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Counselors Teaching Manual PDF

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a Theory and Process for


Alfred C.W. Davis MBA, MDIV.

An Integration of Christian Principles, Narrative Therapy,

Christ-Centered Inner Freedom, and Prayer for Spiritual Freedom
ss ChristianCounselling InnerHealing &

InnerHealing Theory Process Christian


and for

This document is dedicated to the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Without His
grace it would not have been written. The content is the fruit of 20 years of coming to
know Jesus personally and learning about His healing power. There are numerous
people along the way who have been instrumental in my growth and development,
which has resulted in this document. The first is my wife Martha, who has been a
constant strength and whose faith and commitment made this work possible.

In the early 1990s, there was a group from Chartwell Baptist Church who helped Martha
and I listen to the Holy Spirit to see in which direction I should be going. Included in this
group were Roy Matheson, Connie and John Allardyce, Ross Macdonald and Norman
Lea. Collectively we heard the Holy Spirit leading me to counselling, pastoring, teaching
and shepherding. With this input, I was led to study counselling under Dr. Brian
Cunnington at Tyndale Seminary in Toronto. In the second year of internship, under my
supervisor at Chartwell Baptist Church, Peter Roebbelen, I started using the technique
of having clients invite Jesus into their pain. I first saw this approach in a video in Dr.
Cunnington’s class where Dr. Tan from California showed how it was helpful to involve
the Holy Spirit in the healing process.

I thank Sandra Ciemgalis, Randy Campbell, Stephanie Rogers, Mary Klein, Marta
Durski, Tracy Maxwell and Jennifer Laviolette, my associates at the Chartwell Institute
for Care and Counselling, for their support and inputs, and I give thanks to Pamela Hunt
for helping get me started. I also thank Vern Isaak, Roy Matheson and all the members
of the Chartwell deliverance ministry for allowing me to share in their work of setting
captives free.

Lastly, I thank Diane Schoenhoff for her dedication to detail as editor and polisher of the
presentation. I pray that the Holy Spirit will use the collective wisdom that has been
gained from all the above mentioned people and authors for equipping others in the
ongoing work of healing and wholeness.

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Table of Contents
Preface for

& A
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Preface 3 My story begins in 1980 with the decision to move to where I now live, Oakville, Ontario,
Introduction 4 Canada. Until that point in my life, I had forsaken my Christian heritage. By God’s grace,
and the help of a loving neighbour, I invited Jesus into my life as Lord and Savior at age
Part 1: A Theory and Process of Christian Counselling and Inner Healing 40. I struggled for a number of years, searching for the answer to the question, “What is
a Christian?” When I found how central love was to Christianity, I then began a search
1. A House Divided 8 for the answer to the question, “What is love?” The aspect of nurturing the growth of
2. The Narrative Therapy Model 15 others for their well being became a driving force, which progressively led me into
3. Family Systems 25 studies at Tyndale seminary where I majored in counselling. This passion enabled me to
4. Christ-Centerd Inner Healing 46 read and then observe how different theories and practices help in the counselling and
5. A Christian Perspective 62 healing process. Not only did I learn how to help others, but I also learned ways of
6. Confession 71 furthering my own growth and development. The principles that are presented in this
7. Forgiveness 88 document are “tried and true.” I have seen the efficacy of each element included here in
8. Truth 97 the process of helping people to reach wholeness. Not every element discussed in this
9. Mental Agreements 111 document is required for every client, but every client benefits from some combination of
10. Spiritual Freedom 119 these elements. I learned how Narrative Therapy, Family Systems theory and Christian
11. Self-Forgiveness 146 principles integrate to produce healing and wholeness. Central to the process is the
12. Self-Acceptance 158 belief that Jesus is the healer. I started applying Christian principles during my
13. An Overview of the Process 162 internship at Chartwell Baptist Church, by having clients work through Neil Anderson’s
14. An Integration Model 164 “Seven Steps to Freedom” and then invite Jesus into the pain. This approach was helpful
15. Partnering with Jesus For Life 168 because Jesus came and healed. Then, I learned about lies being embedded in
memories and how Jesus desires to set the person free with His truth. The integration of
Part 2: Counselling Issues and Helps inner healing with family systems approaches and developing the new narrative based
on the True Self in Christ is the basis of this manual.
Addendum 1. Definition of Love 178
Addendum 2. A False Jesus 180
Addendum 3. Process Manipulated 181
Addendum 4. Wrong Agreement 182
Addendum 5. Walls and Prisons 183
Addendum 6. Two Faces of Pride 184
Epilogue 187
Bibliography 190

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In 1981, Jay Adams introduced a form of Christian counselling based on Luke 17:3 “If In the 1990’s Michael White pioneered Narrative Therapy. This approach acknowledges
your brothers sins, rebuke him and if he repents, forgive him.” I still cringe at the the client as expert and the counsellor as a co-author of a new, more helpful story. In
authoritarian big brother approach that assumes one person knows what is best and sits Narrative Therapy, words and the meaning of the client’s life story enable the client to
in judgment of another person. This approach somehow misses the love of Christ, His see new ways of living, which provide more space and options. The counselor is seen
unconditional acceptance and His desire to help and heal. as a curious partner who uses questions to enable the client to explore alternative life
stories. In Narrative Solutions To Brief Therapy, Joseph Eron and Thomas Lund present
When I entered Tyndale Seminary in 1994 to study counselling, one of my first the importance of the preferred self, or what I prefer to call the “True Self in Christ,” in
assignments was to learn about the integration of psychology and theology. In some the development of these newer, more helpful stories. Creating a new story that relates
Christian circles, psychology, as a science, is considered unworthy in relation to the to the Preferred or True Self in Christ is crucial for a client who is stuck in the present
revelation of the Holy Scripture. Yet, how does one reconcile the rejection of psychology story and who wants to be free and empowered in his/her future.
with “all truth being God’s truth” and psychology being the observation of God’s ordered
universe. Why do many organizations, including the seminary, use the Myers Briggs Another important change that has occurred in the post-modern period is in the area of
personality style information and other tests if psychology is not helpful? Under the spirituality. There is revitalized interest in things spiritual in the secular and Christian
instruction of Dr. Brian Cunnington, I was exposed to many different counselling worlds. Now, the definition of wholeness includes the spiritual aspect of a person in
approaches. I learned the value of being eclectic. Master practitioners of counselling relation to their physical, mental and emotional well-being. Christian authors, including
have developed theories based on their experiences, which have provided valuable Neil Anderson, have re-introduced the subject of “spiritual warfare”. Leanne Payne has
truths. While each systemic concept is incomplete in capturing the total complexity of written about her counseling experiences introducing the concept of healing through the
human beings, each practitioner added insight. presence of Jesus. A significant place for Christian counseling is emerging as people
experience the benefits of prayer, confession, forgiveness, deliverance and inner
Prior to AD 1600, mental, emotional and behavioral problems were all explained healing. Compassionate Christian counsellors in a therapeutic relationship are
spiritually. They were the “work of Satan”. After AD 1600, when rationalism was addressing wholeness through mental, emotional, physical and spiritual processes.
introduced by Descartes, the growth of science increasingly discounted a spiritual
explanation. Finally, in the 1960s, modernism peaked when Thomas Altizer declared The focus of this document is to bring together the Christian principles of healing with
“God is dead.” Psychology and bio-medical approaches had the answers to our lives. Sin Family Systems Theory and Narrative Therapy in a practical way so that practitioners
was an unacceptable word in the late 20th century landscape. Patients were deemed can utilize the best of all these worlds in the process of helping people.
“sick.” The therapist was the expert who provided interventions and took responsibility
for the recovery.

Since the 1960s, there have been numerous changes to therapeutic methodology in the
post-modern world. The polarization from the 17th century to the present has eased.
One of the shifts has been from the therapist-centered medical model to the client-
centered approach. Practitioners such as Carl Rogers and Virginia Satir introduced
counseling that focused on the client and related to the following steps of human
interaction: 1) Accept me, 2) Understand me, and 3) Talk with me.

Family Systems theory went beyond the person and introduced the perspective of
context, environment and how the family system has affected the individual. Counsellors
now looked at the structure of the system and issues such as boundaries, inter-
relationships, rules, process and development became important.

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PART 1: a Theory and Process for


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Chapter 1 and for

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must have a job for me that no one else can do as well as I. Out of all the
A House Divided billions of applicants, only one is qualified, only one has the combination of
what it takes. That one is me. Because . . . I’m special.

In addition to this unique created self, when we become a

When God created us, He made each of us unique and different. There is an old saying Christian, we are born again and we become a new creation (2
that no two snowflakes are alike. The same may be said of people. We are distinct. This Cor 5:17). At conversion, not only is the original sin removed, but
self that reflects our talents, competencies and characteristics is described in Psalm God also gives us gifts of the Spirit. For the purposes of this
139, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I manual, I will be describing this redeemed entity as the “True Self
praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” When someone says you are in Christ.”
a natural at some task or ability, they are talking about God-given talents and
characteristics that flow from who you are. Virginia Satir describes the concept well in
her essay entitled, I’m Special: Unfortunately, the perception of our True Self in Christ is often
clouded and obscured by the messages, words and images that others communicate to
I’m Special. In all the world there is nobody like me. us about who they think we are. Since this perception, that filters in from the world
Since the beginning of time, there has never been another person like me. around us, is a distortion of the True Self in Christ, I call this part of our inner being the
Nobody has my smile. Nobody has my eyes, my nose, my hair, my voice. “Distorted Self.”
I’m special.
We learn who we are from what people say to us and how they
No one can be found who has my handwriting. treat us from the day we were born. Regardless of how intelligent
Nobody anywhere has my tastes – for food or music or art. a person is in reality, if he or she constantly hears the label
No one sees things as I do. “stupid,” then the perception of being stupid becomes a reality. For
In all of time there’s been no one who laughs like me, no one who cries like me. example: “I must be stupid if everyone always calls me stupid.” Our
And what makes me laugh and cry will never provoke identical laughter and feedback defines us, even if in this case the IQ is actually in the
gifted range. While some messages are positive, evidence shows
tears from anybody else, ever.
that approximately 77% of all communication is negative. In
I’m the only one in all creation who has my set of abilities. Oh, there will always be addition, there is evidence to indicate that if someone hears both
somebody who is better at one of the things that I’m good at, but no one in the a positive and a negative comment about her/himself, the operative message that will be
universe can reach the quality of my combination of talents, abilities and feelings. remembered will be the negative one. Some people require 10 positive messages to
Like a room full of musical instruments, some may excel alone, but none can offset one negative message. In this world, people can be mean, thoughtless,
match the symphony sound when all are played together. I am a symphony. manipulative, angry, uncaring and just plain hurtful. What is the result of receiving these
distorted messages?
Through all of eternity no one will ever look, talk, walk, think or do like me. I’m
special. I’m rare.
And in rarity there is value. Tension created
Because of my great rate value, I need not attempt to imitate others. I will by separation
accept, yes, celebrate – my differences. of Distorted
I’m special. And I’m beginning to realize it’s no accident that I’m special. I’m and True Self in
beginning to see that God made me special for a very special purpose. He

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When someone receives and mentally records a distorted message, it is instinctively In Eugene O’Neill’s play, A Long Day’s Journey Into Night, the mother explains how
compared to the inner knowledge and belief about the True Self in Christ. Usually the it works:
distorted message is found to be lacking and a negative tension is automatically created None of us can help the things life has done to us. They’re done before you
between the distortion and the truth. realize it. And once they’re done, they make you do other things until at last
Think of yourself as a house. As the distorted messages become stronger, larger and everything comes between you and what you’d like to be, and you’ve lost your
more powerful, the inside of the house divides. The further the Distorted Self moves true self forever.
from the True Self in Christ, the greater the negative tension that is automatically Complete Plays, p.212
created between the two realities.
The Strategy of Control

To deal with these feelings, often the individual turns to the strategy of “control” as the
method for dealing with his/her hurtful emotions. The person says internally, “I will
ensure that I never experience that hurt again. I will control these events or people so
Greater that I never hear again the negative message that caused the pain in the first place.”
Often this strategy is unconscious. Either way, control becomes the strategy for dealing
Tension with the pain. There is, however, another option that some people choose. Some give up
control altogether to another and become co-dependent as the polar opposite way of
emotional pain management. As a co-dependent, the person submits to a stronger
Creation of this negative tension is very significant in a person’s life because it produces individual and blames him/her for future problems.
destructive emotions such as fear, shame, pain, guilt, anxiety and anger. For example, if
you hear the message that you are “stupid” and you really know you are not stupid,
anger and pain automatically rise up from within. It works as follows: The greater the
distortion, the greater the tension and the greater the tension, the greater the force and
consequences of the destructive emotions. More often than not, the person does not
know the source of these emotions. Their response is, “I don’t like feeling this way.” In Tension produces:
the above example the feeling of anger can produce destructive behavior such as fear, shame, pain,
fighting and rebellion. The emotions flow from the tension. guilt, anxiety,

Tension produces:
fear, shame, pain,
guilt, anxiety,
anger The strategy of using control as a painkiller sets up a destructive cycle. Controlling
behavior and thoughts circle back to the Distorted Self, as the person focuses on trying
to eliminate the message that caused the pain in the first place. This focus on the
Distorted Self and its causes only makes the negative internal tension greater. The

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consequence is an increase in the destructive emotions and the person cycles into more Observation
controlling behavior. Over time, the ability of the control strategy to solve the problem
diminishes in effectiveness. Consequently, the person needs a more powerful strategy to Health occurs when we stop hiding and controlling. Healing starts with exposing the lies,
deal with the pain and the next step is - perfectionism. The person reasons that if control distortions and false messages to the light of truth. When the Distorted Self is uncovered
is losing its ability to relieve the pain, then something stronger is needed. For example: and revealed, the distortions begin to lose their power. And as the Distorted Self
at school, if getting 75% doesn’t erase the comments of stupid, then I will get 100% so becomes smaller and weaker, the internal tension and painful emotions diminish. Less
no one can ever say that I am stupid again. control is required to contain the pain and the person is freer to explore the True Self in
Christ side of the house, which is where he/she would prefer to be anyway.
As this destructive cycle continues over time, even perfectionist thoughts and behaviors
lose potency to kill the emotional pain. Unchecked, the individual moves to the final Strategies for Health
strategy of “addiction” to solve his/her problems and hide the pain.
A) Talk with God – Isa 1:18, “Come now, let us reason together says the Lord.” Take your
As we look at this model, it is obvious that control, perfectionism and addiction all focus emotions, thoughts and lies to your heavenly Father and ask Him to help you to know
on the Distorted Self, which is the wrong perspective. The desire to hide this Distorted His truth for you. Sharing intimately with God is the major starting point for exposing
Self from others and from ourselves becomes so strong in its cyclic patterns that any distortion and evaluating the impact it has had on your life.
knowledge of the True Self in Christ is diminished, weakened and obscured. As James
Hollis says in his book, The Middle Passage – From Misery to Meaning in Midlife, “Out B) Share intimately with a trusted friend. Take what you are learning in your dialogue
of the wounding of childhood, then, the adult personality is less a series of choices than with God to someone who will listen non-judgmentally. The more you are able to talk
a reflexive response to the early experiences and traumata of life.” (Inner City Books, p. 13) out hidden things, the more healing there is.

A Fictional Example
Narrative Therapy
A middle-aged man had reached the presidency of his organization and had proven
himself to be very successful in the business environment. However, at home there were In the next chapter, we will look at how Narrative Therapy helps deconstruct the
problems. Every time his wife raised an issue around the home, he became angry. As a Distorted Self story and enables the re-authoring of a new story that connects with the
result, his wife learned not to invoke his wrath by keeping quiet. Progressively the couple preferred True Self in Christ.
lived separate but parallel lives in their marriage. Communication about important
subjects was avoided and tension and resentment grew. Through counseling, it was
discovered that the man’s father used to call him “stupid” when he was young. He then
transformed the message into the lie, “I am stupid.” Later in life, whenever his wife
questioned something he said, he felt insecure and reacted with anger. He had been
hiding the lie “I am stupid” for years by covering it with controlling behavior, perfectionist
performance and finally with a lifestyle of workaholic addiction. The distorted message
produced pain, which he tried to control by hiding the message with anger. Once the lie
was uncovered and replaced with truth, he was able to start dialoguing with his wife
because he realized for the first time that she was not trying to prove that he was stupid.
She was merely expressing her opinion.

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Process Chapter 2 for

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Prayer To Know The Distorted Self

Dear Jesus, I know that some of the things I believe about myself may seem
The Narrative Therapy Model
real, but are not an accurate portrayal of my True Self In Christ. Could you
please reveal to me now what lies I have been believing and what beliefs about A story is a map that extends through time.
myself are part of a distorted reality. Please help me to understand my Michael White
Distorted Self now through pictures, words or feelings. I pray this in the name Narrative Therapy – Freedman and Combs, p. 15
of the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Amen. We think in terms of stories. Instead of seeing ourselves as mechanics who are
working to fix a broken machine, we experience ourselves as interested people
Listen and Record
who are skilled at asking questions. We now work to help people notice the
influence of restrictive cultural stories in their lives and to expand and enrich
their own life narratives.
Jill Freedman and Gene Combs
Narrative Therapy, p. 18

Words are important. One of the things that makes the human being different from
Prayer To Know The True Self in Christ animals is the use of words. We create meaning through words. We function at a higher
level than animals because we can communicate logic, reason and understanding
Dear Jesus, I want to know my True Self In Christ. I invite you to come into through the symbols we call words. God used words to “speak” the world into existence
and throughout the Bible, God communicates through words. “Then, the word of the
those places in my mind where I have been believing lies and reveal to me now
Lord came to him [Abram]” (Gen 15:4). The Bible is God’s Holy Word. In John 1:1 it
the truth about myself that you want me to know. Help me to understand now says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was
my True Self In Christ. I pray this in the name of the True Lord Jesus Christ of God … The Word became flesh and lived for a while among us.” Even the evil spirits
Nazareth. comprehended through words, “When evening came, many who were demon-possessed
Amen. were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word” (Matt 8:16). Words are
important – to God, to mankind and to spirits.
Listen and Record
In the postmodern, social constructionist worldview, realities are socially understood
through language. Furthermore, these realities are organized and maintained through
narrative. In his book, On Being a Client, David Howe noted that all therapies and
counseling styles involve “talk” because dialogue is the “stuff of relationships.” Talk
activates the language field in which the self is formed. In addition, as we perceive
through our five senses, we classify what we receive. In the process of classification, we
establish ”types” that help us sort our ideas and interpret the information. Our realities
are constituted through networks of typifications.

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Gender, for example, is an observable distinction. When the word “mother” is associated
with a woman who has children, we are classifying the picture we see of the female
parent with the type called mother. The objective reality of the woman with children is
constituted in the subjective reality of language called motherhood. While words and
types are basic building blocks, it is through stories that the realities we understand are
organized and maintained. Stories have a beginning, middle and end. Stories are Collapsed Story
directed by the plot, with themes and patterns that hold them together. You hear this
when a person says to a speaker, “So, what’s the point?” Jill Freedman and Gene In this Distorted Self story, the client chooses to believe the unhelpful words over the
Combs express it well: truth. As the Distorted Self story gains strength and influence – the negative tension and
destructive emotions and behavior cycle described in Chapter 1 – produces ongoing
Each remembered event constitutes a story, which together with our other unpleasant feelings and thoughts that burden the client. Deconstructive listening helps
stories constitutes a life narrative, and, experientially speaking, our life narrative the client understand the Distorted Self story. In Chapter 4, we will see how Christ-
is our life. So, narrative therapy is about the retelling and reliving of stories.” Centered inner healing is helpful in addressing the destructive emotions in the collapsed
Narrative Therapy, p. 32 story.

In our life experience, we have many more memories than stories. We choose to Deconstructive Listening
privilege certain memories and it is the stories we tell to ourselves and to others that
produce our reality. If the feedback we receive could miraculously be limited to correct In Narrative Therapy, the initial task of the therapist is to listen with empathy, while
information about our True Self in Christ (the self God created), then our reality would be developing rapport and establishing a therapeutic relationship. As Christian counsellors,
based within our narrative about our True Self in Christ. However, we live in a fallen being a “transitional grace object” (Reference Dr. Brian Cunnington) is a role that we can
world. Fairly or unfairly, we receive hurtful and unpleasant messages that are often fulfil as our clients walk the valley of their despair in the beginning of therapy.
untrue, yet are given a privileged place in our life story because of their power, force and
frequency in our daily experience.

When a person enters therapy, the story they tell is described as the “presenting
problem.” Normally, that presenting story has been told over and over, both internally Deconstructive
and externally, until the vocabulary and themes of the plot are strong and well Listening
developed. The client often claims to be stuck with nowhere to go. A problem-saturated
story that has no space to move is called a “collapsed story.” The individual feels and
believes he/she and the problem are the same thing. For example, a person will say, “I Collapsed Story
am depressed.” In that story, depression and the person are the same thing. The story
has collapsed onto the person, who feels no alternative but to be depressed. The more Our next step is to help our clients deconstruct their presenting stories. With active
the person talks about being depressed, the more they are depressed. listening, the counsellor attends to, and non-judgmentally accepts each person’s story.
This helps the client understand what contributed to shaping the story, what the story
In my clinical work, I have often found that the collapsed, presenting problematic story invited the person to do to cope, and what effect the story had on other people. As the
has words and meanings that are directly connected to the Distorted Self, not the True therapist asks questions, the client begins to develop a better understanding of the
Self in Christ. The truths of the client, which are embedded in the True Self in Christ, are realities and the meaning of the distorted story.
One important aspect of deconstructive listening is in the externalization of the
problem. Externalization is based on the belief that the problem is something that is

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separate and different from the client, which pervades, intervenes and impacts the the client find the form and definition of the story. The counsellor listens carefully and
person’s life. So, depression, when it is externalized, becomes something that interferes with curiosity from a position of not knowing, to search for understanding of the
with the client’s life and has an effect on him/her rather than depression being the collapsed, distorted story. As the client and therapist begin the process of
person. Externalization of the depression opens up the client as he/she considers deconstructing, they look for openings to new stories that could lead to preferred
questions such as, “What is influencing you to feel depressed?” “What is keeping you outcomes.
from experiencing what you would prefer?”

Externalization helps to create space and allows the client to feel his/her story is less
collapsed. Initially, the goal is to listen and understand, not to try to create change as Deconstructive
you would in the medical model of counselling. Deconstructive listening involves questions about
exploring time, people and place. After a therapist has carefully helped the client clarify
the story, fill in the gaps, missing pieces and ambiguities, the narrative process moves
“Lived Experience”
into deconstructive “questioning.”

Collapsed Story Preferred Outcomes

The counsellor asks questions that enable the client to talk about times in his/her “lived
Deconstructive experience” when he/she was able to resist the influence of the problem. For example,
questions about “When were you able to overcome depression and fight successfully against it?”
“Lived Experience” Together, they explore times in the client’s life when he/she gained mastery over or
escaped from the problem. When an “opening, a sparkling event or unique outcome”
presents itself, the therapist encourages the client to develop the related “alternative”
story. In progression away from the distorted, collapsed story, it is imperative to find
Collapsed Story Create Space reframes and stories that connect with the person’s True Self in Christ. If the counsellor
chooses to explore a story or selects a reframe that does not connect with the client’s
Deconstructive Questioning True Self in Christ, the alternative story will not be effective. Optimism, positive thinking,
wishful thinking and the counsellor’s hunches will fall on rocky ground, if the new story
Deconstructive questioning invites the client to see his/her story from different does not reach into the reality of the True Self in Christ. With careful imaging and
perspectives, in order to begin to understand that the story is a construction that can be visioning, alternative stories can be found in the lived experience, or possibilities can be
interpreted differently. The therapist asks influencing questions that help the client explored in the unlived experience seen in the world around them. As a helpful story
establish a relationship with the problem. Questions such as, “How does the problem begins to emerge that connects with the client’s True Self in Christ, the personal story
influence their life and their relationships?” “How do they see ways that they can needs to be thickened with rich language and detail. In addition, the story needs an
influence their problem?” To help expand the client’s story, the therapist asks about audience.
contextual influences on the problem? What feeds it? What starves it? Who benefits
from the problem? In what setting might the problematic attitude be useful to the client? One way to invite the client to include detail in their stories is to involve multiple
Who is for or against the problem in the client’s relationships? modalities of experience such as seeing, hearing and feeling. A second way to deepen
the emerging story is to invite the client to view their story from other people’s
Narrative therapy does not start with a goal and then search for the experiences to perspectives, significant others such as: parents, friends, children and their spouse. A
support the goal. The narrative process builds a piece at a time. The progress of the third approach is the use of future pacing. For example, “What will the next step look
client’s story stands on what has previously been disclosed. Together the counsellor and like?” “If these events become a trend in your life, what is the impact five years from

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Success Stories

One technique that I find helpful in my practice is the use of “success stories.” A success
story simultaneously reduces the distorted message and clarifies the understanding of
the True Self in Christ. The process is to ask the client to describe any situation in their
life where he/she felt proud about the outcome. As counsellor, you listen to the
monologue and record the content of the story. Then, you ask the client the key
question, “What did You do in the story to make it a success? Then, you record the key
words and phrases that flow from the subsequent analysis.

For example, if a client’s success story includes an innovative solution to a problem, the
attributes that might be derived from the story are “problem solver” and “creative.” As we
analyze a number of success stories together, we make a new list of attributes for each
story. Then, we look for the common words in each list. If “creative” is found in most
stories, then a key attribute of that person is creativity. The reason why creativity
becomes a common theme relates directly to the truth that God designed this person
with the gift and capability of creativity. So, when a final profile is assembled of all the
client’s characteristics that turn up consistently in his/her success stories, the client has
a picture of some of the qualities that make up his/her True Self in Christ. As the client
repeatedly hears these qualities in his/her own success stories, he/she begins to see
and recognize that truth. As the client gets in touch with these qualities, the false
messages of the Distorted Self are weakened, freeing the client to move more into the
preferred, True Self in Christ. In the process, internal tension decreases, self-esteem
grows and the destructive feelings and emotions subside.
Collapsed Story Preferred Outcomes
As good as Narrative Therapy is in helping the client author a new, helpful story, and as
powerful as his/her success stories are in clarifying the preferred True Self in Christ, the
In the process of moving from the Distorted Self-story to the True Self in Christ story, the
person is still living in a family system. In the next chapter, we will look at how family
client is the expert who does the authoring with the counsellor’s help. As the client
systems impact client’s stories. In addition, in my experience, a reconstructed narrative
begins to take responsibility for authorship, the constructionist model positions the
may not change the deep emotional feeling related to a memory. In Chapter 4, we will
author outside of his/her story. This externalization of authorship is another significant
address how Christ-Centered inner healing can be helpful in the healing of inner
way of creating space, becoming unstuck and broadening the client’s perspective. As the
client begins to look at different alternative stories and options, room is created for
movement that did not exist in the collapsed story. Within a Christian framework, with
God as a co-author, the therapist can look to the Bible for illustrations of stories that
might add helpful insights. For example, a controlling father who is experiencing the
rebellion of his teenage son, might be helped by seeing the accepting love of the father
in the prodigal son story. Scriptural stories can be used to thicken and support
alternative stories that can connect in meaningful ways.

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Narrative Therapy Has [the problem] attacked other people in your family/group in a similar way?

1. Deconstruct the negative “dominant” story and in so doing, externalize the problem, • Have you any thoughts about what [the problem] looks for before it attacks
increase the pathology of the problem and decrease the pathology of the client. people in this way?

What is [the problem] we are here to talk about today? What are the effects over the next five years if [the problem] stays with you?

When did [the problem] first begin to have an effect on your life? • What does [the problem] want for your life/relationships in the next five
What made you vulnerable to [the problem] so that it was able to dominate you? • What would you prefer for your life/relationships in the next five years?

What kinds of things happen that typically lead to [the problem] taking over? What strategies do you know about/have you attempted/have you seen others
employ to fight against [the problem]?
What has [the problem] gotten you to do that is against your better judgment?
• Which were the most successful and to what do you attribute their
When [the problem] has its greatest influence on your life: success?
a) What does [the problem] direct you to do? [landscape of action] • Which were the least successful and to what do you attribute their lack of
b) How does [the problem] direct you to think about yourself? [landscape of success?
consciousness] • How have you been able to resist the temptation of [the problem]?
c) How does it influence your life and relationships?
What do you think [the problem] would most likely sabotage in our conversation
When [the problem] has the least influence on your life: together?
a) What do you find yourself doing? [landscape of action] • How would [the problem] seduce you/recruit you back into the old ways?
b) How do you find yourself thinking about yourself? [landscape of • How would [the problem] most likely try to subvert/divert our
consciousness] conversation?
• How is what we are talking about making [the problem] feel vulnerable?
When [the problem] has its greatest influence on your life:
a) How does it talk to you? What do you think will be the first indicator to you that you are winning in your
• What does it tell you about yourself? fight against [the problem]?
• What does it tell you about others? • What are other people noticing as you start to win this fight?
b) How has it led you into the difficulties you are now experiencing? • How will others start to respond as they begin to notice these indicators?
c) What does it steal from you?
• How is it important to [the problem] that you not have [what it steals from How do you feel about yourself as you move towards your preferred outcome?
you]? • What would be different as you resist [the problem]?
d) What does it conceal from you? • How does this alter your understanding of your self/situation/relationship?
e) What does it not want you to notice and pay attention to in yourself and in [landscape of consciousness]
others? • What action does this new understanding invite? [landscape of action]
• How is it important to[the problem] that you not be aware of/notice/pay • What will be the effect if you move in this new direction for five years?
attention to [what it conceals from you]?
f) In what contexts is [the problem] most likely to take over? How do you describe this new story?
• What might you call the path you would be on as you are winning your

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fight against [the problem]?

• With whom would you share this new story?
• Who would support you and help celebrate this new story with you?
Family Systems
2. Use success stories to explore and strengthen the language of preferred alternatives
• Ask: how the client was able to do that? So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him:
• What works and how can you do more of it? male and female he created them.
• What are the resources and transferable competencies that are in the
Gen 1:27
success story?
• Who notices and applauds the successes?
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife.
3. Help the client to look at him/herself through the eyes of Jesus to see the True Self in Gen 2:24
Christ that Jesus has created.
• Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to him/her how Jesus accepts the person and God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number.”
record what the client hears. Gen 1:28
• Have the person journal the understanding that is being developed as
he/she starts to see and understand his/her True Self in Christ, including He must manage his own family well.
uniqueness/specialness. 1 Tim 3:4

4. Help the client to construct the new story so that the words the client chooses to God’s design was for the family to be the starting point of all relationships. Family
describe him/herself gain strength and eventually overcome the power of the old therapy recognizes that those early relationships provide a model that shapes the way
words. individuals perceive reality. Counsellors, therefore, need to consider how the family
• Through inner healing how has the truth replaced the lies? system has influenced the client. We now understand that when one person changes in
• Deconstruct away from the collapsed dominant story to a variety of the system, the overall system changes. So we need to look at the family system as part
alternative stories. of the helping process. This chapter will look at family dynamics, how the interaction of
• Locate the alternative stories and allow them to be strengthened. family members affects the family system and how families bless or fail to bless their
• Help uncover the True Self in Christ [preferred self] and reframe members.
alternative stories that link to the True Self in Christ. Then, help thicken
the reality and strength of the preferred alternative story. Specifically, we will address:
• The concept of family systems
5. Help the person find audiences to hear the new story. • The context of generational patterns and relationships
• Find new trustworthy people who will listen and affirm the new story. • The effect of family blessings and curses
• Use the journal as an audience. • The interaction of couples in a looping system
• Pray and dialogue with God. • A process related to emotional intimacy
• Suggest a mentor or spiritual director.
The Concept of Family Systems

In family systems theory, as taught by Dr. Brian Cunnington at Tyndale Seminary, the
perspective focuses on the relationships and patterns in the family of origin instead of
focusing on the individual. While we have been looking at intrapsychic inner healing

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concepts, we now need to explore how the family system also affects the client’s
emotional and mental health. This family systems perspective is outlined below, along
with the intrapsychic perspective, to show how both approaches are helpful in
understanding the client in different ways.

Systems Theory Paradigm Intrapsychic Theory Paradigm

1. The approach is circular. A invites B. 1. The approach is linear. A causes B
2. The primary question is “What is going on ” 2. The primary question is “Why does A
in the system? cause B?
3. A system is the relationship between the 3.The approach views “subjects” who initiate
parts and their related boundaries. and “objects” who receive (Linear).
4. The perspective is holistic – looking at the 4. The perspective is intrapsychic – looking at
total context. just the individual’s thinking.
5. Focus on shared responsibility, reciprocity 5. Focus on the Self.
and relationships.
6. The orientation is the present. 6. The orientation is the past.
7. Behavior functions in a context. 7. Behavior is historically determined. In a healthy family system, the first step is for the married couple to separate from their
family of origin and set up their own household. Then, as children arrive, the parents of
The following is an example of the above concepts to illustrate the difference in the two this new household need to establish boundaries with their children. The parental
approaches. subsystem needs to function together as a unit. When they relate with their children,
they need to work together as a unit. In fact, the best gift a couple can give their children
Systems Theory Example Intrapsychic Theory Example is a happy and unified parental subsystem.
The pattern of pursuing and distancing. I am a victim and it is your fault.
There is mutual responsibility. It is not my responsibility. When an unhealthy structural pattern exists, you will observe parents fighting with each
other. Often the boundary of the parental subsystem is broken by one parent forming an
The concept of family therapy addresses the family system in four different ways: alliance with one or more of the children, which is called triangulation.
1. structure 2. process 3. rules, and 4. developmental stages of life.
Triangulation is a structural depiction, which involves three parts of a system in a
1. Structure relationship.

Every family is organized into systems and subsystems, which are separated by
boundaries. Structure considers how the system is organized and the boundary is the
limit and space between each part of the system. A picture of a family system looks as

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The first type is open triangulation where one spouse pursues the support of a child
against the other spouse. A second type is scapegoating where the child is viewed as
the problem, in order to avoid open conflict between the spouses. A third type is
parentification where the child is co-opted to be a parent in the system.

Boundaries look at the identity and adaptability of each part of the system. Related to Boundaries Being Violated
identity, boundaries distinguish and separate one element of the system from another
element of the system. A healthy boundary is defined as clear and permeable because it
clearly defines the limits of the subsystems.
2. Process

Process looks at how the symptoms serve the system, by exploring the patterns and
how the system is functioning (i.e. how the parts inter-relate in the present)? The inter-
related parts of a system tend to be in a stable state of equilibrium (homeostasis) and
are kept there by communication and behavior. Communication between the parts is
important and all behavior is seen as communication. Even silence is a form of
communication. Relationships are described as enmeshed or detached, pursuing or
Clear and Permeable
withdrawing, too distant or too involved and struggling for separateness or
It is also adaptable because it allows information to flow in and out of the system. An
adaptable, permeable boundary allows for controlled change and development. A rigid
boundary causes isolation and inhibits relationships.

Rigid One form of communication is the feedback loop, which either keeps the system the way
A cut off is a result of a rigid boundary. The opposite is described as a diffuse boundary it is or changes it. The feedback loop, which encourages the system to stay in its
where there is no control or border between two people or systems. unhealthy state, is called the negative feedback loop. Conversely, the positive feedback
loop is used to describe communication and behavior that causes or invites the system
to be different.

3. Rules

Family rules help manage the system. They can be explicit (verbalized and conscious)
Diffuse Boundary or implicit (non-verbalized and unconscious). In addition, the rules may be functional or
An example of a lack of boundary is an abusive family where an individual’s emotional, dysfunctional. The rules contribute to the system being self-correcting. For example,
physical, sexual or spiritual rights are not being respected or honored. when a member strays out of the “zone of tolerance”, family members will persuade the
individual back into the zone of acceptability, which is what the family feels is right for
the family.

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Generational Influences in the Family System

Every person is affected positively and negatively by the members of his/her family. We
learn by watching and imitating those around us. In the formative early years, the people
who are around us the most are: parents, brothers, sisters, relatives and a few close
friends or neighbors. These early influencers have a profound effect on how a person
thinks and behaves. For example, if verbal fighting is observed every day, then fighting
verbally becomes the norm for relationships. Then, fighting is accepted as the way to
deal with life’s issues.

One helpful way of working with a client is to analyze the generational influences, trends
and patterns that exist within the family tree. The Genogram, which is outlined below, is
Secrecy illustrates this principle. If the family rule is to keep things private within the a useful tool in identifying the influences that have been passed on from one generation
family, and a family member starts sharing family secrets, people get upset until the to the next.
person is obeying the secrecy rule again. Other family rules include such things as:
peace at all costs, everybody works and contributes money to the family, and anyone
who disagrees with us will be cut off. The rules help police the system and keep it stable
and in equilibrium.

4. Developmental Stages of Life

Every family must deal with changes related to the developmental stages of the life
cycle, as well as the unpredictable events of life (illness/death). Family systems theory
looks at the context of developmental reality to explore the tasks, which the family is
facing at each stage of life, as described by E.H. Erikson:

Age Stage Task

Infancy Hope Healthy dependence
Toddlerhood Willpower Counter-dependence
Pre-school Purpose Independence
School Age Competence Interdependence
Adolescence Fidelity Identity/belonging
Young Adult Love Intimacy
Adult Care Generativity/productivity The first step is to identify all the people in the family tree. Once this has been
Senior Wisdom Regeneration/ego integrity accomplished, the next step is to analyze the patterns that exist. For example, as you
look at the relationships in the genogram, you may see that there is a pattern of divorce
As well, the counselor considers the stresses on the system from the social, cultural and on one side of the family, or alcoholism, or religious intolerance, or sexual abuse or
spiritual environment. As we will see next, the family of origin is one of the primary whatever you discover. The bible talks about generational sin. It is referred to in Ex 34:7:
sources of stress that is placed upon the system. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their
children for the sins of the fathers to the third and fourth generation.

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As you ask the client a myriad of questions: who got along with whom, what was the Family Blessings
relationship like between ________ and _________, where were they born, who was a
Christian and who was not, were there early deaths, abortions or suicides, what family God is in the business of blessing families. God’s purpose in having Jesus come to
rules existed, was secrecy a norm, who was educated and who was not, who was the earth was to bless all the families of the earth. It was foretold in Genesis 12:1-3 when he
oldest and who was the youngest, did the oldest take responsibility for the other speaks to Abraham, “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make
children, did the youngest have a privileged position, etc. As you dig into the your name great and you will be a blessing … and all peoples on earth will be blessed
generational tree, the patterns will emerge and any generational curse will present itself through you.”
as a theme that has been passed down from one generation to the next. Some of the
themes are listed below: In Craig Hill’s book, The Ancient Paths, he talks about every person needing answers to
three basic questions:
Sexual Sins Addictions Idolatries
Fornication Alcohol Freemasonry (witchcraft) 1) Who am I? – which relates to Identity,
Adultery Tobacco Occult 2) Why am I here? – which relates to Purpose, and
Perversions Drugs Witchcraft 3) Where am I going? – which relates to Destiny.
Pornography Gambling Religious cults
Sexual abuse Food New age In addition, he says, “I believe that it has always been God’s intention to impart,
Lust Obsessive/compulsive Eastern religions especially at specific junctures in life, His message of identity and destiny. He has
Incest Workaholism Psychic practices appointed special agents on this earth to ensure that His blessing is revealed. Those
agents are called Parents.” Satan’s evil scheme is to have the parents impart the devil’s
Death Unhealthy Emotions curse rather than the blessing of God’s message. As it says in James 3:9, “With the
Miscarriages Anger/rage Bitterness tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made
Abortions Unforgiveness Pride in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing.”
Still birth Fear Worry
Early death Guilt Shame The word blessing refers to the honoring, instilling of value and empowering to prosper.
Accidental death Rejection Abandonment When the parents place a high value on their children, communicating worth and
Suicide Hatred of women Hatred of men importance, the child is blessed. When the opposite is communicated, either through
Murder Control Perfectionism neglect or through intentionally hurtful words or actions, we believe a curse is placed on
the child. A curse devalues, invalidates, disables or dis-empowers a person. Parents can
Physical Problems Abuse Religious either speak life or death into their child, depending on their words and their tone of
Chemical imbalance Physical Rebellion voice. Below are examples of blessings and curses:
Depression Emotional Love of money
Mood disorders Spiritual Prejudice
Schizophrenia Sexual Envy

If a trend or pattern shows itself over several generations, there is the possibility that
generational sin is present in the family line. Generational sin is like any other sin. It
needs to be dealt with by confessing the sin to God and repenting of the behavior. In the
process section, you will find a prayer for confessing, renouncing and repenting the sins
of one’s ancestors, so that the client may be free of any generational curses or related
spiritual attacks.

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Blessing Curse The good news is that Jesus can replace the curse with a blessing, even after the fact.
The inner healing that occurs when the person receives Jesus’ blessing frees him/her
Identity You are valuable to me. You are a worthless mistake. from emotional turmoil. Let us look at these eight stages in more detail.
You are a child of God. You were never wanted.
Stage 1 – Conception
Purpose God has a plan for you. You will never amount to anything.
There are two important issues at the foundation of the person’s identify:
Destiny You have a special future. You will never be a success.
You are doing a really great job. You will never do it right. 1. How was I conceived? and
2. How was the news received?
God gave an example of a blessing in Luke 3:22 when he said to Jesus, “You are my
Son whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” And with the blessing, Jesus was If the child was planned and everybody was joyous, then there was a blessing that the
released into his ministry at age 30. In Genesis 1:27-28, God created man, blessed child perceived. If the child is not wanted, a curse is perceived. The curse can be either
them male and female and then said, “Rule over every living creature.” As with Jesus, an absence of blessing or an active cursing.
the blessing came first and then the job of ruling came after the blessing. In the same
way, mankind moves into his/her destiny after being blessed. Therefore, the concept of Family Experience at Conception Commonly Observed Patterns
blessing is crucial to being fulfilled as a person. Not planned • Earn right to be, striving to perform
Conceived out of wedlock • Shame, lack of belonging
There are eight essential times in a person’s life when God intended the blessing to be Parents too young • I am a burden
revealed. It is the job of the parents to impart the empowering message so that the Bad time financially • I am a financial burden
individual can know his/her identity and move with strength into his/her destiny. These Child of rape • Violent and angry
eight stages of blessing in a person’s life include: Born after previous miscarriages • Over serious, overachieving

1. Conception Stage 2 – In the Womb

2. In the womb
3. Birth The little baby inside the womb is already starting to perceive the world. Over the period
4. 2 years old of nine months, the mother has many experiences, both good and bad, that can
5. Puberty influence the emotions of the child. A loving and caring family celebrates the baby,
6. Wedding and Honeymoon strokes it through the mother’s belly and talks to it in soft and gentle ways. Conversely,
7. Adult life the child can experience trauma that produces negative emotions in its little soul. The
8. Old age question is how do the mother and family treat the infant in the womb and how does the
child receive his/her mother’s experiences.
If the person does not receive the parental blessing, Hill says, there are two primary

1. A mental agreement to isolate from the parent(s) and write them off.
2. A commitment to continue to strive for the blessing no matter how long it takes or
whatever it costs.

In either case, the child is emotionally connected to the parents in an unhealthy way.

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Family Experience in the Womb Commonly Observed Patterns Family Experience of the 2 Year Old Commonly Observed Patterns
Mother has poor health • Guilt for being/emotionally over responsible Parents annoyed with the child’s will • Stubborn, rebellious
Fighting in the home • Fear, nervous, uptight Children to be seen but not heard • I am not accepted, passive
Mother heavy smoker • Predisposition to anxiety Insufficient emotional connection with mother • Distant, aloof, cool
Mother is an alcoholic • Baby absorbs mother’s negative feelings Insufficient verbal affirmation • I am not good enough
Mother drinks too much caffeine • Low activity and poor muscle tone Neglected physically • I am unworthy
Mother afraid of gaining too much weight • Insatiable hunger, anger, shame
Mother attempts an abortion • Rejection, abandonment – I am not wanted Stage 5 – Puberty
Mother attempts suicide • Fear, anxiety, worry, panic
Father dies or leaves • Guilt, self-blame, anger, unforgiveness Puberty is considered the second most critical stage next to conception. The human
body goes through physical changes that relate to the person’s sexuality and prepares
Stage 3 – Birth the person for adulthood. In addition, there is a transfer in roles for the parents. Up to
When Jesus was born, the angels announced his coming and gave his identity, “He is puberty, the primary role belongs to the mother. However, at puberty the roles shift. The
Christ the Lord.” As well, his destiny was proclaimed, “a Savior has been born to you” mother lets go and the father takes over and helps release the child into his/her destiny.
(Lk 2:1-20). His birth was celebrated and three wise men came bearing gifts. On the Puberty is a milestone that marks a key transition from childhood to adulthood. The
eighth day, Simeon dedicated Jesus and blessed his family, once again declaring his blessing recognizes and acknowledges the child’s potential and points him/her in that
identity and destiny. direction with encouragement and support.

How the birth is received is another important time for blessing. The child is either Family Experience in Puberty Commonly Observed Patterns
wanted, celebrated and received with enthusiasm or not. The child experiences the No ceremony celebrating transition to teen years • Extended childhood
joyful blessing or the absence of the blessing and the resulting perception has profound Avoided recognizing sexual changes • Sexual ignorance and confusion
implications for the person’s life. No bonding with father • Remains tied to mother
Social and spiritual maturity unrecognized • I am alone in this growth process
Family Experience of the Birth Commonly Observed Patterns No mentor in directing towards one’s destiny • Lost and constantly searching
Wrong gender for parents • I was wrong from the beginning Lack of acceptance as an independent person • Rebellion, self-centered
Child not wanted • Insecurity, rejection
Premature and put in an incubator • Abandonment and rejection
Mother’s inordinate fear of delivery • Fear, insecurity, fear of childbirth Stage 6 – Wedding and Honeymoon
Unusually painful delivery • Anger, depression
Position in the family • Oldest – overly responsible The wedding is a special occasion when the whole family supports the child in the
• Middle – fighting for position leaving and cleaving process. It is a time for the children to be celebrated as mature
• Youngest – avoids responsibility adults and the parents to be honored, as the children leave to set up their own
household. The father has a special task of releasing the daughter to the groom and
Stage 4 – 2 Years Old blessing the new union. The honeymoon is the physical consummation of the union as
the couple becomes one flesh.
The terrible twos is a description of the emergence of the “will” in the child. The child has
learned the word “no” and uses it regularly. How the parents and family accept the Family Experience of the Marriage Commonly Observed Patterns
child’s need for personhood and growing identity is an important stage in the child’s Parents not happy with marriage partner • Walls are built in the relationship
development. Children not honored and blessed in ceremony • Anger, disapproval
Father absent from wedding • Emptiness, regret

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Married couple live with parents • Humiliation, bondage The Interaction of a Couple in a Looping Bowtie Pattern
Unfulfilling honeymoon • Avoidance, detachment, frigidity
Often couples experience an unproductive relational dance where they become stuck in
Stage 7 – Adulthood a continuous looping pattern from which they cannot escape. This example will be used
to illustrate how one couple related with each other in a looping system. We will look at
We need to be blessed before we work, otherwise we will work to receive the blessing. three levels of interaction:
In Genesis, mankind was blessed before given the job to rule. Adulthood is about
fulfilling the destiny. If the person has not been released into his/her destiny with a 1. thinking
blessing, then life becomes a task of earning acceptance instead of being fulfilled and 2. behavior
bringing glory to God. 3. feelings

Family Experience of Adulthood Commonly Observed Patterns The Man The Woman
No recognition of gifts • I don’t know what I should do
No dedication to mission • Aimlessness, trying to please others Thinking Level She is abandoning me. He does not understand me.
Absence of releasing into destiny • Emptiness, unfulfilling striving I am unsafe.

Stage 8 – Senior Years Related Behaviour I pursue her. I withdraw.

I take charge. I put up a wall.
In the senior years, performance is replaced with wisdom. As it says in Proverbs 31:23,
“Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes a seat among the elders of Feeling Level 1) on the surface - anger 1) on the surface - fear
the land.” In biblical times, the senior would move from working in the field to sitting at 2) down deep - rejection 2) down deep - insecurity
the gate, dispensing wisdom. Also, in Proverbs 31:28 for the wife it says, “Her children
arise and call her blessed.” Honoring the mother and the father is an important biblical The dance is a seamless figure eight of thoughts and actions that keep circling.
principle, especially as they become grandparents. Underneath, each individual is experiencing feelings that result from the interaction. You
can start uncovering the process at any point. The individuals supply the data and they
Family Experience in Senior Years Commonly Observed Patterns will confirm the details of the dance. In this example, the man treats his wife in such a
No retirement ceremony or 65th celebration • I need to keep working way that she thinks she is misunderstood and unsafe. Her behavior then is to withdraw
Contributions not recognized • My life has not amounted to much and put up a wall. That makes the man think he has been abandoned so he pursues her
Seldom sought out for wisdom • Feeling of purposelessness harder and this makes her believe that she is even more unsafe, and so the circle goes.
Not honored as a senior • I am not important After the loop has been discovered, it is important to first identify the superficial feelings
and then the underlying feelings that relate to this process.
Blessing is God’s mechanism for imparting identity and destiny. As a counsellor, you can
help a client go through a review of the eight relevant stages to determine if the person Counselling Process
received blessings or curses. If there were blessings, those are to be celebrated and
enhanced through narrative therapy. If there were curses, you can use the prayer • Help the couple to graph the process so they can see the dance.
method in the process section to have the person invite Jesus back into the stage so • Start with what they think and what they do before identifying the feelings.
that Jesus can replace the curse with a blessing, even now. • Identify the related feelings and take time to find the deepest feelings for each
• Help the couple to explore ways that they can break out of the cycle.

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• How can each think differently? Breaking the Strongholds that Block Emotional Intimacy
• What can each choose to do differently?
• How will this change feel different? Elements Process
Problem • Agree on the problem to be addressed
As you help the couple to dialogue about this issue, the conversation is the intervention. Record • Each partner separately writes down all his/her own “I feel”
As each spouse understands the dynamic, it creates options and possibilities that had statements that relate to the issue.
previously been unexplored. Often, just seeing the loop written on the white board is a Exchange papers • Exchange and read the spouses “I feel” statements.
revelation that creates change. When each hears the deepest feeling of the other, there Understanding • Each spouse communicates with care what he/she understands
is often a softening of the heart and a strengthening in the “will” to change. about the spouse’s feelings. (Validation of the feelings).
Prayer • Together the spouses pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what
A Process Related to Emotional Intimacy sin exists in their own lives that is blocking the relationship. Each
spouse writes down his/her sin.
One of the most common presenting problems that is brought into marriage counseling Confession • In turn, each spouse confesses to God his/her own sin, and then
is the subject of lack of emotional intimacy. In most cases, it is the woman who wants with the counsellor’s encouragement, renounces it and expresses
more emotional intimacy, and the man is unable to provide the emotional intimacy that how he/she will repent and change.
his wife wants. Men tend to be conditioned by society to be strong silent types. One Forgiveness • Each spouse apologizes for the sin and the counsellor
extreme example is that man who said, “I told my wife I loved her when we got married encourages the other spouse to forgive the expressed sin and
and if that changes I will let her know.” give the anger to Jesus.
Listen for Truth • The counsellor prays to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what truth
What is Emotional Intimacy? each now needs to hear about the relationship.
Commitment • Finally, each spouse communicates to each other the new
It is the ability to actively listen, understand the other person’s emotional state, connect commitment each wants to make as a result of the truth the Lord
with the other person’s feelings and communicate care and concern for the other has revealed to each of them. In other words, what does
person’s situation. Emotional intimacy involves eye contact, touching, mentally attending obedience to God’s truth mean and how will being obedient to
to the other person and restating the understanding with feeling. It does not exclude that truth change behaviors toward his/her spouse.
sexual intimacy, but sexual intimacy is not needed to be emotionally intimate. Men tend
to listen to record rather than relate and connect. Once a man has listened he tends to Through this process, God will draw the couple into an emotional intimacy that will break
want to fix the perceived problem, whereas a woman often wants to connect, be down the walls and allow an emotional connection to occur.
understood and then go fix her own problem. The following is a process that I have
found helpful in breaking through this dance of blocked intimacy.

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Generational Prayer Identifying Family Curses and Blessings

Step 1 – Identify all generational sins from the family genogram/tree and write them
down before beginning the prayer. Assess where there have been blessings and where there has been a curse, either
passively or actively.
I confess the following sins of my ancestors. I renounce, reject and disown all
of the sins of my ancestors. I repent of their beliefs, their actions and their
Stage of Life Blessed Silent Cursed
unrighteous behavior. I declare the assignments, the curses and the powers
flowing from those curses to be null and void. I break all rights grounds or At Conception
privileges that these sins have had in my life and I will live under their authority
no longer because I belong to Jesus Christ. I place the cross of Jesus Christ In the Womb
between me and each member of my family (those named in the family tree)
and all those I have not known or named. At Birth

I reject any and every way that Satan claims ownership of me. By the authority At 2 Years Old
that I have in Jesus Christ, I now command every family and ancestral spirit to
be bound in chains and be stripped of all armor, weapons, power, authority and At Puberty
illusions. I command that they throw down at the foot of the cross of Jesus
At Wedding/Honeymoon
Christ now all plans, programs, agendas and assignments that they have had in
my life. I command that they return everything that they have stolen from me
In Adult Life
emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually now. I command that they all be
made deaf, dumb and blind and that God’s angels escort them away from me As a Senior
now and take them to Jesus.

I invite you Jesus to now fill me with your Holy Spirit. I ask you to build a Receiving the Blessings
spiritual wall between me and my mother, and between me and my father and
all their ancestors. Make these walls as high and wide as they need to be to In the name of the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I claim the blessings that
provide complete spiritual protection, and seal those walls with the blood of my ancestor have passed on to me and I receive them now. (State the blessings
Christ. out loud.) I pray the release of these blessings into my life and I accept my
I now come before you Lord, as your child purchased by the blood of Christ. identity and destiny as a child of God with a purpose and a future that is
Let the Blood of Christ completely cleanse my own bloodline. I commit to the blessed. Thank you Jesus for the blessing that has been spoken into my life by
renewing of my mind and I align my will with your good and perfect will. All this my parents and ancestors. I pray this in Jesus’ name.
I do in the name and authority of the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.


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Replacing a Curse with a Blessing I accept this blessing and I ask The Lord to fully release this blessing into my
life. Thank you Jesus for saying in your Holy Scripture in Ephesians 1:3-4 that
Dear Jesus, I invite you into the stage of my life where I received the following you spiritually blessed me to be holy and blameless in your sight. Thank you for
curse instead of a blessing. blessing me again with this blessing

Stage of Life

Help me now to live in a way that expresses this blessing in my life. I pray this
Holy Spirit, please reveal to me now the blessing that you want me to receive in in Jesus’ name.
place of this curse (may be revealed in words, a picture or as a feeling).
Record the blessing

Once the Blessing is Received

In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the curse that I received when I was
(age) that

No one had a right to place that curse on me. That curse is a lie. I declare it to
be null and void. I choose to live under its authority no longer. I declare that
curse to be broken now and in its place I receive the blessing that the Holy
Spirit has revealed to me that I

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Chapter 4 and for

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breathing that night because of the intensity of the asthma. In the session, he
invited Jesus into the memory and he discovered that there was a lie that he
had been living with all his life that “he was going to die imminently.” When he

Inner Healing listened to the truth that Jesus had for him, he re-interpreted the memory to be
an experience of a frightened child. It was a memory that had not killed him and
today, he was very much alive. At the end of the session, not only was the fear
gone, but he was also freed from the asthma.
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Jn 8:32 Inner healing is different form some pastoral counseling in that it is a gentle, non-
judgmental process that is not based on rebuking. It is different from cognitive therapy in
So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. that the truth comes from the Holy Spirit speaking to the person’s mind, rather than the
Jn 8:36 therapist bringing external truth to the client. In the inner healing process, the client
invites Jesus into the memory and when the truth is revealed, whatever was stuck
Inner healing is based on the premise that a person cannot have a feeling without a emotionally is released. The therapist could bring the exact same truth to the client and
memory in the mind that is the source of the feeling. Often, destructive feelings relate to the client may take months, even years, to hear it. When Jesus reveals the truth directly
memories that were traumatic, but still hold an emotional power because of a negative to the client, the lie departs and the truth transforms the mind. With this Christ-centered,
conclusion that is held in the mind. The biblical basis for this healing work is Romans inner healing approach, clients can receive emotional healing in a Christian therapist’s
12:2, “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Sanctification is the renewing of clinical office.
your mind. When the “lie” or negative conclusion is uncovered and replaced with the
truth, the person is set free. As it says in John 17:17, “Sanctify them by the truth.” The How the Process Works
process is really about the person hearing the truth of Christ internally and then living in
that truth, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (Jn 8:32). The process involves three components:

Lies and distorted interpretations can be changed because they are perceived realities. 1) the destructive “feeling”,
Reality does not change with inner healing. What changes is the person’s perception of 2) memories, and
reality. The transformation is in the reinterpretation of the experience. When the truth 3) the “lie” or negative conclusion that is embedded or anchored in the original memory,
replaces the lie, the person receives release from the emotional turmoil that is located in or the key memory of the theme of memories.
the traumatic memory. This healing produces a complete recovery because once the lie
is reinterpreted with truth, the person does not need to go back and deal with it again. Sometimes there is not one memory, but a combination of memories that constitute a
When the destructive emotions are released from the specific memory, the result is a theme in the person’s life.
transformation of the mind that produces a peace that can only come from the Prince of
Peace. The following story is a fictional example.

A male suffered form asthma since he was a child. Currently, he is experiencing

fear. On a daily basis, his life was full of turmoil. Fear controlled his mind and
body and his asthma was constantly there. He agreed to an inner healing
session for the fear. The Holy Spirit led him back to a memory when he was
very young. In the memory, he was frightened that he was going to stop

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like a nine or 10 on a 10 scale as “feeling strong”. Another fictional example of a typical

lie follows.

When the client was young, he/she was called “stupid idiot,” by the father. The
client sees him/herself in the picture being shouted at. The lie embedded in the
picture that has a strong intensity is something like, “I can never do anything
right.” In the present, the person lives with constant fear that he/she will fail and
that nothing is ever good enough.

It is important to note that it is not necessarily the first time the client was told that he
was a “stupid idiot” that the deception was deeply embedded. It is the first time the client
“accepted” the deception as reality that the destructive feeling became anchored in the
psyche. It is the agreement with the deception rather than the deception itself that is the

At this state, the client is asked to invite Jesus into the memory. It is not the counsellor’s
job to invite Jesus in for the client. This invitation must be an act of the free will of the
client. When Jesus comes into the memory, some clients see him in the memory, some
The destructive emotional feeling, which is experienced in the present, is the beginning hear him speak into their mind and some feel his presence. Others do not see, hear or
of the trail. It leads back to the memory, which is the cause or root of the destructive feel his presence (which is fine too). This process is not guided imagery, because the
feeling. In the diagram above, as you follow the trail backward in time from the present therapist does not make suggestions, such as “see Jesus standing there.” Jesus comes
destructive feeling, memories will be revealed that connect with the specified destructive because the client has invited Him into the memory. Sometimes Jesus moves toward the
emotion. individual, comes between the individual and the hurtful person in the picture, and
sometimes he touches him/her or picks him/her up and comforts the person. This
For example, if fear is the presenting feeling, a memory will come to the client’s mind happens with no suggestion from the therapist. It happens because of the loving,
that has fear connected to it. The memory that comes to mind first may be from a recent nurturing nature of God. God is restorative. As Jesus reveals his truth, the lie dissipates.
experience. The process is to follow the feeling backwards along the emotional trail from When the lie leaves, the emotions change to match the truth. The following is a fictional
memory to memory until you get back to the “original or key” memory that is, in most example.
cases, located in childhood. It is not the job of the therapist to find these memories.
When called upon, Jesus and the Holy Spirit reveal the precise memory that needs A woman was abused as a child and believed the lie that she should never have
healing. It could take months for a therapist and a client to find the right memory on their been born. She had a constant feeling of abandonment, which caused the pain
own. Jesus locates and reveals it within minutes. The memory may be something that of rejection and loneliness. When Jesus revealed the truth that He wanted her
the person thinks about often or it may be a repressed experience that has been to be born and that He accepts her unconditionally, the shame and pain went
forgotten or even dissociated.
away and she felt a big weight lift off her chest.
Once the original or key memory has been located, the lie needs to be identified. The lie It is important to note that with some people, a false Jesus may appear. It will speak
is the belief statement, which was embedded in the person’s mind during the time of the unloving words or behave in an unloving way. It cannot represent goodness for very
trauma. The lie is the most difficult part of the process because it often feels true. long. See addendum #2 for sending it away. The key is to work with the True Lord Jesus
Teamwork is needed between the client and the therapist to listen to the prompting of Christ of Nazareth.
the Holy Spirit and clarify the precise lie. When the lie has been formulated, it will feel

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As long as the lie is embedded in the memory, the destructive emotions feed the Christ-Centered Inner Healing
present experiences, making life miserable. Satan’s game is to implant a lie early in a
person’s life experience and have it work there destructively forever. As the great liar and 1. Initial Assessment
deceiver, Satan does not necessarily speak directly to a person, as he did to Eve in the
garden. He can use the words and actions of close friends and relatives to set a lie in After the client intake has been completed, the first step is to listen to the client’s story.
place. To experience healing, a person needs to visit the wounded past and invite the Building a therapeutic relationship with the client is important. You need to develop trust
True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth to bring truth to transform the lie. Jesus honors free before you do inner healing work. By listening to the client’s story, you will also learn
will and comes to heal when He is invited. Each person must recognize their own need whether inner healing would be helpful or not. In many situations, inner healing is not
for healing and invite Him to come out of their own free will. relevant. For example, if the therapeutic problem is conflict management or
communication skills, inner healing is not appropriate. Often a person will talk about fear
The following is a list of the steps in the Christ-Centered inner healing process: or anxiety or other feelings, which indicate that inner healing could be useful. The key
indicator is a “destructive feeling” that could possibly be emanating from a lie in an
1 Listen to client’s presenting story. original memory. If the client’s story indicates that inner healing would be helpful, explain
2 Explain the process of inner healing to the client. your thinking and then ask the individual if they would like to consider this type of
3 The client connects with a specific negative “feeling”. therapeutic approach. Involve your client in the decision and give him/her permission to
4 The Holy Spirit is asked to lead the client back to the memory which is the source say no. If the client does not know about inner healing, take time to explain the process
and original of the “feeling”. and how it can be helpful. If the person signals that inner healing would be too painful or
undesirable, you need to honor that concern and only use this approach when they are
5 The client describes the memory or theme where the lie is anchored.
ready. Some people come specifically for inner healing work. It is still useful to explain
6 The client invites the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth into the memory. the process to them so that there are no surprises.
7 With the help of Jesus, the client discerns the “lie” or negative conclusion that is
embedded in the memory. 2. Preparing the Client for Inner Healing Work
8 Pre-rate the intensity of the feeling of the “lie”.
9 The therapist prays for Jesus to reveal the “truth” to the client, which is related to the For this example, the feeling of “fear” is used in explaining the inner healing process:
specific “lie”. Record the truth.
10 Now, break the lie, pray spiritual housecleaning and healing. “How long have you been experiencing fear? [Some people may say “All my
11 Now, rate intensity of feeling in the original memory.
Would you like to be free from this feeling of fear? [If the person says yes]
12 If some feeling is still present, there is another or other linked memories that need to
be processed. We have come to learn that feelings are based in memories and that it is highly
possible that your fear goes back to an earlier experience in your life.
13 Repeat the process with the linked memories until the intensity of the feeling is zero.
Would you be willing to go back and look at some memories to see if we can
14 Revisit the original memory to note changes in the picture and affirm the client.
address this fear? [Yes]
15 Thank Jesus for healing and now have client focus on the “truth” and develop the
narrative related to the truth. Here’s how it would work. You and I would work together as partners. In the
process, I will need to know what you are thinking, what you are feeling and
what you are seeing, so that I can be helpful.

I will ask you to get into a comfortable position and close your eyes, if that feels

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safe for you. You can keep your eyes open if you prefer. Then, I will pray a healing prayer and pray that the truth replace the lie. After
that I will ask you to tell me what, if anything, has changed in the original
Then, I will ask you to get in touch with the feeling that is bothering you. picture.

When you are connected to the feeling, I will ask the Lord to take you back to If we become blocked in the process, I may ask you if there is any unconfessed
the memory that is the “source and origin” of the feeling of fear. sin that you need to deal with, or if there is any unforgiveness that you need to
When a memory comes to your mind, I will ask you to share with me what is
happening in the memory. I do not need to know the details – just your age, Next, I will ask you to forgive yourself for things that you have done to put
who is involved in the memory and where you are. During the process, I need yourself down and then end with a prayer of self-acceptance.
you to tell me the first things that you see, feel and hear, as they come up. It is
important to not edit or make up things that you believe I might want to These are the steps of the process. We can stop at any time if you feel
hear. You may think that something is not significant or relevant, but it is best uncomfortable and I hope that you would feel free to ask any questions as we
to work with exactly what the Holy Spirit reveals to you. proceed.

Then, I will ask you to invite Jesus into the memory – sometimes he comes into How does this approach feel to you?
the picture, sometimes you feel his presence and for some people they do not
hear or see him. That’s OK too. He may just communicate with an impression. Would you like to try it?

The next step is for us to work together to discern the “lie” that is connected to 3. The Christ-Centered Inner Freedom Process
the memory. Finding the accurate lie is an important step because the feeling
is connected to the lie. The actual experience with each client varies. The following outline is an example script
of how the process could flow with a client. In this script, please put your client's name
in the place where it says "name" and insert the specific feeling with which you are
Then, when we have identified the lie, I will ask the Lord to reveal to you the working in the places where it says "feeling".
truth that is related to the lie, and I will record all the truth that you hear.
(Name), to begin with, could I ask you to state out loud that "Jesus Christ is your
Throughout the process, I will be praying to God, God will communicate with Lord and Savior". (Note: This is helpful to know the person's position in Christ. For
you and you will share with me what you hear and see. It will be like a three- new or non-Christians I ask, "Are you willing to allow the healing power of Jesus Christ
way conversation. to heal your memories?" If the answer is "Yes", then there is enough faith and
openness to continue.)
When we have the lie and the truth, I will then pray to break the lie and send
Now, could I ask you to say out loud that it is your will that you want to be free
away any spirits that are connected to the lie.
today from the feeling of "_insert feeling_". (Most people have no difficulty saying this.)
Do you feel comfortable with spiritual freedom prayer? [Explain what spiritual
OK, now I am going to say an opening prayer. Do I have your permission to pray?
freedom prayer is here, if necessary - see chapter 10]

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(With confirmation proceed.) Has the Lord given you a memory or theme of memories?

Prayer: Dear Jesus, I ask you to have your Holy Spirit come now and help (name) If the answer is "No" there are several things you can do at this point:
feel what you want him/her to feel, see what you want him/her to see and hear
what you want him/her to hear. Come now, Lord Jesus. I place this healing 1) Repeat the prayer asking the Lord to lead the person to the memory.
process in your hands.
2) If the person is still blocked, try a simple clearing prayer.

Now (name), could I ask you to get yourself into a comfortable position and, if you feel 3) If the person is still blocked move to dealing with blockages starting with:
safe closing your eyes, close your eyes; now try to get in touch with that "feeling"
that has been bothering you. When you have connected with the feeling of _"insert a) unconfessed sin
feeling_", let me know. (Sometimes a person can have a little difficulty connecting with the b) unforgiveness
feeling. There are several things you can do at this stage to help the client: c) mental agreements
d) lack of forgiveness for self and
1) Repeat the prayer and wait. e) secrecy
2) Ask the person to go to the most recent experience where he/she felt the "feeling"
If the answer is "Yes" then request a little information. You do not need all the details.
and have the client talk about it to stir up the feeling.
3) Do a short spiritual clearing prayer. Ask the Lord to have his angels remove the
following spirits: blocking, blinding, deaf, dumb, confusion, distraction, interference, (Name), could you share with me a little about the memory?
lies, deceit, deception, skepticism, cynicism and doubt. Then try again.
4) If there is still a problem, maybe there is a stronger feeling that you should be • How old are you in the memory?
working on. Pray for the Lord to reveal if there is another feeling that you should be • Who is in the memory with you?
• Where is the memory taking place?
using for the process.)
• In general, what is happening in the memory?
When the person is connected to the "feeling", then pray:
Now that the person has the memory or theme of memories, ask the person to invite
Jesus to come into the specific memory or theme. The person needs to use his/her
Dear Lord, I pray that you would lead (name) back along the path of the feeling of own will for this invitation.
"_insert feeling_" and take him/her to the memory that is the source and origin of
the feeling of "_insert feeling"_. Take (name) to the very first memory in his/her (Name), could I ask you now to invite Jesus to come into your specific memory.
life where he/she experienced this feeling now. Lord, if it is not one memory, then (You may need to model it for the person if he/she has never done this before.) You do
take (name) to the theme of memories that holds this feeling. (Name) don't try to this by saying, "Dear Jesus, I invite you to come into this specific memory and be
search for the memory. Just allow your mind to be calm and allow the Holy Spirit with me now in the memory.
to bring the memory to your mind. (The Holy Spirit will bring forward the memory that
you need to work with. Trust it. Even if the memory seems insignificant, work with the Once the person has invited Jesus into the memory, wait for 10 to 15 seconds to allow
memory that is presented.) the person to experience His presence. The person may be experiencing Jesus in the
memory but saying nothing. At this point you may need to ask:
Wait 10 to 15 seconds and if the person has not voluntarily shared the memory with
you, then ask: (Name), can you sense His presence in the memory?

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the person needs prompting, ask him/her to share the words of truth with you and then
In most cases, the person will say "Yes". Some people see Him enter the memory in write them down. Note: If the person does not receive truth for part of the negative
picture form (visual people). Some people say they do not see Him but feel His words/lies, go back and pray for additional truth, until there is truth for all the negative
presence (feeling people). Some people do not see or feel Him there. That is OK too. words/lies. You need to be thorough here.
You need to assure the person that He is there, because He was invited and then you
keep moving forward with the process. Note: Jesus will appear in the way that is most Now that you have the negative and positive words, you ask for permission to do three
appropriate for that person. things: break the words/lies, send away the spirits of darkness that have been using these
words as a stronghold and then pray for the words of truth to heal the person's soul.
Now that Jesus is there in the memory/theme, you need to identify the negative
words/lies that are embedded in the memory with the following prayer: (Name), now that you have the negative words and the truth, I would like to do
three things. The first is to pray for you to break and send away the negative
(Name), now we need to identify the negative words and lies that are in this words and lies. The second is to do a spiritual clearing prayer so that any spirits,
memory. Do I have your permission to pray for you? that have been using the words as a stronghold, leave and thirdly, to pray that
Jesus' truths transform and heal your soul. Do I have your permission to do these
When confirmed:
three things?
Dear Jesus, I pray that you would now bring to (name's) mind the negative words,
With confirmation proceed as follows:
mental conclusions and/or lie(s) that have been embedded in this memory for all
these years. Lord, what was (name) thinking in the memory at that time? Please In the name of the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I pray, Lord, that you
bring these words to (name's) mind now. would break, smash and demolish these negative words and lies (read out loud the
negative words that you have written down) and that you would now remove every
Wait for maybe 20 to 30 seconds. If the person does not volunteer the words, ask the
person to share the negative words with you and write them down. These words are piece and particle of these words from (name's) mind now.
the key to the transformation process because the feelings are attached to the words.
Note: If a person at this point hears words of truth, such as, " I love you," instead of I now ask you, Jesus, to take authority and that you would have your angels
negative words, write down these positive words, then put them aside and go back come and bind up all the spirits of darkness that have been using this
and work at getting the negative, hurtful words. memory/theme, these words and these feelings as a stronghold in (name's) life.
(You can use your discernment to name whatever spirits you sense are involved. For
Once you have all the negative words, you need to proceed directly to praying for example, if the feeling is fear you could name: fear, panic, terror, etc.) Lord, have your
Jesus to reveal through the Holy Spirit all the words of truth that relate to these specific
angels come now and bind all these spirits to each other, force them to their
negative words.
knees and now strip all of them of all their armor, weapons, authority, powers and
Dear Lord, I pray that, through your Holy Spirit, you would now reveal to (name) illusions. Lord, have your angels force the spirits of darkness to throw down now
all your truth that you want him/her to know that relates to these specific words: at the foot of the Cross of Jesus Christ all words, lies, feelings, plans, programs,
(Read out loud now all the negative words that you have written down.) Lord, agendas, assignments and traps that they have been using in (name's) life. Have
what is your specific truth that relates to these words? your angels force these spirits to return everything that they have robbed and
stolen from (name). Now, have your angels force these spirits to take back all
Wait for 20 to 30 seconds. If the person shares the positive words, write them down. If emotions that belong to them that do not belong to (name). And now, Lord, with

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your Sword, come and cut, break and sever every tie, cord, connection, bond and If there is still some of the original negative feeling in the memory at this point, it means
linkage that the spirits have used to be attached to (name). Loose all these spirits that your work is not done and that there is another linked memory that is holding
some of the feeling. You will need to pray for the Holy Spirit to lead you to the linked
from (name) now, and have your angels escort them and take them all away from
memory and then repeat the whole process for the new memory that is revealed.
(name), never to return. Do not allow the spirits to turn left or right. Have them Sometimes you need to process two or three memories before the feeling in the
taken directly to you for you to do with them as you choose. original memory goes to zero. At this point, check with your client to see whether
he/she wants to continue to the next memory or to end the session and process the
Lord, when they are gone, please build a spiritual wall around (name) and seal next memory on another day. The person may be tired after processing the first
that wall with your blood. Place your guardian angels inside that wall to protect memory. Work at your client's speed.
(name). Now, Living Water, please come and wash away all the pain and hurt that
The goal is to get to a point where the negative feeling in the original memory goes
has been in (name's) memory. Remove all of the negative feelings. Take them
down to zero. That is how you know that the work is done.
away now. Please infill (name) with your Holy Spirit and with your light. Push out
all the darkness with your light. And now Lord, as you bring your truth into If the person needs and wants to continue, pray:
(name's) soul, bind up his/her broken heart with your warm, compassionate,
perfect, accepting love and with your words of truth: (Now read all the words of Dear Jesus, I pray, that with the help of your Holy Spirit, you would now take
truth that you have written down). Lord, transform and heal (name's) memory and (name) to the linked memory that is holding part of the feeling "insert feeling".
set (name's) soul free with your words of truth. (Read the words of truth again.) (Wait for the memory to be revealed. When it is there, repeat the process in the same
way as you did for the first memory.)
Give the person a little time to receive and reflect on these words of truth. After an
appropriate time (approximately 1 minute), you want to encourage the person to go If the feeling in the original memory is now zero, it is time to move to the prayer on self-
back to the original memory to check and see if there has been any change. acceptance. At this point in the process, you want to help the person start receiving
words of truth. The prayer of self-acceptance is one way of having the person listen to
(Name), could I ask you now to go back to the memory/theme and report to me if the words, which the Holy Spirit brings to the person's mind, that are to be
incorporated into the new True Self In Christ story.
anything has changed. (Do not guide them into any changes. Have the person
objectively discover if there are any changes in the memory and report them.)
The Old Story and New Story Exercise
Listen to whatever changes are reported and write them down. If the person is visual
Now, you need to help the person move from the Old Story to the New Story.
and Jesus is in the memory, you can ask the question:

(Name), as you look back now at your life, if you were to be an author and you
What is Jesus doing now in the memory?
had to give your Old Story a title, the story that had your old negative words in it,
The key to the transformation is the change in the original feeling. You need to find out what would the title of your Old Story be?
if any of the original feeling is still in the memory.
Write down the title of the Old Story.
(Name), feel around now in the memory/theme and tell me, "Is there any "initial
negative feeling" still in the memory? (If the original negative feeling is gone ask:) (Name), as you and Jesus are co-authoring your New Story together, I want you to
What do you feel now in the memory? become creative now and tell me, what do you want the title of your New Story to be?

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Write down the title of this New Story. Now, you need to help the person start talking Other Helpful Questions in the Process
about this New Story, so that the New Story can become stronger.
• Do I have your permission to pray for you?
(Name), tell me now, what does this New Story mean to you? (Be an audience for • I do not have a right to violate your will and neither do the demons? You really do
your client and listen to this New Story.) have a choice here. What do you choose?
• What’s happening? Are you seeing something right now?
• What does it feel like? It’s OK to let yourself feel!
(Name), if that is what your New Story means to you, what is that story going to allow • The True Lord Jesus of Nazareth, are there places where there is pain that (client)
you to do now? (Once again listen and be an audience.) might know about?
• What is the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth saying about that?
The task now is to help the person develop the New Story based on truth. Encourage • Tell me what you are experiencing. What are you feeling? What does the memory
the person to write this New Story down. Encourage the person to tell his/her New look like? What’s happening to you?
Story to safe, encouraging people. • True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, what do you want (client) to know?
• Lord, we are confused, could you clarify that now?
Diagnostic Tool • True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, what is the truth?
• Does that sound like truth to you the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth?
Teach you client to become aware of "current thinking" and to ask him/herself the question: • Lord, what does (client) need to see to come to freedom and wholeness?
• Lord, where do we need to go now? Help us to go to the place where we need to
"Is this thinking leading me back to the Old Story or is it leading me to my New Story? go and bypass anything unnecessary. What do we need to see?
• Lord, what do we need to see that we have missed?
If the thinking is leading the person back to the Old Story, help the person learn to say: • Is there anything that he/she needs to renounce Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth?
• True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, what does this mean for (client)?
"NO! I am not going back to those old words and that Old Story. I reject that Old • Well Lord, is there anything else that (client) needs to see in this memory?
• That is a good question? Could you, the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, answer
Story. Jesus I invite you now to help me stay in my New Story and to know, right
that question for (client)?
now, what truth you want me to receive that is part of my New Story." • Lord, would you expose what is going on here so (client) can see what is going on
more clearly.
Then, have the person add this new truth to the New Story and think about the New • Is there anything else that you Lord want to bring truth or understanding to?
Story instead of thinking about where it was going.
What Inner Healing Cannot Do
1. Change current reality.
Words are important. Jesus'truth is positive and powerful. If the person can grow the 2. Heal true mental illness.
New Story and live out of the words of the New Story, he/she can live in freedom. It is 3. Release a person from their lies against their will.
the truth of Jesus that sets us free. Help the person to grow this New Story. While the 4. Prevent a person from making wrong choices after the memory has been
process related to the healing of memories can be relatively short, the developing of transformed.
the New Story is really a lifelong project. The New Story can keep growing and 5. Remove Godly sorrow i.e. appropriate contrition.
developing over years. Help the person to put into perspective the need to keep
working at writing, scrapbooking, illustrating, writing and developing the True Self In
Christ story forever.

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Chapter 5
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A Christian Perspective
Here I am. I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens
the door, I will go in and eat with him, and he with me.
Rev 3:20

As Athanasius, one of the early church fathers, wrote, “That which He has not
assumed, He cannot heal.”
Andrew Comiskey
Living Waters Manual, p.39

We simply invoke His Presence, then invite Him into our hearts. Grace is
channeled into us. God sends His Word and heals us. The Healing Presence
descends into us and does it.”
Leanne Payne
The Healing Presence, pp. 135-157

Jesus is the healer. He is the Creator and the Sustainer of life. He is able to heal
because He is the living God who is in our midst. This truth holds for the past, the
present and the future. Thousands of years ago, scripture reveals, “for I am the Lord
who heals you” (Ex. 15:26). When Jesus walked on this earth, we are told that,
“Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching
the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness”
Mat. 9:35

Today in our post-modern world where spiritual realities are once again being
recognized, Jesus is healing through his disciples who invoke His divine power. An
example of one current disciple who invokes the presence of Jesus is Leanne Payne as
she says in her book, The Healing Presence:

I have begun with the story of this healing rather than a recent one in order to
stress the fact that after many years in the ministry, I still do the same simple
thing: invoke the Presence of Jesus and trust in Him.


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As I work with clients in my Christian counseling practice, I have seen the healing power The above metaphor of a house helps explain the dynamic of salvation. Each individual
of Christ in the present. He comes when called and he always shows up. When I first is pictured inside his/her own house where there is a door to the outside. The door is
started using this inner healing approach., I wondered if Jesus would show up. My own shut and there is only a handle on the inside of the door – not on the outside where
lack of faith caused me to doubt whether he would be there for each new client. After a Jesus is standing. As a result of his gift of free will, Jesus does not impose his solution
while, when He had shown up for every client, I grew in my trust that He would be there. of eternal salvation upon us. He offers it to us and we need to respond as an act of our
For some people, He would appear in pictures. For others, His presence would be felt. will. We are free to choose. The black heart represents spiritual death. Since the door to
For a small number of clients, they could not sense His presence, but He was there our house can only be opened from the inside, we can choose to invite Jesus in, or not.
because He did the healing work. In my life, I rejected Jesus’ offer for 40 years. I heard him knocking and I hear his voice,
but I chose to keep the door of my house firmly closed. In my own arrogance, I felt I did
As for the future, Romans 1:20 describes Jesus’ eternal nature, “for since the creation of not need Jesus. I was trying to control life and manage it in my own strength. My pride
the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been combined with my ignorance of the power of Jesus in my life resulted in Jesus standing
clearly seen.” Jehovah-Ropheka – The Lord our Healer – will be there as an eternal outside my door for years. I thank Him now for his eternal patience and His loyal love
force of love to heal in the future, just as he is healing in our midst today. because, the way I used to speak about Him and the way I treated Him did not merit his
mercy. Yet, He lovingly waited until the day when I opened that door and invited him in.
Salvation At that moment, he changed my heart, enabled me to see the truth in the scripture and
justified my by forgiving my sins. I now realize that Jesus was there with me every day
Mankind is broken. The consequence of the Fall in the Garden of Eden is that mankind since the moment of my conception, at my birth and that He walked beside me every
was banished from the garden of innocence. We are all born into a world that is eating day that I walked on this earth. He cared about me even when I was rejecting him. Then,
from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Our original sin places us at birth in a at age 40, I exercised my free will and invited Him into the front hall of my life and He
spiritual condition that separates us from God. And yet, God wants to restore our came.
relationship with him so we can again live in freedom and peace. He sent Jesus to earth
to bring the good news that faith in Jesus is the path for overcoming spiritual death and
gaining eternal life.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”
Jn 3:16

The above picture shows that Jesus has entered the house and is now standing in the
front hall. The white heart symbolizes the transformation of the heart from one of
depravity to love. Spiritual death has been changed to spiritual life with Jesus living
inside the house. By faith, the core of the person’s being, the heart, has been healed.
This transformation is the first and most important healing as Jesus brings his
redemptive power into our life. “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the

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Lord” (Eph 5:8). Along with the promise of salvation comes access to the kingdom of Sin, Unforgiveness, Lies and Mental Agreements
God. “The kingdom of God does not come visibly, nor will people say, ‘Here it is’ or
‘There it is’, because the kingdom of God is within you” (Lk 17:20-21). With the kingdom In chapter one, we talked about the cycle of controlling and hiding destructive, negative
of God and the rebirth, the Spirit has given birth to spirit (Jn 3:6) and now the individual messages that create a distorted image of self. There are four things that contribute to
has access to the fruits of the Spirit “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, the Distorted Self, which we hide in these rooms. They are:
faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Gal 5:22). But, salvation does not mean that
we are sanctified. From the beginning, our minds have been influenced by the Fall and 1. Sin
polluted by living in the world. The second big step of healing is described in Romans 2. Unforgiveness
12:2, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the 3. Lies
renewing of your mind.” 4. Mental Agreements

While the healing of the heart is the first step, the healing of the mind in an As long as these four things remain locked up in these rooms, darkness deepens, and
ongoing process, which also requires the help of Jesus. To visualize the mind, think turmoil and pain increase. Many people have kept the doors to certain rooms closed all
of memories and thoughts as being rooms in your house. their lives, living with the ensuing negative and destructive impact on themselves and

Most Christians know the image of the front door of their house with a handle only on
the inside. Well, the exact principle applies in the inner rooms of our houses. While
Jesus is standing in the front hall of our life, we have many rooms inside the mind where Sin
the doors are firmly shut, with the handles only on the inside. Jesus does not go into
these rooms unless we open the door from the inside and invite Him in to heal. Just as
Infidelity, pornography, addictions, hate, envy and pride are some examples of sins that
he waited patiently outside the house until we invited Him into the front hall, He patiently
we keep hidden in these rooms. A more subtle kind of sin that can be locked up in a
waits in the front hall. He respects our free will until we invite Him into each of the rooms
room and hidden is “judgment” that we hold against another person. For one client, the
of our house.
judgment was an inflexible belief that the father of her son-in-law was bad, when he
unilaterally supported his son in ways she perceived were hurtful to her daughter. We
can set our minds and harden our hearts in ways that never allow the other person to
get out of the box that we have put them in. As long as we hold fast to the sinful

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judgment of another person, we are not living out of the grace and mercy that we individual may hold the sin of judgment against the perpetrator. In addition, there may be
received when we were set free. If we open the door to the room where we hold this sin a linked unforgiveness towards the abuser, and possibly self, that causes bitterness and
of judgment and invite Jesus in and confess our sin, He will clean this room out, forgive unhappiness. At the time of the abuse, the child may have accepted the lie that he/she
us and set us free. For the healing of sin, we require confession. is dirty and vowed to never be out of control again. Years later, the person may read a
book or hear a sermon that encourages the cleansing of one of these rooms. For
Unforgiveness example, the book or sermon may focus on forgiveness, and so the individual forgives
the abuser, and finds that total healing is not achieved. More condemnation may set in.
An example of unforgiveness being locked into a room of the mind is the unwillingness
In some cases, forgiveness alone may set the person free, but for those situations
to talk to a person who has hurt us. One client was so bitter about how his father treated
where unforgiveness is linked to other rooms, all the rooms need to be cleansed before
him as a child that he cut his father off and never talked to him again. We can become
total freedom can be accomplished.
so resentful and bitter that we can behave in very unloving ways towards the individual
with whom we are emotionally bound. In addition, living with hatred and demonstrating a
When Christ created us, He made each one of us unique, talented and special. Sin,
vengeful attitude can damage our Christian witness. It can even spill over into our
unforgiveness, lies and mental agreements confuse and block our ability to know our
relationships with other people. If we open this door by an act of our will and invite
True Selves in Christ. It is through inviting Jesus into all of these dark rooms in our
Jesus into the room of unforgiveness, He will empower us to be able to forgive. The
house and asking Him to heal us that we begin to see our True Self in Christ clearly.
freedom we receive from this form of divine healing is a release from resentment, anger
When our house is clean, then we are free to function out of the gifts of our True Self in
and bitterness. It may take a little longer for the pain to heal, but the immediate result is
Christ to the glory of God. Inviting Jesus into the front hall of our house is an important
freedom from the destructive emotional feelings. For the healing of unforgiveness we
first step, however, that is just the beginning. Sanctification requires additional change.
need “to forgive”.
Often we leave Jesus standing in the front hall, as we protect secret rooms that we feel
Lies are too painful to expose. Yet healing requires light. The longer the doors are closed, the
darker the rooms become. Jesus is faithful to heal, but we need to take the initiative and
An example of a lie being locked up in a room is holding onto a belief that may have invite Him in. “Come Lord Jesus” (Rev 22:20)
been true at one point in time but is not true in the present. One client was sexually
abused as a child but today that person is happily married. The lie that still lives in the
person is that she is unsafe. Even though she knows the truth cognitively, the feeling still
seems real and affects the present relationship. The most destructive lies are ones that
were conceived in childhood and have an ongoing, negative influence throughout a
lifetime. For the healing of lies we need “truth”.

Mental Agreements
This category includes vows, curses and fixed rigid mindsets that create walls and block
healthy relationships. An example is “I will never speak to that person again.”
Renouncing is needed to break mental agreements.

Interconnected Rooms
Sometimes sin, unforgiveness, lies and mental agreements can be clustered and linked
to each other, complicating the healing process. In such a situation, healing will require
the cleansing of all four interconnected rooms before total freedom is accomplished. An
example of interconnected rooms is the case of a sexually abused person. The

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A Prayer for Inviting Jesus into One’s House (The Heart) Dear Jesus, thank you for the truth you have revealed to me. I receive this truth
and I now commit to being obedient to you by living out of this truth. I pray in
Dear Jesus, I realize that I have never invited you to come into my house or into the name of the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
my heart. I understand that you have been patiently standing outside my front Amen
door for a long time waiting to be asked to come in. I turn to you now and with
my “will”, I invite you to come into my life. I open my front door and ask you to
come in and heal my heart. I lay down all my rebellion, pride and self-
centerdness. I submit to you now as my Lord and Savior. Please help me now
to know your truth and I commit myself to being obedient to your will and
commandments. I pray this in the name of the True Lord Jesus Christ of

A Prayer for Inviting Jesus into the Rooms of One’s House (The Mind)

Dear Jesus, Thank you for coming into the Front Hall of my life and renewing
my heart. I now extend an invitation for you to come into all the rooms of my
mind, which need renewing as well. There are parts of my mind that I have
never surrendered to you. I desire your truth and divine healing power to
transform my mind. I want to be free. So, Lord I invite you into the specific
place in my mind where I hold the following thought:

Dear Jesus, please shine your light into this compartment of my mind and I ask
you now to reveal to me your truth that I need to know to be set free. Come
Lord and heal my mind with your truth.

Listen and Record the Truth Jesus Reveals:

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Confession Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that
nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their
minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind of sinful man is death, but the
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace, because the sinful mind is hostile
may be healed.. to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so.
Jas 5:16 Rom 8:5-7

As well as having two mindsets, people have wounds. One type of wound is inflicted by
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If
others, whereas sin is a wound that is self-inflicted. We have a choice. We can live in
we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify obedience to God or we can continue living apart from God in our pride and rebellion. To
us from all unrighteousness. build on the metaphor of the house, when a person invites Jesus into the front hall, the
1 Jn 1:8-9 heart has been redeemed, but there are still rooms where the sinful mind still inflicts
itself. These rooms, which we choose to keep separated from the love of God, need
Confession is not simply about admitting wrong doings or thoughts according to some light. The act of confession is the process of bringing the thoughts and mental
moral standard. It is about getting our relationship right with God. If sin within the agreements captive to Jesus and allowing Him to purify us through forgiveness. As C.S.
soul is seen as merely a psychological imbalance or illness, the predicament of good Lewis said,
and evil at the core of man’s being is never addressed. The Christian perspective on
personhood is different than secular psychology because all the stories of healing in “We have a strange illusion that mere time cancels sin… But mere time does
scripture are incarnational. Christian healing has everything to do with Christ in us.
nothing either to the fact or to the guilt of sin. The guilt is washed out not by
Psychology does not consider prayer, grace, mercy, the truth of God’s Word, the healing
presence of the Holy Spirit or the nature of the human spirit. time but by repentance and the blood of Christ”
Leanne Payne quoting C.S. Lewis,
The mind of man, including his spirit and entire soul are either cleansed and Restoring the Christian Soul, p.78
wise (in balance), or evil and darkened (unseeing), depending whether or not
The Process of Confession involves the following steps.
there is confession of sin and fellowship with God through Christ.
Leanne Payne 1. Recognizing our condition of sinfulness
The Healing Presence, p.162 2. Choosing Jesus and the cross
3. Naming the sin
Science has led to the development of psychology, which has caused a distinction to be 4. Renouncing personal involvement
formed between the mind and the heart. “In Biblical language, the heart is the center of 5. Binding the sin to the cross and receiving forgiveness
the human spirit, from which spring emotions, thoughts, motivations, courage and action 6. Repentance
– the wellspring of life” (NIV Study Bible, commentary on Ps 4:7). In the scripture, the 7. Freedom to function from the True Self
heart of man refers to both head knowledge and heart knowledge. As Leanne Payne
says, the heart refers to “both the spirit and the soul in man. Therefore, rather than 1. Recognizing Our Condition of Sinfulness
speaking of healing the head in contrast to the heart, the “conscious” in contrast to the
“unconscious”, or the spirit in contrast to the soul, it speaks very simply of cleansing the The first step of confession is the realization that we are separated from God and living
heart” (The Healing Presence p. 161). The Bible therefore talks about one heart with two a life of spiritual poverty. Often pride insulates us from understanding how God wants us
mindsets: to be. Luke 18:11-14 describes this condition.

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The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself; “God, I thank you that I am Step 1 – Inviting Jesus into the Front Hall
not like all other men – robbers, evildoers, adulterers – or even like this tax
collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get”. But the tax collector Jesus is all-sufficient and he is our only hope. No matter how hard we try, we will never
receive salvation through our own good works. But, through the obedience of Jesus to
stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast
follow his Father’s will and sacrifice Himself as an atonement for us on the cross, we
and said, “God, have mercy on me a sinner.” I tell you that this man, rather than have the promise of salvation. He assumes our sin when we turn to him and confess it.
the other , went home justified before God. He bears our sin so that we will no longer be burdened by it:
In psychology, pride is not an illness or a sickness and therefore is not diagnosed as
This righteousness from God comes through Jesus Christ to all who believe.
pathological. But, in the scripture, the pride of the Pharisee does connect with the
predicament of good and evil that is at the core of the human heart. The tax collector is There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and
aware of his brokenness and is struggling with the pain of his sin, as he asks for help in are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Jesus
the form of mercy. Our need is to look inward, like the tax collector, see our Christ. God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement through faith in his
shortcomings and humble ourselves in regret. The attitude is described in Psalm 51:16- blood.
17, “You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt Rom 3:22-25
offerings. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart.”
They key to the above verses is “to all who believe”. For as it says in Romans 1:17, “The
An example is the woman who came into the clinic and confessed that she was broken righteous will live by faith”. We need to turn to Jesus and by faith invite him into our lives
in every way. Her life was a shambles. Her health was bad. She was at the end of her as the son of God who died for our sins:
rope and she said, “I will do whatever God wants me to do. I am broken financially,
physically, spiritually and emotionally. Help me Lord!” God wants to help us, but because “For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your
He has given us free will, He cannot redeem us unless we extend the invitation. We
mouth that you confess and are saved”
have the responsibility of asking for help. Coming to God with a desire to change is the
starting point. Rom 10:10

Confessing that we are sinners and inviting Jesus into our lives are the first two steps of
2. Choosing Jesus and the Cross healing. The immediate fruits of the sinner’s prayer are salvation and the indwelling of
the Holy Spirit within us.
Confession and repentance entail more than not doing something wicked. They
involve turning to God in faith because we recognize that without Him we are empty, Step 2 – Inviting Jesus into the Rooms of Our House
lonely and broken. As we understand that our rebellious pride and our separation from
God is our first big sin, we are brought to the point of choice between truth and lies, life For those of us who have received salvation by faith and are reborn in the Spirit, we still
and death, freedom and bondage, healing and ongoing pain. Understanding our have the task of sanctification – the purifying of the mind from sin, unforgiveness and
sinfulness involves two steps: recognizing that all our efforts to save ourselves are lies. There are two areas to consider: 1) past sin and memories that are hidden away in
meaningless, we invite Jesus into the front hall, and recognizing that controlling and secret rooms with the door locked, and 2) current sin and thoughts that result from our
hiding our fallen selves grants evil and opportunity to sow destruction in our lives, we living in a fallen world, where we constantly struggle with daily unrighteousness such as:
invite Jesus into the rooms of our house. pride, judging others, envy, disrespect and the lack of acceptance of others.

The same principle that we used in “inviting Jesus into our house” is used when we
invite Jesus into these unsurrendered rooms”, where past and current sin resides and
where lies and wrong agreements of our mind hold us in bondage. We need to come

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before God, or before another trusted person, and confess before God that we have We can take our sins to the cross and bind them there:
fallen short. Just as He justified the tax collector as a sinner, He will come in, cleanse us
from sin and forgive us. The difference between what the sacrifices accomplished in the He forgave us all our sins, having cancelled the written code, with its
Old Testament and what confession accomplishes in Jesus’ name in the New Testament regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away,
is that the Old Testament sacrifice atoned for the sin, whereas Jesus not only provides
nailing it to the cross.
forgiveness, but He also washes away the sin forever.
Col 2:13-14
3. Naming the Sin
Jesus has the authority to forgive, “that you may know that the Son of Man has authority
We need to take responsibility for the ways that we have lived an unrighteous life. on earth to forgive sins” (Lk 5:24). As we accept the forgiveness of Jesus, we need to
Naming the specific sins is an important step. “He who conceals his sins does not allow that forgiveness to actually reach our heart.
prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy” (Prov 28:13).
6. Repentance
As we disclose our guilty offenses with a contrite heart, we lay before God the specific
ways that we have been rebellious, separated ourselves from righteous living and
Repentance is defined as turning toward God in all aspects of one’s life. “Repent, then,
caused ourselves to pursue evil rather than good. Naming our sins in confession is the
and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come
way that God knows our heart and is the condition for working his divine healing of
from the Lord” (Acts 3:19). Repentance requires a change that proves one’s desire to be
grace, mercy and forgiveness in our lives. Confession is how the darkness flows out of
obedient to God.
us into the Crucified One.

4. Renouncing Personal Involvement “I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance
by their deeds”
As Proverbs 28:13 says above, renouncing is integrally related to confession. After
Acts 26:20
naming, admitting and expressing the sin, we need to reject and renounce it before
turning from it in repentance. “Renounce your sins by doing what is right” (Dan 4:27) Repentance requires action. With the change in heart comes the fruit of change – a new
Renouncing is not passive acquiescence. It is an active determination to give up the desire to be obedient to God’s will and new behaviors. Change is never easy and
error of our ways and a declaration to refuse to participate in the wrong agreements of change from slavery of sin is even more difficult. As we move from the mind that is set
our mind again. It is an act of obedience to repudiate the destructive thoughts and on sin, where it is impossible to please God, to the mind that is set on what the Spirit
behavior. Renouncing precedes repentance with an act of “will” that stands against the desires, He will help, if we invite Him into the process.
old way and it produces commitment that strengthens the effectiveness of turning from
the wrongful ways. 7. Freedom to Function from The True Self
5. Bind Sin to the Cross and Receive Forgiveness
What is the result of confession? Freedom! There is freedom to function from the True
Jesus died on the cross for our sins: Self in Christ with less confusion and interference. Sin clouds our ability to know
ourselves as God created us to be. The following list outlines some of the main sins that
For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to people encounter: pride, idolatry, sexual lust and fantasy to adultery and fornication,
reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by envy/jealousy, sinful anger, sloth/laziness, gluttony and greed. You can read Dr. William
making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. Backus’s book, What Your Counsellor Never Told you, for further insights into these sins.
Addendum #6 also provides a cultural perspective on pride.
Col 1:19

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General Prayer of Confession

b) Lord, I renounce the wrong agreements of my mind and I renounce my
Dear Heavenly Father, Sovereign God, I come before you on bended knee as a participation and personal involvement with:
sinner in need of mercy. I bring to you the sacrifice of a broken spirit and a
contrite heart.

I proclaim my faith in the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth as my Lord and
Savior and I invite Jesus and the Holy Spirit to reveal to me all the sins in my
life, known and unknown, that are keeping me separate from you. I know that I
have fallen short and I lament my thoughts and actions. I now ask Jesus to help
me identify all the ways that I have dishonored you by being rebellious, prideful,
idolatrous, self-centered and by living outside of your will. c) I bind this sin of ________________________________________ to the cross of
Jesus Christ, and I now receive the forgiveness that only Jesus has authority to
List the sins that you hear: give on earth (Luke 5:24). Purify me now Lord from my unrighteousness. Set me
free by your grace and mercy.

d) Lord, clean out this room in my mind and remove from me any further desire
to sin. I now choose to repent from this sin of ____________________________.
I now commit to change in the following ways:

Four Steps for addressing each of the above sins:

I now humble myself and confess with my mouth that I have fallen short as

a) I acknowledge, confess and take full responsibility for sinning against you
Take my pain away now and give me the strength to follow through on this
and for transgressing your holy ways by:

Now, repeat the same process for the other sins you recorded above.

After addressing all the above sins, thank God:

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God, you are awesome. Thank you for your gift of forgiveness. Heal me inside. I Record Now All the Situations to be Confessed
release all my guilt and shame to you and I accept your forgiveness. I loose any
wrong agreements of my mind and I now choose to accept myself as cleansed,
free and ready to serve you. Thank you for your loyal love. I choose to be
obedient to your Word and I place my confidence in you.

I pray this in the wonderful name of the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Confession for Sexual Sin

I proclaim my faith in the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth as my Lord and

Repeat the Following Prayer for Each Individual

Lord, I come before your presence to acknowledge that I have sinned sexually
and that I seek your forgiveness and cleansing as promised in 1 John 1:9, “If a) Lord, I acknowledge, confess and take full responsibility for sexually sinning
we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify when I participated in: ________________________ with ______________ .
us from all unrighteousness.”
b) I renounce my sexual involvement with _______________.
I acknowledge that I have given in to fleshly lusts and that I have offered parts
of my body to sin as instruments of wickedness (Rom 6:13). I do not want sin c) I bind this sin to the cross of Jesus Christ and I now receive the forgiveness
to be my master (Rom 6:14) or to give the devil a foothold in my life (Eph 4:27). that only Jesus has authority to give on earth (Luke 5:24). Purify me now Lord
from my unrighteousness. Cleanse me Lord and set me free by your grace and
Lord, I pray that the Holy Spirit would reveal to me now all the situations in my mercy.
life where I have used my body sexually as an instrument of unrighteousness.
Show me all the times in my life where I have transgressed your holy law so d) Lord, I turn to you now and ask for your help. I choose to repent of this sin of
that I may lay them before you now. __________________ . Remove from me any further desire to sin in this way. I
now commit to being obedient to your holy ways.

e) I ask you to break any bondage or foothold that Satan obtained through this
involvement and I also ask that you break any soul tie that resulted from this
relationship. I place the cross of Jesus Christ between myself and ___________.
I pray this in the name of the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


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After Addressing All the Above Situations Confession of Idolatrous Worship

Lord, I now present my body to you as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to I proclaim my faith in the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth as my Lord and
you. I choose to reserve the sexual use of my body only for marriage. I Savior.
renounce the lie of Satan that my body is unclean, that it is dirty or
unacceptable as a result of my past experiences. Lord, I receive your Lord, I come before your presence to acknowledge that I have sinned against
forgiveness for my sins and I thank you for totally cleansing me, for removing all you when I chose to knowingly and unknowingly forsake you by not following
condemnation and for accepting me unconditionally. I release to you all guilt your greatest commandment,
and shame that has been connected to this sin and I now choose to accept “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all
myself as purified. your mind”
Matt 22:37
Thank you for your loyal love. Thank you Lord for setting me free through your
forgiveness. I choose now to be obedient to your Word and I place my
In rebellion and ignorance I chose to follow false teachers and I have
confidence in you.
participated in occult practices and idolatrous worship. Have mercy on me
I pray this in the wonderful name of the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I recognize that there is only one true and living God (Ex 20:2-4), who exists as
the Father, Son (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and Holy Spirit. I acknowledge that
you are the only omniscient (all-knowing), omnipotent (all-powerful) and omni-
present (always present) God.

I also acknowledge that the resurrected Jesus Christ has been given all
authority in heaven and on earth and that he has supremacy in everything
Col.1: 15-18

I believe that I am now a child of God (1 Jn 3:1-3) because I have invited Jesus
Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior. I believe that by faith and the grace of
God, that I am seated with Christ in the heavenlies (Eph 2:6) and that when I
was still a sinner, Christ died for me (Rom 5:8). I believe that Jesus delivered me
from the domain of darkness and transferred me to His kingdom and in Him I
have redemption, the forgiveness of sins (Col 1:13-14).

Lord, I acknowledge that you are the God of truth and that I have been
deceived by the father of lies (Jn 8:44) and that I have deceived myself. I pray,

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with the help of your Holy Spirit, that you would lead me into all truth and reveal Love and Life.
to me now all the ways that I have turned from you and either knowingly or e) Lord, I ask you now to break any rights, grounds or privileges that were
unknowingly participated in or been involved in false religions, cultic or occult gained in my life as a result of this inappropriate spiritual worship.
practices and worshipped and followed false teachers and false gods.
Record Involvement in All Non-Christian Spiritual Experiences
After Addressing All of the Above Activities
False Gods False Religions Occult/New Age Witchcraft
Lord, thank you for releasing me from the bondage of my unbelief. Thank you
that you are all I need. I vow obedience to you and only you and I place my
confidence in you. Protect me Lord from any counter attack from the world of
darkness and help me to live in the freedom of the cross. Thank you that you
have disarmed the enemy and that Jesus Christ already has the victory. I claim
that victory in my life. Thank you that I am, by faith, a child of God, purchased
by the blood of Jesus, redeemed, free of condemnation, accepted and a friend
of Christ.

Repeat the Following Prayer for Each Activity Recorded Above Thank you for setting me free through your forgiveness.

a) Lord, I acknowledge, confess and take full responsibility for sinning against I pray this in the wonderful name of the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
you when I participated in : __________________________________________ .
b) I renounce my participation and personal involvement with _____________ Confession for the Sin of Pride
________________ and I commit to the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth who
is the way and the truth and the life (Jn 14:6). I proclaim my faith in the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth as my Lord
and Savior.
c) I bind my sin of idolatry to the cross of Jesus Christ, and on bended knee,
Lord, I humbly ask for your forgiveness for all my unholy thoughts, behaviors Lord, I humble myself before you now as a sinner who has been living
and activities. I now receive the forgiveness that only Jesus has authority to independently, in total-control and full of pride. In Jeremiah 2:13 you said, “My
give on earth (Lk 5:24). Purify me now from my unrighteousness. Set me free by people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living
your grace and mercy. water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.”

d) God, I turn to you now and repent of my sin of idolatry. Remove from me any Lord, I admit that I have turned my back on you and have tried to live life in my
further desire to separate myself from you. I commit to worshipping only you, own strength and resources. I have believed the dictum of the world that I can
the one true God – the Creator, the Sustainer, the Protector, the True God of be the master of my own ship and have succumbed to the worship of my self.

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you and pray that you will work through my weaknesses.

I have blinded myself to the truth of the forgiveness of the cross of Jesus Christ
and I have pridefully taken charge of trying to justify myself by atoning for my c) I bind my sin of pride to the cross of Jesus Christ and I now receive the
own sin through performance and works. forgiveness that only Jesus has authority to give on earth (Lk 5:24). Purify me
now Lord from my unrighteousness. Set me free by your grace and mercy.
Lord, you have said in Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goes before destruction, a
haughty spirit before a fall.” I come before you now broken in spirit and contrite d) Lord, I turn to you now and ask for your help in dealing with this most
in heart because I have been trying to live my life alone, without anyone’s help persistent struggle . I choose to repent of all my prideful ways. Remove this
and especially without you Lord. I am weak and tired. desire from within me to be prideful and help me to be humble, so that I can
live with the compassion of Christ. I now commit to sacrificially loving others as
Lord, in James 4:10 you say, “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will described in John 15:11-12, “Love others as I have loved you. Greater love has
lift you up.” I come to you now destitute and broken. Lord help me. Lift me up. no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”
I need you now. Holy Spirit, show me the ways that my pride has transgressed
your holy ways. e) Lord, break the stronghold of pride in my life. Help me to become a good
and faithful servant who is living out of your will and not my own. Lord, I release
a) Lord, I acknowledge, confess and take full responsibility for the following my arrogance to you and pray that you are all that I need. Free me now from
ways that I have pridefully sinned against you: (Select the ones that relate to my perfectionism and striving.
Lord Jesus, thank you for the gift of your sacrifice on the cross. Thank you that
❑ 1) seeking to do my will instead of yours you died for me and paid the price, taking my sin of pride into you, so that I
❑ 2) relying on my own strength and resources instead of you may be free. Thank you for your grace and mercy. I now accept myself as
❑ 3) comparing to, competing with and arrogantly believing that I am better cleansed, free and ready to serve you. I praise you as the wonderful God of
than others love and peace. I bow my knee to you in submission, humility and hope.
❑ 4) believing that I am always right
❑ 5) considering myself first ahead of others I pray this in the wonderful name of the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
❑ 6) controlling others instead of controlling myself Amen.
❑ 7) thinking I am perfect without weaknesses
❑ 8) overly concerned with fame, fortune, power and pleasure
❑ 9) believing that I am a better Christian than others
❑ 10) believing that I am more humble than others
❑ 11) Other _______________________________

b) Lord, I renounce all the ways that I have been living an arrogant, self-
centered prideful life and I choose to humble myself now. I submit myself to

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The Law of Sowing and Reaping

In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil.
Gen 2:9

Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant as I had on you?
Matt 18:33

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in

Christ God forgave you.
Eph 4:32
The Tree of Life The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
In the middle of the Garden of Eden, there were two trees-the tree of life and the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil. God wanted Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of life. Grace Justice = good and fair
Life is positive. John Arnott in his booklet, “What Christians Should Know About The
Importance of Forgiveness”, calls the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the tree of
Mercy Judgement
Judgment (p.9). He says “In our pride and self-sufficiency, we think we have enough
understanding and information to make fair and honest judgments in every situation. We
instinctively judge much of the time, and when we judge, we are usually negative, Forgiveness Accusation = the Great Accuser
biased and unfair.” Further, Mark Virkler from a course called “Pure in Heart”, says that
80% of most people’s thoughts are negative, critical and accusatory. If this is true, then
Humility Pride
80% of the time we yield our minds to the negative tree of judgment and accusation
rather than the positive tree of life.
Love The World
Grace relates to the tree of life. Justice relates to the tree of good and evil. Justice is
good, but grace is better. Justice is the law of God. Justice is good and fair, however, the
Salvation Death
problem is that none of us could ever have any hope for eternity if we all received the
justice we deserved. And as for judgment, James 2:13 says, “Mercy triumphs over
judgment!” The Holy Spirit is calling us to turn away from judging, “Do not judge, or you can justify and rationalize my own sin and self-centerdness and yet want justice in my
too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with dealings with others. The law of sowing and reaping says that if I want justice for others,
the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (Matt 7:1-2). This is the law of sowing then I can expect the same for myself. If you demand repayment for sins and wrongs
and reaping. What we sow, we will reap. If we judge, we will be judged. If we accuse, we done to you, then you will be dealt with according to your own prescription.
will be accused – and in equal proportion. In our hearts, we often want it two different
ways. We want grace and mercy for ourselves, because we know our own failings and When we accuse, we are in the territory of Satan – the great accuser. Satan is a
weaknesses, but for others, we want justice. It is easy to slip into a double standard. I legalist. He is also the ““evil” aspect of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. When we
accuse and blame others, we are living out of the tree of good and evil. Conversely, if
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we eat from the tree of life, it will build up, encourage and edify others and us. The tree wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” God does not forget, but through
of life will give life to others as we bless and curse not, forgive and accuse not. It is forgiveness He lets go of the past and chooses to remember no more. If you are
important to speak life and not death. Even when God brings correction, it is a positive bringing up the past against another, then you have not truly forgiven. The goal of
direction and His intent is always life giving and redemptive. The good news is that there healing through forgiveness is to be able to remember the past without pain.
is a place we can go where Satan cannot follow. It is a higher and better place. If we
seek the tree of life and if we live in the grace and mercy, forgiveness and love of Jesus Often the reason why we choose to not forgive is because of that “pain”. To let go feels
Christ, Satan has no right to be there. like the other person is being let off the hook. We think – they need to pay for what they
did. Going down the path of repayment “feels” right, but when that path becomes
revenge, the fruit is resentment, anger, bitterness, hate and rage. God has given us the
choice of free will. We can choose to live from the tree of life.

The obstacle to forgiving is agreeing to live with the pain and the consequences of
another person’s sin. Forgiveness does have a cost. You accept the price of the evil you
forgive. But, there is a benefit to forgiveness. You receive freedom now and healing over
time. Since you are going to live with the consequences of another person’s sin anyway,
your real choice is to live in the bitterness of unforgiveness or the freedom of
forgiveness. However, letting the other person off the hook for their past sin does not
mean that you accept any future sin. Sin is never acceptable. You need to place a firm
boundary between you and the person who hurt you and you need to protect yourself
from any future pain.

If you choose the tree of life, grace, mercy and forgiveness, who will take care of the
offender? Forgiveness involves giving up the right for revenge, the right to be bitter, the
right to curse, the right to judge and the right to hold others down with our pride. We are
to give others a gift they do not deserve, when there is no question that we have been
sinned against, hurt and violated by them. Yes, an outstanding debt exists, but is it our
job to require payment?

Often when we accuse and seek repayment, we are really on the path of revenge. As The spiritual principle for giving up the right for revenge is found in Romans 12:17-20:
the figure shows above, we can only be on one path at a time – either the path of
repayment and revenge or the path of forgiveness. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of
everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with
Jesus did not ask us to repay for our sins. He took what we deserved upon Himself on
everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for
the cross. Similarly, we can lay our judgment of others at the cross and allow the mercy
and grace of Christ to flow into our lives as we forgive others. it is written, ‘It is mine to avenge, I will repay, says the Lord’. On the contrary: ‘If
you enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In
Some people say, I will forget, but never forgive. The problem is that we do not forget. doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.’ Do not be overcome by
We may suppress a memory only to have it resurface later at the most inconvenient evil, but overcome evil with good.
time. Forgiveness may result in forgetting as healing occurs, but forgetting does not
result in forgiveness. In Jeremiah 31:34, “declares the Lord, for I will forgive their Leave the repayment of injustice to God and seek to follow the example of Jesus. Even

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in the face of injustice, the last cry from his lips was, “Father, forgive them for they do not but Jesus helped her overcome judgment and enabled her to forgive (p.215).
know what they are doing” (Lk 23:34). The healing of forgiveness requires that you visit
the pain, acknowledge the hurt, express the anger and turn it all over to Jesus. “You therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at
whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself” (Rom 2:1). If we do
A Fictional Example not repent of the judgment, we are giving Satan the legal right to bring the law of sowing
and reaping into our life. We have a choice – mercy, forgiveness and freedom or
A woman experienced abuse as a child. She had never forgiven the perpetrator and as judgment, accusation, and ongoing pain.
Christmas approached, the traditional family gathering was becoming a major point of
worry. Should their family attend the function? How could they face this man who had We repent of our sin of judgment by recognizing the brokenness of our own humanity
never taken responsibility for what he had done. The thought of seeing this man made and reaching out to others with humility. Mercy mediates forgiveness. As we give the gift
her feel sick at her stomach. Even though she was a Christian, she had never forgiven of mercy to others, we free ourselves from the trap of judgment. Recognizing our own
this individual, and the pain in her stomach was evidence of the bitterness turned sin of judgment, confessing it and repenting of the judgment releases us to be able to
inward. The woman expressed a desire for healing because the pressure was getting to love others. As we repent from judgment, we are working out, in a practical way, our
be too much for her to handle. After discussion about the importance of forgiveness, she forgiveness in the relationship.
expressed a desire to forgive the man. With tears in her eyes, she visited the pain of the
abuse and gave up the right for revenge. She turned all the pain over to Jesus and when
the prayer was finished, the pain in her stomach was gone. She felt free.

Sometimes we say the words of forgiveness, however, and still we feel resentment and a
negative attitude towards the other person. There is a step in addition to forgiving, which
we may have forgotten. It is called repentance. As well as forgiving, we also need to
repent of our own sin of judging. We may have forgiven, but still be eating from the tree
of good and evil through our judgment. If there is a repetitive, negative inclination
towards the forgiven person, there may still be a root of judgment remaining. If it is
there, it will most likely reside in areas where the wound and hurt is located. To be
completely healed of the bitter root judgments, we need to confess, otherwise, the law of
sowing and reaping will apply here as well.
“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (Matt 5:7). But how do we
repent of judgment? Sometimes the judgment is too hidden. Maybe we need to turn to
God and ask for help in discerning our judgments. Psalm 139:23 suggests, “Search me
O God and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.” When we detect
the ongoing bitterness – that is where we will find our sin. We need to ask Jesus to
reveal to us the truth of our judgment and he will come and help us discern.

Sometimes the wound is too fresh. Maybe we need to rely upon Jesus and the grace
and mercy of the cross to strengthen us. It is at the cross of Jesus where mercy
triumphs over judgment. In Corrie ten Boom’s book, The Hiding Place, she describes
how she was unable to forgive the German prison guard in her own strength, but with
the help of Jesus, she could extend the hand of forgiveness. Her wound was still fresh,

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Forgiveness seems to be one of the most difficult things for people to do, including
Christians. Even though Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and forgiveness is central to
Christianity, dying to self for others seems to run counter to our human nature. If we
were to wait until we felt like forgiving, we might never get to it. But, Jesus’
commandment is not a suggestion. We are to be a forgiving people. That is how he
designed us. “Forgive as the Lord forgave you” (Col 3:13).

While “words” are used in the process of forgiveness, forgiveness is not just words.
Forgiveness needs to come from the heart. The pain of the offense, that created the
unforgiveness in the first place, needs to be addressed. Insincere and superficial
forgiveness is sometimes described as cheap forgiveness. An example is a spouse
whose mate had an affair, and who quickly said the words “I forgive you,” without taking
the time to know his/her real feelings. If the forgiver visits his/her heart, the benefit of
forgiveness is freedom from resentment, bitterness and anger that often accompany the
memory of the offense.

An approach that I find helpful involves the use of a big white cloth sheet. In the process
of forgiving, I ask the person to visualize a big white cloth sheet in front of him/her and
to go into his/her heart and bring out all the painful memories and place each on the
Pray for Each Individual
sheet, one after the other. When all the memories are on the sheet, I ask the person to
roll all the memories, plus the pain and hurt related to them, into a bundle and then give
the whole bundle to Jesus. This approach helps the person visit the heart and address Lord, I choose to forgive _(The person’s name) _____________________________
the emotional wounds that would be missed with superficial forgiveness. I place before me now a big, white cloth sheet and I place on it the following
Prayer of Forgiveness
I forgive _(The person’s name) __________________ for
I proclaim my faith in the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth as my Lord and (describe in detail every painful and hurtful offense that the Lord brings to your
Savior. mind and place each one on the sheet)

Lord, you have asked me to forgive others as you have forgiven me. Give me
the grace, mercy and strength to forgive those who have hurt me.

Holy Spirit, please reveal to me now the names of all the people whom I need
to forgive.
Keep bringing up all the hurtful memories until they are all on the sheet.

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When they are all on the sheet, pray:

Lord, I bundle up all these painful memories into one big ball and I give them to
you now. Please come and take away this bundle with all the hurt and pain
connected with it and set me free.
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist.
When the bundle is gone, continue: Eph 6:14

Lord, I give up my right for revenge against __(name)__________________________ They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served things
and I now release him/her to you. I also choose to release to you all my created rather than the Creator.
resentment, anger, bitterness, hate and rage that I have been holding against Rom 1:25
__(name)__________________________. The battleground is the mind and the war is between truth and lies. Lionel Tiger says in
his book, Optimism – The Biology of Hope, “Humans have religions and as far as we
Lord, I also confess and renounce any remaining sin of judgment against know, no other created beings do” (p. 54). Human intelligence has given mankind some
__(name)__________________________. I repent of that judgment and I bind it to abilities that set it apart from the animal kingdom. One distinct trait of humanity is the
the cross of Jesus Christ. I choose now to live out of the tree of life with grace, ability to see into the future. A second unique attribute is the ability to lie. Prince
Machiavelli turned the principles of cunning and duplicity into a science for the purpose
mercy and forgiveness.
of achieving political power. Machiavelli is an example of how mankind can combine
these two unique traits of human intelligence, by using lies and deception to strategically
accomplish future results.
Spiritual Freedom
Ever since the Garden of Eden, when Eve and Adam ate from the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil, mankind’s eyes have been opened to the experiences of both good
After the client has completed forgiving all the people on the list, do a spiritual freedom
and evil. God warned Adam about the consequences of such action, “But you must not
prayer against the spirits of: resentment, anger, bitterness, hate, rage, revenge, pride
eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely
and judgment. See chapter 10 on prayers for spiritual freedom.
die” (Gen 3:7). But the serpent, which was “more crafty than any of the wild animals,”
used deception to lead Eve and Adam astray. The woman said, “The serpent deceived
me and I ate.” So, lies and deception are as old as humanity and from the beginning, the
lie has produced destructive consequences. “But for those who are self-seeking and
who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. There will be trouble
and distress for every human being who does evil” (Rom 2:8). Conversely, the truth is of
God. In John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” “For the law
was given through Moses: grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” (Jn 1:17). And in
John 3:21, “Whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen
plainly that what he has done has been done through God.”

There is a direct relationship between God and truth. But, what is truth? In John 8:31-
32, Jesus says, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will
know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” He tells us that his teachings are the truth

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because they come directly from God the Father. In Colossians 1:5, the writer describes plant a lie in a child at a young age, and then have that lie produce destructive feelings
truth this way, “The word of truth, the gospel that has come to you.” The gospel or word forever, or until the lie is discovered and replaced with truth. An example of such a lie is
of God is the truth, and belief in the word of God is the way to be set free from the when a parent shouts at a young child in anger and the child interprets the experience
destructiveness of lies. in their mind as “I am unworthy.” The lie feels real and because there is no
counterbalancing truth, the lie is accepted because it feels like truth.
In 1 John 2:21 it says, “No lie comes from the truth.” What comes from the truth is love.
“Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth” (1 Cor13:6). God is love and the The Power of a Lie
fruit of the Spirit is love . . . (Gal 5:22). So, truth and love and obedience to God’s Word
are intricately intertwined in God’s plan for us: When a lie is embedded in a memory, the lie has a power to resist truth because the lie
has been accepted in the belief system as tried, tested and real.
Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have
sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply from the heart. For you
have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the
living and enduring Word of God.
1 Pet 1:22-23

The living Word of God is accessed relationally by loving God with all our heart and soul
and mind, and also by listening to the Holy Spirit.
Consequently, when external truth comes along and tries to penetrate the mind, it is
rejected. It is almost as if the lie has a defense mechanism that repels the truth. In my
“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth” own life experience, I rejected the truth of the Gospel for 40 years and for years the truth
Jn 16:13 of God’s Word just bounced off me. In my arrogance and ignorance, I felt I knew better
than everyone else and I accepted the world’s lie that I needed to be in control of my
While we know that God is the source of truth, is it also possible for God to be a source own life. Lies blind people to the truth, and I certainly was blinded for years. A
of lies? In Titus 1:2 it says, “God, who does not lie.” And even more strongly in Hebrews contributing factor to the strength of the lie is the fact that the lie is located internally in
6:18 where it says, “It is impossible for God to lie.” So, we know that the source of lies is the mind, whereas the truth is located outside the person. External truth, no matter how
not of God. If God is the source of truth, where do the lies come from? persuasively presented to the individual, is still an external reality. The lie which is
internal has much more power.
Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I
say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s Conversely, when Jesus brings the truth into the mind, the external lie bounces off, and
desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for the truth now has the ability to repel the lie. It is just the reverse.
there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a
liar and the father of lies.
Jn 8:43-44

In the Garden of Eden, the way that Satan deceived Eve was by speaking a lie directly
to her mind. While I believe that Satan can still speak directly to our minds today, I have
found that more often, the lies are communicated to us through other people such as:
family members, friends, teachers and associates. One of Satan’s best strategies is to Internal truth has power to defend itself against the external lie. That is why it says in the

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Bible, “The truth will set you free” (Jn 8:32). What is a lie? A lie is any argument or weaknesses, we need to expose them to God through confession and he will help us.
pretension that sets itself up in the mind as a thought that is against the knowledge of Instead of living with hidden lies, we need to invite Jesus to reveal to us the truth that
God: will set us free. As we confess sin, forgive others and hear God’s truth, Jesus heals us
according to his divine will. Jesus’ presence is what we need.
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary,
they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness”
every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take 2 Cor 12:9
captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Larry Crabb has theorized that within every human being there are three deep longings:
2 Cor 10:4-5 1) to be accepted, 2) to be secure, and 3) to be significant (Effective Biblical
Counselling, p. 61). The Word of God reveals truth that we each need to know to meet
The stronghold is the lie, which has taken the place of God’s truth. It is a thought, or an
these three deep longings. When these truths reside within us, they function like armor,
argument that we hold in our mind, which is in opposition to God’s Word and Jesus’
in this case as a “belt of truth,” protecting us from the lies of the world and helping us to
teaching. The lie pretends to be truth and is therefore a deception. The power that a lie
function from the True Self in Christ, as God created us to be. Here are some Biblical
has is in our believing the deception. The more we accept the lie, the greater is its
truths, but not all, that relate to these longings:
power. As we take our thoughts captive to Jesus, He will reveal the truth to us that we
need to know. Here again, we see the importance of words. As Leanne Payne says:
1) I Am Accepted
If you and I do not practice the Presence Of God, we will practice the presence
I am a child of God
of another. If we do not listen for the Word [of God] we will be in subjection to
“To those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of
the words of the world, the flesh, and the devil
God, children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a
The Healing Presence, p. 73.
husband’s will, but born of God”
When we invite Jesus into a memory and we listen to the Spirit of truth, he reveals the Jn 1:12-13
truth that we need to know that will demolish the lie. The “belt of truth” is the spiritual
armor that protects us from the lies. The Words of truth lead us away from the tree of I belong to God
knowledge of good and evil, where the world lives, to the tree of life where God lives. As “You are not your own; you were bought at a price”
we live out of the grace, mercy and forgiveness of the cross of Jesus, we are free of the 1 Cor 6:19-20
lies that confuse and block our ability to see our True Selves in Christ. When truth is not “So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord”
there to protect us, we cannot see ourselves because of the darkness. Satan uses Rom 14:8
shame and fear to keep us in hiding. As Keith Miller says in his book:
I have been redeemed by God
“Shame’s biggest lie: that keeping everything secret is our strength and “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the
security, so we must not share deeply” kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness
Compelled To Control, p.130 of sins”
Col 1:13-14
When we exchange the truth of God for lies, we turn from the creator to the idolatry of
the created and we live in a distorted, hidden and false world. Our strength is not in
hiding. Our real strength is God. As the psalmist said in Psalm 28:7, “The Lord is my
strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him and I am helped.” Instead of hiding our

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I am free of condemnation “The Lord loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones. They will be
“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, protected forever”
because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the Ps 37:28
law of sin and death”
I have an eternal inheritance
Rom 8:1-2
“For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are
I am adopted by God called may receive the promised eternal inheritance – now that he has died as a
“In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant”
accordance with his pleasure and will” Heb 9:15
Eph 1:5
I will not be abandoned
I am accepted “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on
“Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you” to completion until the day of Christ Jesus”
Rom 15:7 Phil 1:6
I am Christ’s friend I can be confident in time of need
“I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may
business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need”
my Father I have made known to you” Heb 4:16
Jn 15:15
I am a citizen of heaven
2) I Am Secure “But our citizenship is in heaven”
My outcome is guaranteed Phil 3:20
“ He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his spirit in our “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly
hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.” realms in Christ Jesus”
2 Cor 1:21-22 Eph 2:6

I cannot be separated from God’s love 3) I Am Significant

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, I was created by God
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made”
that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” Ps 139:13-14
Rom 8:39
I am God’s temple
I am protected
“Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit
“He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a
lives in you?”
1 Cor 3:16
Prov 14:26

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I am God’s workmanship us from the destructiveness of lies and set us free to use our God-given gifts to serve
“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, others.
which God prepared in advance for us to do”
Eph 2:10 Fictional Examples

I have gifts A middle-aged man had been a Christian for 10 years and he had totally confessed his
“We have different gifts, according to the grace given us” sinful past. He had forgiven everyone who had offended him, and yet he still felt
Rom12:6 depressed. The truth of his redemption and his freedom from condemnation was
overruled by a lie that caused him to believe that he was bad. The truth of the gospel
I have been chosen was repelled by the lie, and he continued to struggle doing good works to earn his
“You did not choose me, but I chose you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will worth. Guilt and lack of self-forgiveness blocked his ability to hear the truth.
A middle-aged woman, who had only recently come to Christ, had also lived a sin-filled
Jn 15:16 life. In addition to confessing and renouncing her sinful life and forgiving her parents,
hurtful friends and ex-spouse, she invited Jesus to reveal the truth related to the lie that
I am salt and light
lived within her that she was unworthy. When Jesus spoke to her mind and told her that
“You are the salt of the earth” he had created her, and that she was a precious creation who was worthy, the lie was
Matt 5:13 banished forever and the anxiety and worry that had plagued her was gone. The truth of
“You are the light of the world” her worth as a child of God became real, allowing her to clearly see her True Self in
Matt 5:14 Christ, free from the distortion of the lie. Exchanging the lie with the truth of God
produces freedom and healing from the painful emotions that emanate from the lie.
I am an extension of Jesus
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he
will bear much fruit”
Jn 15:1-2

I am a priest
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people
belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out
of darkness into his wonderful light”
1 Pet 2:9

Truth can be internalized in a variety of ways. We can read the Word of truth and
memorize it so that it abides inside us. We can worship God and allow the truth to live in
us, as a song repeating itself in our minds. We can hear the truth spoken to us in a
message from the pastor, which we can then accept and believe. We can read or hear
personal testimonies about the truth and learn through the example of others. Or, we
can invite Jesus to reveal directly to our minds, the truth we need to know, which comes
from the Holy Spirit. Whichever approach we use, the truth of God has a power to free

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Prayer for Truth

I am enslaved to God (Rom 6:22).
Dear Jesus, I invite you into this specific place in my mind where I am thinking
the following thought: I am a son of God, God is spiritually my father (Rom 8:14, Gal 3:26; 4:6).

I am a joint heir with Christ, sharing His inheritance with Him (Rom 8:17).

I am a temple - a dwelling place - of God. His spirit and His life dwells in me
(1 Cor 3:16; 6:19).
Lord Jesus, what is the truth you want me to hear now that relates to the above
thought. Please bring your truth to me in words, as a picture or as a distinct
I am united to the Lord and am one spirit with Him (1 Cor 6:17).
impression or feeling.

Record Jesus’ Truth: I am a member of Christ’s body (1 Cor 12:27; Eph. 5:30).

I am a new creation (2 Cor 5:17).

I am reconciled to God and am a minister of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:18,19).

Helpful Christian Words I am a son of God and one in Christ (Gal 3:26,28).

Neil Anderson, in his book Victory over Darkness, has listed the following excerpts as
I am an heir of God since I am a son of God (Gal 4:6,7).
being helpful in putting words to one’s identity in Christ.
I am a saint (Eph.1:1;1 Cor 1:2; Phil 1:1; Col 1:2).
I am the salt of the earth (Matt 5:13).

I am God’s workmanship - His handiwork - born anew in Christ to do His work

I am the light of the world (Matt 5:14).
(Eph 2:10).
I am a child of God (Jn 1:12).
I am a fellow citizen with the rest of God’s family (Eph 2:19).
I am part of the true vine, a channel of Christ’s life (Jn 15:1,5).
I am righteous and holy (Eph 4:24).
I am Christ’s friend (Jn 15:15).
I am a citizen of heaven, seated in heaven right now (Phil 3:20; Eph 2:6).
I am chosen and appointed by Christ to bear His fruit (Jn 15:16).
I am hidden with Christ in God (Col 3:3).
I am a slave of righteousness (Rom 6:18).
I am an expression of the life of Christ because He is my life (Col 3:4).

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I am chosen of God, holy and dearly loved (Col 3:12; 1 Thes 1:4). I have received the Spirit of God into my life that I might know the things freely
given to me by God (1 Cor 2:12).
I am a son of light and not of darkness (1 Thes 5:5).
I have been given the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16).
I am a holy partaker of a heavenly calling (Heb 3:1).
I have been bought with a price; I am not my own; I belong to God
I am a partaker of Christ; I share in His life (Heb 3:14). (1 Cor 6:19,20).

I am one of God’s living stones, being built up in Christ as a spiritual house I have been established, anointed and sealed by God in Christ, and I have been
(1 Pet 2:5). given the Holy Spirit as a pledge guaranteeing my inheritance to come
(2 Cor 1:21; Eph 1:13,14).
I am a member of a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for
God’s own possession (1 Pet 2:9,10). I have been made righteous (2 Cor 5:21).

I am an alien and stranger to this world in which I temporarily live

I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in
(1 Pet 2:11).
me. The life I am now living is Christ’s life (Gal 2:20).

I am a child of God and I will resemble Christ when He returns (1 Jn 3:1,2).

I have been blessed with every spiritual blessing (Eph 1:3).

I am born of God, and the evil one - the devil - cannot harm me (1 Jn 5:18).
I was chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and am
without blame before him (Eph 1:4).
I am not the great “I am” (Ex 3:14), but by the grace of God, I am what I am
(1 Cor 15:10).
I was predestined- determined by God- to be adopted as God’s son (Eph 1:5).
In addition
I have been redeemed and forgiven and I am a recipient of his lavish grace. I
Since I am in Christ, by the grace of God... I have been justified - completely have been made alive together with Christ (Eph 2:5).
forgiven and made righteous (Rom 5:1).
I have been raised up and seated with Christ in heaven (Eph 2:6).

I died with Christ and died to the power of sin’s rule over my life (Rom 6:1-6).
I have direct access to God through the Spirit (Eph 2:18).

I am free forever from condemnation (Rom 8:1).

I may approach God with boldness, freedom, and confidence (Eph 3:12).

I have been placed into Christ by God’s doing (1 Cor 1:30).

I have been rescued from the domain of Satan’s rule and transferred to the

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kingdom of Christ (Col 1:13).

I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins. The debt against me has
Mental Agreements
been cancelled (Col 1:14).

Christ himself is in me (Col 1:27). Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be
done on earth as it is in heaven.
I am firmly rooted in Christ and am now being built up in him (Col 2:7). Matt 6:9-10

I have been spiritually circumcised. My old unregenerate nature has been

removed (Col 2:11). The battleground is the mind and we have seen that “words” have power. Words of truth
set us free and words that are against the knowledge and will of God hold us in
I have been made complete in Christ (Col 2:10).
“For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be
I have been buried, raised, and made alive with Christ (Col 2:12,13). condemned”
Matt 12:37
I died with Christ and I have been raised up with Christ. My life is now hidden
with Christ in God. Christ is now my life (Col 3:1-4). The subject of mental agreements leads us beyond the words themselves to the
commitment given to the words. Agreements engage the human will. When a person
I have been given a spirit of power, love and self-discipline ( 2 Tim 1:7).
says, “I agree with . . .” the person is taking a position related to the words in the
statement. Agreement involves aligning with the meaning of the words and making a
I have been saved and set apart according to God’s doing (2 Tim 1:9; Titus 3: 5). commitment. Agreement declares an intensity of the expression of the will. God asks for
intensity of commitment when He says in Matthew 22:37, “Love the Lord your God with
Because I am sanctified and am one with the Sanctifier, He is not ashamed to all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” God commands us to not be
call me brother (Heb 2:11). lukewarm in our beliefs and attitudes.

In the Lord’s Prayer, we are directed to do God’s will on earth. As self-centered, fallen
I have the right to come boldly before the throne of God to find mercy and beings, we tend to focus on our own wills and then proceed to act in our own strength.
grace in time of need (Heb 4:16). Mental agreements are the way that we human beings set our “will” against or with the
will of God. And these mental agreements have power and consequences. Agreement
I have been given exceedingly great and precious promises by God by which I seems to be a law and force of its own – wrong agreement brings forth the power of
am a partaker of God’s divine nature (2 Pet 1:4). darkness and bondage – right agreement brings forth God’s power and freedom. Just as
“words” can have a spiritual power to set us free or hold us in captivity, “mental
agreements” have a similar power. It is the human “will” that allows fallen angels to
become attached to the person and to the deception. There are two issues to look at: 1)
what is an unhealthy mental agreement? 2) How does a person know God’s will to be
able to bind to it?

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Examples of Unhealthy Mental Agreements agree with each other to behave and think in a certain way. When two young boys cut
their fingers and in a ceremony become blood brothers, they are making a covenant to
Unhealthy mental agreements include: vows, curses, covenants, spirit-ties, soul-ties, think and behave like brothers. An example is Freemasons who covenant to secrecy to
guardian lies, and generational curses. Agreements can be subtle and even hidden to protect their ceremonies, rituals and practices. Negative covenants create strongholds
the person’s mind. When mental agreements are consciously bound to God’s will, there that can be accessed by spirits of darkness.
is spiritual freedom. But, when mental agreements protect wrong attitudes, patterns of
thinking and beliefs, strongholds are created that produce a spiritual vulnerability, which Spirit-ties
spirits of darkness can access. Strongholds are defined in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 as,
“Arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God.” A variation on the covenant is the informal mutual agreement between two people, who
intermingle their minds to the point where they share the same deception. When two
people reach a unity of belief and the belief is coming from their unsurrendered souls,
then a spirit-tie can be created. A spirit-tie is the result of a wrong agreement between
Vows can be positive or negative. An example of a positive vow is when a person two people, which usually appears to hold some benefit for each person involved. A
commits to making a difficult marriage work. You can hear the energy and resolve in this spirit-tie can exist between a husband and wife when they mutually agree that one
personal statement as the person says to him/herself, “I am going to do whatever is spouse has an unequal responsibility for meeting the other’s needs.
required to make this marriage successful.” You can also hear Jesus applauding this
commitment. On the other hand, a negative vow is illustrated by a person saying to Christian prayer partners can create spirit-ties when they pray together out of mutually
him/herself, “I will never speak to that person again.” This unloving attitude is a held negative agreements. An example is praying to have a minister removed from a
“stronghold” that creates a place for spirits of darkness to access. The person in this church, as opposed to praying for God’s will to be done in the situation. Friendship is
case says to him/herself, I agree with myself that I will never speak to the person who is good, but a spirit-tie involves the co-dependent state of two people sharing one
the focus of the negative emotion. The spirits then help the person hold firmly to that misperception. God made each individual unique, special and distinct. We were given
mental attitude. A vow is an agreement created by the self. minds to know God’s will and discern truth. It says in 1 Thessalonians 5:20-22, “Test
everything. Hold onto the good. Avoid every kind of evil.” As we bind ourselves to the will
Curses of God, we can discern the subtle ways that spirit-tie agreements have infiltrated
the mind.
When words of curse are spoken into existence, the words only have power if the curse
is received and agreed with. The harsh, evil and hurtful words of a curse can only land if Soul-ties
there is acceptance. For example, if a man places a curse of sickness on a woman, the
curse will only have power if the woman comes into agreement with the belief that she is To clarify from spirit-ties, soul-ties are created through sexual intercourse, shared blood,
going to become sick. Fear and worry are tools that Satan uses to keep the focus on the a near death experience, in which one person is resuscitated by another in a ritual
curse and away from truth. A curse is like a lie. It is not true, but if the person believes it, ceremony, or through other very intimate contact. Ungodly soul-ties are created between
then the words have power and the spirits of darkness can use the words for destructive a rapist and his victim. Other examples include: illicit lovers, blood brothers, two drug
purposes. A curse is an agreement created by another person. users who share the same needle and people involved in occult ceremonies.

Covenants Guardian Lies

A covenant is a contract where two people come together in agreement. The strength of I have noticed that some clients are blocked from receiving the benefits of inner healing,
a covenant is in the belief that it is unbreakable. For example, the covenant God made by an overriding mental agreement that can be called a guardian lie. Such a lie is
with his people is the unbreakable promise that if they believe in his son Jesus, they will general in nature and inhibits the client from getting to the source of the problem that is
be saved and receive eternal life in heaven. In the world, people covenant when they often embedded in a trauma. An example of a guardian lie is a self-agreement such as,

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“God will never heal me.” Or, “I will never get better.” For addictive individuals, the mental How to Know God’s Will
agreement can be “I am going to fall again in a few days.” It is like an assumption that
has been accepted, which has the power to override and cancel thoughts that would Even though Christians are justified by faith, often they live out of the results of the Fall,
normally be helpful. The guardian lie needs to be uncovered, renounced and broken, rather than the victory of the cross of Jesus. If the mind is not totally transformed by the
before inner-healing work can proceed. renewing of the mind, and if all the rooms of the house have not been surrendered to
Christ, then God’s “will” may be difficult to know. Sin, unforgiveness, lies that have been
Generational Curses accepted, wrong mental agreements, pride and negative mental attitudes can create
Family characteristics, such as anger, unforgiveness, impatience and abuse are based
on thought processes that are passed on from one generation to another. When families A client may need to work through confession, forgiveness and self-forgiveness to be
live together, the daily exposure of one unsurrendered soul to another produces a able to clear the mind so he/she can hear the will of God. In addition, learning how to
thought pattern that is in effect a soul agreement. One of the most powerful ways that invite Jesus into the thought processes of the mind will help him/her take thoughts
people learn is to look at a model and copy it. These thought processes, similar to captive to Jesus. Other ways to know God’s will include: being still, reading and
curses, cannot land unless the person gives them a home by coming into agreement contemplating Holy Scripture, praying and listening for God’s leading and consulting with
with them. The spirits of darkness then have access to the stronghold, which has been mature Christians and members of the church who have the gift of discernment.
passed on from one generation to the next. The problem is not the spirit of darkness.
The problem is the mental agreement, which is not aligned with the will of God. That
stronghold gives the spirits of darkness an opportunity to lead the person astray. An
exception to the above explanation is generational witchcraft where human spirits are
transferred to carry evil forward into the next generation. This training manual does not
address dissociative identity disorder (DID) and more serious generational issues such
as witchcraft.


Mental agreements, whether agreeing with self or two people agreeing with each other,
can either be bound to God’s will or be bound to an unsurrendered will. God’s command
is that our will on earth be aligned with His will in heaven. When Abraham “believed,” he
was in conformity with God’s will in his every purpose, thought and action. To believe is
more than just mental assent to the words of the Bible. It is a commitment that all your
body, soul and spirit be in agreement with what you believe and do. As therapists, we
need to help people identify any wrong agreements so that they can renounce them,
break them and surrender their will to God’s will. The renewal of the mind includes
confession of sin, forgiveness, transforming lies with truth and coming into right
agreement with God’s beliefs, values, pattern of thinking and will. Believing the truth of
the Word, agreeing with it and committing to it with intensity is how a person
appropriates the “keys of the kingdom of heaven.”

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Mental Agreements Generational Curses:

I proclaim my faith in the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth as my Lord and
Other Agreements:
I confess that I have held beliefs, thoughts and mental agreements that have
been contrary to the truth of your Holy Scripture. Forgive me for rationalizing
and justifying my own thinking. May I have eyes to see and ears to hear your
Renunciation of Mental Agreements
truth and will in my life.

I renounce the beliefs, thoughts and attitudes that I have held in my mind when
Lord, reveal to me all the ways that I have been blind, stubborn, rebellious or
I committed to agree with myself that:
confused and where my mind has been unsurrendered to your will.



I break the power, authority, effects and consequences of this agreement in my

Covenants: life and I declare it to be null and void. It is broken now in the name of the True
Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I now commit myself to every thought, purpose and action that conforms with
Spirit-ties: God’s will so that the will of God will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Lord,
show me now what your will is in this situation.

Listen & Record


Guardian Lies:

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Spiritual Freedom
I replace the wrong mental agreement with the following commitment and I
submit this new agreement to you Lord so that I may be obedient to your He forgave us all our sins, having cancelled the written code, with its
leading and guiding truth. regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it
away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities,
New Agreement he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.
Col 2:13-15

Calling the Twelve to him, he sent them out two by two and gave them
authority over evil spirits . . . . They went out and preached that people should
repent. They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil
and healed them.
Mk 6:7,12-13

And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive
out demons.
Mk 16:17

In John 4:24, it says, “God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in
truth.” And in Mark 10:18, Jesus declares that God is the force of good, “Jesus
answered, ‘No one is good – except God alone’’’ And, God uses His heavenly host of
angels for good. “An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord
shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angels said to them, ‘Do not be
afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people’” (Lk 2:9-10).

On the other hand, Satan is also a spirit and he leads the forces of evil as described in
Revelation 12:7-9:

And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the
dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong
enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down
– that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan, who leads the whole world
astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

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In the Bible, Satan is called the prince of this world (Jn 16:11). The earth, where we live, The Supremacy of Jesus
is Satan’s territory and we are his targets. His purpose is destruction, “The thief comes
only to steal and kill and destroy” (Jn 10:10) even to the point of death. He “prowls Satan did have authority on earth until Jesus came, which explains Satan’s jealous
around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Pet 5:8). He started his anger towards Christ. With the arrival of Jesus, the power structure changed. In Mathew
rebellion against God in heaven and he continues his rebellion on earth by trying to 28:18, Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” This
tempt man to disobey God. “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon authority was confirmed in Colossians 1:16, “For by him all things were created: things
the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons” (1 Tim 4:1). Satan in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or
himself will be one of these deceiving spirits as described in 2 Corinthians 11:14, “Satan authorities; all things were created by him and for him.” And further in Colossians 1:18,
himself masquerades as an angel of light.” “So that in everything he might have the supremacy.” This authority and supremacy was
transferred to his disciples as shown in Luke 9:1, “He gave them power and authority to
Man is also part spirit. “I tell you the truth, unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to preach the kingdom
he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth of God and to heal the sick.” Satan’s only power is to deceive. If Christians appropriate
to spirit” (Jn 3:5-6). We are told in 1 Corinthians 3:16, “You yourselves are God’s temple the power and authority of Jesus Christ in their lives, the truth of God will overcome the
and that God’s Spirit lives in you.” We are made of body, soul, spirit and mind. There is a power of deception.
very close relationship between the spirit and the mind of a person, which is why the
spirit world can strongly affect our mind, our thoughts, our perceptions and our will: However, even though we have the victory through Jesus Christ, as described in
Colossians 2:15, where it says that Jesus, “disarmed the powers and authorities. . .
These powers of darkness have no flesh life of their own and seek to occupy triumphing over them at the cross,” we are still warned in Ephesians 6:11-13 that we are
the bodies of men and women in order to pursue their rebellion against God to expect to struggle with the powers of this dark world:
and his creation, man, by keeping people in bondage to Satan and away from a
restored relationship with God. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s
Peter Horrobin schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers,
Healing Through Deliverance, p. 7 against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the
spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
The Influence of Demons
This struggle is what spiritual warfare is all about. While there has been a change in
The question that people ask is “Can Christians be demonized?” Some people believe ownership when a person becomes a Christian, the battleground is still the mind. That is
that once a person has accepted Christ into his/her life that he/she is set free through why the first commandment of the new covenant says, “Love the Lord your God with all
His victory over sin and death on the cross. While it is true Christians have been born your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matt 22:38). If you live in your
again in the Spirit, we are still human beings with a fallen nature who can be tempted. mind with the teaching and truth of God, you will not be led astray. It is helpful to see
Satan even tried to tempt Jesus himself as is shown in Luke 4:5-7: how Neil Anderson describes it in his document, Steps To Freedom In Christ:

The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the If you are not experiencing freedom, it may be because you have not stood firm
kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and in the faith or actively taken your place in Christ. It is the Christian’s
splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if responsibility to do whatever is necessary to maintain a right relationship with
you worship me, it will all be yours. God. Your eternal destiny is not at stake; you are secure in Christ. But, your
daily victory is at stake if you fail to claim and maintain your position in Christ.

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Salvation is not the concern. The issue is daily life. Are we living in the freedom that through the ownership of Jesus Christ, the internal spiritual influence is called
Christ wants us to have or are we living a life that leaves us open to the sowing and “inhabitation.” This word describes the internal focus where the spirit has located itself
reaping of Satan, because we are living in the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Over inside the mind where the individual has closed part of him/herself to God and allowed
the last 14 years of deliverance ministry, we have observed that anyone can be the spirit to take up residence. For non-Christians, the word that is used is “possession,”
demonized, pastors included; but an individual needs to proclaim Jesus Christ as because those individuals are not controlled by Jesus Christ and therefore have turned
their Lord and Savior to benefit from the delivering power of Jesus Christ. From themselves over to the control of the evil force. In these cases of possession, Satan has
experience, the only power stronger than the demons, to which the demons will submit, ownership.
is the power of Jesus Christ. While Christians can be inhabited with demons, they have
been given Christ’s authority over the powers of darkness. As it says in Mark 16:17, “In Demons are Not the Primary Problem
my name they will drive out demons,” in just the same way that Jesus did. The
incarnational reality that Leanne Payne refers to in her book, Real Presence, is about Now, before we start spiritualizing everything and seeing spirits as the cause of every ill,
the victory over sin, death and the Prince of Darkness. “This victory, however, while let me make an observation. It is my belief that spirits of darkness are secondary and
decisive for the whole of the world, has to be appropriated by each individual with the are not the primary cause of most problems. In some cases, the primary cause of a
help of God’s grace. But the powers of evil are still present” (p.13). problem is biological. An example is chemical depression. In other cases, the cause is
what can be called the “unsurrendered soul.” Living a life in disobedience to God’s will is
How Do We Become Vulnerable to the Spirits of Darkness? the primary cause, and then spirits attach to that thinking and make things worse.
Examples are sin, such as judgment; unforgiveness; and mental agreements (vows),
First, a person may have opened him/herself to demons before becoming a Christian
wrong patterns of thinking (lies) and agendas of the soul that are not of God. Using
and the spirits do not necessarily leave when the original invitation to Jesus is made.
unforgiveness as the example, when a person does not want to forgive, the cause is the
The distinction made earlier in this book is that Jesus has been invited into the front hall
pain that was created by the original incident, which makes the person not want to
at the time of conversion, when the heart is renewed, but there can still be rooms in the
forgive – not demons. However, the spirits can use the unforgiveness to stir up sinful
house where Satan and/or his helpers have a right to be. Even for Christians, the
thoughts which augment the anger, bitterness and hatred. While the subject of
following ways represent openings or access points for the spirits of darkness.
demonization can seem frightening, as Christians, we need to keep our focus on God
1) personal sin: sexual and non-sexual and the victory of Jesus Christ. As it says in 1 John 4:18, “There is no fear in love. But
2) unforgiveness perfect love drives out fear.” In Luke 1:68-74, it says:
3) lies
4) idolatry: especially involvement with the occult and witchcraft Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel because he has come and has
5) abuse: sexual, physical and emotional redeemed his people . . . to rescue us from the hand of our enemies, and to
6) curses and vows enable us to serve him without fear.
7) direct invitation Lk 1:68-74
8) generational sin passed down family lines
You can hear the tension that exists even in these words. We have victory in Christ, but
For in depth information about each of these areas, I refer you to Peter Horrobin’s book,
we need to be aware of the struggle that starts with our sinful nature. As it says in
Healing Through Deliverance – The Practical Ministry. Demonic activity is described as
Genesis 4:7, “But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires
having two main influences. The first influence is “external” which means that the spirits
to have you, but you must master it.” We are to have no fear, but we are to be vigilant as
are external to the person. As C.S. Lewis illustrates in his book, The Screwtape Letters,
we give ourselves over completely to God. Otherwise, we leave ourselves open to the
when uncle Screwtape is addressing his nephew Wormwood, “Keep in close touch and
enemy. However, we can give too much time and attention to Satan and his forces. To
build up a good settled habit of mutual annoyance; daily pinpricks” (p.20). The words that
put it in perspective, we need to focus on God first and choose to live a righteous life so
describe external influences include: temptation, bondage, obsession and oppression.
that God’s will is done on earth. Living in fear of Satan and his forces is not living a
The second influence is “internal.” Since Christians are possessed by the Holy Spirit

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redeemed life. The demons are not as powerful or as important as God, so why give 15) Help him to be a conscientious objector - p. 41
them more credit than they are due? We need to worship and love God with all our
ability, defend ourselves by putting into place good spiritual boundaries and invite Jesus 16) Help him to pursue meetings, pamphlets, policies, movements, causes, and
into our thoughts as we deal with life and spiritual issues. crusades, rather than prayers, sacraments and charity - p. 42
17) To us a human is primarily food; our aim is the absorption of its will into ours,
How Do the Spirits of Darkness Function? the increase of our own area of selfhood at its expense - p. 45

John R. Sheets, in his foreword to Real Presence, describes it as follows: “The strategy 18) God cannot “tempt” mankind to virtue as we do to vice - p. 47
of the Devil is always the same: to empty incarnational reality of its inner weight” (which 19) Keep him out of the way of experienced Christians - p. 50
means to reduce the meaning and dignity of the human person, p.13). C.S Lewis
outlines the process in, The Screwtape Letters, as Screwtape instructs Wormwood: 20) Talk to him about moderation in all things – especially religion - p. 51
21) We want him to know people who are rich, smart, superficially intellectual, and
1) Keep everything hazy in his mind - p.17 brightly skeptical about everything in the world - p. 53
2) Keep his mind on the inner life - p. 20 22) Encourage social, sexual and intellectual vanity - p. 53
3) Keep his attention on other people’s sins - p. 21 23) Encourage consistent scoffing - p. 57
4) Help him focus on his irritations and annoyances - p. 22 24) Flippancy is the best of all. Encourage the ridiculous side of every serious subject -
5) Convince him in every quarrel he is innocent - p. 23 p. 60

6) Keep him from the serious intention of praying altogether - p. 24 25) Keep him in a dim feeling of uneasiness and away from a definite, fully recognized
sin - p. 62
7) Our best work is keeping him out of God’s mind - p. 25
• turn his gaze away from Him [God] towards himself 26) The safest road to Hell is the gradual one, the gentle slope, without milestones or
• keep him praying to the thing he has made, not to the person who has made signposts - p. 65
him 27) Keep him from recognizing creatures as glorious and excellent things - p. 73
8) Undermine his faith with fear of the future - p. 29
28) Make him live in the future where nearly all vices are rooted – fear, avarice, lust and
9) Catch him when his reason is temporarily suspended: at times of bereavement, ambition - p. 77
physical pain or terror.
29) Use gluttony to produce: quarrelsomeness, impatience, uncharitableness and self-
10) Keep him in maximum uncertainty diverting his mind from the thing feared to fear concern - p.86
itself - p. 35
30) Keep him in a state of false spirituality - p. 89
11) Maximize his malice towards his immediate neighbors and thrust his benevolence to
the remote circumference, to people he does not know - p. 37 31) Entice and tempt him into sexual involvement outside of marital monogamy or
abstinence - p. 91
12) Our policy is to conceal ourselves - p. 39
32) The whole philosophy of Hell rests on recognition of the axiom that one thing is not
13) All extremes are to be encouraged - p. 40 another thing. “To be” means “to be in competition.” Teach him not to serve the other
but to suck the will and freedom out of a weaker self into a stronger - p. 92
14) Encourage pride and hatred - p. 40

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33) Persuade him that chastity is unhealthy or instill in him an overweening asceticism- suicidal tendencies, persistent fear, internal voices, extreme anger and hatred, addictive
p. 101 enslavement, sexual perversions, physical manifestations and an inability to read the
Bible due to watering eyes, confusion, anxiety and distraction.
34) Help him to assume that his time is his own. Your task is purely negative. Wrap a
darkness about him and in the center of that darkness let his sense of ownership of As described above, these symptoms show that the objective of the spirits of darkness
“time” lie silent, uninspected and operative - p. 107 is to literally keep each person in the dark. The strategy is to divert us from truth and
thus keep us from knowing God and living a holy life. As the lies and false messages
35) Fill him with pride and confusion - p. 109
create in us a distorted view of our Self, we are blocked and blinded from seeing and
36) Help him to be a hedonist at heart - p. 112 knowing our True Self in Christ. God’s desire for each one of us is the opposite. He
wants us to live in freedom. One of the benefits of confessing our sins, forgiving others
37) Transform yourself into an angel of light and attack his theology by attacking the and replacing lies with truth is that we are then able to see clearly and know our True
historical Jesus. Distract him from who He is to what He did, destroy his devotional Self in Christ, as Jesus created us with unique gifts, talents, strengths and special
life by focusing on the remote, uncouth figure who spoke a strange language and characteristics that are good and worthy.
help him to see the scripture as a biography of a great man and not a historical fact
about the Resurrection and Redemption of sin - p. 117 Inner Healing
38) Help him to possess the strongest and most beautiful of vices - the sin of Spiritual As Christian therapists, you will encounter times when your client becomes stuck and
Pride - p. 122 nothing seems to work. In situations like this, often the confusion, distraction or blockage
is spiritually related. There are two major problems: recognizing evil as evil, and then
39) Worry him with haunting suspicion, distraction and a wandering mind - p.136
combating it.
40) Prosperity knits a man to the world. Make him believe that earth can be turned into
Heaven - p. 144 The gift of spiritual discernment is one way of knowing whether the problem is spiritual
or not. A second method is to do a spiritual inventory that highlights ways that the
41) Help him to identify with women and children and feel hatred on their behalf. Hatred person may have opened him/herself to the spirits of darkness. A third way is to review
is best combined with fear because the more he fears, the more he will hate - p. 147 a list of symptoms, some of which are described above, to see if the behavior indicates
spiritual involvement. A fourth way is to have the person read the Creed of Truth (which
42) Awaken his superstitions and honeycomb his commitment with little unconscious
is in the process section) and observe if there is any interference, such as watery eyes
reservations - p, 150
or inability to say the name Jesus Christ. A fifth way is direct confrontation. If you
43) Turn his disappointments into a sense of injury - p. 152 command in the name of Jesus Christ for the strongest spirit that has a right, ground or
privilege to the person’s life to reveal itself, as a defeated enemy of Jesus Christ, it
44) Encourage moderate fatigue and then feed him false hopes so that his patience, sometimes presents itself.
chastity and fortitude will yield just before relief is in sight - p. 153
Through a combination of the above approaches, you will be able to see the struggle
45) Turn his shame into despair - p. 149 that the person is encountering. Another indicator is that the struggle or civil war within a
person who is inhabited will be more intense, longer in duration and be more frequent
To put the struggle between good and evil into perspective, you can see from the nature than for a person who is not inhabited. To deal with the spirits of darkness that block or
of Screwtape’s instructions that every person who lives on this earth is hassled and interfere with the healing process, one needs to turn to the power and authority of
influenced by the world of darkness, not just certain people whom one might Jesus, and be assertive in the victory of the cross and the blood of Jesus.
pathologically describe as being demonized. However, some of the stronger symptoms
that might indicate high levels of demonic influence are: migraine headaches, dizziness,
nightmares, persistent fatigue, unexplainable pain in the body, screaming, blasphemy,

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Combating Evil with the Presence of Jesus experiences where they see that Jesus has been with them even in the earliest of
memories, long before they became a Christian.
The starting point for a Christian is that Jesus has already won the victory. “You dear
children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is Jesus knows every person’s story intimately and when invited into specific traumatic
greater than the one who is in the world” (1 Jn 4:4). By faith, the one who is in you is memories, he faithfully brings truth to heal the wound. Then, when the lie is dispelled,
Jesus and the reality of incarnation is that Jesus mediates the presence of the Father to the spirits of darkness that were connected to the lie as a stronghold, have no place to
us through the Holy Spirit so that we may have the victory. As it says in Mark 16:17, “In attach and when commanded to leave, they must depart.
my name they will drive out demons.” Here is how Leanne Payne described her
experience of dealing with demonic interference: Spiritual Boundaries

This was not the time for a rational analysis of what had brought him to this In addition to being spiritually assertive, we need to be spiritually defensive too. Our
point. After a few preliminary words, I applied holy water to his forehead and spirit is vulnerable and needs protection just as our body needs safe physical
boundaries. Spiritual prayers are helpful in marshalling spiritual protection to safeguard
began the prayer by invoking the Presence of the Lord. In Christ’s name, I then
freedom that has been attained once the spirits leave. The forces of good can be called
broke and put to flight the demonic force that had been banding, ever more upon to provide spiritual boundaries to help protect us from spiritual attack. Angels, the
tightly, this young man’s mind. Anointing his head with the healing oil (making blood of Christ, the infilling of the Holy Spirit and spiritual perimeters sealed with the
the sign of the cross) I prayed for God’s healing light and love to enter in and fill blood of Christ are helpful in protecting our territory. We will look at prayers of protection
his mind and heart, to dispel all fear and torment, and to grant peace and quiet. in the process section.
Charles then described our time of prayer – “I watched the blackness roll out of
my mind. ” . . . After many years in the ministry, I [Leanne Payne] still do the Commentary
same simple thing; invoke the Presence of Jesus and trust in Him”
In the 1980s, when Christians started to address this subject of demonic activity, the
The Healing Presence, p. 22 paradigm was “Spiritual Warfare.” While spiritual warfare prayers can be helpful for some
While dealing with spirits of darkness can have varying levels of complexity that relate to people, for others, it seems to intensify the struggle rather than help. In a small number
the person’s specific woundedness, the basic principles are the same: in the name of of cases, when the client personally confronts spirits in the name of Jesus, the spirits
Jesus, take the authority of Christ, break the lies and footholds; bind the spirits; strip seem to say, “OK, if you want to fight, let’s fight” and the situation gets worse. I now
them of their powers, authority, illusions, weapons, armor; and send them to Jesus; give recommend that clients work from the James 4:7 model which says, “Submit yourselves,
God the glory and then live in the truth. Since the power of the spirits of darkness is in then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” In this approach, instead of
their ability to have a person believe their deceptions, the demons only have the power taking the spirits on personally, with God in the background, the individual first
we grant them. The truth is outlined in 1 Samuel 17:47, “All those gathered here will surrenders and submits to God.
know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s and
he will give all of you into our hands.” Jesus has defeated and disarmed the enemy and
by taking authority in the name of Jesus, we can appropriate his power and have victory
now too.

In addition to the presence of God’s truth, I have come to learn that Jesus is present
with every person who walks this earth from the moment of his/her conception. I
mistakenly thought that Jesus started walking with me only when I invited him into my
life at age 40. Through Christ-centered inner healing, clients have shared many

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Authoritative Prayer for Spiritual Freedom

1. Prayer to establish spiritual boundaries and defend personal territory

Instruction: Say out loud so the spirits of darkness can hear…

Submit To God - James 4:7

I submit my will to the will of God.

I align my mind with the mind of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

The benefit of submitting to God is that the person is then close to the light of God. I connect my spirit to the Holy Spirit.
Spirits of “darkness” do not like light. So, when the spirit approaches a person who is
submitted to God, the light of God changes the dynamic. I then have the person ask I bind my body to the cross and blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Jesus to fight the spirits for him/her, and the client’s task becomes engaging his/her
“will” in the resistance of the lies and the demonic agenda. The presence and light of I commit my soul to the truth and righteousness of Holy Scripture.
God and the resistance of the person’s “will” standing in the truth makes it more
desirable for the spirit to turn and depart rather than stay and fight. This approach is For Spiritual Boundaries
beneficial in two ways. There is less turmoil in the struggle for the client and at the same
time the results are more effective. Dear Father, please cover __name(s)___________ with the shed blood of
Jesus Christ.

Please surround __name(s)___________ with the spirit of Jesus Christ and

seal his/her/their life/lives with the blood and cross of Jesus Christ.

Dear God, please fill __name(s)___________ inside with the love of

Jesus Christ.

Please place a hard shell around each of __name(s)___________ to protect

them from the fiery darts and place a ring of fire of the Holy Spirit
around each one.

Dear God, please place a hedge of warrior angels around each of

__name(s)___________ to protect them from the spirits of darkness.

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And, Lord, put onto __name(s)___________ the belt of truth, the down all your plans, programs, agendas and assignments in
breastplate of righteousness, the feet of peace, the helmet of salvation, __name(s)___________ life, at the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I
the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God. command that you return to __name(s)___________ what you have robbed and
stolen from him/her. I command that you take back all emotions that belong to
2. Prayer for Spiritual Defense
you and that do not belong to __name(s)___________. With the sword of Jesus
Christ of Nazareth I cut and sever all ties, cords, links, roots, hooks, and
I take the authority of Jesus Christ and in the power of His strong name I
connections that you have had to __name(s)___________ life. I now loose you all
cancel, cut and break any promises, prayers, vows; curses, hexes, spells;
and I expel you and send you, bound and bundled together to be with the True
contracts, covenants, agreements; declarations, pacts, commitments, any
Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Lord, take those spirits and do with them what
influences, powers, projections; any ceremonies, rituals; anything coming from
you want.
satanic worship, occult practices, witchcraft, free masonry, eastern religions,
new age or anything coming from anywhere in the world of darkness; and I Lord, please fill __name(s)___________ with your Holy Spirit so that none of those
cancel, cut and break all of the above in the lives of __name(s)___________ in spirits may return and shine your light where there once was darkness. Build a
multiples of three and seven until they are completely broken, now, in the name spiritual perimeter around each one, as high as it needs to be, and as low as it
of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. needs to be and seal it with the blood of Christ.

I take the authority of Jesus Christ and in the power of His strong name, I Give each one __name(s)___________ wisdom and discernment, common sense
cancel, cut and break any and all rights, grounds or privileges that any spirits and judgment.
of darkness have in the lives of __name(s)___________ especially any spirits of
__name them___________ and I cancel, cut and break these rights, grounds or And bring now to each one __name(s)___________ the fruits of the Holy Spirit of
privileges in multiples of three and seven in the lives of __name(s)___________ love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and
until they are completely broken now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. self-control.

I take the authority of Jesus Christ and in the power of His strong name, I forbid
3. Prayer for Breaking Soul-ties
any impact emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually of any spirits of
darkness, in the lives of __name(s)___________ especially the spirits of
I take the authority of Jesus Christ and in the power of his strong name, I break
__name them___________ and I forbid any impact now in the name of Jesus Christ
any ungodly soul-tie that exists as a result of the relationship between client C
of Nazareth.
and the friend F. I pray that if any of F’s spirit became disconnected from F and
attached to C that it be broken off from C now and returned to F. I also pray
I take the authority of Jesus Christ and in the power of His strong name, I call
that if any of C’s spirit became attached to F that it be separated now from F
back to __name(s)___________ all spirits that have rights, grounds or privileges in
and returned to C. Lord, I pray that all of C’s spirit be returned to C now. In the
his/her/their life (lives) especially the spirits of __name(s)___________ and I bind all
name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I sever and break any and all supernatural
spirits in chains that cannot be broken. I bundle all the spirits to each other and
ways that C and F have been linked in mind, body, soul and spirit. I separate C
I bind to you any spirits that report to you. I strip all of you of all your armor,
from any influence of F and I also break any way that C has been linked to any
weapons, powers, authority, and illusions and I now command that you throw
spirits in the world of darkness because of the relationship with F. Now, Lord I

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ask you to build a spiritual filter between C and F. Make the filter as high as it that you take back to yourself all of the emotions that belong to you. With the
needs to be and as low as it needs to be, and make it reach as far to the east sword of Jesus Christ, I cut, break and sever all ties, cords, attachments,
and as far to the west as it needs to be and I pray that you would seal the filter linkages and bonds that have connected you to (name) and I loose you now
with the blood of Jesus Christ. I also ask that you would place guardian angels and I send you to the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Obey now
at the filter to stop any transference of spirits between F and C and I pray that
the cross of Jesus be placed now between F and C.

I now speak directly to every evil spirit that has taken advantage of this ungodly
soul-tie. You no longer have any right to remain in C. I command you to be
bound in chains that cannot be broken and I strip you of all your powers,
authority, illusions, weapons and armor. I render you deaf, dumb and blind and I
loose you from C and I send you to be with the True Lord Jesus Christ of
Nazareth and I ask you Lord to do with them what you want.

4. Prayer to Prepare a Room

I take the authority of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and in the power of His strong
name, I call to attention all spirits of darkness that are present in this room. I
ask your angels Lord to come and bind up all fallen angels and escort them out
of this room now. Sweep this room completely clean Lord. I now ask you to
seal the ceiling, floor and walls with the blood of Jesus and I ask you Lord to
place guardian angels at the door. Please fill this room with your angels Lord
and provide us with all the spiritual protection we need. I pray that if anything is
being projected towards us from the outside that it be turned around now and
sent back to where it came from and Lord I pray that you would destroy its
source of power.

5. Prayer For Dealing with Spirits of Darkness

I take the authority of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and in the power of his strong
name I command you fallen angel to be bound in chains that cannot be broken.
I strip you of all your authority, power, illusions, weapons and armor. I command
that you throw down at the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ all of your plans,
programs, agendas and assignments in (name’s) life. I command that you return
everything that you have robbed and stolen from (name) now and I command

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Tips in Confronting Creed of Truth

1. If a spirit of darkness is noisy, to keep it quiet, command that its lips be sealed shut I recognize that there is only one true and living God (Ex 20:2,3; 1 Tim 4:10)
with the blood of Jesus. who exists as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that He is worthy to receive
glory and honor, worship and praise as the Creator, Sustainer, and the
2. If a spirit is manifesting in the client, command it to stop. Take authority and do not
allow the manifestation to continue. beginning and end of all things (Rev 4:11; 5:9,10; Isa 43:1,7,21).

3. If a spirit asks you a question, do not answer. Do not get hooked into a dialogue with I recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah, the Word who became flesh and dwelt
a spirit. Take authority and command it to obey. among us (Jn 1:1,14). I believe that He came to destroy the devil’s work
(1 Jn 3:8), that He disarmed the powers and authorities and made a public
4. If the spirit does not comply, it may not be a spirit. It may be a part of the person.
spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. (Col 2:15).
5. You can use holy water and oil that has been blessed for anointing the forehead. The
spirits of darkness know the Christian symbols even more than Christians do. I believe that God has proven His love for me because when I was still a sinner,
Christ died for me (Rom 5:8). I believe that He rescued me from the dominion
6. Don’t just send the spirits away. Send the spirits to Jesus. of darkness and brought me into His kingdom, and in Him I have redemption,
the forgiveness of sins. (Col 1:13,14).
7. When stuck, ask Jesus where to go next. Defer to Jesus because he is the healer and
deliverer, not you.
I believe that I am now a child of God (1 Jn 3:1-3), that I have been raised up
8. Demons can only work with what is already there. The key is not the demon. The key with Christ by God and that he seated me in the heavenly realms in Christ
is the stronghold. Identify the “right” for the demon to be there and break it. Jesus (Eph 2:6). I believe that I was saved by the grace of God through faith,
that it was a gift and not the result of any works on my part (Eph 2:8-9).
9. After dark spirits leave, focus on God’s “truth,” not on the spirits of darkness.
Lord, Jesus, would you give this person a sense of what truth you want him/her I choose to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power (Eph 6:10). I put no
to see? confidence in the flesh (Philip 3:3) for the weapons we fight with are not the
Lord, what truth do you want this person to know? weapons of the world (2 Cor 10:4). I choose to put on the full armor of God and
10. Encourage the person to worship God, read the Bible, pray, fellowship with stand against the devil’s schemes. I put on the belt of truth, the breastplate of
Christians and focus on God, not on the spirits of darkness. righteousness, the feet of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of
salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Eph 6:11-17).

I believe that apart from Christ I can do nothing (Jn 15:5), so I declare myself
dependent on Him. I choose to abide in Christ in order to bear much fruit and
to glorify the Father as a disciple of Christ (Jn 15:8). I announce to Satan that
Jesus Christ is my Lord (1 Cor 12:3) and Savior (1 Tim 4:10) and I reject all
counterfeit gifts or works of Satan in my life.

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Psalm 91
I believe that the truth will set me free (Jn 8:32) and when I walk in the light of
Jesus’ fellowship, his blood purifies me from every sin (1 Jn 1:7). Therefore, He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
with truth living in me, I stand against Satan’s lies and deception by taking
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
every thought captive in obedience to Christ (2 Cor 10:5). I declare that the
my God, in whom I trust.
Holy Scripture is the only God-breathed source for teaching, rebuking,
correcting, equipping and training for every righteous work (2 Tim 3:15-16). Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare
Therefore, I choose to speak the truth in love so that I may grow up into him and from the deadly pestilence.
who is the Head, that is, Christ (Eph 4:15). He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
I choose to present my body as an instrument of righteousness, a living his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; and I renew my mind by the living Word of You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day,
God in order that I may prove that the will of God is good, pleasing and perfect nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
(Rom 6:13; 12:1.2). I put off the old self with its evil practices and put on the nor the plague that destroys at midday.
new self (Col 3:9,10), and I declare myself to be a new creation in Christ A thousand may fall at your side,
(2 Cor 5:17). ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.
You will only observe with your eyes
I ask my Heavenly Father to fill me with His Holy Spirit (Eph 5:18), guide me into
and see the punishment of the wicked.
all truth (Jn 16:13), and empower my life, so that I may live without sin and not
If you make the Most High your dwelling –
gratify the desires of my sinful nature (Gal 5:16). I choose to crucify my sinful even the Lord, who is my refuge –
nature with its passions and desires (Gal 5:24) and I choose to walk by then no harm will befall you,
the Spirit. no disaster will come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you
I renounce all selfish goals and choose, with a sincere faith, the ultimate goal of to guard you in all your ways;
love (1 Tim 1:5). I choose to obey the two greatest commandments, to love the they will lift you up in their hands,
Lord my God with all my heart, soul and mind; and to love my neighbor as so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
myself (Matt 22:37-39). You will tread upon the lion and the cobra;
you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
I believe that Jesus has been given all authority in heaven and on earth “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;”
(Mat 28:18) and that He is the head over every power and authority (Col 2:10). I I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
believe that Satan and his demons are subject to me in Christ since I am a He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
member of Christ’s body (Eph 1:19-23). Therefore, I choose to obey the I will be with him in trouble,
command to submit myself to God and to resist the devil (Jas 4:7) and I I will deliver him and honor him.
command Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ, the True Lord Jesus Christ of With long life will I satisfy him
Nazareth, to leave my presence now. and show him my salvation.”

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Other Helpful Biblical Verses blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following
him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of
Isaiah 61:1-3 his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will
rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath
“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: King of
because the Lord has anointed me Kings and Lord of Lords.
to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, Colossians 1:13
to proclaim freedom for the captives
“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the
and release for the prisoners,
kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor
and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn, Colossians 1:15-20
and provide for those who grieve in Zion –
to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him
the oil of gladness instead of mourning, all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible an invisible,
and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by
They will be called oaks of righteousness, him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And
a planting of the Lord he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn
for the display of his splendor. from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For
God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to
Revelations 12:7-9
reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by
making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.”
“And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the
dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong Colossians 2:13-15
enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down
that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan, who leads the world astray. He “When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful
was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.” nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having
cancelled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that
Revelations 19:11-16
stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having
disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them,
I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose
triumphing over them by the cross.”
rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. His eyes
are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written Romans 8:35-39
on him that no one but he himself knows. He is dressed in a robe dipped in
“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or

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persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? . . . No in all these Luke 4:33-36

things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am
convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the “In the synagogue there was a man possessed by a demon, an evil spirit. He
present not the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything cried out at the top of his voice, “Ha What do you want with us, Jesus of
else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are - the Holy One of
Christ Jesus our Lord.” God!

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 “Be quiet!” Jesus said sternly. Come out of him! Then the demon threw the
man down before them all and came out without injuring him.”
“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The
Luke 11:20-22
weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they
have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every
“But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has
pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take
come to you. When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his
captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
possessions are safe. But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him,
Revelations 1:17-18 he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up the spoils. He
who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me,
“Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, scatters.”
and behold I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and
John 3:16-18

Matthew 28:18 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his
“Then Jesus came in to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
has been given to me.” Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe
Ephesians 1:19-23 stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s
one and only Son.”
“That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Romans 8:1-2
Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in
the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,
every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the
come. And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head law of sin and death.”
over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills
everything in every way.”

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1 John 4:18 John 8:36

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
with punishment.”
Zephaniah 3:14-20
Isaiah 41:8-14
Sing, O Daughter of Zion;
“But you, O Israel, my servant, Shout aloud, O Israel! for women
Jacob, whom I have chosen, Be glad and rejoice with all your heart,
you descendants of Abraham my friend, O Daughter of Jerusalem!
I took you from the ends of the earth, The Lord has taken away your punishment,
from its farthest corners I called you. he has turned back your enemy.
I said, “You are my servant; The Lord, the King of Israel is with you;
I have chosen you and have not rejected you. never again will you fear any harm.
So, do not fear, for I am with you; On that day they will say to Jerusalem.
do not be dismayed, for I am your God. “Do not fear, O Zion;
I will strengthen you and help you; do not let your hands hang limp.
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand . . . . The Lord your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
.... For I am the Lord, your God, He will take great delight in you,
who takes hold of your right hand he will quiet you with his love,
and says to you, Do not fear; he will rejoice over you with singing.”
I will help you.
Do not be afraid, O worm Jacob
O little Israel,
for I myself will help you.” declares the Lord,
your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.”

John 8:32

“To the Jews who believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you
are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you

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freedom that God wants her to have.

Self-Forgiveness While lack of self-forgiveness is not an issue with every individual, where it is an issue, it
can be very significant. What I have learned is that there is a direct relationship between
the perceived enormity of the sin and the propensity within the individual to choose to
withhold self-forgiveness. The greater the sin, the more difficult self-forgiveness
Love your neighbor as yourself.
Matt 22:39 This principle applies both to forgiving others and forgiving our self. People seem to be
able to cope with smaller sins, but some bigger sins can appear so great that
There are three blocks to discovering one’s true center. The first two have to do forgiveness becomes an impossibility. In the fictional example above, the abortion was
with the forgiveness of sin: either our failure to forgive others, or our failure to perceived as an unpardonable sin. God could forgive other people and other sins, but
receive forgiveness from God. this sin was so immense that even God’s love could not help. Initially, it appeared that
self-forgiveness was not an important issue, but as it turned out, self-forgiveness was an
Leanne Payne
integral component of the healing process.
The Healing Presence, p. 82

Love others as you would love yourself. That is the second commandment of the new Recognizing Self-Directed Unforgiveness
covenant. We are expected to love ourselves. This agape love is not narcissism, nor is it
self-aggrandizement. Christian love involves the fundamental elements of: acceptance, Related to self-directed unforgiveness are three possible symptoms or characteristics: 1)
support, care, forgiveness, giving, serving and nurturing growth (See Appendix 1). rigid, logical, dichotomous thinking, 2) numbness plus self-destructive behavior; and/or
3) feelings of self-disgust, self-hatred, and low self-esteem.
Forgiveness is central to this definition of love and it is also central to the cross.
Therefore, when Jesus commands us to forgive others, the second commandment The first characteristic results in the person’s story getting stuck in a collapsed, negative
tells us to forgive them as we would forgive ourselves. Implicit in this directive is that state. The rigid logic says that if you are not good, then you are bad. This inflexible
we forgive ourselves. If God loves us, and we are told he does, and if Jesus forgives us, dichotomous thinking blinds the person to other options. Inside the mind, it looks or feels
and the scripture tells us that he does, then who are we to stand against that truth. Yet, like immovable walls. This type of rigid belief system makes it particularly difficult for the
many people do just that. They intervene in the process of receiving God’s forgiveness person to hear and know God’s truth of forgiveness.
and block the love they are meant to have by not forgiving themselves. Leanne Payne
calls it “our failure to receive forgiveness from God.” The second characteristic of “numbness” can be a response to the inner pain he/she is
feeling. The lack of feelings results in the pain being expressed through self-destructive
A Fictional Example behavior rather than being communicated verbally. Self-inflicted pain is a sign that the
individual has taken over the job of making him/herself pay for the sin.
A person receives considerable healing through confession of sin, forgiving others and
inner healing prayer. Yet, she reaches a place where she is blocked and stuck. I The third indicator of unforgiveness towards self is a wallowing in feelings of shame,
introduce the possibility of the need for self-forgiveness and the response is, “No! Self- self-loathing and self-deprecation. These negative expressions of inferiority and low self-
forgiveness is not an issue.” The client believes that self-forgiveness is not a problem. esteem indicate that the individual has not received the freedom that is God’s divine gift
However, as discussion evolves, the subject of abortion comes up. It turns out that guilt through confession and forgiveness.
related to the abortion is so strong that she feels God will never forgive her. She knows
God’s forgiveness on a cognitive level, but when it comes to the reality of daily living, the
guilt related to the abortion is so overpowering that it inhibits her ability to receive the

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Guilt Guilt - Satan’s Game

(uses pride & unbelief)
At the center of the subject of self-forgiveness is unresolved guilt. David Benner and Definition: choosing to atone for one’s own sin through self-punishment.
Robert Harvey define guilt in their book, Choosing the Gift of Forgiveness, as
“Essentially a self-punitive strategy to attempt to atone for one’s own sins”(p.86).
The consequence of self-directed unforgiveness is self-punishment. One form of self-
punishment is replaying the sin over and over in our mind and blaming ourselves for
what happened. The result is that we put the burden on ourselves instead of giving the
burden to God. In this way, unforgiveness is a self-imposed bondage where we mentally
create a prison and put ourselves into captivity. Then, Satan helps keep us there by
continuously replaying the destructive messages that God has already forgotten.
Charles Stanley describes this process in his book The Gift of Forgiveness, “Every time
we think ‘I know what the Bible says about forgiveness, but. . .’ every time we include a
but in the sentence, we put one more bar in our own prison of guilt” (p. 149).

This prison of unforgiveness is really “unbelief.” When a person fails to forgive

him/herself, the individual is actually saying, “I do not believe that Jesus Christ
completely paid the price for me!” Because of the guilt-related pain that the person is
feeling, forgiveness feels like getting off the hook or getting away scot-free. The truth is
that there was nothing “free” about the cross. The ultimate price was exacted and paid
by Jesus. So, the real problem is not one of forgiveness. The real problem is that guilt
makes us feel unforgiven.
Then, why do people feel they need to suffer? First, to some people, suffering is
What is this feeling of guilt? Some Christians think that the painful feelings of guilt are interpreted as spiritual maturity. If feeling badly about oneself is a mark of humility and
from God, as an indication of his displeasure with our sin. In this way of thinking, the spirituality, then focusing on one’s guilt is a dependable means of achieving such a false
feelings of guilt are God’s way of getting our attention and motivating us to change our spiritual goal. Secondly, our culture has taught us that everything in our life is
behavior. However, this is not logical. God does not make us feel guilty so that he can performance related. Even in God’s economy, we see working harder and serving more
remove those feelings of guilt. Condemnation is not God’s game. Romans 8:1, as being better. Value is conditional. We have learned from our parents, teachers and
“Therefore, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” The truth is that friends that acceptance and achievement is founded on what we do. Therefore, we
God is in the business of removing guilt. The logic that Christ’s death and God’s intuitively believe that we must “do something” to make amends. This distorted activity of
forgiveness may be sufficient for the sins of others, but not for mine, is a function of two self-punishment is the fruit of guilt and it only makes the person feel worse. God does
factors: 1) pride, and 2) moral masochism. Pride is the belief that my sins are bigger and not require performance. He accepts us on the basis of what He did, not on the basis of
more important than other people’s sin and therefore, I do not deserve to be forgiven. what we try to do. God’s forgiveness is free. Denying forgiveness is a self-imposed
Moral masochism is the choice of self-punishment where the person says, “I will pay for punishment that is the opposite of what God wants for us.
this myself because I need to pay.” Somehow the pain of suffering is seen as a form of
atonement. In both cases, choosing the pain of guilt is a rejection of the promise of What does God want from us? The Christian response to sin is repentance, not
redemption in Christ. Guilt completely misses the point of Jesus’ death on the cross. self-punishment:

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In contrast, Peter responded to his betrayal of Jesus very differently. He “wept” in

repentance (Matt 26:75) and then chose to accept the love and forgiveness of His Lord
(Jn 21:15). The two directions are described in 2 Corinthians 7:10, “Godly sorrow
brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow
brings death.”

Forgiveness is defined as “giving up the right for revenge.” Similarly, self-forgiveness is

defined as, “giving up the right to hold my sins against myself.” It means letting go. The
alternative to guilt is grace. Guilt produces bondage, grace produces peace.
Unforgiveness for self requires huge amounts of energy, as attention is diverted from the
real issue of repentance to punishment. Grace frees a person to seek productive
change. Guilt creates a debt where the only way to get out of the hole is to earn your
way out with excessive, compulsive behavior or, as Judas did, seek to end the despair
with death. In either case, guilt produces spiritual death. Jesus came to set the captives

He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the

captives and release for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor
Repentance and self-punishment are two very different paths. We can choose one
direction or the other. Repentance is a love-motivated desire to change, which is rooted and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn and provide for
a) in concern for the offended person and b) in one’s relationship to God. Self- those who grieve in Zion – to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of
punishment, on the other hand, is a self-centered attempt to take responsibility for one’s ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning and a garment of praise instead
own sins and atone through performance, conditional love and destructive action. God is of a spirit of despair.
left out of this option. Isa 61:1-3

Guilt, therefore, is not a force for constructive change. More often than not, guilt Grace is a gift – it is unconditional. Guilt is self-justification – its related works are
immobilizes the person and keeps the focus on the pain rather than on the helpful conditional. God’s forgiveness is all-inclusive, regardless of the nature of our sin. Guilt
change that is required. As Screwtape said, “Turn his shame into despair.” Judas is a keeps going on and on. Guilt is like the sin of envy. It can never be fulfilled.
good example of the effect of guilt. After his betrayal of Jesus, he did not seek
forgiveness or forgive himself. Instead he chose to exact the ultimate of self- How to Handle Guilt
1. Recognize the difference between Godly sorrow and worldly sorrow.
When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was
seized with remorse and returned the thirty silver coins to the chief priests and 2. Recognize the problem of unforgiveness of self
the elders. “I have sinned”, he said, “for I have betrayed innocent blood.” “What • confess the sin of pride, which separates one from God’s grace
is that to us?” they replied. “That’s your responsibility.” So Judas threw the • acknowledge the bondage of self-punishment
money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.
3. Renounce all efforts to atone for one’s own sin
Matt 27:3-5 • give up all efforts of self-justification

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4. Repent of everything that separates one from God Self-Forgiveness Prayer

• repent of the unbelief that caused the guilt
• seek action that would please God I proclaim my faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
5. By faith, choose to accept God’s forgiveness:
I confess that I have not lived out of the freedom of the cross of Jesus Christ.
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by Instead, I have allowed my pride to lead me into a belief that I could justify
his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented myself and atone for my own sins through works and performance . As well, I
him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. confess that my feelings of guilt have led me into acts of self-criticism, self-
Rom 3:23-25 hatred and self-punishment.

Lord, I renounce my choice to not receive your forgiveness through my

misdirected efforts to earn my forgiveness. I want to be free from this self-
imposed bondage today.

I bind my sin to the cross of Jesus Christ and I repent from all my efforts at
self-justification and I choose now to receive your gift of forgiveness.

Holy Spirit, reveal to me now all the ways that I have not allowed the
forgiveness of Jesus Christ to reach me.

(Examples: self-criticism, self-judgment, self-anger, self-hatred, self-accusation, self-

belittlement, self-cursing, self-punishment, self-destruction, others:)

I place before me now a big, white cloth sheet and I place on it the following
ways that I have not accepted your forgiveness.

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Lord, I choose to forgive myself for:

a) b) c)
d) e) f)
Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise
When they are all on the sheet, roll it up and give the bundle to Jesus: to God.
Rom 15:7
I now give up the right for revenge against myself and I choose to release
myself from the prison of guilt that I have made for myself. I accept myself as The soul, with its new center in Christ, radically changed and redirected, is to
forgiven. be accepted. Until this redeemed self is acknowledged and accepted, we live
out of the immature, unaffirmed self, and cannot hear God aright. In accepting
Lord, please take away the pain that I have brought upon myself, so that I may myself in Him, I am no longer trapped in the mode of trying to win my own
be free to love myself and love others. I pray this in the precious name of Jesus righteousness or God’s love, or in trying to keep the law, the very thing that
Christ. Christ fulfilled.
Amen. Leanne Payne,
The Healing Presence, p.54

If God accepts us unconditionally, even though we have sinned, why is it that we have
trouble accepting ourselves? One answer is our sin. Because we see and know our own
sin, we do not see ourselves the way Jesus does. “For he chose us in him before the
creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight” (Eph.1:4). Jesus sees us as
holy and righteous because he has taken our sin from us:

One greater bears our shame and dishonor; one greater heals and restores
wounded hearts in a way that grants us a fresh opportunity to accept one’s true
Andy Comiskey,
Living Waters Program, p. 157

Accepting our True Self in Christ is difficult because we have been living with the story
of the Distorted Self for a long time. We have listened to others use negative and
destructive words about us that we have believed. We have experienced our own sin
and because of the pain, we have chosen to function out of guilt. Unfortunately, God did
not give us an owner’s manual with a clear description of our True Self in Christ. We
were born into a sinful world where the truth of how He created us has become lost in
the layers of lies, the confusion of our sin and the world’s distorted messages that have
been absorbed as truth:

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For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I The Problem of Unbelief
praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are
wonderful, I know that full well. In the Webster’s Dictionary, we find that the word “accept” is given the following
Ps 139:13-14 meaning: “to recognize as true: believe.” So, to accept the truth means that one believes
the truth.
Many Christians do not know that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. For example,
one woman, who came for counselling, described herself as “a piece of garbage.” She The first issue of unbelief relates to God’s forgiveness. People hear and read that God’s
felt useless, disposable, redundant and worthless. The picture she held of herself was grace is all-sufficient and that they should tear up the IOU’s and lay them at the cross.
so low that she saw herself at the bottom of the heap. She did not value herself because However, the old distorted story is so strong that it has an ability to overpower the truth:
all the words she had heard about herself created the impression that she was a thing
to get rid of, not a precious creation of God. She was not even close to “knowing full For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against you, you
well” that she was wonderful. only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you are proved
right when you speak and justified when you judge.
Discovering the True Self Ps 51:3-4

This part of the counselling process is where Narrative Therapy becomes particularly You can hear the self-judgment in this psalm. People see their own sin so strongly that
helpful. they believe God’s forgiveness cannot possible apply to them. While God’s forgiveness
is assured, it must be appropriated. Similar to the repentance and guilt discussion in
the previous chapter, before self-acceptance can be meaningful, the individual must
believe that forgiveness really applies to him/her. Grace is a most difficult concept for
someone who believes in justice. At the end of the play Les Miserables, the police
officer, who had been unmercifully chasing Jean Valjean, was unable to receive mercy
for himself and chose to take his own life.

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy”

Matt 5:7
The job of the counsellor is to not only help people eliminate the lies and false
This principle applies to ourselves as well. If we believe the gift of Jesus’ mercy applies
messages about themselves through confession, forgiveness, and inner healing work,
to us, then we can be merciful towards ourselves and we will receive mercy. But, we
but to help each individual understand and then strengthen the story of their True Self in
must receive the gift. Helping people move from unbelief to belief regarding God’s grace,
Christ through self-forgiveness and self-acceptance. The story of the True Self in Christ,
mercy and forgiveness is crucial to loosing self-acceptance.
which has been weak and lost in the distorted story, needs thickening so that the person
can function out of this new reality, as a wonderful creation of God. Developing the story
The second issue is that the story of the True Self in Christ feels unbelievable. If a lie
of the True Self in Christ is helpful because people prefer to function out of their True
has lived in a person for a lifetime, the lie seems more real than the truth. If you accept
Self in Christ, since they intuitively know that it is right for them.
the lies that make you feel badly, then you will live in a state of low self-esteem, because
what you accept about yourself defines who you are:

If I do not like myself, I devalue and punish myself. I meet life from a position of
fear and impotence, creating a state in which I feel victimized and act
accordingly. I punish myself and others blindly. I become interchangeably

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subservient and tyrannical. The subject of acceptance brings to the forefront the distinctive difference of Christian
Virginia Satir counselling. When an individual knows and feels the unconditional acceptance of Christ
The New People Making, p. 31
in his/her life, it is much easier to accept him/herself. When Christ’s truth is revealed
internally to a person by the Holy Spirit, the concept of acceptance is more believable.
If the words we hold within us produce such powerful results, as described above by
The truth of belonging as a child of God, who is redeemed, forgiven and without
Virginia Satir, then it is critical that we know and retain the words, which reflect the truth
condemnation, sets us free:
of who we really are. Christ-centered inner healing is very helpful in reinterpreting the
lies with the truth that is revealed by the Holy Spirit. However, the truths that heal the
Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.
past wounds are not a complete picture in themselves. We need to work at clarifying
Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him.
and expanding the story of the True Self by listening further to God and by re-authoring
Rom 4:7-8
the story with the help of Narrative Therapy:
This righteousness, which God credits apart from works, is why Leanne Payne says, “In
Healing prayer is not the “instant fix,” nor the bypassing of slow and steady
accepting myself in Him, I am no longer trapped in the mode of trying to win my own
growth. It is that which clears the path and makes such progress possible.
righteousness.” This is the gift of grace that needs to be appropriated. In this amazing
Leanne Payne
condition of Christ’s acceptance, the individual is set free to see the truth of who God
The Healing Presence, p.63
made him/her to be. At this stage in the counselling process, I work with individuals to
look at themselves through the eyes of Jesus and to describe what they hear and see
As we look at ourselves through the eyes of Jesus, we are able to see the gifts, talents,
about themselves. As the Holy Spirit helps them see their True Self in Christ, they are
strengths and competencies of this wonderful child that God has created. The slow and
able to know their True Self in Christ – maybe for the first time in their life. This story of
steady progress is made possible by the healing that clears the mind and enables the
the True Self in Christ then needs to be strengthened and amplified. It needs an
individual to see and comprehend the True Self in Christ. Too much of the Christian
audience for it to have life. The purpose of acknowledging and accepting the True Self in
movement comes out of the coaching/sports mind set that emphasizes encouragement,
Christ is helpful because it allows the individual to consciously function out of the self
exhortation, admonition and the keeping of promises. This approach focuses on “better
that they intuitively prefer.
techniques” to fix things or deal with shortcomings, which often increases the shame
and guilt. As Andy Comiskey said in Appendix # 9 of the Living Waters material,
In addition to the True Self in Christ, God gives each person spiritual gifts at conversion
“Gordon Dalbey, in his book Healing the Masculine Soul, followed the lead of Leanne
so that he/she can uniquely contribute to the kingdom. It is helpful to encourage the
Payne in believing that healing the male soul must precede exhortation. It is through
person to discover these spiritual gifts so they can become part of their story. Spiritual
healing prayer that God heals men and allows them to receive and act on exhortation.”
gifts include:
I agree with this thesis that healing precedes a clear understanding of the True Self in
Administration Apostelship Craftsmanship Creative Communication
Christ. Freedom from sin, freedom from lies, freedom from guilt and freedom from self-
Discernment Encouragement Evangelism Faith
punishment enable a person to see the truth of who they are more clearly, which paves
Giving Helps Hospitality Intercession
the way for future progress:
Knowledge Leadership Mercy Prophecy
Shepherding Teaching Wisdom Healing
When I express my true reality in a non-judgmental, non-punishing, non-
Interpretation Miracles Tongues
manipulative way, and I am accepted, then it means that the real I, the precious
wounded but maturing Person inside, is accepted.
Bruce Bugbee, Don Cousins and Bill Hybels expand on these gifts in the book entitled,
J. Keith Miller
Network, to help a person identify his/her spiritual gifts.
Compelled To Control p.169

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Self-Acceptance Lord, I choose to accept myself as:

1) Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal the True Self in Christ to the individual.

2) Ask the client to pray the self-acceptance prayer out loud.

3) Document the words that the client hears from the Holy Spirit.

4) Pray the words back to the individual to confirm and strengthen the story.

5) Have the client develop an audience for their True Self in Christ story through:
journaling, sharing with their spouse, developing affirmation cards, sharing with
accountability partners, sharing with relatives and sharing with other trusted friends.

6) Continue to build the True Self in Christ story through “success story” analysis and Lord, thank you for offering yourself as a sacrifice so that I may be free to know
documentation of gifts, competencies, strengths and positive characteristics.
who I really am. With your love in me – forgiven and accepted – I choose to
7) Help the person discover his/her spiritual gifts, which can be added to the story. accept myself as worthy and special. I release myself from self-judgment and I
claim the above truths about my Self. I pray that I may bring glory to you by
Prayer for Self-Acceptance living from the reality of my True Self in Christ.

I proclaim my faith in the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth as my Lord and I pray this in the name of the one who is truth – the True Lord Jesus Christ of
Savior. Nazareth.

I confess Lord that I have looked at myself through the distorted eyes of my Amen.
sin, my unforgiveness, and the lies and false messages that I have come to
believe about myself. Lord, I have also been trapped in my incorrect feeling that
I need to win acceptance and righteousness.

I renounce these lies and feelings. I choose now to see myself through the
eyes of Jesus Christ and his salvation.

Holy Spirit, I invite you to reveal to me now how Jesus sees me. Communicate
to me now about my True Self in Christ, so that I may understand who I am as a
creation of God. Help me to know my True Self in Christ “full well.”

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The end result is a positive energy that is released as the person becomes
An Overview of the Process unencumbered from what has been blocking him/her from consciously knowing their
True Self in Christ. The clarity enables the person to author a new story and to establish
new healthy patterns in the family system. The clarity also enables a person to defend
against spiritual attack with more power and authority as he/she lives out of the truth of
The theory described in this training manual identifies a number of components that Christ.
contribute to healing and wholeness. While the elements are presented as an integrated
model, the process is not a fixed formula. What I have found is that each client’s The challenge as therapists is to understand each individual’s situation and deal with
situation is different and consequently the process will vary according to each client’s “all” the components that need to be addressed for freedom to be achieved. A
specific needs. To review, the components of the process are: comprehensive approach is needed. To complicate the process, some clients have
elements that are interconnected. It is possible that unconfessed sin, unforgiveness and
• narrative therapy to deconstruct the dominant story a group of lies may be joined to each other in an interlinked way. In such a case, all
• family systems to understand what patterns are occurring three components need to be addressed before freedom will be achieved in this area.
• confess sin
• forgive
• identify “feelings” that indicate a need for inner healing
• address lies that are embedded in anchor memories
• self-forgive
• renounce mental agreements
• self-acceptance
• pray against any spiritual interference/blocking
• narrative therapy to develop and strengthen the True Self story
• new family system

My belief is that after a person is born, his/her True Self in Christ, the self that God
created with unique and wonderful characteristics, gifts, talents and competencies, is
hidden, covered over and obscured from view by lies, sin, the anger of unforgiveness,
guilt and generational family patterns. Then, the spirits of darkness add to the problem
by using the above to further confuse and inhibit the person from knowing his/her True
Self in Christ. As each lie is replaced with truth, as each sin is confessed, as each
forgiveness is offered, and as the person really receives the forgiveness of Christ in
his/her life, the individual is able to see his/her True Self in Christ more accurately.
As one person said, God is not interested in the dirt that clouds and distorts. He is
interested in his beautiful creation that is under all the encrusted layers of false
messages. When the Living Water of Jesus washes away the dirt, what is left is the
pure, clean and beautiful True Self in Christ that He has always seen and known. Our
opportunity as therapists is to work with the Living God to free the individual’s True Self
in Christ from the bondage of the Distorted Self so that he/she can live in the freedom of
who he/she really is.

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Another major challenge for some people is the prison of guilt that interferes in their
An Integration Model ability to appropriate God’s forgiveness. I find that some people need to work through
self-forgiveness before they can effectively address the step of self-acceptance. As the
individual begins to author the story of his/her True Self in Christ, an understanding and
acceptance of one’s self as seen through God’s eyes is an important building block.
. . . be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then, finding an audience to hear about one’s True Self in Christ, including one’s gifts,
Rom 12:2 talents, competencies, unique strengths and special characteristics, is an important part
of the narrative process. Without a strong new story, the old story can still have
Healing is God’s work. “For I am the Lord who heals you” (Ex.15:26). As it says in Psalm resilience. As you are working with a client, the spirits of darkness can try to interfere,
147, God heals by coming into our minds and wounds. “The Lord . . . heals the confuse and inhibit the process. Through specific commands and using the authority
brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” In the New Testament, Peter travelled about and power in the name of Jesus Christ, the spirits can be bound up and sent away so
the country doing healing work in the name of Jesus. that they do not interfere with the process. Prayers are provided in the “process” section
to show how to limit the negative impact of spirits of darkness.
“Aeneas”, Peter said to him, “Jesus Christ heals you”
Acts 9:34 Through the integration of Narrative Therapy, Family Systems and being transformed by
the renewing of the mind, I have observed two outcomes of the process. When people
In this manual, the approach to helping people starts with listening to the client using see themselves more clearly and have developed a strong story about their True Selves
Narrative Therapy questions and analysis of the Family System. When a therapeutic in Christ, they seem to want to do two things: 1) worship God more, and 2) love others
relationship has been established and goals have been set, you can assess if there is more. As they reflect on the changes in their lives, I hear these same comments coming
need for inner healing by listening for feelings that indicate an inner wound. If inner up – I want to worship God more and I really want to helps others now. I conclude that it
healing is not indicated, continue to use the narrative technique to deconstruct the is not a coincidence that these two outcomes are the same as the two commandments
dominant negative story and help the client to author a new and better story. Family of the New Testament:
systems will help clarify missed family blessings, generational patterns, rules, roles,
boundary issues and other issues that need to be addressed. As unconfessed sin and
Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul
unforgiveness arise, education and encouragement to confess and forgive can be
helpful. The transformation and renewing of the mind can include the breaking of mental and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the
agreements and, where needed, the inviting of Jesus into memories where lies have second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself.
been accepted. The truth and love of Jesus when heard internally has a tremendous Matt 2:37-39
power to transform emotional feelings. If the mind is confused with lies, fear, anger and
distorted messages, the person can be blocked from hearing external truth. I believe God designed us to love Him and love others and when we are working out of
our True Selves in Christ, these two activities are our natural state. Renewing our minds
Renewing of the mind occurs when Jesus is invited to bring truth to lies, when sins are then is a process of healing and cleansing which leads us back to a knowledge and
confessed and renounced, and when true forgiveness from the heart has been given. At understanding of how God designed us to be, as unique and special beings. God sees
this point, when a person is able to think more clearly, he or she is also able to see us through the eyes of Jesus, who purified us through his blood on the cross. He does
God’s “will” with more certainty. not see us as sinners. As believers, our sin is seen no more and now He sees our True
Selves in Christ, just as He created us. Our opportunity as therapists and counsellors is
“Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, to help individuals regain the knowledge and understanding of their True Selves in
pleasing and perfect will” Christ, so that they can consciously function as God sees them and designed them
Rom 12:2 to be.

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Listen to client’s story: Integration Model Summary of Symptoms and Components

Deconstruct dominant story
using Narrative and Family
Guide to Identify Which Component To Address by The Related Symptom
Systems therapy.
Component Symptoms Action Needed

Analyze themes in family 1. Family Blessings Absence of blessing Invite Jesus to provide the
genogram, including family inner healing not needed blessing
blessings & curses.
2. Boundaries Resentment Develop healthy
Need for Inner Healing 3. Inner Healing of Anxiety, fear, anger, Person invites Jesus into
Process A. Confession Memory depression, pain, hurt, key memory, identifies the
1. Identify the “feeling”. if blocked discouragement, etc. lie and then asks Jesus
2. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal
the memory. B. Forgiveness of Others to reveal the truth.
3. Ask Jesus to reveal the lie in
4. Unconfessed Sin Confusion, unable to Confession Prayers
the memory.
find memories or discern
not blocked lies or truth
Inner Healing process: 5. Unforgiveness Frustration, anger, hate, Forgiveness Prayer
blocked C. Mental Agreements bitterness, rage, fury,
4. Ask Jesus to clarify the lie. again judgment or revenge
5. Ask Jesus to reveal the truth D. Forgiveness of Self
to client. 6. Lack of Guilt, shame, pride, Self-forgiveness Prayer
Self-Forgiveness self-punishment, unbelief,
not blocked

7. Mental Agreements Rigid, fixed, inflexible Renounce the mental

thinking, vows, curses commitments
Inner Healing process:
8. Spirits of Darkness Darkness, blackness, Spiritual freedom prayers
6. Break the lie blocking, deafness,
If needed
7. Freedom prayer E. Acceptance of Self
inability to read scripture
go to
linked 8. Healing prayer
feeling = 9. Self-Acceptance Lack of awareness of Self-acceptance prayer
memory 9. Test the feeling F. Develop the Story of the True
zero True Self in Christ
Self in Christ
10. Develop the Story Thin and weak story of Encourage the speaking
of the True Self in the True Self in Christ of the new story to a
G. Continue Narrative and Christ variety of audiences. Do
Family Systems therapy narrative therapy.

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Partnering with Jesus for Life The Secular Model for Victorious Living

In the secular world, “self help” is the paradigm for personal growth. The “self help”
industry is based on the belief that the only person who is around all the time to observe
and experience everything an individual does is his/her own “self.” As a result, all the
And we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. responsibility for growth and personal success is loaded onto the individual’s shoulders
2 Cor 10:5 alone.

They will call on my name and I will answer them.

Zech 13:9

Come Lord Jesus.

Rev 22:20
Inner healing work involves inviting the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth into past
memories to bring healing to the pain and emotional trauma that is stuck there. As the
Holy Spirit brings truth to re-interpret the lies and negative mental agreements,
destructive feelings are released and the person feels peace and freedom. While going
back to the source and origin of a problem is necessary to heal the past experiences,
The Christian Model for Victorious Living
there is an equally important process of inviting Jesus into the present. Sanctification is
an on-going process. Renewing the mind of past sin, unforgiveness, lies and mental In the Christian worldview, the individual is not alone. There is someone else who is also
agreements is needed to heal the past, but there is the equally important task of dealing present with the individual in every step of his/her life and that is Christ. As an
with present sin, unforgiveness, lies, mental agreements and current lack of self- omniscient and omnipresent God, who loves each one of us, Christ is walking with every
forgiveness. person as he/she is journeying through life. It is this presence of Christ that makes the
concept of a partnership with Jesus possible. As it says in Hebrews 13:5, “Never will I
leave you; never will I forsake you.” Jesus is a partner for life.

However, the presence of Jesus does not mean that He automatically takes care of us.
There is the important principle of free will. While He knows everything about us, He
This chapter focuses on the amazing opportunity that we have as Christians to partner respects us too much to interfere in our lives unless we request it. As we saw in the
with Christ in the present. Inviting the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth into our salvation experience, He stands at the door and knocks and waits for us to invite Him
thoughts and minds on a daily basis is the key to living a life of victory. To do this, we into our house. In the inner healing process, Jesus waits to be invited into our past
need to understand how to “Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

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memories, and when the request comes, He wastes no time in being there to help.
Similarly, in our daily living, Jesus waits to be called into our thought processes as an As we experience life, these cups are influenced by two principles. Studies show that
act of our free will. He wants to help us, and He watches over us, and when we finally approximately three quarters of all communication is negative. Consequently, a person
invite Him into our current thoughts, He comes to help there as well. So, the two naturally has more opportunity to fill the negative cup. A second consideration relates to
important elements that are needed in partnering daily with Jesus are: 1) our “will,” and the often-held belief that positive words will give a person a swelled head. For this
2) our “choice to invite Him into the thoughts in our minds.” reason and also through a universal reluctance to share positive feedback, people tend
to receive a limited amount of input for their positive cup. Based on the competitive,
The Three Components of the Partnership for Life negative world in which we all live, the natural state is for a person to experience too
much in their negative cup and not enough in their positive cup. The result is low self-
To have a fruitful life, there are three components that are all needed for success: esteem and low self-confidence.

1) a positive self-esteem and strong self-confidence

2) a well directed focus with good time management
3) an unencumbered commitment to delivering the desired goal

If a person does not have self-confidence, he/she will not even start. Procrastination, - +
indecision and inertia will stop the process before it even begins. The next component
involves moving in the right direction. A person needs to be clear about where he/she is
going or the time and effort will be wasted. However, even with good self-confidence and
a well thought out plan, if the person de-commits along the way, there is no
performance. A victorious life needs follow-through on the commitment for there to be
results. Countering the Lies and Negative Input
1. How to Partner with Christ for High Self-Confidence One of the ways to stop the build up of hurtful thoughts in the negative cup is to check
with your partner, Jesus, about the truth of the thought. When a negative thought is
In every person’s life, I visualize the existence of two cups that hold words and thoughts. encountered, have the person invite Jesus into the place in his/her mind where the
In one cup, people place their negative words, the criticisms they hear and all their negative thought is held and ask, “The True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, is that true?”
negative interpretations. Let’s call this the negative cup. In the second cup, the positive Two things can happen. Either it is not true or it is true.
cup, they hold all the helpful inputs that they hear, think and experience.
In the case where the negative statement is not true, have the client ask Jesus to
provide further clarity about the truth. When the person hears the truth Christ wants
him/her to have in his/her mind, have the person put the truth that’s heard into the
positive cup. The result is twofold. First, no new damaging material goes into the
negative cup. Second, something good is now available to be put into the positive cup.
Already the feeling inside the person starts to change as the balance shifts from
negative to positive.

In the case where the negative statement is true, have the person ask Jesus, “If it’s
true Lord, what do I need to know?” (a) If sin is revealed to the person, have the person
confess the sin to God and ask Jesus for help in knowing how to repent. (b) If there is

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no sin involved, the person can still ask Jesus what change would be helpful to can involve the will of his/her partner, the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and verify
eliminate future negative inputs. When repentance or change occurs, either way, the if the person’s will is compatible with God’s will. The benefit of aligning the human will
person addresses what needs to be changed and new positive behavior is introduced. with God’s will is that God’s desire is that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
For the person, he/she can then proceed knowing that he/she is working out of
Previously, without using Jesus in this way, the person would probably have lived with obedience, which takes a significance pressure off of the individual. It is easier to
the guilt of the sin and put all the self-punishing thoughts into the negative cup. Nothing function out of obedience than to have all the weight on one’s own shoulders.
would have gone into the positive cup. As the person stops sinning and starts doing
what God wants, guilt falls away, nothing is put into the negative cup and now the Warning: God does not want us to be involved with the fallen angel called divination.
repenting produces something that can be put into the positive cup. In this way the Divination is the practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover
negative cup can be capped, eliminating a buildup of negative thoughts and the positive hidden knowledge by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers.
cup can be filled until it is full. Jesus wants us to have a personal relationship with Him and only Him. He clearly states
that he does not want us to be involved with any form of idolatry or any other
supernatural power. So, one needs to be extra careful in this process of checking
with Jesus that it is the True Lord Jesus Christ to whom one is listening. If the
answer seems strange, have the person check again with the True Lord Jesus Christ of
Nazareth who was born in the flesh and died on the cross for him/her. God wants us to
live in the present not in the future. So, the checking is for a daily verification that the

- + person is in God’s will, as opposed to a long-term forecast, which God normally does
not provide.

As the individual uses Jesus Christ as a daily partner for checking on what direction to
go and how to use the available time, decisions become easier. Procrastination and
With Jesus as a partner, the person can invite the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth indecision are reduced and the person has less personal pressure as he/she proceeds
into the thoughts to confirm truth, dismiss lies and invalid negative thoughts, and to help with the confidence of being obedient to God.
the person change where sin exists. As the person develops an active daily dialogue
with Christ, he/she has the ability to manage his/her negative and positive cups. The 3. How to Partner with Christ for Delivering the Desired Goal
result will be a growing and strengthening self-esteem and self-confidence.
The third component of partnering with Christ for victorious living is delivering results on
2. How to Partner with Christ for Good Focus and Time Management time. The problem that many of us experience is the issue of de-commitment. We de-
commit somewhere along the way and the job does not get done. Even with high self-
The elements of being well directed include: values, vision, mission, goals, priorities, confidence and clearly functioning in God’s will, we do not follow through on the activity
strategies, plans, tactics and time management. The self-help industry teaches us that as planned. It may be fear, fatigue, distractions, diversions or any number of blockages,
the “self” is responsible for managing each one of these activities. In one sense that is but the result is the same – an uncompleted goal or task. So, the issue is one of
true, but because God is not in the self-help paradigm, the self is the only one involved. commitment. How can a person stay committed until the job or task is finished? Once
The more effective the self is in planning each of these functions, theoretically, the more again, partnering with the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the solution. Whenever
successful the person will be. As a result, the world’s approach is all about the “will” of a person goes to de-commit, have him/her invite Jesus into the process and ask Him if
the self, which fosters comparrogance and doing everything in one’s own strength. He wants the person to stop or keep going until completion.

A partnership with Christ offers a different dynamic. Here, the “will of God” is introduced For example, if a person wants to take Friday afternoon off, have him/her invite Jesus
into the decision making process. Instead of making the decision all alone, the person into the decision and ask Him if He wants the person to stay with the task or take a rest.

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In some cases, He will communicate the need to complete the task first before resting Partnering with Jesus For Life
and at other times He will say – take a rest and pick this up on Monday. Have the person
listen for the wisdom that Jesus has in the situation. Taking Thoughts Captive - 2 Cor 10:5

I invite the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth into the place in my mind where I
Once again, the benefit for the person is knowing God’s will in the situation. If the
am holding the thought that ____________________________________________
communication is to not de-commit, then there is a new drive and energy that helps the
person complete the task. If the communication is to rest, then he/she can rest without Jesus, what is the truth that you want me to hear? (Then listen)
guilt. Either way there is more freedom to proceed knowing it is God’s will. If the response seems to be coming from a source that is not loving, confirm the answer
by asking,
When the person partners with Jesus and finds extra energy to complete the task, there
is now more material to put in the positive cup. This good news helps build up the “The answer that I heard, was that from you, the True Lord Jesus Christ of
positive cup and as a result the person’s self-esteem and self-confidence continues to Nazareth who was born in the flesh and who died on the cross for me, yes or
grow. This process re-enforces the person’s story and causes a growing strength and no?”
ability to influence the future in a positive way.
For Clarifying Decisions

I invite the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth into the place in my mind where I
am trying to decide whether I should do a)_____________ or b)_____________
Lord, what is your will for my life? (Then listen)
If the answer seems strange, confirm by asking the checking question,

“Was that answer from you Jesus, the True Lord Jesus of Nazareth who was
born in the flesh and who died on the cross for me, yes or no?”
For Fighting Temptations
Active Daily Relationship with Christ
I invite the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth into the place in my mind where I
In summary, the principle of inviting the True Lord Jesus Christ into past memories for am seeing the picture, hearing the words, or feeling the feeling that is tempting
inner healing can equally be applied to the present. As the individual invites Jesus into
me to ________________________________________________________________
present thoughts, there is a greater chance for victory. A number of men are using this
principle to overcome their addiction to pornography. When the first thought of desire or It is my will that I not__________________________________________________.
temptation comes into their mind, they invite Jesus to come into that place in the mind 1) Jesus, come now and destroy the picture and replace it with what you want me to
where the thought resides and they state their will that they do not want this thought or see.
desire to be there. They then ask Jesus to take it away and replace it with the truth that 2) Jesus, come now and tell me what truth you want me to hear to help me defeat these
Jesus wants them to have. This process is active and immediate. It is also a function of thoughts that I have in my mind.
the person’s will. As he/she invites Jesus into the thought to take it captive, Jesus 3) Jesus, come now and take the destructive feeling away and replace it with what you
comes and helps the person live in truth. Obedience to that truth is then the key to want me to feel.
victorious living. “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (Jn 8:32).
Now Jesus, please bind and remove any spirits of darkness that were
connected to these destructive pictures, thoughts and feelings.

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Definition of Love Developing the Meaning

of Love
Love is the “will” and “choice”
• to accept
• to support
• to care for 1. To Accept: To willingly value others as worthy without judgement.
• to forgive • As you move from comparrogance to humility, it becomes easier to
• to give accept.
• to serve
• to nurture the growth of 2. To Support: Comfort, help, assist and bear the load of others.
• As you move from control to openness, it becomes easier to support.
Others, for their well-being (not your own) and is carried out in a way that is
• unconditional 3. To Care: Use “how” to graciously and tolerantly accept the responsibility to look
• selfless after and suffer with others.
• sacrificial • As you move from blaming to grace, it becomes easier to care for others.
• upbuilding
4. To Forgive: With mercy, give up your right for revenge and give the pain to God.
and expresses itself in the following behaviors: Then, give up the right to use the past against the other person, ever again.
• patience • As you move from anger to mercy, it becomes easier to forgive others.
• kindness
• respectfulness 5. To Give: Freely and liberally offer your talents, your time and your resources to
• humility others.
• gentleness • As you move from jealousy to generosity, it becomes easier to give.
• peacefulness
• tolerance 6. To Serve: Actively provide services that meet the needs of others for their well-
• fairness being, not your own.
• endurance • As you move from narcissism to an “other” orientation, it becomes easier
• loyalty to serve.
• compassion
7. To Nurture the Growth of Others: Encourage and nourish the development of
How is it Possible to Love in This Way? maturity in others for their well-being.
• As you move from laziness to creativity, it becomes easier to nurture the
It is possible with faith in Jesus Christ and knowledge that Jesus died on the cross, paid growth of others.
the price and suffered in your place for your sin, so that you can in turn go out and love
others as he loved you: with grace, mercy and forgiveness.

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Addendum #2
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The Experience of a How the Father of Lies

False Jesus Manipulates a Process
One person had been experiencing demonic manifestations for over a year. Inside his
In the process of doing inner-healing work, sometimes the figure that comes into a head he heard screaming sounds. Every time he did his spiritual warfare prayers, he
person’s memory picture is not the True Jesus. We need to be on guard, for as the would hear this screaming inside his head. The belief was that when the prayers were
Bible says in 2 Corinthians 11:14, “.... for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of spoken, God was working on the demons, making them scream with fear and
light.” trepidation.
One person was experiencing tremendous confusion. As a Christian, he/she knew the The battleground is the mind. It is the thought processes where strongholds are created
truth of the Bible, yet he/she could not feel the truth in his/her heart. When the Holy and it is belief in the lie that gives the spirit a right and a power. The thing that enabled a
Spirit led him/her back to a memory picture, I asked him/her to invite Jesus into the breakthrough was the realization that God does not need or require screaming in the
scene. After he/she asked Jesus to come into the memory, a figure appeared in the healing process. When the person realized that the screaming was a demonic
picture and when I asked him/her to listen to the truth he/she heard, “You are guilty manifestation and not a result caused by God, the lie was discovered. The client was a
and it is your fault.” It is no wonder there was confusion. I had never heard Jesus prayer warrior and he had learned all the right words to say and he prayed them
express such condemning words before, I did a check to see if this was the True Lord regularly. The guardian type lie was that when spiritual warfare prayers are spoken out
Jesus Christ of Nazareth in the picture. Sure enough, it turned out that the figure was a loud, the demons wail in pain. So, the spirits gave the person screaming and wailing
false Jesus who backed away when confronted. With the false Jesus standing aside, the every time he did his prayers to make him believe God was at work. When he
person asked for the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth to come into the picture and renounced the screaming and stopped doing the warfare praying, the screaming
this time the real Jesus appeared. When the truth was request, this time he/she heard, stopped immediately. The truth was that he needed to rest in God’s protection and allow
“It was not your fault.” Him to do the work, rather than doing it all himself.

How to Confront a False Jesus With the Inner Healing process, Satan turned it upside down. He observed that we were
breaking lies, so, he started providing this individual with lies. In the beginning, he would
I ask the person to watch the figure in the picture and I say to the figure, “I shine the hear several new lies a day. The next week it would be more lies a day. After a period of
righteous light of Jesus Christ on you and I sprinkle the blood of Jesus Christ on time, it grew to many new lies a day. When we realized the bizarreness of the lies and
you.” Then, I ask the person to tell me what happens. If it is a false Jesus, it will shrink the unreasonable quantity of lies, we finally understood what Satan was doing. Once
or turn dark or retreat or in some way exhibit behavior that is unloving. A spirit of again, Satan saw our willingness to work at deliverance and he accommodated us as
darkness cannot represent itself as “good” for very long and often you can tell that it is we worked the process. The lie was that these lies were all-important lies. They were
corrupting by how it relates to the person in the picture. When you shine the light of lies all right, but not lies related to painful memories. They were just lies Satan was
Christ and sprinkle the blood of Christ on the True Jesus, it does not bother the True feeding us to keep us busy. When the person renounced the guardian lie that all these
Jesus. After testing the spirit and it really is Jesus, people say things like, he is the same lies needed to be broken before truth could be heard, the lies stopped coming. The truth
as before, or he appears kind and gentle, or he is shining. For one person the True Lord is that God can speak truth at any time and truth does not necessarily have to be
came in as a lion. When the True Jesus comes He always exhibits love. related to a lie. The principle is that truth sets the person free, not the breaking of lies.
It is my experience that, often, the false Jesus is a spirit that goes by the name of Anti- The key was the realization that all the manifestations were from Satan and by living in
Christ. It masquerades as Jesus and communicates lies and false messages to confuse the freedom of Christ’s truth, they could all be renounced which thwarted the spirit’s
and disrupt the healing process. right to be there.

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Addendum #4and
Addendum #5 for

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An Example of a Wrong Structures Inside a Person -

Agreement of the Mind Wall or Prison
One man was involved with pornography. He would fall to the temptation on a regular There are two symptoms that signal different types of structure inside the mind. The first
cycle. As we explored the process, he came to understand that there was a mental symptom is numbness and the second is detachment from God.
agreement inside himself that said he was going to fail. After experiencing the normal Numbness is a sign that the person has built a wall inside as a protective barrier. This
number of days of struggle, he would give in and convince himself that it was better to defense often occurs in youth when there has been trauma and the person says to
do it and get it over with, so that he could get on with some days of freedom before it him/herself, “I am going to build a wall and hide behind it, because that is the only way
happened again. The mental agreement was that he was going to fail. After he invited that I can be safe.” The wall does block out the pain and functions as an effective
Jesus into this thought, he heard the Holy Spirit say to him that what he had been doing defense, but it also blocks out all other emotions as well, including love. Consequently,
was a “ritual.” He renounced the ritual and bound his will to the will of God. The truth the person feels no emotions and expresses this state as numbness. Often the person
from God that it was a ritual allowed him to realize for the first time that he did not have sees him/herself as being quite young behind the wall. The technique I use to address
to fall and that he could resist the lie that falling was inevitable. While he had confessed this wall is to build, with the person’s permission, a spiritual wall inside the original wall
the sin over and over after each fall, it was not until he renounced the ritual that he was and this new wall is filled with the blood of Jesus. This “Jesus wall” will block out any
able to live in the truth that he could have victory with Christ. hurt, but will allow love to flow in and out. Once this new wall has been erected, I ask
the person if he/she would like to take down the old wall. “With permission, I pray or
While the mental agreement is not as strong as a vow, it still causes the mind to agree he/she prays to have Jesus remove the old wall and with the help of his angels clean up
with a pattern of thought that needs to be broken and renounced. When the man and remove any mess from the deconstruction. This spiritual wall will allow the person to
realized that he had a choice to stand against the ritual, it lost its power to convince him start to experience feelings and often I have the person invite Jesus to come and be
that he had to fall. with him/her behind the new wall to protect as the new feelings begin to be felt.
The second condition, detachment, is described as a prison, a steel box, a pit or some
dark place where the person is all-alone and there is no connection with God. This
symptom describes the result of guilt. This state is a self-imposed prison where the
person has put him/herself into this captivity through self-criticism, self-hatred, self-
punishment and self-destructive thinking. God is distant and unreachable because the
person has turned his/her back on God and is trying to deal with the pain all alone. In
these cases, I lead the person through the prayer for self-forgiveness and then ask
him/her if he/she would like to invite Jesus into their dark place. When Jesus’ presence
is there, I ask if he/she would like Jesus to lead him/her out of the prison. (Jesus came
to set the captives free). Often Jesus will take his/her right hand and walk the person out
of the prison and lead him/her to the meadow. It is called the meadow experience.
Often, after there has been healing, Jesus takes people to the meadow. The meadow is
described as a nice safe place with green grass, colorful flowers, blue sky, sunshine, a
river and sometimes sounds of birds and smells of flowers. See the chapter on “self-
forgiveness” to understand this condition of guilt.

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Addendum #6and for

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and we are holy and righteous in God’s eyes. We are to dwell on the goodness of his
The Two Faces of Pride creation. We are to see and understand what is true and noble and pure about
ourselves and we are to think about how we are excellent and praiseworthy. This is not
conceit, this is positive self-esteem. The Lord knows that we need a strong self-esteem
to be the best that we can be. So, if filling our internal cup up with positive beliefs about
When we were young, we received mixed messages about how to think and talk about ourselves is God’s plan for us, will this not lead to a self-inflated image?
ourselves. We were told to achieve and win and be the best that we could be. We were
told to be pleased with our achievements. On the other hand, we were told to not be This is where “comparrogance” comes into the picture. Comparrogance is defined as the
conceited or proud. We must keep our achievements to ourselves, otherwise we have a combination of the following three qualities: 1) comparing, 2) competing, and
swelled head and think too much of ourselves. We learned to work hard and be 3) arrogance. You see, where esteem ends and comparrogance begins is with the
performance-oriented, but we were never to talk about it lest we develop an excessive subject of comparing. Philippians 4:8 says nothing about comparing ourselves with other
opinion about our worth. So, there are two distinctly different and opposite meanings to people. It only says think about what is good (about yourself). If you do well at/on
this word pride. Pride is good when you do well, but pride is bad when you let it go to something and you objectively congratulate yourself, that is a good thing to do. We are
your head. To help talk about this confusing subject, I use two different words to told to do this – think about what is praiseworthy. And since the probability is that
describe the two different meanings. For the good pride, I prefer the word “Esteem,” and nobody else is going to praise you, the odds are that you and God are the only ones
for the negative pride I use the word “Comparrogance.” who are going to celebrate this goodness.

Before we begin, we need to understand the negative influence that our culture has on The problem begins with comparing. Our minds are very active and we are constantly
both meanings of the word pride. It is generally believed that a person needs to have a observing, analyzing and sorting out our thoughts. Comparing is a basic skill that is
strong and healthy self-esteem to be able to function. But, if culturally, we are not needed to organize our world, so we all compare. If the thought remained at the
allowed to talk about what is good about ourselves, for fear of being conceited, then how comparing stage, we would be OK, but what happens is that in very short order we start
can we have a strong self-esteem. If 70% to 80% of all language is negative, and if we to compete about what we compare. Our culture is organized around competition. We
are constantly being judged and not measuring up, then we tend to fill up our negative are taught values that we apply to what we compare. However, the really destructive
cup inside ourselves with critical statements. Even when we succeed, we cannot talk influence is at the third stage when we personalize the subject and believe that we are
about it so the negative container inside of us dominates our internal landscape. As a better than other people because of what we are comparing and competing over. An
result, our culture has created an epidemic of people with low self-esteem. The example will help clarify how comparrogance works. Let’s look at cars:
dichotomy seems to swing from winner to loser with nothing in between. We strive to be
the winner and when we miss the mark, we are worth nothing. Stage 1 - compare: Some people have new cars and some people have old cars.
Stage 2 - compete: It is better to have a new car than an old car (value).
The church exacerbates this feeling with legalistic thinking that creates beliefs of guilt Stage 3 - arrogance: I am better than you are because I have a new car (personalized).
and shame. As sinners we are always missing the mark, so we must be pretty bad. But,
the church and our culture have not taken Philippians 4:8 into consideration. It says, Comparrogance has nothing to do with self-esteem. It is all about superiority, rightness
“Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, and betterness. Our culture has it backwards. It encourages us to have an empty
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – positive cup by not thinking about our goodness and it teaches us to try and put
think about such things.” We are commanded to think positively about the truths of other people down by being the winner. This is a formula for low self-esteem and bad
ourselves. Often these truths are lost in the barrage of negative feedback and then relationships. God wants us to know that we are already winners without any
people honestly say, “I do not know my true self.” The problem is that there are so few comparrogance. We do not need the comparrogance that society wants us to have to be
people around who provide positive, truthful feedback that, if we just listen to the world, worthy. But, the influence of our society is pervasive. As you start to see comparrogance
we will forever suffer from low self-esteem. As believers, while we are to see our sinful working in your own life, you will see that it does not happen once a week or once a day,
ways and change them, we are not to dwell on the sins. Our sins have been forgiven but often minute by minute.

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Epilogue for

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Another example:

Stage 1 - compare: Some people eat with their right hand and others with their
Giving God the Glory
left hand.
Stage 2 - compete: It is better to eat with your right hand. (value)
Stage 3 - arrogance: I am better than that person because I eat with my right
hand. (personalized) So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
1 Cor 10:31
Comparrogance can be so petty and insignificant, and yet it still holds all of its judging,
condemning power. In fact, comparrogance works negatively through your body So that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause
language even if you say nothing. I have come to believe that comparrogance is the
thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.
single most destructive influence in human relationships. The example of Christ is
servant leadership. The secret of Christianity is that by faith, Christ has made us 2 Cor 4:15
holy and blameless so that we can serve others with high self-esteem and self-
confidence with no comparrogance.
If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all
How do we accomplish this victorious living? First, live out of the truth of the redemption things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the
of the cross. As you come to see yourself through the eyes of Jesus, you will be able to power for ever and ever.
nurture your true self in Christ and celebrate what is noble and pure and praiseworthy. Pet 4:11
Then, as your self-esteem grows, you need to work at becoming aware of
comparrogance in your own life. This will be no small task because it has been so As Andy Comiskey says in his Living Waters self-help course on sexual and relational
hidden. As you become aware, if you can catch yourself at the comparing stage and wholeness, “We can neither save nor heal ourselves” (p.31). Just as the doctor does
stop the thought process before it becomes competitive or arrogant, then you can pre- not heal the broken leg that he has set, and just as the farmer does not grow the seed
empt full blown comparrogance. As you succeed at eliminating comparrogance you will that he has planted, the counsellor does not heal his clients. We may be involved in the
come to know the true meaning of humility. Humility does not mean putting ourselves process, but it is God who does the healing.
down because we have already learned that we are to value ourselves. Humility is about
serving others the way Christ did. Henri Nouwen describes it in his book The Wounded He said, “If you listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is
Healer, “to live life as authentically as Christ lived his.” Know your true self in Christ and right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees,
don’t compare. Be the best you can be and don’t compete. Celebrate your worth without I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am
arrogance. This is a formula for high self-esteem and good relationships.
the Lord who heals you.”
Ex 15:26

God heals in divine ways. I cannot explain how God takes water and sunshine and
makes a seed grow, blossom and flourish. When the conditions of sun and water are
there, he just makes it happen. I see the result. Similarly, I cannot explain how God’s
truth makes a person free to grow and flourish, but I know that when a person hears the
truth of God, healing really happens, because I see it occurring daily in my counselling

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I also have learned that Jesus is involved in the process of healing. When he was on
earth, he healed as part of his ministry. “So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the From Peter and Athanasius to Leanne Payne and Christian counsellors today, the
good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the condition of inviting Jesus into the healing process has not changed. Jesus heals! It is
for God’s glory that the healing occurs to show how great and mighty and loving He is.
The healing is not a result of the counsellor applying the right “bandage.” The healing
Matt 4:23 flows from God’s love, so that all may see and know the breadth and depth of His love.
Jesus then empowered his people to carry on the task that he had started.
So, let us boast, but as it says in 1 Corinthians 1:31,

He called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil
“Let him who boasts boast in the Lord.”
spirits and to cure every kind of disease and sickness.
Matt 10:1 How does God do it? I really don’t know. But, heal he does and I praise Him for His
willingness to come and set the captives free. I celebrate the knowledge that God has
The disciples were involved in the process, but it was still Jesus who was doing the shared with me so that I may be an instrument in his hands. I pray that the information
healing. It was in the name of Jesus that the healing occurred. We see this, after Christ in this document will help you to be used as an instrument of God’s healing so that you
had already been crucified, when Peter, who was travelling about the country, met and your clients may say, “Thank you Jesus. Thank you for being such a caring, faithful
Aeneas, a paralytic who had been bedridden for eight years. God who comes when called and heals in such amazing ways. We praise you and give
you the glory for all that you do.”
“Aeneas”, Peter said to him, “Jesus Christ heals you. Get up and take care of
your mat.”
Acts 9:34

While God can heal by grace, he also gave us free will. In the area of inner healing
where the mind is involved, the individual’s “will” is part of the process. Athanasius
wrote, “That which Jesus has not assumed or taken upon Himself, he cannot heal.
(Athanasius, On the Incarnation of the Word, p. 43) If the individual does not “will” Jesus
to be there, He does not come. Jesus respects us too much to go against our “will.”
Conversely, when Jesus is invited, he comes and heals. When we confess, he heals in a
divine way. When we forgive, he takes away the bitterness. When we invite Him to reveal
truth, He replaces the lie and sets us free. It is just as it is written in Isaiah 61:1:

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me
to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the
brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release for the

When invited, that is exactly what Jesus does. He is the living, healing God who comes
and sets people free. Just as it says in John 8:36,

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Payne, Leanne. The Healing Presence. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books, 1989.
Crabb, Lawrence J. Jr. Effective Biblical Counseling. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan
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Freedman, Jill and Combs Gene. Narrative Therapy. New York/London: W.W. Norton & Penn-Lewis, Jessie. War On The Saints. New York, Thomas E.Lowe, Ltd. 1973
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Hill, Craig. The Ancient Paths. Littleton, CO: Family Foundations Publishing, 1992.
Savard, Liberty. Breaking The Power. North Brunswick, New Jersey: Bridge-Logos
Horrobin, Peter. Healing Through Deliverance. Vol.1 The Biblical Basis. Tonbridge, Kent, Publishers, 1997

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Counselling InnerHealing Theory Process Christian

and for

& A
and for

Stanley, Charles. The Gift Of Forgiveness. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1987.

ten Boom, Corrie. The Hiding Place. Washington Depot. Connecticut: Chosen Books,

Tiger, Lionel. Optimism - The Biology of Hope. New York: Simon and Schuster 1979.

Virkler, Mark and Patti, Prayers that Heal the Heart. Gainesville, Florida: Bridge-Logos
Publishers, 2001

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Counselling InnerHealing Theory Process Christian

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& A
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Summary of Symptoms and Components

Guide to Identify Which Component To Address by The Related Symptom Notes:
Component Symptoms Action Needed

1. Family Blessings Absence of blessing Invite Jesus to provide the


2. Boundaries Resentment Develop healthy


3. Inner Healing of Anxiety, fear, anger, Person invites Jesus into

Memory depression, pain, hurt, key memory, identifies the
discouragement, etc. lie and then asks Jesus
to reveal the truth.

4. Unconfessed Sin Confusion, unable to Confession Prayers

find memories or discern
lies or truth

5. Unforgiveness Frustration, anger, hate, Forgiveness Prayer

bitterness, rage, fury,
judgment or revenge

6. Lack of Guilt, shame, pride, Self-forgiveness Prayer

Self-Forgiveness self-punishment, unbelief,

7. Mental Agreements Rigid, fixed, inflexible Renounce the mental

thinking, vows, curses commitments

8. Spirits of Darkness Darkness, blackness, Spiritual freedom prayers

blocking, deafness,
inability to read scripture

9. Self-Acceptance Lack of awareness of Self-acceptance prayer

True Self in Christ

10. Develop the Story Thin and weak story of Encourage the speaking
of the True Self in the True Self in Christ of the new story to a
Christ variety of audiences. Do
narrative therapy.

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and for

Notes: Notes:

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Alfred C.W. Davis is a Clinical Member of the American Association of

Marriage and Family Therapy. He helped found the Chartwell Institute
for Care and Counselling after graduating with a Master of Divinity
degree from Tyndale Seminary in Toronto. He majored in counselling
and trained under Dr. Brian Cunnington's Clinical Direction for five
years. Alf was a co-leader of Chartwell Baptist Church's Stephen
Ministry care giving team for seven years. He teaches the seminar
"Christian Counselling and Christ-Centered Inner Healing to churches
throughout southern Ontario and internationally. He is the author of the
book "Free To Be Me" and his ministry, Agape Healing International Inc.
is committed to training and equipping church workers globally to help
people come to wholeness through the healing power of Jesus Christ.

Alfred C.W. Davis MBA, M.Div. ~ Agape Healing International Inc.

111 Prince Charles Drive, Unit # 103 Oakville, Ontario Canada L6K 3X3
905-815-9638 • F: 905-842-9757 • acdavis@agapehealing.org • www.alfdavis.com

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