Water Quality Management in Gold Fish (Carassius: Auratus) Rearing Tanks Using Different Filter Materials
Water Quality Management in Gold Fish (Carassius: Auratus) Rearing Tanks Using Different Filter Materials
Water Quality Management in Gold Fish (Carassius: Auratus) Rearing Tanks Using Different Filter Materials
The present study deals with the management of water quality in Carassius auratus
(gold fish) rearing tanks using different filter materials. The system with dead coral pieces
(DCP) is the most suitable for rearing gold fish.
acrylic sheets to the size of 39x19 cm with water, reducing the tank’s stocking density
drilled holes of 3.0 mm diameter size. The holes (Cooper, 2006).
were separated by a gap of 2.5cm. To each filter Although the recommended pH
plates, two vertical PVC pipes were connected range for fresh water fish falls between 6.8
in holes made at the extreme ends. One of the and7.2 (Cooper, 2004) most gold fish culturists
pipes served as the inlet to which aerator is were able to culture them successfully
connected and the other as the outlet. The between 6.5 and 8.5. In the present study
surface area of the filter plates in the four Carassius auratus was successfully reared in
tanks numbered 2,3,4 and 5 was spread with pH ranges between 6.0 and 8.3 in different
gravel, pebbles, pebbles + DCP and DCP types of filter systems (Fig.1). The changes
respectively to a thickness of 5 cm. All the in pH were very low and gradual. Higher pH
tanks were filled with 25 L of water. Five fishes of can enhance the formation of ammonia in the
same weight class (3.0 to 7.0g) were introduced water while low pH can adversely affect the
into each of the system and were fed ad libitum functions of the fish’s gills and can be
with commercial fish feed (Sanyu tropical). detrimental to the growth of denitrifying
Determination of physio-chemical parameters bacteria (Cooper, 2006).
in the aquaria : The carbon dioxide content was low
The various parameters of water only in the coral filter system (Fig.2) .This
such as temperature, pH, CO2 content , DO shows a regular and steady respiratory
and ammonia in all the filter systems were metabolism in the fish.
determined daily for 30 days. The temperature In the present study the dissolved
in the tanks were measured daily at 9.0 a.m oxygen content was highest (7.5 ml/L) in dead
using a Celsius thermometer (N.S.Dimble coral piece filter system (Fig.3). Although there
make). The pH of water was determined daily is no single upper limit on dissolved oxygen
using a pH meter (Systronics Model 321). The concentration which applies to all fishes or
carbon dioxide level in the water was fish cultured situations, there is general
determined following the method of Adoni agreement on the lower limit i.e. 4.0 ppm for
(1985). The dissolved oxygen content of the warm water fishes and 5.0 ppm for Salmonids
water was determined daily using modified (Wedemeyer et al; 1999).
Winkler’s method (APHA, 1998). The In fresh water fishes ammonia toxicity
dissolved ammonia was determined following varies from species to species, other water
the method of Solórzano (1969). quality parameters, experimental method, the
Results and Discussion age, acclimation history and conditions of the
experimental fishes etc. There was a gradual
The various types of modified filter increase in the amount of ammonia from the
system with different filtrants, designed for beginning to the 4th day and there was sharp
rearing of C.auratus are found very economic, decrease up to 28th day in gold fish rearing
easily installable under laboratory or home tank (Fig.4). It was reported that gold fish
condition. possesses higher tolerance to ammonia
The water temperatures, in the (12.75mg for 24 to 48 hr), compared to trout
present study ranged between23oC and 29oC (Olson and Fromm, 1971; Levin et al; 1972).
with a difference of 6oC.Higher temperatures The present study reveals that as the days of
reduce the amount of oxygen content in the rearing increases, the ammonia content
Water quality management in gold fish (Carassius auratus) rearing tank using different filter materials 303
Contro l
P ebbles
P ebbles + DCP
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Carbon dioxide (mg/L)
Co ntro l
12 Gravel
P ebbles
P ebbles + DCP
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Fig. 2. Carbondioxide content in aquaria with different filter systems (Carassius auratus)
304 Y. Prema Latha and A. P. Lipton
O2 (mg/L)
Co ntro l
P ebbles
P ebbles + DCP
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Fig. 3. Oxygen content in aquaria with different filter systems (Carassius auratus)
Co nt ro l
P ebbles
P ebbles + DCP
Ammonia (µg/L)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Fig. 4. Ammonia content in aquaria with different filter systems (Carassius auratus)
Water quality management in gold fish (Carassius auratus) rearing tank using different filter materials 305
Table 1. Relationship between various hydrological parameters of Carassius auratus aquaria (‘r’ values)
Spotte, S. 1979. Fish and invertebrate Wedemeyer, G.A., F.P. Meyer and L. Smith 1999.
culture: Water Management in closed Environmental stress and fish diseases,
systems. 2 nd ed. Wiley, New York, Published by Narendra Publishing House,
179 pp. Delhi. pp. 192.