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Xiv Geometrical Olympiad in Honour of I.F.Sharygin The Correspondence Round

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The correspondence round

Below is the list of problems for the rst (correspondence) round of the XIV Sharygin
Geometrical Olympiad.
The olympiad is intended for high-school students of four eldest grades. In Russian school,
these are 8-11. In the list below, each problem is indicated by the numbers of Russian school
grades, for which it is intended. Foreign students of the last grade have to solve the problems
for 11th grade, students of the preceding grade solve the problems for 10th grade etc. However,
the participants may solve problems for elder grades as well (solutions of problems for younger
grades will not be considered).
A complete solution of each problem costs 7 points. A partial solution costs from 1 to 6
points. A text without signicant advancement costs 0 points. The result of a participant is the
sum of all obtained marks.
Please include the solution of each problem in a separate le. First write down the statement
of the problem, and then the solution. Present your solutions in detail, including all necessary
arguments and calculations. Provide all necessary gures of sucient size. If a problem has an
explicit answer, this answer must be presented distinctly. Please, be accurate to provide good
understanding and correct estimating of your work !
If your solution depends on some well-known theorems from standard textbooks, you may
simply refer to them instead of providing their proofs. However, any fact not from the standard
curriculum should be either proved or properly referred (with an indication of the source).
You may note the problems which you liked most (this is not obligatory). Your opinion is
interesting for the Jury.
The solutions for the problems (in Russian or in English) must be delivered not before
January 8, 2018 and not later than on April 1, 2018. To upload your work, enter the site
https://contest.yandex.ru/geomshar/, indicate the language (English) in the right upper
part of the page, press "Registration"in the left upper part, and follow the instructions.
1. The solution of each problem must be contained in a separate pdf, doc or jpg le. We
recommend to prepare the paper using computer or to scan it rather than to photograph it. In
the last two cases, please check readability of the le before uploading.
2. If you upload the solution of some problem more than once then only the last version is
retained in the checking system. Thus if you need to change something in your solution then
you have to upload the whole solution again.
If you have any technical problems with uploading of the work, apply to geomshar@yandex.ru
(DON'T SEND your work to this address).
The nal round will be held in JulyAugust 2018 in Moscow region. The winners of the
correspondence round are invited to it if they don't graduate from school before. (For instance,
if the last grade is 12 then we invite winners from 911 grades, and from 12 grade if they nish
their education later.) The graduates, winners of the correspondence round, will be awarded
by diplomas of the Olympiad. The list of the winners will be published on www.geometry.ru
at the end of May 2018 at latest. If you want to know your detailed results, please use e-mail

1. (grade 8) Three circles lie inside a square. Each of them touches externally two remaining

circles. Also each circle touches two sides of the square. Prove that two of these circles
are congruent.

2. (grade 8) A cyclic quadrilateral ABCD is given. The lines AB and DC meet at point E ,
and the lines BC and AD meet at point F . Let I be the incenter of triangle AED, and a
ray with origin F be perpendicular to the bisector of angle AID. In what ratio does this
ray dissect the angle AF B ?

3. (grade 8) Let AL be a bisector of triangle ABC , D be its midpoint, and E be the

projection of D to AB . It is known that AC = 3AE . Prove that CEL is an isosceles

4. (grade 8) Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral. A point P moves along the arc AD which
does not contain B and C . A xed line l, perpendicular to BC , meets the rays BP , CP
at points B0 , C0 respectively. Prove that the tangent at P to the circumcircle of triangle
P B0 C0 passes through some xed point.

5. (grades 89) The vertex C of equilateral triangles ABC and CDE lies on the segment
AE , and the vertices B and D lie on the same side with respect to this segment. The
circumcircles of these triangles centered at O1 and O2 meet for the second time at point
F . The lines O1 O2 and AD meet at point K . Prove that AK = BF .

6. (grades 89) Let CH be the altitude of a right-angled triangle ABC (∠C = 90◦ ) with
BC = 2AC . Let O1 , O2 and O be the incenters of triangles ACH , BCH and ABC
respectively, and H1 , H2 , H0 be the projections of O1 , O2 , O respectively to AB . Prove
that H1 H = HH0 = H0 H2 .

7. (grades 89) Let E be a common point of circles w1 and w2 . Let AB be a common tangent
to these circles, and CD be a line parallel to AB , such that A and C lie on w1 , B and D
lie on w2 . The circles ABE and CDE meet for the second time at point F . Prove that F
bisects one of arcs CD of circle CDE .

8. (grades 89) Restore a triangle ABC by the Nagel point, the vertex B and the foot of
the altitude from this vertex.

9. (grades 89) A square is inscribed into an acute-angled triangle: two vertices of this square
lie on the same side of the triangle and two remaining vertices lies on two remaining sides.
Two similar squares are constructed for the remaining sides. Prove that three segments
congruent to the sides of these squares can be the sides of an acute-angled triangle.

10. (grades 89) In the plane, 2018 points are given such that all distances between them
are dierent. For each point, mark the closest one of the remaining points. What is the
minimal number of marked points?

11. (grades 89) Let I be the incenter of a nonisosceles triangle ABC . Prove that there
exists a unique pair of points M , N lying on the sides AC , BC respectively, such that
∠AIM = ∠BIN and M N k AB .

12. (grades 89) Let BD be the external bisector of a triangle ABC with AB > BC ; K and
K1 be the touching points of side AC with the incicrle and the excircle centered at I and

I1 respectively. The lines BK and DI1 meet at point X , and the lines BK1 and DI meet
at point Y . Prove that XY ⊥ AC .

13. (grades 911) Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral, and M , N be the midpoints of arcs
AB and CD respectively. Prove that M N bisects the segment between the incenters of
triangles ABC and ADC .

14. (grades 911) Let ABC be a right-angled triangle with ∠C = 90◦ , K , L, M be the
midpoints of sides AB , BC , CA respectively, and N be a point of side AB . The line CN
meets KM and KL at points P and Q respectively. Points S , T lying on AC and BC
respectively are such that AP QS and BP QT are cyclic quadrilaterals. Prove that
a) if CN is a bisector, then CN , M L and ST concur;
b) if CN is an altitude, then ST bisects M L.

15. (grades 911) The altitudes AH1 , BH2 , CH3 of an acute-angled triangle ABC meet at
point H . Points P and Q are the reections of H2 and H3 with respect to H . The
circumcircle of triangle P H1 Q meets for the second time BH2 and CH3 at points R and
S . Prove that RS is a medial line of triangle ABC .

16. (grades 911) Let ABC be a triangle with AB < BC . The bisector of angle C meets
the line parallel to AC and passing through B , at point P . The tangent at B to the
circumcircle of ABC meets this bisector at point R. Let R0 be the reection of R with
respect to AB . Prove that ∠R0 P B = ∠RP A.

17. (grades 1011) Let each of circles α, β , γ touch two remaining circles externally, and all of
them touch a circle Ω internally at points A1 , B1 , C1 respectively. The common internal
tangent to α and β meets the arc A1 B1 not containing C1 , at point C2 . Points A2 , B2 are
dened similarly. Prove that the lines A1 A2 , B1 B2 , C1 C2 concur.

18. (grades 1011) Let C1 , A1 , B1 be points on sides AB, BC, CA of triangle ABC , such that
AA1 , BB1 , CC1 concur. The rays B1 A1 and B1 C1 meet the circumcircle of the triangle at
points A2 and C2 respectively. Prove that A, C, the common point of A2 C2 and BB1 , and
the midpoint of A2 C2 are concyclic.

19. (grades 1011) Let a triangle ABC be given. On a ruler, three segments congruent to the
sides of this triangle are marked. Using this ruler construct the orthocenter of the triangle
formed by the tangency points of the sides of ABC with its incircle.

20. (grades 1011) Let the incircle of a nonisosceles triangle ABC touch AB , AC and BC
at points D, E and F respectively. The corresponding excircle touches the side BC at
point N . Let T be the common point of AN and the incircle, closest to N , and K be the
common point of DE and F T . Prove that AK||BC .

21. (grades 1011) In the plane, a line l and a point A outside it are given. Find the locus
of the incenters of acute-angled triangles having the vertex A and the opposite side lying
on l.

22. (grades 1011) Six circles of unit radius lie in the plane so that the distance between the
centers of any two of them is greater than d. What is the least value of d such that there

always exists a straight line which does not intersect any of the circles and separates the
circles into two groups of three?

23. (grades 1011) The plane is divided into convex heptagons with diameters less than 1.
Prove that an arbitrary disc with radius 200 intersects more than a billion of them.

24. (grades 1011) A crystal of pyrite is a parallelepiped with dashed faces.

The dashes on any two adjacent faces are perpendicular. Does there exist a convex
polytope with the number of faces not equal to 6, such that its faces can be dashed
in such a manner?

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