Herbesser Injection Leaflet
Herbesser Injection Leaflet
Herbesser Injection Leaflet
Revised: February 2016 (13th version) D9 Standard Commodity Classification No. of Japan
- Calcium antagonist -
HERBESSER® 10 mg for Injection
HERBESSER® 50 mg for Injection
< Diltiazem hydrochloride preparation >
Powerful and Prescription drug*
CONTRAINDICATIONS (HERBESSER is contraindi- Description of solution contained in one vial when dissolved in
cated in the following patients.) 5 mL water for injection
1) Patients with severe hypotension or cardiogenic shock Appearance Clear colorless solution
[These symptoms may be aggravated.] pH 5.5 5.1
2) Patients with second or third degree atrioventricular Osmotic pressure
block or sick sinus syndrome (persistent sinus bradycar- 0.30 0.44
(ratio to physiolog-
dia) (less than 50 beats/min), sinus arrest, sinoatrial ical saline)
block, etc.)
[Depression of cardiac stimulation and cardiac conduc- INDICATIONS
tion may occur excessively.] Tachyarrhythmia (supraventricular)
3) Patients with severe congestive cardiac failure Emergency treatment of malignant hypertension during
[Symptoms of cardiac failure may be aggravated.] operation
4) Patients with severe cardiomyopathy Hypertensive emergency
[Symptoms of cardiac failure may be aggravated.] Unstable angina
5) Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to any of the
ingredients of this product DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION
6) Pregnant women or women who may possibly be preg- HERBESSER (10 mg or 50 mg of diltiazem hydrochloride)
nant should be dissolved in more than 5 mL of physiological saline
[See “Use during Pregnancy, Delivery or Lactation” or glucose injection before use, and administered as follows:
section.] Tachyarrhythmia (supraventricular)
Usually, for adults, 10 mg of diltiazem hydrochloride is
DESCRIPTION administered intravenously slowly over approx. 3 minutes.
Freeze-dried product. This is solution for injection to be dis- The dosage may be adjusted according to the patient’s age
solved in physiological saline or glucose injection before use. and symptoms.
HERBESSER 10 mg HERBESSER 50 mg Emergency treatment of malignant hypertension during
Brand name
for Injection for Injection
Active ingredient Diltiazem hydrochloride (JP)
(per vial) For one intravenous administration: Usually, for adults,
10 mg 50 mg
D-mannitol 10 mg of diltiazem hydrochloride is administered intrave-
Inactive ingredients nously slowly over approx. one minute. The dosage may
70 mg 75 mg
Container Vial be adjusted according to the patient’s age and symptoms.
Appearance of For intravenous infusion: Usually, for adults, 5 to 15 μg of
White mass or porous solid
preparation diltiazem hydrochloride is infused intravenously per kg
body weight over one minute. Blood pressure should be
2 Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation
dropped to a target level, and then infusion rate should be should be discontinued immediately, and ap-
adjusted while monitoring the blood pressure. propriate therapeutic measures should be taken.
Hypertensive emergency 3) Prolonged QT and ventricular arrhythmia have been
Usually, for adults, 5 to 15 μg of diltiazem hydrochloride is reported in coadministration of terfenadine with other
infused intravenously per kg body weight over one minute. antiarrhythmic agents (disopyramide phosphate)
Blood pressure should be dropped to a target level, and 4) In case of severe angina attack such as persisting for
then infusion rate should be adjusted while monitoring the more than 15 minutes, other treatments (such as PTCA,
blood pressure. CABG, etc.) should be considered as needed.
Unstable angina 3. Drug Interactions
Usually, for adults, 1 to 5 μg of diltiazem hydrochloride is This product is metabolized mainly by cytochrome P450
infused intravenously per kg body weight over one minute. 3A4 (CYP3A4) metabolizing enzyme.
Administration should be started at a lower dosage, and the Precautions for coadministration (HERBESSER should
dosage should be adjusted according to the patient’s symp- be administered with care when coadministered with
toms. The maximum dosage should be up to 5 μg per kg the following drugs.)
body weight over one minute. Sings, Symptoms, and Mechanism and
Treatment Risk Factors
PRECAUTIONS Drugs with anti- Antihypertensive effects may Antihypertensive
1. Careful Administration (HERBESSER should be ad- hypertensive ef- be intensified. effects may be
ministered with care in the following patients.) fects (antihyper- Blood pressure should be intensified addi-
tensive drugs, ni- measured to adjust the dosage. tively.
1) Patients with congestive cardiac failure
tric acid prepara-
[Symptoms of cardiac failure may be aggravated.]
tions, etc.)
2) Patients with cardiomyopathy
Beta blockers Bradycardia, atrioventricular Depression of
[Symptoms of cardiac failure may be aggravated.] (bisoprolol block, sinoatrial block, etc. cardiac stimula-
3) Patients with acute myocardial infarction fumarate, pro- may occur. tion and cardiac
[Symptoms of cardiac failure may be aggravated.] pranolol hydro- Electrocardiogram should be conduction, nega-
4) Patients with bradycardia or first degree atrioventricu- chloride, atenolol, monitored. If any abnormali- tive inotropic ef-
lar block etc.) ties are observed, the dosage fects, and antihy-
[Depression of cardiac stimulation and cardiac conduc- Rauwolfia should be reduced or admin- pertensive effects
tion may occur excessively.] preparations istration should be discontin- may be intensified
5) Patients with hypotension (reserpine, etc.) ued. additively. Partic-
[Blood pressure may be further decreased.] ular attention
should be given to
6) Patients with atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter associat-
triple therapy us-
ed with WPW or LGL syndromes
ing this product
[Increased heart rate or venticular fibrillation associat- with digitalis
ed with hypotension may occur.] preparation and
7) Patients being treated with beta blocker beta blocker or
[Bradycardia or depression of cardiac conduction may rauwolfia prepa-
occur excessively.] ration.
8) Patients with severe hepatic or renal impairment Digitalis prepara- Bradycardia, atrioventricular Depression of
[The metabolism and excretion of this product may be tions (digoxin, block, etc. may occur. In ad- cardiac stimula-
prolonged, and effects may be intensified.] methyldigoxin) dition, toxic symptoms (nau- tion and cardiac
2. Important Precautions sea, vomiting, headache, diz- conduction may
ziness, abnormal vision, etc.) be intensified ad-
1) Electrocardiogram and blood pressure should be
including the above arrhythmic ditively. Partic-
monitored continuously.
symptoms may occur due to ular attention
2) Since complete atrioventricular block, severe brad-
increased blood concentration should be given to
ycardia may occur, possibly leading to cardiac ar- of digitalis preparation. triple therapy us-
rest, adequate attention should be paid to the following Electrocardiogram should be ing this product
points. [See “Adverse Reactions” section.] monitored. In addition, pres- with digitalis
(1) The patients should be treated with minimum ence or absence of digitalis preparation and
dosage for treatment. In case of intravenous infu- toxicity should be observed beta blocker.
sion, the dosing should be limited to the minimum periodically, and blood con- This product may
duration of time. centration of digitalis prepara- increase blood
(2) The patients should be observed carefully during tion should be measured as concentrations of
needed. If any abnormalities digitalis prepara-
and after the administration for early detection of
are observed, the dosage tions.
these symptoms.
should be reduced or admin-
(3) Prior to administration, adequate preparations
istration should be discontin-
should be made to treat these symptoms. If any ued.
abnormalities are observed, administration
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation 3
Antiarrhythmic Bradycardia, atrioventricular Depression of Midazolam Symptoms (intensified sedative This product may
agents (amioda- block, sinus arrest, etc. may cardiac stimula- and hypnotic effects, etc.) may inhibit the metab-
rone hydrochlo- occur. tion and cardiac occur due to increased blood olizing enzyme
ride, mexiletine Electrocardiogram should be conduction may concentration of midazolam. (cytochrome
hydrochloride, monitored. If any abnormali- be intensified ad- Clinical symptoms should be P450) of these
etc.) ties are observed, the dosage ditively. observed periodically. If any drugs, and in-
should be reduced or admin- abnormalities are observed, the crease their blood
istration should be discontin- dosage should be reduced or concentrations.
ued. administration should be dis-
Fingolimod hy- Severe bradycardia or heart Both diltiazem continued.
drochloride block may occur by concomi- hydrochloride and Carbamazepine Symptoms (sleepiness, nausea,
tant use of this product during fingolimod hy- vomiting, dizziness, etc.) may
the initiation of fingolimod hy- drochloride may occur due to increased blood
drochloride. induce bradycar- concentration of carbamaze-
dia or heart block. pine.
Aprindine hy- Symptoms (bradycardia, atrio- Each drug may Clinical symptoms should be
drochloride ventricular block, sinus arrest, affect a common observed periodically. If any
tremor, dizziness, lightheaded- metabolizing en- abnormalities are observed, the
ness, etc.) may occur due to zyme (cyto- dosage should be reduced or
increased blood concentrations chrome P450), administration should be dis-
of both drugs. and increase continued.
Electrocardiogram should be blood concentra- Selegiline hydro- Effects and toxicity of sele-
monitored. In addition, clini- tion of each drug. chloride giline hydrochloride may be
cal symptoms should be ob- intensified.
served periodically. If any Clinical symptoms should be
abnormalities are observed, the observed periodically. If any
dosage should be reduced or abnormalities are observed, the
administration should be dis- dosage should be reduced or
continued. administration should be dis-
Dihydropyridine Symptoms (intensified antihy- This product may continued.
calcium antago- pertensive effects, etc.) may inhibit the metab- Theophylline Symptoms (nausea, vomiting,
nists (nifedipine, occur due to increased blood olizing enzyme headache, insomnia, etc.) may
amlodipine be- concentration of dihydro- (cytochrome occur due to increased blood
silate, etc.) pyridine calcium antagonist. P450) of these concentration of theophylline.
Clinical symptoms should be drugs, and in- Clinical symptoms should be
observed periodically. If any crease their blood observed periodically. If any
abnormalities are observed, the concentrations. abnormalities are observed, the
dosage should be reduced or dosage should be reduced or
administration should be dis- administration should be dis-
continued. continued.
Simvastatin Rhabdomyolysis or myopathy Cilostazol Effects of cilostazol may be
may occur due to increased intensified.
blood concentration of Clinical symptoms should be
simvastatin. observed periodically. If any
Clinical symptoms should be abnormalities are observed, the
observed periodically. If any dosage should be reduced or
abnormalities are observed, administration should be dis-
administration should be dis- continued.
continued. Apixaban Effects of apixaban may be in-
Triazolam Symptoms (prolonged sleeping tensified.
time, etc.) may occur due to Clinical symptoms should be
increased blood concentration observed periodically. If any
of triazolam. abnormalities are observed, the
Clinical symptoms should be dosage should be reduced or
observed periodically. If any administration should be dis-
abnormalities are observed, the continued.
dosage should be reduced or
administration should be dis-
4 Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation
Vinorelbine tar- Effects of vinorelbine tartrate This product may observed periodically, and if (cytochrome
trate may be intensified. inhibit the metab- possible, blood concentration P450) of this
Clinical symptoms should be olizing enzyme of this product should be product , and de-
observed periodically. If any (cytochrome measured. If any abnormali- crease blood con-
abnormalities are observed, the P450) of these ties are observed, appropriate centration of this
dosage should be reduced or drugs, and in- therapeutic measures such as product.
administration should be dis- crease their blood changing to other drugs or in-
continued. concentrations. creasing the dosage of this
Ciclosporin Symptoms (renal disorder, etc.) product should be taken.
may occur due to increased Anesthetic drugs Bradycardia, atrioventricular Depression of
blood concentration of ciclo- (isoflurane, en- block, sinus arrest, etc. may cardiac stimula-
sporin. flurane, halo- occur. tion and cardiac
Clinical symptoms should be thane, etc.) Electrocardiogram should be conduction may
observed periodically, and monitored. If any abnormali- be intensified ad-
blood concentration of ciclo- ties are observed, the dosage ditively.
sporin should be measured. If should be reduced or admin-
any abnormalities are observed, istration should be discontin-
the dosage should be reduced ued.
or administration should be Muscle relaxants Effects of muscle relaxants This product may
discontinued. (pancuronium may be intensified. inhibit the ace-
Tacrolimus Symptoms (renal disorder, etc.) bromide, Caution should be exercised to tylcholine release
hydrate may occur due to increased vecuronium muscle relaxant action. If any from the presyn-
blood concentration of tacro- bromide, etc.) abnormalities are observed, the aptic terminals at
limus. dosage should be reduced or the neuromuscu-
Clinical symptoms should be administration should be dis- lar junction.
observed periodically, and continued.
blood concentration of tacro-
limus should be measured. If 4. Adverse Reactions
any abnormalities are observed, Adverse reactions were reported in 266 (4.1%) of 6,543 pa-
the dosage should be reduced tients tested. The major adverse reactions were bradycar-
or administration should be
dia (1.1%), decreased blood pressure (0.7%), first degree
atrioventricular block (0.4%), second degree atrioventricu-
Phenitoin Symptoms (ataxia, dizziness, This product may
lar block (0.3%), atrioventricular junctional rhythm (0.3%),
nystagmus, etc.) may occur due inhibit the metab-
to increased blood concentra- olizing enzyme etc. (at the time of latest reexamination).
tion of phenitoin. (cytochrome (1) Clinically significant adverse reactions (occasionally:
Clinical symptoms should be P450) of phenit- 5% > ≥ 0.1%, rarely: < 0.1%)
observed periodically. If any oin, and increase 1) Complete atrioventricular block, severe brady-
abnormalities are observed, the blood concentra- cardia (early symptom: bradycardia, dizziness,
dosage should be reduced or tion of phenitoin. lightheadedness, etc.) may occasionally occur, pos-
administration should be dis- In addition, phen- sibly leading to cardiac arrest. Therefore, ade-
continued. itoin may stimu- quate preparations should be made to treat these
Effects of this product may be late metabolism
symptoms prior to administration. If these ab-
attenuated. of this product ,
normalities are observed, administration should be
and decrease
discontinued at once, and the following appropriate
blood concentra-
tion of this prod- therapeutic measures should be taken.
uct . Complete atrioventricular block, severe bradycar-
Cimetidine Symptoms (intensified antihy- These drugs may dia: Atropine sulfate hydrate, isoprenaline, etc.
pertensive effect, bradycardia, inhibit the metab- should be administered or appropriate therapeutic
HIV protease etc.) may occur due to in- olizing enzyme measures such as cardiac pacing should be taken as
inhibitors creased blood concentration of (cytochrome needed.
(ritonavir, this product. P450) of this Cardiac arrest: Resuscitate measures such as cardi-
saquinavir Blood pressure should be drug, and increase ac massage, administration of catecholamine such
mesylate, etc.) measured, and electrocardio- blood concentra- as adrenaline, etc. should be taken.
gram should be monitored. If tion of this prod-
2) Congestive cardiac failure may occur rarely. If
any abnormalities are observed, uct .
any signs of congestive cardiac failure are ob-
the dosage should be reduced
served, administration should be discontinued, and
or administration should be
discontinued. appropriate therapeutic measures should be taken.
Rifampicin Effects of this product may be Rifampicin may
attenuated. induce the metab-
Clinical symptoms should be olizing enzyme
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation 5
(2) Other adverse reactions Atropine sulfate hydrate, isoprenaline, etc. should be
If any adverse reactions are observed, appropriate administered or cardiac pacing should be performed.
therapeutic measures such as discontinuation of treat- 2) Cardiac failure, hypotension
ment should be taken. Cardiotonic drug, vasopressor, infusion, etc. should
Incidence Incidence un-
5% > ≥ 0.1% < 0.1%
be administered or assisted circulation should be
Type known performed.
Cardiovascular Bradycardia, Sinoatrial block,
9. Precautions concerning Use
atrioventricular bundle branch
block, decreased block, palpitation,
Precautions in preparation:
blood pressure, dizziness, transi- Caution should be exercised in case where pH exceeds 8
atrioventricular ent tachycardia due to combination with other drugs, since diltiazem pre-
junctional rhythm, cipitation may occur.
extrasystoles, si-
nus arrest, facial
Psychoneurotic Headache, nausea, Plasma concentrations
vomiting An elimination half-life (elimination phase) of diltiazem after
Hepatic Increased AST Increased Al-P single intravenous administration was about 1.9 hours.
(GOT), increased The plasma concentration reached a steady state within 5 to 6
ALT (GPT), in-
hours after intravenous infusion.
creased LDH
Decreased urine Intravenous administration 1) Intravenous infusion 2)
8 patients with cardiac diseases Simulation curve calculated based on
output, increased actual measured values when 5, 10 or
10 mg of diltiazem hydrochloride ad-
serum creatinine, ministered intravenously over one mi- 15 μg/kg/minute of diltiazem hydro-
increased BUN nute chloride was administered to 5 pa-
tients who had not received
Hypersensitivity Photosensitivity* Rash, pruritus open-heart surgery
4. Unstable angina
A randomized single blind comparative study 6) has shown
the usefulness of this product for unstable angina. The ef-
ficacy rate (more than mild improvement) was 80.0%
This product exerts vasodilating action and slows atrioventric-
ular nodal conduction by inhibiting calcium channel influx to
cells in vascular smooth muscles such as peripheral vessels,
coronary vessels, etc. and atrioventricular node, and shows the
efficacy for hypertension, arrhythmia, and angina pectoris.
1. Action on blood pressure
1) It decreases high blood pressure under anesthetized and Description:
unanesthetized conditions. The antihypertensive effect - Diltiazem Hydrochloride occurs as white crystal or crystal-
is more potent under anesthetized condition than under line powder. It is odorless.
unanesthetized condition. 7) In addition, it exerts strong- - It is very soluble in formic acid, freely soluble in water, in
er antihypertensive action on higher blood pressure than methanol and in chloroform, sparingly soluble in acetonitrile,
on normal levels (rats). 8, 9) slightly soluble in acetic anhydride and in ethanol (99.5), and
2) It reduces peripheral vascular resistance and myocardial practically insoluble in diethyl ether.
oxygen consumption due to decreased blood pressure, - Optical rotation [α] D : +115 - +120º (after drying, 0.20 g, wa-
and increases cardiac output (dogs). 10) ter, 20 mL, 100 mm)
3) It does not reduce blood flow in the brain, coronary ves- - Melting point: 210 - 215ºC (with decomposition)
sels, and kidney, while decreases blood pressure. It also
exerts natriuretic action (dogs and monkeys).10-12) PACKAGING
2. Action on arrhythmia HERBESSER 10 mg for Injection:
1) It slows conduction, effective refractory period, and 10 mg 10 vials
functional refractory period of the atrioventricular node, HERBESSER 50 mg for Injection:
and exerts effects on supraventricular tachyarrhythmia 50 mg 10 vials
(dogs). 13)
2) It inhibits supraventricular tachyarrhythmia induced by REFERENCES
atrial electric stimulation (rabbits). 14) 1) Eto A., et al.: Clin. Rep. 1980;14(10) :3082-3088
3. Action on myocardial ischaemia 2) Mizobe M. et al.: Clin. Rep. 1987;21(11) :4623-4628
1) Improvement of myocardial oxygen demand and supply 3) Hashiba K. et al.: Progress in Medicine 1987;7(6):
balance 1155-1177
(1) It dilates large coronary vessels and collateral chan- 4) Yamamura H. et al.: Jpn. Pharmacol. Ther. 1987;
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2) Myocardial protective action AYUMI) 1997;181(2) :173-198
It maintains cardiac function and myocardial energy me- 7) Sato T. et al.: Folia Pharmacol. Japon. 1979;75 :99-106
tabolism, and reduces the extension of infarct lesions by 8) Takada Y. et al.: Clin. Exp. Hypertens. 1983;A5(6) :
inhibiting calcium channel influx to cells at the time of 827-847
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PHYSICOCHEMISTRY 10) Nagao T. et al.: Folia Pharmacol. Japon.
Nonproprietary name: Diltiazem Hydrochloride (JAN) 1981;77 :195-203
Chemical name: (2S,3S)-5-[2-(Dimethylamino) ethyl]-2- 11) Murata S. et al.: Jpn. J. Pharmacol. 1982;32 :1033-1040
(4-methoxyphenyl)-4-oxo-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro- 12) Sato T. et al.: Arzneimittelforschung 1971;21(9):
1,5-benzothiazepin-3-yl-acetate monohydro- 1338-1343
chloride 13) Nakaya H. et al.: Folia Pharmacol. Japon. 1980;76 :
14) Adaniya H. et al.: Respiration and Circulation 1987;
35(5) :561-567
15) Nagao T. et al.: Jpn. J. Pharmacol. 1977;27 :330-332
16) Nagao T. et al.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 1980;12 :29-43
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