Af1904 PDF
Af1904 PDF
Af1904 PDF
APRIL 2019
VOL. 48 NO. 4
S C I E N C E F O R K I D S !
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Exploring Unique Creature God’s Mysterious Creatures God’s Majestic Handiwork
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APRIL 2019
Published by
P. O. Box 59029
Dallas, TX 75229
214.615.8300 feature
Beth Mull 11 Climate Alarmism and the Age of
the Earth
Michael Stamp J A K E H E B E R T, P h . D .
Truett Billups
Christy Hardy back to genesis
15 Recent Humans with Archaic Features
Dennis Davidson
Upend Evolution
J E F F R E Y P. T O M K I N S , P h . D .
No articles may be reprinted in whole or in
part without obtaining permission from ICR.
Copyright © 2019
17 New Distributed Problem-Solving
Institute for Creation Research Model for Population Adaptation
All Scripture quotations are from the New King
creation q & a
15 20 Are Fossils Just Rocks Shaped like
21 Termite Skyscrapers Hidden in Plain
22 T. rex, Tours, and Testimonies
22 H E N RY M . M O R R I S I V
recently worked a booth at a Dallas women’s conference, to-read approach to creation topics with plenty of illustrations in a
where ICR sponsored a table. We provided free books, maga- beautiful format. Begin with Guide to Creation Basics to get a good
zines, devotionals, and information to anyone who stopped by foundation. If you have children, start with the Science for Kids series
our display. or the Little Creation Books for your preschoolers.
That first evening, my colleagues and I visited with dozens of Perhaps you’ve noticed that the Creation Q&A articles in Acts
women. The next day, a woman returned to our table and told us she & Facts are written at a level for general readers. These engaging col-
had picked up our Creation Q&A booklet the night before, and she umns answer many of the basic questions people have when they’re
wondered if she could have more copies. She said she used it to share first introduced to creation science, such as this month’s focus on
the gospel with another woman and that the woman had prayed to what fossils are and how they fit with a young earth (“Are Fossils Just
receive Christ. God used the booklet to change someone’s life, and Rocks Shaped like Bones?” page 20).
she wanted more to share with others. What’s interesting about that And our serious science articles include highlights to help you
48-page booklet is that it doesn’t have a dedicated gospel presenta- navigate some of the more complicated information. These articles
tion in it—it simply shows how science confirms what the Bible tells present current scientific research on important issues in the cre-
us about creation and assures the reader they can trust God’s Word. ation-evolution debate, such as Dr. Jeff Tomkins’ discussion of recent
I don’t know details about the woman who accepted Christ, but studies that refute the human evolution story (“Recent Humans with
I’m guessing she’s like many of the people we encounter who have Archaic Features Upend Evolution,” page 15) and Dr. Jake Hebert’s
doubts about God because they think the Bible doesn’t fit with science. examination of how old-earth beliefs influence the climate change
We’ve discovered that when we show people that scientific evidence debate (“Climate Alarmism and the Age of the Earth,” pages 11-14).
lines up with what the Bible says, then they are free to accept that God’s Through our conferences, our social media posts, our weekly
Word is true in what it says about salvation as well as science. The in- online news articles, our publications, and more, we work to equip
formation we share at events and in our resources often removes the believers with the knowledge they need to challenge the misinforma-
obstacles that have somehow kept people from trusting God. tion that is rampant in our world. Our goal is to clearly communicate
Creation Q&A is just one of the many resources we offer to help the message that you can trust God’s Word, and He uses it to change
others understand how science confirms Scripture. Our 12-DVD people, one life at a time.
series Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis is a good introductory pre-
sentation that provides information about dinosaurs, the Flood, the
Ice Age, the age of the universe, and more. We also offer a correspond- Jayme Durant
Executive Editor
ing student workbook. Our Guide to… book series provides an easy-
The Creator
at Work in
His World
article highlights
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Jesus Christ existed before His birth in
Bethlehem—He is our Creator.
A human’s encounter with God before
Jesus’ incarnation is known as a theophany.
Jesus visited multiple people in the Old
Testament, many times appearing in vis-
A s Easter approaches, we tend to focus our reflections on the life, death,
and glorious resurrection of Christ. We even mark the timeline of his-
tory by whether events happened before (BC) or after (AD) Christ’s
birth. But Christ’s existence didn’t begin with His time on Earth.
The apostle John emphasizes this when he begins his gospel account.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was
God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him,
and without Him nothing was made that was made. (John 1:1-3)
ible form.
The ICR Discovery Center will feature sev- The apostle Paul also affirms this truth in the book of Colossians.
en of the visible theophanies to highlight
the Creator’s work throughout history. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him
all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and in-
visible….And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. (Colossians
The Lord Jesus Christ was present at the beginning of creation—He was and
is our Creator. His pre-existence is further affirmed by His many appearances docu-
mented throughout the Old Testament. Theophany is a theological Miraculous actions and knowledge
term that refers to an encounter with God prior to Christ’s incarna- Comforting statements
tion. There are over 50 possible theophanies recorded throughout the Worship of God as a result of the encounter
Old Testament, primarily concentrated in Genesis, in the Exodus and
conquest events, in Judges, and in the prophets. The Lord Appears to Abraham (Genesis 18:1-15)
Generally speaking, theophanies take three primary forms:
In this passage, it says that “the Lord appeared to [Abraham] by
1) Visible manifestations most often involve the Angel of the Lord the terebinth trees.” Note Abraham’s immediate reaction. He looked
appearing in human form, but could also include other visible and saw three men standing near him. He “ran…to meet them, and
encounters such as the fire and smoke on Mount Sinai. bowed himself to the ground” (vv. 1-2). It seems plausible that Abra-
2) Auditory manifestations are indicated by the many “and the Lord ham may have recognized the pre-incarnate Lord Jesus Christ from
said unto...” statements found throughout the Old Testament, previous encounters in Genesis 12:7 and 14:18-20.
but also include unique encounters like the “still small voice” that
spoke to Elijah in the cave (1 Kings 19:12).
After the Israelites were delivered out of Egypt and had wan-
dered in the wilderness for 40 years, God charged Joshua to lead the
next generation to conquer Canaan. When Joshua was near Jericho,
he “lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him
with His sword drawn in His hand.” Joshua approached the Man and
asked, “Are You for us or for our adversaries?” (v. 13).
“So [the Man] said, ‘No, but as Commander of the army of the
Lord I have now come.’ And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and
worshiped” (v. 14).
The Man, the Lord Jesus Christ, let Joshua know exactly who
Lord was visible to Moses. It is possible that the shekinah glory of God
emanating from the Angel—the pre-incarnate Christ—standing in
the midst of the bush gave the appearance of fire.
was and is in charge. “Then the Commander of the Lord’s army said hair of their head was not singed nor were their garments affected,
to Joshua, ‘Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you and the smell of fire was not on them” (v. 27).
stand is holy.’ And Joshua did so” (v. 15). Joshua’s encounter with Scholars debate whether the fourth man in the fire was the
Christ encouraged him to begin the conquest of Canaan and fulfill pre-incarnate Christ or one of God’s mighty angels. Nebuchadnez-
God’s promise to Abraham (Genesis 12:7). zar described the man as one “like a son of the gods” [literal transla-
tion] and later calls him “His Angel.” But the dramatic imagery of this
The Angel of the Lord Visits Manoah and His Wife (Judges 13) event, followed by praise for God by a pagan king, is undeniable.
“ Nebuchadnezzar spoke, saying, ‘Blessed be the God of
The Lord Jesus Christ appeared again in the time of the Judges
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, who sent His Angel and deliv-
during a 40-year period when Israel was oppressed by the Philistines.
ered His servants who trusted in Him, and they have frustrated the
He visited an unnamed woman who had been unable to bear chil-
king’s word, and yielded their bodies, that they should not serve nor
dren for many years: “Indeed now, you are barren and have borne no
worship any god except their own God’” (v. 28).
children, but you shall conceive and bear a son….and no razor shall
When God enacts a miracle, He supernaturally controls all details
come upon his head, for the child shall be a Nazirite to God from
so that His power is unmistakable, and there is no other explanation!
the womb; and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the
Philistines” (vv. 3-5). This prophecy foretold the life of Samson.
Old Testament Theophanies in the Discovery Center
When the woman told her husband, Manoah, about the en-
counter, Manoah prayed that the “Man of God” would come again The Creator has been at work in His creation throughout
and teach them what to do (v. 8). The Lord Jesus visited and spoke Earth’s history. In these seven theophanies, we see the Lord Jesus
with both of them. Manoah offered to feed his guest. “The Angel of Christ visiting people during significant times in their lives, meeting
the Lord said to Manoah, ‘Though you detain Me, I will not eat your their needs, revealing His character, and intervening in a personal
food. But if you offer a burnt offering, you must offer it to the Lord.’ way.
(For Manoah did not know He was the Angel of the Lord)” (v. 16). These events will be featured in the ICR Discovery Center for
“So Manoah took the young goat with the grain offering, and Science and Earth History. The goal of this center is to glorify and
offered it upon the rock to the Lord. And He did a wondrous thing reveal our Creator. So, after the main exhibits displaying the scientific
while Manoah and his wife looked on—it happened as the flame evidence for God’s creation, visitors will be introduced to the Creator
went up toward heaven from the altar—the Angel of the Lord as- Himself. The scenes of the Old Testament theophanies will precede a
cended in the flame of the altar!” (vv. 19-20). dramatic hologram-based exhibit of the life of Christ, who revealed
Manoah and his wife fell on their faces to the ground. “When Himself as never before when He was born in the flesh and walked
the Angel of the Lord appeared no more to Manoah and his wife, then this earth for 33 years. His perfect, sinless life culminated in a horrific
Manoah knew that He was the Angel of the Lord. And Manoah said death on the cross. He paid the penalty for our sins, so that we could
to his wife, ‘We shall surely die, because we have seen God!’” (vv. 21- become children of God.
22). But she contended that God would not have accepted their burnt Just as Christ’s existence didn’t begin with His earthly birth,
offering or foretold Samson’s birth had He intended to kill them. neither did it end with His earthly death. After three days, He rose
“So the woman bore a son and called his name Samson; and from the grave, ascended to heaven, and sat down at the right hand
the child grew, and the Lord blessed him” (v. 24). of God, where He ever lives to intercede for us (Mark 16:19; Hebrews
1:3; 7:25). God’s presence now lives in each believer through the Holy
The Fourth Man in the Fire (Daniel 3:16-28) Spirit. What a joy it is to know that the Holy Spirit of God is always
with us (John 14:16-17; 16:7-14).
King Nebuchadnezzar commanded the people of Babylon to
The God who has appeared throughout all of history, whose
bow down to his idol at the trumpet’s sound. Shadrach, Meshach,
work we see in creation, and whose sacrifice assured our salvation
and Abed-Nego, exiles from Israel, refused to worship anyone but
will appear again one day before our eyes. In that day, the whole
the Lord. Their refusal angered the king, and he commanded they be
world will respond in worship and praise to Him (Philippians 2:9-
thrown into a fiery furnace, a seemingly unlikely place for a glorious
11). What a day that will be!
theophany. Reference
“ Then King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished…‘Did we 1. In his study Bible notes, Dr. Henry Morris commented that Balaam’s apparent lack of sur-
prise at hearing the donkey speak “was probably due both to his direct encounter with God the
not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?...Look!...I see previous night (Numbers 22:20) and also his unthinking rage, accompanied by physical pain,
caused by the stubbornness of the animal.” Morris, H. M. 2012. The Henry Morris Study Bible.
four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 278.
and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God’” (vv. 24-25). The Portions of this article were adapted from Sunday school materials prepared by Henry M.
king called the men to come out of the fire and discovered that “the Morris IV, ICR Director of Operations.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Redding, CA | Alpha Omega Conference | (J. Johnson) 530.221.4275
W e s t b y, W I | C r e a t i o n Fa m i l y C a m p a t L i v i n g W a t e r s B i b l e C a m p |
27 ( R . G u l i u z z a ) LW B C . o r g o r 6 0 8 . 6 3 4 . 4 3 7 3
Oceanside, CA
Calvary Chapel Oceanside
ecently, a new species of shark was found at the site where
T. rex “Sue” was extracted.1 While this didn’t surprise Flood
geologists,2 it required some special pleading by evolutionary
scientists to explain away another apparent marine animal in article highlights
the “wrong” place. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Sue was discovered in South Dakota in a sedimentary rock unit The Hell Creek Formation holds shark and other ma-
rine fossils mixed with land-dwelling animal fossils such
known as the Hell Creek Formation (HCF).1 This formation also cov-
as T. rex.
ers parts of North Dakota and Montana and resides near the top of a Secular scientists have trouble explaining ocean and
massive pile of sedimentary rocks called the Williston Basin. land creatures found together.
A few years ago, I researched the HCF and showed that it was A global flood is the best explanation for the fossil mix
encapsulated, top and bottom, by sedimentary rocks that even secular found in Hell Creek and elsewhere.
scientists agree are marine in origin. Figure 1 shows the Upper Creta-
ceous and Paleogene stratigraphic units in the Williston Basin, with
the marine rocks shaded in gray.3
fish,1 in spite of the more reasonable conclusion that they represent
Secular scientists have found numerous marine invertebrate fos-
marine organisms.
sils throughout the HCF.4 Using the informal subdivisions identified
The bottom line is that the Fox Hills Formation directly below
by earlier scientists,5,6 they determined there were marine fossils in
the HCF is accepted as a marine deposit (Figure 1), and the unit im-
three of the four subunits (shown by the letter “M” in Figure 1). Brack-
mediately above the HCF, the Cannonball Member of the Fort Union
ish-water and marine bivalves called Crassostrea (oysters) and Corbic-
Formation, is accepted as a marine deposit, yet Hell Creek itself is
ula (clams), gastropod Pachymelania (snails), and the crustacean trace
claimed to be terrestrial solely because it contains dinosaur fossils. But
fossil Ophiomorpha were common throughout the formation.
it’s filled with marine fossils from top to bottom.
A variety of animal groups
This is nothing new for the global rock record. We see this same
are found in the Upper Creta-
fossil mix across all continents. Even most European Cretaceous dino-
ceous HCF and in the overlying
saurs are found not just mixed with marine fossils but in actual ma-
Paleogene Fort Union Forma-
rine rocks like chalk and limestone.8 Spinosaurus, the largest theropod
tion.3 The data show multiple
dinosaur ever discovered, was found in Morocco with car-size fossils
examples of mixed land, fresh-
of coelacanth fish, which today are only found in the deep ocean.9
water, and marine influences
The best explanation of the mix of land and marine organisms is
in the upper HCF. These results
not fluctuating sea levels as most secularists claim, but a massive global
mesh well with the marine in-
flood that covered all the continents just as Genesis describes.
fluence found in North Dakota.4 References
Surprisingly, in two vol- 1. Gates, T. A., E. Gorscak, and P. J. Makovicky. New sharks and other chondrichthyans from the
latest Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) of North America. Journal of Paleontology. Published
umes of papers published on online on January 21, 2019.
2. Thomas, B. A T. rex Swimming with Sharks? Creation Science Update. Posted on Feb-
the HCF in the last 20 years, ruary 19, 2019.
3. Clarey, T. L. 2015. The Hell Creek Formation: The Last Gasp of the Pre-Flood Dinosaurs. Cre-
little is mentioned of the occur- ation Research Society Quarterly. 51 (4): 286-298.
4. Hartman, J. H. and J. I. Kirkland. 2002. Brackish and marine mollusks of the Hell Creek Forma-
rences of five (now six) species tion of North Dakota: Evidence for a persisting Cretaceous seaway. In The Hell Creek Formation
and the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary in the Northern Great Plains: An Integrated Continental
of sharks, the 14 species of fish, Record of the End of the Cretaceous. J. H. Hartman, K. R. Johnson, and D. J. Nichols, eds. Geo-
logical Society of America Special Papers. 361: 271-296.
and the bivalves that indicate a 5. Frye, C. I. 1967. The Hell Creek Formation in North Dakota. Ph.D. dissertation. Grand Forks,
marine influence on the forma- ND: University of North Dakota, 411 p.
6. Frye, C. I. 1969. Stratigraphy of the Hell Creek Formation in North Dakota. North Dakota
tion.7 Secular scientists either Geological Survey Bulletin. 54: 65 p.
7. Hartman, J. The Hell Creek Formation and the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary in the Northern
ignore these findings4 or dismiss Great Plains; Wilson, G. P. et al. 2014. Through the End of the Cretaceous in the Type Locality
of the Hell Creek Formation in Montana and Adjacent Areas. Geological Society of America
them as freshwater sharks and Special Papers 503.
8. Csiki-Sava, Z. et al. 2015. Island life in the Cretaceous—faunal composition, biogeography,
evolution, and extinction of land-living vertebrates on the Late Creta-
Figure 1. Stratigraphic units in the Williston Basin of the Dakotas, ceous European archipelago. ZooKeys. 469: 1-161.
showing the formations and members above and below the Hell Creek 9. Ibrahim, N. et al. 2014. Semiaquatic adaptations in a giant predatory
dinosaur. Science. 345 (6204): 1613-1616.
Formation. The shaded units are secular-accepted marine deposits. The
white units are purported to be terrestrial deposits. The “M” designates Dr. Clarey is Research Associate at the Institute for Creation Research and
earned his Ph.D. in geology from Western Michigan University.
layers with fossils providing a positive identification of marine taxon.4
Climate Alarmism
and the
Age of the Earth
a r t i c l e any evangelical Christians think global warming is a serious
h ig h l i g h t s issue that demands drastic action.1 At the Institute for Cre-
• • • • • • • • • • • • ation Research we tend to be skeptical of the claim that in-
Many secular scientists believe Earth’s cli- creasing amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) will cause Earth
mate is extremely sensitive to changes in atmo- to overheat. Climate change proponents say their case is built on scientific
spheric carbon dioxide because the astronomical evidence. However, old-earth beliefs actually make a major contribution to
theory, built on old-earth assumptions, demands it.
climate change alarmism.
ICR research has shown that evidence for the astro-
nomical theory is weak to nonexistent.
Scientists use computer models to argue for high Climate Sensitivity
climate sensitivity, but these models likely contain
The real issue in the climate change debate is climate sensitivity.3 If
flawed assumptions.
It appears Earth’s climate has a low sen- the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere were to double while everything else
sitivity to change. We don’t need to stayed the same, the increase in global average surface temperatures would
buy in to climate change be small, only about 1°C (less than 2°F).4
alarmism. However, our climate is complicated, and a change in one thing
inevitably causes a response somewhere else. Some of these responses think the Genesis Flood caused this Ice Age about 4,500 years ago and
are called negative feedbacks, which minimize or oppose a warming that it lasted just hundreds of years.7
tendency. On the other hand, positive feedbacks enhance the initial In the secular view, our climate slowly alternates between colder
warming. If climate sensitivity is high, then the effect of positive feed- glacials (ice ages) and warmer interglacials. Secular scientists think
backs will dominate and there will be a large increase in temperature the timing of ice ages is controlled by changes in the way sunlight
after the climate has settled down. But if climate sensitivity is low, striking the Earth is distributed with latitude and season. They think
then the negative feedbacks will tend to balance the positive feed- these sunlight changes are themselves caused by variations in Earth’s
backs, resulting in a smaller temperature increase. orbital and rotational motions. This particular belief about past cli-
Scientists worried about climate change tend to think climate mate change is called the astronomical or Milankovitch ice age theory.
sensitivity is very high. Those who are less concerned believe climate The astronomical theory has many problems. First, evidence
sensitivity is low. If we ignore questionable research, there are two for the theory is weak, as discussed below. Second, the changes in
main reasons some researchers think climate sensitivity is high. sunlight are so small that it’s difficult to see how they alone could
cause ice ages. Well-known secular astronomer Fred Hoyle once ridi-
Computer Climate Models culed the Milankovitch theory for this very reason.7 The astronomi-
cal theory only works if these small changes in sunlight can somehow
The first reason arises from predictions made by computer cli-
be amplified.
mate models. Many of these models have predicted large amounts of
warming. However, the climate is a complex system, and scientists Paleoclimatologists [scientists who study ancient climates] have
long recognized that the amount of Milankovitch-induced
don’t fully understand it. So, these computer models use simplifying
change in solar heating is too small to melt glaciers or to send
assumptions, premises that may be in error.5 In fact, there’s good rea- Earth into a deep freeze, unless some as yet unidentified part of
son to think these assumptions are in error. Most climate models have, the climate system amplifies it.8
in the past, predicted more warming than we later actually observed.2
One can also use basic physics to estimate climate sensitivity. The Astronomical Theory and Climate Sensitivity
This is hard to do, but it theoretically should be more reliable than
So, what do secular scientists think is amplifying these small
the results of computer models. Interestingly, one such recent study
changes in sunlight? If you guessed carbon dioxide, go to the head of
suggests that climate sensitivity is relatively low.5,6
the class!
The Astronomical Theory Simulations with global climate models show that the ampli-
tude [size] of glacial-interglacial temperature changes can only
The second argument for high climate sensitivity comes from be reproduced if CO2 changes are accounted for.…This leads us
old-earth beliefs about past climate change. Secular scientists inter- to conclude that CO2 changes are an important (feedback) fac-
pret chemical “wiggles” in deep seafloor sediments as a record of 50 tor in determining glacial-interglacial temperature changes al-
though the ultimate cause of the ice age cycles are Earth’s orbital
or so ice ages within the past 2.6 million years. However, creation sci-
entists think secular scientists are seriously misinterpreting the sedi-
ment data and that there’s strong evidence for only one Ice Age. We Do you follow the reasoning? Secular scientists have convinced
and ice cores. With this freedom, there’s a good chance that the tuner
can force the pattern to look like those shown in Figure 2. This is
true even if the wiggles have nothing at all to do with climate. This
means you can force the patterns to agree with the Milankovitch
theory even if the theory is wrong! Even secular scientists have given
pointed warnings about the dangers of circular reasoning in orbital
tuning.14-16 This is why Figure 2, despite appearances, is really not a
strong argument for the astronomical theory. The wiggly patterns
agree with the theory because orbital tuning made them agree!
An Informed Response
in light of the fact that these traits are still 2016 Royal Society research paper bearing Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins is Director of Life
Sciences at the Institute for Creation Re-
found in living humans. One of the best ex- the provocative title “From Australopithecus search and earned his Ph.D. in genetics
amples is former Russian boxing champion to Homo: the transition that wasn’t.”4 from Clemson University.
The Neanderthal fossil replica panel is set in The Discovery Center is beautiful at night
A few of the
Garden of
Eden’s animals
article highlights
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Evolutionists emphasize competition in competition, where both the individual and
which a few emerge victorious at the expense the population are valuable.
of the many. In this decentralized population adaptation
An engineering-based model could see a pop- model, new traits are produced and distrib-
ulation of problem-solving organisms that uted in a targeted, problem-solving manner
functions like a human-designed distributed rather than randomly.
computing system. This model expects rapid convergence on
This model emphasizes cooperation over solutions rather than slow, gradual evolution.
he Engineered Adaptability series of articles in Acts & Facts At the population level, natural selection envisions these or-
has argued that most adaptations—broadly mischaracterized ganisms locked in mortal competition with each other, with a few
as “evolution” by secular science—are highly regulated, often individuals emerging victorious at the expense of the rest of the
rapid, and so clearly targeted to specific conditions that they are population. They pass on their genes while the “weaker” genes are
predictable. eliminated. Evolutionary scientists imagine that the survivors were
To explain the regulated, rapid, and targeted characteristics of lucky enough to be endowed with superior genes through random
adaptation, the Institute for Creation Research developed a design- mutations.
based, organism-focused model called continuous environmental In stark contrast, an engineering-based model would suggest
tracking (CET). It hypothesizes that as an organism monitors en- that both the individual and the population are vitally important.
vironmental changes, it makes adaptive self-adjustments. Recent Thus, in order to arrive at optimal solutions to environmental chal-
discoveries have identified internal tracking lenges, individuals and populations work together in a targeted, non-
mechanisms that have elements that corre- random approach to problem solving. Such a model has the potential
spond to those in human tracking systems. to liberate biologists from the selectionist mindset. What character-
These findings show that organisms izes this mindset?
are active, problem-solving entities.
Thus, the evolutionary depiction of A Selectionist Mechanism Is Exceedingly Slow
individual organisms as passive mod-
As natural selection acts solely by accumulating slight, succes-
eling clay actively shaped by their en- sive, favourable variations, it can produce no great or sudden
vironment is exactly backwards. modifications; it can act only by short and slow steps.1
— Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species
the 19th century due to its perceived lack of a viable mechanism. In why the correspondence of ecological and evolutionary time was not
the early 1900s, the work of R. A. Fisher, J. B. S. Haldane, and Sewall recognized.”13
Wright in the emerging field of population genetics laid the ground- Of course, the reason evolutionists are surprised by the abun-
work for the eventual acceptance of the construct of natural selection dant evidence for rapid adaptation is that their envisioned mecha-
as the driving force behind evolution.2 nism of evolution—natural selection—is by its very nature exceed-
In 1957, Haldane developed a mathematical description of how ingly slow. Rather than acknowledge the serious challenge this dis-
beneficial mutations become fixed in a population over time. But in connect poses for the neo-Darwinian theory, many scientists simply
doing so, he uncovered a significant problem. Haldane reasoned that incorporate these unexpected findings into the theory. They adopt
a beneficial mutation must substitute for non-mutated genes in or- terms such as “contemporary evolution” or “eco-evolutionary dy-
der to be distributed throughout the population. The rate at which namics”—the assertion that ecological and evolutionary changes
this occurs is limited by an organism’s reproductive rate. Given that interact in a feedback loop over observable timescales.14 A 2009 pa-
mutations are likely to occur initially in only a few individuals, he per discussing eco-evolutionary dynamics went so far as to say that
calculated that there hasn’t been enough time to generate the world’s the previous characterization of evolution as a slow process is simply
observed genetic diversity, even assuming vast eons. wrong.
This is particularly true for organisms with low reproduction Species as diverse as single-celled algae, annual plants, birds,
rates and long generation times. For example, only 0.02% of the ob- fishes, crustaceans, insects and sheep are found to undergo rapid
served differences between the human and ape genome could have contemporary evolutionary changes in traits that adapt them
been generated in the supposed 10 million years since divergence within a few generations to changing or new environments….
Thus, the old assumption that evolutionary change is negligible
from an assumed common ancestor.3 This problem is known as
on the time-scale of ecological interactions is now demonstrably
Haldane’s dilemma. It was further clarified and validated in Walter incorrect.14
ReMine’s 1993 book The Biotic Message and again in his 2005 paper,4
but the problem has still not been resolved and today is simply ig- A growing number of evolutionary biologists are recognizing
nored. And recently, the problem has gotten much worse. the conceptual and mathematical limits to selectionism and are
searching for alternative mechanisms.15
Research Shows Rapid Adaptation
Needed: Populations to Solve Problems as
Over the last 20 years, numerous studies have Efficiently as Individuals
demonstrated the surprisingly rapid adaptation
of populations to changing environmental con- The Engineered Adaptability series makes
ditions. The observed adaptations involve a wide the case that adaptation results from “immanent
variety of traits in many kinds of organisms, in- selection” (i.e., from internal, engineered mecha-
cluding nisms) coupled with CET.16 However, the focus
of these articles has been on changes that occur at
• Changes in maturation timing and body size the individual organism level. Does this new frame-
in guppies5 work have explanatory power when considering ad-
• Diverging characteristics in freshwater and oce- aptation at the population level?
anic populations of threespine stickleback fish6 The problem at hand is how to change the frequency
• Increased thermal tolerance in phytoplankton7 of adaptive traits in a population so that it is resilient in the face of
• Increased heavy metal tolerance and herbicide resistance in significant environmental change, and how to do so quickly enough
plants8 that the rate of adaptation is nearly the same as the rate of environ-
• Changes in the frequency of plumage coloration in tawny owls9 mental change. In other words, how can a population of organisms
• Morphological changes in finch beak and body size10 and rapidly and reliably adapt to changing environmental conditions?
• Morphological changes in lizards (toe pad size, head size, bite Specifically, what is needed is rapid convergence on an opti-
strength, even digestive tract structure).11,12 mal solution by the majority of the individuals in the population. If a
All of these observed adaptations occurred in response to envi- population of organisms can achieve this, it can exploit new environ-
ronmental changes in only a few generations (in most cases less than mental niches—which is exactly what rapidly adapting populations
50 years). A 2011 paper summarized mounting evidence for rapid appear to be doing. If we are looking for correspondence between
adaptation of populations and noted that such observations have human-engineered mechanisms and those found in living things, we
taken evolutionary scientists by surprise: “In retrospect, we can ask should ask: How might an engineer solve this problem?
N T. rex, Tours,
early a year has passed since work A supporter who works in construc-
began on the internal exhibits of the tion wrote: “I have 30 yrs in this industry, so
ICR Discovery Center for Science and I know a thing or two about quality crafts-
Earth History. Our lifelike anima-
tronic T. rex was the first major installation
and manship. The Discovery Center is truly top-
notch….Kudos to ICR for contracting with
in April 2018, and many additions have been the best. This is a magnificent facility! You
made since then. It’s been my privilege dur- are in our prayers as you work to finish it….
ing this time to lead dozens of tours for lo- We know how difficult the ‘last mile’ can be.
cal supporters, potential donors, and special Keep up the great work for God.”
guests. From the feedback they’ve given, it’s A group of visiting pastors respond-
article highlights
clear this remarkable facility will have a great • • • • • • • • • • • • ed: “God bless you, brother Morris, for the
impact on many people for the Lord and His Even in its unfinished state, the marvelous tour last night! Your enthusiasm
Word. Their notes are a great blessing to me, ICR Discovery Center’s great po- for the science that confirms God’s Word is
and it’s my pleasure to share some recent fa- tential is clear. contagious, and your challenge to preach the
Visitors have put on hard hats truth of creation from our pulpits was both
and safety glasses to get a sneak
Here’s an encouraging note from a gen- motivating and convicting. We are excited to
peek at the exhibits.
erous supporter from Houston: “‘Henry the Their feedback shows the impact share this amazing project with our church
Fifth’ [our T. rex] is AWESOME, and my wife the Discovery Center will have on families back home. May God use ICR to
and I are so excited about the progress! ICR many people. reach many lives for eternity.”
has had a profound impact on both of our Finally, from the entire staff of a small
lives…and we are now even more amazed toward the ICR Discovery Center. May it be creation museum in the Midwest: “We just
and thankful for what ICR is building for the wanted to let you know that everyone is still
used to showcase our Creator’s handiwork
public. With great delight, we offer this gift talking about the tour you gave us and how
and bring many to Him.”
much it impacted them. Your hospitality was
Long-time partners in Washington had
tremendous. Thanks again for taking the
this to say: “The Discovery Center is abso-
time to accommodate us. ICR is truly a bless-
lutely fantastic! We’ve visited most cre-
ing, and the ICR Discovery Center is simply
ation museums in the USA, both big and
the best!”
small, but none of them rise to the level of
It’s my hope these wonderful testimo-
quality you folks are doing. (Who knew you
nies will inspire our supporters—as well as
could carve concrete like that? Wow!) God
encourage new ones—to keep on praying
bless you for the work you are doing. We’ve
and giving as the Lord leads. God has used
got ICR’s back, both financially and in prayer.”
ICR’s ministry to bless many people over the
From friends in Florida: “Your ap-
last 50 years, and our new Discovery Center
proach is unique and quite impressive.
has the potential to reach even more with
Frankly, none of us knew there was so much
the truth of creation and of our Creator, the
evidence that supports the Bible, and you
Lord Jesus Christ. Please prayerfully consider
present it in creative, engaging, and enter-
joining with us. Your earthly investment with
taining ways without ‘preaching.’ The gospel
ICR today will impact lives
exhibit at the end [hologram of the return-
for eternity.
ing King of kings] especially brings joy to
our hearts, and we hope to partner with Mr. Morris is Director of Opera-
tions at the Institute for Creation
ICR soon.” Research.
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ICR is a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit ministry, and all gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
❝ ————— pro-evolution, anti-creationist postings. threatening, inviting approach. It’s not
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
We encourage readers to contact condescending toward those who believe
I just read Dr. [Henry] Wikipedia about their obvious bias evolution—it simply points out flaws in
Morris’ article in the and attempt to edit the Wikipedia the logic. It comes across as authentic
[February 2019] Acts & Facts— posts. Tell the pastor that affirming and informative without putting people
“The Importance of Recent Crea- Genesis is not “cultic,” it’s Christ-
down. I’m thrilled that my kids can watch
tion.” It’s a clearly written masterpiece. approved (John 5:45–47).
this with me—as they are both studying
— A. C.
biology in public school this year. I would
❝ —————
❝ —————
never be able to get them to read a
Thanks to ICR for book on creation, but these videos are
I really enjoyed Dr. [Jim] Johnson’s [Feb-
your articles—I so engaging and entertaining that it’s
ruary 2019 Acts & Facts] article “[Beware
share them with easy for us to be informed in just 20 min-
the Bait of] False Hypotheticals.”
others…the utes at a time. Keep up the great work!
These concise snippets of
research tools — M. B.
truth are wonderful. I was in
are also a very
a courtroom the other day
when a judge snapped at
good resource. “Grace from the Ark and
❝ —————
the Flood” [January 2019 Acts & Facts] by I’ve been a part of ICR’s “fan base” for a
a person who had brought
Brian Thomas, M.S., was a resource I used long time and have always been fascina-
unsubstantiated allegations.
to share with grandchildren and great- ted with how you connect Bible and Earth
The judge said sternly, “Next time, have
grandchildren about the goodness left history. Now I am homeschooling my 1st
your facts in order.” We should as well,
after the great Flood of Noah’s day. It’s grader, and I use some of your resources
as Christians, when presenting the truth
entertaining as well as inspirational. with my curriculum. I look forward to con-
to the unbeliever. We are reminded: “Test
— P. W. tinuing to do this throughout her educa-
all things; hold fast what is good” (1 Thes-
tion. We look forward to visiting the Dis-
salonians 5:21).
— S. Y. F.
❝ —————
covery Center! Thank you for offering so
many amazing resources and being an
encouragement to biblical homeschooling!
❝ —————
— D. J.
I’m so sad today. A friend’s pastor
“reprimanded” me for believing [that]
the gap theory and Scofield were wrong.
❝ —————
6 Days of
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