SQL: Advanced Queries: Module - Iii Notes Dbms - 15Cs53 V Sem Cse/Ise
SQL: Advanced Queries: Module - Iii Notes Dbms - 15Cs53 V Sem Cse/Ise
SQL: Advanced Queries: Module - Iii Notes Dbms - 15Cs53 V Sem Cse/Ise
SQL has various rules for dealing with NULL values. NULL is used to represent a missing value, but that
it usually has one of three different interpretations—value unknown (exists but is not known),value not
available (exists but is purposely withheld),or value not applicable (the attribute is undefined for this
In Tables 5.1(a) and 5.1(b),the rows and columns represent the values of the results of
comparison conditions,which would typically appear in the WHERE clause of an SQL query. Each
expression result would have a value of TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN. The result of combining the two
values using the AND logical connective is shown by the entries in Table 5.1(a).Table 5.1(b)shows the
result of using the ORlogical connective.For example,the result of (FALSE AND UNKNOWN) is
FALSE, whereas the result of (FALSE OR UNKNOWN) is UNKNOWN.Table 5.1(c) shows the result of
the NOT logical operation. Notice that in standard Boolean logic, only TRUEor FALSE values are
permitted; there is no UNKNOWNvalue.
SQL allows queries that check whether an attribute value is NULL.Rather than using = or <> to
compare an attribute value to NULL,SQL uses the comparison operators IS or IS NOT.This is because
SQL considers each NULLvalue as being distinct from every other NULL value, so equality comparison
is not appropriate.
Query 18. Retrieve the names of all employees who do not have supervisors.
SELECT Fname, Lname
IN operator:
which is a comparison operator that compares a value v with a set (or multiset) of values V and
evaluates to TRUE if v is one of the elements in V.
ex: Query 17. Retrieve the Social Security numbers of all employees who work on project
numbers 1,2,or 3.
SQL allows the use of tuples of values in comparisons by placing them within parentheses. To
illustrate this, consider the following query:
WHERE Essn=‘123456789’);
This query will select the Essns of all employees who work the same (project,hours) combination
on some project that employee ‘John Smith’ (whose Ssn = ‘123456789’) works on. In this example, the
IN operator compares the subtuple of values in parentheses (Pno, Hours) within each tuple in
WORKS_ON with the set of type-compatible tuples produced by the nested query.
In addition to the IN operator ,a number of other comparison operators can be used to compare a
single value v (typically an attribute name) to a set or multiset v (typically a nested query).The = ANY (or
= SOME) operator returns TRUE if the value v is equal to some value in the set V and is hence equivalent
to IN. The two keywords ANY and SOME have the same effect. Other operators that can be combined
with ANY (or SOME) include >, >=, <, <=, and <>. The keyword ALL can also be combined with each
of these operators. For example,the comparison condition (v>ALL V) returns TRUEif the value vis
greater than all the values in the set (or multiset) V.
Whenever a condition in the WHERE clause of a nested query references some attribute of a
relation declared in the outer query, the two queries are said to be correlated. We can understand a
correlated query better by considering that the nested query is evaluated once for each tuple (or
combination of tuples) in the outer query.
Example for Correlated Nested Querie:
Retrieve the name of each employee who has a dependent with the same first name and is the
same sex as the employee.
WHERE E.Fname=D.Dependent_name AND E.Sex=D.Sex );
For example, we can think of Q16 as follows: For each EMPLOYEE tuple, evaluate the nested
query, which retrieves the Essn values for all DEPENDENT tuples with the same sex and name as that
EMPLOYEE tuple; if the Ssn value of the EMPLOYEE tuple is in the result of the nested query, then
select that EMPLOYEE tuple.
In general a query written with nested select-from-where blocks and using the = or IN
comparison operators can always be expressed as a single block query. For example, Q16 may be written
as in Q16A:
Q16A: SELECT E.Fname, E.Lname
EXISTS and NOT EXISTS are typically used in conjunction with a correlated nested query.In
Q16B,the nested query references the Ssn,Fname,and Sexattributes of the EMPLOYEErelation from the
outer query.We can think of Q16Bas follows:For each EMPLOYEE tuple, evaluate the nested query,
which retrieves all DEPENDENT tuples with the same Essn,Sex,and Dependent_name as the
EMPLOYEEtuple; if at least one tuple EXISTS in the result of the nested query, then select that
In general, EXISTS(Q) returns TRUE if there is at least one tuple in the result of the nested
query Q, and it returns FALSE otherwise.
On the other hand,NOT EXISTS(Q) returns TRUE if there are no tuples in the result of nested
query Q, and it returns FALSE otherwise. Next, we illustrate the use of NOT EXISTS.
Query 6. Retrieve the names of employees who have no dependents.
SELECT Fname, Lname
WHERE Ssn=Essn );
In Q6, the correlated nested query retrieves all DEPENDENTtuples related to a particular
EMPLOYEE tuple. If none exist, the EMPLOYEE tuple is selected because the WHERE-clause
condition will evaluate to TRUE in this case. We can explain Q6 as follows: For each EMPLOYEE tuple,
the correlated nested query selects all DEPENDENT tuples whose Essn value matches the EMPLOYEE
Ssn; if the result is empty, no dependents are related to the employee, so we select that EMPLOYEE tuple
and retrieve its Fname and Lname.
5.1.5 Explicit Sets and Renaming of Attributes in SQL
Explicit Sets
We have seen several queries with a nested query in the WHEREclause. It is also possible to use
an explicit set of values in the WHERE clause, rather than a nested query.Such a set is enclosed in
parentheses in SQL.
Query 17. Retrieve the Social Security numbers of all employees who work on project
numbers 1,2,or 3.
Renaming of Attributes
In SQL, it is possible to rename any attribute that appears in the result of a query by adding the
qualifier AS followed by the desired new name. Hence, the AS construct can be used to alias both
attribute and relation names, and it can be used in both the SELECT and FROM clauses.
For example, to retrieve the last name of each employee and his or her supervisor,while
renaming the resulting attribute names as Employee_name and Supervisor_name.The new names will
appear as column headers in the query result.
SELECT E.Lname AS Employee_name, S.Lname AS Supervisor_name
WHERE E.Super_ssn=S.Ssn;
The default type of join in a joined table is called an inner join, where a tuple is included in the
result only if a matching tuple exists in the other relation
There are a variety of outer join operations.
1) LEFT OUTER JOIN (every tuple in the left table must appear in the result;if it does
not have a matching tuple,it is padded with NULLvalues for the attributes of the right
Not all SQL implementations have implemented the new syntax of joined tables.In some systems, a
different syntax was used to specify outer joins by using the comparison operators +=, =+, and +=+ for
left, right, and full outer join, respectively, when specifying the join condition. For example, this syntax is
available in Oracle. To specify the left outer join using this syntax, we could write the query as follows:
SELECT E.Lname, S.Lname
WHERE E.Super_ssn += S.Ssn;
If we want to get the preceding function values for employees of a specific department—say, the
‘Research’ department—we can write Query 20, where the EMPLOYEE tuples are restricted by the
WHERE clause to those employees who work for the ‘Research’ department.
Query 20. Find the sum of the salaries of all employees of the ‘Research’ department,as well
as the maximum salary,the minimum salary,and the average salary in this department.
SELECT SUM (Salary), MAX (Salary), MIN (Salary), AVG (Salary)
WHERE Dname=‘Research’;
will not be
counted. In general, NULL values are discarded when aggregate functions are applied to a particular
column (attribute).
HAVING clause
SQL provides a HAVING clause,which can appear in conjunction with a GROUP BY clause. HAVING
provides a condition on the summary information regarding the group of tuples associated with each
value of the grouping attributes. Only the groups that satisfy the condition are retrieved in the result of the
query.This is illustrated by Query 26.
In order to formulate queries correctly, it is useful to consider the steps that define the meaning or
semantics of each query. A query is evaluated conceptually by first applying the FROM clause (to
identify all tables involved in the query or to materialize any joined tables), followed by the WHERE
CREATE ASSERTION, which can be used to specify additional types of constraints that are
outside the scope of the built-in relational model constraints (primary and unique keys, entity integrity,
and referential integrity) that we presented early.
CREATE TRIGGER,which can be used to specify automatic actions that the database system will
perform when certain events and conditions occur. This type of functionality is generally referred to as
active databases.
The basic technique for writing such assertions is to specify a query that selects any tuples that violate the
desired condition.By including this query inside a NOT EXISTS clause, the assertion will specify that the
result of this query must be empty so that the condition will always be TRUE.Thus,the assertion is
violated if the result of the query is not empty.In the preceding example,the query selects all employees
whose salaries are greater than the salary of the manager of their department. If the result of the query is
not empty,the assertion is violated.
Trigger: Condition
Trigger: Action
Example 1
Example 2
➢ A view is a single table that is derived from one or more base tables or other views
➢ Views neither exist physically nor contain data itself, it depends on the base tables for its
➢ A view contains rows and columns, just like a real table. The fields in a view are fields from one
or more real tables in the database.
Query Modification
➢ Modifying the view query into a query on the underlying base tables
➢ Disadvantage: inefficient for views defined via complex queries that are time-consuming to
execute , especially if multiple queries are applied to the view within a short period of time.
❖ The query example# would be automatically modified to the following query by the DBMS
SELECT Fname, Lname
WHERE Ssn=Essn AND Pno=Pnumber
AND Pname=”ProductX’;
View Materialization
➢ Physically create a temporary view table when the view is first queried
➢ Keep that table on the assumption that other queries on the view will follow
➢ Requires efficient strategy for automatically updating the view table when the base tables are
updated, that is Incremental Update
➢ Incremental Update determines what new tuples must be inserted, deleted, or modified in a
materialized view table when a change is applied to one of the defining base table
View Update
➢ Updating of views is complicated and can be ambiguous
➢ An update on view defined on a single table without any aggregate functions can be mapped to an
update on the underlying base table under certain conditions.
➢ View involving joins, an update operation may be mapped to update operations on the underlying
base relations in multiple ways.
❖ Update the Pname attribute of ‘john smith’ from ‘ProductX’ to ‘ProductY’
SET Pname= ‘ProductY’
WHERE Lname=‘smith’ AND Fname=‘john’
AND Pname= ‘ProductX’
❖ This query can be mapped into several updates on the base relations to give the desired effect on
the view.
❖ Two possible updates (a) and (b) on the base relations corresponding to above query .
SET Pno= (SELECT Pnumber
WHERE Pname= ‘ProductY’)
WHERE Lname=‘smith’ AND Fname=‘john’)
Pno= (SELECT Pnumber
In this section, we give an overview of the schema evolution commands available in SQL, which can be
used to alter a schema by adding or dropping tables, attributes, constraints, and other schema elements.
This can be done while the database is operational and does not require recompilation of the database
schema. Certain checks must be done by the DBMS to ensure that the changes do not affect the rest of the
database and make it inconsistent.
We must still enter a value for the new attribute Job for each individual EMPLOYEE tuple. This can be
done either by specifying a default clause or by using the UPDATE command individually on each tuple.
.If no default clause is specified, the new attribute will have NULLs in all the tuples of the relation
immediately after the command is executed; hence, the NOT NULL constraint is not allowed in this case.