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Ammonia-oxidizing archaea and nitrite-oxidizing nitrospiras in

the biofilter of a shrimp recirculating aquaculture system
Monisha N. Brown1, Aurelio Briones2, James Diana3 & Lutgarde Raskin1

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA; 2Plant, Soil & Entomological Sciences Department,
University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, USA; and 3School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Correspondence: Lutgarde Raskin,

Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, MI 48109, USA. Tel.:
+1 734 647 6920; fax: +1 734 763 2275;
e-mail: raskin@umich.edu
Received 10 February 2012; revised 5 July
2012; accepted 5 July 2012.
Final version published online 9 August 2012.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2012.01448.x


Editor: Cindy Nakatsu

ammonia oxidation; nitrite oxidation;
Nitrospira; Nitrosopumilus maritimus; shrimp
aquaculture; recirculating aquaculture

This study analysed the nitrifier community in the biofilter of a zero discharge,
recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) for the production of marine shrimp in a
low density (low ammonium production) system. The ammonia-oxidizing
populations were examined by targeting 16S rRNA and amoA genes of ammoniaoxidizing bacteria (AOB) and archaea (AOA). The nitrite-oxidizing bacteria
(NOB) were investigated by targeting the 16S rRNA gene. Archaeal amoA genes
were more abundant in all compartments of the RAS than bacterial amoA genes.
Analysis of bacterial and archaeal amoA gene sequences revealed that most
ammonia oxidizers were related to Nitrosomonas marina and Nitrosopumilus
maritimus. The NOB detected were related to Nitrospira marina and Nitrospira
moscoviensis, and Nitrospira marina-type NOB were more abundant than N. moscoviensis-type NOB. Water quality and biofilm attachment media played a role in
the competitiveness of AOA over AOB and Nitrospira marina-over N. moscoviensis-type NOB.

Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for the production of marine shrimp are a potentially sustainable alternative to traditional aquaculture systems because RAS
reduce water requirements and limit the concentration of
nutrients discharged to receiving waters. RAS require biological filters to oxidize toxic ammonia and nitrite, and
aeration of the water to remove carbon dioxide and
increase oxygen concentrations (Ebeling, 2000). Nitrifying
biofilters keep ammonia and nitrite concentrations below
toxic levels. For the white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei
(Boone), ammonia toxicity levels range from 2.44 to
3.95 mg L 1 of total ammonia nitrogen (Lin & Chen,
2001), while nitrite toxicity levels vary between 6.1 and
25.7 mg L 1 of nitrite-nitrogen (Lin & Chen, 2003).
Nitrification is a two-step process in which ammonia is
oxidized to nitrite by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB)
or ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and nitrite is oxidized to nitrate by nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB). The
sensitivity of AOB and NOB to a wide variety of environmental factors is well known, so much, so that nitrification
FEMS Microbiol Ecol 83 (2013) 1725

has been regarded as the Achilles heel of wastewater treatment (Daims et al., 2006). In recirculating aquaculture
settings, the challenges associated with accumulation of
ammonia and nitrite are similar to those in the wastewater
treatment field and also include problems with low
dissolved oxygen (DO) levels, pH outside the optimal range
for nitrifying microorganisms (7.58.6) and accumulation
of trace amounts of toxic sulphides (Joye & Hollibaugh,
1995; Masser et al., 1999; Ling & Chen, 2005).
Less is known about the sensitivity of AOA to environmental parameters. Archaeal ammonia monooxygenase
subunit A (amoA) gene has been found to be ubiquitous
in the environment, including in marine waters, biofilters
of aquaria, coral reefs, estuaries, wastewater treatment
plants, hot springs, sediments and soils (Prosser & Nicol,
2008; Erguder et al., 2009; You et al., 2009). In most
studies in which the abundances of archaeal and bacterial
amoA gene copies were investigated, the archaeal amoA
outnumbered the bacterial amoA gene copies (Erguder
et al., 2009). The factors that influence this distribution
are still unclear, but Erguder et al. (2009) proposed that
AOA might be important ammonia oxidizers in low
2012 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
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M.N. Brown et al.


nutrient, low pH and sulphide containing environments.

Furthermore, Martens-Habbena et al. (2009) have shown
that AOA have adapted to survive at low ammonia concentrations, for example, 0.2 lM, concentrations at which
AOB cannot grow.
There are four validly described genera of NOB: Nitrobacter, Nitrospina, Nitrococcus, Nitrospira, as well as a
newly communicated NOB species, Candidatus Nitrotoga
arctica (Bartosch et al., 1999; Alawi et al., 2007). Nitrospira spp. have been found to be the main nitrite oxidizers in wastewater treatment plants (Juretschko et al.,
1998; Burrell et al., 1999; Daims et al., 2001, 2006) and
the biofilters of a marine RAS (Keuter et al., 2011)
because they are better scavengers for nitrite and oxygen
than Nitrobacter spp. (Schramm et al., 1999; Koops &
Pommerening-Roser, 2001). Nitrospira spp. have also
been found in a hot spring (Lebedeva et al., 2011), a
marine sponge (Off et al., 2010), and various soils (Bartosch et al., 2002). An analysis of the publicly available
sequences of the Nitrospirae phylum (Daims et al., 2001)
revealed that the genus Nitrospira consists of at least four
distinct sublineages.
Nitrification is important to aquaculture in general,
but particularly to zero discharge RAS, in which water
quality (specifically ammonia and nitrite concentrations)
is maintained by biofiltration.
The success of these systems depends on stable and
reliable performance of its biofilters. The long-term goal
of this work is to understand the nitrogen cycling processes in zero discharge RAS. In the present study, we
examined the nitrifier community in the biofilter of a
marine, zero discharge, indoor, recirculating shrimp maturation system, a type of RAS that was operated for the
growth and reproduction of L. vannamei. We evaluated
the identities and abundances of nitrifying bacteria and
archaea and found AOA and nitrospiras to be the dominant nitrifiers. Few studies have characterized both AOA
and nitrite oxidizers in marine systems that allow for process control. In addition to their industrial importance,
such systems may serve as important model systems to
improve our understanding of the ecophysiology of AOA
and NOB.

Materials and methods

Lester, 1992). Because the facility is located away from

the coast, artificial seawater was prepared from a commercial salt solution to fill the system. Water quality in
the culture tank was measured on site as follows: ammonium, nitrite and nitrate concentrations were measured
using colorimetric assays using Hach kits, DO and temperature were measured with a YSI model 55 DO meter
(Yellow Springs, OH), salinity was measured using a YSI
model 30 salinity meter and pH was determined with a
Mettler-Toledo SevenGo portable pH meter (Schwerzenbach, Switzerland). All samples for biomass analysis were
placed in sterile Whirl-Pak bags (Nasco, Fort Atkinson,
WI), and three replicate samples were collected from each
location. Samples were collected using sterile equipment
from four locations: the culture tank, the bioballs compartment, the oyster shell compartment and sludge from
the basin beneath the filter tower. All samples were stored
on ice during transport to the laboratory and processed
within 24 h.
DNA extraction

DNA from two replicate samples collected from the four

RAS compartments was extracted using the following
procedures: for water samples, each replicate consisted of
DNA extracted from the pellet obtained after centrifuging
250 mL tank water at 3220 g for 30 min. For the bioball
compartment, each replicate consisted of DNA extracted
from the biofilm stripped from two bioballs. Biofilm
(average of 260 mg fresh weight) was stripped by
immersing each bioball in phosphate-buffered saline
[130 mM NaCl, 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH
7.2)] and manually brushing the surface with an endocervical brush while sonicating for two minutes using a sonicator bath (L&R, Kearny, NJ). Each sludge sample
(average of 560 mg fresh weight) was obtained by centrifuging 1 mL of the sample at 5000 g for 10 min. The
oyster shells (average of 260 mg fresh weight) were placed
directly into bead-beating tubes used for DNA extraction.
DNA was extracted from all biomass samples using the
FastDNA Spin Kit for Soil (MP Biomedicals, Solon, OH)
according to the manufacturers protocol. Extracted DNA
in each sample was quantified using a NanoDrop ND1000 Spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific, Wilmington,

Sample collection

Samples were collected from an indoor, zero discharge,

marine RAS shrimp farm in Okemos, MI (Supporting
Information, Fig. S1). At the time of sampling, the system
had been run continuously for 3 years with minimal
water exchange and stable production, although not at
intensive levels (> 100 shrimp m 2 culture area; Fast &
2012 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

PCR amplification

Duplicate PCRs
each primer set.
(Marchesi et al.,
16S rRNA gene
rRNA gene was

for each sample replicate were run for

The primers 8F (Lane, 1991) and 1387R
1998) were used to amplify the bacterial
(Briones et al., 2007). The archaeal 16S
amplified with the primer set 109f/934b
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AOA and nitrospiras in a recirculating aquaculture system

(Grosskopf et al., 1998). PCRs were 50 lL and each reaction contained 5 lL of 10 9 buffer, 200 lM of each
dNTP, 2 mM MgCl2, 0.2 lM of each primer, 1.25 units
of Taq Polymerase (ExTaq DNA polymerase; Takara Bio,
Clontech Laboratories Inc., Madison, WI) and 1 lL
Archaeal amoA gene fragments were amplified using
primers Arch-amoAF (Francis et al., 2005) and Arch-amoARmod (5-TTWGACCARGCGGCCATCCA-3; this
work). The PCR mixture was as described above. Thermal
cycling consisted of initial denaturation of 94 C for
2 min, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 94 C for
30 s, annealing at 56 C for 1 min and extension at 72 C
for 1 min; final extension was at 72 C for 19 min. Bacterial amoA gene fragments were amplified using primers
amoA-1F/amoA-2R (Rotthauwe et al., 1997). The PCR
mixture was as described above. Thermal cycling consisted of initial denaturation of 94 C for 2 min, followed
by 35 cycles of denaturation at 94 C for 30 s, annealing
at 51.5 C for 30 s and extension at 72 C for 30 s; final
extension was at 72 C for 10 min. All PCR results were
confirmed with agarose gel electrophoresis.
Cloning, sequencing and phylogenetic analysis

Triplicate PCRs were first pooled and purified using the

QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen, Germantown,
MD) and then the appropriate band was gel extracted as
follows except for the archaeal 16S rRNA gene product.
The bacterial 16S rRNA (1396 bp), archaeal amoA
(645 bp) and bacterial amoA (491 bp) genes PCR products were run on 0.8%, 2% and 2%, respectively, agarose
gels. The desired bands were excised and purified using
the MinElute Gel Extraction Kit (Qiagen). The amplified
archaeal 16S rRNA genes were purified using the UltraClean PCR Clean-Up Kit (MO BIO Laboratories, San
Diego, CA). The PCR products for archaeal 16S rRNA,
archaeal amoA and bacterial amoA genes were pooled
before cloning to create each respective clone library for
the RAS system. All purified PCR products were cloned
using a TOPO TA cloning kit (Invitrogen Corp., San
Diego, CA) according to the manufacturers protocol. All
sequencing was carried out at the Genome Sequencing
Center at Washington University, School of Medicine,
except for the AOB amoA gene sequencing, which was
performed by Agencourt Bioscience Corporation (Beverly,
The archaeal and bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences
were aligned with the NAST alignment tool (DeSantis
et al., 2006a) available at the Greengenes website (www.
greengenes.lbl.gov). The aligned sequences were chimerachecked using the BELLEROPHON version 3 tool (DeSantis
et al., 2006b) at the Greengenes website. The aligned,
FEMS Microbiol Ecol 83 (2013) 1725

nonchimera sequences were classified using the classification tool at the Greengenes website. The archaeal and
bacterial amoA and NOB 16S rRNA gene sequences were
aligned using MEGA version 4 (Tamura et al., 2007). From
the alignment, phylogenetic analyses were conducted in
MEGA version 4 (Tamura et al., 2007).
Sequences obtained in this study have been deposited in
GenBank under the following Accession Numbers:
HM345608HM345611 (archaeal amoA clones), HM345
612HM345622 (bacterial amoA clones) and HM345623
HM345625 (Nitrospira spp. clones).
Quantitative PCR

Quantitative PCR (qPCR) was used to quantify the AOA

and AOB amoA gene abundance as well as Nitrospira 16S
rRNA gene abundance. All sample and standard reactions
were carried out in triplicate using SYBR green chemistry
on a Mastercycler ep realplex (Eppendorf North America,
Hauppauge, NY) qPCR machine. Standard curves were
generated for all experiments from plasmids containing
cloned amoA or 16S rRNA gene PCR amplicons previously sequenced to verify identity. Samples were diluted
to contain 10 ng lL 1 DNA. All qPCR assays were carried out in 25 lL reactions consisting of 1 lL template
DNA, 100 nM (archaeal amoA) or 300 nM of each primer (bacterial amoA and Nitrospira 16S rRNA genes) and
12.5 lL 2 9 Quantitect MasterMix (Quantitect; Qiagen).
The specificity of amplification for all qPCR assays was
verified via generation of melting curves and agarose gel
Archaeal amoA gene copies were quantified using primers AOA-amoA-fm (5-TTCTAYACTGACTGGGCYTGGA
GGTCWGCTA-3). These primers were modified from
the primer set AOA-amoA-f/AOA-amoA-r (Coolen et al.,
2007) based on the archaeal amoA gene clone sequences
obtained in this study. Linear response (R2 = 0.97) was
observed for plasmids containing archaeal amoA between
101 and 107 gene copies lL 1 template DNA; PCR efficiency was 1.78. The PCR conditions were as follows:
94 C for 15 min, followed by 43 cycles consisting of
94 C for 15 s, 58.5 C for 30 s and 72 C for 30 s. The
one-point calibration method for absolute quantification,
as described by Brankatschk et al. (2012), was used to
calculate the gene abundance. The LINREGPCR program
(v 2012.0) (Ruijter et al., 2009) was used to calculate
cycle threshold, CT and PCR efficiency, E, values for samples and standards from amplification data. The mean E
values for samples were 1.34 for tank water, 1.34 for
bioballs, 1.29 for oyster shells and 1.37 for sludge. The
mean E value for the standard used in the one-point
calibration was 1.40.
2012 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved


Bacterial amoA was quantified using the primers

amoA-1F/amoA-2R (Rotthauwe et al., 1997). Linear
response (R2 = 0.99) was observed for plasmids containing bacterial amoA between 101 and 107 gene copies lL 1
template DNA and the PCR efficiency was 1.87. The PCR
conditions were as follows: 95 C for 15 min, followed by
45 cycles consisting of 95 C for 30 s, 52 C for 30 s and
72 C for 30 s. The standard curve method for absolute
quantification was used to calculate gene abundance.
NOB 16S rRNA genes were quantified using the primer
sets Ntspa4-821f/Ntspa4-1028r and Ntspa2-172f/Ntspa2311r for Type IV nitrospiras (Nitrospira marina sublineage) and Type II nitrospiras (Nitrospira moscoviensis sublineage), respectively. The one-point calibration method
for absolute quantification was used to calculate gene
abundance as described for AOA amoA.
and Ntspa4-1028r (5-RGSTCMTCMCCCTTTCAGGT-3)
were designed based on the sequences obtained in this
study. Primer design and evaluation of specificity was
performed using PRIMER3 software (Rozen & Skaletsky,
2000) implemented in the Primer-BLAST website (http://
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/tools/primer-blast/). Optimization
of annealing temperatures for each primer pair for realtime PCR was conducted using the gradient function of
the Mastercycler ep realplex machine. Linear response
(R2 = 0.99) was observed for plasmids containing
Nitrospira marina 16S rRNA gene between 5 and
1 9 106 gene copies lL 1 template DNA; PCR efficiency
was 1.90. The PCR conditions were as follows: 95 C for
15 min, followed by 44 cycles consisting of 94 C for
15 s, 57 C for 30 s and 72 C for 30 s. Mean E values
for samples were 1.34 for bioballs and 1.38 for oyster
shells. Mean E for standard used in one-point calibration
was 1.37.
and Ntspa2-311r (5-GCTGATCGTCCTCTCAGACC-3)
were designed based on the sequences obtained in this
study. Linear response (R2 = 0.99) was observed for plasmids containing N. moscoviensis 16S rRNA gene between
5 and 1 9 106 gene copies lL 1 template DNA; PCR efficiency was 1.77. The PCR conditions were as follows:
95 C for 15 min, followed by 44 cycles consisting of
94 C for 15 s, 61.5 C for 30 s and 72 C for 30 s. The
mean E values for samples were 1.25 for bioballs and 1.27
for oyster shells. The mean E value for standard used in
the one-point calibration was 1.19.

Results and discussion

Samples were collected from an indoor, zero discharge,
marine RAS shrimp farm in Okemos, MI. At the time of
sampling (May 17, 2007), the system had been run
2012 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

M.N. Brown et al.

continuously for 3 years with minimal water exchange

and stable production, although not at intensive levels.
Because the facility is located away from the coast, artificial seawater was prepared from a commercial salt solution to fill the system. The RAS relies on biofiltration in a
multi-stage, nitrifying trickling filter that contains multiple types of biofilm attachment media, including plastic
bioballs, plastic corrugated block and crushed oyster shells
(Fig. S1). The bioballs (polyethylene; Aquatic Eco-System
Inc., Apopka, FL) had a diameter of 3.5 cm with a specific surface area of 525 m2 m 3. The crushed oyster
shells are used as a supplement for chicken feed and
were obtained from an animal feed store. Stocking densities for this maturation system are 69 shrimp m 2 of
tank area (personal communication with farmer), which
is considerably less than typical stocking densities of
ultra-intensive production systems (> 100 shrimp m 2
of tank area; Fast, 1991). In this system, water from the
culture tank is pumped and filtered by gravity through
the different biofilm attachment media. Beneath the
filter tower is a basin to collect water and settled particles (sludge) before the water is pumped back into the
culture tank.
To analyse the composition of the microbial community in this RAS, we constructed 16S rRNA gene clone
libraries of Archaea (Fig. S2), Bacteria (Table S1) and
Planctomycetes (data not shown). Bacterial clone libraries
were generated using biomass collected from each sampling location in the RAS (tank water, bioballs, oyster
shells and sludge; Fig. S1). However, the archaeal and
Planctomycetes libraries were generated using pooled PCR
products obtained from DNA extracted separately from
biomass samples obtained from each of the four sampling
locations. Analysis of the archaeal 16S rRNA gene clone
library (Fig. S2) revealed that 17% of clones were Nitrosopumilus type, a group related to AOA (Konneke et al.,
2005). Analysis of the bacterial clone libraries failed to
detect any representatives of the proteobacterial AOB and
NOB (Table S1). However, NOB from the genus Nitrospira were detected (Table S1). No sequences closely
related to known anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria
were detected in the Planctomycetes clone library (data
not shown).
To confirm the presence of AOA and to determine
their distribution within the RAS, a PCR assay was used
to detect archaeal amoA genes in biomass samples collected from tank water, bioballs, oyster shells and sludge
(data not shown). The initial PCR result indicated the
presence of AOA amoA genes and revealed the highest
abundance in the samples obtained from oyster shells
(data not shown). These results were confirmed by a
qPCR assay targeting archaeal amoA (Fig. 1). The abundance of archaeal amoA in the biomass attached to oyster
FEMS Microbiol Ecol 83 (2013) 1725

AOA and nitrospiras in a recirculating aquaculture system


Fig. 1. Archaeal amoA gene abundance in four different RAS samples

(Fig. S1), as measured by qPCR. Error bars show standard deviation.

shells (7.1 9 104 2 9 104 copies archaeal amoA ng 1

DNA) was higher than the abundance of archaeal amoA
associated with bioballs (P < 0.5, two-sample t-test) and
an order of magnitude higher than the abundance associated with tank water (P < 0.25) and sludge (P < 0.5,
Fig. 1). Sequence analysis of the archaeal amoA PCR
products (Fig. 2) showed that most of the sequences
amplified were related to the previously described Nitrosopumilus species (Konneke et al., 2005) confirming our
initial identification based on analysis of 16S rRNA genes.
The sequences were obtained from two replicate samples
pooled together to generate one clone library. A total of
24 clones related to Nitrosopumilus sequences were
obtained, of which 16, five, two and one clones clustered
within groups SF_AOA_A07, SF_AOA_A10, SF_AOA_C12
and SF_AOA_H10, respectively.
The bacterial 16S rRNA gene clone libraries did not
detect the presence of AOB. However, using a PCR
assay targeting the betaproteobacterial amoA gene, AOB
were detected, but only in bioball samples (data not
shown). These results were confirmed by a qPCR assay
targeting bacterial amoA (Fig. 3). The abundance of bacterial amoA in the biomass attached to bioballs (83 15
copies bacterial amoA ng 1 DNA) was approximately an
order of magnitude higher than in the biomass associated with tank water, oyster shells and sludge (Fig. 3).
Sequence analysis of bacterial amoA PCR products
(Fig. 4) showed that 98.5% of the sequences amplified
were related to obligately halophilic Nitrosomonas marina. One clone, designated SF_AOB_C09, was found to
be closely related to Nitrosomonas aestuarii, which was
isolated from brackish water and is closely related to
Nitrosomonas marina (Purkhold et al., 2000). In
summary, the AOB population in the RAS was not
FEMS Microbiol Ecol 83 (2013) 1725

Fig. 2. Phylogenetic relationships of archaeal amoA gene. Sequences

obtained in this study are indicated with the prefix SF_. The tree
was inferred using the Neighbor-Joining method (Saitou & Nei, 1987).
The bootstrap consensus tree inferred from 1000 replicates
(Felsenstein, 1985) is taken to represent the evolutionary history of
the sequences analyzed (Felsenstein, 1985). The percentage of
replicate trees in which the associated sequences clustered together
in the bootstrap test (1000 replicates) are shown next to the branches
(Felsenstein, 1985). The evolutionary distances were computed using
the Maximum Composite Likelihood method (Tamura et al., 2004)
and are in the units of the number of base substitutions per site.

Fig. 3. Bacterial amoA gene abundance in four different RAS samples

(Fig. S1), as measured by qPCR. Error bars show standard deviation.

abundant and consisted of AOB belonging to the

Nitrosomonas marina cluster of betaproteobacterial AOB
(Purkhold et al., 2000).
2012 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
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Fig. 4. Phylogenetic relationships obacterial amoA genes. Sequences

obtained in this study are indicated with the prefix SF_. The tree
was created as described in the caption for Fig. 2.

The presence of a functional gene does not necessarily

correlate to activity. However, the relatively low abundance of bacterial amoA genes in this marine RAS as
compared to archaeal amoA genes suggests that AOB
played a minor role in the function of the biofilter at the
time of sampling.
NOB belonging to the phylum Nitrospirae were
detected in the bacterial 16S rRNA gene clone libraries
(Table S1) of the bioballs (14.3% of clones) and oyster
shells (3.4% of clones). Phylogenetic analysis of these
clones revealed that they belong to Nitrospira sublineage
IV (Nitrospira marina sublineage) and sublineage II
(N. moscoviensis sublineage) (Daims et al., 2001) (Fig. 5).
This is consistent with the results from other researchers
who analysed the nitrifier community in freshwater
aquarium (Hovanec et al., 1998) and marine aquaculture
(Foesel et al., 2008; Keuter et al., 2011) biofilters. A qPCR
assay was used to quantify the abundance of NOB
types in the RAS (Fig. 6). Both Nitrospira marina and

Fig. 5. Phylogenetic relationships of NOB 16S rRNA genes. The tree

was created as described in the caption for Fig. 2.

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M.N. Brown et al.

Fig. 6. NOB 16S rRNA gene abundance in two biofilter

compartments (Fig. S1), as measured by qPCR. Error bars show
standard deviation.

N. moscoviensis-like NOB were detected in the bioballs

and oyster shell compartments of the biofilter.
Nitrospira marina-like NOB (3.8 9 104 2.2 9 104 copies 16S rRNA gene ng 1 DNA) were an order of magnitude more abundant than N. moscoviensis-like NOB in
the biomass obtained from the bioballs, while their abundances were similar in the oyster shell biomass.
The water quality and biofilm attachment media likely
play important roles in determining the relative levels of
AOA vs. AOB and Nitrospira marina- vs. N. moscoviensistype NOB. Low ammonia production rates are expected
in the maturation system because of the relatively low
shrimp stocking density (69 shrimp m 2 of tank area).
The water quality data collected for a sample obtained
from the culture tank (0.25 mg L 1 ammonium-N,
nitrite-N below detection, 25 mg L 1 nitrate-N,
6.5 mg L 1 DO, 26.3 practical salinity units and pH 8.8)
indeed indicated that ammonium and nitrite oxidation in
the biofilter were effective in maintaining low levels of
ammonium and nitrite in the culture tank, suggesting
that AOA and Nitrospira marina-like NOB were most
competitive at low substrate concentrations. Specifically,
Nitrosopumilus-type AOA were more abundant than
Nitrosomonas marina-type AOB at the time of sampling.
Others have shown that AOA have adapted to survive
under ammonia limited conditions where AOB cannot
survive (Martens-Habbena et al., 2009). The abundance
of AOA may also be due to mixotrophic or heterotrophic
growth of AOA (Prosser & Nicol, 2008). Similarly, Nitrospira spp. was the dominant NOB at the time of sampling, which was likely due to the low nitrite
concentrations in the biofilter. Schramm et al. (1999)
proposed that Nitrospira-like bacteria are K-strategists
that grow efficiently at low nitrite and oxygen concentrations. The results obtained by a study characterizing NOB
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AOA and nitrospiras in a recirculating aquaculture system

in a nitrifying sequencing batch biofilm reactor with a

nitrite concentration gradient ranging from zero to
50 mg nitrite-N L 1 confirmed this K/r-hypothesis (Daims et al., 2001). A recent study examining the nitrifying
populations of two municipal wastewater treatment plants
(Whang et al., 2009) detected the presence of both
Nitrospira marina-like and N. moscoviensis-like bacteria.
In the current study, Nitrospira marina-like NOB were
significantly more abundant than N. moscoviensis-like
NOB in the bioballs (P < 0.01, two-sample t-test) and
oyster shells (P < 0.05), which was likely due to the
advantage that Nitrospira marina has in halophilic environments. Nitrospira marina is obligately halophilic (Watson et al., 1986), whereas N. moscoviensis has no salt
requirement (Ehrich et al., 1995). In addition to salinity,
the metabolic versatility of Nitrospira marina-like NOB
compared to N. moscoviensis-like NOB may also impact
the abundance. Specifically, the accessible supplies of
both organic and inorganic sources of energy in the RAS
favour the growth of mixotrophs such as Nitrospira marina (Watson et al., 1986), but not of N. moscoviensis (Ehrich et al., 1995). To date, studies have not compared
sublineage II to sublineage IV nitrite-oxidizing nitrospiras
in any environment.
The role of the biofilm attachment media in determining the competitiveness of different ammonium and
nitrite-oxidizing populations needs to be studied further.
It is tempting to speculate that crushed oyster shells provide an environment conducive for AOA competiveness,
possibly due to the release of alkalinity (carbonates) or
trace elements, or due to low DO zones caused by the
close packing and aggregation of the oyster shells. The
low DO zones combined with the low ammonium levels
expected at the bottom of the filter may explain the
abundance of AOA in the oyster shells.

The ammonium- and nitrite-oxidizing populations of a
mixed media trickling filter consisting of compartments
with plastic bioballs and crushed oyster shells, which
was operated to treat water from a marine RAS
culturing white shrimp in a maturation system, were
dominated by Nitrosopumilus-like AOA and Nitrospira
marina-like bacteria (Nitrospira sublineage IV). The
AOA were particularly abundant in the biofilter compartment containing oyster shells. The water quality
(i.e. low ammonium and nitrite concentrations) and
biofilm attachment media played a role in the competitiveness of AOA over AOB and Nitrospira marina- over
N. moscoviensis-type NOB, but additional work is needed
to elucidate their function and importance in determining the outcome of the competition.
FEMS Microbiol Ecol 83 (2013) 1725

We thank Russell Allen for allowing us to sample his facility. Funding was provided by the Graham Environmental
Sustainability Institute at the University of Michigan and
the US National Science Foundation (project CBET
0967546). M.N.B. was supported by a US National Science
Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.

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Supporting Information
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
online version of this article:
Fig. S1. Simplified schematic of a zero-exchange RAS for
marine shrimp production in Okemos, MI.
Fig. S2. Phylum level affiliations of archaeal 16S rRNA
genes that were PCR amplified, cloned, and sequenced
using samples obtained from the RAS system.
Table S1. Phylum level affiliations of bacterial 16S rRNA
genes that were PCR amplified, cloned, and sequenced for
different RAS sampling locations (Fig. S1).
Please note: Wiley-Blackwell is not responsible for the
content or functionality of any supporting materials supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing
material) should be directed to the corresponding author
for the article.

2012 Federation of European Microbiological Societies

Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

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