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Language Arts Lesson Pack » Vocabulary

Synonyms and Antonyms

Identify and write synonyms and antonyms

Learning Notes This Vocabulary lesson pack contains eleven exercises on identifying and
writing synonyms and antonyms. Each worksheet can be used over a
period of consecutive days either as warm-up, practice or review.

Teaching Tip Have students use different colored highlighters to distinguish between
synonyms and antonyms. Have students use a thesaurus to look up
additional synonyms and antonyms for each exercise and a dictionary to
look up any unknown words. (Visual, Tactile)

and/or Extensions To modify these exercises, read each set of four words given and have
students choose the two words that are either synonyms or antonyms.
Create teams and give points to the teams that answer correctly. Discuss
answers. To extend these exercises, have students create a comic strip,
poem or narrative that includes synonyms and antonyms. Instruct students
to highlight the synonyms and antonyms.

Recommended Exercises
Introductory: Exercises on Dictionary Skills, Definitions and Descriptive Adjectives
Follow-up: Exercises on Analogies, Homophones and Words with Multiple Meanings

The Lessons included in this pack are as follows: Lesson Pack ID: 01-00000-118
© 2001-04 by Educators Publishing Service, Inc. Licensed for duplication and use by subscriber during subscription period only.
Relationships: Synonyms, Antonyms From the EPS book Wordly Wise 3000 Book 2
The following focus on identifying correct synonyms or antonyms
The Lessons included in this pack are as follows:

Relationships: Synonyms, Antonyms From the EPS book Wordly Wise 3000 Book 2
The following focus on identifying correct synonyms or antonyms

Words: 'reluctant,' 'prohibit' Wordly Wise 3000 Book 2

Circle two words that are synonyms; circle two antonyms

Words: 'lengthen,' 'despair' Wordly Wise 3000 Book 2

Circle two words that are synonyms; circle two antonyms

Words: 'snout,' 'gorge' Wordly Wise 3000 Book 2

Circle two words that are synonyms; circle two antonyms

Words: 'associate,' 'transform' Wordly Wise 3000 Book 2

Circle two words in a group of four that are synonyms

Words: 'investigate,' 'fracture' Wordly Wise 3000 Book 2

Circle two words that are synonyms; circle two antonyms

Words: 'guardian,' 'hoist' Wordly Wise 3000 Book 2

Circle two words that are synonyms; circle two antonyms

Designate as Synonym or Antonym Wordly Wise 3000 Book 2

The following focus on identifying synonyms and antonyms

Words: 'resemblance,' 'somber' Wordly Wise 3000 Book 2

Find and circle two words that are synonyms or antonyms

Words: 'perish,' 'molten' Wordly Wise 3000 Book 2

Find and circle two words that are synonyms or antonyms

Words: 'refuse,' 'compassionate' Wordly Wise 3000 Book 2

Find and circle two words that are synonyms or antonyms

LESSON LOGIC an online service of EPS

Our most popular K-6 series in vocabulary, phonics, spelling, writing,
and reading comprehension made available online.


www.LessonLogic.com Lesson Pack ID: 01-00000-118

© 2001-04 by Educators Publishing Service, Inc. Licensed for duplication and use by subscriber during subscription period only.
Name _________________________________________ Date _____________________________

Words that have the same meaning are called synonyms.

Examples: little — small

woman — lady
over — above

● For each word in Column A, find a synonym in Column B. Write the number of the
synonym next to the word.


frighten 1. earth

harm 2. scare

grateful 3. peacefulness

make 4. build

loyal 5. great

world 6. piece

powerful 7. damage

blackness 8. correct

wonderful 9. strong

fearless 10. thankful

right 11. gladness

calmness 12. darkness

useless 13. worthless

part 14. faithful

happiness 15. brave

www.LessonLogic.com prefixes, suffixes, word roots Lesson Id: 01-02275-136-0

© 1999 by Ann L. Staman. Licensed for duplication and use by subscriber during subscription period only.
Name _________________________________________ Date _____________________________

Words that have the opposite meaning are called antonyms.

Examples: little — big

woman — man
over — under

● For each word in Column A, find an antonym in Column B. Write the number of the
antonym next to the word in Column A.


day 1. release

damage 2. night

beautiful 3. thanklessness

harmful 4. ugly

helpful 5. fearlessly

happiness 6. loosen

speechless 7. fix

capture 8. harmless

difference 9. talkative

thankfulness 10. sadness

cheap 11. lightness

tighten 12. expensive

neatness 13. helpless

fearfully 14. sameness

heaviness 15. messiness

www.LessonLogic.com prefixes, suffixes, word roots Lesson Id: 01-02275-137-0

© 1999 by Ann L. Staman. Licensed for duplication and use by subscriber during subscription period only.
Name _________________________________________ Date _____________________________

Same or Different Meanings

Directions: Fast and quick have the same meaning. Circle the pairs below that also have
the same meaning.

Set I Set II

1. fast—quick 1. thick—wide

2. bright—shiny 2. save—keep

3. bell—clock 3. buy—sell

4. sad—unhappy 4. hill—mountain

5. hide—seek 5. car—automobile

6. hungry—thirsty 6. rush—hurry

7. object—thing 7. shop—store

8. look at—watch 8. draw—paint

9. dog—cat 9. happy—glad

10. want—desire 10. sky—cloud

Directions: Can you think of another word with the same meaning? The first one is done
for you.

over ___________________________________________________________

build __________________________________________________________

angry __________________________________________________________

hold ___________________________________________________________

clean __________________________________________________________

www.LessonLogic.com same or different meanings Lesson Id: 01-03001-008-0

© 1999 by Educators Publishing Service, Inc. Licensed for duplication and use by subscriber during subscription period only.
Name _________________________________________ Date _____________________________

Same or Different Meanings

Directions: The first word in each problem is underlined. Circle another word in the row
that has the same meaning as the underlined word.

1. grab throw snatch run close hang

2. fight enemy battle sword talk soldier

3. mend fix buy find live travel

4. knock hit window door plant lock

5. harm illness accident injury help charm

6. bun fruit soup roll cookie beverage

7. help cheer fool aid hurt tease

8. push crush pat shove bring lift

9. haul drag store clean heap distant

10. scream music yell grip bind

11. dunk slide trap reach dip weigh

www.LessonLogic.com same or different meanings Lesson Id: 01-03001-008-0

© 1999 by Educators Publishing Service, Inc. Licensed for duplication and use by subscriber during subscription period only.
Name _________________________________________ Date _____________________________


The opposite of empty is full; the opposite of black is white.

Opposites are as different as they can be.

Empty is the least amount, full is the most amount;

black is the darkest color, white is the lightest color.

Directions: Give an opposite for each of the following words.

1. up__________________________ 2. stop ________________________

3. yes _________________________ 4. wet _________________________

5. thin ________________________ 6. work________________________

7. dark ________________________ 8. loud ________________________

9. high ________________________ 10. cry _________________________

11. bumpy______________________ 12. wild ________________________

13. day _________________________ 14. break _______________________

15. cold ________________________ 16. soft _________________________

17. light ________________________ 18. new ________________________

19. little ________________________ 20. loose _______________________

www.LessonLogic.com opposites Lesson Id: 01-03001-010-0

© 1999 by Educators Publishing Service, Inc. Licensed for duplication and use by subscriber during subscription period only.
Name _________________________________________ Date _____________________________


Directions: In each row there is one word that is the opposite of the underlined word.
Find this opposite. Circle it.

1. end result way start edge item

2. yell whisper drink weep laugh sigh

3. mean crazy angry quiet kind lazy

4. sharp pretty nimble boring dull brisk

5. melt pester listen cover guard freeze

6. near long far happy tricky alone

7. tall wide deep thin short long

8. lost soft found long eager wish

9. slow quiet near glad quick sleepy

10. deep useful high narrow shallow thick

11. easy hard bright short big early

12. skinny long hungry fat afraid tall

www.LessonLogic.com opposites Lesson Id: 01-03001-011-0

© 1999 by Educators Publishing Service, Inc. Licensed for duplication and use by subscriber during subscription period only.
Name _________________________________________ Date _____________________________

A word that has the same or almost the same meaning as another is called a
synonym. Under and beneath are synonyms, for example.

Directions: Some of the following pairs of words are synonyms, and some are not. Label the pairs
of synonyms S and the pairs that are not synonyms NS.

______ 1. roof—ceiling ______ 11. key—clasp

______ 2. honest—truthful ______ 12. late—last
______ 3. box—crate ______ 13. idea—thought
______ 4. when—then ______ 14. level—flat
______ 5. worker—servant ______ 15. jump—past
______ 6. destroy—ruin ______ 16. pair—couple
______ 7. bulge—burst ______ 17. heavy—full
______ 8. blank—empty ______ 18. make—create
______ 9. fang—tooth ______ 19. wide—deep
______ 10. stroke—push ______ 20. continue—stop

Synonyms and Antonyms

A word opposite in meaning to another word is called an antonym. Tiny and
gigantic are antonyms, for example.

Directions: Some of the following pairs of words are synonyms and some are antonyms. Label the
synonyms S and the antonyms A.

______ 1. hate—love

______ 2. frightened—scared

______ 3. squirm—wiggle

______ 4. energetic—tired

______ 5. timid—bold

______ 6. win—lose

______ 7. silly—foolish

______ 8. kind—cruel

www.LessonLogic.com synonyms Lesson Id: 01-03003-007-0

© 2000 by Educators Publishing Service, Inc. Licensed for duplication and use by subscriber during subscription period only.
Name _________________________________________ Date _____________________________

Synonyms and Antonyms

Directions: Some of the following pairs of words are synonyms, some are antonyms, and some do
not have either type of relationship. Label the synonyms S, the antonyms A, and the
other pairs O.

______ 1. shake—quiver ______ 6. task—job

______ 2. pair—bunch ______ 7. never—always
______ 3. talk—discuss ______ 8. follow—wait
______ 4. wood—plant ______ 9. stove—fire
______ 5. slow—fast ______ 10. hurry—rush

1. Some of the following pairs of words are synonyms and some are not. Put a star
by each pair of synonyms.
weak—strong silence—stillness start—beginning
pants—trousers prank—trick extra—enough
boring—dull fast—rapid drag—pull
end—middle make—create clever—rapid

2. Circle any word in the following list that is a synonym for argue. You may need to
look up words you do not know in a dictionary.
quarrel ask select
disapprove begin reason
dislike haggle persuade
wrangle command indicate
squabble bicker dispute
explain introduce talk

3. Underline any word in the following list that is a synonym for fearful.
proud scary horrible
sturdy energetic eager
terrible frightening tense
honest strong famous

4. Give at least two synonyms for each word. Then check with the dictionary or with
your classmates to see how many synonyms you can find for each word.

tired __________________________________________________________________

boring ________________________________________________________________

lift ____________________________________________________________________

sad ___________________________________________________________________

www.LessonLogic.com synonyms and antonyms Lesson Id: 01-03003-008-0

© 2000 by Educators Publishing Service, Inc. Licensed for duplication and use by subscriber during subscription period only.
Name _________________________________________ Date _____________________________

Synonyms and Antonyms

Directions: Give a synonym and an antonym for each word. The first one is done for you.

1. small little
S: _______________________ A: large

2. bright S: _______________________ A: ________________

3. heavy S: _______________________ A: ________________

4. new S: _______________________ A: ________________

5. give S: _______________________ A: ________________

6. start S: _______________________ A: ________________

7. usual S: _______________________ A: ________________

8. sloppy S: _______________________ A: ________________

9. nervous S: _______________________ A: ________________

10. happy S: _______________________ A: ________________

Directions: Give a synonym for each word. Give two synonyms if you can.

11. raw ___________________________________________________________________

12. twirl __________________________________________________________________

13. pleasure _______________________________________________________________

14. main _________________________________________________________________

15. argument _____________________________________________________________

16. method _______________________________________________________________

17. simple ________________________________________________________________

18. honesty _______________________________________________________________

19. occupation ____________________________________________________________

20. calm __________________________________________________________________

www.LessonLogic.com synonyms and antonyms Lesson Id: 01-03003-010-0

© 2000 by Educators Publishing Service, Inc. Licensed for duplication and use by subscriber during subscription period only.

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