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Kellywyatt Mills Unit Plan

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Level 3: ART 309 & Student Teaching


Central Focus Create artwork based on portraiture by using collage and paint.Artist redefine portraiture to convey
inner emotions and memories, rather than reality -1
Grade Level Early Sr High (9-10)11-12
Class Size
Class Demographics

National Visual Arts Standards Addressed These are 11-12 standards

VA:Cr2.3.IIIa c. Demonstrate in works of art or design how visual and material culture defines, shapes, enhances, inhibits, and
empowers people's lives.
VA:Cn10.1.IIIa a. Synthesize knowledge of social, cultural, historical, and personal life with art-making approaches to create
meaningful works of art or design.
VA:Re8.1.IIIa a. Analyze differing interpretations of an artwork or collection of works to select and defend a plausible critical

Common Core State Standards Addressed

 Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually,
quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.
 Integrate information from diverse sources, both primary and secondary, into a coherent understanding of an
idea or event, noting discrepancies among sources.
 Analyze how the text structures information or ideas into categories or hierarchies, demonstrating
understanding of the information or ideas.


In the beginning of the unit, students will engage in discussion and analyze abstract artworks by different artists. Students will
create artwork using ideas, memories, and things they see in their everyday lives. The artwork will be based around an
abstraction of portraiture to reflect inner thoughts and feelings rather than reality. At the end of the unit, students will write an
artist’s statement explaining their work in relation to the artists’ we learned about work. By demonstrating how to layer with
collage and paint students will be able to see the process to use when creating. Vocabulary words and artist’s handouts will be
provided to help students with the lesson from analyzing artwork to creating. Students will use design elements in an abstract
manner to convey inner emotions within portraits.

Forms 2D 3D 4D
Frames Cultural Subjective Structural Postmodern
Artwork Artist Audience World

Student Prior Knowledge and Conceptions

 Prior experience with painting is not required but would be helpful as well as understanding of layering.

Interdisciplinary Connections
Social studies, science

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: Add the standard coding VA:Re8.1.IIIa a. VA:Cn10.1.IIIa a
VA:Cr2.3.IIIa c.
In class discussion Students students will analyze, discuss, compare and contrast artwork made by artists in context.
The students will get into small groups and analyze color choices, shapes, collage elements, composition, balance and eye
movement around the piece.
After the analysis and discussion students will create abstract portraits, using paint and collage, that convey inner
Students willand write an artist’s statement that describes their work, and connects its message to design qualities and the
works of the artists studied..
EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 • LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 • MS = Middle School grades 6-9
EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 • LHS = Late High School grade 12
Level 3: ART 309 & Student Teaching

 Computer  Projector 
 Handouts  PowerPoint
 Pencil  Paint
 Paper  Glue
 Whiteboard  Collage pieces
Dry erase marker

 Pencils  Paint brushes  Tissue paper
 Paint  Glue  String
 Paper  Scissors  Found materials (students can
 Canvas  Watercolor bring in their own materials to add
 Water cups  Markers as well)

Key Artists List at least 4 diverse artists
Wyatt Mills, Justin Bower, Anastasiya Kimachenko, Adam Zafrian
Key Artworks Artist, Artwork Title, Year (list at least 2)
Untitled 2018. Wyatt Mills Waterfall 2018. Wyatt Mills

Justin Bower

Embedded Decoder/Debaser

Anastasiya Kimachenko

EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 • LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 • MS = Middle School grades 6-9
EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 • LHS = Late High School grade 12
Level 3: ART 309 & Student Teaching

Portrait Expressionist Portrait

Adam Zafrian

Clockwork                                Gimp
Key Critical Questions What is your immediate response to these paintings? Why do you have that response?
What do these images remind you of? Why?
What message do you think the artist wants out offrom the audience?
What messages do the paintings convey about society?
How do these artists compare to each other? What are similarities and differences?


Vocabulary Vocabulary: deconstruction- to break down, glitch art- the practice of using digital or analog errors
for aesthetic purposes, layering- arranging something with layers, pattern- a repeated decorative
design, emphasis- is defined as an area or object within the artwork that draws attention and
becomes a focal point. Subordination-is defined as minimizing or toning down other compositional
elements in order to bring attention to the focal point. Underpainting- is an initial layer of paint
applied to a ground, which serves as a base for subsequent layers of paint. Underpaintings- are
often monochromatic and help to define color values for later painting
Language Functions analyze,
Language Demands Syntax Discourse
Language Tasks and Students will discuss and analyze artwork in small groups and as a class, using unit vocabulary
Activities Students will use vocabulary words in their artist’s statement that describes their artwork and
analyzes how they used design elements to create its message.

Language Supports By having a handout with vocabulary words on it along with other art language
A vocabulary poster for the room would also be beneficial
EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 • LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 • MS = Middle School grades 6-9
EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 • LHS = Late High School grade 12
Level 3: ART 309 & Student Teaching

Teacher will demonstrate use of vocabulary in class discussion

Artist statement prompts that include names of the artists and vocabulary words.


Analyzing artwork before this unit would be beneficial but not required
Have students bring in found objects they can use for a collage


Adaptations and Accommodations-2
Handouts would accommodate students that need to see the information in front of them and read it
Demonstrations would help students that need to see how to use materials
Artists’ statements would be written but can verbally give their statement if they have trouble writing
A prompt will be provided to help students who do not know where to start with their artist statements
Enrichment and Extensions
Challenge advanced students to use more than four mediums for the project
Students could also be challenged to add more than three found objects to collage on
Throughout the class the teacher will remind students about the impact composition, repetition, movement, pattern, form,
emphasis, and color choices have on a piece
Activity for Early Finishers
When early finishers are done with their artist’s statement they can professionally document their work and post it to the
class’ social media page

Rubric assessing students’ finished project originality, conceptual development, craftsmanship, effort, and participation.
There will be a vocabulary matching handout that students will complete.
Artist’s statements will provide the teacher with a summative assessment


* Developed and written by Kelly Bartels, Art Education, Illinois State University, 2019 *


Launch Instruction Methods
 Students will begin class by being in small groups and y comparing Wyatt Mills’  Group work, teacher instruction
work to Justin Bower’s
 The teacher will lead by asking questions, how is their style different? What kinds
of colors do they use? What elements, such as repetition, movement, pattern,
emphasis, and color choices elements do they include in their works? Why do
you think they create these portraits? What message does the artwork send to
the audience?
 Students will share what they have listed by writing their lists on the board in the
correct column (There will be one column for each artist)
 Teacher will go over the lists and start to introduce the lesson with a PowerPoint
explaining their work
Instruction Instruction Methods
 Teacher will go over the PowerPoint asking students questions about the artwork  Presentation
such as “What types of materials do these artists use and how does it affect the  Demonstration
piece?” “If they used something different would it have the same effect on you?”  One on one instruction
“What do you think these artists are trying to tell the audience?” “How do these
paintings highlight classical and conceptual art?”
 Students will answer questions about the work as a whole class
 Teacher will pass out artist handouts as well as a list of vocabulary words
EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 • LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 • MS = Middle School grades 6-9
EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 • LHS = Late High School grade 12
Level 3: ART 309 & Student Teaching

 The artist handouts have information about the artists as well as pictures and
vocabulary words to go along with the lesson
 The students will use the artists’ handouts to reference back to during the
remainder of the lesson
 The teacher will make a mind map with students to display how to transfer ideas
into art
 The teacher will go over color mixing, color association, and color choices
 Teacher will then start the demonstration on using mixed media You need to
demonstrate the development of ideas first, using design elements.
These can be sketches. The mixed media needs to be in lesson two.
 Students will have time to start 3 smaller artworks to explore mixed media on
after the demonstration This should be in lesson two.
 Students will use paint to follow along with the teacher
 The students will clean up

Closure Instruction Methods

 The teacher will ask students what materials they could, how did they may  Group discussion
overcome a design challenge, and what would work and what would not.
 Students will respond using vocabulary words

Launch Instruction Methods

 At the beginning of day 2 the teacher will ask someone in the class to explain  Group discussion
what happened the day before  Reflection
 The student will day what happened and describe artwork
 The teacher will ask students to define vocabulary words they learned

Instruction Complete your sketches. Have them be annotated so you can Instruction Methods-2
give feedback.
 The teacher will demonstrate proportions of the face to students as well as give  Whole class demonstration
a brief refresher demonstration on shading  Individual work
 The teacher will then demonstrate how to use mixed media
 The students will then receive three smaller pieces of mixed media paper to
explore mixed media for themselves
 The students will use three different ideas from their mind map to create their
mixed media pieces
 The teacher will tell the class to finish the three smaller pieces they used to
explore mixed media and then start their final project.
 The students will have to have at least two sketches of their final project, so they
can refine ideas
 The students will be required to use the three pieces they created to explore
mixed media on their final piece using collage
 The students will be able to use whatever media they want on their final project
 Clean up
Closure Instruction Methods
 Teacher will ask students “What did you find to be challenging for you today?”  Whole class instruction -1
“Why does some media not work with others and can I have an example?” “What
design challenges have you faced today?”

Launch Instruction Methods

 Teacher will begin class by asking what types of methods the artist’s in context  Whole class-1
use to create their pieces. Then ask students how they can use some of these
methods in their own work.
 Teacher will ask students what kinds of elements they put in their pieces and why
Instruction Instruction Methods
EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 • LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 • MS = Middle School grades 6-9
EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 • LHS = Late High School grade 12
Level 3: ART 309 & Student Teaching

The teacher will tell the class to work on and try to finish the three smaller  Whole class
pieces they used to explore mixed media and then start their final project.  Individual work -2
 The students will be required to use the three pieces they created to
explore mixed media on their final piece using collage
 The students will be able to use whatever media they want on their final
 Teacher will remind students to use the three mini pieces they explored media on
in their final
 Teacher will remind students to use elements from their own lives for their
 Students will finish their sketches, and if not they will be able to finish them the
next class period , and all should be on their final projects today
 Teacher will go around the room to help students if they need it
Closure Instruction Methods
 Teacher will ask students what kinds of media they are using on their project in  Whole class -1
relation to the elements they are including.
 Teacher will ask students the challenges they faced and how they overcame
 Teacher will ask students how the project forces them to think deeper about
abstract artwork and what challenges they face about thinking abstract

Launch Instruction Methods

 Teacher will ask students if they used any elements that any of the artists in  Whole class -1
context used and if so what were they and why
 Teacher will ask students to say one idea they connected to their piece based on
their personal life
Instruction Instruction Methods
 The students will finish their final three sketches today  Indcividual work -1
 When the sketches are done with their sketches they will show the teacher and
the teacher will give them a separate piece of paper with feedback and things to
think about in relation to their artistic choices to incorporate in their work
 Students will continue working for the entire class period
 Teacher will be walking around to help students
 Students will be discussing work and methods of creating with their neighbors
 Teacher will ask pairs about each other’s work: What elements are your partner
using? What do you think the painting is about? What effects does the color
choices your neighbor used have on you?
Closure Instruction Methods
 Teacher will ask students how far they are on their work and remind them that  Whole class-1
tomorrow is the last day to work on their pieces
 Teacher will ask students to think about how their piece tells a story based on the
elements they chose to include in their piece

Launch Instruction Methods

 Teacher will remind students that today is the last day to work and write their  Whole class -1
artist’s statement

Instruction Instruction Methods

 Teacher will go over the artist statement prompt sheet  Whole class -2
 Teacher will present their artist statement and teacher example to the class  Individual work.
 The teacher will ask students: How would you describe this work? What
elements do you notice about this piece? Are there any vocabulary words you
would connect to this piece?

EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 • LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 • MS = Middle School grades 6-9
EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 • LHS = Late High School grade 12
Level 3: ART 309 & Student Teaching

 As a class, students will be able to answer questions by raising their hand

 Students will finish their work and write artist’s statement
 Teacher will give students a questionnaire asking: “What is one thing you learned
from this lesson?” walk around and ask students if they need help

Closure Instruction Methods
 Teacher will ask students if anyone would like to share their work with the class  Whole class-1
and summarize their artist statement
 Students will turn in projects and artist statement to the teacher for grading

EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 • LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 • MS = Middle School grades 6-9
EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 • LHS = Late High School grade 12

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