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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Fractions

Students will be able to compare fractions in terms of amounts
Students will be able to observe fractions and determine the fraction type.
State Standards:
3.NSF.1 Develop an understanding of fractions (i.e., denominators 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10) as numbers.
a. A fraction 1 (called a unit fraction) is the quantity formed by one part when a 𝑏 whole is
partitioned into 𝑏 equal parts;
 b. A fraction 𝑏 is the quantity formed by 𝑏 parts of size 1;
c. A fraction is a number that can be represented on a number line based on counts of a unit
d. A fraction can be represented using set, area, and linear models.

I am teaching this lesson because based on our goals as far as math goes for 3rd graders it is
important for them to know and understand fractions. They should also be able to reduce and
name fraction correctly. Before this lesson they will learn how to set up a fraction. If I expect
them to know such specific information about fractions, they need to be able to name them first.
After this lesson we will get into mixed numbers and improper fraction. By the end of the grade
fractions of all kinds should be a tool in their toolbox that they have going into the 4th grade. In
order to prepare students for the next lesson topic I will address it every class session. I will
emphasize on their abilities to reduce, name, and define fractions before I fully move on. Once I
see that all of the students are able to do these things, I will then be able to move on to the next
Data: How will students be grouped in this lesson? What hypothetical data will these groupings
be based on? How will data be collected in this lesson for future groupings and teaching?
Students will be grouped based on their previous class sessions post class quiz. There will be a
lower group, a middle group, and a high achieving group. Doing this will make it easier for me
to be more focused on the groups who need more attention. It will also create a more comfortable
atmosphere for those who are roughly on the same level as each other. The post class quiz is the
data that these groupings will based on. The quiz covered the understanding and comprehension
of the standard 3.NSF.1. In this lesson, I will be conducting a three-question assessment when
they are in their independent group work times. This will give me an opportunity to re-teach to
the lower group, double check with the middle group, and make sure the higher achieving group
is still on top of things.
The materials that I will be using are white boards and markers, iPads, paper, pencils,
headphones, cards, plastic bags, YouTube app for the video
(videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aduarNgSuZY), google classroom app,
(https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/google-classroom/id924620788?mt=8) and that is all.

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (10 minutes): Students will enter the classrooms just like they do every
morning. They will take their books out of their bookbags, place them on their desks, and then go
and put their bookbags on their respected hooks. After doing these things they will come and
have a seat at their desk. After they get situated, I will ask them to please pull out their math
notebooks and refer back to their previous notes and review those for about 30 seconds. I will
then explain to them what we will be doing in each group and explain what to do after. I will tell
them their groups and I will tell them where they will start.

Teacher Directed (15minutes): In my teacher group each student will have a whiteboard.
I will have one as well. I will start off by writing down fractions and asking them to tell me the
correct way to say that fraction. I will then tell them each a fraction to write down, and I will
check it to make sure that it is correct. After this is finished, I will ask what questions the
students have about the lesson. This will give them an opportunity to clarify any confusion that
they had about everything.

Collaborative (15 minutes): In the collaborative group the students will work together on
a group activity. They will each have a bag with 6 fraction cards. Each bag will be done one at a
time as a group they will collectively put the fractions in order from least to greatest. They repeat
this with each bag. Once they finish this, they will have to write a three-sentence explanation as
to how they worked together to figure this out. They will leave the three sentences (with each
group member name on the page) on my desk in a separate pile than the assessment in the
independent station.

Independent Digital (15 minutes): During the independent digital time the students will
be able to watch a video that they will access through the class website on their iPad app. This
video will be structured to guide them in the right direction before taking their last quiz. They
will then complete the three-question assessment that they have and they will place it in a pile on
my desk when they move on to the next stations. The assessment will test them on their ability to
learn something in a short video and be able to apply it within a short amount of time. It will be a
good way for me to learn how I should structure my classes based on the results of the students.

Closure (5 minutes): I will direct the students to clean up the classroom and to head to
their seats. I will then ask them if they enjoyed the lesson and then I will hand out their
homework sheets for the night. I will take their answers into consideration for what I can do
different next time. They will then be instructed to get their things together so that they are ready
to switch classes so that they won’t be late to the next class.

(Multimedia 1= App or website): Why this piece of multimedia? How does it support
student learning and your standards and objectives? How do you know it is of high-
quality? Refer to the 8 bullet points in the Evaluating Multimedia PowerPoint to support
your rationale. How does this multimedia choice differentiate instruction for all learners
(consider differentiation and assistive technologies)?
I chose this app because it is easy to access and it is free. I also think that it is just another
way to incorporate technological use within the classroom. This app supports my
standards and student learning because you can access it on any device as well as online.
It will provide a fun learning environment for the students and they will be able to access
anything they need at their own time. I know that this is high-quality because I have used
it before in my classes. My teachers used it to post quizzes, resources, and assignments. It
will have good content quality for those that like to read their information as well as those
that like to watch their information. The app is very easy to work and it will be apparent
what is expected of them throughout every assignment. I will give them timely feedback
on everything that they do so that they are able to access it at any time they feel the need.
It will also motivate students to want to learn because it will be using technology. This is
a very well rounded app and I could reuse it at any time that I needed to as well.

(Multimedia 2= App, website, video, educational game, song, podcast, etc.): Why this
piece of multimedia? How does it support student learning and your standards and
objectives? How do you know it is of high-quality? Refer to the 8 bullet points in the
Evaluating Multimedia PowerPoint to support your rationale. How does this multimedia
choice differentiate instruction for all learners (consider differentiation and assistive
I chose this video because I watched it and it was easy to understand and it was not
moving too fast. You have to keep the students age in mind when you are looking at
videos and things to incorporate in your classroom. It supports my learning objectives
because it hits it directly on the head. It is exactly what the learning standards and
objectives are for this lesson. I know that this is a high-quality video because of the
number of views and recommendations that the video has gotten. This video can be
reused for every year I wanted to use it. It also has a positive interaction rate with the
students. Giving then enough time to understand after everything discussed, instead of
immediately moving on. I also think that this video has high content as well.

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