Finacle FAQ
Finacle FAQ
Finacle FAQ
1. Unable to open the Enter Date of Incorporation in CUMM-G details
account – Msg. Enter date
of incorporation.
2. Unable to open Customer- Specify Customer Type, as it is mandatory and then
ID in CUMM proceed.
3. To know a/c no for a Invoke ACM menu option.
particular cust-id.
4. To know all accounts of Use CUMM option and enter option ‘A’ for customer a/c
the customer . Inquire it.
5. A/c opened with wrong Open a new cust-id in the correct name and use CCA
name, want to rectify menu to change cust-id for the a/c.
1. Generate Interest report Use AINTRPT menu
4. Not able to post a debit Use UCS and update the cheque as unused and then
transaction – error post the transaction.
instrument already
5. Change drawing power in Modify the a/c in ACLHM menu and mention the
for a CCM a/c operation as ‘D’ and modify the drawing power limit
and applicable date.
6. Unable to renew a/c, Check in AFI menu for any un-verified records & verify
error - verification the same.
1. User not able to post Give Additional details and then post.
2. Unable to post a Specify partition account in option G and give deposit
transaction a/c-id in NTTID in TM menu.
3. To delete a verified Should not be done. Reverse the entry in TM by giving
transaction. visit screen ‘X’ and by selecting the previous
4. Unable to post trans – Modify debit clearing limit in ACM menu.
error debit clearing limit
5. Unable to post an intersol A free user cannot give TOD for an a/c of diff SOL.
tran Log in that SOL and give TOD
6. Want to give credit to Use TM menu option.
branch adjustment A/c.
7. To delete a part tran & First create another part tran & delete the part tran
want to enter another part which has to be deleted.
8. Unable to post NRE Give report code as LW for debit leg.
transaction, was getting
enter report code.
1 To take report scroll of Use SCWRPT menu option.
teller cash.
2 To know total receipts and Use SCWRPT and give staff code. Use option PR to
payment see/print the report.
3 To delete a cash tran Verified records cannot be deleted. Manually reverse
which has been wrongly the tran.
4 To delete the record from Delete the record in GECM menu.
Teller cash a/c.
1. To mark a cheque as Use UCS menu and mark the cheque as unused.
2. To destroy inventories for Cancel the cheque issued using CHBM menu.
cheque not verified.
3. Issued a cheque to the In CHBM menu give function as ‘D’ and destroy the
wrong account. cheque issued to the a/c.
1. To see inventories against Use ISIA
a staff name
2. Change authorizer user0id Modify in IMAUM. For canceling use IMC – function X.
for IMC movement and
coancelling the inventory
movement previously
3. Move inventories from Move DDs from external to safe/double lock and then
External location to DD to DD common location.
common location
4. Not able to verify Verify in IMC menu option by giving the password of
inventory movement. authorized user-id.
5. Modify authorizer-id for Modify using IMAUM menu.
inventory movement
1. Verify Standing Use SIM menu option.
2. SI had not executed from Additional details had not been mentioned in SIM
a particular date menu.
3. Standing Instruction Use SIETR menu option.
report generated for the
1. System shows less Change regenerate flow flag as ‘Y and then run
maturity value REGFLOW.
2. To close TD and pay DD Close account normally, in repayment a/c specify DD
a/c. While posting this transaction enter additional
3. To renew an a/c Use TDREN menu option
4. Not able to renew – Error Run ACINT and TDSCALC and then renew.
5. Mark lien on deposit a/c ALM menu
6. Unable to renew FD – error Run ACINT and then TDREN.
7. To renew a VCC only for a Modify in ACM and specify the repayment a/c as
fixed amount, remaining operative and then renew the a/c by giving renewal
amount to be transferred option as fixed. To be verified.
to operative a/c
8. Generate report for Use GEDT menu option.
matured deposits.
9. Generate rate-wise report Use AINTRPT menu option.
of MI a/cs
10. Interest not credited for a Run TDSCALC and credit interest in the a/c. Dr IPD
month in a FD a/c. and credit to operative a/c.
11. Open a VSU with Modify the a/c in INTTM and mention the preferential
preferential interest. rate in the a/c and give start date.
12. System did not auto-renew The auto-closure field would be blank, and so system
an a/c. does not renew. Give ‘N’ in auto closure, if system
should auto-renew the a/c.
13. Unable to post refund TDS Delete the transaction since cash reversal cannot be
cash transaction. done. Open an operative a/c for the customer and do
RFTDS transfer of amount.
14. To generate TDS certificate Use TDSIP menu option
15. To take TDS summary Use TDSIP menu option and end enter option 5 for
TDS summary.
16. To know if interest has Use PHINQ option.
been paid in a deposit a/c
17. Open an RD a/c in transfer- Use OAAC menu and in 2nd screen ‘T’ for transfer in
in mode. a/c. To be verified in OAACAU.
18. Open an FD a/c with Give SB a/c in customer details in ACM menu.
interest going to SB A/c
19. Closed an A/c but not Maybe closure transaction is not posted.
credited to IPD a/c.
20. Unable to close deposit a/c In ACM general a/cs details, change download to PDF
– error download to PDF to be changed to ‘N’. Then go for closure in CAAC
exists. menu option.
21. To take deposit receipt Use DRP menu option.
22. Accounts not allowing to be Run ACINT by giving Adhoc run as ‘N’ and then go
closed – error interest not for closure.
calculated upto date.
23. For a particular a/c TDS Run CAAC & then go for TDS calculated amount.
has not been deducted for
the a/c.
24. Unable to close a deposit Mention value date as that of maturity date.
a/c, Tid record not found
for the a/c.
25 To take Report of List of Use ACDET Menu option.
Deposit A/c
26 Unable to get deposit Reprint the receipt using REDRP menu.
receipt print for a/c
27 Unable to close a VSU a/c , Verify the modifications done in INTTM menu option
getting message that a/c and then go for the closure.
balance is not equal to
repayment amt
28 Int is calculated less for an Check out in the legacy s/w (Virmati or CMS s/w).
a/c . Maybe int is calculated in excess there. So it has
calculated less in the new system.
29 To transfer an FD a/c. Use CAAC menu & mention 'T' for transfer of a/c.
30 Unable to credit an RD a/c Check for the RD a/c flows, if the flow is completed
- error cumulative principal then system will not allow to credit.
amt exceeds.
31 Auto renew the a/c. Modify the a/c in ACM, give auto renew flag as 'U' &
auto closure as 'N' & verify the same.
32 To make PARTIAL payment Use CAAC menu, give the a/c id, in 2nd field you will
of VSU SCHEME. find the whole amount, there you need to change the
amount to withdrawal amount & commit. A/c will
continue with the rest of the amount.
33 To Modify int rate for an Modify the int rate using INTTM Menu option.
34 User wanted to Refund TDS Refund using RFTDS Menu option.
for a customer
35 User wanted to open a Open a FD205 a/c.
quarterly int FD a/c
36 User wanted to open an FD Asked the user to use FD202.
a/c for 7 days for more
than Rs50,000/-
37 User wanted to know the Asked the user to use DRP menu.
menu to print deposit
1 To inquire about an Use OIW menu option.
outward instrument.
2 To create outward clearing Suspend zone in MCLZOH. Use menu PCLSO and
floppy enter zone date and code. File is generated as *.DMP
file. Rename this file as ddmmyy.vjb Through PTW
copy this file (ctrl + c) and paste (Ctrl + v) in a:\
3 User had not verified one Check the unverified instrument using IOCLS menu.
instrument, but had Revoke the suspended zone, verify the instrument in
suspended the zone. OCTM menu and then suspend the zone.
1. User has lodged Modify account no. in ICTM menu option.
instrument to DD account
instead of Customer a/c in
Inward Clearing Zone
2. Instrument entered Delete the instrument in ICTM menu and enter details
wrongly in MICR1 instead in RETCLG menu.
of RETCLG zone.
3. If wrong a/c number is Revoke suspension of zone, then modify a/c no in
given for inward clearing ICTM menu.
4. Unable to post Return Revoke the suspension using MICZ menu. Modify a/c
Clearing Zone – error BAR and mention total no of BAR instrument and amount.
no and amount not
5. Return an instrument in Use ICTM menu option.
Inward Clearing Zone
1. To delink the operative a/c Modify in ACM. In scheme detail add an operative and
for loan recovery remove old operative. Needs verification.
2. Report on limit for the Using LLIR.
3. To take bifurcation of loan Check in PSP and AINTRPT
4. How to know interest for a Check for the transaction by generating report in DTR
loan a/c menu.
5. Report of loan a/c with Use LAPSP menu
principal and interest
6. Difference in a/c available Maybe because of lien which can be seen in ACM
balance and balance. menu.
7. System has calculated Sanction limit may not have been given in ACLHM
interest at 18% instead of menu.
rate mentioned in a/c
8. Tried to close a loan a/c Verify in ACM and then close a/c
but error – cannot close
modification pending.
9. To take interest certificate Use INTCERT menu option.
for a loan a/c.
10. Generate loan a/c due Use LAODR menu option.
11. To remove operative Modify in ACM and in scheme details, operative a/c to
linked to a loan a/c for be made ‘N’ and repayment method-‘C’. Operative a/c
recovery. to be removed in scheme details.
12. Modify lien for a loan a/c. Use ALM menu option.
13. To see rate of interest of a Use ACM general account details.
loan a/c.
14. Unable to close a CCH a/c Verify in INTTM and then close the a/c.
– error audit record not
15. To take report of List of Take report using LLIR Menu option.
A/c’s & their Limits & Limit
Expiry dates.
16. To change the rate of int Use INTTM menu option and verify the same.
of back dated opened a/c
17. User is unable to cancel Cancel the lien in ALM & mention module type as
loan lien for a/c Loans.
18. To know the LMV a/c EMI Use LAMOD menu and check for EMI
and rate of interest.
19. To take interest debited Take the report in LAOPI menu option.
from loan accounts report
20. User wanted the charges Give the flowID field other charges on demand in TM
to be debited from the menu option.
loan a/c
21. To reverse an entry for a Give flow-id as NOCOL in loan a/c and then post the
loan a/c. transaction.
22. To generate loans overdue Use LAOPI menu.
23. To know the limit registry Use LLIR menu
menu for loan.
24. To take the report Take the report in LAGI menu option.
containing all the loan a/c
above 10 lakhs
25. User wanted to give the The flows will be specified as per the scheme code
installment date for an and if it is staff loan a/c next installment will be at the
LMV a/c date as 1 of next end of the month and for public it will from one month
month. from the date of disbursement, i.e. next installment
would be on the same date.
26. User had credited all the Manually reverse the transaction & give credit to
cash receipt to one loan individual loan a/c.
a/c instead of many a/c.
27. User wanted to change Change it in INTTM by giving HLFLA4 for floating rate
fixed rate of interest to and the same to be verified.
floating rate for a loan A/c
28. To know installment for a Invoke LAMOD option.
loan Amount for a specific
29. User wanted to know Use menu VIJRPT & select from the list of reports for
Month wise loan monthly disbursement.
disbursement menu.
30. User wanted to open a Change the interest table as HLFL4 and then to verify
Housing loan with the the same.
floating interest rate.
31. Menu for limit liability Use LLIR menu to take the report.
report for loan a/c.
32. To take loan a/c pass Use LAPSP menu option.
sheet print
33. Report of Loan A/c with Use LLIR Menu option.
Details of sanction limit &
A/c balance as on date.
34. User had not mention Modify the a/c in ACM menu & mention the operative
operative a/c for an Loan a/c id.
35. To take report of Loan Take report using ACSP menu option.
36. To generate Loans Liability Use menu LLIR.
37. To know the general Invoke LAGI menu.
details of loan a/c
38. Unable to verify TACBSH TACBSH cannot be done for loan a/c. Hence, close old
a/c changed from Housing a/c & open a new a/c.
loan to ML a/c.
39. User wanted to take a Use menu LLIR.
report for expired loan
40. To take loan a/c master Use LAMP menu.
41. User wanted to take Take report using PLIST Menu option.
report of pending
installment for a Loan A/c.
1 What is the option required To know the information regarding a loan account, in
to know the information respect of OD/CC accounts use the option – CCODBAL
regarding a loan account? and in respect of Term Loans –LLIR.
2 In case of Housing Loan Verify the flow ID. It might have given as charge
account where one year demand instead of DISBT.
repayment holiday is given,
the system debited full
amount available in SB
account before one year.
3 In some cases it is Past dues are not reflected in the overdue position
observed that the system shown by ACM and LAOPI menus.
calculated demand only
from the date of Migration.
4 User unable to open a staff Under CUMM menu, modify in customer ID.The field
loan account by giving a pertaining to customer employee may be wrongly
message-a non employee given as “N” instead of “Y”. It has to be changed to
can not open. Why? “Y”. Then verify the same.
5 User wanted to open a term Before opening of a term loan, the customer ID of the
loan account transferred staff / borrower must be created through menu option
from another branch. How? HCUMM/CUMM. In case, the customer ID is already
created the same may be used for opening the
account. The account is to be opened through menu
option OAAC/HOAACLA. The appropriate scheme code
may be assigned while opening the account.
6 User unable to open the Check the flow amount given in the repayment
LMV account by giving the details.
message-Principal amount is
not equal to installments.
7 User not able to open a CC Open the account by OACC menu by specifying the
(M) account by giving the scheme details correctly.
message-Sanction limit
exceeds the maximum
allowed limit. Why?
8 User wanted to open a User has to open the account under OACC menu
housing loan with floating option and give the interest table as HLFL5.(Current
rate of interest. How? version)
9 User is unable to open a MV Specify in ACM menu-E option, repayment details
841 scheme by giving the correctly while opening the account.
message-Total of principal
amount should be less than
or equal to sanctioned limit.
10 User opened LTD account, User to mention the drawing power and sanctioned
but while putting the limit for the account by invoking ACLHM/HACLNM
transaction message menu.
appears that debit limit
exceeds. Why?
11 User unable to enter E User mentioned less sanctioned limit. First it should
details for a festival loan, by be corrected and then enter E details.
giving the message-Total
principal amount should be
less than sanctioned limit.
12 For a LTD account, while User to give the drawing power for the LTD account
posting transaction, and then post the transaction in TM menu option.
message appears as
Scheme update failed, no
sufficient balance. Why?
13 User unable to verify LTD Verify the account by using OAACAU by visiting
account, by giving the relevant fields.
message- Limit details
should be visited. Why?
14 User unable to open a LTD User to enter the document maintenance field by
account, message appears using OAAC menu option.
that document maintenance
not entered. Why?
15 User wanted to give joint User has to give the mode of operation as Joint in
holder name for an account. scheme details in ACM menu and also give in the
How? related party (A) details.
1 How to take list of closed List of closed loan accounts can be obtained by
loan accounts? invoking menu option ACS by specifying scheme code
and close date-low & close date-high.
2 Branch is unable to close Please cancel the close option through CAACAU menu
Loan account for the reason option and restart the closing process through CAAC
“up to date interest has not menu option by selecting sub option C for interest
been calculated” even calculation. All closing activities should be done
though up to date interest is through CAAC option including calculation of interest
calculated. Why? and posting. Authorize the closing through CAACAU
menu option.
3 User unable to close the Certain modifications done might not have been
account by giving the verified. Verify the modification done in ALM/ACM
message-“Authorization is menu option, and then close the account by using
pending”. CAAC menu option.
4 User is unable to close the This problem should be rectified at backend hence it
account by giving the should be referred to helpdesk/DIT.
message-“Balance is not
equal to repayment
5 User wanted to close the Collect charges manually in TM menu option and close
loan account and wanted to the account by using CAAC option.
collect charges by cash.
6 User unable to close the User has to ensure that once shadow balance should
account by giving the be cleared then run ACINT and then close the account
message-“Ensure shadow by using CAAC menu option. (Shadow balance is
Balance zero”. shown in respect of Clearing credits)
7 User is unable to close the User might not have specified the interest rate table
LTD account by giving the (ZERO2 table is to be attached and account level
message –“Interest rate debit preference rate is to be entered). User to
table not available”. modify in INTTM menu and then give preferential
interest debit at the applicable rate and the same is
to be verified and close the account.
8 User has closed the loan User has to open new loan account with backdated.
account inadvertently. How
to rectify it?
9 User was not able to close a User to modify the TDS slab as zero and the same is
loan account by giving the to be verified and close the account.
message-“TDS record
10 User closed the account User has to cancel the closure by using CAACAU
yesterday but not verified. menu option and close the account again and verify
Today the system is not the same.
allowing to verify the
12 How to close a LTD account? A LTD account can be closed by using CAAC menu
13 User unable to close loan User to delete the operative account in ACM menu (S
account by giving the, sub option) and delete the account in S details in
message-“Linked to second screen.
operative account”.
14 User unable to close OD Modify in ACM general details download to Pbf file “Y”
account by giving the to be made “N” and verify the same and close the
message-“Downloading to account.
15 How to know/verify that a Enquire through ACM scheme details second screen or
particular account is closed go to ACLI.
or not?
1 For any account checking of Checking of interest can be done by taking “product
interest to be done through report” through AINTRPT menu option.
which menu?
4 In some loan accounts Verify interest demand date in ACM E option and also
interest is not being charged see the report through AINTRPT menu for its
monthly. Why? correctness.
8 For CCH / CCM / Non EI For all these loan accounts, interest will be debited at
loans (PRDEM) / Staff loans, the end of every month.
when the interest will be
9 For EI loans when the For EI loans (except Staff Loans) interest will be
interest will be debited? debited on flow date i.e., installment date on the
given frequency. If the flow date is given as future
date i.e. (holiday period)then one month from the
account open date is to be entered.
11 What are the interest tables In Staff Housing loans accounts having slab rates of
to be fed in case of Staff interests, select “interest table” as “HLSFO” for the
housing loans and Staff accounts carrying interest @5% up to 1.10 lakhs,
L.M.V accounts? 11% up to 5.00 and @12% for the balance amount.
“HLSTF” interest table is to be attached for the
accounts carrying interest @5% up to 1.10 lakhs,
10% up to 5.00 and @11% for balance amount.
In case of Staff LMV accounts interest table should be
fed as “LMOCR” for Car loan for officers.
“LMTWO” for Two wheeler loan for both officers and
award staff.
“LMCCR” for car loan to clerical staff which attracts
compound interest which is to be opened in MV842
12 What is the procedure for To modify interest rate / attach the interest table
changing interest rate / user has to invoke menu option “INTTM” and sub
attaching interest table? option modify and along with the effective date for
back dated change and get it verified by another
13 Penal interest is being Verify overdue position through menu option
applied to some loan “LAOPI”. If wrongly uploaded, rephase through “ACM
accounts – Why? E” option. Verify DP through “ACM H Option”. If not
fed , modify DP by invoking menu option
15 Unable to authorize the While closing the loan account, CAAC menu option is
closure of loan account with to be used. After interest calculation, posting has to
a message that interest has be done in the same menu option by using sub option
not been applied even “P” without coming out of CAAC menu option.
though the interest has been
applied - Why?
16 What are the menu options In case of SJSRY- use SJSY1 table.
to be used in case of Govt In case of PMRY – PMRYS table.(Up to Rs.7500 no
sponsored loans where interest for remaining amount @11%. For other
different slabs of interest amount of subsidy Branch has to contact DIT)
rates are applicable?
17 System is charging interest Verify “interest table” and interest rate fed in
@ double the rate of interest “Customer preference debit” / “Account preference
applicable to the account – debit” in ACM O option.
Why? Applicable interest rate is to be fed in “Account
preference debit” field, only when the “interest table”
selected is “ZEROP” / ZERO2”. In all other “interest
tables”, the table itself contains some interest rate
which can be viewed through “LVSI” / “IVSI”.
18 How to know interest rate for Check ACM menu in general “O” details in the second
an account? screen or it can be viewed through “LVSI” / “IVSI” or
through product report “AINTRPT”.
19 How to know the interest Interest rates slabs can be viewed by enquiring
rate slabs for loan accounts? through IVSM/LVSI menu option.
21 Interest was credited to Interest rate / interest table / limit might have been
some loan accounts instead modified with back dated effect.
of debiting – Why? Check through “AINTRPT” report for reasons.
22 How to change interest rate Modify “Interest table” from “HLFIX” to “HLFLA /
from fixed to floating rate HLFL4 / HLFL5” (According to date of sanction of
and vice versa? loan) and vice versa.
23 How to know how much It can be viewed through ACLI menu option. Or
interest debited to the loan Generate report through “AUDITRPT” (Press F2 for
account? list of reports, use arrow keys for navigation and
select report “Loan interest details” which will provide
interest debited to loan accounts from the beginning
to till date).
24 For a loan account interest is In the case of accounts having holiday period (for
to be collected after the both principal and interest) ensure to feed the flow
holiday period along with the date (installment date) in “interest demand effective
installments - How? date”
In Scheme details (ACM “S” option). The system will
demand entire interest debited to the account on that
date. Rephase the account before that date through
ACM “E” Option.
25 How to know where the Preferential interest can be viewed through “INTTM”
preferential interest is menu option or “ACM 0 option”.
27 Where user can find interest A user can find information on accrued interest in
booked for a loan account? ACM menu “?” option.
29 For a loan product where The minimum and maximum interest rates are
minimum and maximum specified in the interest scheme details of GSPM to
interest rate will be specified keep the rates within the limits. These values are
and why? populated at the time of account opening and the
user has a choice of overriding these.
30 Explain the concept of In the case of EI loans for the purpose of accounting
interest receivable in Finacle. income at given interval, system will debit interest to
the IR (interest receivable) account and takes it for
P&L account.
For eg The account was opened on 10.09.2005.
The next interest application date is 10.10.2005
For the purpose of accounting income for 30.09.2005
system will debit interest form 10.09.20005 to
30.09.2005 to IR account and credit it to P&L
On 10.10.2005, system will debit interest to the loan
account and credit the same to two accounts.
1. Credit interest from 10.09.20005 to 30.09.2005 to
IR account.
2. Credit interest from 01.10.2005 to 09.10.2005 to
P&L account.
The IR head is system generated account hence
manual debit/credit should be done only for the
account maintained manually.
4. User wanted to know details User has to enquire by using ACM menu and select
of the accounts having lien. “T” for lien details.
5. How to cancel “U” lien for an User can cancel “U” lien by using ALM menu.
6. User wanted to mark lien on Use CLM menu and verify the same.
term deposit account.
7. How to verify lien marked to Enquire in ACM menu and select “T” option to view
a particular deposit /Bank any lien is marked or not to a particular deposit /Bank
Guarantee account? Guarantee account.
8. How to attach security for a Security can be attached for a loan account by using
loan account? CLM/HCL M menu option.
9. How to view the securities The securities marked for a loan account are to be
marked for a loan account? checked through SRM.CLM/HCLM inquiry menu
10.What is Limit Node? Limit Node is a tool which Finacle has provided in the
application through which Banks would be able to
monitor the advances at individual level or even
group level.
1 Branches are unable to get Take the report through BR menu option (Enter
scheme wise balances of loan scheme GL sub head Code) which gives scheme wise
accounts like V-Cash, V- balance of loan accounts
Mangala, and V-Kanyadaan
etc. Why?
3 In some loan accounts System will not recover installment amount if there
installments are not being is no demand. It will recover only after adjusting the
recovered. Branch manually overflow amount or after rephasement of the account
transferred the installments. through ACM E option.
But the system shows
overflow amount. Why it is
not raising the demand?
4 It is observed that You may invoke “ATOR” menu option for generating
debit/credit summations of the said report.
the individual accounts is not
appearing in the ACLI menu
option, as the same is
required for reporting in
MCMR/QCMR and to ensure
the servicing of
6 In Finacle the system has not Batch job i.e. LADGEN and LADSP has not been done
recovered any amount from after migration of branch. Hence system has not
operative accounts towards recovered from these accounts.
loan installments. Why?
8 In case of CCM accounts while The Cheque return charges will be debited by the
returning the inward cheques system if sufficient balance is available in the
to Service Branch, Branch account. Otherwise the system will create a lien in
found that the system does the account for the said amount. Any such lien
not debit Cheque return created by the system can be viewed / ascertained
charges to the concerned through ACCBAL menu option. Whenever credits are
account in case the accounts received into the account, system will recover the
exceed the arrangement. amount under lien.
9 User is unable to post Drawing Power might not have been fed in the limit.
transactions due to the This can be done through “ACLHM” / “HACLHM” (D)
reason “withdrawal amount menu and then post the transaction.
exceeds balance” in CCH /
CCM accounts - Why?
13 How to change expiry date of Expiry date of a loan account can be changed by
a loan account? using ACLHM / HACLHM (S) menu option.
14 For a loan account, effective Give drawing power in ACLHM/HACLHM (D) menu.
available amount was “0”.
15 How to issue a bank Bank guarantee can be issued by using GMM menu
guarantee? option.
16 How to change the limit for Existing limit can be modified by using
OD/CC account? ACLHM/HACLHM menu and it should be verified.
18 How to know the repayment The repayment details for a loan account can be
details for a loan account? known by invoking LARSH menu.
19 User unable to credit the loan This problem should be corrected at backend; hence
account by giving the it should be referred to Help desk/ DIT.
message “ all principle
demands should be uploaded
20 Are there any charges for Yes, Intersol transactions are chargeable.(Refer
intersol transactions? HOC189/2005 dated 26/10/2005 and 140/2005
dated 06.08.2005 for details)
21 How to know the principal and Principal and interest outstanding particulars can be
interest outstanding for a seen through menu option “LAPSP”.
particular account?
22 Whether pass sheet print of No, only other SOL account can be viewed but print
other branch can be printed cannot be taken.
at some other branch?
23 For a loan account Memo pad Since it is an exception, check it. Generally if the
exists message displayed customer ID is modified and not verified then memo
pad exists message will appear on the screen.
24 How to know a scheme for a Give loan name in ACM menu and put F2 and select
loan account? correct scheme code.
25 How to find out details of User has to visit ACM “E” details and press shift F4
amount collected for a loan key to get the required details.(This can be seen in
account? ACLI)
26 If installments are not taken Rephase the account in ACM menu option.
properly what is to be done?
27 How to change operative Change the operative account details in ACM menu
account in ACM scheme by visiting scheme (S – sub option) details..
29 How to take total debits and The total debits and credits for a loan account may
credits for a loan account? be taken by using menu option ACSP.
30 How to modify the auto loan Auto loan recovery linked to operative account can
recovery linked to an be delinked in ACM menu scheme details and it
operative account? should be verified.
31 How to take the particulars of The required particulars can be obtained by invoking
cash transactions happened FTR menu option.
during a particular day?
32 Branch unable to take pass Branch to check for the “I” link web and keep it open
sheet print by getting while taking the print.
message collateral check
failed why?
33 How to know the sanction Sanction limit for a loan can be known by invoking
limit for a loan account? ACLHI/ACCBAL menu option.
34 How to change sanction limit Sanction limit for a loan account can be modified by
for a loan account? using ACLHM / HACLHM (S) menu option.
35 How to give holiday period for User to mentioned date of installment from it has to
a Housing loan account? be collected in “I” details.( The installment recovery
date is to be mentioned in ACM-E option for holiday).
37 System is showing less User to cancel lien already marked in ALM menu
available amount. How to option if lien is not relevant.
38 For a loan account User has to rephase the account (to rectify
installments are irregularly inconsistence date in E schedule) in ACM menu then
collected. How to rectify? account will be regularized.
39 For a loan account after The set up might have changed to exception. It
freezing the account it is should be changed to error.(Refer the matter to DIT
allowing the debits. for change in parameter set up)
40 Branch unable to debit the Branch to change the debit cash limit in ACM general
account by giving the account details and then go for transaction.
message Debit cash limit
41 For a CCM account the pass Branch to specify the pass sheet size as “W” in PSP
sheet print is not coming menu and then print.
fully. Why?
42 For a loan account system is Branch has to change expiry date as current date in
showing Running limit. Why? ACTODM menu and verify the same in ACTODMAU
menu.(The running limit arises due to TOD)
43 System is showing overdue Rephase the account in ACM menu Sub option “E”.
amount for a loan account.
How to rectify?
44 Branch unable to debit a CCM Branch to verify the DP to the account through
account by giving message ACLHM/HACLHM menu.
insufficient balance.
45 How to give adhoc limit to the Ad hoc limit can be given to a loan account by using
account? ACLHM/ACLHM menu. Please refer detailed guideline
given in this regard.
47 While debiting a loan account Branch to mention Drawing power and Sanction limit
it is for the account by using ACLHM/HACLHM menu
giving message withdrawal option.
48 Branch unable to credit loan This problem should be rectified at back end and it
account by giving message should be referred to DIT/HELPDESK.
value date should be more
than minimum value date for
the account
49 Branch unable to post Branch to give additional details and post the
transaction. Why? transaction in TM menu.
53 How to view Insurance details Insurance details of a loan account can be viewed
of a loan account? through SRM/CLM/HCLM menu option.
54 In the case of loan accounts, The repayment method will be mentioned in scheme
where repayment method will details, first screen.(Please also see E details)
be mentioned?
56 Under loan repayment system We can find hold in operative number in ACM menu
where hold in operative scheme details, second screen.
account number will be
58 Under collateral linkage Under CLM menu general details ceiling limit
maintenance in general denotes, the limit up to which the loan/advance
particulars ceiling parameter could be sanctioned backed by the security offered.
68 How to find out EMI for a loan Invoke LAMOD /HLAMOD MENU option.
87 What is the menu option for The menu option for Guarantee printing is GP.
Guarantee printing?
88 How to find out Guarantees By invoking GILR menu option we can find out
issued and liabilities register? Guarantees issued and liability register.
89 How to find out Differential By invoking DPGR menu option we can find the
payment Guarantee register? same.
90 How to collect Guarantee over By invoking GODCH menu option we can collect
due charges? Guarantee over due charges.
91 How to find out Margin details Margin details for all overdue Guarantees can be
for all overdue Guarantees? found by invoking menu option BGMARGIN.
94 How to take report of list of Take the report by invoking LLIR menu option.
accounts and their limits and
limit expiry dates for loan
96 How to take report of pending Take report by using PLIST menu option.
installment for a loan
97 User has credited all the cash Manually reverse the transaction and give credit to
to one loan account instead of individual loan accounts.
many accounts. How to
99 System has calculated Sanction limit may not have been given in ACLHM
interest @ 18% instead of menu.
rate mentioned in account
100 User wanted to change User to change customer ID by using CCA menu
customer ID of an account. option.
How to change it?
N P A Matters
1 Balance in the NPA account Invoke menu option NPARPT. The system will debit
is inclusive of MOI debited interest to the account and credit the same to MOI
after date of NPA. To reduce in the same GL and will not be taken into P&L
MOI component from Account
balance, any report is
available in the system?
2. Account classified as NPA If any of the accounts not qualifies for classifying as
wrongly even though it is a NPA, you may classify the account as Standard asset
standard Asset—How to by invoking menu option MEAC.
reverse it?
3. In some of the NPA accounts While migration, all the accounts were migrated as
portion of the interest is standard accounts. Subsequently, when the branch
being credited to IR account has invoked MEAC menu to classify the accounts as
and portion amount to MOI. NPA, the date from which the migration took place
Why? and up to the date of invoking MEAC, the system
will credit the portion of interest to IR account of the
scheme, since the account is treated as standard
account during that period.
1. Balancing report of OBC and CBP Use BRCR menu
2. To modify CBP commission and Modify the bill and modify the comm./postage charges i
postage. menu.
3. CBP realized but unable to verify Cancel the bill realisation. Realise and verify bill on the same
due to fatal error.
4. To dishonour bill Use BM menu option.
5. User has reported that a bill has Verify the transaction generated after verifying the bill
been purchased and verified but
the credit is not there in the
1. Not able to generate CODD Use IBRECON option and copy it in PTW menu
file and copy to floppy
2. CO tansacaction done on HOCIP menu option
another branch
3. CO transaction as on date HOCIP menu
4. Pay DD issued by another Add record in DDSM and verify, then pay DD.
branch on itself.
5. To pay a DD issued by a Add record in DDSM menu by giving status as unpaid
non-finacle branch and not cautioned. Verify. Then pay DD using TM
6. Correct DD inventory no is Print the unprinted DDs or move the inventories to
not being displayed. destroy location using IMC.
7. To cancel DD Use DDC menu
8. Entered CO transaction Reverse the transaction and put new entry
with wrong COT number
9. Revalidate DD Revalidate using DDSM menu option.
10. Reverse CO transaction Reverse CO transaction giving visit screen as ‘X’.
11. DD print not coming Maybe there is no inventory in DD common location.
So move inventories and take DD print. OR ensure
ilinkweb is connected.
12. Generate DD report Use DDIR menu option.
13. To cancel a DD issued Enter details in DDSM menu and cancel the same in
before ‘Finacle’ DDC menu.
14. MT wrongly made on ‘X’ Reverse the transaction.
branch instead of ‘Y’.
15. User wanted to reverse an Reverse the transaction Using TM Menu option.
FRR transaction
16. Wrongly issued a DD on ‘X’ Cancel the DD by using DDC menu.
instead of ‘Y’
17. Wrongly debited the CO Reverse the transaction in TM by giving visit screen
a/c instead of crediting and as 'X' in CO details.
wanted to rectify the
18. User wanted to revalue Add the record in DDSM and revalue date can be
date a DD issued prior to changed there itself and the same to be verified.
19. User wanted to know the Find the DD no in TM by visiting additional details.
DD no for a particular
20. User is unable to do CO To give MISCR for credit & MISC for debit in CO
transaction transaction.
21. To take DD reprint Invoke REDRPT menu option. (DDREPRNT).
22. User wanted to pay a DD Add the record in DDSM and has to be verified and
issued from nonfinacle then to pay the same.
23. To know all the unprinted Take the report in DDPALL menu option.
24. User wanted to issue a Do DDLOST first & issue duplicate DD using DDD.
duplicate DD.
25. To take DD reports for a Use DDIR menu to take the report
particular period.
26. User while generating the The inventory is still lying in safe it has to be moved
DD print was getting an to common location invoking IMC menu.
error inventory not
27. To cancel the pay order Use DDC to cancel the pay order.
28. User wanted to cancel Cancel using DDC Menu option.
29. To take report of CO Use HOCIP menu to take the report.
30. To generate the report for Use HOCIP menu
all CO entries responded
from the Branch.
31. Menu for DD Summary & Use DDIC & HOCIP menu to take the reports.
CO details.
32. Unable to take DDCO Use PR menu option.
abstract report
33. User has reported that User to select CO as head of a/c and in the additional
mail transfer head of a/c is details under category code, to select MT
not available.
34. To generate the summary Invoke IBRECON menu, and transfer the same
of CO and DD invoking PTW menu
1. For
of Non
finacle DD
put an entry
in DDSM.
And verify
the same.
And then go
2. The payee
Branch code
and the
branch code
should be the
same. in
3. The account
numbers are
not default
And this
should be
Draft All Finacle Branches have CBS Do not enter advice in DDSM
06 Advice printed below for finacle Branches. This is
The branch Name. For DD issued by already in the data base.
Non finacle Branches the advice has
to be entered in DDSM for Payment
and cancellation.
DD For DD payment in transfer and cash 1. Do not enter printed Number
Payment mode,Select Menu option `TM`. in Instrument No field.
In Select DD account in a/c id. 2. Do not enter any values in
07 Finacle Instrument type Should be DD and 1st box in instrument No field.
DD serial Number should be entered 3. Do not enter any other
in 2nd Field. Go for additional details. values other than Printed
The system populates all the Number in reference field.
particulars of the DD. The printed No
DD Payment in clearing. Should be inventory No. which
DD is paid in ICTM. And the Account is maximum of 8digits.
should be DD account. The
instrument No should be DD serial
No. On pressing F4 the system
displays a list of duplicate records.
The relevant duplicate record should
be selected
8 Payment of The non finacle DD will be paid with 1. Do not enter Printed No in
Non finacle a message `Improper advice` if the instrument No field.
DD by a advice is not received. After 2.Do not enter any other
Finacle receiving the advice the same should Number other than DD serial
Branch be entered in DDADV. Number
3.Do not forget to modify the
particulars of the DD amount
and the Branch code of the
selected record before