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Case Study

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International Journal of Scientific and Technical Advancements

ISSN: 2454-1532

A Case Study on Efficient Filter Media Adding

Rice Husk
Shivang Sharma1, Anuj Datta2, Akshat Kotwal3, Sahil Singh4
Department of Civil Engineering, Yogananda College of Engineering & Technology, Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir, India-181205
BE Civil Engineering (2015-2019), Yogananda College of Engineering & Technology, Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir, India-
Email: anujdatta16@gmail.com

Abstract— World has 70 % of its area covered with water and out of this India has only 4% on its land [1]. The demand for water has increased
and is constantly increasing as only 3% of world’s water is fresh. Inspite of the vigorous actions being taken by the government of India to
provide fresh water to every house, the challenge of providing its citizens with clean potable water free from pathogenic bacteria and viruses
could not be met. It is estimated that Diarrhea causes about 10 Million illness and 7,00,000 deaths in India out of which 4,00,000 are of the
children under the age of five [2]. This scenario of deaths is more frequent in rural areas. This case study presents the usage of agricultural
waste materials to treat the water for safe drinking. The physical and chemical properties of the water sample were tested such as turbidity,
TDS and E.Coli. Suitable quantity of rice husk was collected and was converted to ash using Muffle Furnace at a temperature of 500°C. Later
the filtered water was tested for the physical and chemical properties and the variations in the properties are noted.

Keywords— Rice Husk Ash, Activated Rice Husk Ash, Ground Water, Agricultural waste materials.

carbon generally in an inert atmosphere. Activated carbon is

I. INTRODUCTION that which is treated with oxygen to open thousands of tiny
pores between the carbon atoms. “The use of special techniques

he scarce water availability in India and lack of
proper treatment methods has resulted into about 2 of fabrication results in highly porous carbons. In absorption the
million deaths (WHO). All surface water varies in molecules of one substance are fixed to the surface of another
quality and quantity throughout time and geography. substance. The enormous surface area of activated carbon gives
Thus this water must be optimized and treated to a drinkable it various places for bonds. When certain chemical substances
quality to prevent the casualties and to increase the accessibility pass near to the carbon surface, they are united to this surface.
to everyone. The treatment of water involves various steps and Many other chemical substances are not attracted by carbon
use of activated carbon as adsorbent is one of the steps of the (Sodium, Nitrates, etc) passing directly by it. This means that a
treatment process but the cost is very high. This activated filter of activated carbon will remove certain impurities but
carbon can also be made at a very less cost by burning the husks ignore others [4]. This type of material possesses attractive
of rice at high temperatures. Rice is one of the chief grains of adsorbent qualities which have been utilized for the purification
India. Moreover, India has the largest area under rice cultivation and elimination of toxic components in the liquid and gaseous
as it is one of principal food crops. India is the 2nd largest states. Observing the progressive degradation of the
producer of rice after China. For every ton of paddy processed, environment, it is hoped that this low cost activated carbon may
an average mill produces 200 kg of Rice Husk and 40 kg of play an important role in the reduction of pollutants from the
RHA (Rice Husk Ash). the total amount of rice husk produced water.
in India is estimated to be about 24 Million tons, while the RHA
production is estimated to be about 4.4 Million tons per year. II. MATERIAL AND METHOD
Some of this RHA is utilized in industries such as steel, cement,
bricks, etc. while the remaining is usually dumped in open land.
Compositionally depending upon the conditions at which the Rice Husk is the hard protective covering of grains of rice.
hulls are burnt RHA is approximately 63-98% silica and 3-6.5% Combustion of the rice husk affords Rice Husk Ash. The
carbon. The silica in RHA carries a negative surface charge thus microscopic examination of rice husk ash shows that it is a
making it an ideal absorbent for positively charged species like source of amorphous reactive silica. This ash can be used as a
Cd, Ni, Zn. At the same time carbon in the RHA is an ideal suitable media for water treatment in water filtration units.
absorbent of negatively charged species, such as fluorides and Silica is the basic component of sand, which is used in filter
organic compounds such as phenols. Due to these unique media in addition to other sand and gravels. The Rice husk ash
properties and its abundant availability at nominal cost RHA was used in the experiments. It is prepared from the rice hulls
has been used for a variety of applications. Physical and by heating it upto a temperature range of 500-550oC in a muffle
Chemical properties of carbonized RH vary with increase in furnace. The operating pressure for its preparation ranges from
temperature. Carbonization is a thermal decomposition which 12 bar to 42 bar with residence holding reaction time 1 hour [5].
occurs at a temperature above 500⁰C [3] and which eliminates This results in the increase of the percentage of mass of carbon
non-carbon species, producing a fixed and porous mass of 2-3 times and forms Carbonized Rice Husk Ash.


Shivang Sharma, Anuj Datta, Akshat Kotwal, and Sahil Singh, “A Case Study on Efficient Filter Media Adding Rice Husk,” International
Journal of Scientific and Technical Advancements, Volume 5 , Issue 1, pp. 29-32, 2019.
International Journal of Scientific and Technical Advancements
ISSN: 2454-1532

The filter column (dia 2cm) was loaded with adsorbent (5 cm

2.1 TEST FOR IRON CONTENT thick RHC). 50 mL of contaminated sample is passed through
column. The raw influential and effluent was estimated for E.
In the proposed work, the initial iron concentration is Coli count.
determined by conducting test using Spectrophotometer.
Deepika and Pradeep Kumar did a comparative study regarding III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
Iron Removal from drinking Water Using Low Cost Adsorbents
submitted at International Journal of Innovative Research in 3.1 IRON REMOVAL
Science, Engineering and Technology [6]. It was passed
through the open end of unit. Inside the glass filter, different The test shows that by using Rice Husk, the desired results
adsorption media of specified thickness (5cm, 15cm and 30cm) are obtained with a very good efficiency rate.
were placed one by one with proper support. Sample water was
made to pass through the top end of the unit. After adsorption,
Adsorbent Depth Initial Conc. Of Efficiency
the clear water was collected through the outlet of the unit in a
RHA (cm) conc. of Sample (%)
beaker and the final concentration of iron was measured using
sample (mg/Lt)
spectrophotometer. The rate of adsorption was noted and for
each adsorption media, for analyzing effectiveness of
05 1.8 0.34 81.11
RHA 15 1.8 0.04 97.78
2.2 TEST FOR TURBIDITY 30 1.8 0.02 98.89
The test for Removal of Turbidity from Water using Low Cost Table.2.1 Showing iron content after adsorption with RHA
adsorbents were conducted by Gurpreet Singh Kainth student
of NIT Rourkela under the guidance of Prof. Somesh Jena [7].
At first, we take three test samples of turbid water one by one. 3.2 REMOVAL OF TURBIDITY
In the first test sample of Gravity sand filter, the gravels and The tests results for the removal of Turbidity from the water by
sand removed organic matter and dirt which was already using low cost adsorbent rice husk ash are as follows:
present in water. The coagulation of dirt present in the water is
easily removed by Sand at the 1st attempt. In the next test
sample step we use the Activated rice husk which has the ability Turbid Pond Original After After
to stop the coagulants effectively. The same sample is poured Water Turbidity passing passing
in it and the result is calculated. Sample Concentration through through
gravity Activated
The test for Removal of TDS from Water using Low Cost Passing the 73.8 13.4 3.4
adsorbents were conducted by S.K. Singh, Neha Narwal of water
Delhi Technical University and published a journal on individually
“Assessment of Fixed Bed Column Reactor using Low Cost
Adsorbent (Rice Husk) for Removal of Total Dissolved Solids” Passing
[8]. A PVC column with an inner diameter of 10.15 cm and a turbid water
73.8 13.4 0.9
length 70 cm was used. The bottom of the sample column was one after
sealed off so that there is no adsorbent loss during the process. another
Four different outlets are provided at different heights with 10 Table 2.2 Observation Table
cm in the column. The water reservoir is kept at a particular
height above the column so that water flows under the action of
gravity into the column. A constant flow valve was attached 3.3 REMOVAL OF TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS (TDS)
from the water reservoir to the column so as to maintain a
constant flow rate of water. Rice husk ash is compacted tightly From the tests which were conducted to remove TDS from the
in the column from which the sample water flows downward. sample water, we observed that the removal efficiency
Head loss maintained for the proper functioning of the decreases as the flow rate of the influent is increased, this is
apparatus and continuously maintained. At last the water
because the contact period for the adsorption media of dissolved
passing through the filtration media is collected from one of the
solids is decreased if the flow rate is increased. Here we
outlets into a collecting beaker.
observed a maximum removal efficiency of 21% of TDS
2.4 TEST FOR E.COLI removal for flow rate of 40 mL/min and minimum for flow rate
of 120 mL/min which was around 10% of TDS removal. Also,
Carmalin [9] performed test on bacterial inactivation in CSIR it can be observed that removal efficiency of TDS is maximum
National Environmental Engineering research institute, when the depth of outlet is the maximum, thus providing
Chennai. The test is as follows: maximum contact area for the sample before the effluent is


Shivang Sharma, Anuj Datta, Akshat Kotwal, and Sahil Singh, “A Case Study on Efficient Filter Media Adding Rice Husk,” International
Journal of Scientific and Technical Advancements, Volume 5 , Issue 1, pp. 29-32, 2019.
International Journal of Scientific and Technical Advancements
ISSN: 2454-1532

taken out. Considering a particular flow rate (40 mL/min), we Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
note that removal efficiency of TDS is 20.79% at a height of YCET, Jammu for sharing their pearls of wisdom with us
10cm from the base of column and 13.81% and 10.10% for the during the course of this study.
heights 20cm and 30cm respectively. Therefore, we come to the
conclusion that removal efficiency increases when the depth of
the adsorption media is increased. REFERENCES
[1] Santosh Kumar, Water Supply Engineering, India.
[2] Justin De Normandie and Janette Sunita, “Combating diarrhoel disease in
3.4 REMOVAL OF E.COLI India through safe drinking water,”Population Service International (PSI),
The initial count of the spiked water used was found to [3] Anjitha. A and Duithy George, “Comparative Study Using Rice Husk and
Ash as Natural Coagulants in Waste Water Treatment,” International
be 300 x107 cfu/mL. After performing the tests the final Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7,Issue 4,April-
E.Coli reading was 17x107 cfu/mL hence, giving a 2016.
filtration efficiency of more than 99%. [4] Y. K. Siong, J. Idris and M. Mazar Atabaki, “Performance of Activated
Carbon in Water Filters,” Malaysa, 2013.
[5] Suteerawattananonda, N., Kongkaew, N. and Patumsawad S., “Hydrothermal
IV. CONCLUSION carbonization of rice husk for fuel upgrading” IOP Conference Series:
Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 297, Issue 1, pp. 012007,
On the basis of foregoing studies available we came to 2018.
the conclusion that rice husk is viable to be used in a filter [6] Deepika B V and Pradeep Kumar K J, “Iron Removal from Drinking
Water Using Low Cost Adsorbents – A Comparative Study,”
plant. The abundant availability of Rice Husk at low cost
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Vol. 5, Issue
in our state (J&K) makes it more feasible than other 12, December 2016.
materials like coconut husk, crushed glass which can also [7] Gurpreet Singh Kainth, “Removal of Turbidity from Water using Low
Cost Adsorbents,” Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Rourkela,
be used as adsorbents. From the previously conducted Rourkela, Odhisa-769008, India, 2015.
tests we found that, turbidity removal on an average using [8] S.K. Singh and Neha Narwal, “Assessment of Fixed Bed Column Reactor
using Low Cost Adsorbent (Rice Husk) for Removal of Total Dissolved
rice husk was around 95% and the removal of iron Solids, “International Journal of Advanced Research, Volume 3, Issue 11,
concentration from the given sample was varying from 405 – 410, 2015.
[9] A. Carmalin Sophia, D. Catherine and V.M. Bhalambaala, “Utilization of
81%- 98%. Owing to its great adsorption properties it can Rice-husk and Coconut Shell Carbons Utilization of Rice-husk and
remove the smallest of the impurities and Coconut Shell Carbons,” J Environ. Science & Engg. Vol. 55, No. 1, p. 9-
microorganisms. Rice husk has proved to be very 16, January 2013.

efficient in bacterial inactivation (Escherichia Coli) with

an efficiency of 99 %. It is much more safe to use RHA
for bacterial inactivation as it does not react with
naturally occurring organic compounds found in water to
form carcinogenic compounds. All the tests using rice
husk ash showed results which were in compliance with
permissible limits of B.I.S. Moreover, it can be
concluded that replacement of sand with rice husk ash
from filter bed is not possible but it can be used as an
additional filtration unit or can be used in rural areas with
low cost. The possible suitability of such a material
which is considered as agricultural waste can prove its
ability for environmental conservation and has the
potential to benefit millions of people who suffer from
water borne diseases such as cholera and typhoid.

This case study was supported by Yogananda College of
Engineering and Technology. We thank Dr. Arvind
Dewangan, Director, YCET, Jammu, who provided insight
and expertise that greatly assisted the case study for this paper.
We thank Er. Rajnish Magotra, H.O.D, Department of Civil
Engineering, YCET, Jammu for his constant support. We
would like to show our gratitude to Er. Shivang Sharma,


Shivang Sharma, Anuj Datta, Akshat Kotwal, and Sahil Singh, “A Case Study on Efficient Filter Media Adding Rice Husk,” International
Journal of Scientific and Technical Advancements, Volume 5 , Issue 1, pp. 29-32, 2019.
International Journal of Scientific and Technical Advancements
ISSN: 2454-1532


Shivang Sharma, Anuj Datta, Akshat Kotwal, and Sahil Singh, “A Case Study on Efficient Filter Media Adding Rice Husk,” International
Journal of Scientific and Technical Advancements, Volume 5 , Issue 1, pp. 29-32, 2019.

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