Sample Chapteryyu
Sample Chapteryyu
Sample Chapteryyu
From the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences,
Isfahan, and the *School ofMedicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan,
Islamic Republic of Iran.
Anti-Anorectal Disease Drugs
tivated widely in Iran.s It c ontains saponins,6.7 fla
Male Female Total
vonoids,6.8 coumarins,9 carotenoid,lo and polysaccha
rides.!1 It has spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory, anti-hem ge
rica, contains iridoids,12 mucilage,7.13 gum, and the glu 6-10 2 2.70 0 0.00 2 1.18
coside aucubin.13 It has anti-hemorrhagic activity.?13 11-15 0 0.00 1.04 0.59
Vinca major, which is a semi-procumbent shrub
16-20 1 1.35 8 8.33 9 5.29
with tailing or somewhat ascending stems,7 is cultivated
widely in different parts of Iran.s It contains alkaloids 2 1-25 2 2.70 11 1 1.46 13 7.65
and tannins with astringent and anti-hemorrhagic prop 26-30 13 17.57 16 16.67 29 17.06
31-35 13 17.57 16 16.67 29 17.06 1
36-40 13 17.57 17 17.70 30 17.65
4 1-45 6 8. 1 1 8 8.33 14 8.24
HYdroalcoholic extracts o f plant materials were pre Discomfort 15 44.12 13 38.24 82.36
pared by perculation method.l4 Each extract was then
Itching 15 48.39 10 32.26 80.65
evaporated under reduced pressure until its concentra
tion was equivalent to one part of plant material (by Inflammation 11 39.29 10 35.71
weight) per one part of menstruum (by volume). Swelling 4 23.53 8 47.06
placebo for each formulation was also prepared by the Packaging: Collapsible tin tubes, each containing
same method. Formulations of the ointments and their 15 gm ointment.
placebos were as follows: Placebo of Ointment Formulation Type A:
Ointment Formulation Ty pe A: Concentrated Hydroalcoholic solution of an approved brown color
hydroalcoholic extracts of: dried ligulate florets of (30 ml); benzocaine (3.3 gm); white soft petrolatum
Calendula officinalis (10 ml), dried leaves of Plantago (45.5 gm); cholesterol (3 gm); stearyl alcohol (12 gm);
major (10 mI), and dried aerial parts of Vinca major (10 white bees wax (6.7 gm) (total weight 100 gm). =
ml); benzocaine (3.3 gm); white soft petrolatum (45.5 Packaging: Collapsible tin tubes, each containing 15
gm); cholesterol (3 gm); stearyl alcohol (12 gm); white gm ointment.
Suleiman Afsharypour, et al.
Percentage Percentage
60 ,,-------, 80rl
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Ointment Formulat ion Type B: Concentrated major (0.2 ml), and dried aerial parts of Vinca major
hydroalcoholic extracts of: dried ligulate florets of (0.2 ml); benzocaine (75 mg); cetostearyl alcohol (50
Calendula officinalis mg); white bees wax (50 mg); cocoa butter (1.16 gm)
major (10 ml), and dried aerial parts of Vinca major (10 (total weight 1.55 gm).
ml); ephedrine sulfate (0.2 gm); belladonna dry extract Packaging: Plastic (P.V.C.) molds, each containing
(0.7 gm); white soft petrolatum (45.5 gm); cholesterol 1.55 gm of the formulation.
(3 gm); stearyl alcohol (12 gm); white bees wax (6.7 Placebo of Suppository Formulation Type A:
gm) (total weight 100 gm).
Hydroalcoholic solution of an approved brown color
Packaging: Collapsible tin tubes, each containing (0.6 ml); benzocaine (75 mg); cetostearyl alcohol (50
15 gm ointment. mg); white bees wax (50 mg); cocoa butter (1.16 gm)
Placebo of Ointment Formulat ion Type B: (total weight 1.55 gm).
Hydroalcoholic solution of an approved brown color Packaging: Plastic (P.V.C.) molds, each containing
(30 ml); ephedrine sulfate (0.2 gm); belladonna dry ex 1.55 gm of the formulation.
tract (0.7 gm); white soft petrolatum (45.5 gm); choles Suppos itory Formulation Type B: Concentrated
terol (3 gm); stearyl alcohol (12 gm); white bees wax hydroalcoholic extracts of: dried ligulate florets of
(6.7 gm) (total weight 100 gm).
Calendula officinalis
Packaging: Collapsible tin tubes, each containing major (0.2 mI), and dried aerial parts of Vinca major
15 gm ointment. (0.2 ml); ephedrine sulphate (3 mg); belladonna dry ex
tract (9 mg); cetostearyl alcohol (50 mg); white bees
Suppositories wax (50 mg); cocoa butter (1.25 gm) (total weight
Two types of suppository formulations were =1.55 gm).
prepared by fusion method.16•17 A placebo of each Packaging: Plastic (P.V.C.) molds, each containing
formulation was also prepared by the same method. 1.55 gm of the formulation.
Formulations of the suppositories and their placebos Placebo of Suppository Formulation Type B:
were as follows: Hydroalcoholic solution of an approved brown color
Suppository Formulation Type A: Concentrated (0.6 ml); ephedrine sulfate (3 mg); belladonna dry
hydroaicoholic extracts of: dried ligulate florets of extract (9 mg); cetostearyl alcohol (50 mg); white bees
Calendula off icin wax (50 mg); cocoa butter (1.25 gm) (total weight =
Anti-Anorectal Disease Drugs
Suleiman Afsharypour, et al.
proportions of anti-hemorrhagic plant extracts were 8. Piergiorgio P , Annamaria E, Pierluigi M, Angelo R: Sepa
equal in all types of formulations (see Tables II and III). ration of flavonol-2-0-glycosides from Calendula
Placebo ointments and suppositories of both types A officinalis
and B were ineffective in treatment, but temporarily re uid and micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography.
lieved some of the symptoms, such as pain or itching, I Chromatogr 593 (1,2): 165-170,1992.
depending on the presence of either benzocaine or 9. Derkach AI, Komissarenko NF, Chernobia VT:
ephedrine sulfate and belladonna dry extract in the Coumarins from inflorescences of Calendula officinalis
formulations used. and Helichrysum arenarium. Khim Prir Soedin 6: 777,
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