Research 2018
Research 2018
Research 2018
Presented to
Lipa City
December 2018
the requirements for Research 1 in SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, has examined and
Lina, Leah B.
Nerissa R. Rivera
Marjorie M. Garlitos
We, the researchers would like to thank the following people who is
beyond our success and making us believe that nothing is impossible.
First of all, we would like to thank God for giving us strength to finish the
study despite of hardships. He is the one who guided us and gave the
opportunity to handle difficult situation which we can able to overcome it as part
of our mission in life.
To our families, thank you for always supporting us financially and guiding
us in every step we take.
To Tr. Leah B. Lina, our class adviser and research teacher, thank you for
giving us the opportunity to do this study, guiding us every single day,
understand us even though we are noisy, giving consideration, and most
especially for your 100% support.
To all the students of Grade 12-Kyanite, thank you for giving the
motivation to finish this study, for helping us in times of hardship, for the
memories and experience you've been shared, to the powerful words that
inspired us most and the endless love you've been given.
To our friends, thank you for endless support and to the advice that
marked in our mind.
To Tr. Marjorie Garlitos and to our Senior High School Principal, Tr.
Nerissa R. Rivera, thank you for the guide and support wherein we can able to
finish this study.
To God our Father, who has never given us a challenge we could not
handle, who is always there for us to inspire and made us believe that we can
overcome every problems and who gives us the strength to strive to do our best
everything we do.
To Grade 12- Kyanite and our adviser, Tr. Leah, who guided us and
provided undying love, trust, support and served as our second family; and
To all the students especially Grade 11, who are having a hard time on
1.1 Introduction 11
5.2 Conclusions 79
5.3 Recommendations 80
their environment
A Letter/s 85
1.1 Introduction
learning. The process of searching through ones memory and retrieving the
information needed, strengthens the memory and can be used for future uses.
According to Bergen, P.V. & Lane, R. (2014) exams don’t just provide a targeted,
places based on recommendations. If one could impress one’s teachers for a few
medieval universities, for instance, one obtained a degree once one was capable
was more or less the case right through until the 17th century. This was
completely different from how it was done in China. There, cruel difficult
examinations for entry into the Imperial Civil Service had been the norm since
interregnums due to societal collapse, civil wars, etc). To help students through
these exams, “academies” were created, which, with a bit of squinting, can be
Teachers might assume that it is their teaching that directs the students'
assessed. In spite of the underlying idea that assessment should serve to test
what students have learned during a course of studying, it tends to define what
is worth learning. This view, which basically says that assessment drives
many researchers in the field of learning and assessment over a longer period of
even more significant than its impact on how students learn, particularly if we
take into regard the impact of teaching on student learning (Trigwell and
Prosser, 1999).
consistent manner to ensure legal defensibility. Standardized tests are often used
and final examination. Every month this examination takes place and every time
examinations. The results may vary on every students. Some can pass it because
they studied very hard or because they are just plainly smart. But not all
students are like this and not lucky enough to past the exams.
perform well and pass the examination in the given amount of time.
them to pass the exams. Some are memorizing, familiarizing keywords, and just
The study, thus, will help the students identify what can be the effective
problem and will enable researchers to determine and explain the practices that
the students use to be able to pass the examinations. Those practices vary
The objective of this case study is to determine and explain the different
examinations in Batangas College of Arts and Sciences, Inc. for the SY. 2018. In
this research, the different practices are defined as the strategies and techniques
2. What are the practices done by the students during examinations? How
does it differ before junior high school and during senior high school?
3. What are the study practices done by the students during examinations in
2.2 English
2.3 Filipino
2.4 Mathematics
2.5 Science
4.1 Health
Figure 1. Shows the paradigm of the study about that reflects the
The Students- For them to be able to know/have an idea about the different
solution on how they can effectively study and get a passing score during
able to guide the students using some of the practices. To give them some ideas
students and conduct a program that will help them to study effectively.
The Parents- To know the difficulties of their children and understand them. To
realize how their children work hard to get a passing grade. To be able to know
This is limited for chosen Grade 11 Senior High School students and will take
place in Batangas College of Arts and Sciences, Inc. This is a case study which
will be done through interviews and survey that will last until December 2018.
pass their examinations. It discussed how practices vary among students and
how did it affect the students encounter in preparing before, during and after
scientists that aims to promote and maintain standards in its particular field.
doing something
Cram. Study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination.
Study Practices. It is the way how the student study; their habit and
This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough
and in-depth search done by the researchers, it also contains all the references
and bases used by the researchers in conducting the study that may be in the
form of literature and related studies. This will also represent the synthesis of
(2013) some students are having a hard time in school and they can get lost in
the educational system and the result is not reaching their fullest potential. This
leads students to make their own practices and techniques in learning but it is
and using mnemonic devices are not effective strategies for students because it
is hard to implement rather the use of practice tests and spreading study
sessions out over time are more effective because it is beneficial to many ages,
This article mentions the common used techniques which is not effective
mnemonic devices compare to the study of the researcher this might be the
teachers in all content areas can use these seven assessment and grading
potential is not only to measure and report learning but also to promote it.
before teaching. Offer appropriate choices. Provide feedback early and often.
to replace old evidence. The assessment strategies that was described address
three factors that influence student motivation to learn. Students are more likely
to put the required effort when there are task clarity, this is when they clearly
understand the learning goal and know how teachers will evaluate their learning,
when it is relevance or when they think the learning goals and assessments are
meaningful and worth learning and when it is potential for success they believe
they can successfully learn and meet the evaluative expectations. By using these
seven assessment and grading practices, all teachers can enhance learning in
their classrooms.
The article tells about the teachers’ assessment and grading practices that
enhances the learning of a student and also it tells about when a student is more
likely to learn and put effort in it. This is the same as the research because the
research want to know how student learn effectively. This is different from the
study because the learning is happening in a normal class situation unlike the
research, it only want to know how student learn and prepare during the
for the Exam?” all students agree that they need to study and most will,
study the same way they always have—using the strategies they think work. The
question students won’t ask is: How should I study for this exam? They don’t
recognize that what they need to learn can and should be studied in different
the success to luck. How likely are they to tell each other they studied hard and
then share the specific strategies that resulted in a high mark? And if the grade
isn’t that good? You’ll hear excuses more often than personal accountability.
“The questions were tricky”. Students’ success as learners would advance if they
had numerous study strategies, if they could match study strategies with
learning tasks, and if they constructively confronted how they studied with how
they performed. Students need help on all three fronts, but courses are already
packed with content. Most teachers have time to do little more than admonish
students to study hard, avoid cramming and memorizing minutia, and abstain
The article is related to the study because it both gives focus on how/the
it emphasize on how strategies vary from each students while the study is focus
separate easily the key detail from an ambiguous context through the use of
analysis. They tend to be less sensitive to any social context. They are more on
logic than field-dependent and they are more on structured, analytical forms of
learning. While field-dependent are the one who are very sensitive to social
context than those of field-independent. They tend to perform well with less
structure in their learning. Under the Sensory Learning Style it subsumed the
consists of auditory, visual, tactile and kinesthetic. Visual students would rather
learn through visual channel like learning through reading, concentrating and
spending time alone reading and studying. For Auditory students they tend to
learn through listening, they prefer oral learning. They are more likely to be
students tend to touch and hold objects, they are more on artwork that can be
related to language learning. For the kinesthetic students, they are the students
who needs movement and needs frequent breaks in an activity, for they are not
able to sit for more than 20 minutes. They tend to learn more through role plays
and other activities that involves body movement. Temperament Learning Style,
are the people with tolerance of ambiguity. This analyzes the type of personality
of an individual, and it suggests every specific tips for additional knowledge and
The three major categories in learning styles has their different purpose
potential as a learning person. It’s not only for potential growth, but it is also for
additional information and for learning development. This article discusses the
College of Arts and Sciences, Inc.” because it states the different learning styles
that this article has deeper content and needs a deeper understanding.
learning how to study smarter, not harder. As they advance in their education it
becomes more and more true. And because of limited time given to students for
Some of the study habits that can be used are; don't attempt to cram all
your studying into one session, plan when you're going to study, study at the
same time, each study time should have a specific goal, never procrastinate your
planned study session, start with the most difficult subject first, always review
your notes before starting an assignment, make sure you're not distracted while
you're studying, use study groups effectively, and review your notes, schoolwork
and other class materials over the weekend. It will help grades to grow up, the
This article is related to the study because this study habits might be used
According to Leyden A. (2014) the best advice for those who are sitting
exams is to stay positive. These best study hacks might help your brain
remember information quicker and easier and ultimately help you do better in
your exams.
Some of the study tips are; walk Before an Exam, Reward Yourself With A
Treat, Teach What You Have Learned, Create Mental Associations, Draw
Diagrams, Take Regular Study Breaks, Make Your Study Space Portable, Don’t
Stay Up All Night Before an Exam, Discover News Ways to Learn and Meditate.
Using some of this study hacks will increase the function of your brain and make
This article is related to the study because this study tips might help you
and Efficiently for Your Exams”, the impending threat of upcoming exams is
To have proper studying habits without affecting your lifestyle, you must
provide good habits before you reach college. Once you begin studying properly
before you’re put into work during stressful time in your life there’s a big chance
task can be more complicated than accomplishing it. It will enable you to have
enough time to do the things you wanted to. Provide yourself some deadlines,
avoid any distraction and start studying when you are ready because it’s hard to
study if you don’t want to. Just skip to the end, then review by knowing what is
the significant information to study and what can be discarded, because it might
just consume your time. Refer to the summary because it is where important
data are placed. Lastly, don’t cram because forcing your mind to absorb
The article is related to the study because of the following reasons: (1) it
emphasize how students efficiently study for their exams; (2) both gives tips on
students on preparing for examination and (3) gives information on how can a
different to the study because it focus specifically on how to study quickly and
efficiently for exams while the study has a broader coverage such as the
According to Rowley and Urquhart (2007) there are also studies that look
methods and other contextual factors (Rowley and Urquhart 2007, 1165), where
added. Considering that the impact of learning and teaching methods were
described in the previous chapter, the emphasis will be on the other factors.
Many authors (Rowley and Urquhart 2007; Case 2008) in the context of research
information seeking, but these studies have mostly focused on the influence of
there are only a few studies which have empirically tested the influence of
students, identifying three types of behaviour: fast surfing, broad scanning, and
writing their master thesis. “The conclusion of the study was that personality and
preparing to write their master thesis. These results are related to other
differences and the stage of the thesis process in the concluding discussion.“
(Heinström 2002, 3). This research also emphasizes the importance of the
Students are generally one of the most investigated groups in the field of
difficult to draw into a coherent knowledge base. For you to easily apply the
given knowledge, you should have a good behavior for you to cope up with it.
Behavior can affect your lifestyle. You should need to participate in your class
discussion, having time management, do your task and understand the lessons.
Attitudes can be a hindrance for you to understand given information and task.
Just like when you are lazy and irresponsible, you were not able to focus on the
lessons you have and you have the tendency to fail on your examinations
especially when it comes to your grade. Once that you maintain a good behavior
in studying, it will be a great help for you to accomplish things you may do.
are three (3) individual information behavior and these are the following: (a)
disciplinary differences in information seeking and usage, and (c) studies that
look at information behavior in a wider context that often includes learning and
and organized are most likely to be motivated (Komarraju, Karau & Schmeck,
and memorize the material presented to them by the teacher rely on a form of
thinking along with authors, teachers, and fellow students, verifying the
This article said that the academic challenges are related more to a lack of
organization than to a lack of intellectual ability. It is about how will the students
cope up with it. The students should concentrate in a given topic and memorize
According to Lolita Paff, PhD (2017), Questioning the Two-Hour Rule for
Studying, faculty often tell students to study two hours for every credit hour.
Why two hours? Why not one or three? Study resources and tools have changed
required a lot more time in prior decades. Of bigger concern than the emphasis
on time is the lack of direction about what to do during those hours. Some
schools require that course curriculum state what students might do outside of
related tasks.” Telling a student to study doesn’t mean it will happen. We should
provide a concrete example of active learning strategies so they can use their
time wisely.
Socializing, socializing is important for mind and body and lack of it can have
negatively impact mental and physical health. Everyone needs some time alone
occasionally, and some people are naturally more introverted and shy. Social
connectivity to society.
There are negative effects of lack of socializing. Some of these are: Poor
This article is related to the study because some of the negative effects
stated in the article are experienced by the respondents that affects their
learning ability. With the interaction with the family members and friends may
help them improve their learning abilities that can be used to pass their
Too much stress can have some really negative effects on the body that
can result to high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, or obesity. Stress can
also from studying can cause brain inflammation and result in memory loss and
depression. A Stanford University students also said that working for 3.1 hours a
day can cause several health and mental problems. Sitting too long can also
cause negative effects in to the body. Sitting 13 hours long can increase an
the fourth-leading cause of deaths around the world. The longer students sit, the
more negative the impact is on our cardiovascular system. Studying too hard can
make students tired in which it decreases their enthusiasm to learn that will then
The article is related to the study because studying for long periods of
time that can lead to lack of sleep and stress can be seen in the article in which
is the most experienced problems that the respondents encounter towards their
health. The article is somewhat different to the study because there are health
problems that the respondents answered that are not mentioned in the article.
problems for students and how to beat them”, students can face several
problems in studying and it usually happens before examinations. There are the
organized start a revision plan. Third is planning, get a copy from the exam
board’s website and work through it. Fourth is “revising but not practicing”,
doing past papers for each topic you’re covering is a great way to test how much
you have retained. Fifth is “boredom”, if you want to get over boredom try
relating your study with your everyday life. Sixth is “not leaving enough time”,
try to start weeks in advance. Seventh is “too much to do so you put it off”,
breaking down the subject into ordered sections can help. Eight is “losing track
of what you covered”, Making time tables and study planners can help everyone
with this. Ninth is that there is “no motivation”, keep your goal in sight to help
you keep your eye on the bigger picture. Lastly is “can’t revise for essay exams”,
start your revision by writing a detailed plan of exactly what you want to say.
The article is related to the study because it focuses in the problems that
different to the study because it also gave the solutions of the problems.
Learning Styles: A Focus upon E-Learning Practices and Pedagogy and their
In the study of Morris Cooze & Michael Barbour from Sacred Heart
infusion of technology into learning spaces, and now present educator uses
technology as their new teaching strategy and along with it, there is an increase
of online learning in the K-12 environment. As stated by Farell in the year 2001,
Cavanaugh (2001) notes, “…having technology does not ensure effective use of
the tools, and therefore may not translate into education benefits” (p. 74).
Technology might be use as a good help to the learning and teaching strategies,
yet not all schools and educators believe that technology has been utilized for
curriculum specifically K-12 curriculum. Most of the students and teachers uses
There are many varying views and beliefs concerning learning styles and
several theories each with their particular focus. There is a review of related
literature that is found in the general definitions that identifies the different
learning styles and the manner in which a learner takes in and processes
information. Also, how learners set the consistency of their behaviors and the
This study is somehow related to our present study in a way that it can be
one of the practices used by the students to learn and study during
of learning, and it can be used as a learning strategy by the students if and only
about the topic discussed. The use of technology as a learning method can
about the different practices used by the students in learning and this thesis
study is related to the present study because it is about the learning style
the student.
Economics and Business (WU) Austri, the assessment covers the exam
and LMS usage during exam preparation, focusing on practice and repetition.
Based on 250 million log‐ file entries used to analyze student interactions within
specific courses and overall in the LMS, results show positive, albeit modest,
correlations between usage variables and final exam grades. Regarding practice,
the number of learning days and the number of days between the first and the
last learning sessions correlate better than the coverage of different learning
materials. The findings for repetition indicate that it is more beneficial to transfer
learning to new tasks than to repeat the same items many times.
There are positive correlations between the amount of the learning time,
learning days, the span of learning, and the coverage of self‐ assessment
exercises and sample exam questions and the final exam points in each course.
Best results are achieved when the items are practiced once or twice only
because you might get confused and it should be treated with caution. Regarding
the relationship between preparing for a specific exam and the overall usage of
In the study of Baiyun Chen, Ryan Seilhamer, Luke Bennett and Sue
time and attention and potentially how they learn. The mobile platform's unique
the traditional style of teaching in classrooms now they can record observations
and analyze data on location. They can also discuss information with their
The 2014 survey shows that most students own and use smartphones for
learning purposes, but it vary depending on the age or college level. Younger
students use smartphone for learning more than the graduate students’
for these devices. Some students answered that teachers asked them to
download, review and use apps in specific degree discipline. For example, one
student said that, in one class, students were asked to use their smartphone to
take a video, post it to social media, and then discuss how social media
integrates with their industry. Students who own devices use them for learning.
However, comparisons between the 2012 and 2014 show that use for learning
tablet and e-book owners, their use for learning decreased slightly (from 82 to
in studying. According to the study the use of smart phone in learning is more
used by younger students which are the freshmen in college. In this study the
respondents are the Grade 11 students which is younger than the college
students. From the year of the study 2014 the results may be different because
the technologies are more advanced and more educational for students.
In the study of Srinivasan Raj Samuel and Smitha Sammith Shetty, study
skills are critical for academic success. Academic competence is associated with
the knowledge and application of effective study skills. At the same time little
attention is given to the way the students study in the 21st century, in a world
that has more interactive tools and pedagogical approach. There are many
different ways to study but not all methods may enhance learning. Sizeable
literatures are available on various learning strategies that would likely result in
(e.g., employment) and academic settings. In the middle of 1950s, the study skill
courses were introduced in the universities for the rest time. These courses
focused on skills of reading, writing and note-taking skills. Hence our study
provides the view of the various skills of studying adopted by the dental students
and its association with their performance in oral biology subject in the annual
university examination.
techniques are more effective than the passive techniques of learning such as
simple reading, rereading. Study skills can be divided into four main categories:
to test self-knowledge). Students are often unaware that some of their habits,
such as having music on while studying, may affect their learning. Although
there are literatures on how students should study, not much is known regarding
how students actually study. Studies comparing these different study skills and
the effect of the distractions during study are equivocal and very limited.
and note-taking skills which helps every students before taking examinations.
In the study of Derek Bruff the most interesting part of the study in my
understanding assessments. The finding that taking more detailed and complete
notes (via laptops in this case) helps with short-term factual recall but doesn’t
help as much for long-term factual recall or higher level learning objectives is
somewhat consistent with what I’ve seen in other articles on student notetaking.
These findings provide reason to believe that notes can play a useful role
in the classroom. Notes are also useful, given their exact past studies, for
It is a great help because students can easily study their previous lessons
for their exam. Notes can serve as their basis in studying before taking
Mitchell Nathan and Daniel Willingham, if simple techniques were available that
teachers and students could use to improve student learning and achievement,
would you be surprised if teachers were not being told about these techniques
and if many students were not using them? What if students were instead
at least did not improve it? Shouldn’t they stop using these techniques and begin
using ones that are effective? Psychologists have been developing and evaluating
the efficacy of techniques for study and instruction for more than 100 years.
learn about them, and hence many students do not use them, despite evidence
suggesting that the techniques could benefit student achievement with little
added effort. Also, some learning techniques that are popular and often used by
students are relatively ineffective. One potential reason for the disconnect
be challenging for educators to sift through the relevant research to decide which
characteristics include variables such as age, ability, and level of prior knowledge.
science texts. Criterion tasks include different outcome measures that are
learning through effective learning techniques which the present study focuses.
It is somehow different because the present study is for the different practices
during examinations.
note-taking, reading and preparing for exams. We all know students might
skill that can be learnt. Devoting time on studying will help an individual
comprehend text easily. Identify your goal to avoid procrastination and will help
you focus on it. Set priorities to have a clear idea of what task is needed to be
accomplished first. Make plans (Semester plans, Weekly plans and Daily plan) to
achieve your goal successfully. Studying for exams will be more effective if you
set a positive outlook. If you follow proper reading and note-taking strategies
you'll be better equipped to your exams. Remember, it’s not just your efforts in
the two or three weeks before exams which count (important as they are) but
also how you’ve been working with course material during semester.
You yourself will be the one to identify what learning style or medium will
be effective for you. Learning strategies vary among students (based on what
type of exam) which will set them for being a critical thinker. The more strategies
you bring to study, the better will be your understanding, retention and recall.
information from various angles rather than solely the way it’s been presented in
because it is also focusing on how students’ practices vary based on the type of
education program to optimize learning among students. Learning has been and
will always remain as a central issue for psychology and psychological research
standing, because of its own complexity and for the process for the evolution of
to enhance skills to the learner for them to learn the process of self-regulation.
past years, the study on learning styles, theoretical or applied gives a strong
interest, but gives a controversy issue between academic experts and those who
(apud Kramar, 2001) in the phrase "life style". This study is the concept of
of living or also known as “Lifestyle”. Their learning styles affects and gives a big
requirements of task and different factors that may influence cognitive strategies
This study is related to the present study because it states the different
learning styles and the factors of it related to the learning strategies and
techniques that can be used by the students in order to study and enhance their
how a learning style can affect and can be connected to the lifestyle of a
student. In here, it also states the connection of cognitive and the constructivism
need hard work and determination. Learning how to study is really a long-term
process. As a student study, one can find different strategies and techniques that
can effectively give the new information. Developing a good study habits takes a
lifelong process and one can improve or use different practices depending on
how much tie they have. The development of good study habits is the goals of
an individual, whatever they are. A simple, small change in study habits makes a
big difference in goal setting and organization of one’s life. The success of an
individual depends upon his study habits. What man need to achieve their goals
The researcher concluded that the level of study habits of the higher
moderate. Here, the researcher found that hostellers have better study habits
indicates that the day-scholars have better study habits than the hostellers. In
the present study, ‘F’ test reveals that the government school students have high
level of study habits than the other school students. Finally, the investigator
found that there is no significant relationship between study habits and academic
This study is related to the present study because it tells about the
relationship between the study habit and the effectiveness of it in the academic
habit and academic achievement can be different from the result in this study, as
the researcher want to know what is the effective study practices for achieving a
passing grade.
In the study of Nhat Thi Ho, Assessment for Learning (AfL) has gained
learning processes in global education systems. And over the last decade, the
learning have varied over time and across contexts. This has led to diverse
practices, and new findings about the effectiveness of AfL in different contexts.
This study is related to the present study because it tackles about lifelong
details, in this part the author outlines the research strategy, the research
method, the research approach, the methods of data collection, the selection of
the sample, the research process, the type of data analysis, the ethical
questions and describe the data and characteristics of the subject being studied
data. The method was based on the case study methodology, as the researcher
Batangas College of Arts and Science Inc. Case study research refers to an in-
The sample of the study were selected from the Grade 11 students of
Batangas College of Arts and Science Inc. The researcher used Quota sampling,
respected to its known characteristics and traits. To start the researchers divide
the population so that it will belong into a one group which is grade 11. The
robust view of the issue from the student’s perspective, (a)from the students
with honor and the students without (b) taken their examination and with
computed grade for the 1st quarter. The researcher chose grade 11 students
because they are experiencing a new environment and a higher education which
from 129 sample from grade 11, 15.5% of it was used as the final respondents
To identify the respondents the researcher randomly pic from the students
with honor and those without. Each individual is chosen randomly and entirely by
chance, such that each individual has the same probability. The sample consist
other honor student in other section as a sample to complete the ten with honor
Grade 11 - Howlite 4
interview. The interviewer develops and uses an 'interview guide.' This is a list of
questions and topics that need to be covered during the conversation, usually in
a particular order. The interviewer follows the guide, but is able to follow up a
question/s in the conversation that may not be from the guide when he or she
to attain an answer to know what are the hindrances and difficulties that a
student feels in preparing for the examination as well as the different practices
The questions were formulated. Some questions were formulated from the
chapter 2 related literature and article. Then later on passed to the research
teacher for necessary correction, modification and suggestions. Some items were
deleted, others were retain and modified which are related to the topic.
After the necessary corrections applied, the researchers had their first trial
Formulating questions
Conducting Interview
Organizing Data
Analyzing Data
After the interview, researchers organized and analyzed the data that
The thematic analysis was used to analyze the interview data. This
and compared it to the tape recorded data that was transferred onto paper, then
Step 2: Checking and Editing - The data was divided into smaller related
parts. This was achieved by reading each paragraph and recording the themes
that were in every paragraph. Similar themes were then grouped together to
interpret the themes, from step 2. This was achieved by using the author’s
different interviews were identified, allowing to find a best conclusion for each
questions. Then the units were summarized in the order that suited the
researchers, by dividing them into related paragraphs. The differences were also
Step 5: Validation - Validity of the data was checked by going through the
transcripts again, and allowing the other researcher of the study to read it as
well to validate the findings. The central theme was then obtained.
In this chapter, the researchers have collected the required data from the
respondents. And it presents the data gathering in the study and the
Respondent’s Profile
The respondents are grade 11 students: ten (10) with honors and ten
(10) with average grade. The respondents had already taken their examination
Figure 4.11. reveals that of 20 respondents, 35% (7) spend 1-2 hours of
studying for their examinations. While 25% (5) provides 3-5 hours, 20% (4) of
them study for 2-3 hours, 10% (2) have no exact time in studying for their
exams, 5% (1) study for 8 hours and respectively 5% (5) for 1-2 days.
it’s the time where my mind functions well.” -grade 11 student, STEM
The respondents mostly answered that they spend their time studying
between 1-2 hours which has the highest percentage in the graph. It was noted
that 32% of the respondents indicates that they typically study each day with the
time of 1-2 hours in all subjects in preparation for the upcoming examination.
While the least answered by the respondents is that they study 8 hours which
happens a day before the examination. It was noted that 5% of the respondents
indicates that they typically study 8 hours in preparation for the examination.
According to Lolita Paff, PhD (2017) faculty often tell students to study
two hours for every credit hour. Why two hours? Why not one or three? Study
resources and tools have changed dramatically in the past century. Typing
papers, researching, and collaborating required a lot more time in prior decades.
Of bigger concern than the emphasis on time is the lack of direction about what
to do during those hours. Some schools require that course curriculum state
The respondents mostly answered that it takes a lot of study time for
them to pass a subject which has the highest percentage in this graph. It was
noted that 60% of the respondents indicates that it requires a lot of study time
respondents is that it doesn't take a lot of study time in order to pass a subject
which has the lowest percentage in this graph. It was noted that 40% of the
“Sometimes when the lesson are hard, mostly in math I take a lot of time
lot of studying time for them to pass the examinations, 20% answered no and
also 20% answered sometimes because they spend a lot of time on studying
depending on the difficulty of the subject that they are going to take.
professors and even internet is a mere fact which shows that knowledge still
flourish in our humanity. Thus, different students have different views and ways
said to be fun yet also stressful. Requirements, research works, reports and
Researcher has taken following points for his study as a review. The present
and the control group. It is shown that the problems faced by the teachers
during the teaching of English. Even over here they have studied attitudes of
Education towards English teaching. Children like to act how life is lived at the
Ganesh festival and Vegetable market. Children were found to perform better in
small groups. We can use audio visual aids for teaching English found effective in
teaching field.
environment to study. From the 20 respondents, 30% (6) chose being alone in
the house, 25% (5) find their self effective in studying in a quiet place, 20% (4)
likes to study with a group, 20% (4) on being alone in the bedroom and 5% (1)
“There are times that I review by myself and there are times that we will
have a group review, but I prefer studying by myself.” -grade 11 honor student,
“In my bedroom because it is a quiet place and also wherein I can able to
The respondents mostly prefer to study alone in their houses which has
the highest percentage in this graph. It was noted that 30% of the respondents
indicates that they study alone in their house in order to focus more on a
particular subject. While the least answered by the respondents is that they
prefer to study alone with a less noise which has the lowest percentage in this
graph. It was noted that 5% of the respondents indicates that studying with a
on Students' Motivation and Learning”, most teachers and researchers would like
to know more about the factors which may facilitate or prevent students' deep
which have a common goals of increasing autonomy for learners and giving a
high priority to satisfying learners' need, but the emphasize different factors. The
humanistic school stresses the emotional factors which may inhibit learning and
the need for highly supportive and respectful environment to enable learners to
validate degree and express their goals. There are importance of a high degree
critical pedagogy school generally stresses the need for student empowerment
This article is related to the study because it tackles the possible effect of
learning style and learning environment to the students for them to be able to
the emotional factors of the students on how they will learn and motivated and
Frustration 5%
Fig.4.2 Table of problems and hindrances before, during and after studying
Figure 4.2 shows the set of problems faced by the students before, during
and after the examination which is gathered from the respondents. Based from
the collected data, some problems that they encounter before examination are
having distractions (45%), being tired and sleepy (10%), performance task or
activities (10%) that cause them to think which should be accomplished first,
tardiness (10%), frustration (5%) to number of subjects that they will take and
some answered that they don’t encounter any hindrances in preparing before
examination (20%).
"I easily feel distracted whenever I'm studying because of phones and
"Everytime that I'm studying specially at night, I always feel sleepy and
problem that they experience when studying for an examination which has the
highest percentage in this graph. It was noted that 45% of the respondents
While the least answered is that having frustration is the hindrance that they
during examination. Majority of 50% answered that they don’t have any
problems during examination, 30% told that they are sometimes experiencing
mental blocked, 10% added that they sometimes feel sleepy and 10% concluded
“I got confused and can’t remember the answer for some item”
“My problem is that there is a lot of subjects I need to take for just one day”
this graph. It was noted that 50% of the respondents indicates that they doesn't
experience any hindrances during examination. While the least answered is that
feeling nervous and sleepy are the hindrances that they experience during
examination which has the lowest percentage in this graph. It was noted that
10% of the respondents feels sleepy and nervous in the examination time.
encounter after examination. 84% answered that they don’t have any problems
and hindrances after an examination while 15% said that asking questions about
“I don’t have a problem after the exam in fact I am happy that the exam is
that they experience after examinations which has the highest percentage in this
graph. It was noted that 85% of the respondents indicates that they doesn't
encounter any problems after examination. While the least answered is that
asking questions about the exams to prove if the answers are right or wrong, is
the hindrance that they experience after examination which has the lowest
percentage in this table. It was noted that 15% of the respondents indicates that
proving their answers right or wrong after the examination is the only problem
problems for students and how to beat them”, students can face several
problems in studying and it usually happens before examinations. There are the
organized start a revision plan. Third is planning, get a copy from the exam
board’s website and work through it. Fourth is “revising but not practicing”,
doing past papers for each topic you’re covering is a great way to test how much
you have retained. Fifth is “boredom”, if you want to get over boredom try
relating your study with your everyday life. Sixth is “not leaving enough time”,
try to start weeks in advance. Seventh is “too much to do so you put it off”,
breaking down the subject into ordered sections can help. Eight is “losing track
of what you covered”, Making time tables and study planners can help everyone
with this. Ninth is that there is “no motivation”, keep your goal in sight to help
you keep your eye on the bigger picture. Lastly is “can’t revise for essay exams”,
start your revision by writing a detailed plan of exactly what you want to say.
The article is related to the study because it focuses in the problems that
different to the study because it also gave the solutions of the problems.
Listening to music
Writing notes, Memorizing and
Keywords and Eliminating Distractions
Making reviewer
Fig. 4.3 shows the percentage of the preferred study practices of students
for an examination. From the respondents, 30% said that they have no
particular study practice for an exam, 20% for writing notes, memorizing and
eliminating distractions, 15% for reading, 10% for making reviewer, 10%
for an examination which has the highest percentage in this graph. It was noted
that 30% of the respondents indicates that it doesn't require an effective way to
study for an examination. While the least answered by the respondents is that
the usage of flashcard is the most effective way to study for an examination. It
or studying longer, but studying smarter. Students struggle with many issues in
their lives, because of the entire competing thing for your attention that distracts
their studying. And yet if you’re in school, you have to do at least a little studying
The effective habits to begin studying smarter are: how you approach
studying matters, where you study is important, bring everything you need,
Outline and rewrite your notes, Use memory games, practice by yourself or with
friends, make a schedule you can stick to, take breaks, keep healthy & balanced,
students wherein some of the study practices are used by the respondents
during examinations. However, this is somehow different with the study because
For the respondents, the most effective way to study for an exam are as follows:
•”Study 1 week before the exam.” It is to avoid cramming and thinking on how
•”Stay focused.” You should always pay attention on what you are studying and
•”Sleep as much as possible.” It is because having enough sleep will refresh your
•”Wake up early to study.” Because our mind works better at dawn than at
•”Read everyday.” Reading will help you to familiarize a specific topic or series of
•”Ask questions.” Because asking questions can clarify the topics that you can’t
•”Review then refresh for half hour.” Take a rest to feel relaxed on the day of
•”Memorize.” It os not just about memorizing but also analyzing. -grade 11 ABM
•”Internalize.” You need to fully understand the topic and get it’s main idea. -
•”Make reviewer and no social media. Make a list of terminologies and avoid
specially on exams to study all subjects on a given time. -grade 11 ABM student
•”Start with the easy one before the hard topics.” Studying the hard topics
before the easy one will consume your time.- a grade 11 HUMMS student.
The differences of students practices from Junior High School (JHS) and
Senior High School (SHS) based on the selected respondents 70% of them
answered that there is really a big difference on the practices that they are doing
when they are JHS than on SHS while 30% told that there is no difference
“There is a big difference from my study practices when I was in jhs and
now shs. First of all, when I was in jhs it's okay if you will not study hard
because you know that your teachers will give considerations on different
subjects. When you have exams, it's okay to only read and that’s it. Now
because I am in shs, it's no longer “papetiks petiks” because you will lose a lot.
When you have exams, you should study, no matter how easy the subject is. It
does not matter what you used to do when you were jhs. Nowadays, you should
study as much as you really want to pass, if you want to keep up with your
classmates until graduation. You can’t retake subjects when you fail.” grade 11
used to do different activities and reporting as a part of the lesson since teachers
are not orally explaining the lessons to us so I tend to just self study at home. It
really took a lot of time for me because there's so much work load to do and I
need to manage my time well to be able to do all the required task and to study
the lessons. It is much more different now because I can easily adapt to the
lessons. I can now manage my time well because the tasks are not that heavy to
do and I have a lot of time to do leisure at the same time to do all the academic
”Before, it's fine for me to just listen to the teacher and don't study before
exam, now I can’t sleep just to pass the exam because I can't finish one subject
in just 3 hours”
8 English
4 Math
Rely on PPTs Reading Memorizing Writing and Solving and Flashcards
and Books Familiarizing application
Mathematics, Filipino and Science. For English, (2) rely on PPT’s and books, (4)
through flashcards. For Filipino, (2) rely on PPT’s and books, (3) on reading, (11)
(2) on relying to PPT’s and books, (3) on reading, (10) on memorizing, (1) on
writing and familiarizing and (1) is through flashcards. Lastly for Mathematics,
for the Exam?” all students agree that they need to study and most will,
study the same way they always have—using the strategies they think work. The
question students won’t ask is: How should I study for this exam? They don’t
recognize that what they need to learn can and should be studied in different
the success to luck. How likely are they to tell each other they studied hard and
then share the specific strategies that resulted in a high mark? And if the grade
isn’t that good? You’ll hear excuses more often than personal accountability.
“The questions were tricky”. Students’ success as learners would advance if they
had numerous study strategies, if they could match study strategies with
learning tasks, and if they constructively confronted how they studied with how
they performed. Students need help on all three fronts, but courses are already
packed with content. Most teachers have time to do little more than admonish
students to study hard, avoid cramming and memorizing minutia, and abstain
The article is related to the study because it both gives focus on how/the
it emphasize on how strategies vary from each students while the study is focus
No effect
No effect
Figure 4.5 shows the percentage of the effects of student’s study practices
on their social life. From 20 respondents, 85% said that it has no effect on their
social life, 10% answered that they can’t go on their family gatherings and 5%
affect their social life at all, which has the highest percentage in this graph. It
was noted that 85% of the respondents indicates that studying doesn't have any
effect on their social life. While the least answered is that the effect of studying
on their social life is that they cannot interact with friends, which has the lowest
body and lack of it can have negatively impact mental and physical health.
Everyone needs some time alone occasionally, and some people are naturally
more introverted and shy. Social connections are important to happiness, health,
There are negative effects of lack of socializing. Some of these are: Poor
This article is related to the study because some of the negative effects
stated in the article are experienced by the respondents that affects their
learning ability. With the interaction with the family members and friends may
help them improve their learning abilities that can be used to pass their
No effect
20% Lack of Sleep
No effect
Lack of Sleep
practices on their health. From the 20 respondents, almost 70% answered that it
caused them to lack sleep, 20% said that it cause them to be stress and 10%
The respondents mostly answered that studying for an exam affects their
health in a way that they couldn't have enough sleep, which has the highest
percentage in this graph. It was noted that 70% of the respondents experience
lack of sleep when studying for an exam. While the least answered is that
studying for an exam doesn't affect their health at all. It was noted that 10% of
can turn into extra, unwanted amounts of stress and tension that can burn out.
Too much stress can have some really negative effects on the body that can
result to high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, or obesity. Stress can also
from studying can cause brain inflammation and result in memory loss and
depression. A Stanford University students also said that working for 3.1 hours a
day can cause several health and mental problems. Sitting too long can also
cause negative effects in to the body. Sitting 13 hours long can increase an
the fourth-leading cause of deaths around the world. The longer students sit, the
more negative the impact is on our cardiovascular system. Studying too hard can
make students tired in which it decreases their enthusiasm to learn that will then
The article is related to the study because studying for long periods of
time that can lead to lack of sleep and stress can be seen in the article in which
is the most experienced problems that the respondents encounter towards their
health. The article is somewhat different to the study because there are health
problems that the respondents answered that are not mentioned in the article.
1. Students spend 1-2 hours, 3-5 hours, 2-3 hours, no exact time, 8 hours
and 1-2 days which is 35%, 25%, 20%, 10%, 5% and 5% respectively
and they prefer to study alone in the house, alone in a quiet place, alone
in the bedroom, by group of people in the school and alone with less
2. Majority of students thinks that it requires a lot of time for them to pass
a particular subject but some does not require a lot of study time and
others think that it depends on the subjects which is 60%, 20% and 20%
3. The most common problems and hindrances that the students face
before studying for examination are distractions, some don’t have any,
being sleepy and tired and frustration which is 45%, 20%, 10%, 10%,
not encounter any problems and hindrances , some are mental blocked,
there are cases that they felt sleepy and some are nervous which is 50%,
students does not encounter any problem and hindrances while some ask
questions about the exam which is 85% and 15% respectively and
majority claimed that there is a difference on the study practices that they
are doing when on JHS and SHS while some said that they still have the
4. The practices done by the students vary from each subjects whereas in
English they prefer to memorize, read, rely on PPTs and books, write and
book, write and familiarize and through the use of flashcards (arranged
memorize, read, rely on PPTs and books, write and familiarize and the use
number of response).
5. Some students think that studying has no effect on their social life,
some can’t go on their family gatherings and can’t interact with friends
and stress while others think that it has no effect on them which is 70%,
5.2 Conclusions
1. The researchers conclude that majority of the students spend 1-2 hours
3. The researchers conclude that the most common problem that hinders
4. The researchers conclude that the practices done by the students in the
5.3 Recommendations
1. The student should set a time for studying in an exam. From the given
can feel comfortable. For an example studying alone in the house. The
student should turn-off their phones or any gadgets for them to study well
for the upcoming examination. They can use free apps that can block
social media. They should stay focus in studying even though there are
3. The student should learn time management so studying will not affect
their social life and they can go out with their family and friends.
4. They should find time to sleep if the student know that there is an
upcoming examination and sleep after studying so they will not feel sleepy
This section lists the books, journal articles, publications, online articles
A. Online Sources
Black et. al. (2003). Assessment for learning in the classroom. Phi Delta
Kappan. Retrieved September 27 2018. Retrieved from
Morris Cooze & Michael Barbour. (2005). Learning Styles: A Focus upon E-
Learning Practices and Pedagogy and their Implications for Designing E-Learning
for Secondary School Students in Newfoundland and Labrador. Retrieved
September 27 2018. Retrieved from
Derek Bruff. (2014). Student Notetaking for Recall and Understanding: A Lit
Review. Retrieved September 27 2018. Retrieved from
A. Letter/s
Good Day!
We, the Grade 12- Kyanite students are currently conducting a research titled “Different
Practices of Grade 11 Senior High School students During Examinations”. In relation to
this, we would like to ask permission to conduct an interview to the chosen Grade 11
Confidentiality of the data and anonymity of the respondents will be observed strictly by
the researchers. Rest assured that the information that will be gathered will be used for
the purpose of the study.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Gnaeus Marcius L. Aguilera
Nicole Anne B. Castillo
Phoebe Anne G. Dimaculangan
Von Simon Gabriel L. Oseña
Mae Antonette P. Recio
Dear Respondent,
Good day!
We the Grade 12- Kyanite students are currently conducting a research titled “Different
Practices of Grade 11 Senior High School students During Examinations”.
We are asking for your time to answer the interview at your utmost honesty. Rest
assured that the information that will be gathered from you will only be used for the
purpose of the study.
Thank you!
Sincerely yours,
2. Do you feel that the subjects you take requires a lot of study time for you to pass
6. What are the hindrances or problems that you are experiencing when you study
before an examination? During? After?
7. Do you have preferred learning strategies? If yes what? Do you have a study habit
when studying for an examination?
8. How do you study for an exam on different subjects? (Filipino, English, Math and
9. How does studying for an exam affect your social life? Your health?
10. How does your study practices differ from Junior High School and now Senior High
11. For you, what is the most effective way to study for an exam?
Educational Attainment
Educational Attainment
Grade School
Mother Chiara Biagiotti School
Brgy. Santol, Mataasnakahoy, Batangas
Educational Attainment
Educational Attainment
Educational Attainment
Educational Attainment