The Election of 2010
The Election of 2010
The Election of 2010
It’s getting colder outside. This is the This has been a very polarizing election year. Many
debates existed in America and people have been on edge about the current recession
transpiring in the American landscape. The voters are having their say in 2010. The result
of Election 2010 was something that was inevitable and the only question would be how many more
seats would the Republicans receive. The Republicans gain control of the House, while Democrats
barely have control of the Senate. The election was historical in that many diverse faces were
elected in Congress and the Governorship nationwide. Republicans have made historic gains as
well. The new likely speaker of the House is John Boehner from Ohio. Rand Paul became a new
Senator in Kentucky. Also, Democrats have had their victories as well. Jerry Brown is the
new Governor of California and Harry Reid maintains his Senate seat against the Republican
Tea Party candidate Sharron Angle. Republicans won a lot of seats even in the Midwest or
Rust Belt. The future is unknown now, but one thing is certain. History will never be the
same again. Christine O’Donnell lost the election in Delaware and she blamed the
Republican establishment (when the real reason she lost is because she made errors on the
view of the First Amendment and other problems. Chris Coons won the election). Much of
the Tea Party like candidates won. Whether you agree or disagree with the Tea Party, they
are a force that should be dealt with in debates and discussions. I don‘t agree with the Tea
Party movement though. The Presidential Election of 2012 officially begins now. Now, there is
high unemployment and other problems, so people have the right to make some solutions to build
up our economy, decrease unemployment, have an end to the war on terror, and create policies that
benefit America. The night of November 2, 2010 was about an anti-incumbent and anti-Democratic
night. New people are coming into Congress. Rick Santelli is dead wrong in saying that entitlements
and social services are evil. To allow a man or a woman to die in the streets (without no
governmental help, but only private charity. There is nothing wrong with private charities that are
legitimate though) because he or she is on bad economic straights is the essence of social
Darwinianism and a wicked philosophy. That is why I will never believe in that form of nefarious
viewpoint at all. This election is about another truth. Just because the majority desires something,
doesn’t mean that the majority in this country are correct the majority of the time. One big reason for
these results is because of the elderly coming out to vote more, while younger folks like myself
choose to stay home. While 48 percent of the elderly voted Republican in 2008, this figure
jumped to 58 percent in 2010, one of the largest swings among any demographic group.
Many of them feared of Medicare being threatened by the new health care law (some agree
with this concern and others don’t). The marijuana initiative in California failed, but the
war on drugs obviously failed as well to radically decrease drug abuse and especially drug
addiction in this country. John Boehner wants to repeal the new health care law, maintain
the Bush tax cuts, and cut spending. So, the Republicans are clear about what they desire to
achieve. It isn’t a secret. The truth is that you have a balance in not wanting the
government oppressive over the liberties of the people while not making corporate
big business control government either. In order words, the government should be
efficient to protect people’s liberties and provide legitimate services without the
government acting tyrannical against the people. With this election over, it’s a new
era and people will have to adjust to it while not compromising their core convictions.
It feels like 1994 when the Republicans won most of the House. Now, the Tea Party
and establishment Republicans are debating each other on what to do. Some of the
Democrats wanted appeasement when political appeasement or concessions doesn’t
When did I first vote? I voted for the first time back in the 2004 Election between Presidential
candidates George W. Bush and John Kerry. Each person are of course members of the Skulls and
Bones Secret Society. I’ve used an electronic machine device to vote for thing in Virginia (in an
urban city). During that time, the line wasn’t as long as the time when it came for the 2008
Presidential election. In 2008, it was inevitable that Barack Obama would be the new President and
the only question was by much percentage points would Obama win the 2008 Presidential election
by. The rise of the Tea Party came up and many Democrats are desperate to show what their
identity is all about. The Republicans see to reestablish their brand and try to promote their old
school, archaic agenda. Foreign money is funding even some campaigns. The Congress has
been bought by the Corporate Sector via campaign funding. The Tea Party Express' Joe
Miller (a Senate Candidate) allowed his critic to be muzzled. Miller is from Alaska and has support
from the leader of the neo con version of the Tea Party movement named Sarah Palin. The Tea
party express is a neo con organization masquerading as Patriots that have supported Miller as
well. An editor of an online Alaska news site called Alaska Dispatch was roughed up
and handcuffed at an event after he tried to ask Miller a question. The people who
arrested him were not police officers at all. The person arrested is named Tony Hopfinger.
Tony said that he was pushed and the guards detained him while accusing him of trespassing at the
public event in Anchorage (according to the Associated Press). The security guards worked for
Miller. People in the media are suing for access to Miller's personnel record from his time as a
government attorney. “Hopfinger was reportedly pressing Miller on whether the candidate had ever
been reprimanded for politicking while working at the Fairbanks North Star Borough in 2008. Alaska
Dispatch and other media have sued for the release of records related Miller’s time at the borough,”
the Alaska Dispatch reported on Sunday. There are questions on whether Joe Miller resigned from
being an attorney in order to avoid being fire (including whether he once used borough computers
for his own political activities). Tony Hopfinger writes for the Huffington Post as well. Huffington
Postt's Shannyn Moore accused Miller of having his own personal militia. Yet, the real issue is how
Miller is supported by the trademark version of the Tea Party (while Sarah Palin is supported by top
neocons and talks about bombing Iran). The Tea Party Express was invented by Russo Marsh &
Rogers. This was a neocon public relations firm that's based in Sacramento, California. In 2004, the
PAC created Move America Forward. Move America Forward was a pro-Iraq group that have
Melanie Morgan as its chairperson. Morgan in 2006 suggested that the New York Times editor Bill
Keller be killed for the crime of “treason” after the Times’ reported on the government spying on
Americans. Many Tea Party candidates are ruled by neo con warmongers. The Tea Party has been
heavily hijacked by extremists promoting the same old Republican Party snake oil. This deception is
promoted in the “Pledge for America” plan of the GOP. Tax cuts alone aren’t going to create more
economic growth in America.
Sharon Angle has ignored most of the mainstream media except for places like FOX News. The
GOP and their ilk can lecture on cutting government spending and cutting government, but without
some government intervention (not all government interventions are good like the government
censoring the Internet) then our infrastructure, our school funding, our streets being funded, etc.
would be shot. How can these reactionary liars talk about self-reliance and hard
work when some people are in extreme poverty. First, we can help the poor
and then talk about self reliance and hard work for able bodied people. To
oppose governmental tyranny is one time. Yet, to immorally call for the
elimination of our services and benefits is quite another.
There are debates on this election in 2010 and the working class people including the homeless and
the poor. The Democrats and the Republicans are battling for political power. People ask us to vote.
Should we vote? Voting is an individual decision. I would vote for the sake of people dying for
that right (even if puppets are in parties, we should make a stand to call for reforms in our
voting system and more Independent candidates running for office in order to give people a
choice). People have the right not to vote if they want to, but I choose to vote and encourage others
to do so. America is country with a two-faced, wicked, & damnable culture
though (with materialism, love of money, love of fame, self hatred,
disrespect, hate for the sake of hate, etc. You know this is real. I criticize
America in legitimate critiques all of the time in private and in public) and I
won't apologize for mentioning that all of the time. That's true and that‘s
them make up of this vulture cartel-capitalist system (and their man-made
false religions). The elite use economics, culture, and false religions to
control and divide the masses up. They intimidate people in order to make
people be ashamed of having unique tastes or personalities [especially if it’s
against a stereotypical pattern or mode of existence] when we should never
be ashamed of what we are). They or the global elite use a fake image of
Jesus [not even the real Jesus Christ. Jesus opposed materialism,
oppression, and is a liberator. Jesus doesn‘t support the imperialist
propaganda in the USA today. Jesus fought for the oppressed, the
downtrodden, and the poor] centuries ago to colonize people of color in the
world including poor whites too. This is why the reactionaries say forget the
past. The reason is that if you know your real past, you understand your
origin (and build up your soul and a real connection with the One Supreme
God that created the Universe in the first place). If you don’t know the past,
you’re doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past plus you risk of losing your
true identity. The P.C. crowd wants us to lose our fundamental identity and I
reject that agenda completely. Also, I don’t agree with killing people
overseas in the guise of the war on terror.
This is just one example. Exposing drug running, corrupt bankers, etc. is
fine too. The elite is influencing the Democrats and President Barack Obama to be more
reactionary. Unlike what a Chris Matthews or Steve Harvey says, the Democrats aren’t God to me.
God is God. Unlike what Sean Hannity mentions, The Republican Party isn’t God either. God is
God. There are no excuses now, since there is a Democratic President, and most of Congress are
made up of Democrats since 2008 until now in the House. Hope and change are Obama's mantras,
but both major political parties have been dominated by big business interests (they defend
corporate interest here and abroad). That is why the corporate media want us to believe that we
should accept the 2 party system of Republicans and Democrats permanently. We see the greatest
economic crisis since the Great Depression. The people in America are moving to populist in terms
of economic issues. That is why most Americans don't want fiscal austerity, more tax breaks for the
rich, and more deregulation of banks and corporations as neo cons (and some blue dog Democrats
desire). On Thursday, the Washington Post reported a new poll that found some
53 percent of the American people are seriously worried about being able to
make their next mortgage or rent payment, up from 37 percent at the time of
the September 2008 Wall Street crash. That figure rises to 75 percent among
African-Americans. In the same poll, 65% of those polled blamed mortgage
lenders for the crisis. A majority of people want an immediate moratorium on
home foreclosures. Many people like Independent voters are rejecting Democrats and
Republicans. Most people don't want cuts in Social security, raising the retirement age, or some
reject some of the philosophies of the Tea Party movement. More blame on the economic slump is
placed on George W. Bush than Barack Obama by some people. It's not a secret that the bourgeois
left liberals and ex-radicals rejected the class struggle to be in identity politics and appear moderate.
This is wrong. Mitch McConnell (A Republican Senator) want to finish the job that they wanted in
1994. They what President Barack Obama to be an one term President. The White House's foreign
policy is the same as the Bush administration nearly. Even Senator Russell Feingold want to trim
billions in federal subsidies and other spending programs with Republican Tom Coburn. The
Financial Times reported that Obama told business lobbyists he is open to a cut in the corporate tax
rate from 35 percent to 24 percent provided it is offset by closing “loopholes,” noting that the
“reform” is similar to one brokered by Republican President Ronald Reagan in 1986. Even No Child
Left Behind crippled much of public education. This midterm has been interesting and strange.
The 2 party system is corrupt. People have to be independent if they want living standards, jobs,
social programs, and a foreign policy based not on militarism and war (but cooperation and peace).
This has been one of the most controversial elections in recent memory. There has been
Sharon Angle stories, stories on the Mormon Harry Reid, and the media's spin on
issues as well. This election cycle has been interesting yet series. The reason is that
whoever is in power will change greatly the future policies and political
circumstances of America. There is also violence occurring against both Republican and
Democratic supporters that I don't subscribe to at all. Violence is never a viable answer to
solve problems in America. Both sides say that we should vote for them or it will be
literally like Armageddon or close to a disaster in America. We should reject fear
mongering and just contribute what we can to improve the society in America. We should
hope for the best and prepare for worst. As for voting, that is a personal decision. I was
never the type to tell people who to vote for. We should at least vote for people that are in
our immediate community for if you can't help others overseas, you should at least help
people in your own vicinity (or where you live at). I reject extremists that Tom Tancredo
believing that the government should do nothing to help citizens or that even legal
immigration is immoral. Real priorities for America isn't fear mongering, xenophobia,
or Islamophobia. It's about getting the economy moving again, improving our
health care system, reforming our educational apparatus, and creating a better
nation than in the past. These are the real priorities that we ought to fight for.
Regardless of who you vote for, you have to make sure that you're voting for the best
person that will make a just impact in your own lives. It’s certainly an exciting time to be
alive since political changes are becoming more historical and relevant in the lives of the
people. A lot of brothers and sisters are correct to point out that the 2 party system is
corrupt and is just a fixture in the supremacist, oppressive Amerikkka system (not a true
American society). Forget being P.C. since this is my mindset and a lot of people agree
with among many backgrounds. I’m not the only person mentioning this information
either. Reactionaries are easy to classify and refute. Roger Ailes was a political operative of
the Nixon White House. He used racism or the Southern strategy to get out the vote
among a certain demographic. Ailes is supporting FOX News. FOX news wants to
deregulate industry, have a war on terror, and covertly promote reactionary propaganda
every chance they get (even the Scientologist Greta van Susteren does it as she supports
Sarah Palin. Palin calls her female supporters “mama grizzlies”). Some of their news hosts
promote Nazi propaganda and Nazi acts. Bill O’Reilly defends the Nazi practice of
torture (even one retried military vet said that O‘Reilly is a brainwashed Nazi).
Sean Hannity once had Hal Turner on air. Glen Beck supported the work of anti-
Semite and Nazi sympathizer Elizabeth Dilling. Now, many Republicans and
reactionaries lie about tax cuts and taxes all of the time. In 2001, Bush passed his tax cuts.
9 years later, the taxes cuts exist. Average income in 2000 was $61,517 and his 2008, the
average income of Americans was at $58,005. The 30 percent gain from the housing
bubble benefited the super rich. The people paying no taxes in the upper echelon (or
people making more than $200,000 per year and who pay no taxes) income level have
increased 10 fold during the Bush years. This is the fruit of trickle down economics. The
Bush tax cuts failed to radically improve the income. In the Bush years, there were only 3.5
million jobs created and people’s income went down. In the Barack Obama years, the
economy hasn’t improve either since the recession is still with us from the George W.
Bush administration. When wealth is concentrated into a few hands, these aristocrats aren’t
going to give their assistance to the poor in radical means at all. When there is little to no
social services or a safety net, you have fascism plain and simple. We have paid less taxes
now in American history since the 1950’s. How can they or the reactionaries say cut taxes
when we have record low taxation now.
It's a neo con lie that corporations in America pay too much taxes. Evidence proves
this. Ireland was on economic troubles, because people paid too little taxes. Many of
the middle class people paid no taxes whatsoever. For years, Ireland's unemployment
has gone from 4.5 present to more than 13 percent. Big Oil has used tax havens as well.
BP can write off 70 percent of the rent it paid to TransOcean for the oil rig "rental." -
$225,000 per day. TransOcean moves its offices to Switzerland and avoids paying $1.8
billion in U.S. taxes. Exxon Mobil raked in $19 billion in profit, but thanks to available
subsidies, it got a $156-million tax refund. These events relate to corporate welfare. A
GAO study found that most U.S. corporations avoid income taxes. That is why
corporations don't need more tax breaks at all. Foreign and U.S. corporation avoid
paying any federal income taxes and they have trillions of dollars worth of sales. The
Government Accountability Office said 72 percent of all foreign corporations and
about 57 percent of U.S. companies doing business in the United States paid no federal
income taxes for at least one year between 1998 and 2005. Over 95% of working
household got tax cuts. Only 1 percent of all families earned 255 of all income. In
2003, just 1% of all households -- those with after-tax incomes averaging
$701,500 -- received 57.5% of all capital income, up from 40% in the early 1990s.
On the other hand, the bottom 80% received only 12.6% of capital income, down by
nearly half since 1983, when the bottom 80% received 23.5%. Only 1 in 500 families
pay the estate tax. Over the last 30 years, the super wealthy have paid less tax rates. In a
2008 GAO study, about two-thirds of businesses of all sizes pay no corporate taxes at
all to the United States government.
I’ve haven’t forgotten about the piece of work Alex Jones. Alexander Emerick Jones is the
descendant of Anson Jones (or the last President of the Republic of Texas from 1844 to
1846. He lived from 1798 to 1858). Alex Jones is known to speak in a crude manner to
Catherine Bleish and he bull horned other Liberty Activists before. Jones’ relatives have
been dentists for years. Catherine Bleish claims that Alex Jones used his power,
connection, and pressure to have her radio show canceled. She wrote the following
words in her Facebook post: “…Alex Jones put pressure on 90.1fm after HE
treaded on us at a rally and made a fool out of himself - because of his pressure
John and I lost our radio show - we were just a set in a series of radio hosts bullied
out by this man…" Jones claims to be against corruption and battling the global elite, but
he supports Rand Paul and Ron Paul. It’s the truth that Ron Paul supports no independent
investigation of 9/11, he loves military strikes in Afghanistan, he wants nearly no public
services, and wants total deregulation of all businesses in society (while ignoring the
criminal actions of BP). Rand Paul desires a neo-con like foreign policy even (or
bombing Iran is possibly on the table). Alex Jones talks abut abuse by the police against the
people, but sugarcoated the unjustified assault by Rand Paul supporters against a 23 year
old woman. Yet, this woman named Lauren Vale have faced felony charges for stunts
though. Jones is a hustler for the Pauls. Rand Paul recently met and spoke with the
neoconservative Bill Kristol & the pro-neo con group AIPAC. Kristol is tied to the Project
for a New American Century document and crew. This crew is responsible for setting up
the geopolitical strategy of the war on terror. Alex Jones is not outside of the Left/Right
paradigm when he constantly supports Republican candidates (Jack Conway has been
accused of obstructing justice and has done dirt too, so I‘m not a Conway supporter). He
can talk about the Bohemian Grove all he wants, but he won’t expose the Jesuits or
the Pilgrim Society. The Texan Alex Jones certainly won’t expose the John Birth
Society and the Council on National Policy at all. Alex Jones use a lot of trauma based
shock and awe displays of information that instill massive fear and agitation among some
of its listeners. Alex Jones uses anti-immigrant agitation, but he won’t tell his listeners that
the anti-immigrant movement is tied to the eugenics movement (That he won’t show in his
film Endgame). When you here talk about paranoia, bashing minorities, bashing
immigrants, bashing any unions, etc., you’re hearing Nazi propaganda. Sarah Palin is
running her movement as well. Some believe that she will run for President in the year of
2012. Fear mongering isn’t my forte. We don’t need fear of the world, but fear of the Lord
to make constructive solutions in the Earth. Dr. Martin Luther King was right to say that:
“…When we look at modern man, we have to face the fact that modern man suffers
from a kind of poverty of the spirit, which stands in glaring contrast with a scientific
and technological abundance. We've learned to fly the air as birds, we've learned to
swim the seas as fish, yet we haven't learned to walk the Earth as brothers and
The Republicans became radical and the Democrats have tried to appease in order
to gain the support of corporations while the corporate power structure dominates
both political parties. Even Democratic Senator Indiana's Evan Bayh wanted to
comprehends. Bayh wants cuts to Social Security and cuts to corporate taxes when
corporations pay record low taxation. Evan Bayh is a sellout. President Barack
Obama wants to capitulate to the Republican establishment in order to preserve
his legacy. Even the stimulus is doing some good while Boehner wants no stimulus
whatsoever. Only 3 percent of all small businesses are in the top income bracket.
Eric Cantor wants no tax increase in any circumstance. Giving money to the top 1
percent of the country can cause a higher deficit. The sister and great attorney
Tanya Bullock from Virginia Beach needs to wake up about this economic issue (or
that laissez faire economics don't work. This system was promoted by slave
traders from the British East India Company, Adam Smith, etc. to advance
reactionary, supremacist doctrines in the world). I will say that Tanya Bullock did
many great things for Hampton Roads and has a love for her community. That is
definitely true. It's funny that Republicans and Democrats are united in
supporting the Bush/Obama war, the Bush/Obama bank bailouts, the
Bush/Obama destruction of our civil liberties, the Bush/Obama corporate
education policy, and the Bush/Obama favoritism of corporations over working
people. They worship deficits instead of trying to create jobs. You don't try to cut
valuable social services (you can raise taxes on the rich and cut military spending).
You give people the opportunity to work in public working projects, building
infrastructure, etc. The leadership of both the Republicans and the Democrats are
anti-worker. They are agents of the oligarchy. this is why we should assert our
political independence beyond the dictates of any major political party
whatsoever. I have to keep it real and show the real truth about what’s going
A We Are Change person was assaulted by a Daily Show staff member. The Daily
Show promotes humor with satire on the occurrences of the world today. Jon Stewart is
the host of the show and refuses to expose legitimate questions pertaining to the official
story of 9/11. Some believe that the Daily Show shows misinformation in order
to appeal to the moderate liberal segment of the trained population. Jon Stewart
is apart of the establishment's mainstream media propaganda machine. Also, the "Rally
to Restore sanity" is made up of so-called moderates that want to talk things out and
not try to strive to make radical solutions to solve radical problems in America. The
Daily Show spins real conspiracies going on in the world in order to mock people with
alternative views. Some of the information on the show is propaganda mixed with
jokes. The We Are Change person punched in the face is named Matt Meyer by the
executive producer of the Daily Show. That's shocking since a person that high up
in that show typically wouldn't do something like that. Another Daily Show writer
damaged Meyer's camera and he had his shirt torn by John Stewart's security guard.
That's a disgrace. If it we me, I would have to defend myself. The incident occurred in a
popular book store in Manhattan. Stewart was present and he signed copies of his and
his staff's new book of humorous pictures and captions. Meyer wanted to peacefully
confront Jon and ask him a few questions after watching his show a few nights earlier.
On the September 16th installment of the Daily Show, before a gushing and edge-free
interview with notorious criminal Bill Clinton, Jon announced his "Rally to Restore
Sanity." This rally is the rally of the Tea party movement (that has been co opted by
Neo cons with its own rallies featuring Glen Beck and Sarah Palin. Palin is like the Pied
Piper of neo con soccer moms). The rally by Stewart is also done to make fun of the
more vocal elements of the anti-war movement. The Daily Show abhor people that are
angry that a corrupt and out of control government (when they support corporate
interests, Wall Street bankers, and the military industrial complex). You can't
support theft and mass murder and stuff like that. People have the First Amendment
right to stand up to evil. In 9/11, there were stand down orders, and other events. Jon
mocked 9/11 Truth by saying that 9/11 was an outside job. Many credible people reject
the ridiculous and impossible official story of 9/11. A group of people with box
cutters defeating a multi billion dollar defense and defying the laws of physics is
fantasy. Many hundreds of well known military, intelligence service, and
government officials, the engineers and architects, the pilots and professors, the
members of media, artists and entertainers, the family members and survivors
who reject the official story. Meyer confronted politicians and the mainstream media
(on both sides of the false left/right paradigm about 9/11. They included Michael
Moore, Jimmy Carter, Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, etc.). Cops and security shoved him.
In September 27th, 2010 went into the Manhattan book store. This was where Jon and
the Daily show writers were signing their new book. Luke Rudkowski and other people
from We Are Change NYC were there to try to question Jon. They wanted to politely
ask him about 9/11 truth. The crowd mocked Meyer. Later, We Are Change NYC and
Meyer wanted to ask Jon Stewart a follow up question. The Daily Show staff and
writers came out before Jon. Rory Albanese was the executive producer of the Daily
Show. He was angry and belligerent. Rory hated 9/11 Truth and didn't use facts in his
discussion with Meyer. He used emotional attacks as a means to say that Meyer
disrespected the victims' families. That's false since many 9/11 victims' families started
the 9/11 truth movement. Alanese put hands on Meyer twice and he said that he
would do it again if he chose to. He wanted to fight another We Are Change member's
face because of his knowledge. J.R. Havlan had a headed exchange with We Are
Change member Matt Lepacek. Havlan damaged the camera. Meyer was pushed and
told to walk away by the staff. Albanese suckered punch Meyer like a coward. Meyer
fell to the ground. Sucker punches are for cowards. Brian (or the security guard of Jon
Stewart) used a bear hug from behind. Meyer threw him off and he ripped his shirt in
the front. Meyer was calmed by Luke to not hit Albanese back. Meyer filed an assault
report. Albanese was put in handcuffs and brought to the 14th street precinct. Meyer
was brought separately, where Meyer gave his statement and a photo of his wounds was
taken. Although Meyer was told I would hear from the D.A. never did. Meyer is right
to expose the "Restore Sanity" rally as corporate not even moderate. The Daily Show
since 1999 was owned by Viacom. It's the 4th largest media conglomerate in America.
Did we ever hear Jon mention the Chief Operating Officer of the NYSE who
presided over the infamous “flash crash” of May, 2010 – who just happened to
be his brother, Larry Leibowitz? (Jon changed his last name). Certainly not. He
does jokes about the neo cons' unjustified wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of the
show's Emmy Award winning writers is CFR member Kevin Bleyer. The CFR want to
weaken U.S. national sovereignty to embrace corporate globalization basically. Bleyer is
a Truman National Security Fellow. This group “recruits, trains, and positions
progressives across America to lead on national security”. It appears that Bleyer is
positioned nicely. One of the Truman National Security Project’s objectives is
Operation Free, a particular project that “organizes military veterans to speak out on
issues of climate change and sustainable energy security." So, Bleyer won't talk about
Climategate. This rally is sent to neutralize real opposition to evil in society (like the
implosion of the Constitution and the dollar). It dulls the sense of people to have real
sane reactions to evil. Jon Stewart said that Harry S. Truman did a war crime in the
atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (in a April of 2009 interview with the
CFR and PNAC member Clifford May) in not agreeing of George W. Bush's policies.
He's right since thousands of people radiated to death in that fashion is a war crime. A
couple of days later, Stewart apologized of calling Harry Truman a war criminal saying
that it was a dumb and stupid thing to say. Even Robert McNamara admits that the
only thing that saved Harry and his crew from not being labeled “war
criminals” was that they won the war. Never the less, maybe Jon really had a
change of heart, or maybe he didn’t want to insult his writer Kevin Bleyer, the Truman
National Security Fellow. Jon Stewart is Jon Stewart.
The Democrats lost the 2010 in huge ways. The White House isn’t as progressive as the
mainstream media from FOX News portray them as well. There is the Health care law
that benefits insurance corporations and mandates everyone to buy mainly corporate
insurance. The health care reform law gave a fig leaf to the insurance industry. It does
have legitimate parts in it like the non-discrimination package toward people with
preexisting conditions though. The new finance law has limited regulates against Wall
Street bankers. There is the attack on teachers union and the school reform agenda
(that won’t deal with a jobs programs, a foreclosure moratorium, etc.). Barack Obama is
related to the blue bloods genetically (like the Bushes, Cheney, Gerald Ford, Sarah
Palin, etc.). Democrats mock Tea Partiers as extremists, but support the corporate
agenda of Bill Clinton. Clinton used his drug era enforcement policies to increase the
prison size nationwide, have NAFTA, and welfare reform. So the deal is that
Democrats have supported positions in numerous cases that are nearly identical to the
Republicans and Democratic supporters don’t notice or care about this reality. This is
why President Barack Obama & the Democratic establishment supports the evil agenda
of escalating the war on terror, keeping Guantanamo open, supports the right to
assassinate American citizens in foreign lands, increases immigrant deportations,
funnels trillions of dollars to Wall Street, and tries to undo the will of voters dealing
with ending the Drug War. You have to have protections, so no monopolies, no
poisons, and other dangers are non-existent in a society (despite what radical Social
Darwinist, radicals proclaim). Some radical libertarians are against Government
regulations & strong consumer protections (that can keep the cost of living reasonable
& wages high for Working Class) because that cuts into luxuries & business profits.
That is why their ilk hate the minimum wage, unions, organized labor, etc. because
these entities protected workers’ rights for decades. After the Conservative Laissez-Faire
President Hindenberg, (from 1921-24), printed too much currency, and caused Hyper-
inflation, (then took currency out of circulation & (Hyper-Deflation) & destroyed the
economy), the SDP (Democratic Socialist Party) had to take over to clean the mess.
President Barack Obama seemed to act conciliatory to the Tea Party movement despite
public opinion polls having most Americans wanting government spending to create jobs
and sustain programs (like Social Security and Medicare). Big Business and corporations
shouldn’t dictate our policies, but the people should alone. Yet, in America, there is hope.
America didn’t exist despite our flaws to reign in stagnation. It existed to cause hope and
compassion to exist among the whole human race in order to be a beacon of moral and
human improvement.
You certainly have the right to vote and let no one strip you of your right to vote. Our
right was fought for it and people died for it, so I do respect the right to vote for any
candidate that I desire to. Vote for the person that you researched on whether in the
Internet, newspapers, books, etc. Just because I’m writing these words, my core beliefs
never changed. I’m still a man. I still believe in fighting for my rights as a human being, I
reject stereotyping and scapegoat people, I still will expose the new world order, I will be
strong despite the issues going on in my life, and I always will accept compassion for any
human being.