Biotransformation of An Organochlorine Insecticide, Endosulfan, by Species
Biotransformation of An Organochlorine Insecticide, Endosulfan, by Species
Biotransformation of An Organochlorine Insecticide, Endosulfan, by Species
10 This study assesses the role of the blue-green algal species present in the soil in the dissipation of
11 endosulfan and its metabolites in the soil environment. Two Anabaena species, Anabaena sp. PCC
12 7120 and Anabaena flos-aquae, were used in this study. Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 produced three
13 principal biotransformation compounds, chiefly endosulfan diol (endodiol), and minor amounts of
14 endosulfan hydroxyether and endosulfan lactone. Trace amounts of endosulfan sulfate were detected.
15 In comparison, the biotransformation of endosulfan by Anabaena flos-aquae yielded mainly endodiol
16 with minor amounts of endosulfan sulfate. An unknown compound was produced up to 70% from
17 endosulfan spiked in the medium inoculated by A. flos-aquae after 8 days of incubation. Therefore,
18 the endosulfan fate was dependent on the species. Within 1 day of incubation, two Anabaena species
19 produced low amounts of β-endosulfan after application of R-endosulfan. These results suggest the
20 presence of isomerase in the Anabaena species. Further studies using a fermentor to control the
21 medium pH at 7.4 to minimize chemical hydrolysis of endosulfan revealed a major production of
22 endodiol with minor amounts of endosulfan sulfate and the unknown compound. These results showed
23 that the production of the unknown compound might be dependent on the alkaline pH in the medium
24 and that the production of endodiol by A. flos-aquae might be biologically controlled. This study showed
25 that two algal species could contribute in the detoxification pathways of endosulfan in the soil
26 environment.
28 KEYWORDS: Endosulfan; endosulfan diol; endosulfan sulfate; Anabaena flos-aquae; Anabaena sp. PCC
29 7120; fermentor
34 presence of pesticide residues in food and the environment. endosulfan sulfate has a similar toxicity compared to the parent 48
36 nol cyclic sulfite) is an organochlorine insecticide mainly used much longer tolerance in the soil environment in comparison 50
37 to control HelicoVerpa species in the upland soil in Korea. Fish to endosulfan (11). Therefore, the production of endosulfan 51
38 are very susceptible to endosulfan toxicity at a level of 1-20 sulfate seems to cause long persistence of endosulfan in soil. 52
39 ng/L. Several intensive studies on the degradation of endosulfan Endosulfan sulfate is produced by several microorganisms 53
40 in soil or water environments have been conducted (2-10). including Phanerochaete chrysosporium (2, 3), Mucor thermo- 54
41 There are two principal mechanisms of endosulfan degradation hyalospora MTCC 1384 (4), and Trichoderma harzianum (5). 55
42 due to the oxidation or hydrolysis caused by chemical or However, the last two fungi produce endodiol as a major 56
43 biological systems. Endosulfan sulfate and endosulfan diol endosulfan metabolite in culture medium. Martens (6) reported 57
the degradation of endosulfan to endodiol as a primary 58
B Lee et al.
88 Microorganisms. Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 and A. flos-aquae were
89 obtained from American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) and Korea
90 Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, respectively.
91 Anabaena species were grown in Allen’s liquid medium without nitrate
92 on a shaker at room temperature in a light intensity of ∼1700 lx by
93 fluorescent lamps with a 12 h/12 h (light/dark) cycle. Their growth
94 was monitored by measurement of chlorophyll a content (15). All
95 operations were carried out under sterile conditions in order to avoid
96 bacterial contamination.
97 Chemicals. R-Endosulfan, β-endosulfan, endosulfan sulfate, en-
98 dodiol, endosulfan ether, and endosulfan hydroxyether were purchased
99 from Chem Service Inc. (West Chester, PA). NaNO3, K2HPO4, MgSO4‚
100 7H2O, CaCl2, ferric citrate, and ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA)
101 were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). All
102 chemicals used were of the highest grade commercially available.
103 Determination of Endosulfan Degradation and Metabolite Pro-
104 duction. Experiments were carried out in batch cultures. One hundred
105 milliliters of Allen’s medium in 250 flasks stoppered with cotton plugs
106 was inoculated with each Anabaena species. Four days later, R-en-
107 dosulfan was supplemented to the inoculated medium to give a final
108 concentration of 10 µg/mL. An uninoculated culture medium served
109 as a control. All of the flasks were sealed and incubated on a shaker at
110 room temperature in a light intensity of ∼1700 lx by fluorescent lamps
111 with a 12 h/12 h (light/dark) cycle. Algal growth was monitored by Figure 2. Endosulfan degradation after spiking in the medium inoculated
112 measuring chlorophyll a content (15). Degradation was assessed by with A. flos-aquae: (a) endosulfan remaining (%); (b) production of
113 measurement of endosulfan in triplicate flasks. Sampling was done at endodiol; (c) production of unknown compound.
114 various periods of incubation and analyzed by gas chromatography with
115 an electron capture detector (GC-ECD). For a pH-controlled experiment, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 131
116 all procedures were conducted the same as above. However, 1 L of
117 Allen’s medium in a Bioneer fermentor (Bioneer Co., Seoul, Korea) The growth of A. flos-aquae continued for up to 15 days after 132
118 was inoculated by A. flos-aquae. Sampling (10 mL) was done at various inoculation, and then the growth ceased (Figure 1). The increase 133
119 periods of incubation. The pH value of the fermentor was set to 7.2. of pH in the medium was found until 10 days after inoculation 134
120 The remaining endosulfan and its metabolites were extracted from with A. flos-aquae. Chlorophyll a content and pH in the A. flos- 135
121 5 mL of the crushed bacterial suspension by a glass homogenizer with aquae inoculated medium was up to about 50 mg/L and 12.5, 136
122 an equal volume of nanograde hexane by vortexing for 30 s twice. respectively. Endosulfan spiked after 7 days of inoculation. 137
123 The organic layer was collected in a vial and dried with nitrogen gas. However, there were no changes in either chlorophyll a content 138
124 Two milliliters of hexane was added to the dried sample, and a 2 µL
or pH in the control medium (Figure 1). Endosulfan concentra- 139
125 volume of each hexane extract was subjected to GC-ECD analysis in
126 a Varian Star 3400 CX with an electron capture detector on a DE-5 tion decreased immediately after spiking into the medium, 140
127 fused silica capillary column (30 m × 0.32 mm i.d. with 0.25-mm declining after 4 days of incubation to <10%, as shown in 141
128 film coating) in a linear temperature gradient from 110 to 190 °C over Figure 2a. Endosulfan spiked in the control was not dissipated 142
129 8.5 min. Chromatographic patterns were analyzed with Turbochem during this time. The major metabolite detected was endodiol 143
130 software (Seoul, Korea). (Figure 2b), and endosulfan sulfate and β-endosulfan were also 144
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