Abb Kiln
Abb Kiln
Abb Kiln
Achieving high levels of efficiency and availability will increase − −Induced draft (ID) / forced draft (FD) fans
production output, improve product quality, lower energy − −Baghouse fans
costs and CO 2 emissions. − −Preheater tower fans
− −Kiln gas fans
Energy-efficient processes in harsh conditions demand − −Clinker cooler exhaust fans
efficient and reliable process equipment − −Separator fans
Equipment in most cement industry processes are exposed − −Raw mills
to extreme working conditions such as dust and high tem- − −Cement mills
perature variations. − −Conveyors
− −Rotary kilns
Such conditions put a high demand on the process equip- − −Coal mills
ment. To ensure consistent high quality cement, the process
equipment has to operate reliably under these conditions.
Drives in action
Jura Cement, Switzerland’s second largest cement producer, The replacement resulted in the following benefits:
replaced a 25-year old cascade converter with a VSD from − −Higher availability
ABB. The ACS 2000 drive system, rated at 550 kW, controls − −Reduced maintenance costs
the clinker cooler exhaust fan of Jura Cement’s cement plant − − S ome 20 percent lower energy consumption
in Wildegg, Switzerland. − −Wide range of speed control from 0 to 1,000 rpm
The clinker cooler exhaust fan plays a critical role in the cement
making process. Raw mix enters the kiln and is heated to
1,450 degrees Celsius where it is transformed to clinker. Upon
exiting the kiln, the clinker is cooled to 100 degrees Celsius
by the clinker cooler fans which blow cooling air through the
clinker. By controlling the clinker cooler exhaust fan, the drive
keeps the pressure in the kiln hood constant. It does this by
regulating the fan speed that draws cold air through the clinker
cooler in relation to the hot air that is being drawn through the
Extended lifetime and increased availability Accurate and fast load sharing
Conveyors are found in almost every cement plant. The ABB medium voltage drives provide an accurate and fast
environment is demanding and there is always a risk of load sharing between several drives. This is useful for
damaging the belt by overstretching, slipping or breaking. conveyor applications, where two or more motors operate
To reduce operational costs, it is important to extend the on the same conveyor belt, making sure all motors are
belt lifetime and availability. loaded as needed. The converter control provides a window
speed limitation to prevent belt slippage.
Variable speed drives provide accurate torque and speed
control of conveyors. This reduces the stress on mechanical Power factor compensation
equipment such as gearboxes, pulley and belts, especially With ABB medium voltage drives the power factor is greater
during start-up and stopping, but also during operation and than 0.95. There is no need for additional power factor
maintenance. compensation and there are less losses on the electrical
network. Also, the electrical network is not exposed to high
With the use of VSDs it is possible to control the speed of inrush currents when the conveyors are started.
the conveyors to match the production capacity and as such
reduce wear and save energy. For maintenance inspection, Regenerative braking of downhill conveyors saves energy
belt changes or repairs or avoidance of ice build-up it is To avoid unnecessary conveyor wear, downhill conveyors
possible to run the conveyor belt at slow speed. require continuous braking, which varies depending on the
raw material transported. VSDs provide precise speed and
torque control which is required for the continuous braking
need demanded by downhill conveyors.
With VSDs, the braking energy can be fed back into the
plant’s electrical network, thereby generating energy.
ACS 1000 (315 kW – 5 MW, up to 4.16 kV) ACS 6000 (3 – 27 MW, up to 3.3 kV)
The ACS 1000 is suitable for retrofit applications and new ABB’s ACS 6000 is a modular drive designed for single or
standard induction motors. Due to its unique output sine multi-motor applications for synchronous and induction
filter, bearing currents and voltage reflections at the motor motors. It can be equipped with an Active Front End which
are eliminated. The ACS 1000i is a fully integrated drive enables four-quadrant operation for energy regeneration
including input transformer and input contactor. and reactive power compensation.
ACS 2000 (250 kW – 1.6 MW, 4.0 – 6.9 kV) MEGADRIVE-LCI (2 – 100 MW)
The ACS 2000 is suitable for retrofit applications and new ABB’s MEGADRIVE-LCI is an optimal solution for high
standard induction motors. It can be used without an input voltage and high power applications. Standard designs are
isolation transformer, thereby allowing a direct connection available for ratings up to 72 MW; engineered designs for
to the line supply (direct-to-line), with an integrated transformer, more than 100 MW. The MEGADRIVE-LCI is available as
or for connection to an external input isolation transformer. variable speed drive or soft starter.
The ACS 2000 is also available for four-quadrant operation
for energy regeneration and reactive power compensation.
Fuseless design
ABB medium voltage drives are designed to operate safely
without fuses which are known to be unreliable, costly and
subject to aging. The fuseless design results in less spare
parts and fast re-starting.
Testing Training
ABB is committed to ensuring the reliability of every drive it ABB provides extensive training for its medium voltage drives.
delivers. To verify that quality standards and customer A range of training programs is offered from basic tutorials to
requirements are fully met, every component of a drive is programs tailored to the customer’s specific needs. In addition,
subjected to thorough testing in ABB’s modern test facilities. site personnel can be given practical training by experienced
specialists on site.
Routine tests and functional tests form an integral part of
the scope of supply of ABB’s medium voltage drives. They Global network, local presence
are performed in accordance with international standards After sales service is an integral part of providing the customer
and ABB quality assurance procedures. with a reliable and efficient drive system. The ABB Group of
companies operates in more than 100 countries and has a
Additionally, ABB can perform a combined test with the worldwide network of service operations.
complete drive system – including transformer, converter
and motor – to verify the performance and to ensure a
smooth integration into the customer’s facility.
Life-cycle management
ABB’s drive life-cycle management model maximizes the value
of the equipment and maintenance investment by maintain-
ing high availability, eliminating unplanned repair costs and
extending the lifetime of the drive. Services for ABB’s medium voltage drives
− −Installation and commissioning
Life-cycle management includes: − −Training
−− Providing spare parts and expertise throughout the life cycle − −Remote services
– – Providing efficient product support and maintenance for − −Preventive maintenance
improved reliability − −Customized service agreements
– – Adding functionality to the initial product − −Local support
– – Providing a smooth transition to a new technology at the − −24 x 365 technical support
end of the life cycle − − S pare parts and logistics network
− − Worldwide service network
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