WaterSA 2008 04 2252
WaterSA 2008 04 2252
WaterSA 2008 04 2252
Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) are continually detected in the environment due to their increasing applications in agri-
culture and industry. The presence of OCPs in the environment is not desirable since they are well known to have negative
impact in humans, animals and birds. Thus, there has been a continual demand to monitor the presence of OCPs within the
environment. Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and Soxhlet extraction (SE) methods (using dichloromethane as the extracting
solvent,) were optimised and evaluated for the determination of these compounds in surface water (unfiltered and filtered)
and sediment samples. The crude extracts obtained were subjected to column chromatography for clean-up. Thereafter, 1 µℓ
of the cleaned extracts were injected into the GC equipped with ECD.
Percentage recoveries obtained for OCPs ranged from 98.90±7.32 (2,4’-DDE) - 124.1±8.23 endosulfan II (ENDO II) %
and from 98.99±5.30 (2,4’-DDE) - 121.1±0.38 (4,4’-DDE) % in spiked triply distilled water and sediment samples respec-
tively. The levels of OCPs obtained in unfiltered environmental water samples ranged from 0.631±0.03 (γ-HCH) - 1 540±0.19
ng·mℓ-1 (4,4’-DDT) while levels in filtered water samples ranged from 0.895±0.01 (γ-HCH) - 9 089±0.08 ng·mℓ-1 (HEPTA).
Levels of analysed OCPs obtained in sediments ranged from 0.266±0.01 (δ-HCH) - 22 914±2.85 ng·gdw-1 (2,4’-DDE). Ana-
lytes adsorbed on the sample bottles used for water samples collection gave levels which ranged from 0.01±0.01 - 1.06±0.02
ng·mℓ-1 for OCPs.
The levels obtained from the catchment were significantly higher than the water criteria values recommended by USEPA
and DWAF for the protection of the aquatic environment. Levels obtained were also higher than those of other studies
conducted so far in South African aquatic environments. There is, therefore, a definite pollution of the Jukskei River catch-
ment by the OCPs studied.
Introduction solubility and high lipid solubility. They have been associated
with significant environmental impact in a wide range of spe-
The release of various organic pollutants from different sources cies and at virtually all tropic levels. Many organochlorines have
such as runoff or effluent discharges into the environment is an been implicated in a broad range of adverse human health and
issue of great concern in many countries. The sea, rivers, dams or environmental effects, including impaired reproduction, endo-
lakes have become the immediate environmental reservoirs for crine disruption and immunosuppression. Exposure to orga-
all possible organic pollutants (Chee et al., 1996). These include nochlorines has been correlated with population decline in a
organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) such as lindane, endosulfan number of marine mammals (Tanabe et al., 1994).
(ENDO), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its degra- Due to the toxic effects of organochlorines in aquatic organ-
dation products, DDD and DDE (Tomkins et al., 1992). Some isms, the use and/or sale of most organochlorine pesticides has
OCPs have contributed greatly to the increase in food production been banned or restricted in many developed countries such
and at the same time have improved human and animal health. as United States of America and Sweden since the mid 1970s
However, these successes have been marred by the revelation of (Tanabe et al., 1997). Studies conducted on OCPs in aquatic
their side-effects on non-target species (Barlas, 2002). environments in South Africa (Weaver, 1993; Grobler, 1994;
Some OCPs are highly resistant to degradation by biologi- Naude et al., 1998; London et al., 2000; Fatoki and Awofolu
cal, photochemical or chemical means. They are also liable to 2003; Okonkwo et al., 2007), Europe (Blair et al., 1997 and
bioaccumulation and are prone to long range transport (Tanabe Fernandez-Alba et al., 1998), Asia (Iwata et al., 1994 and Xue
et al., 1994). Many of these compounds have already been listed et al., 2006) and America (Dorothea and Muir, 1991; Guillette
as top-priority pollutants owing to their carcinogenic, hepatoxic et al., 1998) have shown a widespread occurrence of residues
and mutagenic effects (USEPA, 1984 and WHO, 2004). These of these pesticides in environmental aquatic systems, despite
compounds are also typically characterised as having low water the fact that they have been banned for decades. In developing
countries such as South Africa, DDT is still used officially for
malaria vector control in some parts of the country. It is believed
that some group of OCPs may still be in use clandestinely under
* To whom all correspondence should be addressed.
+2716 430-8419; fax: +2716 455-2055; unknown trade names in agriculture due to their low cost and
e-mail: lsibali@randwater.co.za effectiveness for pest control.
Thoroughly washed glassware was soaked overnight in dilute Silica gel column chromatography (clean-up)
HNO3 solution and rinsed three times with distilled water and
then with pure acetone. Sample bottles (2.5 ℓ Winchester bot- The chromatographic column (20 cm x 8 mm I.D.) was packed
tles) were used to collect water samples and wide-mouth 500 with 5.0 g of activated silica gel, which was made into slurry
mℓ brown glass Winchester sampling bottles for the collec- with 1.5% (v/m) petroleum ether and then stirred well before use.
tion of sediment samples. All reagents were of analytical and About 1 mℓ of anhydrous sodium sulphate was placed at the top
GC grade (Merck, South Africa). Anhydrous sodium sulphate, of the column to absorb any water in the sample or the solvent.
99.5% pure was deactivated by drying in the muffle furnace at The column was pre-eluted with 15 mℓ of petroleum ether and
The study area for this research work was the Jukskei River Sediment sampling
catchment area, which is in Gauteng and Northwest Provinces
of South Africa. The Jukskei River catchment was chosen for Sediment samples were collected from about 0 to 5 cm below
this study because it receives effluent from industries and run- the surface from the same locations as water samples using a
off in vast amounts from illegal, unmanaged waste dumps and stainless grab. These samples were placed into pre-cleaned
agricultural practices (DWAF, 2003). The Jukskei River passes wide-mouth 500 mℓ glass bottles and closed immediately after
through the northern part of the densely populated and industr- sampling. The samples were kept cool during transportation in
ialised Witwatersrand complex before flowing into the Croco- a cooler box to the laboratory. At the laboratory they were kept
dile River, as shown in Fig. 1. The Crocodile River drains into frozen at -18°C prior to extraction and analysis.
the Hartbeespoort Dam, which is used for recreational purposes
and as a source of raw water for Magalies Water Board. The Extraction of environmental water and sediment
Jukskei River catchment is largely urbanised and industrialised samples
(DWAF, 2003).
Several extraction methods have been employed in determin-
Sampling sites ing OCPs in water samples. These methods include solid phase
extraction (SPE), liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) (Moeder et al.,
Water and sediment samples were collected from sampling 2000), on-line solid phase extraction (OLSPME) (Brossa et al.,
points during 2005 summer and winter seasons. Sampling 2003) and solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME). SPE is routinely
points were chosen randomly from most accessible sites in the used in many different areas of analytical chemistry. It is used
designated area of study. Six water samples were collected from in the analysis of both polar and non-polar analytes where the
each site (three from the banks and three from the middle except matrix and the analyte of interest are usually dissolved in a liq-
samples S1 and S7 which were taken from the opposite side of uid. It is applied to pesticide analysis in water samples since it is
the banks). The 6 water samples from each point were collected an easy and fast process (Hatrík and Tekel, 1996). The growth of
to make composite samples. Sampling sites which were selected SPE has largely been at the expense of LLE where the perceived
from downstream to upstream for possible sources of pollution advantages of SPE over LLE are that it consumes fewer organic
are as shown in Fig. 1. solvents and that a wider range of extraction mechanisms can be
1 = Hartbeespoort Dam
– S1 (S1BS*1 and S1BS*2),
Crocodile 2 = After Johannesburg
Water Works– S2 (SB2 and
Hennop Flow of River SM2), 3 = Before Johan-
nesburg Water Works – S3
(SB3 and SM3), 4 = Sand-
Johannesburg Water ton /Kyalami – S4 (SB4
3 and SM4), 5 = Marlboro
– S5 (SB5 and SM5), 6 =
MIDRAND Alexander - S6 (SB6 and
SM6), 7 = Bruma lake – S7
(S7BS*1 and S7BS*2); S =
site; B = bank; S* = side
RANDBURG Park and M = middle
6 Sample Sites
J k k i
Power Station
GERMISTON Sewage Works
Figure 1
Map of South Africa (top left) and sampling sites (bottom right) at the Jukskei River catchment area (DWAF, 2003)
Time (min)
Retention times (RT) ± Relative Standard Deviation Instrument detection limits
(RSD) and response factors (Rf ) ± RSD* of OCPs (IDLs) for OCPs
OCPs Retention time (min) Response factor OCPs IDL (ng·ℓ-1)
α-HCH 6.12±0.05 0.67±0.05 α-HCH 15.1
γ-HCH 7.05± 0.08 5.59±0.95 γ-HCH 14.9
δ-HCH 7.56± 0.04 0.62±0.29 δ-HCH 13.9
PCNB 8.06± 0.12 N/A Hepta 10.9
Hepta 8.69± 0.11 0.54±0.05 2,4’-DDE 7.10
2,4’-DDE 10.7±0.97 0.54±0.03 ENDO I 17.2
ENDO I 11.5± 0.34 0.34±0.05 4,4’-DDE 6.90
4,4’-DDE 12.3± 0.31 0.52±0.05 2,4’-DDD 6.00
2,4’-DDD 12.5± 0.43 0.64±0.09 Endrin 12.6
Endrin 12.7± 0.50 0.76± 0.05 ENDO II 15.3
ENDO II 12.9± 0.21 0.12±0.04 2,4’-DDT 5.30
2,4’-DDT 13.4± 0.11 0.46± 0.04 4,4’-DDD 13.0
4,4’-DDD 13.6±0.23 0.68±0.07 4,4’-DDT 16.3
4,4’-DDT 14.2± 0.23 0.31±0.06
*Values are average of twelve injections; RSD = Relative standard (2,4’-DDD) and 69.01%±6.93 (4,4’-DDD). From the results,
deviations; IS = Internal standard; N/A = Not applicable solvent combination of 1:1 DCM/HEX and DCM gave better
recoveries above 70% in all the compounds of interest. Xue et al.
Instrument detection limits (IDLs) (2006) using SPE reported recoveries ranging from 72% (endo-
sulfan sulphate) to 103% (ENDO II). Fatoki and Awofolu (2003)
The IDLs of OCPs are presented in Table 2. The IDL values and Awofolu and Fatoki (2003) using LLE also reported recov-
were calculated from linear regression equation of the calibra- eries from 71.03%±8.15 (dieldrin (C12H8Cl6O)) to 101.25%±2.17
tion curve of the OCPs standards as generated by the Star Chro- (α-BCH).
matograph Work Station Version 6 coupled to the gas chroma- Table 3 (next page) also shows mean percentage recover-
tography and as described by (Miller and Miller, 1998). IDLs of ies of OCPs from spiked sediment samples. Although three
the analysed OCPs ranged from 6.00 (2,4’-DDD) to 17.2 ng·ℓ-1 other evaluated solvents gave good results in most compounds
(ENDO I). Results obtained in the present study are lower than of interest in sediment samples, solvents, hexane, 1:1 DCM/
those reported for the same compounds are (Fatoki and Awofolu, HEX and 1:1 DCM/MET did not recover (2,4’-DDT and 4,4’-
2003; Awofolu and Fatoki, 2003; Basheer et al., 2005). DDT) and (2,4’-DDT). The best recoveries were obtained with
DCM where all analytes were detected. Two analytes (2,4’-
Quality assurance DDT and 4,4’-DDT) were not detected with hexane and 1:1
DCM/HEX. Xue et al. (2006) reported recoveries ranging
Mean percentage recoveries of OCPs in water and from 71% (p,p’-DDT) to 103% (endrin (C12H8OCl6)). Fatoki
sediment samples and Awofolu (2003) and Awofolu and Fatoki (2003) using SE
also reported recoveries ranging from 88.22%±7.85 (endrin)
The mean percent recoveries for triplicate analyses of OCPs to 109.63%±5.10 (β-BCH). The high percentage recoveries
from spiked doubly distilled water and sediment samples are obtained in all the compounds validated the extraction meth-
presented in Table 3. Results from spiked water samples using ods used in the present study.
hexane gave percentage recoveries of 14.50%±0.81 (γ-HCH),
69.05%±3.33 (2,4’-DDE), 45.92%±7.49 (ENDO I), 28.75%±3.28 Background analysis
(endrin) and NR (ENDO I and 2,4’-DDT) all below the accept-
able recovery value of 70%. For solvent 1:1 dichloromethane and Blank samples analysed were found to contain no target ana-
methanol (DCM/MET) recovery, the values below 70% were lytes. Both water and sediment samples did not show any peak
9.950%±0.52 (α-HCH), 12.73%±0.93 (γ-HCH), 67.10%±5.38 that might have had any influence on the results.
The results obtained for the analysis of certified reference mate- A typical gas chromatogram obtained from OCP analysis of
rials (CRMs) for OCPs are shown in Table 4. A reference waste- environmental samples is presented in Fig. 3. From the gas chro-
water (NIST QCM–200, North Kingstown, USA) for OCPs was matogram obtained, a fair number of peaks were clearly resolved
analysed to test the accuracy of proposed methods. As can be and the compounds studied could be identified. Un-identified
seen in Table 4, the results were generally in good agreement peaks were also shown from the gas chromatograms and these
with NIST certified values, indicating validity of methods used may be attributed to noise levels during analysis. The results
in this study for analysis of water and sediment samples. (mean levels) obtained from analysed OCP summer water and
sediment samples from the same sites are presented in Tables
TABLE 4 5 and 6; and the levels of OCPs detected in water varied from
Method validation showing true 0.981±0.16 (γ-HCH) to 3 068±0.56 (2,4’-DDE) ng·mℓ-1. The
and recovered values levels of OCPs studied in sediments ranged from 0.226±0.01
OCPs True value Recovered ng·gdw-1 (δ-HCH) to 5963±18.6 ng·gdw-1 (ENDO II).
(ng·mℓ-1) value (ng·mℓ-1) High levels were found at different points without any par-
HEPTA 8.40±0.05 7.20±0.06 ticular pattern. Site S1BS1 from Hartbeespoort Dam showed
high levels of α-HCH, heptachlor, 2,4’-DDD and 4,4’-DDT at
ENDO I 9.00±0.05 8.10±0.04
195.6±1.10 ng mℓ-1, 1 067±9.01 ng·mℓ-1, 117.8±3.02 ng·mℓ-1
4,4’-DDE 0.20±0.05 0.16±0.04
and 1 554±0.38 ng·mℓ-1 respectively. Other high levels of 4,4’-
ENDRIN 1.00±0.05 0.79±0.03 DDE, endrin and ENDO II were recorded from Site S3B at
4,4’-DDD 0.40±0.05 0.33±0.07 96.01±4.01 ng·mℓ-1, 65.87±4.01 ng·mℓ-1 and 629.3±14.1 ng·mℓ-1.
4,4’-DDT 5.00±0.05 4.10±0.06
Cis = concentration of the internal standard Figure 3
Representative gas chromatogram of OCPs environmental samples, 1 =
Aa = peak area of the analyte
α –HCH; 2 = γ-HCH; 3 = Pentanitrochlorobenzene (IS); 4 = δ-HCH; 5 =
Ais = peak area of the internal standard Heptachlor; 6 = 2,4’-DDE; 7 = ENDO I; 8 = 4,4’-DDE; 9 = 2,4’-DDD; 10 =
RRF = relative response factor Endrin; 11 = ENDO II; 12 = 2,4’-DDT; 13 = 4,4’-DDD and 14 = 4,4’-DDT
Mean levels (ng·gdw-1± RSD*) of OCPs in sediment samples collected during the summer period
OCPs Sampling sites
α-HCH 445.0±9.01 274.1±6.10 59.60±5.01 38.31±4.10 72.97±3.10 42.20±2.01 24.19±3.10 28.79±1.01 38.49±2.08 53.01±6.02 40.99±.02 37.19±0.02 28.34±3.02 62.37±6.03
γ-HCH 7.800±.1.01 11.00±1.01 1954±18.1 31.99±2.01 10.78±4.01 7.050±1.02 4.250±0.80 1.051±0.10 3.138±0.09 7.344±0.01 4.128±0.01 5.451±0.02 5.452±0.05 3.446±0.08
δ-HCH 122.0±8.02 56.70±3.10 3067±0.22 26.36±1.01 129.1±0.01 41.58±0.02 2.921±0.01 16.05±0.02 0.226±0.01 32.74±0.01 139.8±0.95 21.97±0.03 127.3±0.02 99.99±0.02
HEPTA 2916±0.01 3339±0.01 2237±0.01 3057±0.01 2056±0.10 2033±0.06 1623±0.01 1261±0.02 1063±0.10 1326±0.01 1125±0.04 1247±0.03 250.0±0.05 22.50±0.02
2,4’-DDE 817.0±0.10 369.6±0.10 2119±0.01 3866±0.01 781.2±0.10 739.9±0.06 653.0±0.01 564.6±0.03 770.0±0.10 2411±0.02 2573±0.01 38.64±0.05 1078±0.01 225.1±0.01
ENDO I 488.4±0.01 289.1±5.01 163.0±2.01 154.4±3.01 170.4±8.01 117.0±3.03 97.49±1.02 75.71±2.05 80.97±2.01 50.28±2.02 37.37±1.02 36.55±2.02 44.72±9.00 837.8±8.03
4,4’-DDE 154.9±3.01 83.61±2.10 83.40±4.02 238.1±0.01 115.6±7.10 44.96±6.02 43.78±4.05 21.23±2.02 17.84±1.02 30.21±3.02 11.70±6.01 16.75±2.02 13.72±1.01 49.16±6.01
2,4’-DDD 723.4±6.01 40.74±2.10 68.70±2.01 50.33±1.01 69.07±2.01 56.27±5.02 52.06±5.02 22.41±2.01 11.40±1.02 25.16±1.03 4.622±0.91 9.072±1.02 5.567±0.45 23.55±0.33
ENDRIN 70.90±2.01 40.54±2.10 17.73±1.01 76.17±0.10 71.24±1.10 68.53±4.02 49.42±7.05 22.07±1.01 12.77±1.05 39.11±2.05 21.51±3.10 14.83±1.01 8.940±2.02 6.788±2.16
ENDO II 5963±18.6 782.2±3.10 1490±13.1 703.7±9.01 760.3±11.1 594.7±4.03 50.39±5.02 241.6±2.01 153.9±8.03 201.0±9.04 100.9±6.54 101.5±5.01 119.0±5.01 25.26±2.01
2,4’-DDT 620.1±8.03 215.5±6.01 154.9±7.01 14.99±2.01 142.3±2.01 78.65±3.02 61.66±4.05 75.36±2.02 3.256±2.86 47.27±2.03 38.15±2.02 33.47±8.01 19.23±4.01 45.60±2.03
4,4’-DDD 524.1±6.10 163.9±.01 131.3±0.10 94.78±0.10 102.9±0.01 58.51±0.01 5.677±0.01 33.36±0.06 41.83±0.07 48.03±4.03 32.19±2.05 38.71±3.01 52.71±4.03 32.46±2.01
4,4’-DDT 3279±18.1 2379±6.10 820.8±7.01 1677±4.01 700.5±6.01 959.1±2.01 575.1±6.02 593.8±3.04 568.0±4.01 450.9±3.02 434.8±8.02 419.7±7.01 552.1±7.02 567.5±2.01
Mean levels (ng·mℓ-¹ ± RSD*) of OCPs in water samples collected during the winter period
OCPs Sampling Sites
S1BS*1 S1BS*2 S2B S2M S3B S3M S4 S4M S5B S5M S6 S6M S7BS*1 S7BS*2
α-HCH 71.7±8.05 33.73±6.01 73.21±6.01 28.47±1.56 795.2±5.07 21.69±2.01 22.85±2.01 16.67±3.01 13.05±2.01 61.25±3.02 22.98±4.01 22.15±2.02 17.85±2.01 21.87±4.04
γ-HCH 33.79±5.01 5.045±1.45 159.5±4.86 3.083±0.45 20.73±2.02 3.700±0.12 3.951±0.13 0.631±0.23 1.071±0.02 17.42±2.01 25.90±0.78 11.97±1.01 4.552±0.11 3.477±0.13
δ-HCH 78.62±1.05 34.48±0.01 154.2±1.22 2.061±0.11 42.00±2.03 37.34±0.41 7.000±0.51 5.649±0.12 26.80±1.02 8.428±1.04 51.96±2.01 4.468±0.31 41.67±2.65 34.88±1.69
HEPTA 1285±1.09 245.5±2.10 576.1±5.01 861.8±6.01 804.1±7.50 518.6±4.04 343.0±2.22 509.7±3.02 352.0±1.19 764.6±2.04 424.0±1.11 268.3±2.11 83.80±2.09 79.53±2.07
2, 4’-DDE 392.8±3.09 299.2±2.10 730.5±1.10 928.8±2.01 598.3±1.35 264.1±2.17 582.3±2.54 333.5±0.14 249.6±2.13 175.3±0.01 604.6±3.10 15.18±2.01 373.1±2.09 289.7±5.01
ENDO I 363.9±2.09 242.4±3.12 56.47±1.10 38.25±1.24 293.6±2.29 231.6±1.23 212.2±1.13 21.83±3.01 27.08±2.03 23.32±1.23 48.99±1.01 22.20±2.11 15.74±1.04 15.85±1.03
4, 4’-DDE 140.3±4.12 25.00±2.01 189.8±1.07 179.2±1.66 74.00±3.04 41.62±4.02 7.566±2.65 6.222±0.22 60.01±2.01 27.42±1.01 27.46±2.10 48.19±2.01 4.967±0.11 8.227±1.06
2, 4’-DDD 284.3±2.01 48.32±1.05 68.56±1.80 85.59±0.31 55.60±2.05 19.85±1.01 19.74±1.12 28.32±2.01 38.31±2.01 22.88±1.02 3.453±1.20 2.945±0.01 1.947±0.01 2.529±0.56
ENDRIN 39.31±1.32 5.619±1.08 45.49±1.32 18.64±1.67 50.96±1.03 45.78±1.01 19.00±1.05 9.270±0.23 13.75±1.01 18.28±1.01 5.383±0.42 4.897±0.07 3.226±8.06 6.963±0.93
ENDO II 966.5±1.32 464.5±2.16 241.0±1.32 264.9±1.88 227.6±2.11 210.4±1.13 47.69±1.01 74.88±1.51 52.27±3.04 18.30±1.03 27.32±1.02 7.461±3.22 13.28±1.01 94.85±1.41
2, 4’-DDT 443.6±2.19 84.91±3.03 508.1±2.21 75.98±1.90 310.3±1.34 173.1±1.19 43.01±0.72 59.45±1.01 20.85±1.11 26.57±0.06 8.189±0.08 8.871±0.03 6.956±0.01 19.47±0.65
4, 4’-DDD 306.5±2.04 77.25±1.02 83.90±1.45 23.97±1.70 69.24±1.03 39.46±1.02 5.657±0.16 19.95±0.31 33.51±2.01 31.78±1.06 45.49±1.02 29.34±1.05 17.97±0.41 11.82±0.88
4, 4’-DDT 1453±5.38 1540±2.19 512.4±1.32 145.7±1.68 259.4±3.13 363.2±1.23 200.8±2.06 211.5±2.02 290.2±1.14 214.9±1.67 194.7±1.05 180.4±1.03 198.6±1.01 200.6±1.45
Mean levels (ng·gdw-1 + RSD) of OCPs in sediment samples collected during the winter period
OCPs Sampling sites
S1BS*1 S1BS*2 S2B S2M S3B S3M S4B S4M S5B S5M S6B S6M S7BS*1 S7BS*2
α-HCH 851.7±2.11 136.3±2.11 673.3±1.18 893.4±2.27 319.2±2.11 281.6±3.04 237.8±1.04 321.2±2.10 164.2±1.23 191.7±1.03 171.3±3.01 64.17±1.01 88.37±1.01 161.5±1.02
γ-HCH 33.57±1.02 274.7±4.03 360.9±2.01 205.0±1.02 23.22±1.01 12.92±1.23 10.12±1.12 47.16±1.39 4.261±0.11 24.38±1.23 60.77±1.01 17.45±1.01 376.1±2.03 481.2±3.13
δ-HCH 6952±5.12 2191±3.45 2650±1.73 12221±3.88 75.49±1.02 100.7±5.01 52.69±2.05 271.6±1.17 1227±7.07 1146±2.76 37.31±1.03 1326±4.32 636.7±2.88 73.31±1.56
HEPTA 4522±4.79 3863±2.11 6643±3.06 7934±3.64 4462±3.01 4832±2.03 4010±2.29 3433±1.48 11141±2.23 6396±1.12 14070±1.68 2708±2.21 4488±1.94 4648±1.48
2,4’-DDE 2521±2.01 11139±3.92 22914±4.85 193.0±1.80 2856±2.33 3712±1.93 2218±1.51 5228±1.24 14016±4.83 7545±2.10 3199±1.99 19630±4.41 104.9±2.03 999.5±1.27
ENDO I 294.5±4.07 157.3±2.01 883.0±1.12 731.9±2.09 486.3±1.15 256.8±0.04 1391±1.13 1451±1.49 250.0±1.06 331.6±2.06 3705±3.35 225.1±1.03 419.6±2.03 348.7±2.05
4,4’-DDE 130.2±1.64 321.0±1.12 130.6±1.04 168.8±2.01 495.5±1.07 91.82±2.01 1133±1.09 1270±1.94 84.06±1.04 127.7±1.12 187.5±1.04 212.0±1.08 80.91±1.02 1143±2.33
2,4’-DDD 462.8±1.16 183.2±1.04 147.2±1.03 84.68±1.02 262.2±1.11 37.28±1.01 10349±2.61 814.4±1.13 130.2±1.01 106.3±1.34 270.6±1.05 140.2±1.05 46.32±1.01 607.5±1.08
ENDRIN 52.96±1.01 142.1±1.05 216.0±2.06 88.84±2.02 342.5±1.07 68.71±1.01 1149±1.14 2363±1.74 55.50±1.01 282.6±2.03 516.4±3.32 56.36±.02 40.76±1.23 983.3±1.58
ENDO II 651.9±1.15 1066±1.40 662.4±1.15 1022±2.08 3242±1.12 1433±1.31 11462±2.38 4580±2.43 1175±1.20 1735±1.51 88.18±1.02 1904±2.12 678.6±2.66 207.0±1.30
2,4’-DDT 83.33±1.03 268.8±1.07 173.3±2.03 86.63±2.02 926.2±1.05 152.4±1.02 1269±1.04 885.2±1.36 94.12±1.04 493.4±1.07 1082.±1.08 466.0±1.09 375.2±2.19 1204±1.49
4,4’-DDD 143.8±1.04 142.8±1.03 162.1±1.01 214.7±1.01 661.3±1.05 342.5±1.06 1252±2.18 903.3±1.66 79.37±2.34 296.1±1.86 102.7±1.01 483.8±2.15 195.2±1.02 289.9±2.03
4,4’-DDT 629.3±1.15 1184±1.03 1715±1.30 1055±2.26 5133±2.02 3164±2.99 13310±2.77 13201±1.23 3016±1.25 2697±1.44 1990.8±1.30 2062±1.34 2315±1.62 407.3±1.12
ng·gdw-1 (2,4’-DDE).
Mean levels (ng·mℓ-1 ± RSD*) of OCPs in filtered water samples
OCPs Sampling sites
α-HCH 189.2±2.10 21.10±0.11 21.09±0.12 5.823±0.21 15.94±0.02 6.149±2.01
γ-HCH 3.345±1.02 2.903±0.15 1.030±0.21 0.895±0.11 2.013±0.01 9.612±0.42
δ-HCH 14.99±1.01 7.349±0.41 5.231±1.01 3.341±0.23 1.989±0.54 16.01±2.10
HEPTA 9089±2.08 26.89±0.19 53.84±0.10 393.4±5.01 81.06±0.51 56.92±0.01
2,4’-DDE 170.1±1.02 2.854±0.91 256.9±0.19 62.01±0.31 19.06±0.31 220.0±2.01
ENDO I 52.94±1.04 34.97±0.22 50.01±1.27 17.04±0.21 7.397±0.19 80.56±2.90
4,4’-DDE 23.96±1.01 33.93±0.12 6.940±1.02 3.012±0.61 1.245±0.71 3.927±0.11
2,4’-DDD 119.0±2.02 36.05±0.11 10.04±0.02 9.344±0.72 4.129±0.52 14.03±0.51
ENDRIN 8.923±1.01 5.934±0.02 5.823±0.01 2.432±0.91 8.465±1.41 2.133±0.17
ENDO II 151.1±3.02 208.0±4.21 23.07±2.02 5.545±0.93 3.423±0.31 131.0±2.13
2,4’-DDT 18.93±2.09 55.93±1.01 36.32±2.01 4.973±0.81 4.534±1.02 248.0±3.90
4,4’-DDD 33.94±1.06 25.93±1.02 5.324±1.01 2.023±0.45 8.213±1.01 51.41±2.10
4,4’-DDT 1559±3.42 243.0±3.01 70.94±2.12 159.4±7.65 53.93±3.06 83.56±2.07
From the results of the quality assurance/control carried out Eastern Cape, South Africa. Water SA 29 (3) 323-330. http://www.
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study. 35-47.
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