Defining Justice: Margot A. Hurlbert and James P. Mulvale
Defining Justice: Margot A. Hurlbert and James P. Mulvale
Defining Justice: Margot A. Hurlbert and James P. Mulvale
Defining Justice
Justice is a term often used in everyday speech, but what is “justice”? How is
it defined and described? In this chapter, justice will be defined by considering
what it is and the various approaches to studying it. The discussion will be
expanded by reviewing certain aspects of justice including “desert,” “fair-
ness,” “equality” and “moral righteousness.” Philosophical theorizing about
justice will be introduced and major philosophical approaches to defining
justice will be reviewed. Law is often thought of as the ultimate expression
of justice in society. But, justice is truly more than just the law.
Before pursuing a definition of justice, the rules of justice studies will
be reviewed. These rules should not be forgotten when reading this book.
These rules are meant to challenge thinking and, also, by opening and
broadening perspective, prepare one for learning. Thinking of these rules
when confronted with challenging and perhaps uncomfortable material
within this book may prove helpful.
Main Points
As you read, highlight the answers to these questions:
Is it possible to agree on one definition of justice for all people, places and
situations? For all time?
What do the various academic disciplines have to offer to the study of justice?
How are the various types of justice (for example criminal justice or
restorative justice) informed by philosophical definitions of justice?
Pursuing Justice
Studying Justice
Often when people think of the study of justice they think immediately of
crime, perhaps a particular crime, the arrest of a person by the police, the
courts and the eventual incarceration of an offender in jail and their possible
rehabilitation. Another common theme is to describe justice in terms of the
laws and rules of society. Crime and laws are part of the study of justice,
but only part. Studying how these processes work together is the study of
the criminal justice system. However, the study of justice entails more than
just the operation of our criminal justice system and how to respond to a
particular action by passing a law to make that activity a crime.
The study of justice is also concerned with how a person came to be in
trouble with the law in the first place. Factors contributing to behaviour in
contravention to society’s laws from both an individual perspective and also
on a broader societal level allow a much richer justice analysis. Studying this
behaviour in relation to social factors such as poverty, racism and education
can significantly inform our understanding of preventing crime and govern-
ment law-making. Trying to understand why poor and marginalized people
in our society fill our jails and our hospitals and have higher suicide rates
than the rest of the population is also part of the study of justice.
A related pursuit is to study what is or is not labelled as crime in our
society. Historically, being drunk or using recreational drugs was not a crime.
In some countries prostitution is a legal activity. In many countries, and even
in Canada, many workplace deaths and injuries completely preventable with
proper safety equipment are labelled “accidents,” not “crimes” (Rajan 2001:
385). Further, industrial discharges which have polluted drinking water and
resulted in deaths and illnesses are not considered crimes (Nikiforuk 2008:
83). What is or is not a crime and who is and is not prosecuted for crime in
our society are parts of the study of justice.
Studying justice is also concerned with many other aspects of our
society. In fact, the study of justice by such people as Plato and Aristotle
pre-existed modern notions of law and crime. How people are rewarded
for their efforts in working, farming, creating and inventing and who profits
from these activities such as corporations, retail stores and governments are
also a concern of justice. Is the distribution of rewards fair? Are developing
countries in other parts of the world paid a just price for their goods and
services, or are their people employed in sweat shops, working long hours for
very little compensation? How the environment of some of these developing
countries supplying oil, rubber and other natural resources is affected and the
impacts of climate change on these countries and their people in exchange for
the exploitation of their resources are questions for justice studies. How this
distribution is influenced by international human rights is also a paramount
concern of justice studies.
Defining Justice
Pursuing Justice
drugs is illegal. We are able to recognize our own thought patterns, biases
and perhaps prejudices. When we expand our thinking and begin to consider
thoughtfully and respectfully the position, viewpoints, thoughts and opinions
of the “other,” we approach the study of justice not as a debate between two
viewpoints, but as a problematic. This approach challenges our traditional
thinking and makes us embrace a plurality of positions.
The study of justice is also multidisciplinary as it combines several
usually separate branches of learning or fields of expertise. In this way, no
one profession, be it law, philosophy, history or sociology, has an exclusive
claim to the study of justice. Each of these disciplines, and several more,
play an important role in the study of justice. Knowing about the contribu-
tions of each discipline to the study of justice provides an important base to
understanding justice.
Philosophers, including Plato and Aristotle, have wrestled with defining
justice for centuries, dating as far back as 600 bce. The study of philosophy
is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters of
existence, including truth, beauty, law, validity and justice. It is an approach
to these matters that is critical, generally systematic (or all-encompassing
and not individualized) and reliant on reasoned argument. It does not rely
on empirical or statistical methods or evidence but it is rather the pursuit of
wisdom through rational and logical argument. Philosophy offers a meaning-
ful starting point for defining justice as it has a long history in struggling with
the concept of justice.
More recently, the philosophers’ abstract speculation has been comple-
mented by empirical ways of knowing manifested in social studies (such as
psychology or sociology). Social scientists developed many disciplines in
their efforts to understand human behaviour. Each discipline contributes
to the field in its own way. History contributes by providing information
on the past record of human social development with useful insights into
patterns, regularities and irregularities. For instance, the historical treatment
of people of Japanese ancestry during World War II, or the historical treat-
ment of people from Africa enslaved several centuries ago, have important
implications for understanding human behaviour and our own and others’
conceptions of justice or fairness. Not only does this history still impact our
society today, but it also illustrates how society’s conception of justice has
changed over time.
Similarly, political science and the study of the organization, structure,
operation and administration of government is crucial for understanding the
justice system, the role of courts, corrections and the development of laws.
Often the media will portray a particular court decision as “outrageous”
and blame either the judge or perhaps the lawyer. However, upon a closer
analysis, students realize the government was responsible for writing and
Defining Justice
passing the law, which the court and the judge simply applied. Ultimately,
the people elected the government.
Lastly, sociology, the systematic study of social structure, is crucial when
studying justice or fairness within society. Law and the justice system of a
society constitute a social structure that is influenced by other social structures
in society. As an example, the laws surrounding marriage and divorce are
influenced, at least in part, by the structure of the family. Changing norms
and patterns of the family, or the definition of what a family is, have had
symbiotic affects on the laws surrounding the family. The heterosexual
nuclear family was historically the only recognized family unit with the status
to receive the benefits accruing to a family unit such as insurance payments
and matrimonial support. This nuclear family consisted of a father, mother
and children. Now, however, benefits may accrue to same-sex couples, ef-
fectively giving a same-sex couple the status of a “family.” Sociology focuses
study on social structures and how human beings produce, reproduce and
change social structures such as families and laws (Knuttila 2002: 21). The
application of the principles of sociology to the study of law and the justice
system improves and informs our understanding of justice.
Criminology makes an important contribution to the study of justice.
Criminology is concerned with the study of the etiology or cause of crime.
It looks at the role of the social setting and the interactions of various social
groups in the cause of crime, as well as the biosocial and psychological causes
of crime that tend to focus on the individual and their free will.
Pursuing Justice
This is the idea of “getting what one deserves.” On the positive side, we
may bestow an award or social recognition on someone for a good deed
or unselfish behaviour (for example, a medal for bravery for risking one’s
life to save a drowning person or designation as “volunteer of the year” for
providing valuable help without pay in a community service organization).
Awards and honours may also be a way to recognize extraordinary talent
(Album of the Year at the Junos or a gold medal at the Olympics) or great
effort (designation as “the most improved student” or award for “the biggest
loser” in a weight loss contest).
There is also a negative side to desert — punishment or bad consequences
for harmful or immoral actions, laziness or incompetence. Sentencing in the
courts through the use of fines, imprisonment and community service orders
Defining Justice
certainly fits this category — although there are numerous ongoing debates
about the balance that should be struck in criminal sentencing with regard
to retribution, restoration and rehabilitation (more on this question later).
Other examples of getting what one deserves through negative consequences
include children losing privileges for misbehaving, lazy students getting poor
or failing grades and employees without the necessary skills for a job being
demoted or dismissed.
Sometimes consequences are perceived to be genuinely deserved — for
example, a repeat offender drunk driver who has his driver’s licence taken
away, or the athlete who avoids performance-enhancing drugs and still wins
the gold medal. However sometimes credit or blame is ascribed in ways that
are not deserved or fair. For instance, in regard to the distribution of wealth
in society, sometimes people who are rich due to inherited wealth are highly
regarded, and people who are poor due to circumstances beyond their control
are seen as “lazy” or “stupid.” In the latter regard, it is a common trend to
distinguish between the “deserving” and “undeserving” poor in ways that
reinforce invalid and negative stereotypes and that prevent us from adopting
good policies and programs to combat poverty.
This is the idea of treating equals equally. For example, two people doing
the same job competently with the same amount of experience and training
should get the same pay. There should not be distinctions in rates of pay
based on gender, age, racial or ethnic background or any other factor not
related to performance on the job. “Fairness,” however, also means, in certain
circumstances, treating people unequally in order to recognize and correct
past injustices. For instance, if women or members of racial minorities have
been historically excluded from certain (relatively well-paid and desirable)
occupations, there may be a justifiable case for employment equity measures
— giving suitable candidates from the disadvantaged group preference in
hiring. Hence, there can sometimes be a distinction (and perhaps tension)
between what is considered fair at the individual and collective levels.
This concept of justice also denotes “procedural fairness” — ensuring
that everyone receives a fair hearing and due process in courts (for example,
their case follows all the requirements of knowing the case against them, they
have enough time to prepare and they have an impartial judge), tribunals,
appeal boards and other formal decision-making bodies. For example,
people with a low income should not be denied competent representation
in court by a lawyer if they are charged with a serious criminal offence,
even though they cannot afford legal fees. Legal aid schemes, in principle,
are supposed to ensure such legal representation for all. Procedural fairness
also demands a transparent process for decision-making that can be clearly
understood by all, ready access to practical help to make one’s case and
Pursuing Justice
the right to appeal a decision to a higher body in one feels that one has
been unjustly treated.
This common understanding of justice is embodied in equal citizenship
rights for all persons (for example, the right of all to vote in elections and run
for political office and equal entitlement to universal public programs such
as health insurance and education). Equality also demands that there be an
equitable sharing of civic burdens, such as paying taxes (although “progres-
sive” taxation schemes may require the wealthy to pay proportionately more,
they are about fairness) or performing compulsory military service for a set
period of time (in countries where this is required).
Equality also has economic and social dimensions. Does everyone enjoy
adequate economic security through some combination of labour market
earnings and income security programs provided through government? Do
all people in society have ready access to adequate and affordable housing,
sufficient, safe and nutritious food and other public goods such as transporta-
tion and green space?
These aspects of economic and social rights do not necessarily demand
treating everyone exactly the same, or giving people equivalent shares of a
social good. It can be acceptable to have differences in income levels, house
prices and the consumption of goods and services. Such differences may
in fact provide incentives that benefit individuals and society. For example,
physicians tend to be well-paid in order to encourage people to complete long
years of medical training and to provide this valuable service that benefits
others. Economic and social differences also allow for individual preferences.
For example, a person may decide to live in low-cost housing in order to save
money for extensive travel. However, justice demands equality of access for
everyone to adequate income, decent and affordable housing, food security
and the other necessities of a modest but dignified life. A disabled person
may require more resources than an able-bodied person for such things as
transportation, communication or housing.
The social aspect of justice brings up questions of distributive justice —
how resources (for example, money, natural talents, health care or political
power) and opportunities (for example, places in the best educational institu-
tions or access to the best jobs and the most lucrative business opportunities)
are divided up among everyone in society. Unjust distributions may require
corrective measures, in other words, “redistributive justice.” For example,
wealthy people may be required to pay more taxes than those with modest
or low incomes, so that government can fund a reasonable level of public
services for all. Educational institutions may have to take steps to recruit stu-
dents and faculty members from groups that they have historically excluded,
such as women, racial minorities and people with disabilities, so that these
Defining Justice
Moral Righteousness
This final aspect of justice encompasses the ideal of individual virtue and
ethical conduct. Individuals are thought to be “just” when they engage in
altruistic behaviour to help others or make society a better place and set
an example of altruistic conduct in both their personal responsibilities (as
a spouse, parent or friend) as well as civic and public roles (as an employee,
elected politician or club president).
The four aspects of justice as described above are not mutually exclusive
categories and often piggy-back onto one another. For example, a morally
righteous person may work hard to achieve equality and fairness in broader
society. We might think of famous people who fit this description, such as
Nelson Mandela, in his public activities, who led the anti-apartheid move-
ment in South Africa, or Nellie McClung who struggled for women’s rights
in Canada.
It is also true that these four distinct conceptions of justice may sometimes
compete or run contradictory to one another. For example, advocates of social
justice as equality often call for broad and generous social programs and are
willing to accept relatively high taxes so that we can afford such programs. On
the other hand, those who advocate for “justice as desert” in the marketplace
tend to favour low taxes and highly differentiated rates of pay in order to
provide financial incentives for the talented and hard working and to punish
those who are seen as lacking in skills or effort. These two different camps
will likely disagree on many aspects of how to distribute resources justly and
on what a “just society” should look like.
Similarly, people in the “justice as desert” frame of mind often believe
that criminals deserve retribution and harsh treatment. On the other hand,
people who equate justice with equality or fairness may see the roots of
Pursuing Justice
Defining Justice
justice. Restorative justice also applies to more than just the victim — it also
applies to the offender and the community. It can include reconciling harm
done to a victim; restoring the relationship between the offender and victim
after a criminal act; restoring the offender, victim and entire community after
a criminal act; and also the restoration of two disputing parties (committing
a wrong or several wrongs against each other, which are not necessarily
criminal). Defining restorative justice is a difficult task. Narrow definitions
focus on crime and resolving crime, while broader definitions focus on
restoring community relationships (Marshall 1999; Zehr 2004; Braithwaite
2002). The final chapter of this book will pursue this task.
Social justice (very similar to distributive justice) is the broadest form
of justice and relates to whether people have access to the things they need
to live a secure and dignified life. Social justice refers to the conception of
justice applied to our entire society; the idea of a “just” society is one in which
individuals and groups receive fair treatment and a fair share of the benefits
of society. Fair treatment often is termed “procedural justice” or the experi-
ence of fair processes in resolving disputes or processing an accused through
the criminal justice system. Social justice works toward the realization of a
world where all members of a society, regardless of background, have basic
human rights and equal access to their community’s wealth and resources.
An ideal definition of “social justice” might be:
A set of ideas, values and social practices to ensure that all persons and
groups enjoy economic security, can participate effectively in democratic
decision-making, exercise mutual respect and caring for one another and
live their lives in ways that protect and sustain the natural environment
for future generations.