Dental Findings in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome: Case Report
Dental Findings in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome: Case Report
Dental Findings in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome: Case Report
Case Report pISSN: 0513-5796, eISSN: 1976-2437 Yonsei Med J 50(2):289-292, 2009
Cornelia de Lange syndrome is a congenital disease, basically characterized by psychomotor retardation associated with a
series of malformations, including mainly skeletal, craniofacial deformities together with gastrointestinal and cardiac
malformations. There is no definitive biochemical or chromosomal marker for the prenatal diagnosis of this syndrome. We
actually want to present the case of a 10-year-old patient, who was admitted to our clinic for dental pain. The patient had the
symptoms of Cornelia de Lange syndrome. During the oral examination of this patient, the patient was found to have the
typical symptoms of Cornelia de Lange syndrome, such as micrognathia and delayed eruption in conjunction with the
symptoms of the Hutchinson’s syndrome, which had never been reported before.
Key Words : Cornelia de Lange, Brachmann de Lange, syndrome, Hutchinson’s teeth, dental caries
In this particular instance, we did have a 10-year-old male Fig. 2. Radiological appearance of the hands.
patient with developmental disorder and speech impediment,
who came to our office for dental pain. Initially, we noted that
our patient was the son of a 29-year-old mother with a history
of premature births. The male baby weighed about 2,000 g
when he was born. He had also suffered malnutrition and
bronchopneumonia and he had received the proper treatment
during the first three months after delivery. We also recorded
that our 10-year-old patient had been unable to talk and walk
until he was 2.5 years old. The parents of this patient are
biologically related and their first-born child died actually only
6 months after the birth. The cause of the death was pneumonia.
We also learned that our patient had quite a healthy sister.
During the physical examination of the patient, we recorded
this data as follows:
Weight: 19.3 kg Fig. 3. Radiological appearance of the feet.
Height: 110 cm
Head circumference: 47 cm downward turned angles of the mouth, micrognathia, short
Body temperature: 36˚C neck, fairly small feet and hands, the 5th finger with bilateral
Pulse: 108 b/m (beats/minute) clinodactyly and some fusiform like fingers, bilateral micro-
His face seemed dysmorphic; he had thick and curly hair melia on his 4th and 5th toes, hypogonadism and some hirsutism
eyebrows meeting at the midline, and he had long and curved on his arms and legs. When we got the X-ray examination of
eyelashes (Fig. 1). His ears were abnormally low placed, they the patient, we found clinodactyly on the right 4-5th toes, on the
were dysplastic, and his mandibular symphysis was bumpy. He left 2-3rd toes and on the 5th finger (Figs. 2 and 3).
also had anteverted nostrils, a small nose, thin lips with the The chromosome analysis from the peripheral blood of the