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Adventure Sports in India Robin

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(A Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MBA in

Submitted by: Mr. Robin Goyal

Enrolment No: 08P41E0027
Guidance by : Prof. Raghu Ankathi


HYDERABAD – 500072


This is to certify that the Project Work titled “ADVENTURE SPORTS IN INDIA” is a
bonafide work of Mr. Robin Goyal……….. Enroll No: 08P41E0027….. Carried out in partial
fulfillments for the award of degree of MBA: TOURISM & HOSPITALITY (Branch) of JNTU
- Hyderabad University under my guidance. This project work is original and not submitted
earlier for the award of any degree / diploma or associate ship of any other University /

Signature of the Guide

Name and Official Address of the Guide

Guide’s Academic Qualifications, Designation and Experience


Submitted to Project Viva Voce held on .

Internal Examiner External Examiner


I, Mr. Robin Goyal hereby declare that the Project Work titled “ADVENTURE SPORTS
IN INDIA” is the original work done by me and submitted to the JNTU (Hyderabad) through
Dr.YSR. NITHM in partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of Master of Business
Administration in Tourism & Hospitality is a record of original work done by me under the
supervision of Mr. Raghu Ankathi….of Dr. YSR. NITHM…… (Organization of the guide)

Enroll No: 08P41E0027


Signature of the Student

“Acknowledgement is an art, which shows up the gratitude towards someone who holds up the
credit of making a difference”

Through the language may be poor substitute for the sentiments, yet there is no way out
to recover to it for profound gratitude, indebtness and sincere regards to National Institute
of Tourism And Hospitality Management for giving me the platform from where I could
pursue the Internship. I am obliged to Dr. E.ShivaNagi Reddy, the Director for giving
me this opportunity.

My special thanks to Mr. Pranav Kukreti, The Managing Director, Treks `n Rapids Pvt.
Ltd. who supervised me in every stage while undergoing my project and helped me in
making this project a success.


Table of Contents:

Page Number
Chapter I: Introduction 06
1.1 Introduction 07-10
1.2 Statement of the problem 10-11
1.3 Scope of the Study 12-14
1.4 Research methodology 14-17
1.5 Need of the study 18-19
1.6 Limitations 19-20
1.7 Chapterization 20-21
1.8 Conclusion 21

Chapter II: Industry 22

2.1 Adventure Sports In India 23-34

Chapter III: Types of Adventure Sports. 35

3.1 Air 36-39
3.2 Land 39-47
3.3 Water 47-49

Chapter IV: Profile 50

4.1 Industry Profile 51-54
4.2 Company Profile 54-59

Chapter V: Literature Survey 60

5.1 Reliability Test(t-test) 61-62
5.2 Reliability of data captured 63-63
5.3 Validity test for questionnaire 63-64
5.4 Results 64-65
5.5 Factor analysis & total variance 65-66
5.6 Discussion 66-67

Chapter VI: Conclusion 68

Bibliography 70-72



Treks `n Rapids:
Adventure Sports in India


Adventure sports have obtained both significant profile and following during recent

years. The definition of what constitutes an adventure sport is fluid, as new sports are

introduced on a regular basis; all adventure sports tend to produce a profound surge of

excitement in the athlete , while requiring the athlete to assume significant physical risks.

As a general rule, an adventure sport will require the athlete to perform at a high rate of

speed, where the athlete is subject to significant effects of gravity, or where the athlete is

exposed to special dangers due to the performance of a stunt with limited, or no, safety


Another compelling distinction between the definition of conventional sport and the

adventure sports category is the lesser importance in the adventure sports of the classic

pillars of physical fitness (endurance, muscle strength, speed, power and flexibility). The

successful adventure athlete must build significant levels of all around fitness to

participate in sports such as rock climbing, which engages every muscle in the body, that

same fitness level, while useful, is not essential to participate in adventure sports such as

a sky diving or motocross.

The adventure sports tend to place less emphasis upon formal coaching and training, due

to their appeal to individual athletes. It is both a hallmark and an attraction of the extreme

sports that a novice to the particular sport can participate very soon after their

introduction to the activity. Another distinguishing feature regarding the sports included

in the adventure sports category is the nature of the equipment required by the athlete.

Most of the equipment is relatively simple to operate, such as a skateboard, bungee cord,

or wakeboard; in some sports, a simple piece of equipment is used in conjunction with a

mechanized device, such as a tow boat or other transportation.

Adventure sports are played in the air, along the surface of the earth and on and below the

surface of the water.

Within the adventure sports classification, activities can be further sub-divided into two

groups: Adventure sports that are inherently extreme in their execution and those

adventure sports that are made extreme by the adaptation of an additional feature.

For this study adventure sports are categorized into four classes:

(1) Mountain sports;

(2) Extreme sports like bungee jumping and free fall;

(3) Rafting and kayaking;

(4) Paragliding, sky diving and skiing.

Treks `n Rapids Pvt. Ltd. has been in the business of adventure sports for past Eight years

catering to different needs and aspirations of people by providing them best of outdoor

activities in India and abroad. But today, in tough time of recession, it faces major

problem of understanding their changing needs and desires. Today Treks `n Rapids faces

a higher level of competition from other adventure sports firms.

Challenge before the company is to attract more participants while keeping tight control

on costs. The dilemma facing the company is how to market adventure sports that would

lead to increase in sales and customers and at the same time achieve it with the limited

resources of money and time. What attracts people to adventure sports? What motivates

the young adults to take up adventure sports? The company has to take a quick decision

before it loses out existing and new customers to competitors.

Treks `n Rapids reinvented its online approach few years back and has been promoting

the company in various categories such as:

Corporate experiential learning:


Learning by doing high impact, innovative outbound training programmes at self owned

and third party campuses, across India and Internationally. Top grade and highly

experienced In House faculty and proprietary modules

• Outdoor leadership programmes for children:


Confident ever after out-of-the box, innovative and confidence building summer camps

and customized programmes for children

Adventure gear: HUCKFINN:

An initiative of Treks `n Rapids that will manufacture and deliver the adventure sports

equipment at a very low price and meeting international standard. Currently the range

will include: White water rafting equipment, trekking and camping gear, climbing gear,

aero sports equipment and specialty gears such as artificial rock climbing walls and

ceramic holds, Zorb and all terrain vehicles.

Certificate courses in adventure sports: TNR adventure academy: Short term certificate

programmes in: Rock climbing, survival techniques and leave no trace, paragliding scuba


• Community building initiative: Adventure bug club

1.2 Statement and importance of the problem:

Treks `n Rapids has been spending huge amount of money to set up new facilities for

adventure sports in India. Thus it is important to plan these spending well as per the

requirement of the customers and also to promote them effectively. It is a step to deliver

products and services better suited to customer needs. Further, in this competitive and

growing sector of adventure sports in India, it becomes necessary to develop and innovate

to stay ahead of others and to compete. Also, as the company grows and matures, it is

looking to establish its unique identity in adventure sports which is more recognized and

focused. Under the heat of intense competition from type of firms in the organized sector

and many competitors in unorganized sector, Treks `n Rapids has increased its marketing

spends. But increasing promotion expenditure is not the solution; the firm must

understand what to say (message content and structure) to the target market segment and

how to reach out (media) cost effectively so that more adventure sport enthusiasts get

attracted to Treks `n Rapids.

Through this study the firm wanted to identify the motivating factors towards adventure

sports among the youths (between 18-35 years of age-considered to be the largest

segment for adventure sports) residing in National Capital Region. This would help them

in enhancing the effectiveness of their communication strategy.

Problems and issues:

Scope of this study includes finding answers to following questions among young

(Between the age group of 18-35) male and female enthusiasts of adventure sports:

• What are the motivating factors that pull participants to adventure sports?

• Do different types of sports have significantly different pull factors?

• Do personal characteristics of participants affect the level of motivation?

• Is motivation level influenced by the characteristics of the sport?

• Based on identified motivating factors can the population be discriminated between

male and female?

• Can we discriminate between high spenders and low spenders based on the identified

motivating factors?

1.3 Scope of the study

Today, India invites adventure lovers from all across the world. The varied topography

and the climate in India give rise to a number of exciting adventure sports.

Over the years, the scope of adventure sports in India has only increased as well as the

popularity of these sports with tourists. Whether you are looking for soft adventure sports

or want to go for some extreme sports options, Indian tourism offers opportunities for all

abilities. Adventure sports like river rafting, rock climbing, mountaineering, trekking,

skiing, snow climbing, scuba diving and angling have now become an essential part of

tourism in India.

The best part about these high-adrenaline activities is that you have a good variety of

locations to enjoy them. Wildlife tourism in India also gives you many options of

enjoying adventure in the form of wildlife safaris.

As adventure tourism grows more and more in India, options are made available for

tourists to get top quality adventure gear. New shops and centres are opening up each day

to assist tourists and to help adventure tourism grow even more. For tourists, there are

short adventure courses also available at different places across the country. Many of

these centre are run and maintained by the state governments of India.

The trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh (Jammu & Kashmir) offers a number of adventure

sports for adventure lovers in India, contributing a lot towards the state tourism. Jeep

safari in Ladakh is one of the most liked and done adventure sports for tourists. Ladakh

tourism also offers some of the most wonderful treks in the Nubra Valley and the Markha

Valley. Wildlife safari and camping are also much popular with tourists coming to


The Garhwal and Kumaon region of the Northern Himalayas has huge India adventure

tourism potential. Most of the adventure tourism in India owes its credit to this region of

the Himalayas. To enjoy adventure sports including river rafting, mountaineering and

rock climbing, one can easily head to the state of Uttarakhand. The state is blessed with

bountiful supplies of nature and offers a number of exciting adventure sports. Trekking,

river rafting, camping, wildlife safari and angling are much liked adventure sports in the


The ranges of the northern Himalayas has contributed immensely towards Indian

adventure tourism. These ranges have always been and are some of the best places to

indulge in a variety of adventure sports in India. There are a variety of scenic locales

available in these areas adding much to your experience. For example, you can enjoy

trekking in mountain villages, valleys, meadows and around rivers and lakes. There are

more options available. The sport of golfing, ice skating and skiing also adds to the

Indian tourism potential.

Travelers can also head towards the Thar Desert in Rajasthan to experience the thrills of

India adventure tourism. The state tourism of Rajasthan is taking good care of the

adventure tourism here. A jeep safari across the expansive Thar Desert and up to the

dunes can bring back memories of the glorious past. There are areas from where once

passed the merchants along the trade route. Undertaking a jeep safari across the desert,

camping in the Thar, visiting desert villages and interacting with locals will only make

your adventure experience richer.

Tourism in India provides a number of other Indian adventure sports options. Just be

determined and loose yourself free amid the surroundings and find out what adventure

tourism in India has in store for you. Experiencing adventure sports in India will become

the epic adventure of your life.

1.4 Research Methodology

Of late there has been an upsurge in the adventure sport market. It includes soft adventure

sports like camping, hiking, biking, bird-or-animal watching, horseback riding, sailing,

skiing and hard adventure vacations e.g., mountain biking, white water rafting, kayaking,

scuba diving, rock climbing, snowboarding, skydiving. Hard adventure activities have

been referred to as "risk recreation activities" which differs from traditional soft

adventure activities because of the presence of significant components of risk (may be

life threatening), danger and uncertainty, which could be either perceived or real.

Additionally, risk recreation activities include the following characteristics:

(1) Involvement with a natural environment,

(2) Elements of risk and, danger,

(3) Uncertain outcome and

(4) Influenced by the participant or circumstance.

Researchers have found the participation in risk recreation is a goal-driven behavior in

which stimulation is sought for increasing arousal and/or to satisfy various other goals.

Participants usually have multiple motives that differ in importance and are dependent

upon their individual goals.

Similarly, climbers at Mt. Rainer (Washington) were motivated to climb due to

challenge, catharsis, recognition, creative opportunities, locus of control and the physical

setting; while climbers at Mt. McKinley

(Alaska) noted five factors: Exhilaration/Excitement, Social Aspects, Image, Aspects of

Climbing and Catharsis/Escape. While some research has attempted to elaborate the

theories of sport behavior, including several factors that might possibly explain sport

participation, other research has been focused on studying one of the factors more

specifically, motivation to participate.

Several studies have demonstrated that the motives given for sport participation, i.e. the

perceived benefits are not only the physical health aspects, but a number of other ones,

such as weight control and appearance, stress and mood management, competition and

enjoyment, fun and excitement.

Thus, there are differences between individuals in perceived benefits, which might

explain some of the differences in sport participation. These perceptions of benefits, or

motives to participate, are expected to be influenced by several factors, for example, age

and gender. If an experience of sport participation is perceived to be meaningful, a person

will be more motivated to participate in such activities, but what is perceived as

meaningful by one individual might not be perceived as such by another.

First, several factor analyses yielded consistent factors, including competence, fitness,

affiliation, team aspects, competition and fun. Second, children and adolescents typically

indicated that several motives were important. Third, there was minimal age, gender, and

experience and sport activity differences.


To capture perceptions of youths, a questionnaire was designed and tested with twenty

respondents and all problems encountered were removed. Perceptions of respondents

were captured on a seven point Likert Scale-with 1 being low and 7 being high.

The questionnaire could capture perception of respondents for adventure sports as a

whole as well as separately for each of the four types of sports viz., mountain sports;

extreme sports; rafting and kayaking; paragliding, sky diving and skiing. Whether the

respondent is aware about a particular type of sport or not has been checked by screening


For a particular sport responses of only those people were analyzed who were aware of

the sport. The questionnaire was designed in Google docs where links were posted to

various mails and forums for review of people and filling up. It was put with a 7 day

window period and after that responses were analyzed. The online survey removes the

surveyor bias.

Other advantage is that the data can be directly fed into excel sheet for analyses. Online

survey also ensures random sampling. The link for the questionnaire was mailed to about

500 people out of whom 57 relevant (from youth) responses were obtained.

1.5 Need for the study at trek’s and rapids:

In general, motivation is the need that drives an individual to act in a certain way to

achieve the desired satisfaction. In particular, many different reasons and motivational

factors compel people to take to adventure sports. These forces are perceived as being

able to decrease the condition of tension towards adventure sports felt by the individual.

The reduced state of tension then gives way to the necessity that encourages an action or

attitude. Although the decision to satisfy needs may rely on other psychological variables,

in reality, all human behavior is motivated.

Motivations can be the result of internal and external stimuli. Internal stimuli arise from

personal needs that can be physiological, social, egocentric, safety and self-actualization.

External stimuli result from publicity and promotion. Motivations around adventure

sports can be personal such as building confidence, personality development, and sense

of achievement, status, self-belief and help in goal setting. Motivations could also be due

to the characteristics of the adventure sports encompassing: thrill, challenge, fun,

toughness and zeal required. Based on intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, the participant

of an adventure sport builds his/her perceptions.

Perceptions can be different from the true attributes of the sport depending on how the

individual receives and processes information. In other words, perceptions focus on the

attributes of products that affect behavior and not on the real attributes of products.


are a cognitive measure of adventure sport value. This value represents the opportunity

cost of the product (value for money), which means that perceptions are formed based on

a cost benefit assessment.

Perception of an adventure sport may be analyzed from a cognitive or behavioral

perspective. Perceptions are of several types: they can have a cognitive component

(which results from the evaluation of the adventure sport attributes) and a personal

component (that depends on how the individual intends to perceive that adventure sport).

Treks `n Rapids wanted to identify main motivational factors of attraction towards

adventure sports among youths (the largest consumer segment) of National Capital

Region. Objective was to improve the effectiveness of integrated marketing

communications strategy.

1.6 Limitations:

The respondents are residents of NCR regions only. This study needs to be replicated at

other areas to increase external validity. The target segment selected was only youth.

However, people of other age groups also get attracted to adventure sports. Their

motivation factors also need to be studied. Further, it is felt that the motivation factors

may differ between male and female respondents.

1.7 Chapterization

Chapter - I

INTRODUCTION – This chapter gives a brief introduction of the Adventure sports in

India & the acceptance of this new industry by the youth. Statement of the problem,

Scope of the study, Research Methodology, Need of study, Limitations are explained by

keeping in mind current trends of adventure sports in reference with Treks `n Rapids Pvt.


Chapter – II

INDUSTRY – This chapter gives a detailed description about Adventure Industry & its

future in India. Here adventure in all parts of India are explained briefly with their future

trends. Adventure Industry is a growing at a rapid pace in Tourism Sector.

Chapter – III

TYPES OF ADVENTURE SPORTS IN INDIA – In this chapter all the types of

adventure sports playing in India are mentioned with their detals.

a) Air Adventure Sports.

b) Land Adventure Sports.

c) Water Adventure Sports.

Chapter – IV

PROFILE – In this chapter we have tried to explain the profile of Adventure Industry &

Treks `n Rapids an adventure sports company with reference to the kind of employment

opportunities it generate, value addition to the economy & tourism sector in India.

Chapter – V

LITERATURE SURVEY – In this chapter the literature survey has been done & a

through survey and results has been shown. The survey include Reliability t-test, how and

from where the date has been captured, validity test of the questionnaire, there results,

factor analysis & total variance and it is summed up in the discussion.

Chapter – VI

CONCLUSION – In this chapter all the above mentioned chapters, details, survey,

analysis, tests, results are concluded in a very defined manner with the bibliography in

the end with all the reference details from where we got most of the information to

complete this project.

1.8 Conclusion:

Findings of this study will help a firm engaged in adventure sports in developing an

effective integrated marketing communication strategy by fine tuning messages in their




2.1 Adventure Sports In India

Trekking in Himalaya

The endless scope of adventure tourism in India is largely because of its diverse

topography and climate. On land and water, under water and in the air, you can enjoy

whatsoever form of adventure in India you want. It is one opportunity for you to leave all

inhibitions behind and just let yourself go. The mountainous regions offer umpteen scope

for mountaineering, rock climbing, trekking, skiing, skating, mount biking and safaris

while the rushing river from these mountains are just perfect for river rafting, canoeing

and kayaking. The oceans are not behind in any manner as well. The vast and deep

expanse of water provide tremendous opportunity for adventure sports in form of diving

and snorkelling.

The forest and the desert region have their own distinct place in providing scope for

adventure tourism in India. You can enjoy animal safari, jeep safari, bird watching, wild

camp, wildlife safari and jungle trail in the forest region while jeep safari and camel

safari are the most favoured adventure sports in the desert region. After all this, if you

think the list of adventure sports in India has ended, think again. There is still much left

in form of paragliding, hand gliding, hot air ballooning, etc.

Adventure tourism in India is meant to provide you an exhilarating experience for life.

Many a times in process of having fun, an entirely new aspect of life manifests itself

before you and an awareness and appreciation about the surroundings emanates

somewhere from deep within your heart.

Adventure tourism India has increased in recent years due to the efforts taken by the

Indian government and the Ministry of Tourism. The scope for adventure tourism in India

is endless because the country has a rich diversity in terms of climate and topography.

Various kinds of adventure on water, land, and air can be enjoyed in India. The ministry

of tourism and culture has, in recent years, launched a campaign called ‘Incredible India!’

and this has given a tremendous boost to adventure tourism in India.

The various kinds of adventure tourism in India are:

Rock climbing


Camel safari

Para gliding


Rafting in white water


As a kind of adventure tourism in India, rock climbing is relatively new. Due to the

presence of climbing rocks in large numbers throughout the country, rock climbing as a

kind of adventure tourism in India is taking off in a big way. The various places in India

where tourists can go for rock climbing are Badami, Kanheri Caves, Manori Rocks, and

Kabbal. Skiing in India as a kind of adventure tourism has become popular in the last

decade. The country has a large number of hill stations which have excellent skiing

facilities. This has given rise to skiing adventure tourism in India. The places in India

where tourists can go for skiing are Manali, Shimla, Nainital, and Mussoorie.

Whitewater rafting in India is a relative newcomer in the domain of adventure tourism in

India. This has been increasing due to the presence of a number of rivers, waterfalls, and

rapids. The places where a tourist can go for whitewater rafting in India are Ganga,

Alaknanda, and Bhagirathi rivers.

Trekking as a part of adventure tourism India has grown recently. Many tourists are

coming to India in order to go trekking in the various rugged mountains present in India.

Camel safari in India has also become very popular due to the initiatives taken by the

tourist boards of some Indian states. The most famous destinations in India for camel

safaris are Bikaner, Jodhpur, and Jaisalmer. Paragliding in India has developed recently

and paragliding facilities are available in a lot of places in India. Mountaineering in India

is also quite popular in the arena of adventure tourism. Tourists can go to Garhwal,

Himachal Pradesh, and Jammu and Kashmir for indulging in mountaineering.

Adventure tourism India has registered a formidable growth in recent years. For this

growth to continue, efforts must be taken by the government of India so that India ranks

alongside international destinations for adventure tourism.

India, a vast land of distinct topographical features like high mountainous regions, barren

desert areas, verdant valleys, turquoise sea etc. Amalgamation of all these geographical

features has made India an incredible land of natural beauties.

To exhibits all these treasures troves of nature to its guests, Indian government has started

various forms of tourism within its territory. One of such forms of tourism is adventure

tourism, which is still in its infancy in India.

Gradually, adventure tourism is catching up the pace and Indian government is working

hard to make India, one of the best adventure tourism destinations in world.

What is adventure tourism?

Adventure tourism is a form of tourism that involves exploration or travel to remote or

exotic areas. This form of tourism enables the tourist or adventure seekers to engage

themselves in various kinds of outdoor recreational activities, which are provided to them

on fee-for-service basis, with a focus on experiences associated with the natural


Adventure tourism brings the tourists close to the nature, due to which it is also known as

nature-based tourism.

Adventure Tourism Zones In India:

India is a unique land having varied geographical features in its kitty. All these distinct

features are available in various regions that are the best site for adventure tourism in

India. The snow-capped mountainous region of Great Himalayas are an ideal zone for

adventure tourism in our country. Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal,

Sikkim, Upper fringes of West Bengal, are all part of Himalayan mountainous region that

are the finest zones of adventure tourism.

Apart from Himalayas, Goan beaches, desert area of Rajasthan, Western ghats and

Eastern ghats of South India, and various wildlife sanctuaries and national parks are the

excellent zones for adventure tourism in India.

Adventure Tourism Destinations In India:

India has plentiful of adventure tourism destinations. Some of the popular destinations

that are brim with adventure enthusiasts throughout the year such as Leh-Ladakh,

Zanskar Valley, Kargil and Suru valley, Manali and Kullu valley, Lahual and Spiti

valley, Dharamshala and Kangra valley, Chamba valley, Kinnaur and Sangla valley,

Rishikesh, Garhwal and Kumaon valley, Darjeeling.

Even some wildlife sanctuaries and national parks such as Jim Corbett National Park, Gir

National Park, Ranthambore National Park, Kaziranga National Park which are popular

among the tourists for wildlife safaris and nature walks.

Adventure Activities In India:

India has vast range of adventure activities which are attracting loads of vacationers and

adventure seekers. Some of the best known adventure sorts of India are trekking,

mountaineering, rock climbing, cycling, skiing, heli-skiing, para gliding, hangliding, river

rafting. These exciting sports can be done at mountainous region of Himalayas, Sahyadri

range of Western ghats etc.

Some other thrilling adventure sports are scuba diving, swimming, surfing which can be

done at the vast azure Arabian sea and Bay of Bengal. Goa, a tiny coastal land which is

famed for various kinds of water sports. Beside these you can also indulge yourself in

some other adventure sports like desert safari, wildlife safari, elephant safari, jeep safari,

nature walks at various wildlife sanctuaries and national parks of India.

If you want the 'wow' factor, India has it all. No country can compete with India in terms

of its culture, climate, vegetation and adventure. The country like India has a great

potential for the adventure sports. Right from the white water rafting, trekking and

mountaineering, India promises its tourists a experience that will last for the lifetime.

India is one of the world's greatest adventure destinations. The great scope of adventure

sports in India is mainly due to the vast topological layout and diversity. The high rising

mountains, glorious deserts, lush vegetation and long stretches of pristine beaches make

India a perfect destination to indulge in numerous adventure sports on the land, water and

air. The country provides the perfect background to some of the most extreme adventure

sports. It is the opportunity for you to leave all tension behind and simply let yourself go.

The mountainous region are justly apt for the numerous challenging sports such as the

mountaineering, trekking, cliff jumping, rock climbing, mountain biking, skating, and

skiing, while the gushing river from these mountains are perfect for white water rafting,

kayaking and conoeing. On the other hand oceans offers great scope for the marine

fishing, diving and snorkeling. On the wildlife tour to India, you can enjoy jeep safari,

elephant safari, camping, wildlife safari, forest trials, birding and tiger spotting etc. The

desert areas in India have their own distinct place in providing adventure in the form of

desert safaris, camel safaris and rural tourism. But if you think that is all, than you need

to think again...There is lot more left in the form of Hang Gliding, Hot Air Ballooning,

Para gliding etc.

Top Adventure Attractions of India

Diverse landscape of India welcomes you to world of Adventure Sports. Adventurous

sports and activities in India will surely excite you bringing out the best of travelers

passion in you. With remarkably diverse topography and climate, India promises every

adventure lover an active and healthy holidays while learning new skills and reaching

new heights. Vast open spaces of India, wilderness areas, towering mountains, vast

coastal and desert regions makes it an ideal destination for enjoying astounding variety of

adventure sports and activities. Your adventure holidays in India will not only be

adventurous but also culturally enriching experience. Vast Himalayan ramps in India

have been playing major role in adventure tourism of India and are the most important

and major tourism attraction for the adventure lovers of not only India but all over the

world. Himalayas can be visited all round the year for experiencing the adventurous

thrills, of course avoid those two months of monsoon when clouds burst in India bringing

in lot of rain cutting off many regions and areas.

With all types of adventure activities available in India, it is very difficult to highlight

which adventure sports is best. It completely depends on the individual - which adventure

he wants to indulge in. However, there are some adventure sports which are unique and

can only be enjoyed in India. Here are major adventure attractions of India which, for

many years, have been attracting adventurers from all over the world :

Valley of Flowers Trekking

Trekking in Ladakh

Skiing in Auli

Eco Tourism in Himachal

Camel Safari

India offers all kind of adventure sports for all type of travelers. If you love to risk

yourself and feel the rush of adrenalin then there are many extreme adventure sports such

as trekking on rugged terrains of Himalayas, whitewater rafting, hang gliding, mountain

biking, rock climbing and ice climbing. If you want to be relaxed and have time of your

life with kids, family or friends then there are many soft and family adventure activities

for you to indulge in. India has all family adventure options which you dream of filling

your photo album with meaningful and joyful memories. All these have been playing

major role in adventure tourism of India and make India major attraction for enjoying

adventurous holidays.

Now, it is up to you to decide what you want and how you are going to spend your

adventure vacations. Chose from any of the option and be sure you will never return

disappointed from the wonderful land of India.

Extreme Adventure

Soft Adventure

Adventure holidays in India offers an experience that will last for lifetime. With so many

options and variety, India should be on every adventurers list for their holidays. Skiing on

snowy slopes of Himalayan mountains, trekking on hills of Western Ghats, scuba diving

in sea waters of islands of Lakshadweep and Andaman Nicobar, camping in nature or

wild or going on tiger trails, India has more than what you can ever imagine.

Trekking in the Indian Himalayas

For the adventurous mountain trekker, few destinations are more magnetic than the

Himalayas. Their towering peaks and glaciers represent the ultimate experience in

mountaineering, and for many a journey into the Himalayas is really more like a


Three major regions of India penetrate the Himalayas, all of them exceptionally beautiful.

In the far northwest there is the province of Jammu and Kashmir, and a gorgeous region

known as Ladakh; in the northeast are the provinces of Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh.

More than destinations for just mountain climbers, these regions are culturally rich, often

dotted with temples and monasteries.

Those traveling to the Himalayas should keep in mind that they will generally be at very

high elevations, and therefore prone to the dangers of altitude sickness. The rule of thumb

is to always allow time to adjust to the heights, taking it slow. Warm clothes are also


Trekking in Ladakh

One of the most remote and mythical regions of India, Ladakh is a landscape of unearthly

beauty. Carved through its center by the headwaters of the Indus River, Ladakh sits high

in a Himalayan valley between the Ladakh and Zaskar ranges, close to the Chinese

border. The wall of the Himalayas blocks precipitation, and the resulting terrain is dry,

barren, and poetically austere. Life here has remained virtually unchanged for thousands

of years.

Ladakh's biggest attraction are its ancient gompas, or Buddhist monasteries, which

contain some of Asia's greatest wonders of gold and tapestry work. It is possible to stay

overnight in some, making a trek in Ladakh curiously like a sort of pilgrimage. The

people of Ladakh, many of whom are Tibetan refugees, are famous for their friendliness

and hospitality.

For the mountaineer, the nearby Zaskar range offers some fantastic and challenging

hiking opportunities. A variety of long, mid, and short range treks, which follow rough

trails and pass through some spectacular high-altitude mountain passes, connect the

region's gompas and villages.

It is important to note that visitors to Ladakh should take time to adjust to the high

altitude. Altitude sickness here is very common, and the best way to avoid it is to do very

little for the first couple of days in the region. Summer is the best time to come, as heavy

winter snows make it very difficult even to get to Ladakh.

Trekking in Darjeeling

Darjeeling sits at the crossroads of the eastern triangle corridor, a hidden stage of

foothills in a geographical amphitheater that looks up into the mountainous wonderlands

of Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan. Darjeeling's name is a variation of DarjeLing, which means

"place of the thunderbolt" in Hindi. According to the Lamaist religion, this is the site

where the god Indra's scepter (a lightning bolt) fell to earth.

While Darjeeling is a place of mythical significance to its people, its value was primarily

practical to the British as the strategic gateway to Nepal and Tibet. Darjeeling also offers

a cool escape from the dust and sun of the plains below, and the British started to develop

the region as a summer retreat shortly after they arrived there in 1828. Darjeeling soon

became a haven for tea growing as well, and its cool and misty tea plantations are among

the most idyllic attractions in India.

The city of Darjeeling offers one of the most dynamic mixes of culture on the

subcontinent. Tibetan Lamas can be seen climbing the steep streets in their yellow robes,

alongside Sherpas, Gorkhas, Gurung farmers, and people from a host of other cultures

and regions.

The high-quality trails surrounding Darjeeling and its tremendous views make it an ideal

locale for hiking. A leisurely four day hike to the top of Mount Sandakphu (3536 meters)

is rewarded with an astounding vista of the Kanchenjunga Mountains and the highest

mountain in the world, Everest. Alpine meadows and wildflowers can be seen on this

trek, and there are bungalows and field camps en route.






Hot air ballooning as an adventure sport started in the year 1783, when two French

brothers, Joseph Michel Montgolfier and Jacques Etienne Montgolfier, created and set

aloft a 17.37-m high 'fire balloon' from the courtyard of the Versailles palace. This

massive balloon did not carry human passengers but a sheep, a rooster and a duck. The

balloon landed safely at a distance of 3.2 km from the Versailles palace after a flight that

lasted eight minutes. In the same year, a daring person by the name of Jean Francois

Pilatre de Rozier along with his companion Marquis d'Arlandes decided to travel in a hot

air balloon. It became the first journey made by man through air, which was powered by

steam/hot air. This historic event occurred in the beautiful city of Paris and the success of

this flight gave birth to the sport of hot air ballooning.

Hot air balloons created during the period were generally known as Montgolfier balloons.

They were also referred to as 'fire balloons' because they carried a brazier containing

burning coals, which produced steam/hot air. However, these balloons were dangerous

because the brazier could alight the fabric of the balloon. Apart from the constant hazard

of fire, hot air balloons also faced some other problems. They would come down to the

ground once the steam/hot air filled within them cooled down. Moreover, they could only

move in the direction of the wind and not against it. Hot air balloons used today for flying

are a highly refined version of the Montgolfier balloons that flew in the 18th century

In India, hot air ballooning as an adventure sport is quite new. The Balloon Club of India,

which was established in 1970 in New Delhi, is the premiere organization pertaining to

this adventure sport in India. The sport is rapidly gaining popularity among the adventure



BASE jumping grew out of skydiving. BASE jumps are generally made from much lower

altitudes than skydives, and a BASE jump takes place close to the object serving as the

jump platform. Because BASE jumps generally entail slower airspeeds than typical

skydives (due to the limited altitude), a BASE jumper rarely achieves terminal velocity.

Because higher airspeeds enable jumpers more

aerodynamic control of their bodies, as well as more positive and quick parachute

openings, the longer the delay, the better.


Bungee Jumping Great Adventure Sports, is both a spectacular attraction and an

exhilarating experience for all who participate, attracting people from a wide background

and a broad spectrum of age groups. The average age of jumpers is between 16 and 40,

but the limit is 14 to 50. Spectators of all ages stand in awe, witnessing the many people

who just have to do it.

Bungee Jumping Great Adventure Sports originated on the South Pacific Island of

Vanuatu with the natives performing it as part of their manhood ritual, leaping from

bamboo towers with only wines tied to their ankles.

The world’s first great Bungee jump, occurred on April Fools Day 1979, when four

jumpers performed a completely unauthorized leap, simultaneously from Bristol’s Clifton

Suspension Bridge using elasticized rubber ropes. Soon after, red-blooded adrenaline

seekers across the world embraced this thrilling and intriguing new sport that owes

everything to plain, raw nerve!


Hang gliding is an air sport in which a pilot flies a light and unmotorized foot-launchable

aircraft called a hang glider (also known as Delta plane or Deltaplane).

Most modern hang gliders are made of an aluminium alloy orcomposite-framed fabric

wing. The pilot is ensconced in a harness suspended from the airframe, and exercises

control by shifting body weight in opposition to a control frame, but other devices,

including modern aircraft flight control systems, may be used. In the sport's early days,

pilots were restricted to gliding down small hills on low-performance hang gliders.

However, modern technology gives pilots the ability to soar for hours, gain thousands of

feet of altitude in thermal updrafts, perform aerobatics, and glide cross-country for

hundreds of miles.


Paragliding is the most simple form to fly and all you require is a para glider. A

paraglider is a non-motorized, foot-launched inflatable wing, which is easy to transport,

launch, and land. It is constructed of rip-stop nylon or high stress polyester fabric. The

pilot is clipped into a harness and is in a comfortable sitting position. The harness and the

Paraglider attached by sturdy kevlar lines. The Para gliders can fly in the air for hours

with the help of the glider and climb to altitudes, more than 10,000 feet high or opt for

cross-country flying adventure covering vast distances

Ofcourse you need to be physically fit, but do not try to make too many stunts in this

sports as its an out door activity and Mother Nature is full of surprises. But if you are

mentally alert and strong, you can by pass any hurdle of paragliding. You need to know

how to fly a glider. If you are new to this sport, better learn the basics first. The basic

techniques of para gliding include – launching, turning and landing.



Rappelling is also known as Abseiling and originated as a means of a quick and safe

descent after a climb. The idea was to slide down a rope with sufficient friction provided

as to make the speed of descent controllable. Rappelling is now a full-fledged skill by

itself and finds application among

various fields where people work on high vertical faces and need a portable means of

descent that is also reasonably quick to set-up.

A typical session begins with an introduction of the activity with information about

climbing and rappelling equipment like karabiners, descenders, harnesses and rappelling


There is a demonstration of rappelling techniques and anchoring and safety system

followed by guided attempts by participants. Rappelling tools and equipment are slightly

different from those used for rock climbing, though they are similar. The difference is in

equipment that facilitates descent –descenders, ropes designed to pass through descenders

efficiently, mittens to prevent rope burn, etc.

Rappelling safety focuses not only on arrest of falls, but controlling the speed of descent.

You are attached to a rope via a harness and some hardware that you will come to know

as a karabiner and descender. The rope passes through a figure 8 descender. Instruction

helps participants learn how to control the friction and slow its movement. Speed of

descent can be controlled by simply arresting the movement of the rope, so that it can’t

pass through the descender as fast (or not at all, if you need to stop).


Adventure racing is a combination of two or more endurance disciplines, including

orienteering (if an orienteering map is used) and/or navigation (when non-orienteering

maps are used), cross-country running, mountain biking, paddling and climbing and

related rope skills. An expedition event can span ten days or more while sprints can be

completed in a matter of hours. There is typically no dark period during races,

irrespective of length; competitors must choose if or when to rest.

Adventure racing historically required teams to be of a specified size and to include both

men and women, but many races no longer restrict team size and include single-sex

divisions. Some also include age-based categories.


Bouldering is a style of climbing emphasizing power, strength, and dynamics. Its focus is

on individual moves or short sequences of moves, unlike traditional climbing or sport

climbing, which generally demand more endurance over longer stretches of rock where

the difficulty of individual moves is not as great. Boulder routes are commonly referred

to as problems (a British appellation) because the nature of the climb is often short,

curious, and much like problem solving. Sometimes these problems are eliminates,

meaning certain artificial restrictions are imposed. Bouldering is more focused on the

technique of climbing instead of undertaking a full bodied climb.

To reduce the risk of injury from a fall, climbers rarely go higher than 3–5 meters above

the ground. Anything over 7 meters is generally considered to be free-soloing (or simply

'soloing'), although such climbs might also be termed high-ball bouldering problems. For

further protection, climbers typically put a bouldering mat (crash pad) on the ground to

break their fall. Lastly, climbers often have one or more spotters, who work to direct the

climber's body toward the crash pad during a fall, while protecting the climber's head

from hazards.


Caving is often undertaken for the enjoyment of the outdoor activity or for physical

exercise, as well as original exploration, similar to mountaineering or diving. Physical or

biological science is also an important goal for some cavers. Virgin cave systems

comprise some of the last unexplored regions on Earth and much effort is put into trying

to locate and enter them. In well-explored regions (such as most first-world countries),

the most accessible caves have already been explored, and gaining access to new caves

often requires digging or diving.

Caves have been explored out of necessity (for shelter from the elements or from

enemies), out of curiosity or for mystical reasons for thousands of years. However, only

in the last century or two has the activity developed into a sophisticated, athletic pastime.

In recent decades caving has changed considerably due to the availability of modern

protective wear and equipment. It has recently come to be known as an "extreme sport"

by some (though not commonly considered as such by its practitioners, who may dislike

the term for its perceived connotation of disregard for safety).


Ice climbing, as the term indicates, is the activity of ascending inclined ice formations.

Usually, ice climbing refers to roped and protected climbing of features such as icefalls,

frozen waterfalls, and cliffs and rock slabs covered with ice refrozen from flows of water.

For the purposes of climbing, ice can be broadly divided into two spheres, alpine ice and

water ice. Alpine ice is found in a mountain environment, usually requires an approach to

reach, and is often climbed in an attempt to summit a mountain. Water ice is usually

found on a cliff or other outcropping beneath water flows.

Alpine ice is frozen precipitation whereas water ice is a frozen liquid flow of water.

Most alpine ice is generally one component of a longer routes and often less technical,

have more in common with standard glacier travel, while water ice is selected largely for

its technical challenge. Still technical grade is independent of ice type and both types of

ice vary greatly in consistency according to weather conditions. Ice can be soft, hard,

brittle or tough.


Kart racing or Karting is a variant of open-wheel motor sport with small, open, four-

wheeled vehicles called karts, go-karts, orgearbox/shifter karts depending on the design.

They are usually raced on scaled-down circuits. Karting is commonly perceived as the

stepping stone to the higher and more expensive ranks of motorsports.

Karts vary widely in speed and some (known as Superkarts) can reach speeds exceeding

160 miles per hour (260 km/h), while go-karts intended for the general public in

amusement parks may be limited to speeds of no more than 15 miles per hour (24 km/h).

A KF1 kart, with a 125 cc 2-stroke engine and an overall weight including the driver of

150 kilograms has a top speed of 85 miles per hour (137 km/h). It takes a little more than

3 seconds to go from 0 to 60 mph with a 125 cc shifter kart (6 gears), with a top speed of

115 miles per hour (185 km/h) on long circuits.


Kite landboarding also known as Land kite boarding or fly boarding, is based on the ever-

growing sport of Kite surfing, where a rider on a surf-style board is pulled over water by

a kite. Kite landboarding involves the use of a mountain board or land board, which is

essentially an oversized skateboard with large pneumatic wheels and foot-straps. Kite

landboarding is a growing sport, and there are several competitions. Kite landboarding is

attracting growing publicity although it is not yet as popular or as well known as Kite



Mountain biking is a sport which consists of riding bicycles off-road, often over rough

terrain, using specially adapted mountain bikes. Mountain bikes share similarities with

other bikes, but incorporate features designed to enhance durability and performance in

rough terrain.

Mountain biking can generally be broken down into multiple categories: cross country,

trail riding, all mountain, downhill, free ride, street riding, dirt jumping and trials. The

vast majority of mountain biking falls into the recreational XC and Trail Riding


This individual sport requires endurance, core strength and balance, bike handling skills

and self-reliance. XC type mountain biking generally requires a smaller range of skills

but a higher level of fitness than other types of mountain biking. Advanced riders pursue

steep technical descents and, in the case of freeriding, downhilling, and dirt jumping,

aerial maneuvers off of specially constructed jumps and ramps.

Mountain biking can be performed almost anywhere from a back yard to a gravel road,

but the majority of mountain bikers ride off-road trails, whether country back roads, fire

roads, or single track (narrow trails that wind through forests, mountains, deserts, or

fields). There are aspects of mountain biking that are more similar to trail running than

regular bicycling. Because riders are often far from civilization, there is a strong ethic of

self-reliance in the sport. Riders learn to repair their broken bikes or flat tires to avoid

being stranded miles from help. This reliance on survival skills accounts for the group

dynamics of the sport. Club rides and other forms of group rides are common, especially

on longer treks. A combination sport named mountain bike orienteering adds the skill of

map navigation to mountain biking.


Mountain boarding, also known as Dirt boarding, Off road Boarding, Grass Boarding,

and All-Terrain Boarding (ATB), is a well established[1] if little-known extreme sport,

derived from snowboarding. A mountain board is made up of components including a

deck, bindings to secure the rider to the deck, four wheels with pneumatic tires, and two

steering mechanisms known as trucks. Mountain boarders, also known as riders, ride

specifically designed boarder cross tracks, slope style parks, grass hills, woodlands,

gravel tracks, streets, skate parks, ski resorts, BMX courses and mountain bike trails. It is

this ability to ride such a variety of terrain that makes mountain boarding different from

other board sports.


The term free running is sometimes used interchangeably with parkour. While free

running is more to do with expressing yourself within your environment, parkour is

aiming to get from A to B the fastest. However, there is some controversy over the exact

definitions of the two terms. Many "parkour purists" say that the biggest difference has to

do with theatrics. Free-running involves a lot of trick moves, particularly aerial rotations

and spins. Because these moves are merely showy, not

economical, and do not help the participant to get from place to place, they are

considered contrary to the nature of parkour.


Zorbing (globe-riding, sphereing, orbing) is the recreation of rolling downhill in an orb,

generally made of transparent plastic. Zorbing is generally performed on a gentle slope,

but can also be done on a level surface, permitting more rider control. In the absence of

hills some operators have constructed inflatable, wooden or metal ramps. There are two

types of orbs, harnessed and non-harnessed. Non-harness orbs carry up to three riders,

while the harness orbs are constructed for one to two riders. Double-harness spheres have

different slope requirements, and must only be operated in specific locations. The longer

runs are approximately half a mile.



Body boarding is a surface water sport (sometimes called Boogieboarding). The average

board consists of a small, rectangular piece of hydrodynamic foam with a stringer in the

middle of the board for additional support. Bodyboarding also consists of swimming fins

for additional propulsion during takeoff, which Boogieboarding does not require. The

board can be shaped and adapted to different riding styles such as prone, drop-knee, and

stand up, considering the size of the rider. Bodyboarding has been growing very rapidly

over the last couple of decades and has now developed into one of the fastest growing

sports of all time.


Kayaking is the use of a kayak for moving across water. Kayaking and Canoeing are also

known as paddling. Kayaking is generally differentiated from canoeing by the sitting

position of the paddler and the number of blades on the paddle. A kayak is defined by the

International Canoe Federation (the world sanctioning body) as a boat where the paddler

faces forward, legs in front, using a double bladed paddle.

Almost all kayaks have closed decks, although there are many sit-on-top kayaks which

are growing in popularity, as well as inflatable kayaks which come without decks but

which have air chambers surrounding the boat. A canoe is defined as a boat where the

paddler faces forward and sits or kneels in the boat, using a single bladed paddle. Canoes

can be closed deck or open deck.


Canyoning is traveling in canyons using a variety of techniques that may include other

outdoor activities such as walking, scrambling, climbing, jumping, abseiling, and/or


Although hiking down a canyon that is non-technical (canyon hiking) is often referred to

as canyoneering, the terms canyoning and canyoneering are more often associated with

technical descents — those that require rappels (abseils) and ropework, technical

climbing or down-climbing, technical jumps, and/or technical swims.

Canyoning is frequently done in remote and rugged settings and often requires

navigational, route-finding and other wilderness travel skills.

Canyons that are ideal for canyoning are often cut into the bedrock stone, forming narrow

gorges with numerous drops, beautifully sculpted walls, and sometimes spectacular

waterfalls. Most canyons are cutinto limestone, sandstone, granite or basalt, though other

rock types are found. Canyons can be very easy or extremely difficult, though emphasis

in the sport is usually on aesthetics and fun rather than pure difficulty.

A wide variety of canyoning routes are found throughout the world, and canyoning is

enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels.

Canyoning gear includes climbing hardware, static ropes, helmets, wetsuits, and specially

designed shoes, packs, and rope bags. While canyoners have used and adapted climbing,

hiking, and river running gear for years, more and more specialized gear is invented and

manufactured as canyoning popularity increases.


Rafting or white water rafting is a challenging recreational outdoor activity using an

inflatableraft to navigate a river or other bodies of water. This is usually done on white

water or different degrees of rough water, in order to thrill and excite the raft passengers.

The development of this activity as a leisure sport has become popular since the mid-





We are a catalyst, a hub, a refuge, a facilitator. We are the Adventure Travel Trade

Association (ATTA), a global membership organization and home to a thriving

community of more than 550 responsible, profitable businesses, destinations and media

who transform customers and businesses alike into advocates for sustainability and

justice worldwide. Our members leaders include tour operators, destination marketing

organizations, tourism boards, specialty travel agents, guides, accommodations, media

and service providers.

We, the ATTA, are driven to help adventure tourism businesses and destinations

worldwide succeed. We exist to bring our members opportunities that drive new

customers, lower costs and increase returns on investment. We work to implement

industry standards, face and address thorny issues, tackle initiatives that get adventure

travel in front of the mainstream culture, and work to get others who should be investing

in this industry educated about who the adventure traveler is, and the responsibilities we

share to protect the people and places we visit. We’re working to ensure the sustainable

development of the adventure tourism industry, with our sights set on people, planet and


As a global networking, business strategy, professional development, promotional and

educational force, the ATTA exists to:

Promote and grow the adventure travel market

Provide exclusive professional support, development, marketing, business building and

cost-saving resources to ATTA members

Provide a unifying voice for the industry that promotes and facilitates knowledge sharing,

networking and a common vision

Research, anticipate, interpret and share travel, consumer and industry trends

Identify, understand and rally industry leaders to tackle pressing issues, while propelling

growth initiatives.

Define “adventure travel” and establish “best practices” and operating standards

Encourage sustainable and environmentally and culturally sensitive adventure travel



The Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) is a privately held, for-profit industry

trade group that serves to network, educate, professionalize and promote the adventure

travel industry.

Our core philosophy: We want our members, partners and sponsors to join and renew

annually as members of the ATTA because members’ business objectives are being

served effectively by the networking, collaboration, services, events, advocacy,

educational programs and resources provided throughout the year by the ATTA for the

benefit of the global adventure travel community. There is no ‘obligation’ to support us

as an industry organization – the ATTA succeeds only by serving its members and by

advancing responsible and sustainable adventure travel practices.

Adventure tourism and its growth

The ministry of tourism is responsible for its significant growth in the last couple of

years. They campaigned for ‘Incredible India’ which gave a whole new angle to the

tourism of India. The campaign created a vibrant image of India in the mind of tourists

and created a buzz among tourists. With tourism other small scale industries such as

handicrafts, horticulture, constructions and agriculture have grown.

A staggering 20 million people work in India’s tourism industry which is a great example

of India’s tourism and is great for India’s economy.

According to PHD chamber of commerce and industry, adventure tourism in India has

immense potential and has the potential to be number one in getting revenue from abroad.

Some reports have revealed that the current figures are US $91 million and is expected to

reach 20$ billion by 2010.

The future is even brighter. The GDP rise due to tourism is predicted to be 0.2% in 2009.

Similarly earnings from exports of tourism goods are predicted to produce 6% of total

exports. Despite of recession, tourism industry is expected to grow between the years

2007 – 2017.

Indian tourism is vibrant and has the capacity to put India on the maps of being a global

destination. It is the most flourishing and thriving industries in the world today and the

future is also far from being bleak.


Welcome to Treks ‘n Rapids. We have been voted India’s No.1 Adventure Sports

Company three times in a row (Brand Preference & Brand Equity; Source: IITR Thomso.

2005/06/07), the company has an experience of servicing over 200 corporate clients,

12000 adventure seekers from India & abroad, and operations in over 30 locations.

Treks ‘n Rapids brings in all the expertise you were looking for and has a clear vision to

be India’s leading adventure travel and corporate training company with focus on best

business practices, safety and maximum variety through constant R&D and innovation.

Here at Treks ‘n Rapids we’ve thrown desks, paperclips and the worldly temptations to

the wind so that we can make our passion for adventure sports yours. In early 2002 a few

young blokes founded Treks ‘n Rapids. They all came from diverse backgrounds –

tourism, hospitality, consultancy, engineering, media and human resource management.

But all of them had one thing in common: adventure. Founded by the alumni of Narsee

Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai (NMIMS) and Harvard Business

School, Treks ‘n Rapids has been fairy tallish journey that started with heaps of passion,

thoroughly grounded homework and a crystal clear vision to develop a niche for

ourselves by providing world a class adventure travel experiences and superiorly

differentiated Experiential Learning Programmes to the new age travelers, families and


The idea was to deliver products and services that ensure Sustainable Euphoria to our

clients. Be it Out of the Box offbeat and adventure holidays for just about everyone (that

go on to become the hottest topics of discussion at the social interactions and the

favourite photos over the dinner tables), application oriented Corporate Experiential

Learning Programmes or giving an access to the most extensive range of world class

adventure gear that adventure lovers and allied organizations always wished for!!

Quiet clearly, Treks ‘n Rapids is India’s first & only 360 degree integration adventure

travel company. Our portfolio of activities covers virtually every imaginable adventure

sport, handpicked offbeat destinations across India & the Sub-continent, Corporate

Outbound Training Programmes (in-house team of highly experienced and competent

trainers and supporting resources), adventure sports programmes for Kids, Certificate

Programmes in Adventure Sports, Adventure Gear Stores and a chain of self owned

properties (campsites, resorts, spas) specifically developed from the perspective of eco

sensitivity, offbeat recreation and Experiential Learning.

With a very high level of customer centric focus, we have developed a Minimum

Response Time Mechanism which ensures that you get a super speedy response to all

your queries

Achievements & Milestones

Among a few firsts, Treks ‘n Rapids is the only adventure sports & Experiential Learning

company in India to have been taken as a Case Study in management by scholars from

leading B Schools including JBIMS, NMIMS, SP Jain, MDI Gurgaon, IMI, FMS, MICA

and IMT Ghaziabad to name a few.

Voted No. 1 in brand preference and brand equity, as India’s most popular Adventure

Travel and Experiential Learning company, in three consecutive years, as per market

research conducted by IITR Thomso.

In 2002, Treks ‘n Rapids was promoted on AXN Channel as India’s Hottest Adventure

Sports company. We became on of the first adventure sports company in India to have an

association with this leading international adventure and lifestyle channel.

Successfully conducted, India’s first camping and mountain sports event for physically

and mentally impaired children in the Himalayas.

Launched India’s first adventure sports park at Rishikesh in November 2008. The

inauguration was done by Hon’ble Minister of Tourism (Uttarakhand)

Just a few milestones, complementing our constant endeavors to better ourselves.

Social Responsibility


Corporate Social Responsibility is not a jargon for us. In fact, we do not even consider it

as a responsibility. It is something that we voluntarily do at Treks ‘n Rapids… because

we cannot be existing any other way. We follow a Multi Dimensional Approach towards

CSR, and here is what constitutes our raison d’etre:

Heal the Earth, Heal Ourselves

At Treks ‘n Rapids, anything and everything we do involves a direct contact with our

environment. Be it climbing rocks or river rafting or parasailing or sleeping under the

stars, we are always connected to nature. We believe that we are responsible for

generating and preserving our own environment in such a way that future generation may

experience it as it is today. We believe in reveling in what our surroundings offer and yet

leaving them as pure as untouched. We believe in eco-tourism. This means:

Using eco-friendly equipments for various outdoor activities

Using recyclable material wherever possible

Our camp sites don't disturb any wildlife

Picking up our own litter

Educating about preservation of environment

Working closely with our local environment groups

Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Kill nothing but time.

Think Global, Act Local

At Treks ‘n Rapids, we have a vision to be make an indelible mark on the world's

adventure tourism map. And we make sure this doesn't happen without the support of

local hands. Our programs are spread across scattered pockets of geography which is

varied on only in its terrain but in its culture, language and identity. We have ingrained

this diversity in our programs by:

Employing the local people as our staff

Using local suppliers wherever possible

Not exploiting local resources

Providing opportunities for cultural exchange

Contributing in community development programs

Sensitizing our members about cultural diversity so that no sentiments are inadvertently


Honest Ventures, Happy Adventures

At Treks ‘n Rapids we maintain complete transparency in all our ventures. This is not a

policy or directive that we have to follow; it is our way of life, the foundation on which

this organization stands. We believe in:

Employing fair business practices

No discrimination against race, color, caste, creed, gender and religion

Honest pricing of all our packages

Complete information to our clients

Periodical review of our internal processes



5.1 Reliability test (t-test) for each question:

This test helps in determining whether a question is well understood and it is able to

distinguish between two classes of respondents: One who wish to ‘Rate High’ and the

other who wish to ‘Rate Low’. For such questions the null hypothesis of a two tailed t-

test should get rejected when applied to test if there is any significant difference between

the mean responses of top quartile and the bottom quartile of respondents in an ordered

list. The null hypothesis for each question in the questionnaire was rejected at 0.05 level

of significance. Hence analyses were carried out with all the questions.

Motivational factors for adventure sports:-

Provides thrill

Requires zeal/energy

Spells status

Builds confidence

Helps in personality development

Instills self-belief

Creates unique identity

Is a stress buster

Helps in goal-setting

Is challenging

Requires toughness

Builds sense of achievement

Is a unique experience

It is fun/adventure

Improved technology has reduced risk

Cronbach’s alpha, KMO and Bartlett’s test

Sports type No. of respondents No. of valid cases Cronbach’s alpha KMO of sampling

adequacy Bartlett’s test of sphericity

Mountain 51 46 0.917 0.818 Reject H0

Kayaking 32 29 0.944 0.739 Reject H0

Extreme 40 39 0.947 0.824 Reject H0

Paragliding 37 34 0.932 0.773 Reject H0

Adventure 57 57 0.874 0.810 Reject H0

Table 3: Factor analysis and identification of dimensions

Alignment of factors

No. of factors Total variations


Sports type extracted explained Dimension 1 Dimension 2

Mountain Two 60.33 5, 6, 15, 4, 7, 9, 3 and 13 1, 2, 14, 8, 10, 11 and 12

Kayaking Two 70.23 5, 4, 6, 9, 7, 15, 11, 2 and 3 14, 1, 13, 12, 8 and 10

Extreme Two 71.44 6, 4, 5, 7, 9, 3, 15 and 8 1, 10, 13, 14, 11, 2 and 12

Paragliding Two 66.34 6, 7, 9, 15, 5, 4, 12, 8, 14 and 3 11, 13, 1, 2 and 10

Adventure Two 56.56 7, 6, 5, 9, 4 and 3 14, 13, 10, 15, 1, 12, 2, 8 and 11

5.2 Reliability of data captured:

Summated scales are often used in survey instruments to probe underlying constructs that

the researcher wants to measure. These may consist of indexed responses to dichotomous

or multi-point questions, which are later summed to arrive at a resultant score associated

with a particular question. The question of reliability arises as the function of scales is

stretched to encompass the realm of prediction. One of the most popular reliability

statistics in use today is Cronbach’s alpha. It determines the internal consistency or

average correlation of items in a survey instrument to gauge its reliability.

Table 2 displays the number of respondents obtained for each type of sports and for the

adventure sport as a whole. Cronbach Alphas in all five cases are more than 0.874

indicating that reliability is high.

5.3 Validity test for questionnaire:

Analyses were done first for each of the four types of sports. In Factor

Analysis only two composite variables (dimensions) were extracted. The alignments of

fifteen variables were noted and these were compared with the composite variables

extracted for the combined responses of all 57 respondents to question number 10. These

five alignments were found to be highly consistent (Table 3). This establishes the validity

of the questionnaire.


KMO and Bartlett’s test of sphericity:

In each case KMO is found to be more than 0.7 and the null hypothesis for Bartlett’s test

is rejected. This implies that the observed correlation matrix in each case is significantly

(at 0.05 level of significance) different than an identity matrix. Hence data reduction can

be carried out.

Table 4: Rotated component matrix



(For adventure) 1 2

14. It is fun/adventure 0.870 -0.034

13. Is a unique experience 0.828 0.109

10. Is challenging 0.770 0.359

15. Improved technology has reduced risk 0.711 0.072

1. Thrill 0.684 -0.044

12. Builds sense of achievement 0.629 0.473

2. Requires zeal/energy 0.598 0.421

8. Is a stress buster 0.592 0.091

11. Requires toughness 0.591 0.497

7. Creates unique identity 0.043 0.784

6. Instills self-belief 0.285 0.768

5. Helps in personality development 0.285 0.753

9. Helps in goal-setting 0.080 0.695

4. Builds confidence 0.511 0.552

3. Spells status -0.202 0.429


Extraction method: Principal component analysis; Rotation method: Varimax with

Kaiser Normalization; Rotation converged in 3 iterations

5.5 Factor analysis and total variance explained:

In each of the five cases (Adventure, Mountain, Kayaking, Extreme and Paragliding) two

factors were extracted. The total variance explained is more than 56% in each case (Table

3). The rotated component matrix of Factor analysis as applied to question number 10 is

reproduced in Table 4. The composite variables as indicated by the two dimensions (Fig.

1) have been labelled as:

Characteristics of the self like: Building confidence, personality development, sense of

achievement, status, self-belief and help in goal setting.

Characteristics of the adventure sports encompassing: Thrill, challenge, fun, toughness

and zeal required.

Based on the identified factors, the population was successfully discriminated on the

basis of two separate categorical variables namely, gender and spending pattern of

participants. In the analysis over 73% in case of gender (77% in case of spending) of

original grouped cases have been correctly classified.


This study establishes that all the fifteen factors as identified by previous researches

contribute towards building motivation for the adventure sports. It further suggests that

factors influencing the motivation to participate do not differ for adventure sports such as

Mountain sports, Kayaking, Extreme Sports and Para Gliding.

The participation in adventure sport is influenced by two factors: Characteristics of self

and the Characteristics of the sport.




This study has brought out that the adventure sport enthusiasts are concerned about two


They feel that participation in adventure sports will help in building confidence;

developing personality; enjoying the sense of achievement; displaying status; developing

increased self-belief and in goal setting

They expect that the adventure sport should provide thrill, challenge and fun. It should

pose tough situation and should require high level of enthusiasm for participation.

Accordingly, in order to attract participants, the firm Treks `n Rapids should design

communication messages highlighting these two aspects.



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