for OPA and one for NDA derivatization. For
OPA, a good comparison was obtained between FLD and DAD, whereas for NDA,
all results were higher with DAD, especially at levels below 1000 µg/kg. The
reason for this trend was not apparent (Figure 6.2). Comparison of OPA and NDA
derivatives showed much improved results over the previous comparison of the
derivatives after SAX clean-up. In comparing the derivatives using the DAD
response, again comparisons above 1000 µg/kg were superior to those below
this level.
The OPA results were consistent whether determined either after SAX or IAC
analysis (Figure 6.3). For NDA derivatization (Figure 6.4), IAC clean-up produced
much cleaner extracts, which resulted in improved comparison with OPA (Table
6.1). Recent applications of NDA fumonisin analysis with FLD used IAC clean-up
(Lino et al., 2006; Lino et al., 2007; Silva et al., 2009). An older method using C18
RP-SPE of fumonisins from mouldy maize reported that compared to OPA, NDA
gave higher values at lower contamination levels and lower values at higher
Table 6.1 Total fumonisin levels (FB1+FB2+FB3; µg/kg) in naturally contaminated
maize cleaned-up with SAX and IAC, derivatized with OPA or NDA
1 106 108 103 93 102 149 ND 766
Figure 6.1 Comparison of OPA with NDA following SAX clean-up for FLD and DAD,
Total Fumonisins = FB1 + FB2 + FB3
Figure 6.2 Comparison of OPA and NDA following IAC clean-up for FLD and DAD,
Total Fumonisins = FB1 + FB2 + FB3
Figure 6.3 Comparison of IAC and SAX with OPA derivatization for FLD and DAD,
Total Fumonisins = FB1 + FB2 + FB3
Figure 6.4 Comparison of IAC and SAX with NDA derivatization for FLD and DAD,
6.2 General Discussion
Chromatographic methods used to analyse fumonisins in maize were
investigated with regard to: (1) derivatising
reagent (OPA, NDA and DnS-Cl) (2)
clean-up method (SAX and IAC) and (3) detection (FLD and DAD). Table 6.2
provides a summary of the optimal conditions used for OPA, NDA and DnS-Cl
2M Na2CO3
Internal validation of the methods was performed using characteristics such as
precision, accuracy, specificity and application to naturally contaminated maize
samples. The optimized analytical methods proved to be both selective and
sensitive. This is evident in the ability
of the methods to produce accurate
measures of the analytes in the presence of unknown components and any other
products that may be expected to be present in the sample matrix and with
steps in the methods for fumonisin analysis in maize. In particular, the extraction
The OPA method was found to be sensitive, reliable and reproducible for
separation was obtained with retention times of the standard peak allowing
identification of the analyte peaks. One of the objectives of this study was to
determine the extent to which DAD could be used as an alternative to FLD for
the detectors, although FLD proved to be more sensitive with lower detection
limits and significantly higher peak areas. Good comparison between these two
which, due to their high stability, provides an added advantage over OPA. NDA
fumonisin analysis.
Dansyl derivatives are mainly used for amino acid (De Jong et al., 1982; Kang et
al., 2006) and biological amine analysis (Loukou et al., 2003; Proestos et al.,
2008). Only one study has utilized DnS-Cl for fumonisin derivatization in beer
As a result of the investigations performed in this study, it was found that DnS-Cl
could on the one hand form stable, sensitive and highly fluorescent derivatives
with fumonisin standards. However, on the other hand, due to the low
recoveries from maize it could not be used for the analysis of naturally
1992. This showed that the maize matrix caused analytical interferences with
groups with the dansyl chloride reagent. Interferences with the maize were
mainly observed with DAD; therefore the DAD investigations were abandoned.
However, DnS-Cl has some potential to be utilized with FLD.
6.3 Recommendations
Although cyanide has been shown to be a suitable nucleophile for NDA
6.4 Conclusion
consumption with concurrent FLD and DAD detection and with two clean-up
This study shows that although FLD is more sensitive, UV detection can be used
as a reliable alternative for fumonisin analysis of OPA derivatives. OPA and NDA
have proven to be excellent fluorogenic reagents for accurate determination of
fumonisins in naturally contaminated
maize samples and can be used as
alternatives to each other employing both SAX and IAC clean-up with either FLD
samples, the study can be the basis for investigating the use of DnS-Cl in other
related matrixes. In conclusion this study has shown that UV detection can be
analysis of naphthalene dicarboxaldehyde derivative of fumonisins. Journal
of AOAC International 77: 501-506
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