Dysphagia: A Geriatric Giant?: Imedpub Journals
Dysphagia: A Geriatric Giant?: Imedpub Journals
Dysphagia: A Geriatric Giant?: Imedpub Journals
DOI: 10.21767/2471-299X.100014
closes off, respiration ceases to be followed by expiration There is a reduction in proprioception both in the tongue and
when the swallow has been completed. lips reducing the ability to identify texture and viscosity [17].
The neurological innervation of swallowing (Figure 1) Table 2 Medication and affect of swallowing.
comprises 6 cranial nerves as well as the pharyngeal plexus.
Cortical representation is diffuse, but work by Hamdy and Medication Affect of Swallowing
colleagues have shown that although cortical representation is
bilateral, one hemisphere is dominant. This dominance has Anticholinergic Effects
importance when the brain is injured (stroke, TBI), and if the Antidepresants
injury has affected the dominant side, the response of the Incontinence Dry Mouth
non-dominant hemisphere is important to recovery [4,7-9]. Opiates Confusion
Antipsychotics Sedation
Central Effects
Sleeping Tablets Sedation
Medication for Epilepsy Incoordination
Opiate Medication Dry Mouth
Altered Taste
Antibiotics Oral Infection
Anti-Hypertensive Agents
ACE-I Altered Taste
Calcium Channel Blockers Dry Mouth
Diuretics Dry Mouth
however the threshold concentration for citric acid does prevalence of dysphagia increases with the degree of frailty
increase in the presence of dementia (2.6 ± 4.0 mg/mL in present and the degree of dependence irrespective of
control subjects; 37.1 ± 16.7 mg/mL in patients with dementia; ethnicity [13,16,33-37]. In the presence of neurological disease
>360 mg/mL in survivors of aspiration pneumonia). (dementia/Parkinson’s Disease/Stroke) the prevalence is
higher than the general population (Table 3, Adapted from
The ability to clear the pharynx is also reduced in those over
Clavé et al. [38]). Frail older people readmitted with
65 years of age (18% vs 38%) requiring the person to
pneumonia may have a prevalence as high as 55% [39] even
undertake repeated swallows. This is evident with the need to
greater in those admitted from nursing homes [40].
undertake recurrent hyoid gestures [25] table. Pharyngeal
transit times increase. The larynx has a tendency to have a Problems may present with fatigability whilst eating,
lower resting height and does not elevate as much in younger coughing on certain consistencies and at times with
people. behavioural issues such as food refusal, spitting and the hiding
of food.
Prevalence of Dysphagia 24% of older people consider developing swallowing
problems a natural consequence of getting old [35], many old
The prevalence of dysphagia in the general population is people slowly adapt by eating slower, changing food
16-23% [29-32] increasing to 27% in those over 76 years of consistencies and taking smaller portion sizes.
age. Many older people will have swallowing problems. The
CAP: Community-Acquired Pneumonia; AGU: Acute Geriatric Unit; V-VST: Volume-Viscosity Swallowing Test; NDD: Neurodegenerative Diseases; ALS:
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
© Copyright iMedPub 3
Medical & Clinical Reviews 2016
ISSN 2471-299X Vol.2 No.1:5
The consequences of swallowing problems (Table 4) may be weight loss) or secondary to underlying risk or aetiological
very little for some, but in others it will result in poor nutrition, factors (dementia, diabetes, smoking).
reduced muscle strength, immobility, poor wound healing,
The management of dysphagia is similar to other long term
aspiration and pneumonia [63,64]. The consequence for
conditions including the management of environmental factors
society is a greater use of health resources at time when there
(such as smoking, alcohol, medication)
are already pressures on health systems. Mortality at 30 days
from pneumonia has been found to be 22.9% compared to The first point about management is to recognise that there
8.3% in those with dysphagia and at one year the mortality is a problem. Asking whether the ability to eat has changed
rate is doubled [65,66]. (slower, different textures, painful) and where the admission
has been due to pneumonia in older, frail populations consider
Table 4 Complications of dysphagia. aspiration as a cause.
The management of dysphagia, and particularly its
consequences, in older people may be simple. The crucial
Aspiration point is to remember to look for it; suspect that dysphagia may
Recurrent Chest Infection be a problem. Many frail older people may not complain of
dysphagia until they become unwell, and then due to their lack
of physiological reserve, dysphagia ensues [74]. It is important
Malnutrition to work with the older person and be prepared to take risks. To
many the mere factor of eating and drinking is more important
than the risk of aspirating.
When older people have swallowing difficulties, appropriate
Increased dependency investigation needs to be undertaken. This includes a swallow
screen [75,76], swallow assessment by speech and language
pathologists and then investigation typically with
Death videofluoroscopy or Fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of
swallowing . In some cases manometry is required to detect
The relative risk of pneumonia is 6 fold for those greater oesophageal problems or pH monitoring for reflux [77].
than 75 years compared to those under 65. Those living in care
When dysphagia is suspected a referral should be made to a
homes are 33 times as likely to be admitted to hospital with a
speech and language therapist for a full assessment of
pneumonia compared to those living in the community [37].
swallowing, clinically initially and later via videofluoroscopy or
Oral health is an important factor in the occurrence of
FEES depending on clinical need or availability. This should be
pneumonia. With poor dental care and the presence of
followed by advice as to food texture, speed of swallowing and
dentures, not only is mastication less effective, the risk of oral
swallowing manoeuvres. Where there evidence of significant
infection with anaerobes and yeast is quite high. Keeping the
cognitive impairment a more pragmatic approach may have to
mouth clean, particularly in the most dependent people will
be taken, such as watching them eat a meal or take a drink.
reduce the risk of infection [67,68].
Other simple measures include: review medication, stop
What should not be under estimated is the psychological
anything that may worsen the ability to swallow (drugs causing
consequences of dysphagia such as anxiety, and depression
a dry mouth; drowsiness etc), check dental plates for infection;
[69,70] and quality of life in general [71].
check positioning and if appropriate, how people are fed.
Co-existent Long Term Conditions Within the hospital setting, both the Matero Hospital in
Barcelona (P Clavé personal communication) and the Royal
It is an unfortunate fact that as people age, they suffer from Berkshire in Reading UK (M Gosney personal communication)
multiple chronic diseases all of which can exacerbate or result have developed projects aimed at reducing aspiration
in dysphagia. The commonest neurological medical complaints including the use of elevation of the head end of the bed, or
associated with dysphagia are stroke (50%), dementia (up to sitting upright at meal times, mouth wash and routine
93%), Parkinson’s Disease (39%) and Motor Neurone Disease. screening. In Japan [78], dental hygienists and dentists are
However cardiac failure, chronic obstructive lung disease and employed to improve mouth care. Recent work in stroke
rheumatoid arthritis are other medical conditions that are patients has suggested that the use of Metoclopramide may
associated with dysphagia [72,73]. reduce the risk of aspiration [79], whereas routine prescribing
of antibiotics did not help [80,81].
What can be done?
A Geriatric Syndrome/Giant
As has been mentioned earlier, the poor outcome
associated with dysphagia has a multifactorial component, The term geriatric Syndrome was first used in 1909 [1].
either that due to the dysphagia itself (aspiration, infection, Originally there were four recognised syndromes or giants, this
has been added to in recent years with Sarcopenia and frailty
[81]. Is dysphagia, therefore, a geriatric syndrome? Geriatric 5. Smithard DG (2002) Swallowing and stroke. Neurological effects
syndromes are defined as “conditions” experienced by the and recovery. Cerebrovasc Dis 14: 1-8.
older persons that occur intermittently, may be triggered by 6. Hamdy S, Aziz Q, Rothwell JC, Hobson A, Barlow J, et al. (1997)
acute insults and often are linked to subsequent functional Cranial nerve modulation of human cortical swallowing motor
decline [74]. pathways. Am J Physiol 272: G802-808.
As we have noted above, dysphagia and swallowing in old 7. Hamdy S, Aziz Q, Rothwell JC, Singh KD, Barlow J, et al. (1996)
age are complex and associated with many different The cortical topography of human swallowing musculature in
health and disease. Nat Med 2: 1217-1224.
aetiologies (Figure 2). It is recognised that dysphagia, frailty
and poor outcome (including death) are intertwined. 8. Nicosia MA, Hind JA, Roecker EB, Carnes M, Doyle J, et al. (2000)
Age effects on the temporal evolution of isometric and
swallowing pressure. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 55: M634-
9. Suzuki M, Asada Y, Ito J, Hayashi K, Inoue H, et al. (2003)
Activation of cerebellum and basal ganglia on volitional
swallowing detected by functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Dysphagia 18: 71-7.
10. Smithard DD, Smithard DG (2015) The aetiology of visual
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11. Humbert IA, Robbins J (2008) Dysphagia in the elderly. Phys Med
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12. Leslie P, Carding PN, Wilson JA (2003) Investigation and
management of chronic dysphagia. BMJ 326: 433-436.
13. Nogueira D, Reis E (2013) Swallowing disorders in nursing home
Figure 2 Dysphagia: A geriatric giant. Aetiology and long residents: how can the problem be explained? Clin Interv Aging
term effects. 8: 221-227.
14. Humphrey SP, Williamson RT (2001) A review of saliva: normal
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