Did Jose Rizal Have A Child? Francisco Rizal How Old Jose Rizal Died? 35 Years (1861-1896)
Did Jose Rizal Have A Child? Francisco Rizal How Old Jose Rizal Died? 35 Years (1861-1896)
Did Jose Rizal Have A Child? Francisco Rizal How Old Jose Rizal Died? 35 Years (1861-1896)
1861-1896. José Rizal, son of a Filipino father and a Chinese He was able to speak twenty-two languages including Spanish,
mother, came from awealthy family. Despite his family's wealth, French, Latin, Greek, German, Portuguese, Italian, English, Dutch,
they suffered discrimination because neither parent was born in and Japanese. Rizal also made translations from Arabic, Swedish,
the peninsula. Rizal studied at the Ateneo, a private high school, Russian, Chinese, Greek, Hebrew and Sanskrit. He translated the
and then to the University of St. Thomas in Manila. poetry of Schiller into his native Tagalog.
Did Jose Rizal have a child? How old Jose Rizal died?
Francisco Rizal 35 years (1861–1896)